chronology from 1666

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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1650 - 1675 ADCharles II Defeated, Capetown Founded , 1st Anglo-Dutch War, First Northern War, Bogdan Khmelntiski killed 100,000 Jews , Peace of Pyrenees, Treaty Copenhagen , Peace of Breda, Second Anglo-Dutch War , Dutch Yield Colony To British, Peace of Andrusova Ends Thirteen Year War, Bacons Revolt, Newton Explains Calculus , Rembrandt Dies, Admission Charged for Concert, Study of Mechanics , Reflecting Telescope , Moliere Dies, Boyle's Law, ermeer Dies

1651 AD Charles II is Defeated and Flees France -Charles II arrived in Scotland from France and was proclaimed King of Scotland and England. He was defeated in September 1650 at the battle of Dunbar by Oliver Cromwell. Despite his defeat Charles is crowned King of Scotland at Scone on January 1, 1651. On September 3rd Charles II was defeated again at the Battle of Worcester. Charles II was forced to flee back to England.1652 AD Capetown Founded - Cape Town South Africa was founded by the surgeon of a Dutch ship- Jan van Reibeck. He goes ashore with 70 men.1652 AD The 1st Anglo-Dutch War Begins - The British and the Dutch were natural maritime rivals both having developed an international trading system that spanned the globe. The first Anglo Dutch War broke out on 1651 after the English passage of the Navigation Act. The Navigation Act limited trading to the British colonies to English or colonial vessels. The English forces succeeded in blockading Dutch ports. There were a number of fleet encounters the last of which is depicted here at Scheveningen, where the Dutch were soundly defeated. They were forced to accept the Navigation Acts under the terms of the Treaty of Westminister.1655 AD The First Northern War Begins - With Poland engaged in a war with Russia to maintain control of the Ukraine, Charles X King of Sweden invaded Poland. He occupied Warsaw on October 8, 1655 and Krakow on October 19, 1655. Prussia first sided with Sweden then switched sides the next year.1658 AD Bogdan Khmelntiski killed 100,000 Jews in Ukraine - During the Bogdan Chmielnicki uprising against the Poles in the Ukraine, the Jews of the Ukraine were made a special target. In the course of the uprising 100,000 Jews were killed throughout the Ukraine.1659 AD Peace of Pyrenees France and Spain reach a peace accord called the Peace of Pyrenees. The agreement confirmed the ascendancy of France at the expense of Hapsburg Spain. Spain was forced to cede territory to France. The border between France and Spain became the

Pyrenees Mountains.1660 AD Treaty Copenhagen- The Treaty of Copenhagen was signed in June 1660, bringing an end to the war between Sweden and Denmark. The agreement established the boundaries between Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Those boundaries have endured until today.1660 AD Peace of Breda Charles II in exile in France issued the Declaration of Breda in which he offered to reconcile with the British Parliament, which was meeting after the death of Oliver Cromwell. The Parliament accepted his declaration and Charles returned to England to be crowned King of England. His return restored the monarchy to England and brought an end an extended period of civil strife.1664 AD Second Anglo-Dutch War - The Second Anglo- Dutch War took place after the Second Navigation Act was passed including a number of major naval battles between the British and the Dutch. The first battle took place in 1665. It is known as the Battle of Lowestoft and occurred after the capture of an Anglo-Hamburg convoy by the Dutch. The British and Dutch fleets engaged off Lowestoft. The battle was hard fought between ships of the two fleets. The British and Dutch flagships engaged directly with each other, and although the battle initially favored the Dutch, the Dutch flagship suddenly blew up and victory was with the British. During the course of the war the British captured the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. The British suffered a major naval defeat when the Dutch navy successfully penetrated the Medway River and captured the British flagship Royal Charles. The war ended with the Treaties of Bred. Under its terms the status quo is maintained, however the British retain New York. The Navigation Acts were slightly modified to allow Dutch ships with goods from the Rhine to call on British ports.1664 AD Dutch Yield Colony To The British The British arrived in New Amsterdam with overwhleming firepower. They were able to convince the Dutch to surrender without firing a single shot. They soon named the colony “New York.”1667 AD Peace of Andrusova Ends Thirteen Year War The 13 Years War between Russia and Poland ended on January 20th when Poland agreed to cede Kiev, Smolensk and Eastern Ukraine to Russia.1667 AD Bacons Revolt- Hostilities escalated between the Indians around the Virginia colony and the colonists. Virginia governor William Berekely refused to empower settlers to go after the Indians. James Bacon, a recent

immigrant, led a force against the Indians. He was declared a traitor by Berekely and jailed. After being freed, he raised an army of supporters who took control of Jamestown, forcing the governor to flee. The rebellion collapsed when Bacon died suddenly.1669 AD Newton Explains Calculus -Isaac Newton published his basic theories to calculus in 1669.1669 AD Rembrandt Dies Rembrandt Harmenszoon vn Rihn a Dutch painter died.Some of his well known works include Night Watch and Simeon in the Temple.1672 AD Admission Was Charged for a Concert -London audiences paid admission to see several concerts, beginning the trend that would change the economic structure of the arts in Western culture. Up to this point, the creation and presentation of art, including music, was generally supported by the church or by private patrons of royal or noble birth. When the financing of the arts began to come from middle class audiences, composers and other creative artists became much more independent of patrons, and could sell their music and performances directly to the general public. 1672 AD Newton Founds Study of Mechanics In 1687 Newton founded the study of mechanics. The underlying basis was Newton's three laws of motion. One of them his principal of universal gravitation stated that two bodies attract each other with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.1672 AD Newton Premiers Reflecting Telescope -In 1704 Isaac Newton published his work "Optick". This was the result of Newton's work on reflection, refraction, diffraction and the spectra of light.1673 AD Moliere Dies In 1673 Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) the French playwright died. He was the best known French classical dramatist. His works included Le Misanthrope and Les Femmes Savantes.1674 AD Boyle's Law -Between 1660 and 1674 Robert Boyle developed a pneumatic pump. He was then able to describe the relationship between pressure and volume. This is today known as Boyles Law. 1675 AD Vermeer Dies In 1675- Jan Vermeer a Dutch painter died. He was best known for his careful use of light. Some of his best known works include Servant Pouring Milk and View of Delft.

1675 - 1700 ADTreaty of Nimwegen, Habeas Corpus Act, Pennsylvania Founded, Turkish Seige of Vienna, Edict of Nantes , Battle of Mohacs , Revolution in England, War of the Grand Alliance , Battle of Beachy Head , Battle of Boyne River, Fort at Calcutta , John Locke , Battle of La Hogue , Battle of Zenta , Czar Visits W. Europe, Treaty of Rijswijk, War of the League of Augsburg ,

1678 AD Treaty of Nimwegen -Two treaties are signed, the first between Holland and France and the second between France and Spain. The agreements between France and Holland restored all the land that the Dutch had lost to the French, in return for Dutch neutrality. The agreement between France and Spain called for each to return the territory of the other. 1679 AD Habeas Corpus Act Passed - The British Parliament passed the Habeas Corpus Act . The act required judges to present a writ of Habeas Corpus that demanded a jailer to produce a prisoner and show cause why the prisoner was being held.1681 AD Pennsylvania Founded - William Penn, who had embraced Quakerism as an adult, obtained a land grant from the King of England. Penn received the grant in lieu of money owed to his dead father. The land was called “Pennsylvania.” It became a center of religious and other liberties.1683 AD Turkish Seige of Vienna- The Ottomans, under Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa began a siege of Vienna in July. The siege was lifted in September by a combined German Polish army.1685 AD Edict of Nantes Revoked - King Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes that guaranteed religious freedom in France. This action resulted in the mass emigration of Hugenots from France. As a result France lost many of its most capable citizens.1687 AD Second Battle of Mohacs Along the Danube River in present Hungary the Ottomans were decisively defeated at the Battle of Mohacs. Charles V, Duke of Lorraine led victorious Imperial troops.1688 AD The Glorious Revolution in England- The Glorious Revolution ended four years of Catholic rule in England. The bishops of England sent an invitation to James son-in law, William of Orange, to become King and ended Catholic rule. On September 21 William issued a declaration and landed at Tor Bay in November assuming the throne.1689 AD War of the Grand Alliance Begins The League of Augsburg which combined Spain, Sweden, Bavaria,

Saxony and Palatinate began a war against France . After the revolution placed William of Orange on the throne of England, England and Holland joined the alliance against France. 1690 AD Battle of Beachy Head - The Battle of Beachy Head saw the British and Dutch allied against the French. This battle was part of the War of English Succession. The French attacked on June 30, 1690 with a superior force. The British were forced to withdraw however, the French were unable to land their troops.1690 AD Battle of Boyne River The Protestants completed their conquest of Ireland when England’s William III defeated the Catholic pretender James II at the Battle of Boyne. After the battle, which took place on July 1, 1690 James was forced to flee to France.1690 AD British Establish Fort at Calcutta The British East India Company founds Calcutta. Leading the effort is John Charnock.1690 AD John Locke Publishes Two Treatsies of Government -In 1690 John Locke the English philosopher published the "Two Treatise of Civil Government". The book presented the theory of a limited monarchy. It stated that a social contract existed between those governed and those being governed. Lockes work was influential in the development of the theories of democratic government.1692 AD Battle of La Hogue In May of 1692 the French once again attempted to attack the combined British and Dutch naval fleets. This time at the Battle of Barfleur, they were heavily outnumbered and outgunned The French mounted only 3,240 guns against an enemies force of nearly 7,000. The French fought gallantly but were unable to overcome the superior forces.1697 AD Battle of Zenta -The Ottomans suffered an overwhelming defeat at the battle of Zenta on September 11, 1697. Eugene of Saxony the commander of Imperial troops in Hungary killed 20,000 Ottomans captured the Ottoman treasury, all of its artillery and provisions and 10 of theSultans wives. After the battle the treaty of Karlowitz is signed in which the Ottomans are forced to cede Croatia, Hungary Transilvania and Sovenia to Austria.1697 AD Russian Czar Visits Western Europe The Russian Czar Peter, becomes the first Russian leader to leave his country. He undertakes a secret visit to Holland, France and England. Peter returns to Russia determined to westernize the country.1697 AD Treaty of Rijswijk -The Treaty of Rijswijk ends

the 11 year war of the League of Augsburg. All of Spanish lands conquered by France were returned to it.

