città o xxii vaticano m news letter - news letter no. xxii · march 2011 february 24th ,...

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No. XXII March 2011Cittàdel


The cardINal GraNd MasTer

subMITshIs resIGNaTIoN

On the evening of 24 February the Members of the Grand Magisterium, together with the Lieutenants, Grand Priors and Magi-stral Delegates, received news that filled all of them with great concern: our revered Cardinal Grand Master, John P. Foley, had resigned. The Governor General, H.E. Prof. Agosti-no Borromeo informed the Members of the Grand Magisterium, Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates of the step taken by the Cardinal Grand Master:

The CardinalGrand MasTer subMiTshis resiGnaTion reFleCTionsoF a reTirinGGrand MasTer PoPe benediCT XVi:a senTenCe FroM The“urbi eT orbi” MessaGe FroM TheGrand MaGisTeriuM a MessaGe ForChrisTMas 2010 ThirTY euroPeanbishoPsin The holY land The sound oFChrisTianiTY oVerJerusaleM












News LetterNews Letterii no. XXii · MarCh 2011

February 24th , 2011

Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Your Excellencies and dear Confreres,

With deep regret I have been given the painful task of transmitting to you a letter dated February 21, 2011, with which His Eminence the Most Reverend Cardinal John Patrick Foley announces that he tendered to the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI his resignation as Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

I am certain I voice the general feeling of all the members of our insti-tution in expressing to His Eminence our common, deep gratitude. Gratitude for the hard work, efficiency and wisdom with which he led us for three and a half years. Gratitude for the incisive spiritual impetus he impressed upon our militancy within the Order and our charitable mission on behalf of the Holy Land. Gratitude for the example he has given us of generous altruism, joyful serenity and fearless courage in bearing physical suffering. Gratitude, finally, for edifying us with the witness of his unwavering faith and submission to the Divine Will.

His presence among us was a gift from the Lord. Personally, I consider it a privilege to have been able to offer my services under his enlightened and authoritative guidance. On behalf of all, I wish to assure His Eminence the Most Reverend Cardinal Foley that we gather around him and that he can always count on our closeness to him by means of our thoughts and prayers.

I am grateful, therefore, to His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Giuseppe De Andrea, Apostolic Nuncio and Assessor of the Order, for having immediately assumed the duties which fall upon him in accordance with our Constitution. I am sure that his proven experience and his thorough knowledge of various issues will enable him to lead with a steady hand the Order’s life. I assure him of the Order’s and my personal full and indefatigable cooperation in all circumstances.

May the Lord recompense our Cardinal Grand Master for all the good things he did!

I send to your Eminences and your Excellencies the assurance of my highest consideration.

aGosTino borroMeoGovernor General

News LetterNews Letteriii no. XXii · MarCh 2011

We reprint below thCardinal Grand Master’s letterof 22 February:

News LetterNews LetteriV no. XXii · MarCh 2011

The Order’s Assessor,Archbishop De Andrea,subsequently wrote the following letterto the Members of the Order:

February 24th, 2011

Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Your Excellencies and dear Confreres,

We all have carefully and emotionally read the letter from the Grand Master His Eminence Cardinal John Patrick Foley dated 21 February, announ-cing his resignation to the Holy Father from the government of the Order becau-se of his serious health conditions.

His words reveal once again his strength of character, his feelings of kindness and serene and deep faith.

Our gratitude and admiration towards His Eminence Cardinal John Patrick Foley should be expressed in fervent prayer that the Lord grant him solace and peace during this time, and by each of us, in a renewed commitment of hard-working militancy within our beloved Order.

While trustfully awaiting that the Holy Father appoints a new Grand Master, I assume, according to the Constitution, Article 19, par. 2, the Order’s representation and regency in cooperation with the Statutory Bodies provided under the present circumstances. I promise to serve the Order as best as I can and I have confidence in your united prayers.

In the Risen Lord, yours

arChbishoP GiusePPe de andreaAssessor of the Equestrian Order

of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

News LetterNews LetterV no. XXii · MarCh 2011

reFlecTIoNs oF a reTIrING GraNd MasTer

I had been a member of the order since the early 1990s, after Cardinal Caprio and russell Kendall had invited me to join. Cardinal Caprio had also kindly invited me to speak to the Grand Magisterium on the spirituality of the order.

