cloning and stem cell research

Post on 27-Jun-2015



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In this Presentation I talk about Cloning and Stem Cell Research and all the good it does and all the negatives also.


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Emmanuel Deen

8 May 2014

Stem Cell research and Cloning

I. In 1996 dolly the sheep was the first animal to be fully cloned and be able to survive, using

something called stem cells which is a big part of cloning. Cloning and stem cell research should

be used more often, for not only does it regrow tissue, but can cure diseases that have been

causing trouble in the world.

II. Cures Disease

A. People with macular degeneration might not have to lose their sight.

1. This disease affects the macular, which is the central part of the retina, whilst the

peripheral retina is still health. So the idea is that if you could get cells that are still

health from the side and then grow them and then put them back to the middle, you

may have a successful way of fully stopping or slowing down the visual loss from

this disease.

a. This new breakthrough could help many people if they are going blind.

could fix impaired vision. However, beyond this there might have to be

some problems wrong with it too

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b. This could really lead to some problems as I said before people are

going to argue the ethicality of it, which the world don’t have time to


2. Dry AMD cannot be treated at present, but progression can be slowed through a

healthy lifestyle and, in certain cases, through anti-oxidant vitamins. Injections into

the eye of anti-angiogenic agents are used in stopping or slowing wet AMD. Because

of new therapies for the wet form of AMD, early diagnosis of wet AMD is crucially


a. Hey look at that macula rhymes with Dracula which is needless to say

that if you contact this disease it would suck you dry

b. This disease could cripple people for life but depends on how people

stay positive but also like it says maintain a healthy lifestyle.

B. Diabetes can be cure with a new breakthrough of insulin producing cells.

1. Now, scientists might be able to grow insulin-producing cells for patients with

diabetes, an American-Israeli team has been into to turn stem cells into

insulin-producing beta cells, the ones usually missing in patients with diabetes 1.

a. Now, diabetics can not make excuses that people have diabetes that is

why diabetics are stuffing their faces with food or candy for if this new

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breakthrough is allowed people would have people with less of this


b. This disease might not seem much too some of people, however this

disease has ravaged people and some of them reach the point of obesity

which does not help.

2. Diabetes 1 is a disease caught at birth meaning you are born without the necessary

needed amount insulin in your body. However, for the first time scientists used cells

from a woman suffering with diabetes 1 to create cloned human embryos from

which they extracted embryonic stem cells.

a. Well at least no child was harmed in the making of this new

breakthrough which does not limit us to where we can get stem cells from

and be afraid it might pass a disease from a diseased cell.

b. Now that scientists have discovered this breakthrough it might just raise

ethical views about it again, however most people would rather sacrifice a

life to save many other.

C. growing organs might give the world an advantage to matching someone’s blood type

exactly to feed their need.

1. Scientists have found a new possible new way to grow a human liver from scratch,

using stem cells that form a “bud”, then transplanting this growing baby liver into the

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body. Their work offers a new way to try to help fill the growing need for organs for

transplant. With nearly 17,000 people waiting for a liver transplant in the United

States, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, the need is urgent .They

have only tried their approach in mice so far, and it would be years before they could

start testing it in people. But they used human cells in their experiment and the little

pieces of liver that grew in the mice functioned as human liver, not mouse liver. It

might be eventually possible to grow little liver buds and “seed” them throughout a

damaged liver to help regenerate healthy tissue. (Mayo Clinic)

a. They have made some really great breakthroughs, knowing some people

who need organ transplants. This will also help people with liver cancer

that need transplants.

b. This is a whole new potential now instead of taking somebody else liver

scientists can grow new ones to replaces the diseased ones.

2. Scientists in Australia have grown the world's first kidney from stem cells, a tiny

organ which could eventually help to reduce how long you wait for transplants. The

breakthrough was published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, followed years of

research and involved the transformation of human skin cells into an organoid, a

functioning "mini-kidney" with a width of only a few millimeters.

a. Soon they are going to say they built a portable/rechargeable brain. All

jokes aside this approach to things is why people put my trust in scientists

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for they are always coming up with new things to make people’s lives

easier. This breakthrough could saves lives of those waiting for transplants

b. Not only can scientists save lives, but can alter it, maybe scientists will

find a way to make it that the kidney is a cleansing organ that can sustain

itself even though people take it for granted.

