city of lincoln city council, public … · redevelopment successor agency regular meeting ......

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August 22, 2017OPEN SESSION MEETING City Hall - Third Floor Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Gilbert at 6:03PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Councilmen present: Paul Joiner

Dan Karleskint Mayor Pro Tem: Stan Nader Mayor: Peter Gilbert

Councilmen absent: Gabriel Hydrick Roll Call: 5 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.

Staff members present: Matt Brower, City Manager Bruce Cline, Interim City Attorney Steve Ambrose, Support Services Director

Mike Davis, Fire Battalion Chief Jennifer Hanson, Public Services Director

Doug Lee, Police Chief Ray Leftwich, City Engineer Gwen Scanlon, City Clerk Matthew Wheeler, Community Development Director

Various City employees, consultants and members of the public were also present. 3. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION – Mayor Gilbert announced there was nothing to report. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh. 5. INVOCATION by Pastor Sarah Quinney of St. James Episcopal Church. 6. AGENDA REVIEW MODIFICATION - NONE 7. CITIZENS ADDRESSING COUNCIL a) Byron Chapman, a Lincoln resident, stated he hoped the heatwave was slowly leaving and complimented the City personnel on their efforts taking care of streets and landscaping as they are in pristine condition.

8. COUNCIL INITIATED BUSINESS - NONE 9. PRESENTATIONS 9.A. Presentation of "Gig City" plaque by Ishmel Goodrum, WAVE Senior Vice President to Mayor Gilbert. 10. CONSENT Mayor Gilbert asked if anyone would like to pull any items from the Consent Agenda. Byron Chapman, a Lincoln resident, requested Item 10C, Deputy City Clerk Position, be pulled for discussion. Councilman Joiner moved for approval of the balance of the consent agenda, seconded by Councilman Hydrick. By the following Vote (Approved): Joiner – Aye, Hydrick – Aye, Karleskint – Aye, Nader – Aye and Gilbert- Aye, the following items:


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10.A. Minutes - Approve minutes of August 3, 2017 work session and August 8, 2017 Regular City Council meetings.

10.B. Warrants - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-177 approving warrants of August 4 and 11, 2017. 10.D. Approve plans and technical specifications for metering station improvements for the Lincoln-Penryn Phase 3 Project - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-179 approving the plans and technical specifications, and authorize the City Engineer to proceed with the bidding process for the construction of the metering station improvements for CIP 307-Lincoln-Penryn Phase 3 Project.

10.E. Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for Street and Highway and Utility Purposes associated with the Leavell 360 Lot Line Adjustment - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-180 authorizing the City Manager to consent to an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for public street and highway and utility purposes, to provide access to Resultant Parcel 3 of the Leavell 360 Lot Line Adjustment.

10.F. KASL Consulting Engineers Agreement for preliminary engineering, environmental documentation and final design for the Crosswalk Enhancements at Various Locations Project - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-181 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with KASL Consulting Engineers (KASL) in the amount of $60,560 for professional engineering, environmental; right-of-way and final design for the Crosswalk Enhancements at Various Locations Project. The fiscal year 2017/18 CIP budget includes funding in the amount of $65,650, with $45,000 from HSIP Fund 298 and $20,650 from Fund 221 (Streets) for the Crosswalk Enhancements at Various Locations Project.

10.G. Pothole Repair Project (CIP 420) - Execute Contract for Construction - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-182 authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for construction with Lamon Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $159,512, and authorizing the City Engineer to approve change orders not to exceed $16,000 for the Pothole Repair Project to be paid from Fund 221 – Gas Tax.

