cleveland road primary school · please continue sharing and celebrating successes at home in the...

Post on 29-Jun-2020






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Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Newsletter 36 Friday 26th June 2020

Cleveland Road Primary School Cleveland Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1EW



Telephone: 020 8478 3601 (Press 1 to report an absence)

Weekly message

The school has been a hive of activity, this week, as we completed final preparations

to welcome some of our Year 6 pupils back to school on Monday. We are very much

looking forward to seeing the children. Although life in school will be very different to

what the children are used to, we know that they will settle into new routines very

quickly and will enjoy being back with some of their teachers and peers.

If your child is returning next week, do have a look at the “coming out of lockdown”

article at the end of the newsletter, which provides you will ideas and advice to help

you support your child. If your child is continuing to work from home, be assured that

we will continue to provide remote learning opportunities, as usual.

You will have seen in the news, this week, that the hot weather has resulted in

overcrowded beaches and members of the population ignoring the social distancing

rules. The virus is still present across the country so, if you are heading out, over the

weekend, please take care and keep your distance from others. Stay safe and look

after yourselves and others.

Very best wishes from all the staff at Cleveland Road Primary School

Contribute to our Newsletter

Please continue sharing and celebrating successes at home in the coming weeks. You can send your contributions to: We can’t promise that we will be able to publish everything you send, but we’ll do our best and will look for ways of sharing work on the school website, too. We will welcome the following:

✓ Drawings and artwork the children have produced ✓ Stories and poems the children have written ✓ Photographs of models the children have made ✓ Happy news or messages of encouragement for the community ✓ Ideas of things you are doing at home that you think other parents and

children would appreciate or find useful

Home-Learning Help

Super Movers


Key stages: key stage 1 and key stage 2

Description: videos which help children move while they learn. They support curriculum subjects, including Maths and English.

Registration: not required

Optional Challenge

Taken from the Convention on the

Rights of the Child: Article 28

You have the right to a good quality

education. You should be encouraged to

go to school to the highest level you can.

This article reminds us of a right that, until

March of this year, many of us took for

granted. Over the next few weeks, we

would like all children to reflect on this and

we have created a challenge that will be

open until the end of term for you to

respond to. Scroll down to find out more

about this challenge.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


Continue your BBC Ten

Pieces journey with us. Each

week, you will listen to a

piece of music and are

invited to respond in

different ways. You can

send your responses to us

to share on our Ten Pieces

gallery and we will share

some of the responses with

the BBC for their online showcase!

Start now by visiting the Ten Pieces At Home site and scroll down to WEEK SIX.

There are videos to guide you, so it is really simple to follow.

Week six: Create your own 3-D Sculpture

Get arty with Amy Leung as she

shows you how to create your

own 3D sculpture inspired by

Anna Clyne’s Night Ferry!

First... Watch Doc Brown as he plunges into the darkest depths of the ocean

with Anna Clyne's stormy Night Ferry. Discover how she composed her music by

picking up a paint brush instead of writing music notes on paper!

Then... Using materials

you might find around

your home, follow artist

Amy Leung's step-by-step

guide on how to create a

sculpture using Night

Ferry to inspire shapes,

patterns and textures.

Finally... Send us a

photograph of your sculpture for a chance to have it featured in the Ten

Pieces online showcase! Send your ideas to us via the newsletter email address

Cleveland Story Time

Have you listening to the stories in

our Cleveland Story Time yet? There

are 21 different audio recordings and

videos created by the teachers on

this challenge, so far.

To listen and watch these lovely

stories, visit the Multimedia Channel

Home-Learning Help

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families


Key stages: early years foundation stage to key stage 2

Description: wellbeing advice for all those supporting children and young people.

Registration: not required

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Reading Challenge

Thank you to everyone who took part in this challenge. If you haven’t responded, yet, please do send us your child’s work. We are looking forward to celebrating great books and sharing the reading that all the children are doing at home.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

This Week’s Challenge

This week, Clementswood teacher, Miss Orts, has

created a wonderful video to teach you how to talk

about the weather, in Spanish. Take some time to visit

the school website’s multimedia channel here to view

the video tutorial, Il Tiempo (The Weather) and practise

saying the different phrases lots of times.

We would like each of you to respond creatively to the

video. Here are some suggestions of things you might


✓ Make a weather poster and add labels and English and Spanish

✓ Create your own Spanish video about the weather

✓ Make your own set of flash cards about the weather, in Spanish

Remember to send in your responses to us via the school newsletter email address (see page 1 for details).

What does School Mean to You?

Taken from the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28:

You have the right to a good quality education.

You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.

This article reminds us of a right that, until March of this year, many of us

took for granted. Lockdown has given all of us, parents, children and

school staff, a new appreciation for our schools and for the education

children receive, an education that is not always free and available to

children in other parts of the world. What does school mean to you?

We would love for you to respond to that question – there are many ways

in which you might do this:

➢ Write a poem

➢ Make a speech and record it

➢ Create a poster

➢ Write a reflection on your experience of lockdown – what did you

most miss about school and why?

➢ Create a model

➢ Make a painting

You have until the end of term to send in your responses. The deadline is

Tuesday 14th July. Good luck! We look forward to seeing your thoughts

and ideas.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

The Great Cleveland Bakeoff

This week, some of our teachers started getting competitive about their amazing

home-baking skills. They were so excited about their amazing talent in the kitchen,

that Mr Sangaran decided to arrange a little competition between the grown-ups in

school. Introducing The Golden Cupcake Cup!

