clasa past events winter 2016

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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In memory of Fr. James “Guadalupe” Carney

Past Events

Winter 2016

CLASA collaborated with Swords into Plowshares Gallery Jan-March 2016

Don Voelker’s paintings were displayed. Five were sold, raising

another $1,000 for Sr. Peggy’s center for the arts in Suchitoto, El Salvador.

Feb. 29, 2016

Laila Hamdan (Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, NISGUA)

and Joan Smith (Casa del Migrante in Tecún Umán, Guatemala)

Volunteering in Guatemala: Defending Human Rights and Working with Migrants

Eric LeCompte, Executive Director, Jubilee USA “Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Causes and Cures” and

“Reflections on Pope Francis’s Year of Mercy” March 30, 2016

Prof. Jorge Chinea, WSU provides the background to the current crisis in Puerto Rico

L to R: Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA, and Prof. Jorge Chinea, Director of the Director of the Center for Latino/a & Latin American Studies at Wayne State University. Dr. Chinea described the background of the crisis in Puerto Rico, and Eric LeCompte described Jubilee USA’s work to resolve the debt and avoid a humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. March 30, 2015. See:

Eric LeCompte gave a second talk reflecting on Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy. These talks were co-hosted by the School of Business.

Irma Ilsy Vásquez Cardenas, lead attorney and human rights defender who works for the Fray Bartolomé Human Rights Center (FrayBa) in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, spoke to students on the McNichols campus on April 4, 2016, in Briggs 317. Here she is pictured with UDM Sociology professor Kaleema Sumareh.

See info and video:

Irma Ilsy Vásquez Cardenas, front row in orange, and Alejandro Monzón (second row, 2nd from right) with students from UDM School of Law, after

their talk there. (Prof. Andrew Moore, back row, center). April 4, 2016.

Fr. Jose Idiáquez , President of Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), Managua (the Jesuit university in Nicaragua) addresses students and

the public, answering any questions they have about Central America, April 5, prior to the fundraiser dinner.

Bob O’Brien and Julie Beutel sing at the fundrasier: we raised $7,600!

Fr. Jose Idiáquez speaks at the dinner about Dean Brackley, S.J.

UDM students [L to R] Anton Webster, Phoenix Monte, Erick Mori-Quimper, Elijah Noronha, and guest speaker Richard Brackley

(brother to Dean Brackley, S.J.) sit with Dr. Gail Presbey, director of CLASA, at the fundraiser dinner for the UCA Jesuit Martyr's

Scholarship, April 5, 2016.

Fr. Jose Idiáquez with Janet Ray, Bob Scullin S.J., Bill O’Brien and others.

Meg, Sarah, Trevor, Amador

Fr. Tim Hipskind (right) with students and Jesuit Volunteers

Gilbert Sunghera S.J., Tracey Gallardo and friend, Anita Klueg (Director of University Ministry) and students

Dean Brackley’s good friend Fr. Richard Cassidy (Professor of Sacred Scripture,

Sacred Heart Major Seminary)

Dean Brackley’s younger brother Richard Brackley shares memories of his brother Dean

Mickey Troutman and friends

HASA students Amador Olvera (current President) and Tracey Gallardo (Past

President, Alumnus)

Marilyn Fischer, (Emerita Professor of Philosophy, University of Dayton), April 20, 2016

spoke on: Jane Addams on Peace, Humanitarian Work, and Social Philosophy

Dr. Fischer helped us to appreciate Jane Addams as an innovator.

Marilyn Fischer enjoys her visit to Detroit – coinciding with her April 20 talk on Jane Addams

Ruth Needleman, (Professor of Labor Studies, Indiana University)

April 25, 2016: Democracy in Brazil

• and Brazilian Quilombos: the Right to Self-Determination of African-Descendants

• Dr. Needleman is a specialist in Latin America.

Dr. Ruth Needleman with Fr. Jonathan (PIME), Gail Presbey and Sr. Ann Nett, IHM

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