city of woodinville, wa

Post on 28-May-2022






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- .

• To: By: Sub"ect:


REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL 17301 l33•d Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 WWW.CI.WOODINVILLE,WA,US

Honorable City Council Date: 02/07/2017 David Kuhl, Development Service i')irector; Jenny Ngo, Planning Manage Public Hearin : 2017 Docket List

Ex enditure Re uired Additional Amount Re


ISSUE: Shall the City Council approve the 2017 Docket List of possible Comprehensive Plan and Development Code amendments?

RECOMMENDATION: To approve the 2017 Docket List as presented.

POLICY DECISION: State law and the Woodinville Municipal Code require the City to have a process by which the public may suggest/monitor amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations. Some of these requests may conflict with, or not be consistent with, the Council's position or priorities on these matters. Prior to expending staff or Planning Commission time on any of these items, City Council direction is requested.

BACKGROUND: The Proposed 2017 Docket List includes 70 total possible items, 13 new items and 57 items carried over from prior years. There are however, several items that are recommended for removal or reclassification to a different priority. This will be discussed during the meeting. There are one private and two g·ovemmental applications for Comprehensive Plan Amendments or Zoning Ordinance Amendments in this docket cycle.

1 R 20 7 ecommended Docket - Summarv Type of Item High Medium Low Total

Priority Priority Priority Items Completed in 2016 11 3 0 14 Carrvover 44 6 7 57 New 12 1 0 13 Total Docket Items 56 7 7 70 for 2017

Staff will focus on several items for possible final action in 2017. The remaining priorities will be pursued as time, funding, and events allow.

ALTERNATE 1. Hold the public hearing and approve the Docket List as presented, or amended by Council. 2. Reschedule this matter for discussion at a future meeting.


(Receive staff report and take public testimony) 3. I MOVE TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.





Attachment 1: Proposed 2017 Docket List Attachment 2: Descriptions of Docket List item


Attachment 1 JLN 1/5/17

2017 DRAFT DOCKET LIST WITH COMPLETED 2016 ITEMS ' ID # Name/Description Priority i Status



+ -'. ~!

1 A, 'DeVe'lopmenf. Code· Rewrite: ,Sii"np'lificCltion of development codes Authority, :PVTpoSe,. lnterprefcition, and A.dtnini.strafion

No dockel'ilems Technical.Terms and .Land Use Definifio'ns

No docket items· Enforcement


2A Developnient Code Rewrite:· Simplification of· development· codes Zones; Mops,.: ancJ-Deiignations

No- docket ifems Permittec/'Uses 28 Permitted Use Cleanup·ond:·$irri·pJificatiotl 2C Industrial Disfricts -Add Additional Uses 20 Prohibit.Taverns in ·Industrial Districts,Except by·Overlays 2E Correct Pedestrian Core Ground Floor Requirements Map

w 2F Clarify Regulotionsfor Kindred Foods In Retail Zones 2G Administrative Conditional.Use ·Permit.Process . 2H . East Frame.'"cRevisit Drive, Thru Capability 21 Gas Stations·- Clarffy Design Districts Where•Permlitecl 2J Consider Affordable Housing.Altematlves{E.G. Cottage .Housing) 2K Remove Flr~plOce: Re·quire·meiits-'fot·. R8Sidentiai-Units in·The ·cso 2L East Frome··-. .RetjlJire·,cir liicentiv·~E!<Residef'ltlal' 2M Conslcler Reta JI ·SJze. Umitotlon .fn the Pedestrian Core Design District T ourid District OV,er'lay 2N Add Ebst Side:of Sooth £hdustrial Zone to TD0 20 View.'Corri.dOr Protedion ·dnd .. Developmeiit Agreements in The··TB Pedesfrian.Orietded CommetciOt- Overlay_

No·docket·ifems Sexvolfy-OrieriteCf Btisin'ess Overlay

.NO dockef.lteins -~riitity-'~:b1m·e1JSi~nS:_,_._·:/··: <:, .... ·,. .. ;_. _:,._.-, ... ,,', .. ,:.'',.:·-:,_ .. ,-_>_,_ ...... :,:··_·:_··:>'-'.-: ... _.;,-. ·:· · 2P · . Allowdl>le D\velHngi Unit Cdfcul}ition-• Rciurid!Po\(,n Unit J=rattions':

3A .... Oey~loprnen.t_:<:ode_· .. R:&Wrtte(S'tnlpliftCcitTOn ·.of ACCes~o,YJJSe~ ,-·-· · _ .... :. . ... · _ aa ·_s·e;ee·e( ,·>1,:e:1e"-~~g,: -'wee·e,:,~>;~m(\ .. ·ei,trietc _ 35·· ClarifyRetalnlngWalls .and Ferfcetin Buildlrig Setbacl<s 3C AC:cessOry .bW9mng::Unit...:. DEtfiiiiti6rt;· App·r'ovcif PrOC:ess

COMPLETED20.16 · . .. . . . • .. Ord6ll; Removed for 2QJ7 ·~·~ . 'flirWWIIMiib@@ii#ilii/iili/i:i¥iiiiiimm'fcffll'$/'lli/f!1/lfif!JA

