chumphon checkpoint dedication - thailand · 2013. 12. 3. · royal thai police on the 11th of...

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This IssueChumphon Checkpoint p. 1JIATF West in Vietnam p. 6

Detection & Monitoring p. 10RADM Anne Cullère visit p. 11

SSgt Katrina Gonzales Promotion p. 12

Shown above are General WatcharapolPrasarnrajkit of the Royal Thai Policeand Rear Admiral James Rendon at thededication ceremony for a new vehiclecheckpoint in Thailand’s Southern provinceof Chumphon - 11 Dec 2012, Photo byRoyal Thai Police

On the 11th of December 2012, RDML James Rendon attended thebuilding dedication ceremony of the Chumphon Vehicle Inspection

Point in Chumphon Thailand. This checkpoint is the third of threecheckpoints in Thailand sponsored by the U.S. Immigration and CustomsEnforcement, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and executedby JIATF West. The three North, East, and South vehicle checkpointsbuilt by JIATF West are located in the cities of Phayuha Khiri in theNorthern Province of Nakhon Sawan, Sikhio in the Eastern Province ofNakhon Ratchasima, and Tha-Sea in the Southern Province ofChumphon.

The construction on the Chumphon Province checkpoint began in 2007and was completed in 2011. According to a Royal Thai Police mediarelease, the facility was turned over to the Royal Thai Police from JIATFWest on the 19th of May 2011, but could not become operational untilParliament passed a resolution for its use on the 20th of March 2012.

A l l S t a f f N e w s l e t t e rVo l u m e 2 I s s u e 1J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3

Chumphon Checkpoint Dedication - Thailand

The long awaited ceremonywas well attended by ThaiPolice, Law Enforcement,Government and media. Theceremony included a tradi-tional Buddhist blessing, color

guard performance by the Royal Thai Narcotics SuppressionBureau, and Thai and U.S. national anthems performed by alocal high school marching band. Large tents were set up onthe lawn of the checkpoint’s administrative building to housethe over three hundred people in attendance.

General Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit, one of four Royal Thai Police4-star generals, was the presiding senior official with RDMLRendon as the senior U.S. official. JIATF West membersaccompanying RDML Rendon included Task ForceRepresentative, Mr. Lance McInnis; and Senior LawEnforcement Advisor, Mr. Peter Won. In attendancerepresenting the DEA was Assistant Regional DirectorMr. Peter Shigeta.

Below, the administrative building of the vehicle check point lavishly decorated in preparation for the dedication ceremony. - 11 Dec 2012, Photo by Royal Thai Police

Chumphon Checkpoint Dedication - Thailand

With the checkpoint having been operational for ninemonths at the time of the dedication ceremony, therewere many positive things said regarding successfulinterdictions at the Chumphon checkpoint. BothGeneral Watcharapol and RDML Rendon spoke andpresented awards at the ceremony. After thededication ceremony, the Royal Thai Police NarcoticSuppression Bureau gave a demonstration of avehicle inspection and mock interdiction.

Chumphon Checkpoint Dedication - Thailand

The checkpoint is located between kilometermarkers 466 and 477 off of Petchkasem Road, themain transport route between Thailand andMalaysia located in the Tha-Sea district ofChumphon Province. The Chumphon checkpointis comprised of an office building, three vehicleinspection stations, a dining hall and dormitory.

Royal Thai Police color guard - 11 Dec 2012,Photo by Royal Thai Police

Vehicle search demonstration - 11 Dec 2012,Photo by Royal Thai Police

Above, RDML Rendon speaks at the Chumphon Checkpoint dedication ceremony. Below left, RDML Rendon, Mr. Peter Won,DEA assistant Regional Director Mr. Peter Shigeta and Mr. Lance Mcinnis. Above right, RDML Rendon receives a plaque ofrecognition from Royal Thai Police General Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit. - 11 Dec 2012, Photo by Royal Thai Police

Chumphon Checkpoint Dedication - ThailandAccording to a December 2012 Royal Thai Mediarelease, of all of the narcotics trafficked intoThailand byvehicle, 70%enter from theNorthwest,20% from theNortheast, and10% from theEast.However, mostof the drugssmuggled outof Thailand toMalaysiatransit through the Southern region of Thailandwhich includes Chumphon Province.

