clocktower walkthrough

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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A Clocktower Walkthrough






1. Introduction

2. Story

3. Characters

4. Room List

5. Gameplay

6. Guide

7. Item List

8. Walkthrough

A. Ending S

B. Ending A

C. Ending B

D. Ending C

E. Ending D

F. Ending E

G. Ending F

H. Ending G

I. Ending H

9. Alternate Scissorman Intros


11. Plot Analysis

12. Map



Northern Europe. September 1995.

On a rather average September day, Jennifer Simpson and her friends

are adopted from the Granite Orphanage by a woman named Mary. She takes them

to her home, a massive mansion, marked by an astonishing, monolithic Clock

Tower. All seems to be normal, but nothing feels quite right.

It happened in September of that year...



Jennifer Simpson - Left an orphan after her mother's death and her

father's sudden disappearance, she and her friends are adopted by

Mary Barrows. She is determined and has great survival skills.

Anne – Jennifer’s friend. She is also adopted by Miss. Mary.

Laura – Jennifer’s friend. She is also adopted by Miss. Mary.

Lotte – Jennifer’s friend. She is also adopted by Miss. Mary.

Mary Barrows - Mary is a teacher at the Granite Orphanage. She is

the one that adopted the girls.


Scissorman - A vicious killer who roams the mansion. He is very

short and has an abnormal appearance. He wields a large pair of


Bobby Barrows – he is hardly seen, and it is said that he is evil and

horribly grotesque.

Simon Barrows - The husband of Mary Barrows. Could he still be

alive in this mansion, or is he another of Scissorman's victims?

Walter Simpson - Jennifer's father, who was a doctor. He suddenly

went missing during a house call.


Main Rooms

1st Bathroom

2nd Bathroom

Armor Room


Attic Hall

Baby Room




Ceremony Room




Fireplace Room



Hutch Room



Mannequin Room

Master Bedroom

Music Room

Religious Study


Secret Room


Stained Glass Foyer

Starting Foyer


Telephone Room

Trophy Room



The gameplay in this game is very simple. It follows some standard design

practices from point-and-click adventure games.

Main Menu

Game Start Start the game with the intro.

Quick Start Skip the intro and get right into the fray.

Continue Continue from where you last left off

Ending List See the endings you have earned.

Stereo Switch sound between stereo and mono.

Controls (Super Famicom)

Directional Pad Move Cursor Y Action

X Stop/Cancel

B Panic Button

A Item Select

L Run Left

R Run Right

Start Pause

Select Nothing

Game Modes

Normal Mode In this mode, you search for the way through the mansion, looking for clues, Jennifer's friends, and a way out.

Evasion Mode In this mode, you must search for a way to evade Scissorman.

Panic Mode In this mode, Jennifer's portrait is flashing colors, and you must press the panic button as fast as possible to avoid dire consequences.

Panic Button

Whenever Jennifer's portrait flashes, this means you must press the Panic

Button quickly and repeatedly until the situation passes.


Panic Level

Jennifer's Panic Level is noted by the color of the background in her


Blue Good

Green Ok

Orange Not Good

Red Terrible

Just stand still to restore her panic level. Also, there is a drink in the

kitchen that can calm her nerves. It is in the drink cabinet. It can only be

used once.

Dead End

Upon your defeat, the words DEAD END will be displayed on the screen.





In writing this guide, I have taken care to try to be as spoiler-free as

possible. All story-related study and musings are in the plot section. Please

take note that the way I write this isn't the DEFINITE way to beat the game.

This game has so much flexibility with some parts that there are multiple ways

to beat it and still attain the same ending. Nothing has to be done in the

order that I list, these are just in the order that I usually do them in the

game. If you want to get a certain ending, and go about it your own way, there

are ending conditions at the end of this section.

I assume, in this guide, that you are either playing the translated version of

the game, or you know Japanese.

Good luck, and enjoy!



01. Perfume - Collected in the {Bedroom}.

02. Ham - Collected in the {Kitchen}.

03. Engine Key - Collected in the {Garage}.

04. Pesticide - Collected in the {Attic}.

05. Black Robe - Collected in the {Attic}.

06. Rope - Collected in the {Attic}/{Storage Room}. If you get stuck on the

{West Hall Right} upper level after escaping from Scissorman, you

can use the rope to get back down.

07. Sharp Stone - Collected in the {Debris Room}.

08. Hutch Key - Collected in the {Cages}.

10. Staff - Found in the {Piano Room}.

11. Small Demon Statue - Found in the {West Hall}.

12. Lantern - Found in the {Fireplace Room}. Used to find the Copper Colored


12. Copper Colored Key - Found in the {Library}. Used to open the jail cell.

13. Green Dagger - Only in the PSX version. Found in the {Taxidermy Room}.

Used on the zombie.

Non-Item Keys







The Beginning

This section is for if you decide to choose Start Game instead of Quick Start.


Talk to each of the girls once, then talk to Laura. Talk to Lotte.

Go into the room to your left, and you'll be in the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Continue walking and a scene will occur. You will end up back in the {Foyer}.


This is the exact spot that you would be in if you did a quick start.



1. Laura dies.

2. Don't find Anne dead.

3. Look at the note in the {Religious Study}.

4. Save the animals.

5. Discover Walter.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the third floor in the {Elevator}.


Go into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Den Hall}

{Den Hall}

Go into the first room you can enter. This is the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it is not

there, it is going to be in the {Attic Hall}. Go into the door in the top

right to enter the {Bedroom}.


