church open for prayer & reflection wednesdays, 10:00 am ... · pdf filefollowing poem...

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St. Paul’s Newsletter

January 2016

JANUARY AT ST. PAUL’S Sunday Worship - 8:00 & 9:30 AM

Vestry – 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Adult Forum - 9:00 AM

Church School - 9:15 AM Wednesday Eucharist - 12:10 PM in the Chapel

Choristers - Thursdays at 4:00 - 5:00 PM Choir Rehearsals - Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Adult Forum Sundays at 9:00 AM

The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks

Church Open for Prayer & Reflection Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Annual Meeting Reports

Due into the office by January 14

Girls' Friendly Society Meeting Tuesday, January 19 at 6:30 PM

St. Paul's 275th Anniversary Committee Meeting

Tuesday, January 19 at 7:00 PM

Annual Parish Meeting & Potluck Brunch Sunday, January 24 - 9:30 AM

Dear Companions in Christ, While selecting poems for our Christmas Poetry Jam (“Savoring the Word Made Flesh” on Christmas I), I came across the following poem which speaks to the hopeful beginning of a new year. It’s one of many Tennyson wrote in honor of his friend Arthur Henry Hallam. You might appreciate its original title, “The Way of the Soul”. Faithfully, Dee Anne+ In Memoriam A.H.H. Obit MDCCCXXXIII: 106 by Alfred Lord Tennyson Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless, coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood,

The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. Vestry Update The final Vestry meeting of 2015 focused primarily on financial issues as we began planning for the upcoming year. Bob Mansfield joined us to share three bids for the painting of the sanctuary and repairs to the rose window; the Vestry chose to go with Stevenson Services for this important work as we prepare for our 275th anniversary celebrations. We also heard updates about the stewardship campaign and the success (again!) of this year’s Holiday Fair—we appreciate all of the hard work many parishioners put into these important efforts. Finally, we spent time reviewing the first draft of the budget presented by the Finance Committee; we will finalize the budget at our next meeting in advance of the Annual Meeting. And, speaking of the Annual Meeting, we hope you will all join us for this meeting on January 24th as we gather to elect our leadership for 2016, hear reports about all of the wonderful ministries underway at our church, and consider new ways we might strengthen our parish as we enter our next 275 years! Your wardens, Amy Foster and Chuck Maynard

"Kudos Korner": Advent & Christmas Edition

Writer Anne Lamott says one of her favorite prayers is “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” To this we would only add “And thanks be to God for you” to the following …Karen Rowe and Maura Meltabarger of the Altar Guild for decorating the church for Christmas, and all Altar Guild members who worked overtime during Advent and Christmastide; Music Director Jay Lindsay, flutist Helen Stowe, the Choristers, Choir Members and Choral Scholars who wowed us with beautiful music throughout Advent and Christmas (thanks as well to our guest string players); parish secretary Debi Page who miraculously got it all done – bulletins galore, tabulating year-end gifts and pledges, and more – and still took the time coming to her; Nickie Whitehouse and first lieutenant Adam Abbate organizing the Christmas Pageant, along with all the earnest pageant players and helpful parents; all families who lit the candles on the Advent Wreathe (Crump, Oquendo, Brady, Piepenbring, Regan, Whitehouse, Beckley and Poniatowski); all who served liturgically (sometimes by design, sometimes jumping in at the last minute); Luke Adams who recorded the choral prelude and candlelight service at a moment’s notice; Vivian Horvath, Sharon Kesilewski and Stephanie Crump who faithfully “did nothing” on our Wednesday evenings in Advent; Trudy Brady for playing carols on Christmas Day and the 8:00 carol sing on Christmas II); those who read for our Christmas Poetry Jam (Karen Hlavac, Peter Chester & Bob Bartosiak at 8:00, Karen Rowe, Gerda Leveille & Karen Kraemer at 9:30); everyone who came to the many services (including multiple services over a 12 hour period!) and those who invite friends and family to church; AND all those whose unheralded efforts add to our Advent beauty and Christmas joy. Yes, thank you and thanks be to God for you!

Confirmation 2016

As advertised last fall, we are offering a Confirmation class to prepare for the Rite of Confirmation on May 1, 2016. Age 16 is the norm for this mature and public profession of faith. Classes start later this month. Please be in touch with Sue Rourke (8:00er) or the Rector as soon as possible to indicate your interest. Thank you! Adult Forum: Something for everyone! If you are interested in Bible Study, for the four weeks in Advent we will read and discuss the appointed readings for each Sunday. If you are interested in fiction, join us (beginning on Jan. 3) for our winter session on Geraldine Brooks’ The Secret Chord, which is a novel based on the life of King David. If you are interested in ordering a copy of The Secret Chord for $17, please contact Amy Foster. The Kindle version of the book is also available for $13.99. The Adult Forum meets on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in Wilkinson Hall —come try it out!

St. Paul's 275th Anniversary Committee Meeting

The date and time of the next meeting is January 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Anyone interested is welcome to attend!