Royal Thai Police General Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit and RDML Rendon cutting the ceremonial ribbon for the new ChumphonVehicle Inspection Point in Chumphon Thailand. Below, a salute to the color guard. - 11 Dec 2012, Photo by Royal Thai Police

Chumphon Checkpoint Dedication - Thailand

The Chumphon checkpoint is truly an interagency facility. Work at the checkpoint is coordinatedbetweenseveralagenciesincluding butnot limited to:TheDepartment ofLandTransport,NarcoticSuppressionDivision 4,Department ofLivestockDevelopment,ProvincialPolice Region8, Thai ExciseDepartment,Border Patrol Police, Customs, and the Office of Narcotics Control Bureau (ONCB). --

New Counter Narcotics PoliceTraining Facility - Vinh, Vietnam

From far right to left , Scott Hawman, Major General Nguyen AnTuan, representatives from the Ministry of Public Security, and DEARegional Director Joe Reagan with police officers at the ribboncutting ceremony and dedication of the newly built CounterNarcotics Police Training Facility near Vinh Vietnam – (Photo, MikeAsuka, 17 Jan 2013, courtesy of NAVFAC)

In 2009, JIATF Westbegan planning forthe construction of a counter narcotics police trainingfacility near the city of Vinh in Northern Vietnam forthe Ministry of Public Security. Previously in Vietnam,JIATF West has organized medical training andmissions with the Small Craft Maintenance TrainingTeam, but this was the first ever JIATF West basedevelopment project. The idea behind the project camefrom a need identified by the DEA Country Attaché inHanoi Vietnam, Jeff Wanner, in late 2009. NavalFacilities Engineering Command Resident Officer inCharge of Construction, headquartered in BangkokThailand provided project oversight and awarded theconstruction project to the AAC Construction and

Technology Architecture Consultants of Vietnam onthe 26th of September 2011. One year later theconstruction project was completed on the 29th ofNovember 2012.

The building, first of its kind for the Ministry ofPublic Security, is located in the town of Cua LoTown, Nge An Province (near the city of Vinh inNorthern Vietnam) and will be used for training bytheir counterdrug police known as the “C-47”.

JIATF West in Vietnam

Above, a 3D drawing of the proposed building before the construction followed by a snap shot of the actual buildingbuilt by AAC Construction and Technology Architecture Consultants of Vietnam. Bottom right, furnished cubiclesfor office administration support. -(Photo, Mike Asuka, 17 Jan 2013, courtesy of NAVFAC)

The two-story reinforcedconcrete building was builtcomplete with supportingfacilities including a guardhouse, garbage shed, waterpump house, internal roadand parking lot, concretepad for outdoor trainingand a perimeter fence. Theinterior of the facilityincludes 42 two-personfurnished barracks, dininghall, kitchen area, offices foradministration, rest rooms,conference room, classroom ,and computer trainingroom. According to JIATFWes t ’ s InfrastructureCoordinator, Mr. ScottHawman, the project wason time and withinbudget. Scott was alsoimpressed with the qualityof the work, “We werepleased with the outcomeof the construction.”

“We were pleasedwith the outcome ofthe construction”- Scott Hawman

JIATF West in Vietnam

The building was turned over to the Vietnamese Ministryof Public Security on the 13th of December 2012 and adedication ceremonywas held on the 17th ofJanuary 2013. In atten-dance at the ceremonyfrom JIATF West were;Base Development Pro-gram Manager, Mr.Scott Hawman; TrainingLiaison Officers Mr.Derek Gapol, and CaptPaul Trower, USMC.Also in attendance wereDEA East Asia RegionalDirector Joe Reagan asthe senior U.S. official,and Assistant DEA Country Attaché, Steve Cutler.Numerous Vietnamese Police Officers and members

of the Ministry of Public Security participated in the cer-emony. Major General Nguyen Anh Tuan, head of the

National NarcoticsPolice, was the at-tending senior Viet-namese official. Po-lice Officers dressedin traditional Ao daidress sang theirnational anthem andheld the giant redribbon for the cut-ting ceremony.

The C-47 and U.S.DEA have a produc-tive and cooperative

relationship in Vietnam and will be putting the newly-constructed training facility to use soon.

Officers of the Vietnamese Counter Drug Force, known as “C-47” watch as Mr. Scott Hawman cuts the ceremonial redribbon at the dedication of the Ministry of Public Security’s new Counter Narcotics Police Training Facility built byJIATF West. Left, a police officer in traditional Vietnamese dress (Ao dai). - 17 Jan 2013, NAVFAC

JIATF West in Vietnam

One of the 42 two man dorm rooms at the training facility.

Derek Gapol, Scott Hawman, and DEA SpecialAgent Steve Cutler enjoy a traditional Vietnamesemeal inside the facilities dining hall post ceremony.– 17 Jan 2013

JIATF West in Vietnam

JIATF West Training Liaison OfficersDerek Gapol and Capt Trower conducteda Pre-Deployment Site Survey (PDSS) theweek of the ceremony for an upcomingjoint CNT training event taking place thisyear.