Check the dresser for the [PERFUME]. After that, let the parrot out of the


cage. When the parrot is flying around, keep clicking on the bed that has a

red blanket on it. Eventually, Jennifer will grab the blanket, then throw it

over the parrot. This gives you an extra hiding spot for later. Head through

the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Walk until you hear water dripping and creepy music. Enter the {Bathroom}.


Open the curtains. After the scene, you are going to be chased by Scissorman.

Go through the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Run all the way left until you go into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. Enter the left-most door. This

leads to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door besides the one you came from. This leads to the {Attic}.


Click on the box behind the armoire. Hit the panic button, then let

the scene play out. You are safe...for now. Click behind the armoire again.

Jennifer will say it's hopeless. Click the box that's in the middle of the room

to get Jennifer to push it. She will push it up against the armoire, making it

easier to ascend. Click on the box behind the armoire again to get the [BLACK


ROBE]. After this, click on the [ROPE] and the cans by the door to get the

[PESTICIDE]. Head back out to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

If you didn't find the [WEST HALL KEY] earlier, then it's here. Click on the

bird's nest on the far left, then click on the box to push it against the wall

to reach it. Jennifer will find a bunch of junk and...the [WEST HALL KEY]!

Now, make your way out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Now, take the door in the middle of the terrace to go to the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

If you EVER hear a scream in this hall, NEVER look out the window...unless you

want to lose the S ending...which ruins the point of following this part of

the guide. Anyway, head all the way right to go into the {West Hall Left}.

{West Hall Left}

Make sure you're on the second floor. Head all the way right into the

{Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Run all the way right into the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}

Head right, leading to the {West Hall Right}.

{West Hall Right}


Head right until you run into a gap. Click the gap, then click the plank. Now,

head all the way right, entering the last door on the right, which leads to

the {Storage Room}.

{Storage Room}

Click on the top of the cart. After that, click the middle of the cart to move

it. Jennifer will recognize that the wall is weak. Now, click on the pipe to

knock it in. Go through the door to enter the {Hidden Room}.

{Hidden Room}

Click on all of the papers and the medical bag, then click on the body. A

scene will take place. After it's over, head back into the {Storage Room}.

{Storage Room}

Head out into the {West Hall Right}.

{West Hall Right}

Go all the way left, into the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}

Head left, into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Head all the way left, into the {West Hall Left}.

{West Hall Left}

Go back into the {Courtyard Hall}.


{Courtyard Hall}

Head into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

If you're not downstairs, get there. Head all the way left, entering the

{Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Enter the first door you see to enter the {Kitchen}.


Select the [PESTICIDE] and click the meat locker with it. It will kill the

bugs, and Jennifer will put the [GOLD COLORED KEY] in her pocket. Head back

into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head right into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Find which of the two locked doors is the one that goes with the [GOLD COLORED

KEY]. This is the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

If Mary is in here, leave as soon as possible and reenter. If not, click the

table in the middle to get the [SILVER COLORED KEY]. Head back into the

{Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}


Go to the other door that was locked, as this one goes with our new key. This

leads to the {Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

Click the mural, then click the bookshelf that covers part of the mural. If

Jennifer does not push over the bookshelf, you need to get the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE]. If she does, you need the [STAFF], and you need to click the mural

again, and the vase on the wall.

Click on the books on the desk. Now you can head back out into the {Stained

Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go into the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head into the {West Hall Left}.

{Hutch Room}

Check the counter for the [HUTCH KEY]. Use the [HUTCH KEY] on the hutch. It can be used

on two parts, one part to let out the rats, another to let out the crows. After this, head

back out into the {West Hall Area}

{West Hall Area}

You have to do a little bit of searching on your own now. There are a few

randomly placed rooms you're going to be looking for. If you need the [STAFF],

go to the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], go to the




{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{West Hall Area}

Head to the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right, which is the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. When you are attacked, hit

panic like crazy, then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Head into the room to the right, entering the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}

Go right, leading into the {West Hall Right}.


{West Hall Right}

Go downstairs, and find the {Ceremony Room}.

{Ceremony Room}

Click on the center of the star to get an interesting message. If you had to

get the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], use it on the altar. If you had to get the

[STAFF], use it on the vase in the corner. Descend the ladder into the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Walk right until the dog starts growling. Quickly use the [PERFUME] and the

[BLACK ROBE] to disguise Jennifer and she will automatically walk further.

Keep on going right until a scene takes place. Go back, entering the door

you passed, which leads to the {Cave}.


Go all the way right, leading to the {Cradle}.


Click on the cradle, then a scene will take you to the {Cave} again.


Hit the panic button when Jennifer's image begins flashing, and a

scene will take place. After it's all over, go into the door you

passed when you were heading to the cradle. This is the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}

Enter the {Elevator}.



Click on the 3rd floor button. You will end up in the {Clock Tower}

{Clock Tower}

Watch the scene, panic when you're attacked, and then you're done.

Scissorman dies. Mary is chased off of the platform by crows. Jennifer and one

friend survive.



1. Laura dies.

2. Don't find Anne dead.

3. Look at note in the {Study}.

4. Save the animals.

5. Discover Simon.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the third floor in the {Elevator}.


Go into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the first room you can enter. This is the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it is not

there, it is going to be in the {Attic Hall}. Go into the door in the top

right to enter the {Bedroom}.