Carryover 20 l 3

Carryover 2011 Carryover 2016 Carryover 2015 Carryover 2013 carryover 2014 Carryover 2014 Carryover 20l5 Carr)'over 20i4 Carryo¥er 1010 Carryover 2016 Carryover 2'016

NEW 2017

Corr.yov'er 2016 carryover 20l4

__ .. :<.:5l_~ri~~<


COMPLETED :2016 NEW 2017

Carryover 2013

Staff··recommends removing thiS: 'item

Staff 'recommends ·addihg 'thrs ·1tem

'Ord 628; Removedfor2017 · -Staffrecommeiids:'add,ing this item


ID # Name/Description Priority Status

Aniinals:,-,HOinff0fCUpt1tiOn ... a'ntfHC)riT,e:·lndUstry .. '·,,·.·.; ·, ··:. . ·. 3D ··· .st~_eon{1i_ne_-,fi~·m~:·pc:(\ip~tt'Ol1·i&/S'O'~in~·s·SJtCJrlSe·:_.~.rOC~sS 3E Regulate Arilin'aliron Riisliltiniiiil Lois · Essential Pub/jc Fac:/lities/Spec:io/Uses . . .. ..·.· 3F ·. Diiposc,I Facllitles Development Reguiallons . Lanclmar'k ·ProtediOn·:·ClncJ .. Pf"e~e~Otfoi:I . . . . . 3G ·. .·ft'i'storic'Preseh'Otibri-:CO"Oe,.Airi .. ~·ndm~~t Nonconformity . ·

, NO'--dOCke~·.it~rils Sif},:,s 3H Sign Code Review, ·· . . .. · .. ; . . . . • 31 3J 3K

. Prohibit ... Billboards. Establish Amorti:zatll)ri P,iriod Neighborh~d. Jdentlflcati6nSigns In ROY., F,.,:QulOte ,SiQn5; Jjr, "\lehide"s

Temporary U.Ses 3L Expcind. Tiineframes fortempoiaryUses 3M ;~'"~eiF~f->.·. 81'1el. ·~~.eeil8),''9·Aels.r; ,. E!t8Biil1.h· Feg·tsJ'9tis·"'' Wii-eless':-fa~iiities _

· No dockiil·ilems,

com~9r~ia(oe_s;g.r(Sttlrid0t.cJS'. -.... . .. , ... \···... >- .. , .. , ......... · · 4A ·. R_e~orlSid_~-r}#e·st~tlfB:c,und'ar_y.,._Ofjh~.'Eqst._Fr_qme::o·i·strid

""48 Estobllsh''.Slde,vali<.C:::aM'' Stcindci,c:I~ .... .< ... · .•..•....•... 4C . CornmerdaF Design;sidndards•.&·111ostrati~e Deslgn·Guli:le 4D .=eo, i

1oar1c 'SKY:\:DeV4;tfo·PITlent.,'R8·0lH6tibnS lrtdustria( Diisigfr Slandards ··. .• . . ... . .. · ,. · 4E . . . R•view lndustilc,IDesigri Standards · ,Resid;nfiOI ·: 08S;gr, :stiindClrdi

No.·dO-ek&f;tem·s Landscape Code . . .· .. . .. .. ,. .. . .·.. . . . .. , .... 4F A·e:, i,,- .:•~ ·~;f .. tf~·8. :·re~~~ti~_A .. rS:~tii,~'ffl·eAt; ·c-: .1e_8fr:··e··t.:·.;;' 9}9 ·te)tffi~·1.ff_} P.arkihfi:Ohci-,(:i~d1iO"ii?,ii:··._ ... .. .. _ . .-:, .. ,_·· .. -.,.- ....... · -- " 4F .Review On•striietParl<lrig Ir{the• b.ldJownAreo ·40 . Peirl'~!111I .. St,_~·.-,eg_}/P81te} e~··e1:"_A·.e·,g.;1e·t1e·r,,

4G • Par~lng Stalll)lin~;sl<>ns Base~ "" :Zoning Dlst;lct.

Rec~~fi~n -i:Jnd1td'il.-c~rridorS. · No doiketjterns

-Tree: PfCitecHOri _ ... . .. _ ::'.:" · . ·,·.': . _. ::-M -~e ;·ie .. ;, -~f trie'e·-,et'e'nti~~ reet~i-~·effl~l'ib :1e:e'1t-8t· 'na,~f',te 51ffl~lif; · C,iticcifAi-edS.

. ·· .~·cfitie~1.).·~·~-ei-u~·d~te_ Etf~if«imlff.eflfol)'fd~i6n. SA SEPJfUpdClte

. ' ' .-,."-.· ' '




·_:.::. ,·

Carrya~er 2015 NEW /2017·

,::., ..

iCarl")'OVE>f .. . .2012 ·

Carryover 201 r .

ca_rryt>ve·r ' .CO{ryoye·r · . CCfrr_)'Ov8r


20T6 2015' 20:i:t .

. ;20.f2,

. C:::c,rryover 2Ql 6 COMPLETED 2016 .

' cbr~~·oxe~_ · c9r~y·o_Vef ::cc:rrryoY~r Carix<;>Y~r


-!ii"· ·1 ,., .2015 .201 I

··2012 .. ··. 2011.


COMPLETED 20 l6 · ' '. :·., ..