1700 - 1725 ADGreat Northern War, War of the Spanish Succession, Battle of Blenheim, Newton Publishes Optick, French Defeatd on Battlefield, Act of Union , Battle of Poltava , Treaty of Aargau , Peace of Utrecht , Battle of Peterwardein , Treaty of Passarowitz , Chinese Assault Tibet, Treaty of the Hague , Bach Composes Brandenburg Concertos , Treaty of Nystad, Treaty of Constantinople, Peter the Great Dies

1700 AD Great Northern War -A war breaks out that became known as the Great Northern War. Russia, Poland and Denmark join forces to oppose Sweden. Both Danish and Saxon troops invade Sweden. Charles XII, leading Sweden responded by landing troops in Zeeland and forcing Denmark to withdraw from the alliance. Swedish forces then defeated Russian troops at Narva on November 30, 1700.1701 AD War of the Spanish Succession Begins - The War of Spanish succession breaks out when Charles II dies and names the grandson of Louis IV, Phillip V, King of France. The Hapsburgs who coveted the crown and had claims on the throne went to war over the succession. A grand alliance was formed that included the England, Holland, Austria and later Brandenburg, to oppose Louis IV and Bourbon France. The war was to last for 11 years and was fought overseas in Italy and in the Spanish colonies. 1704 AD Battle of Blenheim - The English and the Dutch won a stunning victory over French and Bavarian forces in the Battle of Blenheim on August 13, 1704. England’s Duke of Marlborough led the British. He led a cavalry charge that broke the French lines and forced many of their soldiers into the Danube, where hundreds died. The French and their allies lost 4,500 dead and 11,000 wounded. The British captured 11,000 prisoners. They suffered 670 dead and 1,500 wounded.1704 AD Newton Publishes Optick - In 1704 Isaac Newton published his work "Optick". This was the result of Newton's work on reflection, refraction, diffraction and the spectra of light.1706 AD French Suffer Defeat on the Battlefield - The French suffered a series of defeats on the battlefield. The first at the battle of Ramillies on May 23rd, forced the French to withdraw from the cities of Belgium. The second when the British raize the siege of Barcelona also

on May 23rd. The third occured when a French army was defeated at Turin, thus forcing their withdrawal from Italy.1706 AD The Act of Union Great Britain came into being with the union of England and Scotland. Scottish laws remained in effect, but the Scottish Parliament was abolished and instead Scotland sent representatives to the English Parliament.1709 AD Battle of Poltava - The Russians under Peter the Great were victorious at the battle of Poltava in the Ukraine. The Russians victory was so decisive that it made Russia the dominant power in Northern Europe.1712 AD Treaty of Aargau The Protestant victory over Catholic forces in the battle of Villmergien led to the peace treaty of Aargau. This treaty established Protestant dominance in Switzerland while protecting the rights of the Catholics.1713 AD Peace of Utrecht - The War of Spanish Succession came to an end with the Peace of Utrecht. Under its terms Philip V from the Bourbon House of France was officially recognized as the King of Spain. Spain and France were however, forbidden to merge. France recognized Protestant succession in England, pledging not to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. The Spanish Netherlands became a possession of the Hapsburgs, while England received Gibraltar. Portuguese possessions in the New World were recognized.1716 AD Battle of Peterwardein The Austrians declared war on the Ottoman Empire on April 13, 1716. On August 5th they defeated the Ottomans at the battle Peterwardein. The Austrians went on to conquer all of Hungary from the Ottomans.1718 AD Treaty of Passarowitz The Austrians and the Ottomans signed the Treaty of Passarowitz. Under its terms Austria gained control of Belgrade, Northern Serbia and the Banat of Temesvar. The treaty established the border between Islam and Christianity as the Danube River.1720 AD Chinese Assault Tibet -The Chinese Emperor K'ang-His attacked Tibet and drove off the final Mongol influence on China. A pro Chinese Dali- Lama was installed to rule Tibet.1720 AD Treaty of the Hague The treaty of Hague was signed between Spain and the Quadruple Alliance made up of Britain, France,Holland and Austria. Spain’s Charles gave up his claim to the Italian throne, in return

for a promise that his son will become the ruler of Parma, Piacenza and Tuscany. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI gave up his claim to Spain.1721 AD Bach Composes Brandenburg Concertos -In 1721 J.S. Bach composed his six Brandenburg Concertos. In 1722, he finished the first volume of The Well-Tempered Clavier, and published the second volume in 1740.1721 AD Treaty of Nystad Under the Treaty of Nystadt, Russia received Estonia, and Livonia and parts of the Baltic Islands. That brought the Great Northern War to a final end.1724 AD Treaty of Constantinople -The Ottomans and the Russians signed the treaty of Constantinople on June 23, 1724. The treaty partitioned Persia between the Ottoman Empire and Russia.1725 AD Peter the Great Dies After a rule that lasted 42 years Peter the Great died. He was 52 years old, and during his reign Russia had been transformed.

1725 - 1770 ADNadir Free Persia, War of Polish Succession, War of Jenkins Ear, Battle of Karnal , First Silesian War , Austrian Succession War, Handel Composes The Messiah, Treaty of Abo, Jonathan Swift Dies , Treaty of Aix-la Chapelle , French– Indian War , Seven Years War, British Sovereign Over India, Battle of Kunerdorf , Battle of Quiberon Bay , Treaty of St. Petersburg, Treaty of Paris , Battle of Baxar , Stamp Tax Passed , Settlement In California, Siraj-ud-Daula

1730 AD Nadir Free Persia -The Safawid dynasty, which had ruled Persia since 1502, came to an end when Abbas III the 4-year-old shah died. Nadir a Sunni Muslim founds the Afsharid dynasty.1733 AD War of Polish Succession Begins - With the death of Poland’s King Augustus II a war broke out to determine who would succeed him. Russia and Prussia demanded his legitimate son, Frederick Augustus. France however, convinced the Polish nobility to restore Stanislas Leeszynski, the kings father-in-law, to the throne. As a result Russia invaded and Stanislas was forced to flee to Danzig. The Russians lay seige to Danzig, while France ,with Spanish support ,declared war on the Holy Roman Empire and sent a force to relieve the siege of Danzig. After eight months Danzig fell to Russian forces. The war ended in October 1735 when the parties signed the Treaty of Vienna. The elector of Saxony became the new Polish King. Austria ceded Naples and Sicily to the Spanish Bourbons under the condition that

they never be united with Spain.1739 AD War of Jenkins Ear - The War of Jenkins’ Ear began between England and Spain in 1739, when the Glasgow brig Rebecca was boarded by a Spanish Man of War. The Spanish captain supposedly cut off one of the ears of the British captain Richard Jenkins and declared "Carry this home to the King your master whom, if he were present, I would serve in a like fashion."

In response Admiral Edward Vernon was sent with a small squadron of six ships to capture Porto Bello, one of the strongest Spanish outposts in the Western Empire. Due to superior tactics and gunnery, he succeeded.1739 AD Battle of Karnal - A large Mughal army was defeated by Persia's Nadir Shah. On March 20th 1739 Nadir Shah occupies Delhi, which he sacks . This ends the Mughal Empire.1740 AD The First Silesian War - The First Silesian War occurs when Frederick II the son of Frederich Wilhelm come to power in Prussia, on the death of his father and seizes Silesia from the Austrians. The Prussians soon become involved in the larger War of Austrian succession.1740 AD The War of the Austrian Succession Begins The death of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI on October 20, 1740 begins a contest of succession. Maria Theresa queen of Hungary claims her right to succeed her father. The King of Saxony, the elector of Bavaria and Spain’s Phillip V contest that right. Thus begins the War of Austrian succession that will embroil Europe for most of the next eight years.1741 AD Handel Composes The Messiah - George Frideric Handel composed the oratiorio, The Messiah, between August and September 1741, in London, England. The work is premiered in the Music Hall of Dublin, Ireland, on April 14, 1742. The text for The Messiah comes from the Bible and the Prayer Book Psalter, and was compiled by Charles Jennens. The tradition of standing up for the Hallelujah Chorus began at the first performance. 1743 AD Treaty of Abo The Treaty of Abo is signed between Russia and Sweden. Under its terms, Sweden maintains part of Finland, but accedes to having Russia's candidate become the King of Sweden.1745 AD Jonathan Swift Dies - Famous British author, Jonathan Swift, best known for his works Gulliver's Travels, died in England in 1745.

1748 AD Treaty of Aix-la Chapelle The War of Austrian Succession came to an end with the Treaty of Aix-la chapelle. The war had exhausted European powers, with all the major powers dragged into the war. In 1743 the British army who for the last time was led in the field by the King defeated the French at the battle of Dettingen. Before long the war was being fought not only on the European continent but in the Americas as well as in Asia. The peace treaty called for the return of all captured territories worldwide. The only exception was Silesia, which Prussia refused to return to Austria, thus guaranteeing another war.1754 AD French–Indian War Begins For almost nine years, a war was fought between British and French soldiers in North America. The war was part of a larger global war between the opponents. The British were victorious, and France was forced to cede a new sense of independent identity amongst the colonists, who were forced to defend the colonies with limited help from the motherland.1756 AD The Seven Years War -Maria Theresa the ruler of Austria was unwilling to accept the loss of Silesia and she took steps to develop alliances to restore it. She accomplished a diplomatic revolution by creating an alliance between France and Austria. Great Britain had meanwhile allied itself with Prussia. France entered into an alliance with Sweden who then entered into an alliance with Denmark aimed against France. Thus the stage was set for a world war. It began when Prussia under Frederick the Great invaded Saxony. Austria, France, Russia and Sweden then declared war on Prussia and England soon declared war on France.1757 AD British Establish Sovereignty Over India The British establish their sovereignty in India when they defeat the Bengalese nabob at the Battle of Nabob. Robert Clive led the British force. The British were avenging the attack the year before by Siraj-ud-Daula on Calcutta where he was trying to drive all Europeans out of Bengal He locked up 146 Europeans in a small guardroom. Overnight 2/3 died in the heat in what became known as the "Black hole of Calcutta" 1759 AD Battle of Kunerdorf -The Prussians suffered a number of major defeats on the battlefield in 1759. First Prussia lost a major battle at Kunersdorf. Then Friedrich August von Finck surrendered his troops at Dresden. Another Prussian army was defeated at Maxen. Finally, on the western front the French were defeated. 1759 AD Battle of Quiberon Bay The French fleet was

defeated by the British, at the Battle of Quiberon Bay on November 20, 1759. This eliminated French plans for the invasion of England. 1762 AD Treaty of St. Petersburg -On May 5, 1762 the Treaty of Petersburg was signed between Prussia and Russia. The treaty brought a switch in the alliances in the war. Now Prussia and Russia were allies and with Russian aid Prussia was able to recapture Silesia from the Austrians.1763 AD Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris was signed bringing to an end the French and Indian War in North America and the Seven Years War in Europe, Asia and Africa. Under the terms of the treaty France retained Guadeloupe and Martinique. France ceded all of what is today Canada to Great Britain and ceded Louisiana territory to Spain. Spain regained the Phillipines and Cuba. France was allowed to maintain a trading post in Bengal India, but was not allowed to fortify it.1764 AD Battle of Baxar -The British, led by Hector Munro, defeated the final attempt by Mogul Mir Kasim to maintain an independent Bengal. He was defeated at the Battle of Baxar.1765 AD Stamp Tax Passed In an effort to raise additional revenue, England imposed a tax on all documents issued in the colonies.

The colonies erupted in protest, claiming that England had no right to impose the tax. A formal “declaration of grievances” was adopted by a special Stamp Act Congress, whose delegates represented many of the colonies.1769 AD Spain Establishes Settlement In California -On July 16, 1769, Spain established the first permanent settlement in California. The settlement was called “Mission San Diego de Alcala.” The mission helped strengthen the Spanish claim to the area. Its inhabitants migrated from Mexico, beginning a long California tradition.