10.H. Purchase of Two (2) Autocar/Heil Liberty Residential Solid Waste Collection Trucks - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-183 authorizing the City Manager to purchase two Heil Liberty solid waste collection trucks from Preferred Truck and Equipment for use by the Solid Waste Division of the Public Services Department, using a cooperative purchasing agreement with the National Joint Powers Association (NJPA) Contract #112014-THC in an amount not to exceed $632,242 from Fund 731 - Solid Waste Capital Replacement. ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 10.C. Deputy City Clerk Position - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-178 approving the assignment of the Deputy City Clerk position to the City of Lincoln classification plan, and establish an hourly, monthly and annual salary. a) Byron Chapman, a Lincoln resident, questioned if the records portion would be eliminated, whether a 5% raise was automatic and if the anticipated retirement date was firm. Mayor Gilbert stated the records portion would continue by the Deputy City Clerk, a merit increase is not automatic and the retirement date is not firm as that is up to the employee. Councilman Joiner moved for approval of this item, seconded by Councilman Hydrick. By the following Vote (Approved): Joiner – Aye, Hydrick – Aye, Karleskint – Aye, Nader – Aye and Gilbert- Aye, the following item: RESOLUTION 2017-178 approving the assignment of the Deputy City Clerk position to the City of Lincoln classification plan, and establish an hourly, monthly and annual salary.

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Mayor Gilbert requested current Fire Chief Kurt Snyder introduce the new Fire Chief Bill Hack. Fire Chief Hack thanked the Council and stated he was looking forward to serving Lincoln and Rocklin.

11. Public Hearings 11.A. Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project - (1) Conduct a public hearing for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project; consider the information contained in the staff report and testimony of the public; and, take the following action: (2) Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-184, determining that the Addendum to the Certified Village 1 Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) is the appropriate level of documentation to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on a determination that no new or substantially more severe impacts would result from the project and the prior analysis contained in the originally certified Village 1 FEIR adequately addresses environmental impacts; (3) Introduce and waive first reading of ORDINANCE 949B approving an Amendment to the Village 1 General Development Plan for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project; (4) Introduce and waive first reading of ORDINANCE 950B approving the Hidden Hills Project Development Agreement; (5) Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-185, approving the Large Lot Tentative Map for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project; and, (5) Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-186, approving one Small Lot Tentative Subdivision Map with two alternative parcel configurations for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project. Steve Prosser, Senior Planner, gave a brief staff report and powerpoint presentation and referenced a desk item with changes recommended by staff, made a part of these minutes by mention thereof. A lengthy Council discussion ensued regarding the small lot tentative subdivision map alternatives dealing with park and recreation center, woodland canopy, emergency vehicle access (EVA), park in lieu fees and regional park, interim financing or wildland fires, trails/pathways fencing and area of map identified as ‘not a part of this subdivision (NAPOTS). Ed Johannsen, Project Applicant, complemented staff and the transformation since four years ago and the City of Lincoln is in the top echelon. He continued this project was a step behind the initial Village1 projects but timing wise this project came in just after the Village 1 Specific Plan, Infrastructure Plan and the Turkey Creek Development Agreement had been completed. Mr. Johannsen continued the two alternatives in the small lot map will allow are for active adult communities and will allow affordability and manageability. He highlighted this project is one of five in Village 1, Phase 1 and the first phase typically has higher costs as they are constructing infrastructure such as Oak Tree Lane intersection improvements including the Village 1 waterline and sewer line. Mr. Johannsen concluded by saying Village 1 does not have a lot of commercial development but the homes constructed in this project will support the economic development of Downtown. Tony Frayji, Frayji Design Group and Project Engineer, stated his appreciation for staff and that this project will have a typical lot size and will have same setbacks as the Sun City Lincoln Hills project. He continued there will be limited access to adjoining Crocker Knoll with a gated EVA but that there is trail connectivity and all Village 1 projects are paying the same amount for parks as stated in the Infrastructure Financing Plan. Mayor Gilbert opened the public hearing at 7:04PM with the following comments: a) Gaye McIntosh, a Lincoln resident, stated she and her husband are pleased with the buffer between their development, Sun City Lincoln Hills (SCLH), and this project but wonders what restrictions there will be on the Open Space in the Hidden Hills project and who will enforce them. Mr. Johannsen stated the Hidden Hills project will have a homeowner’s association and will have similar restrictions to the SCLH Open Space.