2013 . :ca.rryo·ve(_ •COMPLETED 2016

Carryover 2ClJ 6


StOff.rec~ffl~en'dS. addihg_::thiS:it8111 ·

· StOft ~eConimends·:"CO.un~H .. _reOsse:ss. it"elli

' ...... , '"' . "

· .. _._St0ff\f~C:bltlmeri~:k_remo¥cil of th~ ·item -' ,, ,.".-

st6:#}~6mmend~i. r~~q;6L9fth1S.Jt~~ · Qrcl62.l; Remov!d.for 26]?

Sfaff ..... ,:e·cornm~ds- 'Cbti~·d1':i~~·qss8ss·:·itt!m

s1·aff· reconlrriendS-Oddin.Q thiS .. Jteril

.·· Ord 622; R<>inovecl Jor 201 r.

Ord 61.5,Rentove fo,.2ot7 · -··St.a;ff .re:c_omin~n·d_~·:_e~u~~-ff.:i:ef!sse,ss:·:if~isJs··e~~P·1~ted

\vith:·:riew: .<>r·"i-f_: .. ~rflendm43nfis_"ne·eded:

11·&,;n· ··t:a b.i:itbiill RL:4 ...


· C:::OMPLE',TED.2016

COMPLETED 261'6· Cafry'ovei' · · .2012

,',-,' ,,. ·. . .

Ord. 5~~; .R~mbvedfc,r 2.017 . < ·,.. " "· . : .

o,c1·•.·ios1··.~ .. '"""~c1 for····~o,t· ·


ID # ! Name/Description 1Miii·Mfi-EIII STAFF COMMENT

. . . . NEW. . . 2017 ... ·. ·· .. . .. .. · llll!i'!li ,j;i.-t,"Jo~~-~~·-,:q~ .~~:;,.,,Je:012a:,-.,,//l1n!'EMa~~~'lii!~W~·· .,. ~ ''!f/J:;~-~~:Hf1/f/ii;r.:.,~

6A· Dev&IOP,m"enf.Code .RewriteLSimplifiCotiOn ·of development· codes NEW 2017 Staff recommends adding this item

68 Require·N_eighborhood.PCrks_,for Lal'_ger··Single·.:FamilrSubdlVisions . --~-- __ Carryover . ·2015 -. . .,. .. ·,. ·:!IM!&IMl.lllM . -~~rM"c~""!',!lfff!litf~Ji4'1f.~'<~a~,,,'\._-~'tll!!'"'f-Y~'!'/5 l..:,.o 1 -- -<-- - ~ - -,:M,&::::::,-;;:-,4~---;n,c-~'!!lt""!'!:~- ~,,,,"-v, - -~~~~~~~">ffi{:}f.:f.,~N:!ii!L'S-..iicaw.:."'·· .. "s rnT~~~!!.',1'frlt'j;'&J..'1:J'Ji:{~£'Si"i:


7A 78

Administrative -Procedures Update ---· Carryover. 20.1 6

Vesting Procedures --- Carryover 2016



R&view Sewer Regulations, Gorily Minimum Lot Size and 33o.;foot Carryover 201'5 S ff·. .. . d .. d . . • Standard -- NEW 2017 ta recommen s a ding th,s ,tem

AdmlnistrOtlve. ConditiOncil --,Use:- Permit



88 BC 8D



Northshore School District-. Adoption of Capital Facilities Plan & School Impact F&es . White Stallion Rezone R-1 to NB Old Schoolhouse Rerone P /I to C8D Wood.Dl!vaU/NEN"Waoc/Way Rezone R-l to 0

Add Wndllfe/Mobmty'Corridors .to the Comprehensive Plan

·Norlh.Are·a Arlnexation/UGAExp(Jnsiorl_




98 9C

Clarify· Utilities:"irt· th8-- Co·nservon·cy-, DeSigi,at,ori

Update CrlticalAreas Ordinance _in Shorellne Master Program 20t9··_shOi-e·un·f!:.-_Mast&r .. Pi"Og_ram).Jp_daJe:


10 11 12 13 14 15


. NOrthwest Gatewa.Y· Subrii"ea Pl_an EvaluateArchitectu,alStandards for )he CBD, TB, and TOO Old' T own:Subareil. Pron Uttle Bei,i Creek Master Pian Review andUpdate Ovic Campui Master Pli,n Review and Updilte

Tourlst .. Dlstrlct Maste(Plc:iri Update Transportation' Master Plan Update for l'lc,n-Motorlzed . T ra·nsportaticm.; -·,



17 ,20


High High






High Medil.lm.

High High High

Medium LbW· Low


Higl, High



CairyOVer 2014

NEW 2017.

