citrix & ibm websphere portal a winning combination december 1. 2004 rob harper, citrix

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Citrix & IBM WebSphere Portal

A Winning Combination

December 1. 2004Rob Harper, Citrix

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Citrix Systems: Global Leader in Access Infrastructure

– Founded: 1989

– Nasdaq: CTXS

– One of Fortune’s “100 Fastest Growing Companies”

– $700+ million in revenues

– Top 10% of all ISVs by revenue

– 2,600 employees in 26 countries

– 50M users, 120,000 customers

– Headquarters: • Ft. Lauderdale, Florida• Hong Kong & Sydney• Schaffhausen, Switzerland • Tokyo, Japan

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Achieving This Better Balance Starts with a New Focus

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Incremental Approach to Access

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Strategic Approach to Access



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An Access Strategy Is Coreto Every Business Strategy

IT Centralization


Mergers &Acquisitions






IBM/Citrix Confidential


GoToMeeting &MetaFrame Conferencing


MetaFrameSecure Access



MetaFramePresentation Server

Citrix Access InfrastructureProduct Portfolio









Data Center





Office PC


MetaFramePassword Manager


IBM/Citrix Confidential

Business Challenges

• Single Point of Access to Enterprise Resources– Custom and Internet web content– Applications– Web Services– Documents

• On Demand Access to Applications– Rapid deployment of new applications– Reduce costs and improve performance

• On Demand Access for internal/external staff

• On Demand Access for Partners

• Secure Access Overall

• Solved by the combination of Websphere Portal & Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Portal Market Trends

T o p 1 0 S o f tw a r e S p e n d in g P r io r i t ie s fo r C IO s in 2 0 0 3

3 0 %

4 0 %3 6 %

3 3 %3 3 %

3 1 %

2 8 %2 7 %

2 5 %

2 4 %E R P s o f t w a r e

C R M s o f t w a r e

M ic r o s o f t .N e t C u s t o m e r p o r t a ls

W e b s e rv ic e s

W IN 2 0 0 0 u p g r a d e - s e r v e r

W IN 2 0 0 0 /X P u p g r a d e – d e s k to p

D o c u m e n t /C o n te n t M g m t s o f t w a r e E m p lo y e e p o r t a l

S e c u r it y s o f t w a r e

P o r ta ls r e p r e s e n t 2 o f th e to p 1 0 s o f tw a r e s p e n d in g p r io r i t ie s fo r C I O s in 2 0 0 3 :

2 . E m p lo y e e p o r t a l ( 3 6 % ) 7 . C u s t o m e r p o r t a ls ( 2 8 % )

M o rg a n S ta n le y , C IO S u rv e y N o v e m b e r , 2 0 0 2

• In te rn a t io n a l D a ta C o rp . s a y s th e p o r ta l m a rk e t w i l l r e a c h m o re th a n $ 3 .1 b i l l io n b y 2 0 0 6 , f r o m $ 5 5 0 m il l io n in 2 0 0 1 .

• F o r re s te r R e s e a rc h In c . e s t im a te s th a t n e a r ly 6 0 p e r c e n t o f c o m p a n ie s w i l l h a v e a p o r ta l in i t ia t iv e u n d e rw a y th is y e a r .

S u p p ly C h a in S y s t e m s M a g a z in e : P o r t a ls : G a t e w a y s t o S u p p ly C h a in V is ib i l i t y , F e b 2 0 0 3

P e o p le n e e d c o n v e n ie n t a c c e s s to th e m o s t r e le v a n t in fo rm a t io n a n d th e a b i l i t y to a c t o n i t q u ic k ly a n d e f f ic ie n t ly .

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Analysts view on Portals

• “This year, even highly conservative companies will launch portal projects. More advanced firms should stay a step ahead by evolving their portal strategies to deliver new features -- like collaboration and process automation -- to audiences beyond just employees.”

6/2003 Forrester, Nate L. Root with Sharyn Leaver, Tamara Mendelsohn

“Portals will get "civilized" in 2004. In addition to greater interoperability, fourth-generation portal technology will provide a critical component for composite applications and business process fusion, which represent the future for most business applications.”

9/2003 Gartner, Whit Andrews and Gene Phifer

• “By 2004, portal frameworks will become the centerpiece of a presentation infrastructure that acts as a fulcrum to aggregate reusable application, content, analytical, and collaboration components for highly dynamic user interfaces.”

4/2003 Meta, Craig Roth

• “Many portal initiatives are going forward with an explicit goal of collaboration among employees, customers, and suppliers. In addition, portals, by the nature of their evolving role as custom workspaces and scenario-driven resources, provide key context for various types of collaboration …”

9/2003 Patricia Seybold Group, David Marshak

IBM/Citrix Confidential

WebSphere Portal: Marketshare Leadership








2001 2002 2003





New Customers by Year- Source: IBM

• Number 1 in market share as measured by IDC (6/03) (1) • Number 1 in Market share as measured by Gartner/Dataquest (2)

(1): IDC, “Application Deployment Platform Software Market, 2000-2002, with Leading Suppliers” June 2003, Dennis Byron, Vice President, Business Process and Deployment Software Research

(2) Gartner First Take "IBM Has Top Share in All Application Integration, Middleware Markets", J. Correia, Y. Natis, M. Pezzini, R. Schulte, 7 May 2003.

And Growing….