Check the dresser for the [PERFUME]. After that, let the parrot out of the

cage. When the parrot is flying around, keep clicking on the bed that has a


red blanket on it. Eventually, Jennifer will grab the blanket, then throw it

over the parrot. This gives you an extra hiding spot for later. Head through

the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Walk until you hear water dripping and creepy music. Enter the {Bathroom}.


Open the curtains. After the scene, you are going to be chased by Scissorman.

Go through the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Run all the way left until you go into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. Enter the left-most door. This

leads to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door besides the one you came from. This leads to the {Attic}.


Click on the box behind the armoire. Hit the panic button, then let

the scene play out. You are safe...for now. Click behind the armoire again.

Jennifer will say it's hopeless, but we can figure out a way around the

armoire being too tall, right? Click the box that's in the middle of the room

to get Jennifer to push it. She will push it up against the armoire, making it

easier to ascend. Click on the box behind the armoire again to get the [BLACK


ROBE]. After this, click on the [ROPE] and the cans by the door to get the

[PESTICIDE]. Head back out to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

If you didn't find the [WEST HALL KEY] earlier, then it's here. Click on the

bird's nest on the far left, then click on the box to push it against the wall

to reach it. Jennifer will find a bunch of junk and...the [WEST HALL KEY]!

Now, make your way out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head down the stairs and all the way left, into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go into the second door from the right. It leads to guessed it...



Get the [HAM] from the fridge, then use the [INSECTICIDE] on the meat locker,

getting you the [GOLD COLORED KEY], then head back into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go right, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Figure out which of the two locked doors in this hall is the door that goes

with the [GOLD COLORED KEY] you just obtained. This is the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}


If Mary isn't in here, leave and come back. If she is, you're going to end up

in the {Shed}.


Immediately give the man the [HAM]. A scene involving Lotte and Mary plays.

When you regain control of Jennifer, immediately grab the 2x4 that's in front

of the door, which triggers another scene. You'll end up in the {Courtyard}.


Go all the way left, move the box, then go through the door. You'll end up in

the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

If you ever hear screaming in this room, do not look out the window. Anyway,

Head left, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

Look on the table for the [SILVER COLORED KEY]. Go back out into the {Stained

Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go to the only other room that was locked in here. This is going to be the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}


Click the books on the desk, then click the mural. After clicking on the

mural, click on the bookshelf that is blocking the rest of it. If you can't

click it or nothing happens when you click it, you need the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE]. If it gets shoved over, you need to check the mural a second time,

and if click the vase that's painted on the wall. Also, you need to locate the [STAFF]. Head

back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head right, which leads to the {West Hall Left}.

{Hutch Room}

Check the counter for the [HUTCH KEY]. Use the [HUTCH KEY] on the hutch. It can be used

on two parts, one part

to let out the rats, another to let out the crows. After this, head back out

into the {West Hall Area}

{West Hall Area}

You have to do a little bit of searching on your own now. There are a few

randomly located rooms you're going to be looking for. If you need the

[STAFF], go to the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], go to

the {Library}.


{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.



Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{West Hall Area}

Head to the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right, which is the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. When you are attacked, panic

like crazy, then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Head into the room to the right, entering the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}

Go right, leading into the {West Hall Right}.

{West Hall Right}

Go downstairs, and find the {Ceremony Room}.


{Ceremony Room}

Click on the center of the star to get an interesting message. If you had to

find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], use it on the altar. If you had to find the

[STAFF], use it on the vase in the corner. Descend the ladder into the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Walk right until the dog starts growling. Quickly use the [PERFUME] and the

[BLACK ROBE] to disguise Jennifer and she will automatically walk further.

Keep on going right until a scene takes place. Go back, entering the door

you passed, which leads to the {Cave}.


Go all the way right, leading to the {Cradle}.


Click on the cradle, then a scene will take you to the {Cave} again.


Hit the panic button when Jennifer's image begins flashing, and a rather

cool scene will take place. After it's all over, go into the door you

passed when you were heading to the cradle. This is the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}

Enter the {Elevator}.


Click on the 3rd floor button. You will end up in the {Clock Tower}


{Clock Tower}

Watch the scene, panic when you're attacked, and then you're done.

Scissorman dies. Remaining friend is killed by Mary. Mary is knocked off of

the platform by crows. Only Jennifer survives.



1. Anne dies.

2. Laura dies.

3. Do not discover Walter.

4. Discover Simon.

5. Look at the note in the study.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the {3rd Floor} in the {Elevator}.


Go into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Debris Room}.

{Debris Room}

Click on the pile of debris to get the [SHARP STONE]. Use it on the crack in

the wall. You'll end up in the {Courtyard}.


Go forward until a scene occurs. If a scene doesn't occur, leave through the

crack and come back. When Scissorman corners you, panic button, then

leave through the crack. You'll be back in the {Debris Room}.

{Debris Room}


Go into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Head left, leading to the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the first room you can enter. This is the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it is not

there, it is going to be in the {Attic Hall}. Go into the door in the top

right to enter the {Bedroom}.


