city lit painting presentation

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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This was a short introduction on painting given to City Lit Fine Art Students


Unit objectives

• Consider 3 main themes as a means of examining contemporary fine art practice

• Analyse and evaluate the content of a major exhibition • Begin to make links between the ideas of contemporary

artists and your own personal work• Give a presentation to the group, receive feedback and

articulate a response to this feedback

Outcomes for today’s session

• Define some of the themes/methods explored by contemporary painters

• Conduct independent research on a chosen theme and artist

• Present this information to the group

• Give and receive feedback on presentations

Why has Painting Survived?

Painting and Politics

Jules de Balincourt ‘Ambitious New Plans’

Painting and Racial Identity

Mark Bradford

Painting and Gender

Cecily Brown

Willem de Kooning

The Tradition of Painting

Tomma Abts

Frank Auerbach

Glenn Brown


Marcus Harvey


Ian McKeever

Painting and other disciplines

Luc Tuymans

Peter Doig

Painting and Architecture

Chris Ofili & David Adjaye The Upper Room- Tate Britain

The Venice Biennale

Painting and society

Anri Sala

The task• The Task• In this presentation there were several themes and sub-themes covered;• Diversity within Painting• 1. Politics (Jules de Balincourt)• 2. Race (Mark Bradford)• 3. Gender (Cecily Brown)• 4. The Tradition of Painting (Tomma Abts & Glenn Brown)• 5. Painting that is shocking (Marcus Harvey)• 6. Or subdued and contemplative (Ian McKeever)• Painting and collaboration with other disciplines• 7. Painting and photography/film (Luc Tuymans and Peter Doig)• 8. Painting and Architecture (Chris Ofili and David Adjaye)• Painting and society• 9. As a tool for social improvement (Anri Sala)

• In your group decide upon 1 out of these 9 sub-themes and conduct some research on a contemporary artist that has explored this theme. (Don’t use any of the artists from the presentation)

• Use internet (google) or the library.• Then make some notes on their ideas & how these were expressed through their work.

(Save images onto a disk-ideally in PowerPoint which we can then project-if not in powerpoint then save the images onto a disk)

• You will then present your information to the group with the support of this visual imagery

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