city of edinburgh french level 1 greetings first level significant aspects of learning use language...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Slide 2 City of Edinburgh French Level 1 Greetings Slide 3 First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Appreciate and understand the value of language learning Recognise familiar written words when listening Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help understanding. Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable conversations Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary Actively take part in daily routines Listen and join in with stories, song or poem Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others using resources to support learning Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple opinions and asking simple questions Slide 4 Vocabulary 1. Greetings Build into daily routines starting with Bonjour and Au revoir and then gradually adding in more vocabulary as learners progress. Bonjour Hello Bonjour tout le monde!Hello everyone! Bonjour Madame!Hello Miss Bonjour Monsieur! Hello Sir Salut!Hi On fait lappelWe will take the register PrsentPresent (for boys) PrsentePresent (for girls) AbsentAbsent (for boys) AbsenteAbsent (for girls) Au revoirGoodbye Fais dodoGo to sleep Bonne nuit!Good night! Bon week-endHave a nice weekend A demain!See you tomorrow! Slide 5 Bonjour tout le monde! Slide 6 Bonjour Madame! Slide 7 Bonjour Monsieur! Slide 8 Salut! Slide 9 On fait lappel! Slide 10 Prsent Prsente Slide 11 AbsentAbsente Slide 12 Au revoir! Slide 13 A demain! Slide 14 Bon week-end! Slide 15 Fais dodo Slide 16 Bonne nuit! Slide 17 Embedding the language Using the greetings as part of everyday routine in class e.g. Bonjour at the start of everyday, demain at the end of the day and bon week-end on a Friday at the end of the school day! Do the register in French each morning teacher says, on fait lappel and pupils respond with bonjour or prsent(e) and absent(e). Use a Bonjour song and/or an Au revoir song at the start and end of each day. Slide 18 Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Slide 19 Activit 1 Greeting of the week! Salutation de la semaine! Slide 20 Activit 1 Greeting of the week! Salutation de la semaine! Listen to the different ways you can say hello and goodbye in French. Choose the ones you like best and use them all this week both in and out of school! Slide 21 Bonjour! Salut! H! Coucou! Slide 22 E.g. H tout le monde! mes amistout le monde! Slide 23 Bonne journe! Au revoir! A bientt A la prochaine! Now choose a way of saying goodbye! Slide 24 Salut Je men vais! A toute lheure Ciao! Here are some more ways of saying goodbye! Slide 25 Salut!Hi! H!Hey! Bonjour! Hello! Coucou! Hey there! Au revoirGoodbye A bienttSee you soon Bonne journe Have a good day A la prochaine!Until the next time Je men vais! Im outta here A toute lheureSee you later! Salut!Bye! Ciao! Slide 26 Activit 2 Bonjour et au revoir dancing! Slide 27 Bonjour et au revoir dancing 1.Pupils walk around the class whilst some French music plays. As they walk around, they should greet each other saying Bonjour! 2.Teacher then plays more lively music and everyone skips and mimes wearing a backpack and waving to each other and saying demain! to each other. 3.Music gets even livelier and pupils now dance about saying bon week-end! 4.Lastly the music is sad and they pretend to cry and look sad, waving each other goodbye saying au revoir! Slide 28 Ecoutez la musique et signez bonjour avec la main! dites bonjour... marchez Slide 29 Ecoutez la musique et signez au revoir avec la main! dites demain... sautillez Slide 30 Ecoutez la musique et signez au revoir avec la main! dites bon week-end... dansez Slide 31 Ecoutez la musique et signez au revoir avec la main! dites au revoir... pleurez Slide 32 Activit 3 Greetings and gestures around the world! Slide 33 Comment dire bonjour autour du monde! Slide 34 Different cultures say hello to each in different ways. Not everyone shakes hands like we do in Scotland! Read and listen to the texts about how people greet each other in different countries and test them out in class! Can you create your own class greeting? Slide 35 En Ecosse... Slide 36 on serre la main! Slide 37 Ou on fait un clin. Slide 38 En France Slide 39 on fait la bise. Slide 40 You can see how many kisses you give in different part of France on the website here. Slide 41 Les Maoris en Nouvelle- Zlande Slide 42 frottent les nez! Slide 43 Au Tibet Slide 44 on tire la langue! Slide 45 Comme a! Slide 46 Au Japon... Slide 47 on sincline..avec les mains le long du corps. Slide 48 comme a! Slide 49 En Thalande... Slide 50 on sincline..avec les mains jointes en prire. Slide 51 Comme a! Slide 52 Au Groenland... Slide 53 on appuie..le front et le nez contre lautre personne Slide 54 et on expire! Slide 55 Travaillez en groupe et inventez une salutation de classe! Slide 56 Activit 4 Collecting Hellos! Slide 57 Collecting Hellos! This activity could be organised in groups and could be run as a competition to see how many Hellos each group can find. In this task, pupils work to find as many ways of saying Hello as they can from either in the school or both in and out of school. This could then be used to make a display and could also generate discussion. Some facts on the number of language spoken around the world are included on the next slide! To support pupils with this, you can print off the next slide with vocabulary. Slide 58 Les langues du monde! Il y a there is/there are dansin environabout le monde the world parler to speak une languea language le monde the world Slide 59 Il y a environ 6500 langues parles dans le monde. Slide 60 Il y a environ 150 langues parles en Ecosse! Slide 61 Il y a combien de langues dans ton cole? Slide 62 Il y a ____langues parles dans notre cole. Slide 63 Lets listen to some examples of different languages from around the world! Slide 64 An Inuit folktale in Inuit and English. Slide 65 Russian folktale with English subtitles. Slide 66 Swahili story. Slide 67 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Slide 68 Bonjour, Salut song Slide 69 Bonjour tout le monde Slide 70 Au revoir song Slide 71 Au revoir! song lyrics These go with the song on the next slide La journe est finie! The day is finished Cest le temps de te direIts time to say to you Merci, la prochaine Thanks, see you next time! La journe est finie! The day is finished Cest le temps de te direIts time to say to you Merci, demain. Thanks, see you tomorrow! La journe est finie! The day is finished Cest le temps de te direIts time to say to you Merci, bientt! Thanks, see you soon! La journe est finie! The day is finished! Cest le temps de te direIts time to say to you! Merci, au revoir! Thanks, goodbye! Slide 72 Slide 73 World hello song Slide 74 Au revoir!

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