Check the dresser for the [PERFUME]. After that, let the parrot out of the

cage. When the parrot is flying around, keep clicking on the bed that has a

red blanket on it. Eventually, Jennifer will grab the blanket, then throw it

over the parrot. This gives you an extra hiding spot for later. Head through

the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Run all the way left until you go into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. Enter the left-most door. This

leads to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}


Enter the only door besides the one you came from. This leads to the {Attic}.


Click the box behind the armoire. Jennifer will say it's hopeless, but we can

figure out a way around the armoire being too tall, right? Click the box

that's in the middle of the room to get Jennifer to push it. She will push it

up against the armoire, making it easier to ascend. Click on the box behind

the armoire again to get the [BLACK ROBE]. After this, click on the [ROPE]

and the cans by the door to get the [PESTICIDE]. Head back out to the {Attic


{Attic Hall}

If you didn't find the [WEST HALL KEY] earlier, then it's here. Click on the

bird's nest on the far left, then click on the box to push it against the wall

to reach it. Jennifer will find a bunch of junk and...the [WEST HALL KEY]!

Now, make your way out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head down the stairs and all the way left, into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go into the second door from the right. It leads to guessed it...



Get the [HAM] from the fridge, then use the [INSECTICIDE] on the meat locker,

getting you the [GOLD COLORED KEY], then head back into the {Kitchen Hall}.


{Kitchen Hall}

Go right, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Figure out which of the two locked doors in this hall is the door that goes

with the [GOLD COLORED KEY] you just obtained. This is the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

If Mary isn't in here, leave and come back. If she is, you're going to end up

in the {Shed}.


Immediately give the man the [HAM]. A scene involving Lotte and Mary plays.

When you regain control of Jennifer, immediately grab the 2x4 that's in front

of the door, which triggers another scene. You'll end up in the {Courtyard}.


Go all the way left, move the box, then go through the door. You'll end up in

the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head left, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

Click the armor. Yay! Now, look on the table for the [SILVER COLORED KEY]. Go


back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go to the only other room that was locked in here. This is going to be the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

Click the books on the desk, then click the mural. After clicking on the

mural, click on the bookshelf that is blocking the rest of it. If you can't

click it or nothing happens when you click it, you need the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE]. If it gets shoved over, you need to check the mural a second time,

click the vase on the mural, and

you need to locate the [STAFF]. Head back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head right, which leads to the {West Hall Left}.

{Hutch Room}

Check the counter for the [HUTCH KEY]. Use the [HUTCH KEY] on the hutch. It can be used

on two parts, one part to let out the rats, another to let out the crows. After this, head

back out into the {West Hall Area}

{West Hall Area}

You have to do a little bit of searching on your own now. There are a few

randomly generated rooms you're going to be looking for. If you need the

[STAFF], go to the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], go to


the {Library}.


{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{West Hall Area}

Head to the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right, which is the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. When you are attacked, panic

like crazy, then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Head into the room to the right, entering the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}


Go right, leading into the {West Hall Right}.

{West Hall Right}

Go downstairs, and find the {Ceremony Room}.

{Ceremony Room}

Click on the center of the star to get an interesting message. If you had to

use the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], use it on the altar. If you had to use the

[STAFF], use it on the vase in the corner. Descend the ladder into the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Walk right until the dog starts growling. Quickly use the [PERFUME] and the

[BLACK ROBE] to disguise Jennifer and she will automatically walk further.

Go through the doorway to enter the {Cave}.


Go all the way right, leading to the {Cradle}.


Click on the cradle, then a scene will take you to the {Cave} again.


Hit the panic button when Jennifer's image begins flashing, and a

scene will take place. After it's all over, go into the door you

passed when you were heading to the cradle. This is the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}


Enter the {Elevator}.


Click on the 3rd floor button. You will end up in the {Clock Tower}

{Clock Tower}

Watch the scene, panic when you're attacked, and then you're done.

Scissorman dies. Mary is electrocuted. Only Jennifer survives.



1. Anne dies.

2. Do not discover Walter.

3. Discover Simon.

4. If Laura died first, find Anne dead.

5. Look at the note in the study.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the {2nd Floor} in the {Elevator}.


Go into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Debris Room}.

{Debris Room}

Click on the pile of debris to get the [SHARP STONE]. Use it on the crack in

the wall. You'll end up in the {Courtyard}.


Go forward until a scene occurs. If a scene doesn't occur, leave through the

crack and come back. When Scissorman corners you, panic like crazy, then leave

through the crack. You'll be back in the {Debris Room}.

{Debris Room}

Go into the {Debris Hall}.


{Debris Hall}

Head left, leading to the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the first room you can enter. This is the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it is not

there, it is going to be in the {Attic Hall}. Go into the door in the top

right to enter the {Bedroom}.


Check the dresser for the [PERFUME]. After that, let the parrot out of the

cage. When the parrot is flying around, keep clicking on the bed that has a

red blanket on it. Eventually, Jennifer will grab the blanket, then throw it

over the parrot. This gives you an extra hiding spot for later. Head through

the door to the right to go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Run all the way left until you go into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. Enter the left-most door. This

leads to the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door besides the one you came from. This leads to the {Attic}.