1770 - 1780 ADAustralia for Britain, James Cook, Boston Massacre , Townshend Acts, Partition of Poland, Cutter Gaspee Burned, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji , Continental Congress Meets, Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill , King George III, Watt Builds Steam Engine, Declaration of Independence, Battle of New York, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Saratoga , War of Bavarian Succession, Battle of Monmouth, Treaty of Alliance, Richard vs Serapis , Cook Dies

1770 AD Cook Claims Australia for Britain James Cook the English explorer on board the Endeavor, sights the East Coast of Australia. He lands at Botany Bay and claims the land for England.1770 AD Townshend Acts Repealed-The British parliament repeased the Townshend duties on all but tea. Falling colonial imports and raising opposition convinced the British government that its policies were not working. The British government, led by Prime Minister Lord North, maintained the taxes on tea, in order to underscore the supremacy of parliament. 1770 AD Boston Massacre Occurs -A group of British soldiers fired on a mob of colonial protesters. The protesters provoked the British by hailing insults, snowballs, and chunks of ice at the sentries guarding the custom house. One of the British soldiers opened fire, and soon eleven of the colonists were hit, five of whom died.1772 AD First Partition of Poland Russia, Prussia and Austria agreed on the partition of Poland. Under the terms of the agreement Poland lost half of its territory. Russia received White Russia, Austria received Galicia south of the Vistual River and Prussia received West Prussia and Ermeland.1772 AD Cutter Gaspee Burned by Colonist- On the afternoon of June 9th, 1772 the British revenue schooner the Gaspee ran aground, south of Providence, Rhode Island. That night eight boatloads of men led by merchant John Brown stormed the ship. After overwhelmong the crew they bunred the ship. The British government announced that when the perpetrators were caught they would be tried in England and not in the colonies. None of the perpetrators were discovered by the British.1773 AD Boston Tea Party -In continued protest of the policy of taxation on goods entering the colonies, specifically against the Tea Act of 1773, Boston colonists began boycotting tea. The governor refused to allow arriving merchants to leave the harbor with their tea. On the night of December 16th, patriots dressed up as Indians, boarded the merchant ship and threw the tea into Boston harbor, depriving the Crown of the ability to levy a tax on tea.1774 AD Coercive Acts The British were shocked by the destruction of the tea in Boston Harbor and other colonial protests. The British parliament gave its speedy assent to a series of acts that became known as the "Coercive Acts"; or in the colonies as the "Intolerable Acts". These acts included the

closing of the port of Boston, until such time as the East India tea company received compensation for the tea dumped into the harbor. The Royal governor took control over the Massachusetts government and would appoint all officials. Sheriffs would become royal appointees, as would juries. In addition, the British took the right to quarter soldiers anywhere in the colonies.

1774 AD Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji On July 21, 1774 the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji was signed between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The treaty ended the conflict between Russia and the Ottomans . Under the terms of the agreement Russia was granted the right to intervene in the affairs of Moldovia. In addition Crimea was declared independent. Russia obtained several ports on the Black Sea andwas named the official protector of the Orthodox Christians living in the Ottoman Empire.1774 Ad First Continental Congress Meets- The first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, from September 5th to OCtober 26th 1774. The Congress sat in Carpenters Hall. They affirmed the right of the colonies to life, liberty and property. Fifty-six delegates attended, half of whom were lawyers. 1775 AD Lexington and Concord -Forewarned by Paul Revere, American militiamen fought 700 British troops on April 19, 1775. The battle broke out at Concord. Seventy–three British soldiers were killed, and over two hundred were wounded. The Americans lost 49 soldiers and suffered 39 wounded. This marked the true beginning of the Revolutionary War.1775 AD Battle of Bunker Hill-The Americans occupied Bunker Hill overlooking Boston on the evening of June 16th. The British, commanded by General Gage, had no choice but to attack the Americans. On the afternoon of the 17th, Gage's forces attacked. In a hard fought battle, the American were forced to withdraw. While the British were victorious, they suffered heavy losses. 1775 AD- King Geoge Declares the Colonies in Revolt-On April 23, 1775 King George III of Great Britain declared, "The colonies are in open and avowed rebellion. The die is now cast. The colonies must either submit or triumph."1776 AD Watt Builds Steam Engine -In 1776 James Watt developed a steam engine. The Watt steam engine made the industrial revolution possible. 1776 AD Declaration of Independence (USA) - Twelve colonies voted in favor of the Declaration of Independence. New York abstained. This Declaration

stated that the colonies were free and independent states, absolved of all allegiance to England. It made official what had already been happening, as the War of Independence was in full swing.1776 AD Battle of New York, Battle of Valcour Bay, Battle of Trenton1777 AD- Battle of Princeton, British Capture Ft Ticonderoga, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Orinsky, Battle of Bennington1777 AD Battle of Saratoga - On July 1st, British forces approached Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain. The fort was commanded by General Schuyler. After putting up a token defense, Schuyler moved his forces to Fort Edward on the Hudson. British forces, under the command of General Burgoyne, advanced slowly on Fort Edwards, arriving after three weeks, and captured the fort. Remaining at the fort for almost another month, Burgoyne sent 800 of his men to Vermont to obtain supplies. These troops were defeated by local militia. With autumn approaching, Burgoyne knew that he had to reach Albany. American forces, now under the command of General Gates, fortified themselves along the way. A final battle was fought at Freeman's farm, where the Americans were victorious once again. Burgoyne withdrew to fortified positions at Saratoga. When it became clear to Burgoyne that there would be no relief force from the South, he surrendered his troops to the Americans. This proved to be the turning point of the war.1778 AD The War of Bavarian Succession Begins - The War of Bavarian Succession broke out when Frederick the Great, king of Prussia declared war on Austria, and invaded Bohemia. The war became known as the Potato war as the sides spent most of their time disrupting the other sides supply lines as opposed to fighting each other.1778 AD Battle of Monmouth1778 AD France Signs Treaty of Alliance with US - On February 6, 1778 France signed a treaty of alliance with the United States of America. France recognized the independence of the US and offered further aid.1779 AD Bonne Homme Richard vs Serapis1779 AD Cook Dies James Cook was killed by natives in Hawaii. Cook was considered the preeminent explorer of his time, and by introducing a regime of fresh fruit he eliminated scurvy from his ships.

1780 - 1790 AD

Tupac Amaru Revolt, Revolutionary War , Revolutionary War Battles, Battle of Yorktown, Article of Confederation, Rama I Rules Siam , Russian Army Invades Crimea , Treaty of Paris,India Act, Annapolis Convention, Shay's Rebellion , Le Nozze di Figaro , Constitution Approved, Amar Singh's Reign, Proclamation of Neutrality , Constitution Takes Effect , Washington Inaugurated, French Revolution , Jews Granted Equality , Judiciary Act Passed

1780 AD Tupac Amaru Revolt The natives of Peru revolted under the leadership of Tupuc Amaru. Tupuc Amaru declared himself the liberator of his people. The Spanish crushed the revolt and Tupuc Amaru was killed1780 AD Revolutionary War Events- Battle of Camden- Arnold A Traitor- Battle of King Mountain 1781 AD Revolutionary War Battles- Battle of Cowpens-Battle of Guiford Courthouse- Battle of Hobkirk Hill 1781 AD Battle of Yorktown - After a long period of inactivity, the British decided to pursue the Southern strategy. The British were initially successful, but soon found themselves only in a tenuous control of coastal cities. After a number of tactical defeats, General Cornwallis, the British commander, retired to Yorktown, awaiting relief from the British fleet. American and French forces converged on him, however, and he was forced to surrender. The surrender at Yorktown marked the last major campaign of the war.1781 AD Article of Confederation Approved-The Articles of Confederation were first approved by the Continental Congress in 1777. Then, they were sent to each state for ratification. The Articles required unanimous ratification by the states in order to take effect. Some states resisted approving the Articles because of a dispute over western lands. A number of the states had large Western land holdings, while others had none. Those states without western holdings felt that those with holdings were receiving an unfair advantage. They felt that, since all the states had fought for independence, including the land to the west, it would be unfair if only the states that held western land would be allowed to sell them to pay off their war debt. Maryland continued to hold out, until 1781, when New York surrendered her Western claims and Virginia was on the verge of doing the same.1782 AD Rama I Rules Siam The Chakri Dynasty was established in Siam. Its first ruler is Chao P'ya Chakri, who rules as Rama I. The dynasty rules to this day.1782 AD Russian Army Invades Crimea The Russian army in December 1782 invaded Crimea. The Tartar leaders of Crimea had been fighting among themselves thus the Russians had little difficulty in conquering it.

1783 AD Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris was signed between the United States, Great Britain, France and Spain. It brought to an end the American Revolutionary War. Great Britain recognized the United States. The Northern borders of the US were set, and Louisiana territory was open for trading. 1784 AD India Act -The India Act became the law of Great Britain on August 13, 1784. Under its terms the reorganized East Indian Company could not interfere in native affairs, make a declaration of war unless it was in self-defense. In addition a board was appointed by the government to whom the board of directors was responsible.1786 AD Annapolis Convention-After a successful agreement between Virginia and Maryland over trade, and under the prodding of James Madison; Virginia invited the other states to a meeting in Annapolis in September 1786, to discuss the improvement of trade relations. Only five states sent delegates, so an agreement was impossible. The delegates did, however, accept a plan to invite all the states to a conference the following May to draft a constitution to provide suitable powers to the federal government.1786 AD Shay's Rebellion- Daniel Shays, a farmer and Revolutionary War veteran, led other farmers to revolt. Shays and 1,200 followers demanded relief from various taxes and debts. With the use of force, rebels stopped the Supreme Court of Massachusetts from meeting. Within two months, the farmers were defeated in a clash with state militia. This ended their rebellion.1786 AD First Production of Le Nozze di Figaro Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) by W. A. Mozart (composer) and Lorenzo da Ponte (librettist) premieres on May 1, 1786 in the Burgtheater in Vienna. Mozart and Da Ponte continue their collaboration on two more operas: Don Giovanni (1787) and Cosi fan tutte(1790). Mozart Dies in 1791.1787 AD Constitution Approved -On September 17th, after weeks of debate, the Constitution of the United States was approved. It called for a strong central government in the United States. Thirty-nine delegates, representing 12 of 13 states, signed the document.1787 AD Amar Singh's Reign Begins Transformation of Carnatic Music During the reign of Amar Singh (1787 - 1798) in southern India, three Brahmin musicians reformed the art of Carnatic music, and established a new heritage for future generations of southern Indian musicians. Their names were Tyagaraja (1767-1847),

Muttusvami Diksitar (1775-1835) and Syama Sastri (1762-1827). 1787 AD Proclamation of Neutrality -As war broke out between France and England, President Washington announced that the United States would be “friendly and impartial towards the belligerent powers.” The Jeffersonians felt that this was an insult to the French, America's first ally. Hamiltonians, on the other hand, were satisfied with this decision.1788 AD Constitution Takes Effect-The first state to ratify the US Constitution was Delaware. New Hampshire was the ninth state to sign; it provided the final vote needed for the two-thirds majority, at which point the Constitution took effect. The only State to vote against the Constitution was North Carolina.1789 AD Washington Inaugurated Washington became the first President of the United States, after being unanimously elected by the members of the Electoral College. The newly-elected President took part in what became a triumphal procession from Mt. Vernon to New York, the temporary capital of the United States. On April 30th, on a crowded balcony overlooking Wall Street, President Washington took his oath of office. 1789 AD French Revolution The near collapse of the French government’s finances forced King Louis XVI to call the first meeting of the Estates-General since 1614. The assembly was made up of three groups, The First Estate- consisting of clergy, the Second Estate consisting of nobles, and the Third Estate consisting of the common men. When the meeting opened at Versailles on May 5, 1789 the Third Estate demanded that instead of each Estate having only 1 vote thus assuring the dominance of the nobility each deputy should receive 1 vote. When their proposal was not accepted the Third Estate declared that they would meet separately to draw up a constitution for France. When they arrived at their declared meeting place they found it locked and instead met at a nearby indoor tennis court. There the deputies signed an oath that became known as the Tennis Court oath, in which they declared to meet until they had written a new constitution for France. Louis XVI prepared to move against the Third Estate. Before he could take action the commoners took to the streets and stormed the Bastille, the Paris prison. They freed all the prisoners, and dismantled the prison. Louis XVI lost control of the army and effectively became a prisoner in Versailles. Rebellions broke out throughout France. On August 26th, the National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and eliminated all

aristocratic privileges. On October 5th thousand of Parisian women forced the king from Versailles and back to Paris.1789 AD Jews Granted Equality-French Jews were granted full civil rights as provided by the earlier declaration of the rights of man. France was the first European government to grant Jews full civil rights. This began what became known as the emancipation of the Jews.1789 AD Judiciary Act Passed From the day that Congress convened, it had to pass a series of laws that created the government. It passed laws authorizing the establishment of the Department of the Army, State Department, Treasury Department and the Post Office. The Congress also passed the Judiciary Act. This act established the Federal court system and set the size of the Supreme Court. It also gave the Supreme Court the right to review state court decsions.