Catryoyer 2016 NEW 2017 NEW 2017

Cafryover· 2014

Cot(yover 2011

CarryOVer. 2016



Cor+yO\fer 2011 carryover 2016 Carryove~ 2016 Carr:yove,r. 201:5 CO(ryci'~er 2011 Carr:yOver· 2011

Carryover 2011

COMPLETED 2016 Carryover 201.3


Staff· recommends adding this. item

Staff.recommends adding this .. item Otizen..,inifiated action

stdff r~o_n~rilends COundl reassess priOrity (completion of _2015 Comp Plan update)

Sttiff".'.re-COmm&rids· _CoUnciJ_:·reassess Priorlty

Ord 61 3; Removed for 2017

. 2017 2017

Stoff· recomme"nds Council reossess··priority

Staff recommends changing to medium/high

Staff recommends· Cha:nging·to medium

Stoff'-reconlm_ends·-,Couricil'- re.assess pri~rity

Ord 635; Removed for 2017

Ord 634i Removed for 2017


ID # , Name/Description Priority Status :DADTEED


~ 23 ~




20 21 22 23 24 25

r-ee··ee·n~etiefl" EIA~ ·eJfe:~·p,ieAS" .. Aeei,t :b'Ge. SteAII ;, eter· ,v.·e·..-~SLift!1"e_Efa· .... ef"i111·~J·:·cettflt) A•,8 .. ttEII &Jtj,1«1l~e pesstbfi!fJej·_ f~P·-~er~:e81sit!·EIPL'e· ;; ·a,:·5

. Special Events · · ··

Req~-irin'sir·or_· 1iic~r'lt.ivizing ._suStOi~a:b'le,- reChn0·1ogies _ · ',,' ,' .. · .-

1-ie·iitoQ-e ·: tre-~ :-c>es1~·~at·f()i,· :J>r~~S~·:.-_1}p~~te Pe'r_fohJ,:_-c:Snc··· s·Uiety_ ·Optioiis-'·RevteW -. ·

. NOtse :Liniifott_ont)or•:_ShOi:,ti~S/ R·ohQes R·e·VteV/Lon·~;{ROri'cJ"8: :pf a_n'rlirig/Pr6-ceSs) ROte··of :pja'nnin~f _COriinitSSk>n Exp'cind·-s·ust0·1n(:lbl9\··DttVeiOp,nenfCityWidt:t.

· Opdcte lrifrastrudiJre'Stonddids


·.Ml@lt,. . ·· JAE! ~itl-~

'1¥:i·.eJ i8~{ Medlurii


Medium -, •' .

·Medium LOW LOW'' tow LOw·

COMPLEtED 2016 COMPLEtED.2016 • COMPLETED 2016 . COMPLETED 2016 NEW .. 2017


c·b:r·~yover: .COr,r.Yciver .tafr'yoV~r Ca·r·ryov~f :cai•ry·oy~r·

:.· .. CorfyOve·r

2ofr,. .2016

. 2012 2014 20.13 .·

Pre-2011 · .201)

Ord 6?Q)Remov;dJor ·2017 Ofcf634; Remdved for 2017 .

· Qrd 634i Ren1oved ioi 20l7 ': :Sfdff:r~C>_mii;erid_i(a'8dirig·_this.:-'itE!IT1:

, .. :-coundf)O· ... _cd.n .. S_i._d~r iif:.:thiS:>i's: t~··p,_eted\~it~:. ·new: uo· ·code ·9r if'amendffle,:it-,is·_needE!'d"

.. " - ·. . '' ' .·,:_' -~- ·,· ; .

. ·Staff"..reCCfo;'~endS;,,emOval ·of-"thiS· ·itein. Staff ,r~Cori;m·f!ndi{.'CoUri'Ctr reosse·:s·s-fhttitem

· St\lff ,&ornrt\ends dianging fd medium/high


Attachment 2 JLN 1/5/17

lA, 2A, 3A r -. I



Develop111ent Code Re"!'rite: Si.mplificatlon .of Developmilnt Codes Priority: High

. Ccrr over 20 1 3

Description: Major update of Title 21 W MC (Zoning Code). This update will overhaul the zoning code to reflect the City's 2015 Comprehensive Plan, citywide goals, state mandates, and local best practices in planning and development.

Status: Staff is reviewing the code and identifying priority sections requiring updates .

. 28 Permitttid Use Cleanup and S(inplificallon. Priority: High




Modernization and simplification of the Permitted Uses chapter.

Consolidation of land uses categories, eliminate incompatible uses Removal of NAICS code system and develop city~specific definitions for land use categories Review and supplement tourist~reloted uses in appropriate zones Review land use categories for compatibility with the Critical Areas Ordinance Review essential public facility uses and recycling facilities

• Update zone descriptions

Staff is completing a second draft of the chapter for internal review. A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in March 2017.

2C Industrial Di~tricts -Add Additional OsJs . - ; ' . :· .-f>r)ority: High

C9r ov~r __ . _ 20 l.L___._. __ Description:


Review permitted land use categories in the Industrial Zone and potentially include additional complementary uses. This includes reviewing limitations on sizes for eating and drinking establishments and retail sales of brewery or winemaking supplies.

Staff is completing a second draft of the chapter for internal review (part of Item 28). A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in March 2017 .

. 20. .. Pr(\hlblt Toverrs in ln~ustiial Distrlds,'Ex~,pt ~y Q~eiJ;.~~ ·. Priority, High

Catr over 2015 Description:


Currently, eating and drinking establishments ore allowed, but limited in size, within the Industrial Zone. This includes restaurants, breweries, bars, taverns and dubs. These different establishments are distinguished by the whether food is served, the type of alcohol for sale, and whether production is on­site. This docket item would remove or restrict certain types of drinking establishments in the Industrial Zone.

Staff recommends removal of this item.