Click the box behind the armoire. Jennifer will say it's hopeless, but we can

figure out a way around the armoire being too tall, right? Click the box

that's in the middle of the room to get Jennifer to push it. She will push it

up against the armoire, making it easier to ascend. Click on the box behind

the armoire again to get the [BLACK ROBE]. After this, click on the [ROPE] and

the cans by the door to get the [PESTICIDE]. Head back out to the {Attic


{Attic Hall}

If you didn't find the [WEST HALL KEY] earlier, then it's here. Click on the

bird's nest on the far left, then click on the box to push it against the wall

to reach it. Jennifer will find a bunch of junk and...the [WEST HALL KEY]!

Now, make your way out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head down the stairs and all the way left, into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go into the second door from the right. It leads to guessed it...



Get the [HAM] from the fridge, then use the [INSECTICIDE] on the meat locker,

getting you the [GOLD COLORED KEY], then head back into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}


Go right, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Figure out which of the two locked doors in this hall is the door that goes

with the [GOLD COLORED KEY] you just obtained. This is the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

If Mary isn't in here, leave and come back. If she is, you're going to end up

in the {Shed}.


Immediately give the man the [HAM]. A scene involving Lotte and Mary plays.

When you regain control of Jennifer, immediately grab the 2x4 that's in front

of the door, which triggers another scene. You'll end up in the {Courtyard}.


Go all the way left, move the box, then go through the door. You'll end up in

the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head left, into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

Click the armor. Yay! Now, look on the table for the [SILVER COLORED KEY]. Go

back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.


{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go to the only other room that was locked in here. This is going to be the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

Click the books on the desk, then click the mural. After clicking on the

mural, click on the bookshelf that is blocking the rest of it. If you can't

click it or nothing happens when you click it, you need the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE]. If it gets shoved over, you need to check the mural a second time,

click the vase on the mural, and

you need to locate the [STAFF]. Head back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head back into the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Head right, which leads to the {West Hall Left}.

{Hutch Room}

Check the counter for the [HUTCH KEY]. Use the [HUTCH KEY] on the hutch. It can be used

on two parts, one part to let out the rats, another to let out the crows. After this, head

back out into the {West Hall Area}

{West Hall Area}

You have to do a little bit of searching on your own now. There are a few

randomly generated rooms you're going to be looking for. If you need the

[STAFF], go to the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], go to

the {Library}.



{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{West Hall Area}

Head to the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right, which is the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. When you are attacked, panic

like crazy, then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Head into the room to the right, entering the {West Debris Hall}.

{West Debris Hall}


Go right, leading into the {West Hall Right}.

{West Hall Right}

Go downstairs, and find the {Ceremony Room}.

{Ceremony Room}

Click on the center of the star to get an interesting message. If you had to

use the [SMALL DEMON STATUE], use it on the altar. If you had to use the

[STAFF], use it on the vase in the corner. Descend the ladder into the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Walk right until the dog starts growling. Quickly use the [PERFUME] and the

[BLACK ROBE] to disguise Jennifer and she will automatically walk further.

Enter the doorway you see to go into the {Cave}.


Go all the way right, leading to the {Cradle}.


Click on the cradle, then a scene will take you to the {Cave} again.


Hit the panic button when Jennifer's image begins flashing, and a rather

cool scene will take place. After it's all over, go into the door you

passed when you were heading to the cradle. This is the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}


Enter the {Elevator}.


Click on the 2nd floor button. You will end up in the {2nd Floor Elevator


{2nd Floor Elevator Hall}

Go to the right to enter the {2nd Floor Elevator Hall II}.

{2nd Floor Elevator Hall II}

Panic when you're attacked, then run to the left to enter the {Arch Hall}.

{Arch Hall}

Click on one of the arches to head out to the {Balcony}.


Click on the ladder, panic when you need to, and Jennifer will enter the

{Clock Tower}.

{Clock Tower}

Watch the scene, panic when you're attacked, and then you're done.

Mary falls off of the ladder. Scissorman dies. Only Jennifer survives.



1. Laura/Anne dies.

2. Do not discover Walter.

3. Do not discover Simon.

4. Avoid seeing Mary.

5. Don't read note in the {Study}.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the {2nd Floor} in the {Elevator}.


Go left, into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go left, into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it's not in

there, we'll find it in the {Attic Hall} later. Head into the door near the

back of the room to enter the {Bedroom}.


Click the dresser for the [PERFUME]. If you want to have an extra hiding


place, click the cage to let the parrot out, then click the red blanket on the

right bed to capture it. Leave the room through the door on the right to go

back to the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you hear dripping and creepy music, then keep going left,

entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

This is where you find out why it's called the {Stained Glass Foyer}. After

the scene, go right to go into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. If you don't see the second door

on the far left, try to open the door you DO see, and the camera will scroll

over, showing the second door. Go through it to enter the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door other than the one you came through to enter the {Attic}.


Climb over the armoire...or whatever it clicking on the box behind it.

Hit the panic button like Jennifer's life depends on it...because it does...

and when the scene ends, click on the box behind the armoire again. Jennifer

will say it's hopeless, but there IS hope! I promise! Click on the box in the


middle of the room, and Jennifer will push it up against the armoire. You can

now climb over and get the [BLACK ROBE]. Also grab the [INSECTICIDE] from in

front of the door, then head back into the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

If you didn't get the [WEST HALL KEY] in the {Den}, then go all the way left.

Click on the nest, then click the box to push it against the wall. Now click

on the nest to check it for the key...and oh's there! Now head

back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go downstairs, then run left into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head into the first door you see, entering the {Kitchen}.


