cloud services

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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What is Cloud Computing?

“.. a broad array of

web-based services aimed at

allowing users to obtain a wide range of functional capabilities

on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis

that previously required tremendous hardware/software

investments and professional skills to acquire.”

Most well-known “clouds”

Google private cloud that it uses for delivering many different services to its users, including email access (Gmail), document applications (G.Docs), text translations (G.Translator), maps (G.Maps), web analytics (G. Analytics).

Microsoft Sharepoint online service allows for content and

business intelligence tools to be moved into the cloud, and

Microsoft currently makes its office applications available in a

cloud (Office 365 service).

Shared / pooled resources Broad network access On-demand self-service Scalable and elastic Managed metering

Five Key Cloud Attributes

Resources are drawn from a common pool

Common resources build economies of scale

Common infrastructure runs at high efficiency

Key Attributes: Shared / Pooled Resources

Common private cloud infrastructure and different layers that must be covered during the construction phase.

Open standards and APIs

Almost always IP, HTTP, and REST

Available from anywhere with an internet connection

Key Attributes: Broad Network Access

Netflix (US largest video rental service provider)

API infrastructure operating almost completely in the Amazon Cloud

Key Attributes: On-Demand Self-ServiceCompletely automated

Users abstracted from the implementation

Near real-time delivery (seconds or minutes)

Services accessed through a self-serve web interface

Sample on-demand cloud service advertisement

Resources dynamically-allocated between users

Additional resources dynamically-released when needed

Fully automated

Key Attributes: Scalable and Elastic

Services are metered, like a utility

Users pay only for services used

Services can be cancelled at any time

Key Attributes: Managed Metering

• Virtual Machines

• Virtual NetworksIaaS

• Auto Elastic• Continuous


PaaS• Built for Cloud• Uses PaaS


IaaS: Infrastructure as a ServiceConsumer can provision computing resources within provider's infrastructure upon which they can deploy and run arbitrary software, including OS and applications

PaaS: Platform as ServiceConsumer can create custom applications using programming tools supported by the provider and deploy them onto the provider's cloud infrastructure

SaaS: Software as Service Consumer uses provider’s applications running on provider's cloud infrastructure

Three Service Delivery Models

Cloud Computing Layers

Deployment Models Private Cloud — The cloud managed by a specific organization.

Community Cloud — The cloud infrastructure is shared among a number of organizations with similar interests and requirements, such as science laboratories, universities, etc.

Public Cloud — The cloud infrastructure is available to the public on a commercial basis by a cloud service provider.

Deployment Models Hybrid Cloud — The cloud infrastructure consists of a

number of clouds of any type, but the clouds have the ability through their interfaces to allow data and/or applications to be moved from one cloud to another.

Benefits of Using Cloud Services

Scalability/Flexibility — possibility to start with a small deployment and grow to a large deployment fairly rapidly.

Reliability — all-time business continuity and fast disaster recovery.

No in-house maintenance — сloud service providers do the system maintenance, and access is through Internet that do not require application installations in the PCs.

Mobile Accessible - Mobile workers have increased productivity due to systems accessible in an infrastructure available from anywhere.


References “Cloud Computing. Architecture, IT Security, &

Operational Perspectives”, Ames Research Center, NASA, 2010.

“Effectively and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm”, NIST, 2009.

Paul Watson, “An Introduction to Cloud-based Services”, Newcastle University, 2009.

“Introduction to Cloud Computing”, Dialogic Corporation, 2010.

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