climate variability and impacts briefing july 23 2002 in our backyard… wettest june on record at...

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Climate Variability and Impacts Briefing

July 23 2002

In our backyard…

Wettest June on record at Central Park with 10.27” (3.84” avg)

Climate Information Digest

July 2003 Volume 6, Number 7

Hot Topics

• Monsoon rains bring flooding to China and Southern Asia

• West Africa gets a mixed start to the rainy season

• Record-breaking heat wave hits Southern and Eastern Europe


FAO Update – Generally favorable conditions…


All India Daily Rainfall Index (from Monsoon Online)



Jets and Blocking

Drought and Heat Wave in Europe

A-M-J 250 hPa Persistent Flow Anomalies (+/- 1 sd phi)

Highest temps in 200 yrs (37C, 99F)

Temp anomalies > 3 sigma

Damage to Italian agriculture 5 billion euros

Po at its lowest level in 100 yrsCattle moved to mountain pastures;Fed winter feed - 1st time since 1976

Current Drought and its Impacts

Low Danube disrupts shipping

Vegetable & fruit prices up 5-20%

CNN – “The German media is warning that parts of central Europecould become a desert by the middle of the century.”

BBC – “Is England’s climate becoming more mediterranean? Warmer summers, wetter winters, earlier springs and later falls could become the norm.”

CNN – “Sales of the traditional summer drink Pimm’s have beenfour times higher than usual…”

IMPACTS and the Media

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