Use the pesticide on the meat locker to get the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. Head back

into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head right, entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Find the room in this area that goes with the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. After you've

found it, enter to find yourself in the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}


If Mary's here, you have to start over. Otherwise, grab the [SILVER COLORED

KEY] from the table, then head back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head into the only remaining locked room in this area to go into the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

Click the mural. After clicking on the mural, click on the bookshelf that is

blocking the rest of it. If you can't click it or nothing happens when you

click it, you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. If it gets shoved over, you need

to check the mural a second time, click the vase on the mural, and you need to locate the

[STAFF]. Head back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go in the door in the middle of the terrace to enter the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Go all the way right to enter the {West Hall Left}.

{West Hall Left}

Go right, entering the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right to enter the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. Panic when you're attacked,


then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

If you need the [STAFF] find the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON

STAUE], find the {Library}.


{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{Ceremony Room}

If you have the [STAFF], place it in the vase. If you have the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE], place it on the altar. Descend the ladder to enter the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Head right until the dog growls. Then, quickly disguise Jennifer with the

[PERFUME] and the [BLACK ROBE]. Keep going right after Jennifer throws off the

disguise and let the scene go. After it's over, go into the door you passed on


your way to the scene, and enter the {Cave}.


Go all the way right until you hit the {Cradle}.


Click on the curtain. A scene will play. You'll end up in the {Cave}.


Hit the panic button when appropriate, and enjoy the scenes. After it's all

over, go into the door you passed, which leads to the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}

Click on the elevator button. This takes you to the {Elevator}.


Click the second floor button. Guess where you end up?

{Second Floor}

Watch the scene, and you win.

Mary kills Jennifer.



1. Laura/Anne dies.

2. Do not discover Walter.

3. Do not discover Simon.

4. Avoid seeing Mary.

5. Read note in the {Study}.

6. Find Lotte in the Caverns.

7. Kill Dan.

8. Go to the {3rd Floor} in the {Elevator}.


Go left, into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go left, into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it's not in

there, we'll find it in the {Attic Hall} later. Head into the door near the

back of the room to enter the {Bedroom}.


Click the dresser for the [PERFUME]. If you want to have an extra hiding


place, click the cage to let the parrot out, then click the red blanket on

the right bed to capture it. Leave the room through the door on the right to

go back to the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you hear dripping and creepy music, then keep going left,

entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

This is where you find out why it's called the {Stained Glass Foyer}. After

the scene, go right to go into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. If you don't see the second door

on the far left, try to open the door you DO see, and the camera will scroll

over, showing the second door. Go through it to enter the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door other than the one you came through to enter the {Attic}.


Climb over the armoire...or whatever it clicking on the box behind it.

Hit the panic button like Jennifer's life depends on it...because it does...

and when the scene ends, click on the box behind the armoire again. Jennifer

will say it's hopeless, but there IS hope! I promise! Click on the box in the


middle of the room, and Jennifer will push it up against the armoire. You can

now climb over and get the [BLACK ROBE]. Also grab the [INSECTICIDE] from in

front of the door, then head back into the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

If you didn't get the [WEST HALL KEY] in the {Den}, then go all the way left.

Click on the nest, then click the box to push it against the wall. Now click

on the nest to check it for the key...and oh's there! Now head

back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go downstairs, then run left into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head into the first door you see, entering the {Kitchen}.


Use the pesticide on the meat locker to get the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. Head back

into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head right, entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Find the room in this area that goes with the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. After you've

found it, enter to find yourself in the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}


If Mary's here, you have to start over. Otherwise, grab the [SILVER COLORED

KEY] from the table, then head back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head into the only remaining locked room in this area to go into the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

Click the mural. After clicking on the mural, click on the bookshelf that is

blocking the rest of it. If you can't click it or nothing happens when you

click it, you need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. If it gets shoved over, you need

to check the mural a second time, click the vase on the mural, and you need to locate the

[STAFF]. Head back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go in the door in the middle of the terrace to enter the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Go all the way right to enter the {West Hall Left}.

{West Hall Left}

Go right, entering the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right to enter the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. Panic when you're attacked,


then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

If you need the [STAFF] find the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON

STAUE], find the {Library}.


{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{Ceremony Room}

If you have the [STAFF], place it in the vase. If you have the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE], place it on the altar. Descend the ladder to enter the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Head right until the dog growls. Then, quickly disguise Jennifer with the

[PERFUME] and the [BLACK ROBE]. Keep going right after Jennifer throws off the

disguise and let the scene go. After it's over, go into the door you passed on


your way to the scene, and enter the {Cave}.


Go all the way right until you hit the {Cradle}.


Click on the curtain. A scene will play. You'll end up in the {Cave}.


Hit the panic button when appropriate, and enjoy the scenes. After it's all

over, go into the door you passed, which leads to the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}

Click on the elevator button. This takes you to the {Elevator}.


Click the button for the third floor. Congratulations.

Scissorman kills Jennifer in the elevator.



1. Laura dies.

2. Do not discover Walter.

3. Do not discover Simon.

4. Don't read note in the {Study}.

5. Lotte is never found.

6. Kill Dan.


Go left, into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go left, into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go into the {Den}.


Check the box on top of the dresser for the [WEST HALL KEY]. If it's not in

there, we'll find it in the {Attic Hall} later. Head into the door near the

back of the room to enter the {Bedroom}.