Thus, while the order was known to me, i had not been deeply involved in its activi-ties, much less in its administration. i do recall that i asked to be affiliated with the eastern lieutenancy of the united states, headquartered in new York, which included my home archdiocese of Philadelphia. in that way also, my periodic contributions, small as they were, could be deducted from my Federal income Tax! unfortunately, because i worked in rome as president of the Pontifical Council for social Communications, i could not attend the meetings of the lieutenancy.

after i was appointed Grand Master, however, i resolved to work every day in the central offices of the order and to visit as many lieutenancies as possible for investitures and for other special occasions.

i was happy to note that the then Governor General, Pier luigi Parola, was wor-king for ever greater transparency and accountability in the management of the finances of the order. The fact that he had to commute from his home in Milan, however, was pro-ving very wearing for him and very difficult for his wife. after accepting his resignation, i was extremely fortunate to obtain the consent of Count agostino borromeo, professor of Church history at two universities in rome and President of the Circolo di roma and a for-mer Chancellor of the order, to become the new Governor General. happily, adolfo rina di agreed to remain in his important work as Vice-Governor of the order.

In June 2007, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone informed me that I was being named Pro-Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Since that time, it has been my great privilege to be the admittedly unworthy leader of a truly great and historic organization of lay men and women around the world intent on their own spiritual development and on the support of their brother and

sister Christians in the Holy Land, the land of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

News LetterNews LetterVi no. XXii · MarCh 2011

in the united states, Cardinal Justin rigali agreed to assign Father hans brouwers of the archdiocese of Philadelphia as my personal assistant and i was happy to be able to appoint him also as Vice-Chancellor and later Chancellor of the order. The holy Father honored him with an appointment as Chaplain of his holiness with the title of Monsignor.

i was also most grateful that archbishop Giuseppe de andrea, a priest from ivrea who had become incardinated in the diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, before being appointed as nuncio to Kuwait, kindly accepted being named assessor of the order, the prelate who acts on behalf of an impeded or absent Grand Master.

With the new leadership team in place, we were able to work to unify the staff by bringing the administration from offices at sant’onofrio on the Janiculum hill back to our central office, after we guaranteed that the integrity of our records would be respected as a central entity of the Catholic Church and the holy see. This made it possible for us to ga-ther at noon every day for prayer and it reinforced the unity of our staff.

shortly before i submitted my resignation to the secretary of state and to the holy Father, Governor General borromeo made it known to me that the order had achieved three “firsts” in the year 2010:

1) the largest amount of donations ever received: 10.3 million euros ($13.7 million);2) the largest number of members in history: more than 28,000;3) the largest number of jurisdictions: 58, with new jurisdictions in brasil, russia,

south africa, and italy – with promising developments in india, new Zealand and Croatia.

as all our members know, it is our desire to have rental income from the hotel Colum-bus to cover all the administrative expenses of the Grand Magisterium. negotiations are continuing to this end – and it is our prayer that this longstanding preoccupation may soon be finally resolved.

i renew my thanks to almighty God for the great grace to have been appointed by our holy Father as the Grand Master of the equestrian order of the holy sepulchre of Jerusa-lem.

i renew my thanks to our officers and staff and to all our members for their splendid cooperation in a spirit of faith and charity.

i renew my thanks to Patriarch Fouad Twal and to the clergy, religious and faithful of the latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem for their wonderful example of fidelity to the Gospel in the midst of great difficulties.

i ask you all to pray for peace with justice in the holy land – and i ask you also to pray for me as i begin this final phase of my life. be assured that i will be praying for all of you!

John Kardinal FoleYGrand Master

News LetterNews LetterVii no. XXii · MarCh 2011

PoPe beNedIcT XVI:a seNTeNce FroM

The “urbI eT orbI” MessaGeoF 25 deceMber 2010

“May the light of Christmas shineforth anew in the Land where Jesus was born,

and inspire Israelis and Palestiniansto strive for a just and peaceful coexistence.”