Readers – Ushers – Crucifers – Acolytes – Chalice Bearers! Please check your schedules for services and times you are

serving. If you are unable to fulfill your obligation, please obtain a substitute for yourself! If you would also inform the parish office

of any changes it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Annual Parish Meeting Sunday, January 24, 2016

9:30 AM combined service with potluck brunch

Church School & Nursery Care as usual. (Snow date: Sunday, January 31)

Annual Meeting Reports Committee Chairs, please have your

Annual Reports in to the office by January 14

THANKS Thanks to all the crew that turned up on work night! Thanks to Tim, Adam, Barry, Anthony, Peter, Al, Curt, and Ray. We cleaned radiators, fixed pews, checked emergency lights, found the source of a leak in a soil pipe and changed light bulbs. The only complaint was from the light changing crew. They want a taller ladder so that they don't have to stand on each other's shoulders to reach the top bulbs in the chandeliers! Thanks also to the scouts for raking up the leaves and cleaning the grounds. Thanks to Helen and Carole for helping me load the leaf bags into the trailer! Thirdly, thanks to the lawn mowing crew for their efforts this past season. John W., Curt, Brian, Don, Peter, John C,. and Chuck pushed the lawn mower all around the lawn and kept it looking neat and tidy. St. Paul’s Girls’ Friendly Society –

January News! Saturday January 2, 2016- NO MEETING – Christmas/New Year break! Tuesday January 19, 2016- we meet at 6:30 pm. Theme- New Year, New You! We plan to have two special guests and some nutritious snacks! The girls are asked to bring a towel to sit on! We will also take any outside Youth Continuum collections at that time as well! Hopefully the weather will cooperate!! COLLECTION FOR YOUTH CONTINUUM OF NEW HAVEN – We received an urgent request for supplies. We are currently collecting: Shampoo (any size), hand sanitizer, tooth brushes, tooth paste, feminine sanitary supplies, socks (women’s and men’s sizes) See our Flyer! All girls ages 5 and up are invited to join! For more information, please contact Karen Rowe, Branch Advisor.

Church Open for Prayer & Reflection Wednesdays 10 AM - 1 PM

Since mid-August Gene Gervais has been opening the church for prayer and reflection on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. During this holiday season, take some time for reflection and prayer on Wednesdays. ALL are welcome to come and stay for as little or as much of the time as needed. Help spread the word!

Please advise us of - change of address or telephone numbers - illness, hospitalizations, deaths - requests for baptisms, weddings, etc.

Registration for next year's Nicaragua Service Trip is now open. Please contact Rob Page for more information at 203-269-2394 or The final day for registration is December 31, 2015. Trip dates – July 31 through August 7, 2016. Anyone interested is welcome! Please continue to keep putting spare change in our "Change for Change" jars located in the church to help us as we look forward to next year's trip, as we help those less fortunate.

Offering Envelopes! We have placed boxes of envelopes on a table in the back of the sanctuary. All boxes will have names on them and will be placed alphabetically. Please make sure that you pick up your box and not someone else's! If there is not a box with your name on it and you would like offering envelopes, please contact the parish office and we will be happy to get them to you. Any questions, please call the parish office at 203-269-5050.

Times for St. Paul's Sunday Service Comcast Cable Channel 18

Frontier Channel 99 www.WPAA.TV - WPA on the Internet

Sunday - 5:00 PM Monday - 8:00 AM

Wednesday - 1:00 PM Saturday - 6:30 PM

Holy Baptism

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated on the following Feast Days: Easter Eve (March 26, 2016) and Pentecost (May 15, 2016). Preparation for this celebration of Christian initiation includes a formal application and participation of parents and godparents in our Baptism Workshop and Rehearsal. Please direct any inquiries to the Rector at 203-269-5050 or

Mercy Center Retreat - April 16, 2016

I know it seems early, but it paid off. We are able to get Sr. Judy as facilitator and "Mitchell" for our meeting room. The date for our spring retreat at Mercy Center is April 16, 2016. We will meet at 9:00 AM and leave after supper, about 6:00 PM. The deposit is $7.00 per person and any checks are made out to Vivian Horvath. We will know the total fee when the deposits are in and I know how many will be attending. For anyone who has never attended this retreat please know you are very welcome. Mercy Center is in Madison right on the sound. You can walk on the beach and find a peaceful place to relax. It's a beautiful spot. If you are interested in attending for the day, please speak to Vivian Horvath. The deposit is due as soon as possible and any checks are made out to Vivian Horvath. Thank you!



St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Wallingford, CT

275th Anniversary

Saturday, April 23, 2016 at St. Paul's Community Celebration in Words, Music and Art

featuring guest artists from the community and a piece of music composed by Music Director James T. Lindsay

commissioned especially for this event.

Saturday, April 30, 2016 Dinner-Dance at Wallingford Country Club

Reservations will be required closer to the event.

Sunday, May 1, 2016 Festive Worship at 9:00 AM Cherishing the Past, Celebrating the Future!

The Rt. Rev. Laura Ahrens, celebrant and preacher.

Watch for notice of other events, opportunities and surprises throughout our 275th Anniversary year!

Join the planning effort. Contact the Rector or Anniversary Chair Karen Hlavac

Homeless/Emergency Shelter is open for the season. St. Paul’s will once again be serving food on Sundays starting at 6:30 pm for approximately 2 hours (or less). Sign-up sheets for the first three months are posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church. If you feel called to this ministry and have not served at the Shelter before we will welcome you and will pair you with one of our regular volunteers. The job is an easy and fulfilling one. Any questions can be directed to Trudy Guth.







The parish office is open Tuesday – Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

The telephone number is (203) 269-5050.

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