cimt 687 project ii

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Project Management PlanIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for CIMT 687: Leading and Managing Technology Resources in Educational Settings

Submitted by: Group 2: Andrea Boehme, Amena Alahmad, Safaa Almohammedsalem, Ohoud Al Radhi, Shaimaa AlHarbi

[Year]Indiana State University


Executive SummaryInspired by the idea that learning is most forceful when it is fun, we created a web site.

E-Learning is one of the best means of education in modern times because it has many benefits

and it helps to enter the information in the children mind faster and better than any other

educational means. E-learning is diverse areas where it helps to promote education in all schools

and universities, bringing a feature and a special luster make classroom more useful and fun

(Fichter, 2002)1.

From this standpoint we designed this site and created two sections for children who are

aged 8 to 11 to get them know the Human Body Systems and Water Cycle.

In this website, we have added a lot of pictures and videos about the human body so we

expect them to identify a number of body organs and their functions, explain how the respiratory

system works. Children would be able to identify the first and last part of the digestive system,

understanding the circulatory system and its functions and the excretory system and the

relationship with undigested foods.

Also we recognize the need to prepare the children to learn about water cycle so they will

know the meaning of it, how rain is formed, the type of clouds that contain water in the form of

vapor and how water falls on Earth and what is the source of most earth’s water. Children should

also know how evaporation takes place and the causes of evaporation. Understand that although

water is critical in the environment, but people's actions may affect the water cycle.

We believe that the early years of children help form their personality, so we need to develop

better ways to protect the education of today's children because they are the voice of tomorrow.

1 Fichter, D. (2002). Intranets and elearning: A perfect partnership. Online, 26(1), 68-70. Retrieved from


Business CaseThe creation of this e-book will fulfill a need in American education. As described in the

project charter, STEM education is an aspect of education that we need to improve. By giving

kids access to quality materials that engage and excite them, this may bolster their interest in

STEM subjects and cause them to pursue the discipline in their later years.

The cost to achieve this for Team 2 is time. Finding and incorporating quality videos and

images and creating the website are the main issues. However the benefits of these mediums

have been proven. Education depends on various resources: reading, writing, listening and

visualization. Each one has its way to send an educational message. The visual sense is really

effective in child education, especially, if its correlates with other senses. Generally speaking,

pictures and other visuals tools are found to be the most effective, most abundant, and the

cheapest way of teaching. Even if the child speaks another language or has disability that makes

his/her communication difficult, we can use image as a way to communicate and convey our

message. The main purpose is to encourage and improve the visual perception of children. But

unfortunately, instructors are underutilizing this useful resource. Used relevantly, pictures can

get the children’s attention because the colors, or art, can not only demonstrate a topic or theme,

but also can help to provide an experience based on what children require in order to make the

topic more interesting, exciting, and enjoyable. In our project, we replaced the old pictures with

different pictures that contain attractive colors and drawn in comic like and modern manner.

These pictures will be our pathway to touch the children’s minds. Even though these pictures

have advanced topics like respiration, water cycle, and blood circulation; it will be easy for them

to remember the topics.


Videos also add another benefit. It has been found that students who watch videos

“understand concepts more rapidly and are more enthusiastic about what they are learning.  With

video as one component in a thoughtful lesson plan, students often make new connections

between curriculum topics, and discover links between these topics and the world outside”

(NTTI)2.  Usually, children enjoy this kind of learning because it is fun and educational at the

same time.  Another strength in the use of video is that students must employ two of their five

senses: hearing and sight.  This will better encode the information to help children remember the

material for a long time.  Video is also helpful in instruction because it helps to “illustrate

complex, abstract concepts...that can’t be done in class” (NTTI). We found good videos that

explain the human body and water cycles simply.  We will also add narration to one video we

found to enhance it.

Measuring the costs of these media (our time) versus the educational benefits we can see

that this is a useful endeavor.

2 NTTI. (n.d.) National Teacher Training Institute. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from


Stakeholder Analysis

Person/Group Description Impact on project Communication Events Communication Method

Dr Boileau

Instructor for the Class.  


