circulation and environmental conditions during a toxigenic pseudo

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Vol. 327: 119–133, 2006 Published December 7


The Southern California Bight has historically beena region of few nuisance phytoplankton blooms, butblooms of the pennate diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschiahave become frequent in recent years. Although toxinproduction is rare in diatoms, several species of Pseu-do-nitzschia can synthesize the toxin domoic acid(DA), which bio-accumulates in shellfish and finfish(Fritz et al. 1992, Garrison et al. 1992). Once consumedby mammals, DA replaces a crucial neurotransmitter,resulting in deleterious health effects and causing am-nesic shellfish poisoning in humans (Buck et al. 1992,Fritz et al. 1992, Bates et al. 1998). While Pseudo-nitz-schia spp. have long been recorded in surveys of phy-toplankton species composition for the Southern Cali-

fornia Bight (Allen 1922, Fryxell et al. 1997, Busse et al.2006), the apparent recent rise in cell abundance andtoxigenic events in this region parallels recent world-wide increases in harmful algal bloom frequency(Smayda 1990, 1992, Hallegraeff 1993). In 1998, theentire west coast of California experienced significantimpacts to marine life due to extensive blooms of P.australis and P. multiseries that were recorded fromMonterey Bay (36° N latitude) to Santa Barbara (34° Nlatitude) (Scholin et al. 2000, Trainer et al. 2000). In thespring of 2002 and 2003, 2 blooms of Pseudo-nitzschiaspp. in the Santa Barbara Channel (SBC) resulted in>1500 pinniped deaths (Langlois 2003, 2004) and rais-ed questions regarding the causes of local toxic events.

Dominance of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. over other dia-tom species may be related to their nutrient physio-

© Inter-Research 2006 ·*Email:

Circulation and environmental conditions during a toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia australis bloom in

the Santa Barbara Channel, California

Clarissa R. Anderson1,*, Mark A. Brzezinski1, Libe Washburn2, Raphael Kudela3

1Marine Science Institute and Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, and 2Institute for Computational Earth System Science and Department of Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara,

California 93106, USA3Ocean Sciences Department, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA

ABSTRACT: During May 2003, a toxigenic bloom of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis occurredin the Santa Barbara Channel (SBC), California, that was linked to a marine mammal mortality eventin the region. Satellite imagery revealed the presence of the bloom prior to a period of strong, springupwelling along the continental shelf of the SBC. Following upwelling the bloom increased in arealextent to cover most of the SBC. P. australis abundance ranged from 0.4 × 105 to 2 × 106 cells l–1 withparticulate domoic acid (DA) concentrations between 32 and 1684 ng l–1. Significant negativecorrelations between silicic acid, Si(OH)4:NO3

– and Si(OH)4:PO43– ratios and particulate DA suggest

that the bloom may have been experiencing Si limitation. High cell abundance and the highest levels of cellular DA (0.14 to 2.1 pg cell–1) were associated with a cyclonic eddy in the western end ofthe SBC. Cyclonic eddies within the SBC are known to be convergent, and may thus have concen-trated P. australis cells within this feature. Propagation of the eddy transported the bloom to the west,indicating that coherent circulation features may help predict the fate of harmful algal blooms incoastal systems.

KEY WORDS: Domoic acid · Pseudo-nitzschia spp. · Pseudo-nitzschia australis · Cyclonic eddy ·Upwelling · Bio-physical coupling · Southern California Bight

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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

logy. Like many diatoms, Pseudo-nitzschia spp. growrapidly in high-Si regimes (Egge & Aksnes 1992, cf.Bates et al. 1998) and their blooms have been asso-ciated with upwelling and high levels of new nutrientsoff the coasts of California and Washington states(Bates et al. 1998, Adams et al. 2000, Trainer et al.2002, Marchetti et al. 2004). There is also evidence thatPseudo-nitzschia spp. are superior competitors forsilicic acid. P. pungens (Grunow) was able to outcom-pete other diatoms at low Si(OH)4:NO3

– ratios in mixedculture (Sommer 1994) and natural blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. have been repeatedly observed in asso-ciation with depleted silicic acid concentrations (Dortchet al. 1997, Bates et al. 1998, Marchetti et al. 2004) andlow Si(OH)4:NO3

– ratios (Marchetti et al. 2004). Laboratory experiments with various Pseudo-nitz-

schia spp. have shown that the production of DA canoccur as a stress response to limiting macronutrientssuch as silicic acid (Pan et al. 1996a,b, 1998, Kudela etal. 2003b, Fehling et al. 2004) and/or to micronutrientlimitation (Maldonado et al. 2002, Wells et al. 2005).Field observations of the association between highDA levels and Si limitation have further strengthenedhypotheses that silicic acid supply, in particular, is adeterminant of toxin production during Pseudo-nitz-schia spp. blooms (Kudela et al. 2003a, Marchetti et al2004). It is not clear, however, if there is a thresholdconcentration of silicic acid below which DA produc-tion is triggered. Rather, Pan et al. (1996b) suggestedthat P. multiseries has a biphasic response to decreas-ing silicic acid concentrations— one manifested atintermediate Si(OH)4 levels that is induced by modestphysiological stress, and the other triggered by severeSi limitation— both of which lead to increased DAproduction.

A dominant source of new nutrients that supportphytoplankton blooms in the SBC is wind-driven up-welling. Regional geography causes upwelling withinthe SBC to be decoupled from that occurring alongmost of the west coast of North America. Along thenorth–south oriented coast of central and northernCalifornia, strong northwesterly winds drive intenseupwelling during spring and summer, but at the west-ern end of the SBC at Point Conception (see Fig. 1), themainland coast turns eastward such that water move-ment over the east–west oriented SBC shelf is drivenmore by spatially variable wind fields and sea-levelgradients than by the prevailing northwesterly winds(Harms & Winant 1998). Ekman upwelling can occurwithin the SBC when winds blow from the west. Thus,the SBC is influenced by upwelling in 2 ways: (1) waterupwelled at or to the north of Point Conception bynorthwesterly winds can be advected into the channel,and (2) westerly winds can drive upwelling within thechannel itself.

