clinical research bootcamp: emory irb

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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CLINICAL RESEARCH BOOTCAMP: EMORY IRB OVERVIEW Clifford Gunthel, MD, IRB Co-Chair Rebecca Rousselle, CIP, IRB Director



Cliff is Associate Professor of Infectious Disease at SOM, and

chairs Committee B1.

Aryeh is Professor of Global Health at RSPH and chairs Committee Q (compliance).


Jill Perry-Smith, PhD Sociobehavioral VC

Larry Tune, MD Comedian, Psychiatrist

Susan Ray, MD Infect. Disease

Amy Langston, MD Hem/Onc

Ann Haight, MD Hem/Onc Peds

Carlton Dampier, MD Pediatric Hematology

How the IRB Staff Help • We know the regulations

• Q&A

• Do you need IRB review? We can tell you.

• Gets study in good shape for review

• Outreach/education, and quality assurance


Because people do not always do the right thing; and it’s hard to know in the moment what the “right thing” is • Nazi Doctors: Obviously, pathologically, not right

• 1947 Nuremburg Code – required informed consent • Henry Beecher 1961 NEJM article:

• The physicians thought they were right – but weren’t in hindsight. “Science is not the highest value to which all other orders of values… should be subordinated” (Pope Pius IV, cited in Beecher)

• “Consent in any fully informed sense may not be obtainable. Nevertheless… it remains a goal toward which one must strive… There is no choice in the matter.”

• “An experiment is ethical or not at its inception. It cannot become ethical post-hoc – ends do not justify means.”

• 1971-1991: Tuskegee surfaces, Belmont Report’s Three Principles, national atonement for studies gone wrong. Led to IRB model for one-site studies, federal regulations

• 1990s – 2000s: Rise of multi-site studies, transnational research, shut-downs; more studies gone wrong


Belmont Report Principles Respect for persons

Informed, comprehending consent assuming rational autonomy; safeguards for those with limited autonomy


Minimize risk, maximize benefit

Justice Ensure fairness of subject selection, balancing of burdens

and benefits



Shared Oversight


Cooperative trial group

Institution & IRB


5 Points to Get an IRB Application Approved

Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. What is being

done with Human Subjects, and why? 1. The science must be sound 2. State the obvious: What is investigational about this

study? 3. Define the study population 4. The description of the risks must be complete 5. Have an appropriate data and safety monitoring plan


IRB Triage Questions • Is it “research”? • Is it “human subjects”?

• Is it exempt human subjects research?

• Is it expeditable HSR?

• Must it go to a full board meeting?


What is “Research”? • IRB jurisdiction is limited to “research” (with “human

subjects”) • Contact the IRB at to talk with an analyst

about your project • Our first question is: is it “research”? • See handout • If it isn’t “research,” no IRB review needed • IRB will give you a letter for your records


Research or Not? Generalizable knowledge is information gathered to draw general conclusions beyond the study population. The researcher approaches the project with the intention of extrapolating from the chosen sample to generate knowledge about a larger reference group.

By contrast, non-research projects gather information about a chosen sample to describe a local phenomenon, or draw conclusions that are intended to be used for the benefit of that local sample alone.


“Research” or Not?

Not “Research” • Some education activities • Quality improvement, assurance, assessment studies

• <6 Case reports or case series • Public health practice, program evaluation • But… it always depends. CALL or EMAIL US!


Research (45 CFR Section 46.102(d)): a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.

“Human Subjects” or Not? A living individual about whom an investigator

conducting research obtains data through intervention or interaction with individuals or obtains identifiable private information

• About a living person (at time of collection) • Intervention/interaction – in person, phone, internet • Identifiers • Private vs public

45 CFR 46.102(F)


Publishing I want to publish, so it’s research, right? • Common misconception

• One can publish works that meet - or do not meet - the IRB

definition of “research.”

• Publishing is simply sharing information with an external audience.

• The Emory IRB can give you email or letter with determination, for


• If not research, publication should not attempt to generalize conclusions. Should report on what you did and how well it worked – “you’re mileage may vary.”


What is “exempt”? Most common types of exempt research:

• Surveys, interviews and focus groups of adults • Public observation of adults and of children (but only if

investigators do not intervene at all) • Fewer approval criteria – based on Emory policy

• CITI training • General sniff-test • Adequate informed consent


What is “expeditable”? Non-exempt HSR that is:

• Minimal risk AND • Falls in certain categories set by federal regs

Most common expeditable research:

• Medical record reviews • Blood, urine, hair, saliva samples • Non-invasive biometric measurements

More than minimal risk: goes to full board meeting.


Create Study

Dept Review

CTRC review

(if cancer-related)

IRB staff screening • Change

request loop

IRB Review • Change request

loop • Ancillary reviews

Final Approval!

Protocol Amendments

Annual Renewal

Close Out


Review Outcomes • Approved • Approved pending minor modifications • Deferred to another meeting (full board only)

• Major issues, or missing information Disapproved (very rare) – must be done by full

board Tabled (lack of quorum, immature application)


How are ongoing studies reviewed? • Investigator/sponsor responsibilities

• Safety reports • Monitoring visits • DSMB reports • Document Document Document (subject binders, study

binders, logs, AE worksheets…) • IRB responsibilities

• Unanticipated problems • Noncompliance reviews and corrective/preventive

action plans • Review of study at least annually


Visit our Website

eIRB (


Time • What turnaround can you expect? Here are AVERAGES

(vary according to quality of submissions, staffing, novel issues, COIs, etc.)

• Full board new: app. 3-8 weeks til IRB meeting • FB Amendments: 3 weeks til IRB meeting • All Continuing reviews: before expiration if not submitted late

• Expedited new: app. 2-8 weeks • Expedited Amendments: 2-4 weeks

• “No review needed” and exemption determinations: 2-4 weeks


The Stick • The IRB may:

• Suspend enrollment • Suspend approval of a study • Terminate a study • Bar an investigator from conducting HSR or certain kinds of HSR (e.g., more than minimal risk)


Why we all do this…


Community trust in research Willing subjects Continued funding

Contact the Emory IRB • Main email:

• Rebecca Rousselle, CIP

• • (404)712-0785

• Main line: (404) 712-0720

• IRB website:

• Dr. Gunthel



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