Page 4 of 5 City Council, Public Finance Authority and Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting August 22, 2017 Another brief Council discussion ensued regarding the paths and Open Space, parks and contaminated water plume at nearby Crocker Knoll development and proximity to this development. Bruce Cline, Interim City Attorney, stated the first resolution should be acted on separately but all other actions could be combined. Councilman Joiner moved for approval of the first resolution associated with this item, seconded by Councilman Karleskint. By the following Vote (Approved): Joiner – Aye, Karleskint – Aye, Nader – Aye, Hydrick – Aye and Gilbert- Aye the following item: RESOLUTION 2017-184, determining that the Addendum to the Certified Village 1 Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) is the appropriate level of documentation to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on a determination that no new or substantially more severe impacts would result from the project and the prior analysis contained in the originally certified Village 1 FEIR adequately addresses environmental impacts. Councilman Hydrick moved for approval of the remaining resolutions and ordinances associated with this item, seconded by Councilman Nader. Councilman Karleskint amended the motion to include the modifications suggested in the desk item. By the following Vote (Approved): Hydrick – Aye, Nader – Aye, Joiner – Aye, Karleskint – Aye and Gilbert- Aye the following items: (1) Introduction and waiver of first reading of ORDINANCE 949B approving an Amendment to the Village 1 General Development Plan for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project; (2) Introduction and waiver of first reading of ORDINANCE 950B approving the Hidden Hills Project Development Agreement; (3) RESOLUTION 2017-185, approving the Large Lot Tentative Map for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project; and, (4) RESOLUTION 2017-186, approving one Small Lot Tentative Subdivision Map with two alternative parcel configurations for the Hidden Hills Residential Subdivision Project.

11.B. Marijuana Ordinance - Introduce and waive first reading of ORDINANCE 948B repealing Chapter 18.34, Articles IV and V, Sections 18.34.120 - 220, and re-enact Chapter 18.34.120-18.34.200 of the Lincoln Municipal Code regulating the Sale, Delivery, and Cultivation of Marijuana, and ending the Moratorium Prohibiting the Outdoor Cultivation of Marijuana and Sale of Non-Medical Marijuana that was enacted on November 15, 2016 – THIS PUBLIC HEARING WAS BEEN CONTINUED, DATE CERTAIN TO SEPTEMBER 12, 2017.

12. General Business 12.A. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between City of Lincoln and Lincoln Professional Firefighters Association for term beginning October 1, 2016 and March 31, 2019 - Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-187 approving the Memorandum of Understanding between Lincoln Professional Firefighters’ Association (LPFA) and City of Lincoln. The estimated total cost of the negotiated provisions listed is $98,068 over the term of the twenty-nine (29) month contract from the General Fund. Astrida Trupovnieks, Human Resources and Strategic Initiatives Manager, gave a brief staff report. Larry Menth, Lincoln Professional Firefighters’ Association Negotiator, noted for the record that the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 4354 should be added to the agreement. Mr. Menth also credited the firefighters as they pointed out an error in the vacation day accrual that the agreement shows 132 hours which should be 123 and thereby forewent a benefit. Mr. Menth also pointed out the agreement addresses the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) problem of an increase in actual and unfunded liability and the 13 step structure of this agreement addresses issue of reciprocity. Mayor Gilbert opened and closed the public hearing at 7:32PM with no comment. Councilman Joiner moved for approval of this item, seconded by Councilman Karleskint. By the following Vote (Approved): Joiner – Aye, Karleskint – Aye, Hydrick – Aye, Nader – Aye and Gilbert- Aye the following item: RESOLUTION 2017-187 approving the Memorandum of Understanding between Lincoln

Page 5 of 5 City Council, Public Finance Authority and Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting August 22, 2017 Professional Firefighters’ Association (LPFA) and City of Lincoln. The estimated total cost of the negotiated provisions listed is $98,068 over the term of the twenty-nine (29) month contract from the General Fund. 13. INFORMATION ITEMS Mayor Gilbert announced the groundbreaking of the John Adams Academy in Lincoln with brief Council discussion following. Councilman Hydrick commended a Public Services employee for picking up trash near the Salt Mine. 14. ADJOURNMENT by Mayor Gilbert at 7:40PM.

Submitted by: Gwen Scanlon, City Clerk

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