Upwelling is 1 of 3 dominant synoptic circulationstates in the SBC: upwelling, relaxation, and conver-gent (Harms & Winant 1998). The upwelling mode isresponsible for most of the variance in phytoplanktonbiomass, with the largest blooms occurring in spring,as revealed from time series analyses of satellitechlorophyll concentrations and sea surface tempera-ture in the SBC (Otero & Siegel 2004). The relaxationand convergent modes are characterized by a recur-ring anti-clockwise turning of the flow field centeredover the Santa Barbara Basin in the western SBC(Harms & Winant 1998, Oey et al. 2001, Winant et al.2003), and at times this circulation closes to form aneddy which spans most of the western channel. Thisrecurrent feature extends down to at least 200 m(Nishimoto & Washburn 2002) and maintains a conver-gent surface circulation (Beckenbach 2004) that iscapable of concentrating plankton (Nishimoto & Wash-burn 2002).

We examined the influence of the formation of acyclonic eddy following a period of strong local up-welling within the SBC on the distribution and toxicityof a bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in May 2003. Thelarge spatial extent of the bloom offered us the op-portunity to examine the relationship between cellabundance, DA distribution, circulation and nutrientconcentrations. Our goals were (1) to identify thePseudo-nitzschia species present, (2) to describe spa-tial patterns in bloom toxicity and (3) to investigatepotential chemical and physical drivers of bloomdevelopment, toxicity and transport.


The SBC-LTER project conducts cruises 3 times ayear in the SBC, focusing water sampling efforts alonga 32-station grid which includes a 7-station transectmonitored monthly by the existing Plumes and Blooms(PnB) project (Fig. 1) (see An additional 7-station transect roughlyoverlapping grid Stns 10 to 14 was sampled on 21 May2003 in response to the harmful algal bloom (HAB)(Fig. 1). Data were collected from 15 to 22 May 2003(Fig. 2) aboard the RV ‘Point Sur’. Towed profiles werecollected with a Scanfish Mk II undulating profilerfitted with an SBE 9 CTD and a WetLabs C-star fluo-rometer from 15 to 16 May (Fig. 2). Water sampleswere collected from 17 to 19 May (Fig. 2) at each sta-tion using 12 l Niskin bottles fitted to a Sea-Bird Elec-tronics (SBE) rosette equipped with an SBE 9 plusCTD, and a Chelsea Aqua 3 fluorometer. In response tothe presence of the harmful algal bloom, we repeatedthe Scanfish tow from Stns 10 to 14 on 21 and 22 May(Figs. 1 & 2).


Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms

During Scanfish tows, water samples for chloro-phyll a and inorganic nutrients concentrations werecollected from the ship’s clean seawater intake (~3 mdepth). During CTD/rosette casts at each LTER gridstation, water samples were collected from 7 discretedepths to 75 m for determination of chlorophyll a anddissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations. All collec-tion procedures were in accordance with the tech-niques recommended by the US JGOFS (Knap et al.1993). All samples were unreplicated. Dissolved inor-ganic nutrient analyses were performed by the UCSBMarine Science Institute’s Analytical Laboratory usingflow injection techniques (Johnson et al. 1985) on aQuickChem 8000 (Lachat Instruments Division, Zell-weger Analytics) on seawater stored frozen in 20-mlplastic scintillation vials. Detection limits for nitrate(NO3

–), orthophosphate (PO43–), and silicic acid

(Si(OH)4) were 0.1, 0.05 and 0.2 µM, respectively.Ammonium concentrations measured for the region bythe SBC-LTER are consistently very close to analyticaldetection limits on the flow injection system, hence[NH4

+] was not included in this study. Chlorophyll a and phaeopigment analyses were per-

formed with a Turner Designs 10AU digital fluoro-meter following standard JGOFS procedures. Forchlorophyll a analysis, 250 ml of raw seawater werefiltered through Millipore HAWP 45 mm cellulose

filters, which were immediately frozenprior to analysis. Chlorophyll filters wereextracted in 90% acetone for 24 h at –20°C.Fluorescence was measured with andwithout acidification to determine chloro-phyll a and phaeopigment concentrations.HPLC analysis of phytoplankton pigmentswas carried out by the C. Trees Laboratoryat San Diego State University using a mod-ified JGOFS protocol (Bidigare et al. 2003).We filtered 1 l of seawater through a What-man GF/F glass fiber filter, and then frozethe particulate matter and filter in liquidnitrogen until extraction in 94% acetonefor 24 h at 0°C. Pigment concentrationswere determined by a ternary gradientsystem using HPLC-grade solvents and areverse-phase HPLC column (Bidigare etal. 2003).