2E .. °C(!ltect Pedeslri<in (:ore l3rou.~d Fi~QI R/lguireni~nls Map·. ,. ,_. - ·-. . . . . - . . ' ' '" , -_." . ,. . ,· ..

. <;ar over 20Hl. Description:


This map identifies the street locations where retail or residential is required on the ground floor of developments. This docket item corrects the map adopted in Ordinance No. 524

The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is reviewing a conceptual plan where active pedestrian activity would be prioritized in the Central Business District. This conceptual plan will be used to inform changes to the map.

2F Clarify R"!ltilatiori• fo; Klnclted Foods In Retai.1 i~nes Priorily: _ High

Carr over 2014



Kindred foods includes the manufacturing, milling, or processing row food into products for consumption. The current code limits the production of kindred foods and alcohol (wineries, breweries} within retail zones as a conditional use with size limitations. This docket item would review restrictions on these uses.

Staff is completing a second draft of the Permitted Uses chapter for internal review (port of Item 28). A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in Morch 2017.



2G Adillin!.$tratlve Con(!itional u,e Permit Proces$

Attachment 2 JLN I /5/17

Priority, High

Carryover . _0 201 ti Description: land use categories designated as 11conditional" uses in certain zones are required to undergo a

conditional use permit process. This is a quasi-judicial process requiring a public hearing and significant notification. This docket item would create an alternative administrative procedure, which would be a Director approval.

Status: Staff is researching this topic .

.. 2H East Frame,- i;vi~it Drive-Thru Capability Pri~dty: High

CdrrYOV~r 20 l S·



Drive-thru facilities are permitted in the East Frame Design District within the CBD and is prohibited in the Pedestrian Core Design District. This docket item would review whether drive-thru facilities would continue to be permitted in the East Frame.

The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on an illustrate guiding document for the Central Business District. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance.

-.. -.--.------,-- . - -

21 · Gas Stations ~. Clarify Design Districts Where Permitted · Ccirryover . 201 4 . . . . . .

Priority: High



Gas stations are a conditional use in the CBD and not permitted in the Pedestrian Core Design District. This docket item would review whether gas stations would continue to be a conditional use or permitted in the CBD.

Staff is completing a second draft of the Permitted Uses chapter for internal review (part of Item 28). A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in March 2017.

2J . . Consi~i.r Aff~ldable Housing Ait~r~alives (e.g. Cofl(!!l~Hblisi~~r. Priority, · High .·· ·201 0



This item would review the different housing types available and supportive of affordable and workforce housing. Options within this item may include requiring or incentivizing affordable housing minimums meeting certain income requirements, or developing codes to support alternative housing types such as cottage housing, micro units, or other types of housing to address the local demand for affordable units.

Staff hos not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

2K Remove Fireplace R'!lluirernents for .Residenti~I Unil~ in The CBI> Priority, ljigh

Carrrover . 2016

Description: Fireplaces are required in every apartment unit in the Central Business District. This docket item would remove the requirement for fireplaces in units.

Status: Staff is completing a second draft of the Permitted Uses chapter for internal review (part of Item 28). A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in March 2017.

2L _E_~:st Fra~ .. --.R~Ui~. or __ lriCenii_YJze_Re$id~ntiCl_i · Priority, High

· ·. Carryover 2016

Description: Multifamily housing is an allowed use in the East Frame, but not a required or incentivized component of development. This docket item would require or incentivize minimum density_ in the East Frame.

Status: Staff is completing a second draft of the Permitted Uses chapter for internal review (part of Item 2B). A draft is anticipated to be presented to Planning Commission in March 2017.

2M Consider Retc,U Size Limitatiort in th~ Peclestrian ,Core Design District Prio~ity: J/igh

NEW 2017

Description: This docket item would re-evaluate size limitations for retail uses in the Pedestrian Core Design District. Currently the code restricts sizes for some retail uses and not others.

-----1 Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

2N Add East Side of South Industrial Zon• to TDO Priority, High

Carryover 2016



This docket Item would extend the Tourist District Overlay (TDO) to the east half of Woodinville-Redmond Road

Staff has· not initialized work on this docket item at this time. s------------------"


Attachment 2 JLN 1/5/17

20 View ~o,rridor Protedion cind Develop~nt AgreementsJn the TB Priority: High

Carryover 201 4

Description: Identify view corridors from vantage points in the city and develop regulations to protect view corridors in Tourist Business Zone. Review develop triggers for development agreements for property south of 145th.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

iP ·.· Ali~wab]<) P~el!/~g !.I.nit Caiculqii;ri - R~~~d ~OYf~ ~nit fra~i9~;> Priority: Hi~h .•.. CariYover 2016 . . ·. . . .-.c.·· ..__· -'"-'·"-'"'·=~·~·~· ~~~~~-~-~-~c._-•"'.ci



When calculating density (number of units), allowed lot coverage, landscape coverage, average finished grade, and other dimensional requirements, numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number. This docket item would require calculations to be rounded down for density.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

· is ·•· Clarify Riitaining \Yd Us and F~~ces in Building Setbacks Priority: High

·· .. Nev, 2017.



Retaining walls under four feet and fences under six feet are permitted in building setbacks. This docket item would clarify the minimum distance before walls are considered separated for the purposes of height, and clarify height for fences to six feet and under.

