circumcision is the doctrine of heretics who polluted the bible

Post on 17-Jul-2016






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jesus believes in evolution



Circumcision Is the Doctrine of Heretics Who Polluted the Bible

Jesus said, "Moses gave you circumcision, not because Moses wanted it, but rather because your ancestors did it." [1] According to the late fraudulent source of the Bible known as the Priestly text, Moses gave circumcision to Israel.[2] But the earlier source texts of the Bible, namely the Elohist traditions, say nothing of circumcision. The other early source, the Yahwist narrative, mentions circumcision only once, and even then, it mentions how everyone who got circumcised was suddenly killed in a murder rampage at the hands of others who were also circumcised.[3]

Moreover, there is a grave discrepancy between the Yahwist and the Priestly accounts of Abraham's covenant with God. In the Priestly text, God commanded Abraham to practice circumcision five times in a single passage.[4] But in the earlier account of Abraham's covenant, that is the Yahwist account, circumcision is never once mentioned.[5]

The earliest sources, the Elohist and the Yahwist, are in agreement with Jesus, Jeremiah, and Paul – but the later source, the Priestly, has no witnesses to call. Here is what Jeremiah says about circumcision:

Yahweh says, "Behold the day is coming when I will punish all of them who are circumcised along with the uncircumcised… so take away the foreskins of your heart…" [6]

And here is what Paul says about circumcision:

Circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter…[7] Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing…[8] There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision or uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free, for Christ is all, and in all.[9]

Notice a pattern here? Both Jeremiah and Paul had the same attitude toward circumcision. What mattered was "circumcision of the heart," not of the flesh. It was spiritual, not physical. Only the Priestly text saw physical circumcision as essential. On this the Priestly text is incongruent with other authorities. As Jesus says in Thomas,

Ancient lore says the Jerusalem temple (above) was built with the help of demons. The Genesis Creation Story was written by

heretic priests of that temple.



Ancient Christians believed that some parts of the Bible were written by God and other parts of the Bible were written by Satan the Devil.

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If circumcision were a good thing, then their father would have sired them already circumcised.[10]

This is another reason to be suspect of the Priestly text and its creation myth in Genesis 1. Creationism is based upon Genesis 1, and Genesis 1 is part of the Priestly text that was wrongly inserted into the Old Testament by heretics. Jesus believes in evolution.

Return to this section's landing page: Genesis 1 is a forgery.

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the universe was born from blind arrogance and stupidity. The angels caused evolution to occur from species to species. There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is just one among them. Satan the Devil writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1. Archaeology and modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the ancient Christian writings.

Science vindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often happens too fast for Darwin’s theory. Gaps in the fossil record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently, aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the world’s religions.

This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly documented in the links above.

[1] John 7:22

[2] Exodus 12:44-48, Leviticus 12:3

[3] Genesis 34

[4] Genesis 17:1-21

[5] Genesis 15:all

[6] Deuteronomy 30:6, 10:16, Jeremiah 4:4, 9:25

[7] Romans 2:29

[8] I Corinthians 7:19

[9] Colossians 3:11

[10] The Gospel of Thomas 53

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Above: Marduk, the hero of Enuma Elish, the

pagan myth from which Genesis 1 is derived.

Below: Map of Israel and where different parts of the Bible came from.

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