Primary productivity was measuredusing water samples collected at 5 m for allLTER grid stations and at 7 depths for allPnB stations, using a modified JGOFS 14Cmethod. Sampling depths on the 7-depthprofiles were chosen to correspond to 100,54, 35, 16, 7, 3.6 and 1.7% of the surfacephotosynthetically active radiation (PAR)light level (I0) measured just below the sea

surface. Each sample was divided between two 250 mlacid-cleaned polycarbonate bottles. Then 14C-labeledHCO3

– (approx. 8 µCi per sample) was added to eachaliquot and all bottles were placed in deck incubatorsequipped with flowing surface seawater to maintaintemperature. We incubated 1 bottle from each pair indarkness, while the second bottle was incubatedbeneath neutral density screening to simulate the lightintensity at the depth from which the sample was col-lected. For the 5 m samples from the grid stations, alllight bottles were incubated at the 50% light level. Atthe end of incubation, particulates were collected onGF/F filters and radioactivity (dpm) was measuredwith a Beckman 5801 scintillation counter after acidifi-cation to remove excess radiolabeled bicarbonate andthe addition of a scintillation cocktail (Optima GoldXR). Total radioactivity was determined on 100 µl ofincubated seawater in the same scintillation cocktailafter the addition of β-phenethylamine to prevent radi-olabeled inorganic CO2 from escaping to the atmos-phere. Final primary productivity values were calcu-lated as the difference between productivities in thelight and dark bottles for each sample. Carbon assimi-lation number (PB), an approximate assessment of pho-tosynthetic efficiency, is defined as the carbon assimi-lation rate (mg C m–3 d–1) per unit chlorophyll a (mgm–3) and is given in units of mg C · mg chl–1 d–1.









Pt. Conception

NDBC buoy

HF radar



wind (10 m s–1)


San MiguelSanta Rosa Santa Cruz


X Plumes and Blooms Station



























Longitude (°W)





33.8121 120.8 120.6 120.4 120.2 120 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2 119



Fig. 1. Study area in the Santa Barbara Channel (SBC), California, whichspans ca. 50 × 100 km. �: high-frequency (HF) radar sites at Refugio Beach(RB) and Coal Oil Point (COP), with an average coverage range of 60 km; 1to 25: SBC-LTER grid stations; �: 7 ‘Plumes and Blooms’ stations; �: addi-tional harmful algal bloom transect sampled on 21 May; �: National DataBuoy Center Buoys (NDBC) 23, 54 and 53, shown with wind ellipses to indi-cate variance for principal axes. Vectors are mean wind strength along

principal axis and are scaled relative to 10 m s–1 representation

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

Whole water samples (125 ml) were collected from5 m within the mixed layer at each grid station andfrom the 7 stations along the HAB transect (Fig. 1).Water collected along the PnB transect was not usedfor phytoplankton counts. Samples were preserved in37% formalin (Bouin’s solution with picric acid;Fisher Scientific) at a final concentration of 2% forphytoplankton cell counts, using the Utermöhl me-thod for the inverted microscope (Hasle 1978). Ali-quots were settled in 10 and 25 ml settling chambersfor ca. 24 h. Cells >5 µm in length were quantifiedand identified at ×320 magnification, and the abun-dance of Pseudo-nitzschia was determined to thegenus level. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) ofwhole water samples (Miller & Scholin 2000) wasused to establish the proportion of Pseudo-nitzschiaspp. that was potentially toxic. Briefly, 5 ml of pre-served whole water samples were filtered onto1.2 µm Millipore polycarbonate filters (13 mm) andcleaned with saturated KMnO4. After filtering, thephytoplankton cells and polycarbonate filter mem-branes were mounted to an aluminum stage using

conductive carbon tape, sputter-coated with gold,and examined at 20 kV with a Tescan Vega TS5130MM scanning electron microscope.

Particulate DA analysis was performed on samplescollected from 5 m at each the 25 grid stations andadditional 7-station HAB transect, excluding the PnBtransect (Fig. 1). For each sample, 500 ml of seawaterwere filtered through a Millipore GF/F 25 mm glassfiber filter, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen andthen transferred to a –70°C freezer for storage. HPLCanalysis of DA concentrations was done using FMOC-Cl reagent solution to derivatize domoic acid frommicroalgal cells and kainic acid as an internal standard(Pocklington et al. 1990, Wright & Quilliam 1995, R.Kudela pers. comm.). Cellular DA concentrations werederived by normalizing particulate DA to Pseudo-nitzschia spp. cell abundance and expressed in units ofpg DA cell–1.

Sea-viewing wide-field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS)images (see Fig. 3a) for the SBC were obtained fromhigh-resolution picture transmission (HRPT) data (dis-tributed active archive data, Code 902, NASA) and




















Scanfish surveys

HF radar maps

SeaWiFS images

CTD grid











Principal axis winds










01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

May 2003

l ll

ll l


















m s




Fig. 2. Upper panel: hourly principal axis wind velocities (m s–1) for NDBC Buoys 23 (–––––), 54 (-----), and 53 (–><–); coverage formid-channel Buoy 53 was restricted to beginning of the month. Winds have been low-pass filtered with a cutoff frequency of1/36 h–1. Directions of principal axes are shown in Fig. 1, and vertical bars indicate sampling period (15 to 22 May, bold). Lowerpanel: Timeline of shipboard sampling, available SeaWiFS images, and selected HF radar images of surface currents for May2003. Black horizontal bars: CTD grid survey (16 to 20 May) and Scanfish (undulating profiles) surveys (15 to 16, 20 and 21 May);hatched bar: CTD casts and water sampling in response to harmful algal bloom (21 and 22 May); open bars for HF radar maps:

24 h averages for dates specified

Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms

processed using operational algorithms (McClain et al.2004). While retrievals from SeaWiFS chlorophyll atend to underestimate actual concentrations in the SBCabove 1.5 µg l–1, all significant blooms measured aspart of the ongoing Plumes and Blooms project havebeen detected by SeaWiFS (r2 = 0.53, n = 154)(Otero &Siegel 2004). Advanced very high resolution radio-meter, sea surface temperature (AVHRR SST) imagery(see Fig. 3b) for the SBC was obtained from the NOAAComprehensive Large Array-Stewardship System(CLASS) and processed using the non-linear seasurface temperature (NLSST) algorithm (McClain et al.1985, 2004).