Will have final approval of project. And will be ultimate judge the quality of the work

Dr. Boileau will be updated at all milestone events, and when project guidelines are unclear to the team.

ISU email, Google Docs comments

Team 2

Safaa, Amena, Shaimaa, Ohoud, Andrea

Main creator of material

Will create all work material.

Responsible for meeting requirements.

Each class the group will meet to evaluate project progress, set new goals for the week, and clarify expectations.

Throughout the week informal emails and document comments will be used to create consensus.

Amongst group: Gmail, Google Docs comments, ISU email

Elementary Students

Target Audience

The our target learners will be students in 5 and 6 grade (k-5& k-6)

Creating product to meet their needs/wants.

Assessments will be used to change the product if needed.

After the website has been created we will seek the input of children who are in our target audience.

Informal face to face conversation during assessment of product by Amena and Ohoud

Students in CIMT 687 Class

Tertiary Client No formal impact.  They will be observers during the final presentation.

Questions asked during class time may better inform the group on instructor expectations.

Formal presentation at the end of project.

PowerPoint presentation


Project CharterThis project charter authorizes Team 2 (Shaimaa, Ohoud, Safaa, Amena, Andrea) to

create a website for Dr. Boileau to meet the requirements of CIMT 687.

ContractThere is no formal contract for this project.  Requirements and expectations for the

project have been stated in the class syllabus and rubrics.  Product requirements are set by the

group and have been described in the product scope description.

Statement of Work

Project Need

Firstly, this project is being created to meet the requirement of CIMT 687 Leading and

Managing Educational resources.  Secondly, the e-book/website being created is for elementary

aged students (specifically grades 5 and 6) who wish to learn independently about science.  The

need to increase Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education has been

emphasized by President Obama.  This was in response to, among other studies, a 2006

international assessment of science literacy that ranked The United States 21st out of 30 in the

ranking of developed countries (Educate to Innovate)3.  It is our hope that by creating a fun and

interactive product, we can spark elementary aged student’s interest in STEM disciplines.

Project Scope Description

In order to meet the need for an interactive science resource, and to meet the

requirements of the course, we will create an e-book utilizing Google Sites and the information

from the Water Cycle and Human Body Systems sections of The website will be created for 5th and 6th graders. To

help these students engage with the material we will add videos, pictures, and audio content that 3 Educate to innovate. (n.d.). Retrieved from


will enhance the content from the K12 website. We will document the project following the

criteria listed in the Semester Project requirements included in the CIMT 687 syllabus provided

by the sponsor, Dr. Tim Boileau. Project documents will follow the guidelines set by the Project

Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) and will attempt to account for every step in the

project management process, whether the strategy is specifically used or not.

Product Scope Description

WebsiteThe website will be designed using the Google Sites interface.  It will be compatible with

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.  Safari may be excluded later as it is not currently

supported by Indiana State University.

Videos Each subsection of the original content for the Human Body will have a video.  The

Water Cycle section will have one video.  These videos will be found through internet searches

with a preference for Creative Commons and Youtube.  All videos will be embedded on the page

through Google Sites’ functionality.  Only videos that have no narration will be considered for

narration to be created by the team.  Citations for all videos will be included in APA format as

either a footnote, caption, or entry on work cited page depending on consensus of group.  All

citations will have a consistent method for recognizing the creating authority.

ImagesEach major subsection will have an accompanying image.  Original images will be used

depending on group decision.  Additional images will be gathered from internet searches, with a

preference for Creative Commons images.  Citations will be included using the same method as

videos.  All images will be .jpg format and will be uploaded to the website using Google Sites’



Text All text (with the exception of citations and navigational text) will be transcribed from

the source document.  The only deviation will be to fix grammatical/spelling errors.  Formatting

will be done at the group’s discretion as best suits the layout of the website or aids in

comprehension of material.

AssessmentsAssessments will be created used the pre-existing multiple choice tests from the source

document.  These assessments will be added to the webpage so that children may test their


Strategic Plan

As this is an ad hoc group created to fulfill a class requirement, there is no overarching

corporate plan that would inform how this project would fit into a current business model.