D. growing tissues could help people with skin disorder and regrowing brain tissue could help

neurologists understand how the brain works

1. Scientists from the University of Granada in Spain announced the development of

artificial skin, grown from umbilical cord stem cells. The development could be a big

step forward for the treatment of burn victims or other patients who have suffered

severe skin damage. According to a report, published in the journal Stem Cells

Translational Medicine, the research team wrote that they were able to use stem cells

from the umbilical cord, also known as Wharton stem cells, to generate oral-mucosa or

epithelia, two types of tissues needed to treat skin injuries.

a. This advance is pretty much what stars need instead of getting

cosmetics and all those chemicals; they now can get their skin fix that

from themselves and is not chemically enhanced to do something.

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b. However, these developments can help people in real need of it like

burn victims, or skin disorders that are able to be cured but have some side


2. New neural cells grow in a complex and specialized matrix of proteins. This matrix is

so important that damaged nerve cells don't grow without it. But its uniqueness is

difficult to reproduce, to try to get round this problem, Paolo Macchiarini and Silvia

Baiguera at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, combined a scaffold made

from gelatin with a tiny amount of rat brain tissue that had already had its cells

removed. This "decellularized" tissue, they hoped, would work as the crucial

biochemical cues did, to enable seeded cells to develop as they would in the brain.

When the team added mesenchymal stem cells, taken from another rat's bone marrow,

to the mix, they found evidence that the stem cells had started to develop into neural


a. Next thing the world knows doctor and scientists could use this thing to

give some people a brain which they are in dire need of, or help grow our

own brain to study and make it better than it is already is.

b. Neurology is the study of neural cells, this would be a great advance for

neurologist to study the brain to see how it grows, and to its death or

medical death is when your brain dies.

III. Trait Resistance

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A. Debilitating disorders can be cure for now advances in cloning have made it so

1. The advances in cloning have made possible for tissue transplant to cure disease such

as Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, and other debilitating disorders.

a. These diseases they talk about could really help numbers of people and

would help nurses who are home nurses taking care for kids in need and I

feel they would feel the same way about it.

b. These diseases are either genetic or something went wrong when the

child was in the mother’s stomach so these advances are also a waste of

time. meaning if the mother took care of herself and the baby this would

not happen. Perhaps it is genetic then it is understandable.

2. Spinal cord injuries can cripple for life if not treated or incurable. Spinal cord injury

(SCI) is caused loss of nervous tissue and consequently loss of motor and sensory

function. There is no treatment that restores the injury-induced loss of function to a

degree that a life without help can be guaranteed. Transplantation of stem cells or

progenitors may support spinal cord repair.

a. Spinal cord injuries can leave people hanging in doubt, anger, and

misery for now everywhere they go, they need help like little babies. Some

of them have courage and sometimes refuse help for simple stuff to feel


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b. There are two types of cripple, born cripple and got crippled. Born

cripple means they grew up like that and accept it better than most. Got

crippled got in car accidents are just got crippled and they are grumpier

and do not find time to accept it sometimes.

B. disease immunity can help in so many ways in the cloning world.

1. Lyme disease, if not treated right away with antibiotics, can become a lingering

problem for those infected. But a new study led by researchers from the University of

Pennsylvania has some better news: Once infected with a particular strain of the

disease-causing bacteria, humans appear to develop immunity against that strain that

can last six to nine years.

a. Lyme disease hopefully doesn’t have anything to do with lime cause

then I could not drink lemonade much. Lyme disease has different strain

that people can not build immunity to but this could helps people. Finding

what gene makes people have an immunity make it last longer and then

spread it around for everyone to enjoy.

b. They also believe that tick saliva can protect mice from getting Lyme

disease which could be a way to make a vaccine, expose yourself first to

the disease or the carrier and build immunity over time, which does sound

like the best way to go for the world.

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2. It’s assumed that an infection with the West Nile virus gives you lifelong immunity,

according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the immunity may

dwindle as the years pass.

a.The immunity may dwindle but immunity is built up over time so

develop another strand in a clone man/animal and find a way for the clone

to be immune for life just as he is born, he cannot get west Nile virus.

b. Do not know why they call it west Nile virus it is not from the west

Nile. However, it first sprung up in Africa where all diseases mostly

originate, however the immunity can build up if you are immune to

malaria or other mosquito related diseases.