Maps of surface currents (see Fig. 3c) in the SBC re-presenting 24 h averages of velocity vectors wereobtained from high-frequency (HF) radars (Sea Son-des; CODAR Ocean Sensors) operated at approxi-mately 13 MHz from stations at Refugio Beach (RB),and Coal Oil Point (Fig. 1). These HF radars have arange of 60 km, a radial resolution of 1.5 km, andazimuthal resolution of 5°. Vectors were interpolatedonto a 2 km square grid and, at each grid point, spatialaverages were computed over circles 3 km in radius.Emery et al. (2004) has described HF radar operationand data processing in more detail.

National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Buoys 46053,46054 and 46023 (hereafter Buoys 53, 54 and 23, re-spectively) record hourly wind velocities (Fig. 1) in thestudy area, and these were used to assess when up-welling-favorable conditions were present in the SBC.Mean winds were equatorward and nearly parallel tothe coast at all 3 buoy locations (Fig. 1). Similarly,examination of the residual winds (true wind minusmean wind) showed that the principle axis of variabil-ity about the mean wind was also oriented in an along-shore direction at each site (Fig. 1). This allowed us touse the component of the true wind that lies along theprinciple axis of wind variation as an upwelling indexat each site, with positive values favoring upwellingalong the mainland coast and negative values favoringdownwelling (Fig. 2).

Contour plots of physical, chemical and phytoplank-ton abundance data were created using kriging func-tions in MATLAB (Version 5.3, Mathworks). Contoursof various parameters measured over 15 to 22 May2003 are presented at 5 m to maintain consistency withthe data on phytoplankton abundance and DA concen-tration obtained from this depth. Where duplicate sam-ples existed for a given station, we used the averagevalue. We calculated the depth of the mixed layer ineach CTD profile using a change in potential tempera-ture of 0.1°C from the surface. All correlation coeffi-cients presented (see Table 1) are from linear correla-tion analyses performed in Excel (Microsoft Office2000) and MATLAB (Version 5.3).


SeaWiFS chlorophyll a images from April (notshown) through May 2003 (Fig. 3a) show elevatedchlorophyll a concentrations developing along themainland and then later extending into the entirechannel. These images indicate that a phytoplanktonbloom began before 11 May (Fig. 3a) and persistedthrough the end of the month. We sampled this bloomat what appears to have been its peak, when enhancedchlorophyll a levels were widespread within the SBC(Fig. 3a, 19 May). Wind directions throughout Maywere upwelling-favorable both in the SBC and at PointConception (Fig. 2) according to principal axis winds atBuoys 23 and 54 (Fig. 2). Buoy 53 wind velocities werenot available for most of May, but winds at this locationare usually highly correlated with winds at the otherbuoys (Fig. 2), making it likely that mid-channel windsdrove local upwelling within the SBC during thisperiod. This is corroborated by the 11 May AVHRRSST image, which shows cold surface water through-out the channel with the lowest temperatures locatedalong the mainland coast (Fig. 3b). Chlorophyll a con-centrations at this time were high across much of theSBC, with the highest concentrations along the main-land (Fig. 3a).

Cyclonic flow was clearly evident in the westernchannel from 11 to 31 May (with the possible exceptionof 23 May) resulting in westward flow along the main-land and eastward flow along the Channel Islands.AVHRR SST imagery from 19 May shows warmerwaters along the mainland with colder waters confinedto the southwestern region of the SBC (Fig. 3b), sug-gesting that the persistent cyclonic flow entrainedcooler water from off Point Conception into the south-western region of the channel (Fig. 3a,b). Toward theend of May, the phytoplankton bloom was biased tothe west, with a local maximum in chlorophyll adeveloping within the cyclonic flow of the westernchannel (Fig. 3a).

Phytoplankton abundance and DA data from 5 mwater samples were deemed to be generally within theactive euphotic zone, since the measured % I0 at 5 mranged from 16 to 35% and the average mixed layerdepth for all stations was 8.25 m (±7.16 m). Cell countsfrom the 5 m samples indicated that bloom levels ofPseudo-nitzschia spp. were present throughout theSBC from 15 to 22 May (5.0 × 105 to 2.4 × 106 cells l–1).The genus Pseudo-nitzschia numerically comprised~43 to 72% of the phytoplankton assemblage (>5 µm)in all light microscopy samples counted (n = 41) andwere the dominant diatoms. Concentrations of thediatom-diagnostic pigment fucoxanthin averaged 42%of the total chlorophyll a at 5 m and were highest atStns 14 and 15 within the cyclonic flow in the western


Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006124








0.2 m s–1








120.4 120.2 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2120 120.4 120.2 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2120





Longitude (°W)









May 11

May 14

May 19 May 31

May 28

May 23

Fig. 3. Time series of (a) SeaWiFS images of chlorophyll concentration, (b) AVHRR SST imagery, and (c) 24 h means of surfacecurrent vectors from HF radar in May 2003. Dates were selected based on availability of high quality data from all sensor


Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms

channel (data not shown). Scanning electron micro-scopy of samples from 7 stations revealed Pseudo-nitzschia australis Frenguelli (Hasle 1978) (Fig. 4) to bethe only Pseudo-nitzschia species present. Dominanceby P. australis within this bloom is corroborated by cellcounts for samples taken from Goleta Pier locatedbetween Stns 14 and 20 by B. Prézelin (unpubl. data).

Pseudo-nitzschia australis cell abundance at 5 m was>1 × 106 cells l–1 both along the mainland coast and inmid-channel (Fig. 5a). The highest levels of particulateDA concentration (1000 to 1684 ng l–1; hereafter pDA)were located near the center of the channel (Fig. 5b)coincident with the highest P. australis abundance(~2 × 106 cells l–1) and the region of cyclonic flow(Fig. 3c). Cellular DA concentrations (hereafter cDA)ranged from 0.14 to 2.1 pg cell–1 (Fig. 5c). P. australiscells with the highest cDA were located in the middle

of the channel in the region of cyclonic flow (Fig. 3c)coincident with a local maximum cell abundance(Fig. 5a) and pDA (Fig. 5b).