The list of deliverables has been broken down by project or product.  Following the list of

deliverables, there is a RACI chart that documents who is Accountable (directly responsible for

making sure that tasks are completed), Responsible (responsible for creating some aspect of the

deliverable), Consulting (will be called upon to advise those accountable and responsible on

project requirements), and Informed (have no direct task to complete but may review content for



Deliverable Start date Projected Due Date Completion DateSemester Project Part 1 Jan 28 March 4 March 4Semester Project Part 2 March 5 April 15 April 15Semester Project Part 3 April 8 April 22


Deliverable Start date Projected Due Date Completion DateSetup website Jan 28 February 18 March 19Layout text and page structure

March 1 March 22 Feb 6

Images March 22 March 26 Feb 12Videos March 22 March 28 March 25Assessments March 1 March 29 April 9Test/Proofread on defined browsers

March 18 March 29 April 1

Test with children April 1 April 5 April 5Make Changes April 5 April 14 April 15Website delivery April 15 April 15 April 15


RACI Chart

Amena Andrea Ohoud Safaa ShaimaaSemester Project Part 1


Semester Project Part 2


Semester Project Part 3


Setup websiteA I R R R

Layout text / page structure


Insert images I I R A R

Insert videos C I A R R

Create assessments


Test/Proofread on browsers


Test with children


Make Changes A I I I R

Website delivery


Requesting changes

As any changes made to the project requirements will impact all members of CIMT 687

we request that the class as a whole approve such deviations after an in-class discussion.  Only if

a majority of class agrees and Dr. Boileau consents to the request will such changes be honored.

Changes to the product may be requested by any team member.  They are required to

have a majority consensus before changes will be made.  Changes suggested by Dr. Boileau will

also be implemented per majority rules.  Any additions to the project will only be considered up

to March 29, and cannot require more than 15 hours to implement. Subtractions will be

considered until April 10th, and cannot require more than 5 hours to implement.



Project constraints have been detailed in the SWOT analysis and in the project milestones

document. Major constraints of the project concern time frame and proper execution of copyright



Assumptions for this project have been outlined in the project scope.


Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational or Company Culture

As this is an ad hoc group there is no pre-existing organizational culture that would

influence the product/project.

Governmental or Industry Standards

During the creation of the product copyright and fair use restrictions will need to be

respected.  The team will have to choose resources that have Creative Commons licensing or

follow fair use guidelines.  Citations for all materials will be included in the webpage if the

resources was used for the product, or in project documentation if resources were referenced in

the project documents.


Infrastructure for this project will include the ISU library, which contains research

resources for the project as well as meeting places.  There is also the CIMT classroom that will

provide additional meeting areas.  All other infrastructure needed will be provided by the team

members as needed by the project.

Existing Human Resources

As the majority of the group has worked within the CIMT program we are used to

complying with standards, and working with a similar project load.  Additionally Amena and

Andrea have both used Google Sites to create a website and have the skills needed to complete

the work.

Personnel Administration

This team cannot be hired or fired, nor is there a company-wide performance review

requirement.  Therefore, this section is not applicable.


Project Management Information Systems

Open Proj - will be used to chart progress and create documentation for the project

Google Docs - will be used to construct preliminary documents and to house all project

documents.  The comments functionality will also be a form of communication for

between team members and Dr. Boileau.

Microsoft Office - will be used to create all final drafts of project documentation.

Campus Email - will be used for formal communication between group members and Dr.


Google Email - will be used for informal communication between group members.

Blackboard will be used to submit project documents to Dr. Boileau for grading


Organizational Process Assets

Organizational StandardsAs this website is not being created for a specific company there are no specific

organizational standards to which we must adhere.

TemplatesThere are no preexisting organizational templates that we are required to use.

Historical InformationWe have worked with Google Sites before and have experience working with Google

Sites’ interface; this will make it easier to manage the creation of materials and should cut down

on testing the website.