1790 - 1800 ADFries' Rebellion, Napoleon Bonarparte , Siege of Acre, War of the 2nd Coalition , U.S. Navy Department , Alien And Sedition Acts, Battle of Pyramids, Battle of Nile , Treaty of Campo Formio, XYZ Affair, Battle of Arcole, Pickney's Treaty , Jay's Treaty, Treaty of Basel , Siam Annexes Western Cambodia, Uprising in Poland, Haiti Independent , Battle Of Fallen Timbers , Whiskey Rebellion, Proclamation Of Neutrality , Reign of Terror, Second Partition of Poland, Louis XVI Guillotined , Genet Affair, Cotton Gin, Russia Invades Poland, French Nat'l Convention , France Declares War on Austria, Battle Of Miami, Bank Of United States ,Nat'l Assembly Establishes Constitutional Monarchy, Blacks Granted Rights in St. Dominque , Fed Government State Debts

1790 AD Federal Government Assumes State Debts-The federal government agreed to redeem the debts of individual states. Debt assumption was supported by Hamilton, but opposed by Madison, who said it rewarded speculators. It was also opposed by a number of key states, such as Virginia, who had repaid all their debts.1791 AD Blacks Granted Full Rights in St. Dominque -The French National Assembly granted free Blacks full French rights in Saint Domingue. The White colonist refused to implement the decision and the blacks revolted. Within a short period 2,000 whites and 10,000 blacks and mulattos are dead.1791 AD Nat'l Assembly Establishes Constitutional Monarchy - In 1791 the French National Assembly passed a new constituition. Under its terms France was to become a limited monarchy. There was to be a Legislative

Assembly that was made up of 745 representatives. 1791 AD Bank Of United States Founded Hamilton urged the founding of the Bank of the United States. Jefferson opposed the idea. The Bank was to be a depository of federal funds and a means of regulating the currency. Its establishment, in February 1791, strengthened the federal government.1791 AD Battle Of Miami-As settlers pushed further and further into the Pacific Northwest territories, clashes with American Indians increased. On January 2, 1791, the most exposed settlement in Ohio, Big Bottom, was attacked; and all of the settlers, including women and children, were killed. In response, General Washington appointed St. Clair to lead forces to pacify the Indians. The Miami Indians attacked St. Clair and his militia on the banks of the Wabash River. The Indians routed the government forces, who were forced to flee.1792 AD France Declares War on Austria - European nations feared the spread of revolutionary fervor from France and were highly critical of the new government in France threatening to intervene to restore the power of King. A number of other issues divided Austria and France, and both sides seemed to want war. On April 20, 1792 France declared war on Austria. That began the War of the First Coalition. The French suffered initial defeats in the field. 1792 AD French Nat'l Convention - On September 21, 1792 the French National Convention met for the first time. The convention was made up of 749 members. The convention was comprised entirely of republicans who abolished the monarchy and declared France a Republic. 1792 AD Russia Invades Poland -On May 19, 1792 Russia invaded Poland. The Russians feared the strengthening of Poland under its new constitution. Thaddeus Kosciusko, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War returned to Poland to help to defend it. The valiant defense was ultimately futile. 1793 AD Cotton Gin Invented Eli Whitney, a young New Englander, invented a cotton gin which automatically cleaned cotton. This transformed the southern economy, making cotton "king" and greatly increasing the need for slaves.17 Genet Affair- Citizen Genet was sent by France to be its new ambassador to the United States. Genet's instructions were to use the United States as a base to equip privateers against the British. He was also determined to do his utmost to embroil the US in the war

with the British. He then attempted to bring about change in the American government. The US government unanimously requested his recall.1793 AD Louis XVI Guillotined - Louis XVI was accused of treason. A chest of letters that indicated court intrigue and communications with other European powers were found. On December 26, 1792 Louis XVI went on trail for treason, on January 15, 1793 the National Convention found him guilty of treason by a near unanimous vote. It then went on to vote the death penalty by a vote of 387 to 334. On January 21, 1793 the death sentence was carried out when the king was guillotined. 1793 AD Second Partition of Poland The second partition of Poland divided Poland between Prussia and Russia. This effectively made Poland a protectorate of Russia. A year later the third partition of Poland ended Polands independence completely.1793 AD Reign of Terror Begins - Maxmilien Robespierre the leader of the Jacobins, the most radical faction of the National Convention began the Reign of Terror. The war was initially going badly for France, so the National Assembly authorized the creation of the Committee for Public Safety. That committee declared on August 23, 1793 for the universal mobilization of all men. The result was that France was able to field an army of 1,169,000 men, the largest in European history. The large French army was able to stem the tied of French defeats and take the offensive.

The Committee of Public Safety also turned its attention to domestic opponents of republic. It established revolutionary courts that were empowered to quickly try the opponents of the regime. It is estimated that 30,000 people, included Marie Antionnette the queen, were beheaded during the reign of terror. The Reign of Terror effectively ended when the National Assembly, whose members began to fear for their own lives, condemned its leader Maxmillien Robespiere. On July 28th he was guillotined. 1793 AD Proclamation Of Neutrality-As war broke out between France and England, President Washington announced that the United States would be "friendly and impartial towards the belligerent powers." The Jeffersonians felt this was an insult to the French, America's first ally. Hamiltonians, on the other hand, were satisfied with this decision.1794 AD Whiskey Rebellion-The Excise Tax of 1791 incited many western settlers. The distillation of whiskey

was a good way to transfer excess corn. Whiskey was easier to transport than corn, and served as an alternate currency. Mass meetings were held in western Pennsylvania, in which farmers entered into covenants agreeing not to pay the taxes. They created local militias to protect their liberty not to pay these taxes. When the Governor of Pennsylvania failed to act, Hamilton convinced Washington to take strong action. Washington personally led an army of 13,000 into western Pennsylvania. The rebellion waned. This ended the only armed rebellion until the Civil War.1794 AD Battle Of Fallen Timbers-After the rout of General St. Clair, President Washington appointed General Wayne to the task of pacifying the Indians of the Northwest. Wayne assembled a force of 4,000 men. He trained his men well and moved cautiously, building forts as he went. Finally, Wayne met the Indians near a British fort on the Maumee River. There, in a clearing known as Fallen Timbers, he decisively defeated the Indians; clearing the way for a peace treaty the following year that effectively ceded all of today's Ohio to the settlers.1794 AD Haiti Independent After defeating a 5,000 man army sent by Napoleon, Haiti is declared a Black Republican government. All slaves were freed and all whites that did not flee were killed.1794 AD Uprising in Poland After Poland was partitioned for the second time, the Poles led by Thaddeus Kosciusko rose up against the Russians. The Polish achieved an initial victory at Raclawice, but soon the Russians gained the upper hand and captured Kracow. The Russians besieged Warsaw, and although the Poles defended Warsaw brilliantly. In October, Kosciusko was captured and this effectively ended the uprising. 1795 AD Siam Annexes Western Cambodia The King of Siam, Rama I, extended his kingdom by annexing parts of Cambodia including the ruined Khmer capital.1795 AD Treaty of Basel -The French and Austrians reached a Peace agreement at Basel Switzerland on April 5, 1795. Under the terms of the treaty France returned all of the lands captured during the war with the exception of land along the west side of the Rhine. On July 22nd Spain and France made peace. It ceded two thirds of the island of Haiti to France.1795 AD Jay's Treaty The “Jay Treaty” was ratified by Congress in 1797. John Jay negotiated this treaty with Great Britain. Under Jay's Treaty, the British agreed to leave areas in the Northwest territory which they had been required to return earlier under the Treaty of Paris. This

treaty did not, however, oblige the British to observe American neutral rights. Despite the fact that Jay's Treaty was very unpopular, it was ratified by the Senate; 20 to 10.1795 AD Pickney's Treaty -This treaty established the 31st parallel as the Southern border of the United States with the Spanish Empire. It also gave the United States navigation rights to the Mississippi.1796 AD Battle of Arcole The French led by general Napolean Bonaparte invades Italy. Napolean successfully defeated the Austrians at the Battle of Arcole. This victory combined with other victories led to French conquest from Sardinia to Venice.17 XYZ Affair President Adams sent three envoys to France to negotiate a new agreement. French Minister Talleyrand demanded a personal bribe of $250,000 and loan of $12 million dollars to France. When word of the affair became public, the American people were incensed. They demanded war with France. Adams refrained from declaring war, but a quasi-war took place for two years.1797 AD Treaty of Campo Formio -Austria and France signed the Peace Treaty of Campo Formio ending the War of the First Coalition. Under the terms of the agreement Austria ceded to France Belgium and Luxembourg. The Republic of Venice was partitioned between France and Austria. 1798 AD Battle of Nile The Battle of the Nile took place in Aboukir Bay near the mouth of the Nile River. The French fleet commanded by Admiral Francois Paul Bruey d’ Aigalliers. He had transported the army of Napoleon to Egypt where they had captured Cairo. The British, taken by surprise by this action, responded with a fleet led by Admiral Horatio Nelson. On August 1st he came upon it anchored in the Aboukir Bay. The French fleet consisted of 17 ships including the Orient a massive 120 ton flagship. The battle began at 1800 hours as daylight was fading. The British column divided in two, some of the ships, led by Goliath under the command of Captain Foley, moving to the landward side of the French ships, while others stayed on the sea side. Thus the British were able to attack the French ships on two sides simultaneously. They slowly rolled up the French line. The battle ended with a complete victory. All of the French ships were either captured, destroyed, or aground. It was probably the most one sided naval victory in history.1798 AD Battle of Pyramids -The Marmuluke Egyptians were easily defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of the

Pyramids on July 21. Napoleon went on the next day to occupy Cairo.1798 AD Alien And Sedition Acts-The Alien and Sedition Acts marked an attempt by Federalists to suppress opposition at home. These acts gave the President the power to arrest and deport any alien suspected of having "treasonable or secret leanings."1798 AD U.S. Navy Department Created-On May 3rd, Congress authorized the creation of a Naval Department. This was done to help prepare the United States for war with France.1798 AD War of the 2nd Coalition Begins In December 1798 Great Britain and Russia signed a treaty of alliance against France, thus beginning the War of the Second Coalition. Britain had been fighting France in Egypt. Soon Portugal and the Ottoman Empire joined the coalition.1799 AD Siege of Acre -After the Ottoman Empire declared war on Napoleon, he attacked the Ottomans in Palestine capturing Jaffe. He then went on to begin a siege of Acre on March 18, 1799. In April a plague broke out among Napoleon's men and he was forced to break the siege and return to Egypt.1799 AD Napoleon Overthrows the Directory On November 9th Napoleon Bonarparte overthrew the failing French Directory. Napoleon had arrived unannounced from Egypt at Frejus. With the help of Sieyes and Roger-Ducos as well his brother Lucien he succeeded in ending the Directory and becoming first consul of France.1799 AD Fries' Rebellion-In July 1798, the federal government approved a tax on property. John Fries of Pennsylvania led a group of Pennsylvanians in a revolt against this tax. Fries was captured, tried and sentenced to death for treason. President Adams pardoned Fries and his fellow rebels.