This week, it was the turn of KS1: Year 1 vs. Year 2. Each team member created and

shared their cakes and bakes and a winning entry was put forward from each year

group. But which ones will get the most votes? The staff will be voting next week,

and we will let you know the results. Which entries would you vote for?

Year 1 Mrs Ahmed’s Flower Cookies vs. Year 2 Mrs Hussain’s Chocolate Cupcakes

Which one would get your vote? The winner will be announced next week. Why do you get baking this week and send us photos of your cakes, biscuits and other goodies that you are making at home? We would love to share these in next week’s newsletter. Next week, we will share the entries from all the other year groups. Who do you think will win the Gold Cupcake Cup?

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

BBC TEN PIECES Challenge Week 5

This week’s Ten Pieces challenge was based on a piece called Ride of

the Valkyries by Richard Wagner. You were invited to join an epic

battle and journey in search of a ring of power with the Valkyries –

strong, female warriors inspired by

Norse mythology.

Well done to everyone who listened

to the music and came up with such

lovely responses. We will continue

uploading all the terrific work that

has been sent in this week.

Don’t worry if you haven’t had a go

at the early challenges. Why not start this week, with Week 5? It is

a great one, set in the snowy landscapes of

Finland and will be lots of fun to do!

We will continue sharing the work

with the BBC Proms and BBC Ten

Pieces teams on their showcase page

and via Twitter.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Cleveland Gallery

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Summer Reading Challenge

This week’s challenge will run throughout the summer, starting

right now! The Summer Reading Challenge has begun and we

want every single pupil to take part. It is open to all children

aged 4-11 years old. It is free to join and will help keep your

child reading over the summer months. Last year, we had the

most children ever take part and we want to break that record

this year.

This year, the Summer Reading Challenge’s Silly Squad will celebrate funny books,

happiness and laughter. Children taking part in the challenge will join the Silly Squad,

an adventurous team of animals who love to have a laugh and get stuck into all sorts

of funny books! The 2020 challenge features bespoke artwork from award-winning

children’s author and illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson (Amelia Fang; Evil Emperor


With the disruption caused by Covid-19 and the impact of social distancing on schools

and public libraries, the 2020 challenge will launch in a new digital format designed to

keep children engaged and interested in reading. The challenge will run from now until

mid-September. The Summer Reading Challenge website is free to access and features

games, quizzes and downloadable activities that encourage children to take part in

reading-related activities. Additionally, Redbridge Libraries have online activities

available through the website. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Take a look at the Find a Read

section for further information on accessing reading materials at home.


Summer Reading Challenge site:

Summer Reading Challenge book collection:

Let’s Get Silly book collection:

Books That Make You LOL collection:

If you don’t yet have library membership, you can join online and get a membership number:

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Coming Out of Lockdown

Although we are still in lockdown, the time will come when we will need to leave the safety of our homes. It may feel

a little uncomfortable at first, as we take steps outside – for some, particularly those who are isolating, it will be the

first time out of our homes in many weeks. You feel a little sad, angry, confused, unsafe or scared by the news in the

media. Our children will probably be feeling this, too.

Over the past few weeks, we have had to teach the children that the world outside is dangerous and that staying at

home is a must. But soon, we will have to bring the children back into the world. It will be challenging and tricky for

them and for us. Once they do return to school, the children might discover that it is not as they remember it. This

might make them feel uncomfortable or anxious which will make them want to stay near you for reassurance.

Some children may show reluctance or refusal to go to school. They might be more clingy or tearful and may show

signs of worry such as tearfulness, poor sleep, moodiness or feelings of sickness and tension. If you do see these signs,

is will be important not to mistake them for naughtiness or attention seeking. These reactions will be how our bodies

might react to the changing situation. For some children, the feelings may be brief, while other children may take

longer to adjust. Here are some tips that may help you support your child:

At home:

✓ Question the behaviours you see in the children and observe your own response

✓ Pay attention to days when you’re feeling more vulnerable, irritable and overwhelmed

✓ Acknowledge and notice feelings you might share with your children

✓ Be empathetic to your child and acknowledge the weirdness of the situation

✓ Expect anxiety to rear its head in some weird and wonderful ways

✓ Stay curious and stay empathetic; if you would like additional support, scroll down to see information about

the online support sessions for parents and carers being offered by the Educational Psychology Service

Planning for return to school:

✓ Gradually expose your kids to all things school related

✓ Start your normal morning routine a week before school starts

✓ Take a walk to school beforehand

✓ Start using language such as “when you go to school” rather than “if you go to school”

✓ Use visual aids such as calendars to count down to school starting

Preparing your children emotionally:

✓ Give emotions names. These can be names such as “sad”, “angry” or “worried”. But they can also be

descriptive words such as “shaky”, “fuzzy”, “spiny”, “gurgly”, “heavy”

✓ Check in with your children before school starts. Ask them: What are you looking forward to? What do they

think might be different? What do are you expecting? Confirm any fears and correct any misconceptions they

might have.

✓ Problem-solve with your children - if something is a particular worry, work with them to form a few solutions

✓ Try to stay calm. Look after yourself by talking to friends and family, sharing your difficulties with them

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Thought for the Week The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

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