Click the dresser for the [PERFUME]. If you want to have an extra hiding

place, click the cage to let the parrot out, then click the red blanket on the

right bed to capture it. Leave the room through the door on the right to go


back to the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you hear dripping and creepy music, then keep going left,

entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

This is where you find out why it's called the {Stained Glass Foyer}. After

the scene, go right to go into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then run all the way left. If you don't see the second door

on the far left, try to open the door you DO see, and the camera will scroll

over, showing the second door. Go through it to enter the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Enter the only door other than the one you came through to enter the {Attic}.


Climb over the armoire...or whatever it clicking on the box behind it.

Hit the panic button like Jennifer's life depends on it...because it does...

and when the scene ends, click on the box behind the armoire again. Jennifer

will say it's hopeless, but there IS hope! I promise! Click on the box in the

middle of the room, and Jennifer will push it up against the armoire. You can

now climb over and get the [BLACK ROBE]. Also grab the [INSECTICIDE] from in


front of the door, then head back into the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

If you didn't get the [WEST HALL KEY] in the {Den}, then go all the way left.

Click on the nest, then click the box to push it against the wall. Now click

on the nest to check it for the key...and oh's there! Now head

back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go downstairs, then run left into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head into the first door you see, entering the {Kitchen}.


Use the [PESTICIDE] on the meat locker to get the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. Head

back into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Head right, entering the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Find the room in this area that goes with the [GOLD COLORED KEY]. After you've

found it, enter to find yourself in the {Armor Room}.

{Armor Room}

If Mary's here, you have to start over. Otherwise, grab the [SILVER COLORED

KEY] from the table, then head back out into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.


{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head into the only remaining locked room in this area to go into the

{Religious Study}.

{Religious Study}

DO NOT click the books on the desk. That would ruin this ending. Click the

mural. Then, if the game will let you, click on the bookshelf. If it doesn't

get pushed over or you can't click it, you need to get the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE]. If you did push over the bookshelf, you need the [STAFF]. Click the

mural again if you uncovered more of it, then click the vase on the mural.Head out into

the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go in the door in the middle of the terrace to enter the {Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Go all the way right to enter the {West Hall Left}.

{West Hall Left}

Go right, entering the {Fireplace Hall}.

{Fireplace Hall}

Enter the second door from the right to enter the {Baby Room}.

{Baby Room}

Click on the toybox to get the [CEREMONY KEY]. Panic when you're attacked,

then head back out into the {Fireplace Hall}.


{Fireplace Hall}

If you need the [STAFF] find the {Music Room}. If you need the [SMALL DEMON

STAUE], find the {Library}.


{Music Room}

Check behind the curtain to get the [STAFF]. If you find Scissorman

instead, you messed up and actually need the [SMALL DEMON STATUE]. Head

back into the {West Hall Area}.


Click on all of the bookshelves until you find one that surprises

Jennifer. Different versions place the note in different places. Anyway,

this shelf contains a note that Jennifer finds to be of interest. It tells

of a small demonic statue. This statue is located in the {West Hall Right}

on the top floor. Go there.

{West Hall Right}

If you're not upstairs, get there, and search the second statue from the

left. Jennifer will find the [SMALL DEMON STATUE].

{Ceremony Room}

If you have the [STAFF], place it in the vase. If you have the [SMALL DEMON

STATUE], place it on the altar. Descend the ladder to enter the {Cave


{Cave Entrance}

Head right until the dog growls. Then, quickly disguise Jennifer with the

[PERFUME] and the [BLACK ROBE]. Don't go any further right than the doorway

that you see, or the ending will be ruined. Enter the doorway, and you'll end

up in the {Cave}.



Go all the way right until you hit the {Cradle}.


Click on the curtain. A scene will play. You'll end up in the {Cave}.


Hit the panic button when appropriate, and enjoy the scenes. After it's all

over, go into the door you passed, which leads to the {Elevator Hall}.

{Elevator Hall}

Click on the elevator button.

The power goes out in the elevator and blood comes out.



1. Laura dies.

2. Anne dies.

3. Leave in the car.


Go left into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go left into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you hear water dripping. At this point, go into the {Bathroom}.


Check behind the curtain, then go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you are in the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs and into the door on the far left, which leads to the

{Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}.

Go to the door immediately near Jennifer to enter the {Attic}.



Get behind the armoire by clicking the box behind it. After Scissorman

leaves, exit into the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Exit to the right into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go down the stairs. Take the door in the back of the room into the

{Courtyard Hall}.

{Courtyard Hall}

Walk right until you hear a scream. Look out a window. After the scene, go

back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go left into the {Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go left into the {Garage}.


Check the box behind the car for the [ENGINE KEY]. Use the [ENGINE KEY] on the

car three times.

Jennifer escapes, but is found dead three days later in her room at the




1. Only Anne OR Laura dies. Not both.

2. Leave in the car.


Go left into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go left into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go left until you reach the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

After the scene, go back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Go back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs and into the door on the far left, which leads to the

{Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}.

Go to the door immediately near Jennifer to enter the {Attic}.



Get behind the armoire by clicking the box behind it. After Scissorman

leaves, exit into the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Exit to the right into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go down the stairs. Take the door to the left of the room into the

{Kitchen Hall}.

{Kitchen Hall}

Go left into the {Garage}.