-------------------This is a new docket Item. Staff hos not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

_Ac~_essory_ Dweliing··unil .- _D~finitfon_,--Appr~~Gi Proce~s Priority: High

:car(over 2013

Description: This docket item would provide a definition for accessory dwelling units, review existing regulations and processes for permitting, and update regulations where necessary to meet the city's policies and goals on housing.

Status: Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

· Priority: Hi11h

Description: The City implemented a business license program in 2015. This program overlaps with the existing home occupation permit process currently in place in the zoning code. This docket item will include review of the regulations and include changes to simplify the process for applicants.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

3~ ·Regula!~ Animals on R~s.identiaJ Lots Priority: High

New .2017



The code on farm animals originates from the City's incorporation. The existing regulations allow a significant number of animals on a property, considerably more than what would typically be found in a slngle~family development.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

3F .. D!s;o'sal i=atiliti~~ Dev,lapment Regulatio~s Cilr o\ii>r . . }b 1 °f .

Priority, High ·



. 3G



This docket item would examine impacts resulting from disposal facilities and revise regulations to include additional conditions or restrictions necessary to minimize impacts.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

·:2011 Currently, King County acts as the City's historic preservation staff. Their staff and committee make all decisions on compliance with the historic preservation regulations for the City's four listed properties. They also make the decisions on what properties to add as listed properties. This docket item considers what decisions should be made by the Cit and if a revised rocess is necessar

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.



3H Sign tode Review

Attachment 2 JLN 1/5/17

Priority, High

Carryov1r . 20 1 6 Description:


This docket item reviews the sign code against the City's other codes and policies on community design, aesthetics, and economic development, (!nd includes any necessary updates to meet Reed v. Gilbert.

Staff is researching this topic.

31 Prohibit Billboards ~nd Esl"blish Amottizafion Period .Priority: High




· 2015 New billboards are not permitted within the city limits. This docket item would create an amortization E.E!:rJod under state low to eliminate existing signage.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

Pri,;rity: Hii,~ 3J .·. ·. . Neighborhood l!le~lification Si11ns in the ROW

Carryover ; 201 2 Description:


This docket item would revise code to permit neighborhood or community identification signs (such as signs for subdivisions) in the right-of-way.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

3i< · R~ulat.; Signs <>nVehicle:s Priori;, fligh

Carryo•<>r . 201 2

Description: This docket item would regulate signs on vehicles.

Status: Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

. 3L Expand Tirne:frames for Tempc,rary Uses Priority, High ·

Carrypver ~CJ J 6



This docket item would extend the time limit for temporary uses from 180 days to a longer time limit (such as 2 years or multiple years).

Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

4A · · Recon$iileiW~•t,rn B~~ndary of the l'l<iine QesigniDistrid Priority: · High



'2015 This docket item would review the boundary of the East Frame Design District and the Pedestrian Core Design District and make any necessary revisions to update the boundary to meet the City's goals

The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on on illustrate guiding document for the Central Business District. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance.

48 . btoblish Sidewalk CQle Standards Pri~rity, . Hi.fin

Carryover 201 1 "



This docket item would review the zoning code and make necessary changes to allow sidewalk cafes on right-of-way or private walkways. Currently a restaurant obtains a building permit to establish occupancy of outdoor seat in~ areas.

Staff is researching this docket item.

4C . .. ~o ... rnetcial Design Standc,ids &. lllustrali~e Design Guide· Priority; High

-tOrl"yo'Ver 2012 This docket item would review the City's commercial design standards (Chapter 21.40) and Northwest Illustrated Guide in W MC 21.40.390, and make any necessary changes to better reflect the City's vision in the Downtown and Little Bear Creek area.


Status: The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on an illustrate guiding document for the Central Business District. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance.

4D · ConSidef"Da~ SkY" J>eVe_10.,ri,eilf R~ul<ltions · Priority, High .




2011 The current code requires building and freestanding lights within new commercial developments to be of specific brightness and to be directed downwards to avoid glare into streets or neighboring properties. This docket Item would further restrict these ston~c;!rds to reduce overall light trespass within the City.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

10 8

4E .RevieW ·Industrial Design Standards

Attachment 2 JLN 1/5/17

Priority: High New 2017



The current Industrial Design Standards were adopted in 2000 under Ordinance 294. No major updates have occurred since this period. This docket item would review the industrial design standards, update standards where necessary, and create code (rather than guidelines) for compliance.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

4F !!eview On~stieet Parking in the Old Town Area Priori/y, High tat over 2013

Description: Currently, on-street parking may not be counted as part of a business's minimum parking count. This docket item would review whether incorporating on-street parking is appropriate within the Old Town area,

---·-·-- ______ where lot configurations restrict site layouts. ·-----------·· _____ _

Status: Staff presented ordinance alternatives to Council, which were ultimately not passed. Council has directed staff to research alternatives and reconsider this item.

''4G · Pcir~lni,}1~11 Di~~•ions Bas~ .on Zoning !)i~k\d 'ca,rc>;.,, 2016 -

-_ i>dority, High

Description: Parking stall dimensions are currently regulated based on a parking lot or parking structure configuration. e-----------Th=i"-s__,d,,o,,ck=e! it~m would review and modify parking stall dimensions_ bo~ed on zoning district.

