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December 29, 2019

Christmas Reflection Questions

Who needs support, protection, and compassion in our time?

How will we recommit ourselves to those who are displaced?

How have we “exiled” others from our lives by our attitudes, words, or actions?

What gifts do we bring to Christ? Do we offer the best we have to give?


Expansion of Our Hearts We gather together to worship the One Who Is Joy, and as we come together,

our hearts expand. We remember that the heavens declare God’s praise as the sun rises and light multiplies. And we witness that all of nature

(including us) yearns to reach and expand toward the Light so that all might know joy. PRELUDE Reflection on “Antioch” Michael Helman *PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” UMH No. 240

pg. 3 Leader: In this last week of our celebration of the beloved hymn classic, “Joy to the World,” we hear this Psalm of Joy Juxtaposed with the story of Jesus’ family fleeing with him to Egypt in order to save his life…. …for the sake of the wonders of God’s love to come upon the earth? People: Sing a new song to the Lord. tune: “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” Lift your hearts with gratitude. Sing a new song to the Lord. Lift your hearts with gratitude.

For God’s steadfast love and mercy, ever present, always faithful, leads us on with Healing Joy, leads us on with Healing Joy.

* Please stand as you are able. UMH is The United Methodist Hymnal. TFWS is The Faith We Sing booklet.

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Public domain from The United Methodist Hymnal, copyright © 1989, The United Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, TN One License number 725011-A


OPENING PRAYER please be seated

Reader: Holy Living One, you who are our Joy, give us the strength we need to face the cruelty of the world and meet it with as much Hope, Love, and Peace as we can. We give you thanks for the time we have had to contemplate what joy means in our lives and prepare ourselves for the work we will commit to in this next year, offering compassion in all we do. People: Let wonders of your love rule our hearts this day. Let wonders of your love rule our church this day. Let wonders of your love rule the world this day… in the name of the One who is Compassion. Amen.

Reception of God’s Word As we open to receive the Word and interpret its meaning for our lives,

we connect to the depths of our being where the River of Joy is always flowing. We have only to dip into it, for we have the “joy, joy, joy, joy, down in our hearts.”

SCRIPTURE READING Paula Hui Isaiah 63:7-9 Old Testament pg. 693 (blue) pg. 848 (red) MOMENTS WITH CHILDREN *THE PEACE Leader: The peace of Christ be always with you. People: And also with you!

Please greet one another in the name of Christ, and be seated when the music begins. SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 2:13-23 New Testament pg. 2 (blue) pg. 2 (red) ANTHEM “Lo, How a Rose/The Rose” arr. Craig Hella Johnson

The Sanctuary Choir Pam Bunce, soloist

SERMON Rev. Martha Morales

“Wonders of God’s Love” SUNG RESPONSE “Star-Child” TFWS No. 2095

pg. 5

Transformation of Our Lives Connecting with our deepest selves, we are able to accept that all of life

resides within joy’s possibilities—not only the happy moments, but also the sorrows and difficulties of life. Like the work of our hearts, all that flows in can

be given new life and pumped back out with renewed oxygen, giving us strength and courage for all circumstances.

PRAYERS FOR THE WORLD AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD (prayer list on pg. 8) THE LORD’S PRAYER (Former Methodist Church from UMH No. 895) Our Father (or Mother, Abba, God, Creator), who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


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From The Faith We Sing, copyright © 2000, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN. One License number 725011-A


OFFERING OUR GIFTS, TITHES, AND PRESENCE/PRAYER CARDS Please sign the attendance card found in this worship guide. Write prayer requests on the reverse side, giving complete information, and place the card in the offering plate.

OFFERTORY Trio on “Antioch” Michael Helman *OFFERTORY HYMN a Christmas Doxology to the melody of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly host. Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Rejoice, rejoice. Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel. *OFFERTORY PRAYER

Compassion for the World

Connecting to Joy can compel us to want this connection for all beings. We leave this place “with passion” (com-passion) for adding our love, peace, hope, and joy to the world.

*HYMN “Flight Into Egypt” words printed on pg. 7

Tune: Divinum Mysterium *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Canzona on “Antioch” Michael Helman

As the cross passes by, you are encouraged to be seated and listen for how the Spirit touches us through music. We understand if you must quietly leave. Go in peace.

*Worship design and liturgy adapted from Worship Design Studio Used with permission. Music license is available in the church office.

WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE! Children are always welcome in worship; should you need it, childcare is offered during worship. Claremont United Methodist Church is a wel-coming and reconciling congregation, affirming its ministry with the whole family of God regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, economic situation, or marital status. Claremont United Methodist Church believes its diversity is a blessing through which persons are strengthened to love and serve. INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE IN WORSHIP: Because language has the power to shape our thinking about one another, Claremont United Methodist Church uses inclusive language for Bible readings from the New Revised Standard Version. Some historical texts that are widely known and loved are left unaltered. This, we believe, in no way diminishes our commitment to inclusive expression. We invite persons to change the words of hymns deemed to be exclusive so that the hymns might have meaning for all.


Flight Into Egypt For Christmas

Words: Vincent William Uher III , copyright © 1997 Music: Divinum Mysterium

Lonely travelers from the stable Out beneath the hard blue sky Journeying wandering, hoping, praying For the safety of their child While our mother Rachel's weeping Fills the streets of Bethlehem. Kyrie eleison. Warned by angels, moved to save him Who was born our kind to save, Joseph leads his holy family Far from Herod and harm's way. Mary shielding and consoling Jesus Christ the Son of God. Kyrie eleison. Fleeing from the land of promise They in Egypt find a home Strange the workings of God's mercy -- House of bondage now God's throne. But for sons who all were murdered Sorrow breaks the House of Bread. Kyrie eleison. True the tale of flight and exile. Out of Egypt comes God's Son. Angels tell of Herod's dying. All is ended, all begun. Jesus will grow up in Nazareth* And the world will all be stunned. Kyrie eleison.

Words: Copyright © 1997 by Vincent Uher. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission.

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NEW TO THE PRAYER LIST: Claire Abshire (Karen Hull’s granddaughter); Corner Family (celebrating Bette’s birthday & Christmas, joy to be together); Dios es Amor; Nancy Pelosi; Prayers for Joy for All; The World; World Council of Churches Countries of the Week: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine. THE FULL PRAYER LIST, including those who are unwillingly absent, can be found at, pages 3-4, or you may wish to pick up a copy of the latest issue of The Window from the Narthex.

OUR PRAYERS PLEASE keep the church office updated on your loved ones.

Large Print Bulletin available ONLINE at Wi-Fi ID: C.U.M.C.3 and password: cumcmain. Remember your attendance card.

Sunday worship is usually recorded on CD each week. If you’d like a copy, a donation per CD is accepted. Contact the CUMC office, Thank you!

FRAGRANCES IN CHURCH (Men and Women): Please be mindful that someone near you may be asthmatic or have chemical sensitivities. We ask you to avoid wearing strong smelling cosmetics, as they may trigger a terrible reaction from others. Thank you!



ACOLYTES: Joseph Makunga, Jonah Tharpe, Ethan Rincon, Eli Tharpe

USHERS: Ed Kania, Dave Little

GREETERS: Gwen Carr & Esther Trickett

SOUND: Jim Nunn, Brett O’Connor, Darryl Richardson

COFFEE FELLOWSHIP takes place on the patio, following worship. We are grateful for the ministry of Tayde Perez and Donny Schipper as our hosts this morning. Please come and fellowship over a cup of lemonade, Fair Trade coffee, or tea.

Share the Gift of Hospitality on Sundays: Please consider greeting before worship, or hosting coffee fellowship following worship. All you need bring is your wonderful self! Please sign up in the Narthex. Thank you!



The Men’s Enrichment Group will meet next on Wednesday, January 8, 8:00 a.m., at Mt. San Antonio Gardens in the 2nd floor lounge of “D” Building. Visitors welcome! Information/contacts: Harold Unland or Thom Armstrong

The Boosters Class is NOT meeting this week. The class will resume next Sunday, January 5 at 10:45-ish in the Round Building Rec. Room. All are welcome! The Growing Christians Class is NOT meeting this week. The class will resume next Sunday, January 5 at 11:00 a.m. in the Room 11. All are welcome!

Reading the Bible Together, a weekly Bible study led by Rev. Karen and Rev. Martha, is on Christmas break! The Bible study will resume on Wednesday, January 8 at 9:45 a.m. in Room 2. All are welcome, whether you are a beginner with the Bible or a seasoned veteran! Speak to Rev. Karen or Rev. Martha if you have questions.


Children’s Ministry on Sundays Children, preschool through 6th grade, are invited to Sunday

School following the Children’s Time in worship. CUMC Kids Choir for all children (kinder-6th grade) will NOT

meet today. Rehearsals resume Sunday, January 12 at 10:50 a.m., in Room 10.