Check the box behind the car for the [ENGINE KEY]. Use the [ENGINE KEY] on the

car three times.

Jennifer drives off in the car, and suddenly, during her trip, a large pair of

scissors appear in the rear view mirror.


Alternate Scissorman Intros

Courtyard Intro

Can be used for the following endings: B,C,D,E,F,G,H


Go left into the {Debris Hall}.

{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Debris Room}, which is through the open doorway.

{Debris Room}

Grab the [SHARP STONE] from the pile. Use the [SHARP STONE] on the cracked

wall. You will automatically be taken into the {Courtyard}.


Most of the time, an event will be triggered, but if it hasn't been triggered

yet, just leave and come back in. When you're being chased, run into

Scissorman, knock him over with the panic button, then go back to the hole in

the {Debris Room}.

Bathtub Intro

Can be used for the following endings: S,A,C,D,E,F,G,H


Go left into the {Debris Hall}.


{Debris Hall}

Go left into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Walk left until you hear dripping. Enter the {Bathroom}.


Click on the curtain. Head back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Head left until you're in the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Go up the stairs, then head all the way left and enter the {Attic Hall},

which is through the door on the far, far left.

{Attic Hall}

Go into the {Attic}.


Click the chest behind the armoire. Hit the panic button a lot, and it's over.

Stained Glass Intro

Can be used for the following endings: B,C,D,E,F,G,H


Go into the {Debris Hall}.


{Debris Hall}

Go into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Walk until you hear dripping. Continue down to hall to the {Stained Glass


{Stained Glass Foyer}

After the scene, head back into the {Den Hall}.

{Den Hall}

Head back into the {Stained Glass Foyer}.

{Stained Glass Foyer}

Head up the stairs, and go all the way left, entering the {Attic Hall}.

{Attic Hall}

Go into the {Attic}.


Click the chest behind the cabinet, and hit the Panic Button a bunch. There

you go.



Entrance Area

a. {Foyer}

Flooring drops in the upstairs area.

b. {Bedroom}

A hand comes out of the mirror and tries to strangle Jennifer if she

looks in it.

c. {Bedroom}

The mirror shatters when Jennifer looks in it.

d. {Den}

The room will go all poltergeist on you.

e. {Bathroom}

The sink will sometimes put out an abnormal substance.

West Hall Area

f. {West Hall Bathroom}

A cat will pop out of the box...if you're lucky.

g. {Doll Room}

The dolls will move...and that's all that will happen if you're lucky.

h. {Storage Room}

A cat will pop out of the box...if you're lucky.

i. {Taxidermy Room}

A jar will fall to the floor, exposing a beating heart.

j. {Taxidermy Room} !!PLAYSTATION VERSION ONLY!!

Some kind of creature, assumedly a zombie, is in the closet.



Although superficially very simple, the plot of Clock Tower is actually quite

complex. The main elements of the first game are satanic worship and insanity.

Main Plot

It can be deduced that the reason behind the deformity and evil nature of the

Barrows children is mostly due to satanic related rituals. Simon must have

been oblivious to this, and taken advantage of. He, much like his ancestor,

realized that his spawn were evil, but unlike his ancestor, he was much, much

too late...

It is revealed in Clock Tower 2 that John Barrows, the first Scissorman, was

killed by his father before his reign of terror could be realized, but Simon,

realizing much too late what has happened, did not get such a chance. He was

probably locked up while hatching a scheme to kill the Barrows children.

It is apparent, as can be deduced, that this situation (the birth of the evil

Barrows twins, that is) was intentionally happened upon by Mary. It could

be deduced that she has a very complex knowledge of the occult, and probably

researched the Barrows family history in order to spawn the Scissormen, and

control them for her own purposes.

The Barrows killing spree probably began with Jennifer's Father, Walter. He

was visiting the Barrows on a house call, and never returned. His body is

obviously found, proving he was a Barrows victim, but not solid proof that he


is the first. His hand, as described in his account, was eaten by a newborn

Dan. He then was shoved in a room and left to die.

Mary is insane and homicidal. She obviously adopted the girls for a very

specific and evil purpose. They are each sequentially hunted down for sport,

then probably eaten by the Barrows family, or maybe just by Dan. (It's kind of

obvious that Dan has been doing some...eating.) One unexplained living person

is Simon Barrows. If he is such a threat to the twins, why let him live? He

could divulge important information regarding the twins and their vitality if

he had recovered his marbles even a little bit, easily jeopardizing Mary's

cozy little satanic operation.

In the end of the canonical story of this game, Dan gets blown up, and the

horror is over...maybe...not really...not at all. The only thing that is

certain of the Barrows line is that Dan is the last surviving Barrows family

member. It is shown in the PlayStation version that Dan's body was just a husk

made to harbor his true body, which allows him to continue his family's

signature reign of terror, wielding a slightly modified version of the Barrows

trademark murder weapon, and a much more menacing appearance.

Which Ending is Canon?

According to many things pointed out in the second game, it would appear that

Endings A and B meet the requirements to be canon. I like the A ending more,

so this is the one I like to believe took place.

The Next Fear


The events following Clock Tower can be found (in English, even!) in the game

Clock Tower 2, which is known as Clock Tower in the United States and Europe.

It further develops the story, exposes more mythology, and deepens the story

of the Clock Tower universe. Unfortunately, the second game is the last

Scissorman title.



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