Status: The Parking Code was adopted in 2016 under Ordinance No. 615. Stoff recommends Council reassess this item to determine if this item was sufficiently reviewed under Ordinance No. 615 or if this item should move forward.

· 5A SEP,,1.!pd;;,,J · Priority, High :car over NEW ~012 2017

Description: SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) is regulated by Chapter 197-11 WAC. Updates to the SEPA regulations are necessary to align with recent changes to state law. This docket item also considers modifying the SEPA checklist to include information on traffic volumes, noise, and/or odor. ___ _

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

(!8 °Reqyire, Neighborhood Parks for Larger Single-fcimily Subdivisions Priority, High

Ca/to~l1i 2015

Description: Park or recreational space is required in single-family subdivisions. Regulations regarding the size, scope, or intensity of these parks is not specified in code. This docket item would consider standards for these parks.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

7A . -Ad_rriiriistrq_tiye Procedures :Opd,ate Priority, High Carr oV.ef -26 t 6

Description: This docket item clarifies and codifies processing procedures for permit applications.

Status: Staff is presenting a draft of this item to Planning Commission in January 2017.

78 Veit~rt"·_P,o~ediJreS Priority, High Corr ov_er - 2016 -

Description: This docket item clarifies when and for how long specific applications are vested to the Zoning Code.

Status: Staff is presenting a draft of this item under Docket Item 7A to Planning Commission in January 2017.

7C _. li_eview ~w~r l!."9uh,tions, Clc:,rify Nll_nirnum tot Sizt !'rid ~30..foot $kinda re! Priority, High

Cairyo'i~r/ 20 J5/ _ NEW 2017 -



This docket Item clarifies when hook-up connections to the sewer system are required, including reviewing the minimum lot size and the minimum 330-foot distance re uirement.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

7D -- -Ad;,,i~ist;.,ti:,e C:11nillti<1rial Use Permit Prio.rity, High Ccirf over



2014 This docket item would create a process for conditional use permits to be processed administratively, rather than throu h a uasi-judicial recess with a hearing.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

1 1


SA Northshore School District - Adoption of Capital Facilities Plan & School l111pact Fees - - - ·

Attachment 2 JLN l /5/17

Pri9rity: HifJh

NEW 2017



This docket item would incorporate the Northshore School District Capital Facilities Plan in the Comprehensive Plan and adopt school impact fee rates in Chapter 22.20 WMC.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

88 Whit& Stallion Rezone R-1 to NB Priority: High Ccir,YOver_



2016 This docket item would rezone two parcels in the R-1 to NB zone, including a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zonin~ Mop Amendment.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

SC OJd Schoolhous" Rezone P /I to CBD Priority: High

NEW" "2017 This docket Item would rezone the Old Schoolhouse/Carol Edwards Center property in the P /I to CBD Description: zone, including a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoninga.c.Mcca=p~Am=~e"nd=mcceccncct. __________ _

Status: The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on an illustrate guiding document for the Central Business District, including review of elements on the Old Schoolhouse Property. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance.

SD Woo~-Duvall/tlE N Wood Way Rezone R-1 to 0 Priority: 't/i~h

NEW 201!



This docket item would rezone a portion of vacated right-of-way designated as R-1 to O zone, including a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket Item at this time.

. BE Add Wil~!ll<i/Mobility Corridors h> the Compr!ih~~slve Plan Priority, -Mil</i~l11

f?atryover . 2014

Description: This docket item would amend the Comprehensive Plan to include wildlife and mobility corridors.

------Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

SF North Ar~ Annexaiion/UGA Expansion Priority, Medium ·

~arryo'fer 201 1 Description: This docket item would annex the urban growth area north of the city limits.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

9A - .·c,a,,fy_\,l_iiiit~~s i~_ th~_Con·serv_ail_(;Y En~ifO~.m~nt Pfic,rity: Hill~

carryover 2016

Description: Currently, utilities are permitted in-water and more than l 00-feet from the water, but not between O and 100 feet. This docket item would change utilities to a permitted or conditional use in between the O to 100-foot area {Conservancy Environment).

Status: Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

98 Upclc,te Criti~al Areas Ordinance in Shoreline Master Pr11gram Priority, /f/gh

NEW 2017

Description: This docket item would update the Shoreline Moster Program to use the Critical Areas Ordinance adopted

In 2016.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

9C ;!!)19 Shoreline Master Progr';'m, Update Priority: Mediu.m

NJW 2017



The current Shoreline Master Program was adopted in 2009. This docket item is o major routine review and update of this program, including codification of the document.

Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

.10 Northwest Gateway Subarea Plan Priority: High

Carryover 2011

Description: The Northwest Gateway Subarea is the portion of the GB zone west of 131 n Ave NE. This docket item would develop a subarea plan to support redevelopment of this area.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this dockE 1 2 1 at this time. ____________________ _J


Attochment 2 JLN 1/5/17

11 Evaluate Architectural Standards for the CBD, TB, and TOO Priority:, Hi('Jh

Carryovt;r. __ 20"16 ·--··-- _ _ _ . -~-~·~--~·~-~·-1 Description: This docket item review existing architectural standards (design guidelines) in the CBD, TB, and TDO.

Status: The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on an illustrate guiding document for the Central Business District. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance.

12 '_,, . .-.--. ""7"··· ~ .

