churches reopening - bayfield county, wi

Post on 11-Jan-2022






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Use signage asking congregants to wearmasks while in church

Church/Synagogue Safety Protect Your Congregants

Environmental Controls

Encourage the use of masks by attendees

Coffee/food  should not be provided.

     Offer alternative methods of broadcasting church services. Facebook,parking lot speakers.

Alternate rows between attendees

Release by rows,encourage socialdistancing and have people leavepromptly to their vehicles·       Administer communion withoutattendees having to touch the samesurfaces & objects.

Thoroughly sanitize the church building before and after each service. Use anEPA approved sanitizer or the 1/3 c bleach per gallon of water.

Hand washing and mask  MUST be priority #1 for all! 

Offer additional church services in order to spread out the attendance in a wayto ensure 6' of separation.

To help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect your staff and your congregants, adopt as many best practice recommendations that pertain to your congregation.

Make sure the soap dispenser and paper towel holder in bathrooms are full.

    Have hand sanitizer stations at eachentrance for attendees.

Masks and gloves should be provided to thegreeters who will remain at a 6’ distance

Have a “no physical touch” policy and a 6’distance should requested of all persons notunder the same household.     Fellowship and Commons areas should beclosed.

SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19: Cough, Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing, Fever, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell

    It is recommend against singing in thesanctuary when the congregation isgathered

Restrooms should be limited in number of people so there is 6’ of separation.

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