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Market Demand for Collaboration

• For 2004, collaborative solutions are among the top 10 solutions that WW businesses expect to invest in: 37% of Large Enterprises (29% of mid-market) plan to invest in Collab Solutions and 19% of companies plan to increase their budgets for collaborative SW spending. (Solutions Market Monitor)

Two Important Things To Remember

Customer demand is shifting toward buying integrated capabilities versus standalone products to drive organizational productivity

Collaboration is being recognized as an accelerator for getting more value from existing applications and business processes

IBM/Citrix Confidential

WebSphere Portal Provides Integrated Access to people, applications, processes and information

B2E Portals improve employee productivity and rapid decision making

B2C Portals increase customer loyalty and cross-sell revenue

B2B Portals build partner relationships through integration with your business processes





Common portal framework reduces costs and meets changing requirements

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Business Value of WebSphere Portal

Value to ITValue to CEO/CFO/CIO Value to LOB/End Users

• Improve productivity

• Drive revenue and cust costs

• Respond to changing business needs

•Improve customer, supplier, partner service

• Reduce costs

• IT simplification Make IT more strategic & proactive rather than tactical and reactive

• Better align IT with business processes

• Streamline web application development

• Simplified user experience

• Self service

• Acclerate effective use of business resource across the globe

• People / Teams• Applications • Content • Business process

IBM/Citrix Confidential

WebSphere Portal Business Benefits

• Offers an out-of-box portal • Demonstrates immediate return

on investment due to reduced coordination costs

• Solves business problems by capturing and defining, then sharing and reusing intellectual capital and expertise

• Offers a single interface with anytime, anywhere access from any device for mobile work teams

• Broadens communication and collaboration choices beyond phone, e-mail, and physical meetings into real-time collaboration

IBM/Citrix Confidential

WebSphere Portal Technical Benefits

• Provides secure access and respects the security of confidential sources

• Empowers end users with portal place creation, customization, membership management and self-service, so IT can focus on mission critical applications

• Tailors portal content to specific end users based on user profiles

• Provides the tools and user interface to access and interact with information, applications, processes and people for effective business management

• Maximizes e-business investments by offering a single interface to interact with applications, content, expertise and process so employees, partners and customers can do business more effectively

IBM/Citrix Confidential

WPS & Citrix On-Demand Reference Architecture

IBM Tivoli Intelligent ThinkDynamic™


Other IBM Tivoli Monitoring and

Management Products

IBM® WebSphere® Portlet for MetaFrame

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Integration on the Glass with WPS

• Web Access– Web-based Application


– Full application functionality

– No application rewrites

– Java Client Support

• Integration– Java based components allow

integration with multiple web servers

• Application Provisioning– Application list based on user

and group membership

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Citrix & WebSphere Portal for On Demand application access

• Integrate non-web apps

• Deliver web apps to low bandwidth connections

• Bandwidth, Help Desk, Centralized App Mgmt & PC Refresh Cost Reduction

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Citrix Portlet Downloads

• Large enterprises: Home Depot, Minute Maid, Accenture, IGS (many), Toshiba, The Gap, Cardinal Health, Ahold Supermarkets, Ardent Health, Cerner, Australian Department of Defense, Citibank, ADP, Getronics, Michelin, Paine Webber, Deutsche Bank, Renault, Siemens, Nextel, Abbott Labs, JD Edwards, Raytheon, Memorex Telex, Bacardi, McKesson, MetLife, Sparkassen Informatik

• 2,000 downloads last 12 months



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IBM/Citrix Confidential

EMEA Win – Citrix and WebSphere Portal for Branch Transformation

• 100+ applications centralized, including the Core Banking Application developed with WebSphere. MetaFrame Presentation Server installed on 130 xSeries servers.

• Revenue : For Citrix : $1.1M for IBM : $10M !

– $4M WebSphere Portal. Deal Driven by WebSphere Rep; IBM was the Citrix Reseller

• ROI: investment of existing 6,500 client desktops preserved because of MetaFrame server usage (versus client machine usage). Additionally all client application mgmt now centralized and simplified.

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Lotus Workplace & Citrix

• Complementary fit document for Citrix & IBM field reps put together with Jeannette Barlow and Antony Satyadas – will be posted on IBM Sales Support Advisor site, the URL will be:

• Today: Deliver Windows, AIX, Linux and Solaris applications on workplace desktop.

• Future: various functional enhancements are being actively worked with others under consideration … with all suggestions welcome Please contact Rob Harper (Citrix) or Whitney Sande (IBM) for further info.

IBM/Citrix Confidential


IBM Contacts• Barry Dounn, Global Alliance Executive Phone: 201-287-9514

• Greg Scavelli, Marketing Phone 1-203-486-4076 / 376-4076

• Whitney Sande, WebSphere Business Development Phone 401/851-4597 /946-4597 Cell 401/855-9687

• Larry Feuer, Technical Account Phone: 1-561-862-2776 / 975-2776

Citrix Contacts• Mike Ballengee, Citrix IBM Alliance Phone (203) 961-0902

• Rob Harper, North America Phone (954) 267-2546

• Colin Wright, EMEA Sales Phone +44 7775 925453 • AP Sales

– Regina Tan Phone: +65 6332 5189– Phil Osborne Phone: +6+1(0)418-255571

IBM/Citrix Confidential

Other Important Info

• Citrix BPID is SUSE062845

• WebSphere Portal and Workplace Catalog–

• The demonstrations are posted on the following:–


• Sales support Advisor site- to go live in upcoming weeks– When the site goes live, the URL will be:


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