Chlorophyll a concentration, primary productivityand carbon assimilation number (PB) at 5 m were ele-vated throughout the SBC, with strong along-channelgradients (Fig. 6). The highest levels of 5 m chloro-phyll a (30 to 35 mg m–3; Fig. 6a) were observed in thecentral to western channel, while maxima for depth-integrated chlorophyll a (591 to 683 mg m–2; Fig. 6b)were observed at central nearshore stations. This pat-tern was again observed for 5 m rates of primary pro-duction (max. = 1198 mg C m–3 d–1; Fig. 6c), whichwere highest over the center of the SB Basin within the


Fig. 4. Pseudo-nitzschia australis. SEM images from wholewater samples. (a) Typical length of ~100 µm for a single

frustule and (b) characteristic 2 rows of poroids per striae

Fig. 5. Channel-wide measurements of (a) Pseudo-nitzschiaaustralis cell abundance (n = 31), (b) particulate domoic acid,(DA, n = 31) and (c) cellular DA (n = 28), all at 5 m depth. s:sampling locations along CTD grid and 7-station harmfulalgal bloom transect. No cell abundance and DA data areavailable for grid Stns 22 and 3, respectively, because of

sample loss

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

region of cyclonic flow. Depth-integratedprimary productivity (data not shown) forthe 7 PnB stations were highest in thecentral channel and ranged from 7427 to8485 mg C m–2 d–1 which, relative to thespring average of 2588 mg C m–2 d–1

(M. Brzezinski SBC-LTER unpubl. data), de-monstrates the significant magnitude ofphytoplankton productivity during thebloom. PB was highest (~67 mg C mg–1 Chld–1) at Stn 6 in the western channel, andmoderate at mid-channel stations (Fig. 6d).

The cyclonic flow that coincided with thecentral area of dense biomass and DA accu-mulation became at times a coherent eddythat translated westward from 11 to 23 May,after which time the center of the eddy waswest of the radar coverage area. Mean sur-face velocity vectors for 16 to 21 May show acyclonic turning (Fig. 7a) typical of the eddycirculation that often appears in the SBC,usually in spring and summer (Harms &Winant 1998, Oey et al. 2001, Winant et al.2003). The surface circulation was centerednorth of Santa Rosa Island at 34.2° N and120.1° W (Fig. 7a). Unfortunately, HF radarcoverage during May 2003 was insufficientto allow full resolution of the spatial struc-ture of the circulation. A vertical cross-sec-tion from the Scanfish tow through the eddyon 19 May shows its extensive subsurfacemanifestation (Fig. 7b). Upward doming ofisopycnals is clearly evident along the tran-sect (Fig. 7b) and is consistent with cycloniccirculation.

In situ relative fluorescence measuredthrough the eddy with the Scanfish profileron 19 May shows maximum phytoplanktonbiomass in the center of the eddy, position-ed between 34.1° N and 34.4° N and pene-trating to ~15 m (Fig. 7b), coincident withthe 1% light depth range at all stations. Theeddy center also coincided with high levelsof chlorophyll a, primary productivity (Fig. 6),Pseudo-nitzschia australis abundance, am-bient pDA, and cDA levels (Fig. 5). By 22May, a resampling of the same transect lineindicated a substantial decrease in fluores-cence where the high chlorophyll a patchhad previously been, as well as apparentnorthward movement of that patch as near-surface isopycnals flattened (Fig. 7b). Thehigh chlorophyll a concentrations in theeddy center are also evident in satelliteocean color imagery days after the study pe-


Longitude (°W)120.6 120.4 120.2 120 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2













Chlorophyll (mg m–3)

Integrated chlorophyll (mg m–2)

Primary productivity (mg C m–3 d–1)

Carbon assimilation number (mg C · mg chl–1 m–3 d–1)60
































































Fig. 6. In situ biomass measurements. (a) Chlorophyll a (n = 38), (b)integrated chlorophyll a (n = 31), (c) primary production rate (n = 31)and (d) carbon assimilation number, PB (n = 31) at 5 m. (�) in (a) and(b): sampling stations along CTD grid, Plumes and Blooms (PnB) and harmful algal bloom transects; (�) in (c) and (d): productivity measure-

ments for CTD and PnB transects only

Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms 127







34.5Mean Field 16 May 2003, 00:00, to 21 May 2003, 23:00 GMTa

120.4 120.2 120 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2Longitude (°W)




) Fig. 7. (a) HF radar image ofmean surface currents for pe-riod 16 to 21 May 2003, show-ing cyclonic eddy duringcruise period; vertical lineshows mid-channel, Scanfishprofiler transect which pro-vided (b) north–south verticalcross-sections of potentialdensity and relative fluores-cence on 19 (top panels) and

22 (bottom panels) May

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

riod. For example, the 28 May SeaWiFS image (Fig. 3a)shows that the high-biomass patch shifted further westbetween Point Conception and San Miguel Island,suggestive of the westward trajectory often seen withcyclonic circulation in the SBC (Harms & Winant 1998,Beckenbach 2004).

Nutrient concentrations measured at 5 m along thechannel-wide grid are consistent with upwelling in ornear the west channel and advection of warmer, low-nutrient waters along the mainland coast from the eastchannel (Fig. 8). Nitrate ranged from 0.1 to 17.9 µM(Fig. 8b), silicic acid from 0.1 to 21 µM (Fig. 8c), andorthophosphate from 0.8 to 1.4 µM (not shown) at 5 m,

with the maximum concentration for each nutrientlocated in the west channel probably associated withwaters originally upwelled off Point Conception. Forall inorganic nutrients, concentrations measured at 5 mwere not significantly different from those at the sur-face. Nutrient input from land is assumed negligiblebecause rainfall for the major watersheds in the SantaBarbara coastal region was generally low in May 2003and averaged 5.7 cm for the entire Carpenteria Valley(Fig. 1) on 2 May, our last rain record before data col-lection (T. Robinson SBC-LTER, pers. comm.).