1800 - 1810 ADAct of Union, Battle of Marengo, Manufacture Interchangable Parts, Peace Treaty With France , Tripolitan War, Treaty of Amiens, War of Third Coalition, Louisiana Purchase , Marbury vs Madison, Lewis and Clarke Expedition, Serb Uprising , Battle of Trafalgar , Peace of Pressburg, Treaty of Tilsit, Invasion of Portugal, Robert Fulton Sails on the Clermont, Embargo Act,Pennisular War , Beethoven's 5th, Napoleon Occupies Vienna, Peace of Schonbrunn



1800 Act of Union -Great Britain annexed Ireland in the Act of Union on May 5, 1800. The Irish Parliament was dissolved and Ireland gained representation in the British Parliament.1800 Battle of Marengo - The Austrians captured Genoa by starving it into submission. Napolean responded with a force of 40,000 men. On June 14, 1800 Napolean's army met the Austrians at the Battle of Marengo. Napolean was victorious and the Austrians were forced to retreat to Northwestern Italy. 1800 Manufacture With Interchangable Parts Begins -In 1800 Eli Whitney introduced the idea of production with interchangeable parts. This became the basis of the American system of mass production.1800 Peace Treaty With France - The United States signed “The Convention of Paris” with France. Under this treaty, France accepted US neutrality rights at sea. The French also discharged the US from its obligations established under the alliance formed by the two nations during the American Revolution. In return, the United States granted France “most favored nation” trading status. 1801 Tripolitan War The United States fought the pirates of the Barbary coast, in a war that continued on and off for four years. The pirates demanded that tribute be paid in order to ensure safe passage of American ships. When Jefferson refused, the pirates declared war. Ultimately, the American fleet defeated the pirates.1802 Treaty of Amiens - The war of the Second Coalition came to an end with the treaty of Amiens. The British gave up all claims to the French crown and territory. It did retain Trinidad and Ceylon. France separately agreed to return Egypt to the Ottoman Empire. The peace did not last long.1803 War of the Third Coalition Begins The War of the Third Coalition began when on May 18, 1803 Great Britain declared war against France believing that Napolean was violating the Treaty of Amiens. The Swedish and the Russians joined the British in declaring War against France. For the first year the war was fought almost exclusively at sea.1803 Louisiana Purchase - The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory for $15 million. Napoleon agreed to sell this territory because he was desperately in need of cash. Acquiring the Louisiana Territory doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson, who was usnsure of the constitutionality of the move, rushed to complete the sale

anyway, lest Napoleon change his mind. 1803 Marbury vs Madison - In this landmark decision the Supreme Court effectively stated that it was the final arbitor of law. This established the Supreme Court as a co-equal branch of government1803- Lewis and Clarke Expedition - On May 14, 1804, Lewis and Clark's expedition set off from St. Louis. The crew consisted of 32 soldiers and 10 civilians. They headed up the Missouri River; as far as South Fork, Montana. They spent the first winter among the Mandan Indians in South Dakota.They crossed the Rockies and were able to float down the Clearwater River, into the Snake River, and then onto the Columbia River. Then, on November 5, 1805, they reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition returned to St. Louis on September 23, 1806.1804 Serb Uprising In February 1804 Serbs under the leadership of Kara George rose up against the Ottomans. The uprising was directed against the Janissary garrison in Belgrade. The garrison was driven out by the end of 1806.1805 Battle of Trafalgar The Battle of Trafalgar established British naval superiority for over a hundred years. Napoleon was intent on crossing the English channel and capturing England. The minor impediment to this plan was the English navy that guarded the channel. The French navy under admiral Villeneuve developed a complicated plan to lure enough of the British fleet away from England to allow him a decisive victory. His plans however, failed to work out and eventually he found himself and his combined French and Spanish fleet in Cadiz, with Nelson awaiting off shore. Villeneuve facing imminent dismissal on the part of Napoleon decided to weigh anchor and fight Nelsons fleet. The Allied fleet of French and Spanish ships outnumbered and outgunned Nelson ships. However, Nelson's innovative tactics and agressivness combined with superior British gunnery and ship handling insured a decisive British victory.1805 Peace of Pressburg The Peace of Pressburg followed the battle of Austerlitz which took place on December 2, 1805 Napolean's army defeated the combined Russian and Austrian armies. As a result Austria was forced to recognize Bavaria and Wurttmemberg as independent kingdoms. It surrendered Venice to France and recognized Napolean as the King of Northern Italy.1807 Treaty of Tilsit -In July the French signed two major treaties of Tilsit. It established a Franco-Russian Alliance. After it's defeat in the battle of Friedland, Russia was forced to sign the treaty , to accept the existence of the

Grand Duchy of Warsaw and the status of Danzig as a free state. Prussia ceded to Russia Bialstock and all the lands between the Rhine and Elbe to France. The treaty confirmed Napoleon as the dominant power on the European continent. 1807 Invasion of Portugal Portugal refused to participate in Napoleon's continental system that was designed to deny food and other products produced in the continent to Great Britain. Napleon then sent his Andoche Junot with an army to conquer Portugal. In November he succeeded in occupying Lisbon forcing the royal family to flee to Brazil where they set up a government in exile. 1807 Robert Fulton Sails on the Clermont 1807 Embargo Act The U.S. Chesapeake was fired upon and boarded in open waters by the British. Twenty–one American sailors were killed or wounded; four sailors were taken away by the British, who claimed the four were British deserters.As a result, Congress passes a law banning trading with almost every nation.1808 Battle of Vimeiro- Pennisular War -In March of 1808, the French sent 100,000 troops into Spain under the pretext of guarding the coast of Spain against the British. A popular uprising developed in Spain against the French, forcing French troops to withdraw behind the Ebro. The French returned in force and reoccupied Madrid in July. Meanwhile the British sent a expiditionary force to Portugal. They defeated the French at the battle of Vimeiro on August 21, 1808. In the aftermath of the battle the French agreed to withdraw from Portugal 1808 Beethoven's 5th Completed Ludwig van Beethoven composes his famous Fifth Symphony.1809 Napoleon Occupies Vienna -The Austrians took advantage of Napoleon's preoccupation with the Peninsular War, to make preparations to attack the French. In April 1809 Archduke Charles appealed to the German nation to embark on a war of liberation. His appeal was mostly unheeded, but he continued his invasion of Bavaria with an army of 170,000. Napoleon hurried back from Spain and drove the Austrians back. On May 13th Napoleon occupied Vienna. His initial victory was short-lived and he was soon forced to withdraw across the Danube after his defeats at the battle of Aspern and Essling.1809 Peace of Schonbrunn The Austrians were decisively defeated at the battle of Schonbrunn. As a result they are forced to agree to the Treaty of Schonbrunn. Under its

terms the Austrians lose 32,000 square miles of territory as well as 3,500,000 inhabitants. Austria is forced to join Napoleon's continental system and in effect becomes a vassal state of Napoleon.

1810 - 1820 ADArgentina Independent, Columbia Independent , Paraguay Independent, Venezuela Independent, War of 1812, Battle of Borodino, Napolean Retreats from Moscow, Treaty of Bucharest, Spanish Regain Control of Venezuela, Mexico Independent , Treaty of Ghent , Battle of the Nations , Battle of Vitcoria , Hartford Convention, Congress of Vienna , Napoleon Abdicates, Steam Engine , Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Battle of Waterloo, German Confederation, Treaty of Paris , Sierre Leone, Chile Independent , Seminole War , Adams-Onis Treaty

1810 Argentina Independent -A provisional junta was established in the provinces of the Rio de la Plata (Argentina). They declared their independence from Spain. This began an ongoing war to insure independence. 1811 Columbia Independent - On August 7th Simon Bolivar won a decisive victory over Spanish forces at the battle of Boyaca in present day Columbia. The Congress of Angostura was then convened which declared the Republic of Columbia.1811 Paraguay Independent - On August 14, 1811 Paraguay was proclaimed independence from Spain. A republican form of government was established.1811 Venezuela Independent - The Captain General of Caracas forms a junta and declares Venezuela independent. Francisco de Mirando is invited to return and lead the army. Simon Bolivar returns from London with Mirando and becomes one of the leaders of the rebellion.1812 War of 1812 - The War of 1812 is one of the forgotten wars of the United States. The war lasted for over two years, and while it ended much like it started— in stalemate— it was in fact a war that once and for all confirmed American Independence. The offensive actions of the United States failed in every attempt to capture Canada. On the other hand, the British army was successfully stopped when it attempted to capture Baltimore and New Orleans. There were a number of American naval victories in which American vessels proved themselves superior to similarly sized British vessels. These victories coming after victories in the Quasi War (an even more forgotten war) launched