QI~ Town Subarea l'Jan' • ··. Priority/High Carrvover · '20 1 (, , . _· ,.

Description: The Old Town Suborea is the portion of the CBD west of the Sammamish River. This docket item would '------------'d,,e,_velop a subarea plan to support redevelopment of this area.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

Priqr_ity:· M~dium 13 . Litt!; Bec,rC/ee~ Ma$1~iil'lan Review a-:.d Update . .·

Catr•over 201 5 . .. . .

Description: This docket item would review and update the little Bear Creek Master Plan adopted under Ordinance -----------'N=o'-. -'4_,.80~._~_~5hanges may include boundaries, height1 floor area Eatio (FAR); street profiles, or size limit.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

14 Civic Call)pys Masled'la~ ~~yie\N- /ind Upilale -~ · · · Pr(ori/y: Jow 1. .. -_ ~COr!Jj_§ver ___ · 2011 · · = .· =

Description: This docket item would review and update the Civic Campus Master Plan adopted under Resolution No.

-·----------~1.:_98,c.,·-------------------------·-·-------------------j Status: The Downtown Visioning Subcommittee is working on an illustrate guiding document for the Central

Business District. This item is on hold pending direction and guidance. .

15 Tolirist D1$1ric\ Ma~ier l'lan Update Prior}ty: Low

Catrvover . ';l() 11 ..

Description: This docket item would review and update the Tourist District Moster Pion from 1997.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

16 -. .- . · .. "·, .·.- .· _-.· ' . . . :· ' .. ·, ... : ._=--=-: ---:-:- . ·rran$poi1atlan Masi1>r Plan Upda.i. loi,!'l_on~!'t'otorized Transport Priority, Low

Cart.ito~er -· · ·--2o 1 ·1 - · -· -· · .:: . · : · Description: This docket item would update the City's 2009 Transportation Moster Plan to include provisions for Non-

motorized transportation, such as walking and bicycling. -·------"'==========-=-===-=====--------------·-·-----~ Status: Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

-_ ... ----:- ---:-_ . --: : . -. . . . ' ; -_-: . _ _. ..

17 · Review Private Road Standards/Minin,um i;>ensity Conflicts Priority, 1-jigh

-· GatrVOY:er · 2013 .. · ' .. . . ·. . Description: R-4 through R-48 zones must meet minimum density requirements. Depending on site constraints, this may

prevent subdivision due to conflicts with the city's standard for requiring a public road when more than four lots access a common drive. This docket item would review options regarding minimum density

'--------'-''e=nuc,i:.:••c:m::e:,.n:clc,s_,ac:n~vate rood standards.

Status: Staff hos not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

18 . • SpecialEve~ts , . . Priority: .Mecllvm

NEW 2017 . .·. . . Description: Ordinance No. 616 was adopted to permit special events ore permitted in City Porks and included major

restructuring of Chapter 8.12 WMC. This docket item would review code conflicts and administrative orocedures to streamline the code.

Status: Stoff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time. .

19 Priority, Medium ~ > . . . . .

Requiring or lntentivizing Sustainable Technologies .Car""· 2016 · · . .

Description: This docket item would review practices in sustainable development and technology, identify code barriers, and nroriose code changes where necessary to encouraae or require this type of develooment.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

13 11

20 · He~ita11e Tree Designation Process

Attachment 2 JLN 1/5/17

Priority, Medium

<::arryover 20 16 Description: ---

This docket item would codify a process to designate heritage trees. -----------------!

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

21 .. · ~urety Qptio~s Review Carryover 2012

Priority: Medium

Description: This docket item would review and clarify overlapping sections of code regarding performance and 1----------maintenance surety options, including type of guarantees allowed and amount required.

Status: Staff has not initjalized work on this docket item at this time.

Noi.~ -tirrii1Gti9n·~-'fdi:S·h~otj°n_g·· Rarig~J 2;! ••. .\ </.

)'rlqrity:C · Lo.w

Cg!ryo'fer ·



2014 This docket item would restrict permissible noise levels resulting from shooting ~;ges in Chapter 8.08 WMC.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

23 _··R._~~i~~- L~~g- .ll~'.~9-~ Plc:i·n;n~:ng'··Pro«;,~_S, "R!.l.~--of-.P,.i'~nriin'~'-:F~-~mi_Ssfo~ Prioriiy: Low

Carryover 2013



Comprehensive plan and zoning code amendments are required to have a public hearing at the Planning Commission, who then makes a recommendation to Council. Council may choose to hold their own public hearing as well. This docket item would consider removing a required public hearing at the Planning Commission level, instead using study sessions.

Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

24 El<pand Sustc,inabl~ Development Citywide . Pri'ority: Jow ~~rrypv_e; --~ p;.~~2Q'1_-1

Description: This docket item would extend the 2007 Sustainable Development Study to the entire city.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

25 l,lpdat~ lnfri,st,ud~~ Sta~dard~ l'ri9rity: LQW

, c;arryover 2P 11

Description: The City's Transportation Infrastructure Standards were adopted in 1999 and amended in 2004, 2013 and 2016. This docket item would include a comprehensive review and update of the document to comply with re.9.ulations and best engineering practices.

Status: Staff has not initialized work on this docket item at this time.

14 12

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