Pseudo-nitzschia australis abundance and pDA at5 m were significantly and positively correlated with

each other, while both were negativelycorrelated with silicic acid, nitrate and or-thophosphate concentrations (Table 1). How-ever, a significant negative correlation be-tween pDA and the ratios of Si(OH)4:NO3

and Si(OH)4:PO43– at 5 m (Table 1) suggests

a possible relationship with Si limitation.This is also suggested by the nearly sig-nificant relationship between the abundan-ce of toxigenic cells and the Si(OH)4:NO3

and Si(OH)4:PO43– at 5 m (n = 28 for each,

Table 1).Cellular DA levels exhibited an inconsis-

tent relationship with nutrient concentra-tions. In the west channel, high cDA wasassociated with high concentrations of allnutrients and high Si(OH)4:PO4

3– ratios(Fig. 9a), while in the central channel it wasassociated with the lowest nutrient concen-trations. This inconsistent relationship dri-ves the poor linear correlation between cDAand all nutrient parameters (Table 1). We donote, however, that the highest cDA duringthe bloom corresponded with the lowestSi(OH)4 concentrations and was located inthe center of the eddy.


We observed a strong local maximum incellular DA (~2.1 pg cell–1; Fig. 5c) coinci-dent with the center of a cyclonic eddy inthe SBC (Fig. 7). Bloom levels of Pseudo-nitzschia australis, producer of the highestcellular levels of DA for this genus (Garrison1981, Buck et al. 1992, Bates 2000), accom-panied high particulate pDA in the middleof the channel within a cyclonic eddy. Thiscyclonic flow in the SBC is driven by aneast–west gradient in wind stress along thechannel caused by an eastward reduction in



















Temperature (°C)

Nitrate (µM)

120.6 120.4 120.2 120 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2

Silicic acid (µM)

Longitude (°W)





































Fig. 8. (a) Temperature, (b) nitrate and (c) silicic acid concentrations at5 m along LTER grid, ‘Plume and Bloom’ and harmful algal bloom tran-

sects. �: sampling stations (n = 34)

Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms

the strength of (often intense) westerly winds(Oey et al. 2001, Beckenbach 2004). It ap-pears from SeaWiFS chlorophyll a, AVHRRSST and HF radar data (Fig. 3) that in mid-May 2003 there was a shift in synoptic statesfrom upwelling along the mainland coast tocyclonic flow (which generally requires achange in the magnitude of this wind stressgradient; Beckenbach 2004). Upwelling-favorable wind velocities did diminish from11 to 15 May, just prior to the sampling cruise(Fig. 2), which might have been sufficient forthe development of mesoscale, cyclonic flow.

The high pDA and cDA near the eddy cen-ter (Fig. 5b,c) is consistent with the retentioncapabilities associated with the convergentcenters of cyclones (and alternating anticy-clones) that propagate over the SBC (Nishi-moto & Washburn 2002; Beckenbach 2004,Beckenbach & Washburn 2004). While up-welling was occurring within the SBC duringour study, the contiguity of cold, high-nutri-ent water in the southwestern SBC and wateroffshore (Fig.8a) suggests that the bloom wasalso influenced by water that had upwelledoutside the SBC and had been advected intothe channel. We speculate that both these nu-trient sources supported the bloom through-out our observations during the transition toconvergent flow within the SBC. The net re-sult was the development of a toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia australis bloom, with the most toxic cells con-centrated in the convergent center of the eddy (Fig. 5).

It is difficult to separate the effects of eddy retentionfrom other factors that may influence Pseudo-nitzchiaspp. growth rates and DA production. Outside the

eddy, we observed high P. australis abundance, butonly moderate levels of pDA, a factor that underscoresthe difficulty in predicting DA levels from Pseudo-nitzschia spp. cell abundance in natural blooms. Suchinferences are further complicated by genetics. Orsiniet al. (2004) found high variability in rDNA internal


r Chl a PP P cell pDA cDA Si(OH)4 PO43– NO3

– T Si(OH)4:NO3– Si(OH)4:PO4

3– PB


Chl a – 0.81 0.64 0.71 0.32 –0.56 –0.34 –0.47 0.15 –0.40 –0.55 –0.62PP – 0.53 0.43 –0.01 –0.17 –0.05 –0.18 –0.08 0.19 –0.04 –0.24P. cell abund. – 0.51 –0.26 –0.42 –0.32 –0.36 0.22 –0.31 –0.37 –0.46pDA – 0.57 –0.55 –0.37 –0.45 –0.02 –0.48 –0.61 –0.62cDA – –0.19 –0.10 –0.18 –0.57 –0.20 –0.23 –0.03Si – 0.92 0.96 –0.60 0.48 0.86 0.64P – 0.98 –0.74 0.26 0.69 0.55N – –0.71 0.26 0.73 0.59T – 0.05 –0.33 –0.14Si:N – 0.74 0.37Si:P – 0.68PB –

Table 1. Spatial correlation coefficients (r) for selected biological, chemical, and physical variables at 5 m. Values in bold aresignificant at α = 0.05. PP: primary productivity; P. cell abund: Pseudo-nitzschia australis abundance; pDA: particulate domoic

acid; cDA: cellular domoic acid; PB: carbon assimilation number

Si(OH)4: PO4

Si(OH)4: NO3

Longitude (°W)120.6 120.4 120.2 120 119.8 119.6 119.4 119.2





































Fig. 9. Comparison of (a) silicic acid: phosphate ratio and (b) silicic acid:nitrate ratios at 5 m. �: sampling points along CTD grid, Plume and

Bloom and harmful algal bloom transects (n = 37)

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

transcribed spacer-types among members of the non-toxic species P. delicatissima. Such ‘cryptic diversity’may lead to toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains co-existing within an apparently monospecific bloom ofPseudo-nitzschia. High clonal variability in DA pro-duction has been demonstrated for P. australis andP. multiseries from Monterey Bay, California (Kudelaet al. 2003b). However, Evans et al. (2005) also showedhigh clonal diversity, but with low genetic differentia-tion, within P. pungens assemblages in the more physi-cally mixed environment of the North Sea. Clone-leveldiversity may have influenced the spatial patterns ofcell abundance and toxicity that we observed in theSBC (Fig. 5b,c).