American naval tradition1812 Battle of Borodino- Napoleon Enters Moscow - The continued rivalry of Napoleon and Alexander made war between Russia and France all but inevitable. Napoleon organized an army of nearly 600,000 men. Napoleon's prime allies were the Prussians and the Austrians, both of whom supplied significant armies. In June of 1812 Napoleon's army set off. The Russian army fell back without significantly opposing Napolean's forces. By August the French led army had made its way to Smolensk on the Dnieper River. On September 7th the Russian army finally gave battle at the Battle of Borodino. Napoleon defeated the Russian army there and they were forced to withdraw, opening the road to Moscow before Napoleon. On September 14th, the French occupied the nearly deserted city. Between September 15th-19th Moscow burned as result of a fire initiated by the retreating Russians.1812 Napolean Retreats from Moscow Napoleon maintained his army in the burned capital of Russia for five weeks in the hope of bringing Alexander to terms; finally on October 19th with winter setting in and his armies far from home he ordered a retreat from Moscow. His army was harassed throughout their retreat. Of his army of 600,000 less then 100,000 were left when they straggled across the Niemen River in the middle of December.1812 Treaty of Bucharest- On May 28, 1812 the Ottomans signed the Treaty of Bucharest with Russia, thus ending their six year war. Under the terms of the treaty the Russians gained the province of Bessarabia and parts of Moldavia. 1812 Spanish Regain Control of Venezuela An earthquake in Venezuela was used by the clergy to claim that heaven opposed the revolution. With support weakened Miranda was forced to capitulate to the Spanish under the terms of the treaty of San Mateo. The treaty called for the granting of clemency to the rebels. The Spanish reneged and Miranda was imprisoned, where he died.1812 Mexico Independent - 1812- After a victory at Cuautla, 45miles south of Mexico City Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon was able to capture Orizaba and Oaxaca from the Royalists. The next year Acapulco was captured and Mexican Independence was declared.1812 Treaty of Ghent British and American negotiators met in August 1814, at Ghent, Belgium to negotiated a

settlement in the War of 1812. They reached an agreement that restored all territory as it had been before the war– without resolving the territorial issues.1813 Battle of the Nations Napoleon's disaster in Russia soon spelled his undoing. Much of his power had eminated from the perception that he could not be defeated. Once that occurred decisively as it had in Russia, many of his allies quickly deserted him and he was forced to face a large allied force. It began on August 12, 1812 when Austria declared war on France. With the financial support of Great Britain the Austrians were able to field three separate armies. In September the Austrians, Russians and Prussians signed the Treaty of Teplitz which formalized the alliances between them, and guaranteed that none of the participants would sign a separate treaty with France. From October 16th-19th the allies and the French fought the Battle of Leipzig otherwise known as the Battle of the Nations. In three days of fighting Napoleons army was decisively defeated on the field and then driven out of the city. The various kingdoms allied with Napoleon in Germany came to an end.1813 Battle of Vitcoria On June 21st the British, under General Wellington, decisively defeated the French at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain. The British followed up with a number of other victories that took their armies by November across the French frontier where they invaded Bayonne in December. 1814 Hartford Convention-Americans in the Northeast continued their significant opposition to the War of 1812. A minority of New Englanders called for secession from the Union. Delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island convened in Hartford from December 15, 1814 to January 5, 1815. A number of the radical Federalists at the convention called for secession of the New England states from the Union. The majority, however, voted for a platform demanding a change in the Constitution, requiring a two-thirds vote by Congress to impose an embargo, admit a western state into the Union or begin a war, except in the case of an invasion.1814 Congress of Vienna -One of the greatest international assemblies in history took place in Vienna between September 1814 and June 1815. The Congress of Vienna as it was known, was dominated by the Four victorious allies, the British, Prussians, Austrians and Russians. Prince Metttenich represented Austria, the Czar himself represented Russia,Castlereagh and Wellington represented Great Britain and William von Humboldt

represented Prussia. The four parties who were known as the quadruple alliance undertook to maintain the balance of power in Europe. The Congress was attended by all the nations that existed prior to the Napoleonic Wars. Most of the "legitimate" dynasties are restored to power. The Kingdom of the Netherlands was established. While the Congress never met as one unit, it successfully worked out the various claims of the nations of Europe and established a framework that was to avoid a major European war for 50years.1814 Napoleon Abdicates Soon after their victory at Leipzig the allies offered Napoleon peace under which France boundaries would be the Rhine and the Alps. Napoleon ignored the offer and the allies began a coordinated campaign that made its way through France. Napoleon was defeated in a series of battles each bringing the allies closer to Paris. On March 31, 1814 a victorious allied army entered Paris, and French foreign minister Talleyrand influenced the Senate to declare that Napoleon had forfeited the throne. On April 11th he abdicated the throne to the allies who gave him the island of Elba as his own sovereign principality with an annual income of 2,000,000 francs. 1814 George Stephenson Develop Steam Engine -The person who is considered the father of the locomotive is George Stephenson. He was a self educated man who could hardly read. His first locomotive was called the Bluecher.1814 Pride and Prejudice Authored by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice was authored by Jane Austen. She also wrote books such as Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and Emma. 1815 Battle of Waterloo -News reached Napoleon at Elba of French discontent with renewed Bourbon rule. Napoleon decided to make another bid for power. On March 1, 1815 Napoleon landed in Cannes with 1,500 men. On March 20th he entered Paris. This began the 100 days. The major European powers united to oppose Napoleon each committing 180,000. The commander of the Allied forces became British General Wellington, who found himself in command of over 1,000, 000 men. On June 18th the Battle of Waterloo took place. Napoleon hurled his army against that of Wellington. The allied lines held, and Wellington received crucial reinforcements from Blucher. Napoleon's forces were defeated and he fled back towards Paris. On June 22nd he surrendered to allied forces. Napoleon spent the rest of his life imprisoned on the island of St. Helena in the South

Atlantic.1815 German Confederation Established One of the results of the Congress of Vienna was the establishment of the German Confederation. The Confederation consisted of 39 member states. Despite the interest of some members to unify Germany, the major purposes of the confederation was self-defense.1815 Second Treaty of Paris -With the capture of Napoleon the second treaty of Paris was signed. Under its terms the French were forced to pay an indemnity of 700 million francs for the 100 days. The French also gave up the Saar and Savoy. Foreign troops occupied France for three to five years, and the French were forced to pay for the maintenance of the troops. A secret treaty was signed among the European powers committing them to suppress revolutions both in France and throughout Europe. This became known as the Concert of Europe.1815 Sierre Leone Established In 1807 the British established a Crown Colony in Sierre Leone.1817 Chile Independent - 1817 Seminole War The Seminole War was a result of the joint activities between the Seminole Indians and fugitive slaves who frequently raided settlements in Georgia. General Andrew Jackson was sent to bring the Indians under control; a task which he successfully completed, eventhough he caused a storm by exceeding his authority.1819 Adams-Onis Treaty-Under the terms of the Adams–Onis Treaty, the United States aquired Florida from Spain. In return, the US government agreed to assume $5 million worth of debts for which the Spanish were liable. In addition, the US recognized the Sabine River as the southwestern border between itself and the Spanish Empire.

1820 - 1830 ADRevolts in Spain and Portugal, Missouri Compromise, Greek War of Independence , Electromagnetic Induction, Ashanti War Begun, Brazil Independent, Ferdinand VII King of Spain, Monroe Doctrine, 1st Anglo Burmese War , Decembrist Uprising, Erie Canal Opened, Battle of Navarino , Janissarries Killed , William Blake Dies , Uruguay Independant, Age of Jackson , Baltimore and Ohio Railroad , Treaty of Adrianople

1820 AD Revolts in Spain and Portugal -A revolt breaks out in Spain when Colonel Rafael Reigo demands that the French constitution of 1812 be restored. Ferdinand VII does so on March 7, 1820. On August 24th a revolt against British regency in Portugal breaks out. A liberal

constitutional monarchy is created and John VI living in exile in Brazil, is invited to head it.1820 AD Missouri Compromise - This was the first major compromise between those states favoring slavery and those opposing slavery. Under the terms of the agreement, Missouri was to be admitted as as slave state, while Maine was admitted as as free state. The rest of the territory acquired from France north of the latitude 36º 30' would be free states, while south of that point would be slave states.1821 AD Greek War of Independence - The Greek revolution breaks out when the Greeks in Moldavia begin a revolt against the Ottomans. The initial battles of the war begin a pattern of remarkable cruelty by both sides. Each slaughters tens of thousands of combatents and civilians alike. On January 13, 1822 the Greek assembly meet and proclaimed its independence from the Ottoman Empire.1821 AD Michael Faraday Discovers Electromagnetic Induction - In 1821 Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.1822 AD Ashanti War Begun - The Ashanti war began in west Africa, between the Ashanti's and the Fanti's. The war would go on for 9 years, and each side would inflict cruelties on the other.1822 AD Brazil Independent On September 7, 1822 Dom Pedro, the Portuguese regent, declared Brazil independent from Portugal.1822 AD Ecuador Free From Spain- On May 24 1822, Antonio Jose de Sucre, Simon Bolivar's lieutenant, defeated the Spanish at the battle of Mount Pichincha near Quito. The victory allowed Ecuador to become independent of Spain, and became part of Greater Columbia.1823 AD French Forces Restore Ferdinand VII King of Spain - The French intervened in the Spanish revolution in 1823. They invade Spain and force the rebel forces to hand over Ferdinand VII who they restore to power. Ferdinand then rules Spain with an iron fist for the next ten years.1823 AD Monroe Doctrine - The Monroe Doctrine was meant to dissuade the Spanish from attempting to recapture any of their former colonies in South America. It stated: “The American continents are henceforth not to be considered the subjects for future colonization by any European powers.” 1824 AD 1st Anglo Burmese War On February 24, 1824

the first Anglo-Burmese war began when the British declared war on Burma. The Burmese had captured the island of Shahpuri in violation of the rights that East India Company claimed. The British captured Rangoon on May 11th.1825 AD Decembrist Uprising Young Russian aristocrats stage a brief uprising against the Romanov rule. The revolt was short lived, but it was a sign of things to come.1825 AD Erie Canal Opened- The Erie Canal consisted of a series of 83 locks along a 363-mile course. The opening of this canal made it possible for people and goods to travel as far west as Minnesota by barge and ship, substantially opening up the West to settlement. It was not until 1852 that trains began traversing the Appalachian mountains, and could compete with the canal.1826 AD Battle of Navarino The Greeks, who had been ruled by the Ottomans since the 15th century, revolted. The Ottoman Pasha called for and received assistance from the semi independent Mehemet Ali of Egypt. His son Ibrahim commanded the combined Egyptian Ottoman army and fleet. In 1847 the Ottomans were, with Ali’s help, successfully putting down the rebellion. However, public opinion in Western Europe and Russian imperial desires, combined to bring about an intervention in the war. The Russians, British and French worked together to bring about a ceasefire. When their request was ignored by the Ottoman, they sent a fleet to enforce it. The ceasefire could only be enforced on the sea. The combined fleet began by blockading the Port of Navarrone where the Ottoman ships were located. On October 20, 1827 when it was concluded that the blockade could not be maintained ships under the joint command of British Admiral Codrington, entered the harbor . The inevitable occurred and a battle soon broke out. In the course of the battle the complete Ottoman fleet which was laying at anchor in defensive positions was wiped out. Sixty Ottoman ships were destroyed. Ottoman casualties are estimated to have been 6,000 killed and 4,000 wounded. No Allied ship was destroyed although many were severely damaged.1826 AD Janissarries Killed -The Ottoman standing army was called Janissaries. They revolted when the Sultan ordered a new army formed to replace them. The Spahis who were loyal to Mahmud II put down the revolt. The Spahis together with the Ottoman mob massacred over 6,000 of the Janissaries in their barracks.1827 AD William Blake Dies In 1827 William Blake the English poet and artist died. His work included Songs of

Innocence and Songs of Experience.1828 AD Uruguay Independant Uruguay became independent under terms of peace treaty between Brazil and Argentina over Banda Orienta.1828 AD Age of Jackson -To many, the election of Andrew Jackson represented a new era for America. His election was the first in which a popular vote was taken. He was the first President not to come from the original colonies. Jackson was considered a true popular hero and used his stature to strengthen the power of the presidency.1829 AD Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Begun On December 22, 1829, the first passenger railroad in theUnited States opened. The first railroad line ran from the west side of Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills, a distance of 13 miles. In the beginning, the railroad used horse-drawn carriages, but it was not long before steam engines replaced horses.1829 AD Treaty of Adrianople -The Russian-Turkish War that had begun in 1828 ended with Treaty of Adrianople. The war concluded to the benefit of Russia marking a decline in Ottoman influence in the Balkans. The Ottomans granted autonomy for both Serbia and Greece, thus ending the Greek War of Independence. In 1832 Greece was officially granted independence under the terms of the Treaty.