News LetterNews LetterViii no. XXii · MarCh 2011

From the Grand Magisterium

There have recently been several changes in the composition of the Grand Magisterium,

starting from January 1, 2011.

his excellency Knight of the Collar Peter Wolff-Metternich zur Gracht has resigned as lieutenant General of the order and is suc-ceeded by Knight Grand Cross Count Profes-sor G iuseppe dalla Torre del Tempio di san-guinetto.

The Vice-Governors General, their excellen-

cies Jean-Marc allard and hubert simonart, have also resigned their office on grounds of age. They will be succeeded, respectively, by lieutenant of honor Patrick d. Powers, for-mer lieutenant for usa Western, and lieute-nant of honor Giorgio Moroni stampa, former lieutenant for switzerland. Finally, two other esteemed confreres dennis J. looney and Michael r. earthman, have resigned as Mem-bers of the Grand Magisterium. John C. Piunno, lieutenant of honor of the lieutenancy of usa Middle atlantic will join that body.”

There haVe receNTly beeN seVeral chaNGesIN The coMPosITIoN oF The GraNd MaGIsTerIuM,

sTarTING FroM JaNuary 1, 2011.

The present membership of the Grand Magisterium as well as all changes in the Lieutenancies can be viewed on the Order’s homepage at (Italian) or (English).

News LetterNews LetteriX no. XXii · MarCh 2011

(aP) The traditional birthplace of Jesus celebrated its merriest Christmas in years, as tens of thousands of tourists thronged beth-lehem on Friday for the annual holiday festi-vities in this biblical West bank town.

officials said the turnout was shaping up to be the largest since 2000.

unseasonably mild weather, a virtual halt in israeli-Palestinian violence and a burgeoning economic revival in the West bank all added to the holiday cheer.

Merrymakers blasted horns, bands played and traditional Christmas carols were sung in arabic, boy scout marching bands performed and Palestinian policemen were deployed around the town to keep the peace.

both church officials and the Palestinian President voiced hopes for peace.

Pat olmsted, a 64-year-old teacher from sugar land, Texas, was celebrating her first Christmas in bethlehem and broke into tears as she stood in Manger square. "it just gives me a whole true meaning of the bible. as i read the pages, it will mean so much more to me," she said.

The roman Catholic Church's top clergy-man in the holy land, latin Patriarch Fouad Twal, crossed through the gate in a traditional midday procession from Jerusalem. later, he celebrated Midnight Mass, the peak of the town’s holiday events.

in his homily, Twal issued a conciliatory call for peace between religions and urged an in-tensification of dialogue with Jews and Mus-lims.

"We need to unite and integrate the many values we have in common: prayer, piety, fa-sting, almsgiving, and ethical values," he said.

"our hope for Christmas is that Jerusalem

not only become the capital of two nations, but also a model for the world, of harmony and co-existence of the three monotheistic religions," he added. "during this Christmas season, may the sound of our church bells drown the noise of weapons in our wounded Middle east, cal-ling all men to peace and joy."

Today, just one-third of bethlehem's 50,000 residents are Christian, down from about 75 percent in the 1950s. The rest are Muslims.

With the end of fighting, the West bank has undergone an economic revival in recent ye-ars, illustrated by new shopping malls and wi-despread construction projects in the bustling city of ramallah.

abbas, a Muslim, traveled to bethlehem to greet the revelers, saying he hoped the coming year would finally bring peace. he also said the Palestinians were issuing a special posta-ge stamp honoring bethlehem.

"We are seekers of peace in the path of Jesus," he said. "We hope that next year will be a year of peace by establishing the inde-pendent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with israel in peace and security."

israel maintains an embargo on Gaza, which is governed by abbas' rival, the islamic mili-tant group hamas. in a goodwill gesture, israel allowed 500 members of Gaza's tiny Christian community to travel to bethlehem.

niveen Wadia, a 40-year-old Gaza woman, said coming to bethlehem was a very beauti-ful feeling.

"in Gaza we don't have any atmosphere of celebration. We are the minority there," she said.

halT IN IsraelI-PalesTINIaN VIoleNceleads To beThleheM’s MerrIesT chrIsTMas

IN years

no. XXii · MarCh 2011News LetterX

H oly night encourages us to make room for God in our lives. The heavenly child yearns to come to us once more, to live

in our midst, in our hearts, our families, our peoples and our world.

he is emanuel, the Prince of Peace, the only one who can comfort us in our suffering, our fear and our difficulties; the only one who can give us the gift of peace and the only one who can increase our hopes and our joy, for he it is who reveals to us the ultimate secret of our lives: we are the children of God, we are brot-hers and sisters.