DA levels and rates of primary production were high-est in the center of the eddy, but the PB maximum wasoffset to the west of the eddy, suggesting that the highprimary productivity within the eddy may have beenthe result of a large accumulation of biomass undersuboptimal growth conditions that may have also con-tributed to the higher toxicity of those cells. This sup-ports the hypothesis that long residence times ofPseudo-nitzschia spp. cells in the euphotic zone underlow nutrient conditions promote DA production (Mar-chetti et al. 2004).

Chemical drivers of toxigenic bloom formation

In coastal upwelling systems, diatom growth is oftenstimulated by the vertical injection of inorganic nutri-ents and is further controlled by the rate of nutrientdrawdown during a given upwelling cycle (Wilkerson& Dugdale 1987, Zimmerman et al. 1987). Si limitationretards the ability of diatoms to outcompete otherphytoplankton once silicic acid levels fall below ca.2 µM (Egge & Aksnes 1992) and ratios of silicic acid todissolved inorganic nitrogen are less than the Red-field/Brzezinski value of 1:1 (Brzezinski 1985, Turneret al. 1998). There is evidence, however, that the genusPseudo-nitzschia has a lower Si requirement thanmany other diatoms (Marchetti et al. 2004) and conse-quently can maintain biomass in the euphotic zone inthe later successional stages of a spring bloom (seeBates et al. 1998). Kudela et al. (2003a) found thatPseudo-nitzschia spp. blooms off California occur dur-ing the transitional stages from a strong upwelling/high nutrient regime to a weak upwelling/low nutrientregime. Our cruise occurred during such a transitionalperiod from an upwelling mode to a cyclonic mode.

The significant negative correlations observed be-tween silicic acid concentration, Si(OH)4:NO3

– andSi(OH)4:PO4

3– ratios and Pseudo-nitzschia australisabundance (Table 1) supports the hypothesis thatPseudo-nitzschia spp. populations are able to drive sili-

cic acid concentrations to low levels relative to those ofnitrate and orthophosphate while remaining viableand dominant in the phytoplankton. If the retentiontime of cells in surface waters were prolonged by con-vergence within the eddy, then continued drawdownof nutrients, and in particular silicic acid, may have en-hanced DA production there. Indeed, silicic acid con-centrations were lowest in the eddy center, where 5 mcDA was highest (Figs. 5c & 8c). While we are unableto assess nutrient limitation directly with our data set,we note that P. australis abundance was highest in wa-ters with the lowest Si(OH)4:PO4

3– and Si(OH)4:NO3–

(Table 1, Fig. 9) supporting a link between a low-Siregime and P. australis growth. In continuous culture,Si stress induces P. multiseries to take up less Si(OH)4

relative to NO3–, lowering cellular Si(OH)4:NO3

– ratiosfrom ~2 under nutrient-replete conditions to an aver-age of ~0.68 under conditions of Si limitation (Pan et al.1996b). Ambient Si(OH)4:NO3

– ratios in the centralpatch of high biomass within the eddy (Fig. 6a) thatcoincided with highest pDA and cDA (Fig. 5b,c) did fallwhere Si(OH)4:NO3

– ~0.6 (Fig. 9b), but were not exclu-sive to that region. Conversely, over much of the chan-nel where silicic acid concentrations were significantlyhigher (5 to 20 µM; Fig. 8c), the Si(OH)4:NO3

– ratioswere at Redfield or higher (Fig. 9b) and pDA and cDAlevels were consistently low. The association betweendecreasing Si(OH)4:NO3

– values and rising DA levelshas also been observed in Monterey Bay (R. Kudelaunpubl. data). Combining their results with ours sug-gests that DA production by P. australis is likely whenthe Si(OH)4:NO3

– is <2. Enhanced DA production occurs in stationary phase

cells (Pan et al. 1996a,b, 1998, Bates et al. 1998, Kudelaet al. 2003b) when carbon assimilation has significantlydecreased and cells are no longer in their physiologicalprime. In the absence of direct micro- and macronutri-ent limitation assays, we examined the PB data set forindications of physiological stress. Phytoplankton bio-mass, pDA and cDA were all highest in areas with ge-nerally low PB (Fig. 6d). Our in situ PB values (Fig. 6d)are in agreement with values obtained for Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries from culture which show meancarbon assimilation rates of 18 µg·µg chl–1 d–1 for Si-limited cultures compared to values of 38 µg·µg chl–1

d–1 for the same species under nutrient-replete condi-tions (Pan et al. 1996b). In our field data, PB showed anexpected strong positive correlation with all macro-nutrients. There was a nearly significant negative cor-relation between primary productivity and PB (Table 1,Fig. 6c,d) that could be interpreted as an indicationthat the most productive regions were those with highbiomass that was fixing carbon at a relatively lowchlorophyll a-specific rate compared to other areas.Taken together, the low PB and high primary produc-


Anderson et al.: Circulation and algal blooms

tivity observed in the center of the eddy indicate aphytoplankton population with poor cellular health,perhaps as a result of a long residence time in surfacewaters.