Summary Milestones

Below are listed the milestones for the project.   Each item is listed with a due date, a

short description of the milestone, a ranking of criticality, and a possible path of recourse if the

milestone is not met. Please note for the ranking of criticality it proceeds from 1 being “Not

critical at all” to 5 at “Non-completion not acceptable”.


Milestone Due Date Description RecourseSemester Project Part 1

March 4 Initial project documentation

If due date is not met this will adversely affect our grade enough to signify project failure.

Layout text and page structure

March 22 The layout of the website and the information in it.

Project must be halted until all text is input.  Project failure will be imminent if text is not input.

All content inserted

April 5 Website is ready for testing.

If not completed by due date group my decided by consensus to remove voice over.

Semester Project Part 2

April 15 Finalized project documentation

If due date is not met this will adversely affect our grade enough to signify project failure.

Semester Project Part 3

April 22 Presentation If due date is not met this will adversely affect our grade enough to signify project failure.


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Task Start Date End Date Dependent on


1 Find Ebook 1/14/2013 1/18/2013 Andrea Boehme; Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi

Website 1/21/2013 3/29/2013 1

2 choose layout 1/21/2013 1/21/2013 1 Amena Alahmad

3 insert text 2/4/2013 2/6/2013 2 Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi

4 create page structure

1/21/2013 1/25/2013 2 Safaa Almohammedsalem

5 review layout with media inserted

1/21/2013 1/21/2013 9 Andrea Boehme; Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi

6 glossary page 3/25/2013 3/29/2013 2 Shaimaa AlHarbi

7 Images 1/15/2013 4/1/2013 3

8 find images 1/21/2013 2/11/2013 1 Ohoud Al Radhi[50%]; Safaa Almohammedsalem[50%]

9 insert into website 2/6/2013 2/12/2013 4 Safaa Almohammedsalem; Amena Alahmad; Ohoud Al Radhi; Shaimaa AlHarbi

10 cite images 2/12/2013 4/1/2013 9 Safaa Almohammedsalem[50%]

Video 1/14/2013 4/9/2013 1

11 find video 1/14/2013 2/5/2013 1 Ohoud Al Radhi [20%]; Amena Alahmad [20%]; Safaa Almohammedsalem [20%]

12 edit for time 3/18/2013 3/22/2013 11 Amena Alahmad

13 insert videos 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 4 Amena Alahmad

14 cite videos 3/25/2013 4/9/2013 9 Safaa Almohammedsalem [50%]Testing 1/21/2013 4/12/2013 5

Platforms 4/1/2013 4/5/2013 5

15 Internet explorer 4/1/2013 4/5/2013 5 Andrea Boehme [20%]

16 Firefox 4/1/2013 4/5/2013 5 Andrea Boehme [20%]

17 Chome 4/1/2013 4/5/2013 5 Andrea Boehme [20%]

18 Fix errors 4/8/2013 4/12/2013 5 Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi; Andrea Boehme[50%]

User testing 1/21/2013 4/12/2013 5


19 find subjects 1/21/2013 1/21/2013 Amena Alahamad; Ohoud Al Radhi

20 get feedback 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 19 Amena Alahmad; Ohoud Al Radhi

21 Evaluate feedback

4/8/2013 4/8/2013 20 Andrea Boehme; Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi

22 implement changes 4/9/2013 4/12/2013 21 Amena Alahmad; Safaa Almohammedsalem; Shaimaa AlHarbi; Ohoud Al Radhi


SWOT AnalysisHelpful Harmful

Internal (organizational)

Strengths Have experience creating

Google Sites Group Synergy Large Group (more resources) Familiarity with children The project will be free Clear course requirements

Weaknesses Slight language gap Not Familiar with OpenProj

Functionality Class load Majority of group are 1st

semester Lack of experience for some

group membersExternal


Emphasis on STEM education Rise in societal desire for e-

books and other interactive media

Freely available project resources

Project easily scalable upward to improve capabilities

Threats Timeframe Class load Copyright law Popularity of the arts steering

students away from the sciences.