That is why the birth of Christ is a constant invitation to us to reflect upon fundamental values such as peace, hospitality, sharing, forgiveness and the meaning of each and eve-ry human life. let us join with those who are suffering and, with them, offer our fervent prayers for God to come among us and to grant us the gift of his peace.

a Merry Christmas and a happy new Year to you all.

+ Fouad TWallatin Patriarch

a MessaGe For chrIsTMas 2010ThaT wIll accoMPaNy us Far

INTo The New year

I n the wake of the synod for the Middle east, around thirty bishops and represen-tatives of the episcopal Conferences of

europe, north america and scandinavia met in the holy land. They began this, their ele-venth annual assembly, with a pilgrimage on the banks of the Jordan and a visit to Jericho, in order to gauge the mood of the country, meet locals active in the community and judge what needs to be done and how to do it so that the universal Church may be more closely and more appropriately linked with the Church in the holy land, which is the Mother of all Churches and, as always, still subject to the historic dangers and difficulties of all kinds encountered in the Middle east.

The meeting, which took place from 9 to 13 January, was organized by the Coordination of episcopal Conferences in support of the Church in the holy land and by the assem-bly of Catholic bishops in the holy land un-der the patronage of the Council of europe-an bishops’ Conferences (CCee), in the light of the work of the special assembly for the Middle east held in rome from 10 to 24 octo-ber last.

The wide-ranging and fruitful content of the meeting was inspired by the theme selected for the Middle east synod: “and the multi-tude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul” (acts 4: 32).

ThIrTy euroPeaN bIshoPsIN The holy laNd

In the February issue of the Belgian Lieutenancy’s Lettre Mensuelle (monthly letter) the Lieutenant gave the following account of the meeting held by the European Council of Bishops:

no. XXii · MarCh 2011News LetterXi

The bishops congratulated Father Pietro FeleT, secretary of the assembly of Catho-lic ordinaries in the holy land, on his orga-nization of the event from which they saw emerging before their eyes a picture of the Church in the holy land, a picture that was neither other-worldly nor idealistic but which confronted reality with the energy required to overcome difficulties as and when they arise.

The challenges are many and varied, from ecumenical and inter-faith dialog to education in schools, from religious life in a local Church with universal attributes to hosting pilgrims and pilgrimages; which led one participant to comment, “it is extraordinary to see the chal-lenges the Church in the holy land has to face in such a small region. how it has to deal with the different languages, cultures, political regimes, geographical areas, social conditions and rites and yet remain united”. (Mgr. Michel dubost, bishop of Évry)

in their closing communiqué, the partici-pants recalled that they had met to “relate,

share and exchange” their experiences and to express “the love and solidarity” of the Catho-lics in each of their countries for the “land of our savior”, for the holy Places and, in parti-cular, for the people who form the community of believers in that very place”.

They pointed out that, above all, the meeting centered on “getting together with all Chri-stian confessions” because the vocation of a Christian was to “build bridges” and therefore the common hope was to “bring all Christians together in pursuing a just peace for everyone on this earth”.

despite “certain improvements” in visa regulations, the bishops once again declared their painful awareness of the feelings of fru-stration experienced by Catholic clergy and religious… because of the restrictions placed on their movements.

They also encouraged the organization of pilgrimages and visits to the land where “ Jesus walked and where people continue to live out their faith”.

Finally, in May 2010, a new sound of the Co-Cathedral calls the Christians of Jerusalem out the glory of the day, thanks to the grateful donation of the austrian knights of the holy sepulchre. since the 1970’s the bell Tower of the Co-Cathedral of the latin Patriarchate

had none or very little work done. The main objective of this project was the preservati-on, the restoration of the bell Tower and the installation of a new fully automated system for the bells.

The souNd oF chrIsTIaNITy oVer JerusaleM From the bell tower of the Dormition Abbey, through the Valley

of Kidron to the Old City, clear tones carried by the wind are pealingthe solemn hour of the Holy Mass.

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