This first ever JIATF West infrastructureproject in Vietnam will benefitcounternarcotics efforts between theDEA and C-47 for years to come. --

A computer training room for up to 40 Police Officers.

Command Detection & MonitoringEfforts for 2012

During the past year, the Illicit TrackingCell identified and reported on 91 cased

detection and monitoring events. The com-modities of these trafficking events rangedfrom methamphetamine precursor chemicals,finished product methamphetamine, cocaine,and heroin. The efforts resulted in the belowbreak-out totals displayed in both calendarand fiscal year.

During Jul 2012, JIATF West tipped LEA to a76 metric ton interdiction of mono-methy-lamine a key precursor to the P2P metham-phetamine production process. This interdic-tion prevented the production of over 60metric tons of methamphetamines.

During Aug 2012, JIATF West tipped LEA toan 80 kilogram interdiction of heroin. Thisevent was the largest interdiction of heroin bya partner nation for the past 10 years, as wellas resulted in 7 arrests including a low-levelpolitician.

The overall commanddetection and monitor-ing efforts additionallydrove traffickers to altertheir modus operandi.The increased sophisti-

cation of trafficking operations will continueto require a deeper understanding and focuson unraveling criminal networks associatedwith them. --

Drug Calendar Year Total Fiscal Year Total

Meth Precursors 142.74 metric tons 825.34 metric tons

Meth Converted Totals 82 metric tons 388.97metric tons

Meth Finished Product 400 kilograms None

Cocaine 405 kilograms 200 kilograms

Heroin 80 kilograms 80 kilograms

Methamphetamine in its various forms

Above, RDML Rendon and RADM Anne Cullère. She isthe first woman to be appointed as the head of France’sarmed forces in French Polynesia. -11 Jan 2013

RADM Anne Cullère Visit - By LT Brian Sattler

RADM Anne Cullère, Commander of Joint ArmedForces in French Polynesia and Commander of

French Maritime Forces in the Pacific, visitedJIATF West on the 11th of January, as part ofher introduction to U.S. counterparts headquarteredin Hawaii. RADM Cullère joined the French Navy in1981 and began her service at sea in 1993 whenfemales were first allowed to serve aboard ships.Prior to making Flag rank, RADM Cullère was theChief of Asia-Pacific relations bureau at the JointStaff in Paris.

Her AOR includes nearly all of the PACOM AOR, butalso includes the westcoast of Central and South America.She specifically requested to meet with JIATF Westto get our perspective on the narcotics threat in the

region. During discussion sheaffirmed France’s commitmentto the region and provided insightinto the capabilities of the Frenchforces stationed throughout theAOR. --

French Polynesia

- Photo by

Above, RDML Rendon, SSgt Katrina Gonzales and husband, Tomas, at their re-enlistment ceremony. -29 Jan 2013Below, Lt Col Patrick Godfrey congratulates Katrina for her promotion to Staff Sergeant -7 Jan 2013

SSgt Katrina Gonzales’ Promotionand Re-Enlistment

On the 7th of January 2013, a promotion cere-mony was held in honor of Air Force member

Katrina Gonzales for her promotion from SeniorAirman (SrA) to Staff Sergeant (SSgt). SSgt Gon-zales is an active duty member of the Air Forcealong with her husband, Tomas, who is also a StaffSergeant. SSgt Gonzales has served in the Air Forcefor approximately six years and began working atJIATF West in February of 2010 as a help desktechnician. SSgt Gonzales also performed the du-ties of JIATF West's Morale Welfare and Recre-ation President from 2012 to 2013.

Later on the 29th of January, a second ceremonywas held for SSgt Gonzales' re-enlistment, whereshe and her husband both re-enlisted together.

SSgt Gonzales is from Brooklyn, New York; she hasan Associate’s in Information Technology, and iscurrently working toward a B.S. in ComputerScience with a minor in Marine Biology.

Outside of work and school she is an avid volunteerfor the American Society for the Prevention of Cru-elty to Animals (ASPCA), enjoys taking care of herthree dogs, and is a talented Latino dancer. Con-gratulations to SSgt Gonzales for her promotion,re-enlistment, and for her soon to arrive baby girl.

This e-newsletter was produced by J5Strategic Communications.

For questions, comments, or story ideas,please contact Mr. Shawn Parrish


Joint Interagency Task Force WestBox 64033Camp H.M. Smith, HI 96861-4033

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