Factor Ranking Rational

Internal 2 We seem to understand the requirements of the course and we are working well together to meet those requirements.  However, many in the group are anxious about achieving the best grade they can.  We can meet this issue by using our class time well and keeping communications open so that we all can be assured of an excellent final project.

External 3 The majority of the group has a large course load or other time draws.  However, with a sufficient division of labor the project will become more manageable.

Technology 3 The majority of the technology we are going to use is familiar to us.  The only issue is the OpenProj software. However there is a robust user forum that can help use use it for the limited amount of functions we need it to do.



2 We will have to make sure that we are using materials that are Creative Commons or fall under fair use.  Making sure to correctly attribute our additional media will need to be a priority

Total 2.5


Risk Assessment Plan

Priority Matrix

Low Medium High

High TrainingClass load

Copyright Law

Medium Sickness Content CreationUser opinion

Low Google sitesMissed criteria

As seen in the priority matrix, the majority of our risks fall into the high priority range.

To combat these many risks we have planned ways to negate or fix the possible problems.  The

following table presents the risks in detail and describes how such risks will be addressed if they

are triggered.


Risk Register

Risk Probability Impact Trigger ActionsGoogle sites(Technical)

Low High Google decides to discontinue Sites and makes the platform completely unusable.

Avoidance/Transfer – If this occurs before March 4th, then an eBook will be created using one of the eBook programs freely available on the web. If this occurs after March 4th, all non-critical aspects will be dropped and we will renegotiate the requirements with Dr. Boileau.


Medium Low A member of the team gets sick and is unable to perform their work

Avoidance / Mitigation - in the event that class load becomes too much we will reduce workload  by eliminating aspects that the team deems  non critical.  Critical product aspects will have multiple people working on them to assure completion.

Creation of Content(Organizational)

Medium High content creation becomes the major focus of the project

Transfer - content from the K12 site will  be used to reduce time spent creating content.


High Medium Member does not know how to use a feature of the program.

Mitigate - Training on Google sites will come from members of the team who have worked with it before.  Open Project assistance will come from the program’s support site.

Missed criteria(Organizational)

Low High An requirement for the assignment was not fulfilled.

Mitigate - to reduce the chance of missing criteria we will try to have open communication with Dr Boileau  and allow him to review materials so that  expectations are met.

Class load(Organizational)

High Medium Team members become too overwhelmed with class work to fulfill their section of the project.

Avoidance / Mitigation - in the event that class load becomes too much we will reduce workload  by eliminating aspects that the team deems non critical.  Critical product aspects will have multiple people working on them to assure completion.

Copyright Law(External)

High High The use of information in the website

Mitigation - preference for CC licensed materials. For materials that are not CC we will create a reference page and cite the material.

User opinion(User)

Medium High Users do not like the design of the website, or are confused by the content.

Mitigation - We will complete a learner analysis to examine to discover what our users would like. Additionally, we will rely on the knowledge of team members who have children to guide the rest of the team in material use and child appropriate content.


BudgetingAs described in the scope resources were chosen that were free to use. There is no

overhead to fund, services or technology to buy, or salaries to pay. Therefore, this budget is

based on hours needed to complete project deliverables.  It assumes a “work week” of 5 hours

per person.  It does not include weekends or Spring Break.  This semester we have a total of 320

“budget-able” hours (available days x1 hours per day x5 members of the team).  As projected

below, we should only need 180 hours to complete the project.  Many of the steps have already

been completed as of April 15th, and we are on track to complete the project on time and under


Name Estimated Cost (hrs) Actual Cost (hrs) % ChangeWebsite platform 20 22 10Images 15 50 233Videos 15 45 200Text Content 20 25 4Testing 15 20 3Proofreading 15 25 66Project P1 20 20 0Project P2 30 30 0Project P3 30Total 180 237 +31


Project Scheduling


Critical Path Analysis


Project Quality Checklist


Technical 30% Do all the links work? Do all images appear? Do all videos function as intended? Does website function similarly on supported browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome)

Aesthetic 30% Is information formatted consistently? Is content presented in a way that viewers would find appealing? Is content presented in a way that does not hinder navigation?