1830 - 1840 ADAlgiers Captured, July Revolution , Belgium Constitution, Indian Removal Ac t, William Garrison-Liberator , Reform Act Passed, Black Hawk War, Nullification of Carolina Tariff, 1st Carlist War , Grain Reaper Patented, Seminole War , Jackson vs Bank of the U. S., The Great Trek, Texas Independent , Steel Plow Invented, Aroostook War , Oberlin Admits Women, Anglo-Afghan War , Underground Railroad , Photograph Taken, Opium War, Solomon Sulzer- Schir Zion , Amistad   Affair

1830 Algiers Captured -The Algerians had insulted the French Ambassador in 1827 and threatened to withdraw French trading rights in Algeria. The French responded by mounting an exposition against Algeria seizing it in July 1830. 1830 The July Revolution - The July Revolution broke out in Paris when Charles X, King of France attempted to suspend the constitution to overturn the recent French election. The revolutionaries gained control of Paris and forced Charles to abdicate. The French legislature selected Louis-Philippe to be the next King of France.1830 Belgium Adopts a Constitution - The July revolution

in France inspired Belgian revolutionaries to rise up against Dutch rule. They demanded independence. In late September the Dutch are forced out of Brussels and Belgium was declared independent. The Dutch bombarded Antwerp but an international conference backs Belgium independence.1830 Indian Removal Act- The Indians in the South were constantly under pressure from white settlers. Only the federal government had the ability to protect the Indians. President Jackson removed that federal protection. In 1830, the federal government passed the "Indian Removal Act," which allocated funds to negotiate with the Indians regarding their removal from the southern states. The federal government then began enforcing the Indian Removal Act by forcefully evicting 15,000 Indians from their land and compelling them, at gun point, to migrate to Oklahoma. The road to Oklahoma was named the "Trail of Tears." 1831 William Garrison Publishes the Liberator- On January 31 1931 William Garrison a leader abolutionist, published the first issue of the Liberator. The Liberator was dedicated to ending slavery immediately. The Abolutionist played an important roll in developing opposition to slavery.1832 First Reform Act Passed in Britain- The reform act of 1832 passed the House of Lords. It doubled the eligible voters to one million. This began a series of reforms that would eventually lead to universal suffrage.1832 Black Hawk War - Indian braves from Illinois and Wisconsin opposed attempts for their resettlement. Led by their chief, Black Hawk, they led an able defense against the settlers. The Indians were subdued by a US army force that included Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.1833 Nullification of Carolina Tariff-The issue of tariffs was one of the sectional differences that split the South and the North in the years before the Civil War. Congress signed laws increasing tariffs from 1816 onward. Although the Tariff Act signed by President Jackson was more moderate than the "Tariff of Abominations" (1828), South Carolina found this tariff too onerous and rejected it, claiming they had the right to nullify a federal law. Jackson immediately responded by stating that nullification of any federal act was incompatible with the continuation of the Union. The nullification crisis ended with the passage of the Tariff of 1833, a compromise tariff bill. The crisis itself portended the continued fight over the Union that resulted in the Civil War.

1833 The 1st Carlist War Begins A civil war developed in Spain when Ferdinand VII died. His 2-year old daughter, dominated by his fourth wife, and his brother both claim the thrown. The church and conservative elements of the state supported Don Carlos Ferdinand's brother, while the quadruple alliance supported Isabella, Ferdinand's daughter.1834 Grain Reaper Patented - In 1834, Cyrus McCormick received a patent for his grain reaper, first demonstrated three years earlier. This grain reaper became the basis for the establishment of the International Harvester Corporation, still in operation today.1835- Second Seminole War-Under the leadership of Chief Osceola, the Seminole Indians refused to be forcibly moved to Oklahoma territory. Instead, they retreated to the Florida Everglades. The Seminoles continued to resist relocation for seven years, until the backbone of their resistance was broken when their chief was captured under the guise of a flag of truce.1835- Jackson vs Bank of the United States-President Jackson came to Washington with the goal of eliminating the Bank of the United States. Western states had long opposed the bank, claiming it was an agent of the rich. In 1832, Henry Clay, Jackson's opponent for the presidency, tried to make the bank a major political issue. Clay passed legislation in Congress that year to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States for four more years. Jackson vetoed the renewal of the charterbut but his veto was overriden The Bank of the United States was allowed to expire quietly when its charter ran out in 1836.1835 AD The Great Trek The Dutch settlers of South Africa known as the Boers began a Great Trek northward. They called themselves the Voortrekkers and they left the cape colony to free themselves of British control. They founded the republics of Natal, Transvaal and the Orange Free States.1836 AD Texas Independent - The settlers of Texas, a Mexican territory, declared their independence in 1836. The Mexican army arrived to put down the rebellion. They besieged and eventually captured the Alamo, killing all 187 Texans. A month later, Santa Ana, the Mexican commander was captured and forced to surrender Texas.1837 AD Steel Plow Invented In 1837 John Deere invented the steel plow. This greatly improved the ability of farmers to plow fields.1838 Aroostook War-The border between Maine and th The territory was used as a base by Canadian rebels. The

Canadian army entered and fought against the rebels. Since President Van Buren wished to diffuse the situation, he sent General Winfield Scott, who succeeded in doing so.1838 Oberlin Admits Women-Oberlin College was both the first school to admit Blacks as well as the first to admit women. In 1838 the freshmen class inlcuded four women.1838 AD First Anglo-Afghan War Began The first Anglo-Afghan War broke out when the British governor of India launched an attack on Afghanistan. He feared growing Russian influence in Afghanistan. The British capture Ghazni and Kabul. They restore an unpopular former leader Shah Sjhuja to power. 1838 Underground Railroad Begun -The Underground Railroad was started in order to provide a means for escaped slaves to be safely spirited through the north until they reached sanctuary in Canada. The railroads borrowed heavily from the vocabulary of stamdard railroads, thus those who helped guide the slaves were conductors, and the places that they hid along the way stations. Between 1850-1860 1,000 slaves a year made use of the Underground Railroad to escape to the Canada and freedom.1839 AD First Photograph Taken Louis J.M. Daguerre developed the first daguerreotype photo.1839 AD Opium War -The Opium War between China and Great Britain breaks out when the Chinese ordered the destruction of illegal opium stored by foreign merchants. The East India Company had promoted the use of opium by its Chinese workers.1839 AD Solomon Sulzer Publishes Schir Zion Solomon Sulzer, chief cantor in Vienna, published the first of two volumes of his Schir Zion (Song of Zion); the second volume was published in 1865. In these works, Sulzer attempts to create a moderate model of Jewish worship ritual, which addresses the concerns of both reform oriented and conservative rabbis. This model is later called the Vienna model.1838 AD Amistad Affair - At 4:00 AM on July 2, 1839 20 miles a slave muitiny aboard the Spanish vessel Amistad took place. The slaves killed all but two of the crew. Instead of sailing back to Africa the ship ended off Long Island. There it was captured by the USS Washington. The slaves were seized and imprisoned. The slaves demanded their freedom and the case made its way to the Supreme Court. Former President John Quincy Adams

presented the slaves case to the court. The Supreme Court ordered the slaves freedom

1840 - 1850 AD

Two Major Orchestras, British Massacred, Webster Ashjburton Treaty, Oregon Trail, Soujourner Truth on Tour , John Trumball Dies , Treaty of Wanghia , Franco Moroccan War , Telegraph, Texas Annexed , Sikh War, Mexican War , Oregon Treaty , Mormons settle Salt Lake, Bronte-Wuthering Heights, Liberia Independent , Revolution in France , Viennesse Revolution , Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty , Hungarians Independent, Sikh War, Gold Discovered in California


1842 Two Major Orchestras Founded - The New York Philharmonic Society and the Vienna Philharmonic were both founded in 1842.1842 British Massacred in Afghanistan A revolt against the British in Kabul forced them to agree to withdraw from the city and return to India. They did so under a safe conduct agreement. The Afghans instead attacked the British and massacred 4,500 soldiers and 12,000 civilians.1842 Webster Ashjburton Treaty Signed-This treaty, negotiated by Daniel Webster, the American Secretary of State, and Lord Ashburton resolved the border dispute between the United States and Canada. Canada received 5,000 square miles; and the United States received 7,000. The dispute was primarily on the border of Maine. The disputed issue of the Oregon border was left for later settlement.1843 Oregon Trail Opened- On May 22, 1843 nearly 1,000 settler began an overland trip to the Pacific. The first group overcame numberous hazards. Despite being forced to abandon most of their pocessions, the group made it safely to Oregon, They opened the way to countless settler to follow. 1843 Soujourner Truth on Tour -Soujourner Truth, a deeply religious former slave, began a speaking tour throughout the North protesting against slavery. She had been a slave most of her life, and had seen most of her 13 children sold before her eyes.1843 John Trumball Dies -In 1843 John Trumball the American painter died. He is best known for the series of historical paintings, particularly of the Revolutionary War period.1844 Treaty of Wanghia -Under the terms of this treaty, negotiated by Caleb Cushing, the United States gained the right to trade in Chinese ports, as well as gaining

additional legal rights inside China.1844 Franco Moroccan War The French began a war with Morocco which had refused to recognize its conquest of Algeria and provided the refuge to the Algerian rebel leader. The French defeated the Moroccans at the battle of Isly in North Eastern Morocco. The Moroccans were forced to agree to the Treaty of Tangiers that recognized the French sovereignty over Algeria.1844 Telegraph Begun -The first inter-city telegraph was demonstrated by Samuel Morse. A telegraph line had been built for $30,000 between Washington and Baltimore. The telegraph was to open a new era of communication in the world.1845 Texas Annexed-After the landslide victory of James Polk, who ran on a ticket supporting annexation of Texas, Congress approved the annexation by joint resolution. In years past, Congress had blocked the Tylers' treaties for these annexations.1846 First Sikh War The First Anglo-Sikh War ended with a British victory at the battle of Sobraon in the Punjab. The war ended with the treaty of Lahore, which allowed the British to annex Kashmir.1846 Mexican War-The U.S. Congress voted overwhelmingly to declare war on Mexico despite initial Whig opposition. Over the course of the two year war, the United States defeated the Mexicans and captured the capital, Mexico City. This enabled the U.S. to obtain favorable terms at the end of the war, including the ceding of New Mexico and California to the United States. Battle of Palo Alto Battle For New Mexico Battle for California Battle of Vera Cruz Battle of Cerro Gordo Battle For Mexico City1846 Oregon Treaty The United States and Great Britain ended their dispute over the Oregon Territory with a compromise. They divided the disputed territory at the 49th parallel. All territory to the South became US territory.1847 Mormons settle on Great Salt Lake-After many years of tribulations, the Mormons arrived at Salt Lake City. The Mormons settled there under the leadership of Brigham Young.1847 Bronte Writes Wuthering Heights In 1847 Emily Jane Bronte an English Writer completed her work Wuthering Heights. In the same year her sister wrote Jane Eyre.1847 Liberia Independent -Liberia declared its independence on July 26, 1847. Former American slaves