Calling all YOUTH (6th - 12th grade) Youth Sunday School will NOT meet today; class resumes Sunday,

January 5 at 10:45 a.m. Youth Chimes Rehearsal will NOT meet today; rehearsals resume

Sunday, January 12 at 11:35 a.m. Coffee Talk and Youth Group are on Christmas break! Coffee Talk

will resume on Wednesday, January 8, and Youth Group will resume on Sunday, January 12.

Questions? Contact Sara Swift Tharpe: (336) 354-8194 or


Have you ever thought about ushering… We have openings to usher on a quarterly rotation in December, April, August; or January, May, September. If you are interested, please contact the CUMC Office, Thank you to all of our ushers!


Alternative Christmas Celebration We have received $2310 thus far for Dios es Amor, our sister congregation; our goal was $2500. We have received $1840

for The Border Church thus far; our goal was $2500. If you could help us reach those goals, contact Joe DeRoulhac, or Bill and Mary Beck.

Peace at the Border, Al Streyffeler

Send the Hope of Christmas… Send a letter for Amnesty International! December’s letter is on the front desk in the Narthex. Attached is an update on recent cases. Please mail the letters by the end of the month. Thank you!

Sunday, December 29, 2019 First Sunday after Christmas Day 9:15a-12:00p Infant and Toddler Care—Room 3 9:30a Worship–Sanctuary 9:50a Children’s Sunday School Class Locations: Preschool-Kindergarten– Yellow Room Grades 1-6—Round Building 10:30a Coffee Fellowship—Patio and Narthex Deadline: The Window January 8 articles Monday, December 30, 2019 6:15p Al Anon—Room 11 Tuesday, December 31, 2019 New Year’s Eve

7:00p Odd Tuesday Music Jam—Room 10 Wednesday, January 1, 2020 New Year’s Day CUMC Office Closed 6:30p Women’s Alcoholics Anonymous—Room 11 8:00p Gay Men’s Alcoholics Anonymous—Room 11



Thursday, January 2, 2020 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—Room 10 7:30p Running in Circles—contact Susan Hume for info. Saturday, January 4, 2020 10:30a 7th Day Adventist Worship & Study—Room 11 3:00p Student Recital—Sanctuary Sunday, January 5, 2020 Epiphany Sunday Holy Communion 9:15a-12:00p Infant and Toddler Care—Room 3 9:30a Worship–Sanctuary 9:50a Children’s Sunday School Class Locations: Preschool-Kindergarten– Yellow Room Grades 1-3—Round Building, Room 25 Grades 4-6—Round Building, Room 23 10:30a Coffee Fellowship—Patio and Narthex 10:45a The Boosters Class—Round Building, Rec. Room 10:45a Youth Sunday School—Round Building 10:50a CUMC Kids Choir Rehearsal—Room 10 11:00a The Growing Christians Class—Round Building 11:00a Reconciling Congregation Committee—Room 2 11:00a Discipleship Group—Round Building, Room 25 11:35a Youth Chimes Rehearsal—Room 11 4:00-5:00p Girl Scouts: Brownies Troop—Narthex ~ Office: 909-624-9021 Fax: 909-624-7308 ~ 211 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711

Nurturing spirits…Working for justice…

Serving others and creation…

Ministers: The Whole Congregation

Clergy and Staff The Rev. Karen Clark Ristine ~ Lead Pastor x224

The Rev. Martha Morales ~ Minister of Education and Caring Ministries x231 Jessica Johnston, M.Div. ~ Church Administrator x222

Genaro Cordova ~ Facilities Engineer Jeri Bollman, M.S. ~ Director: CUMC Preschool

Sara Swift Tharpe, M.Div. ~ Director of Youth Ministries Dena Dissmeyer ~ Director of Children’s Ministries

Katie Franklin Ledsinger, M.A. ~ Organist; Director of The Circuit Ringers, CUMC Kids Choir, and Youth Chimes

Jared Pugh ~ Director of The Sanctuary Choir Moon Young Kong and Mateo Mamea ~ Pastoral Interns Marie Soltero and Elizabeth Slater ~ Nursery Attendants

Mateo Mamea ~ Sunday Custodian Leeann Nabors ~ The Clinebell Institute

Located in the California Pacific Annual Conference

The Rev. Dr. Grant J. Hagiya ~ Resident Bishop The Rev. Melissa Roux MacKinnon ~ East District Superintendent

In covenant with United Methodist Missionaries

Mozart Adevu ~ West Africa Stephen Copley ~ Arkansas

In covenant with Dios es Amor Methodist Church ~ Tijuana, Mexico

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