Content 40% Is content (videos, images, text) appropriate for the concept? Is content appropriate for the audience? Is information presented accurately and without bias? Are there any grammatical or spelling errors? Is all outside content properly cited?


Are all sections listed in the syllabus present? Are relevant PMBOK techniques and practices evident in each section? Is information formatted consistently? Is information presented accurately and without bias? Are there any grammatical or spelling errors? Is all outside content properly cited?


Ebook Rubric




Criteria 8 6 4 2 0Is non-text media appropriate for the concept?

All media supports content and enhances understanding.

Media helps students understand concepts, with only 1 irrelevant or inaccurate item.

Media helps students understand concepts, with only 2 irrelevant or inaccurate items.

The majority of media does not enhance learning.

All media detracts from content, does not accurately represent concepts, or is filler.

Is content appropriate for the audience?

Content shows that the audience is thoroughly understood, and that information has been presented that will appropriately challenge them.

Some concepts are inappropriate for the audience.

Audience either confused or already familiar with 50% of content.

The majority of content is confusing for the audience or is passed over because they are already familiar with it.

Content is so high over or far below audience’s level of understanding that it is not useful.

Is information presented accurately and without bias?

All information is correct and is presented without bias.

There are 1 or 2 minor factual errors over the whole website.

- Or-Bias is evident but does not affect the information.

There a few factual errors on some pages.

- Or-Bias is evident and manipulates information in minor ways.

There are several major factual errors.

- Or-Bias is evident and manipulates information in major ways.

The majority of information is blatantly incorrect

-Or-Bias renders the information unusable.

Are there any grammatical or spelling errors?

There are no spelling or grammatical errors present.

There a no more than 5 typos or minor grammatical errors in the content of the website.

There are 5-10 errors on the website.

There are between 10 and 20 errors.

The amount of spelling or grammatical errors is numerous enough that understanding is a struggle for the majority of the content.

Is all outside content properly cited in its citation style?

Info. requiredOrder of info.Punctuation of citation

All information cited correctly in the chosen citation style

One or 2 references are improperly cited. Errors are in punctuation.

Many references have punctuation errors in citation format.

-OR-Some references have major errors in citation format.

The majority of references have major errors in citation format.

No outside information is cited. Or no citation style is evident.

T e Criteria 10 8 5 3 0




Do all the links work?

All links connect with the correct information.

Less than 10% of links are non-functional.

Between 10 and 20% of links are non-functional.

Between 20 and 50% of links are non-functional.

More than 50% of links are non-functional.

Do all (non-text) media items work as intended?

Every media element appears as designed.

Between 10 and 20% percent of media is non-functional.

Between 20 and 50% of media is non-functional.

Between 50 and 80% of all media is non-functional.

More than 80% of all media is non-functional.

Does website function similarly on supported browsers


All functions work as designed on all supported browsers.

The majority of functions work as designed on all supported browsers. Functions that don’t work are not critical to its use.

Critical functions are unusable on 1 supported browser.

Critical functions are unusable on 2 supported browsers.

Critical functions are completely unusable on all supported browsers.




Criteria 10 8 5 3 0Is information formatted consistently?

Color schemesFontPage layout

Every page within the website uses the same formatting conventions and this formatting enhances understanding.

Within sections/pages formatting is standard. But across sections there are minor differences that do not impact understanding.

Within sections/pages formatting is standard. But across sections there are major differences. These differences create confusion for the reader.

Within sections/pages, formatting changes at random. The user’s attention is focused on understanding the layout rather than content.

No formatting is evident.

Is content presented in a way that viewers would find appealing?

The website is visually appealing, draws users in, and enhances their experience.

The website is visually appealing and enhances the experience of the majority of users.

Aesthetic design has been demonstrated but doesn’t enhance the website.

There is no aesthetic appeal to the website.

The website is not visually appealing in any way and causes users to avoid the website.

top related