IV. Extending longevity

A. Regenerating tissue would be the same as growing tissue but it is not grown from scratch.

1. Mayo Clinic researchers are studying lung decellularization and recellularization

toward a goal of on-demand production of patient-specific, transplant-ready lungs.

Lung decellularization involves removing all the cells from a donor lung, leaving

behind just a tissue scaffold that can be repopulated with induced pluripotent stem

(iPS) cells coming from a patient's own cells. Mayo researchers are working toward

generating a functioning lung suitable for transplantation by recellularizing a

decellularized porcine lung.

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a. Lung tissue being able to regenerate would be nice for smoker knowing

they can smoke, so then later their lungs regenerating afterwards.

b. However, also giving people these privileges would just give them

excuses to do it even more to themselves.

2. Researchers at Princeton University have discovered that new neurons are

continually being added to the brains of adult monkeys. The neurons are added to

the cerebral cortex of the brain.  The cerebral cortex is the most complex part of the

brain and scientists were startled to find neuron formation in this "high" brain area.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level decision making and learning.

a. people need this so they can make better decision, meaning this would

raise their awareness of the world, getting away from the topic of cloning.

However, this could help people to stay out of jail, if we found this strand

just cloning it and redistribute it to everyone for better decision making


b. Even though scientists are far away from this, this could help get

everybody on the same level about everything in the world. Also for the

world needs to start thinking about our decisions. Cloning is a big topic

but people just need to understand the needs and supply the want


B. renewing organs would be a great advancement to transplanting or growing organs

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1. Sulforaphane (SFN), a component of dietary cruciferous vegetables has been

known for its anti-proliferative properties. They have recently demonstrated that

pancreatic CSCs display activation of sonic hedgehog pathway which are

fundamental drivers of stem cell renewal.

a. Pancreas create insulin which controls glucose levels in the human

body, so without a pancreas or if people have pancreatic cancer you

automatically have diabetes 1. So renewing people’s pancreas is a vital

part of learning how to renew organ parts by cloning.

b. Pancreas transplant are usually reserved for those who have bad diabetic

problems who really need one, and cannot take from anybody everybody

needs one. So, doctors need a dead donor to take it from. However, if

cloning advances in the future scientists can just renew the pancreas.

2. A type of cell that builds mouse hearts can renew itself, Johns Hopkins researchers

report. They say the discovery, which likely applies to such cells in humans as well,

may pave the way to using them to repair hearts damaged by disease— or even

grow new heart tissue for transplantation.

a. This could mean people could stop having heart attacks and heart

problems, cloning is advancing but topped by the ban but also the

ethicality of it or the morality of it.

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b. The world needs new ways to make sure the new generation does not

grow with heart problem, for now the junk food people eat can cause heart

problems if not careful, so attacking the source, instead of waiting for

cloning to find new ways to help people while people are not helping


VI. Cloning has many good benefits for the world to use and comprehend, also cloning has been

argued to see if it is ethical to grow human beings or killing off the child to get the splitting cells

during fertilization. However, the research done to advance in stem cell research and cloning is

important for it not only regrows tissues it cures diseases, it also makes people reckless and hurt

themselves more. as in the fact that people know they can regrow their organs they can just go

and mess it up.

Works Cited

"Cloning advance means human tissues can be regrown, even from adults." New Zealand Herald,


19 Apr. 2014: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 23 Apr. 2014

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Sarah, Knapton. "Cloning Advance Means Human Tissues Could Be Regrown, Even In Old


Telegraph (London) (2014): 20. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

Editorial, Board. "Stem cells: Good or evil?." Washington Post, The 4: Newspaper Source Plus.


23 Apr. 2014.

“Research at Mayo Clinic.”Neuroregeneration.N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014.

NICKY, PHILLIPS. "Cloning breakthrough." Border Mail 29 Apr. 2014: 10. Newspaper Source

Plus. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.

“ Adult Health.” Immunization: Are You Immune to a Disease? N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014

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