c&i 209: digital literacy september 1, 2011. observe teacher administering cap assessments...

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C&I 209: Digital Literacy

September 1, 2011

• Observe teacher administering CAP assessments• Discuss the nature of technology in classrooms today• Discuss Web Literacy• Explore some Web Tools available for classroom use• Define Agency and Identity• Describe ways teachers develop agency and identity

in students• Develop a plan for working with students to develop

their identities as literate people and their agency

Observation SurveyDeveloped by Marie Clay

Six observation tasks:1. Running Records2. Letter Identification3. Concepts about print4. Word Tests5. Writing vocabulary6. Hearing and recording sounds in


How do we teach CAP?

• Activities with High Frequency Words• Exploring Environmental Print• Phonemic Awareness • Structural Analysis (word parts)• Using words familiar to students (names)

All of these should be embedded in meaningful authentic literacy experiences

Use this to list the assessments that you have learned about and how you might choose to apply them to tutoring with your student. Consider what it is you want to know and the

purpose of the assessment.

What does this assessment designed to do? What information

can you get from it? How does it fit in with other


Why give this assessment? (what is the purpose; which of 6 language arts can you gather information about? )

What changes need to be made? (what are the

pros/cons of this assessment?)

What do you still need to know?

Something to Ponder….http://youtu.be/yfpa9uTWdJE http://youtu.be/OTToERnTKB4http://youtu.be/0VSymMbMYHA

Turn and talk: What does this mean for you as a teacher? Share which tools you are familiar with, which ones you have actually used and what some of your reservations are. Consider some other perspectives. What might other teachers, students, administrators, parents.

Illinois Professional Teaching Standards

#4 Planning for Instruction- The teacher understands instructional planning and designs instruction based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, the community, and curriculum goals.

4E. Understands how to integrate technology into classroom instruction. 4F. Understands how to review and evaluate educational technologies to determine

instructional value. 4G. Understands how to use various technological tools to access and manage

information. 4H. Understands the uses of technology to address student needs. 4N. Incorporates experiences into instructional practices that relate to the students'

current life experiences and to future career and work experiences. 4Q. Uses teaching resources and materials which have been evaluated for accuracy and

usefulness. 4R. Accesses and uses a wide range of information and instructional technologies to

enhance student learning.

Illinois Professional Teaching Standards

#6 Instructional Delivery - The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

6C. Knows how to enhance learning through the use of a wide variety of materials as well as human and technological resources.

6K. Uses a wide range of instructional technologies to enhance student learning.

6N. Uses technology appropriately to accomplish instructional objectives.

Classrooms and Instruction are changing

The use of Web 2.0 tools affects both the learning and teaching environment.

Literacy instruction is no longer limited to paper and pencil, basals, and books. Today's student is accustomed to being a producer of text, not just a passive consumer.

Students have to "shut down" to come to school Web 2.0 tools provide authentic literacy learning experiences for

students Students can have a world-wide audience Students can collaborate with students from anywhere in the

world Web 2.0 tools are designed to be easy to use, produce, edit,

create, and share Web 2.0 tools are FREE!

• What is digital literacy?• Why is it important?• What does this mean for us as classroom


Question 1

What is a URL?


URL - Uniform Resource Locator

Source: www.novemberlearning.com

Question 2

Identify these extensions and what they represent:











.org - organization

.k12 - school

.gov - government

.com - commerce

.edu - college

.ac - academic

.net - business

.mil - U. S. military

.jp - Japan


Question 3

List as many major search engines as you can


GoogleAlta VistaAsk.comQuintura for KidsQuinturaKartoo

Meta-Search Engines – Dogpile– Clusty– Databases provided

by libraries

Question 4

How does a site get to the top of the search results in Google?


Getting to the top of GoogleGoogle Bombing

– Ultimate popularity contest– I’ll put your link on my page if you’ll put

my link on yours

Question 5

What clues in a web address might indicate you are on a

personal website?

Why is knowing this important?


Website clues–~ or % – users, members, people in


Importance– Identifies the author and/or


An Example

Truncating- Being able to read and truncate a URL allows you to get the full picture of the site

Ever heard of Mechanical Marvels?

What happens if we truncate this site?

Moral of the story: Determine the source site

Question 6

How do you find the owner or publisher of a website?

Why is it important to know these facts?


Why is it important?– MLK site

• Civil Rights Library• Rosa Parks

Students have to be able to determine the validity and viewpoint of sites

Question 7

How do you find the history of any given website?

ORWhat do you do if the site is no

longer available?


Website history– Wayback Machine at www.archive.org– Look at MLK.org in the Wayback Machine results

• What do you know now?– Up since 1999– Change in design to appeal to kids

Remember Google Bombing?

Google Martin Luther King, Jr.Let’s look again

Google: MLK

Google Bombing storyMy Ed Tech network


• November Learning– http://www.novemberlearning.com/– Courses on Internet Literacy for $19.95

Web 2.0

• Participatory Culture & the Power of the Network– Collaboration– Creation– Connection

Digital Literacy in Action

• Digital literacy in “real” classrooms– http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?


What are the advantages of this type of instruction? What do you see as the limitations?

Creating community…

• Let’s visit a first grade class-– http://


• Features• Web 1.0 or Web 2.0?

Some tools to explore

• Diigo• Glogster• Vocaroo• Wiki• VoiceThread

What are you familiar with and what have you used?

Some more spaces…

• Google Docs• http://www.twiducate.com/• http://teachweb2.wikispaces.com/• http://webtools4u2use.wikispaces.com/


Building an Insider View: Social Imagination

“The ability to read others”“…. The possibility of understanding our own and

others’ experiences from that many more vantage points”

“Valuing, exploring, and appreciating multiple perspectives in the classroom.”

(Johnston, Knowing Literacy, 1997)

Flexibility and TransferWhat an adult assumes to be erroneous often reflects development in the child. Children’s expressions of language or inventions, reflect their current schemas, or working models for how language works” (Owacki & Goodman, 2002)•Aquarium Writing•Evan’s List

Identity and Agency

Identity- the uniquenesses and affiliations that define people and what they are becomingAgency- the belief that one’s actions can make an impactWhat examples really stuck out to you?•Which one are you interested in “trying” on as you become a teacher?•Discuss some of your thoughts

So What….

• Revisit the Big Ideas Chart.– What ideas will you add– What does this mean for you

as a classroom teacher?– What action do you need to


Next Class

Read Miscue Analysis Made Easy (Wiki) and Packet pp. 34-38Look over Improving Reading, Ch. 4 (pp. 281- 325)Bring Packet pp. 79-97 (We will use these to practice in class

on both days next week)

Print off Improving Reading, p. 324 (on the CD)

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