Comparison with other Pseudo-nitzschia australisblooms on the west coast of North America

In this study, SEM of filtered water samples revealedthat Pseudo-nitzschia australis (Fig. 4) dominated thebloom we observed and that this species was the majorDA producer (although other Pseudo-nitzschia speciesmay have been present in very low numbers). In areview of Pseudo-nitzschia studies, Bates et al. (1998)reported that P. australis, P. multiseries and P. pseudo-delicatissima all occur off the west coast of NorthAmerica, although which species tend to dominateduring toxic events in the Southern California Bight isunpredictable.

Prior to the recent blooms in the SBC, toxigenicblooms were considered rare in the Southern Califor-nia Bight, leading Lange et al. (1994) to hypothesizethat conditions in this area were not appropriate for DAproduction or its accumulation. Temporal and spatialvariability in the magnitude of DA events may haveconfounded detection efforts. For instance, the maxi-mum pDA (1684 ng l–1) recorded here in the 2003 SBCevent was about 4 times lower than maxima observedduring another P. australis bloom in the SBC the fol-lowing year (Mengelt 2006) or those recorded forP. australis at Point Conception during the 1998 bloomof P. australis along the entire California coast (max.6300 ng l–1; Scholin et al. 2000, Trainer et al. 2000). It isalso important to note that relative to the maximumconcentrations of pDA found in Monterey Bay in 1998(7500 ng l–1), 2003 SBC levels were quite low (Traineret al. 2000). The cDA levels (0.14 to 2.1 pg cell–1)reported herein are also at the low end of the range (0to 78 pg cell–1) reported by Scholin et al. (2000) andTrainer et al. (2000). Despite these relatively low DAlevels observed in May 2003, however, toxin concen-trations were sufficiently high to cause 500 sea lion and50 common dolphin deaths in the region (Langlois2004), underscoring the difficulty in predicting DA-related food web effects, and perhaps indicative of therole of residence time in determining their strength.


The channel-wide harmful bloom of Pseudo-nitz-schia australis was probably prolonged and intensifiedby the entrainment of cells in a convergent, cycloniceddy. While spatial variations in nutrient supply may

have favored dominance by P. australis and the pro-duction of DA within the SBC, eddy circulation bestexplains the distribution of the most toxigenic cells. Wedo not know if the cells within the eddy were merelyentrained or whether conditions within the eddy pro-moted toxin production; both are possible, and theyare not mutually exclusive. Convergent mesoscale ed-dies in the SBC are common and often occur in springwhen blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. are most likelyto occur. It is probable that phytoplankton routinelyaccumulate in these convergences and are then trans-ported over significant distances as the eddies propa-gate westward. In the case of harmful algal blooms,this has significant implications for fisheries managerswho rely on predictions of bloom distribution andtransport to determine strategies for shellfish quaran-tines and alert systems.

Our data support the idea that Si stress plays a role inDA production, but the relationship between nutri-tional status and DA production appears complex,making it difficult to predict the magnitude and extentof DA poisoning from cell abundance and nutrient con-centration. Species-level or possibly clone-level differ-ences in growth and nutrient uptake and growth kine-tics must be further explored before we can determinethe utility of applying generic indices of nutrient stressto mixed-assemblage blooms. While our analysis hasfocused on macronutrients, DA production has alsobeen linked to micronutrient supply (Ladizinsky &Smith 2000, Rue & Bruland 2001, Maldonado et al.2002, Wells et al. 2005, B. Hopkinson & K. Barbeau,Scripps Institution of Oceanography, pers. comm.).Current investigations into such trace metal controlson Pseudo-nitzschia spp. growth and DA productionshould contribute to developing predictive modelsbased on physical and chemical drivers of toxicity.

Vertical nutrient delivery to surface waters duringupwelling episodes is certainly a key factor in phyto-plankton bloom initiation, but the transition from amixed assemblage of diatoms to an assemblage domi-nated by Pseudo-nitzschia spp. appears more compli-cated and could be driven by assemblage-specific up-take rates of nutrients and interannual variability inseeding populations (Garrison 1981) that determinethe appropriate conditions for toxigenic bloom de-velopment. In 2002 and 2003, DA levels were highenough to cause widespread sickness and death in thesea mammal population, but in 2004, bloom levels ofP. australis and the highest pDA ever recorded for theSBC were not sufficiently prolonged to affect highertrophic levels (Mengelt 2006, B. Prézelin unpubl. data).Interestingly, mesoscale eddies have been observedduring both the 2004 bloom and the most recentMay/June 2005 bloom, during which sea lion strand-ings and mussel quarantines were coincident with only


Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327: 119–133, 2006

moderate levels of DA (Mengelt 2006) and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (~105 cells l–1). We suspect that retentionof phytoplankton induced by eddy circulation mayplay a role in the manifestation of marine mammal ill-ness. It seems likely that continuing studies of the roleof circulation on the horizontal movement of phyto-plankton and their byproducts will better define whatregulates the timing, intensity and persistence of theseregional events.

Acknowledgements. This work is a product of the SantaBarbara Coastal Ecosystem LTER, funded by the US NationalScience Foundation (OCE 9982105). Support was also pro-vided by a NASA Earth System Science graduate fellow-ship 06-ESSF-06R-12, and the NASA-funded Plumes andBlooms project headed by D. Siegel. Many thanks to the cap-tain and crew of the UNOLS vessel RV ‘Point Sur’ (MossLanding), B. Emery, J. Weaver, A. Alldredge, J. Jones, M.Armstrong, A. Roberts and T. Westberry. We are grateful toC. Mengelt and several anonymous reviewers for helpful in-sights that greatly improved this paper.


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Editorial responsibility: Howard Browman (Associate Editor-in-Chief), Storebø, Norway

Submitted: October 10, 2005; Accepted: March 14, 2006Proofs received from author(s): November 22, 2006

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