had founded Liberia. Its first President was Joseph Jenkins and it became Africa's first independent republic.1848 Revolution in France King Louis-Philippe of France refused to institute political reforms and extend suffrage. In response riots led by workers and students broke out. They force the king to abdicate in February 1848. As a result the Second French Republic began. In June unemployed workers protested in Paris and were brutally supressed.1848 The Viennesse Revolution -Viennese students and workers inspired by events in France began in March to protest the policies of the Austrian government. Austrian foreign ministers Metternich resigned. Austrian emperor Ferdinand I attempted to placate the protesters by issuing a reform constitution. Conservative elements however, gained control and brutally put down the revolt. Ferdinand was forced to resign and was succeeded by Francis Joseph I.1848 Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Signed in February 1848 by the United States and Mexico, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War. Under the terms of the treaty, the border would be set at the Rio Grande River. The US gained most of California, New Mexico, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado and Texas. The US paid Mexico $15 million for these territories.1849 Hungarians Announce Independence -In response to a repressive constitution promulgated after the failed Viennese revolution the Hungarian diet on April 14th 1849 formally declared its independence from Austria. Lajos Kossuth was chosen to be governor of Hungary. The Russians intervene on behalf of the Austrians. On August 9th the Hungarian were decisively defeated at the battle of Temesovar thus ending the Hungarian bid for independence1849 Second Sikh War -The British defeated the Sikhs at Chillianwalla and Gujart. This forced the Sikhs to surrender at Rawalpindi. The British annexed Punjab under the terms of the treaty of Raj.1849 Gold Discovered in California -In January 1849, President Polk announced that gold had been found in California. This set off the Gold Rush, in which 80,000 individuals headed for California to seek their fortunes. The first wave arrived on February 28, 1949, and became known as “the 49ers.” These people changed the face of California.

History Central > Timeline > 1850 - 1860 AD

Taiping Rebellion, Compromise of 1850, National Women's Convention , California Gains Statehood, Blood Spilled Over Slavery , Erie Railroad Reached Great Lakes, Uncle Toms Cabin, Burma War , S, African Republic, Gadsen Purchase, Fugitve Slave Returned, Perry in Japan , Crimean War , Kansas Nebraska Act, Bloody Kansas , Compromise in Kansas , Victoria Falls , Sevastopol Taken, Arrow War , Washington Irving Dies , Sepoy Mutiny, John Brown Leads Revolt , Darwin -Origin of the Species, Italian War , Oil Well Started


1850 AD Taiping Rebellion -The Taiping rebellion broke out in 1850. The rebellion was led by Hung Hsiu-ch'uan . He believed he was Gods' second son. His believed in Christianity, and his ideology called for communal land ownership and equality between men and women. The revolt against the Manchus lasted for ten years and ended in failure. The revolt cost the lives of 20 million Chinese peasants.1850 AD Compromise of 1850- The Compromise of 1850 held the Union together for another difficult ten years. The dispute was over the admittance of additional states into the Union, while maintaining the balance between free and slave states. The immediate question was the clamoring of California to be admitted to the Union as a free state. The debate was begun by a frail Senator Henry Clay, who called for a compromise between the North and South. Senator John C. Calhoun, who was dying of tuberculosis, gave his last speech in the Senate; in which he once again championed the cause of the South, yet called for compromise.

1850 AD First National Women's Convention- The first national Women's Conference was held in Worcester, Massachusetts. The meeting followed a local convention in Seneca Falls the year before. The convention, after much discussion, passed a resolution that stated: "Women are clearly entitled to the right of suffrage, and to equality before the law, without distinction of sex or color."1850 AD California Gains Statehood-On September 9th 1850, California was admitted to the Union. The admittance of California was part of the Compromise of 1850. California was the 31st State admitted to the Union.1851 AD First Blood Spilled Over Slavery- The Fugitive Slave Law finally brought about the first blood of conflict, in what became known as the "Battle of Christiana." The town was Christiana, a Pennsylvania village near the Maryland border. On September 1, 1851, a slave owner, accompanied by relatives and two deputy marshalls, arrived in the town and demanded the return of two slaves who had escaped two years earlier. The slave

holders were warned to leave town; when they refused, violence broke out. When the violence ended, the owner was dead, his son was seriously wounded. The fugitives escaped to Canada. Fillmore called in the Marines, in an attempt to find the fugitives. They arrested 30 Blacks and 6 Whites, whom they charged with treason. The case was dropped, but the first blood had been spilled.1851 AD Erie Railroad Reached the Great Lakes- In May 1851 the Erie Railroad reached Dunkirk New York on Lake Erie. The first train to traverse the line had President Filmore and Americas elder statesman Daniel Webster on board.1852 AD Uncle Toms Cabin Signed- In 1852, the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was published. It is most likely the novel that had the greatest historic impact on American society. The novel depicted the plight of a slave family. It was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, who was a mother of six. In the first year hundres of thousands of copies were printed and ultimately millions of copies were sold. The helped solidify the opposition to slavery in the North. Its success in France and England served as a break in the inclination of the aristocracy in those countries to support the South during the war.1852 AD Second Burma War - The Second Burmese War began when the Burmese ousted their king Pagan Min after a six year reign. The British captured Rangoon as the war began.1852 AD South African Republic -The British government recognized the independence of the Boer Republic of the Transsnvall under the terms of the Sand River Convention of 1852. In 1854, under the terms of the Bloemfontein Convention, Great Britain granted independence to the Boer Republic of the Orange Free State.1853 AD Gadsen Purchase- Under the terms of this purchase, the United States obtained the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico. The area totaled 45,535 square miles and was purchased at a cost of $10 million. The area was considered a suitable route for a railroad across the Southwest.1854 AD Fugitve Slave Returned-In March 1854, Anthony Burns, a Virginian slave, escaped and fled to Boston. He was apprehended. Bostonians rallied to his defense and tried to block his return to Virginia. President Pierce called in Federal troops to insure Burns' return to Virginia. Thus, federal soldiers escorted a captured slave through the streets, while Bostonians stood by, with American flags flying upside down.

1854 AD Perry in Japan - Commodore Perry was sent to Japan to attempt to open trade relations, as well as provide a safe haven for shipwrecked sailors. Perry arrived in Tokyo Bay in command of a fleet of four heavily-armed warships. The Japanese initially demanded that he move to the port of Nagasaki, but realized they did not have the ability to force Perry to move.

On July 14, 1853, Perry met with representatives of the Japanese Emperor, and soon had negotiated the Treaty of Kanagawa. The treaty mandated that two Japanese ports be opened up to American ships.Perry's successful mission to Japan quickly broke the Japanese self- imposed isolation, and heralded a rapid industrialization of the island nation.1854 AD Crimean War Begins In October 1853 a war had broken out between Russia and the Ottomans known as the Russo-Turkish War. The war broke out after a Turkish attack on Russian forces that had occupied Walachia and Moldavia. France and Great Britain declared war on Russia in support of the Ottomans. Austria in the meantime successfully pressured Russia to withdraw from the Danubian principalities that it had occupied, and then Austria occupied them. On September 14 allied troops landed in the Crimea. On September 20th the Russians were defeated in the battle of Alma River. The allies then went on to lay siege to the Russian port of Sevastopol.1854 AD Kansas Nebraska Act-The Kansas–Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Act allowed Kansas and Nebraska to determine whether they wished to be slave or free states. Nebraska was not problematic, as its settlers favored the status of free state. However, the status of Kansas was bitterly fought over.1855 AD Bloody Kansas-Northern anti-slave organizations encouraged their members to emigrate to Kansas. When it was time to vote for the first territorial legislature, Southerners poured in from Missouri and voted early and often. The supporters of slavery triumphed in this election and set up a territorial government in Shawnee Mission. The "free soilers," those who opposed slavery in Kansas, were outraged by this fraud and set up their own government in Topeka. As tension mounted, a group of pro-slavery raiders burned part of the free soil town of Lawrence, thus provoking a civil war in Kansas.1856 AD Compromise in Kansas-Violence was temporarily abated when President Pierce sent John Geary to Kansas to put down the disturbances. Geary

temporarily accomplished his task. The issue of Kansas was far from settled, however. The underlying issue remained: was Kansas to be a free state or a slave state. The Kansas legislature passed, over the veto of Geary,a constitution that would insure the state would become a slave states. Geary then resigned. He was replaced by Robert Walker. The pro-slave constitutional convention, meeting at Lecompton, produced a constitutional referendum providing the voters of Kansas with only two choices, accepting slavery in Kansas, or limiting the slaves of Kansas to existing slaves. Free slavers immediately branded the referendum as "The Great Swindle," they refused to participate. Those favoring slavery then voted to ask to have Kansas admitted as a slave state. This was too much for even Stephen Douglas, who had supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act. After a highly emotional and almost violent debate, the House of Representatives failed to admit Kansas as a slave state. The South felt they had been betrayed by Douglas, who then lost his Southern support.1855 AD David Livingstone Discovers Victoria Falls - David Livingstone a Scottish explorer set off from South Africa to explore the interior of Africa. In 1855 he discovered the Victorian falls.1855 AD Sevastopol Taken On September 11th Sevastopol, the main Russian port on the Black Sea, was captured by the allied forces. Following the capture of Sevastopol, series negotiations began between the sides. 1856 AD Arrow War- The second Anglo Chinese war, which became known as the Arrow war, began when the Chinese forced a British registered ship to lower the British flag. British and French troops reached Tienstsin in 1858 and thus threatened the Chinese capital Peking. The Chinese agreed to the Treaty of Tienstsin, which opened more treaty ports to foreigners and legalized the importation of opium.1859 AD Washington Irving Dies - In 1859 Washington Irving the American writer died. He wrote a Five-Volume biography of George Washington. He is best known for tales, which included The Legends of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle.1857 AD Sepoy Mutiny The Sepoys who were native troops employed by the British revolted and killed their British officers. The Sepoys managed to capture Delhi. The British with the help of the Punjabs put down the revolt. The revolt ended the administration of the East India Company and was replaced by the direct

administration of the British crown.1859 AD John Brown Leads Revolt- John Brown led a group of 18 to attack the arsenal in Harpers Ferry. His goal was to forment a slave rebellion. The revolt was subdued by the US army under the command of Robert E Lee. Brown was hung.1859 AD Darwin Publishes Origin of the Species In 1859 Darwin published the Origins of Species in which he posited the theory of evolution. That theory stated that man descended from apes and that only fittest species survived and evolved.1859 AD Italian War -The Italian War broke out when Austria tried to extend its already extensive control over the Italian penninsular. On May 12, 1859 the French declared war on Austria. They came to the aid of Sardinia and the other Italian city states that had revolted against the Austrains. The French defeated the Austrian army on the field. Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria, and Napoleon met and brought an end to hostilities. Napoleon, who had become concerned with the unrest caused by revolts, agreed to the restoration of power to most of the Italian princes.1859 AD Oil Well Started Until Edwin Drake drilled his well, oil had been collected from whatever had seeped out of the ground. This oil was used for medicinal purposes. Drake, who had been a railroad conductor, was convinced that large quantities of oil could be found by drilling. Just as his money dried up and investors called for an end to the drilling, Drake struck oil. Before long, the area around Titusville was full of oil wells and the commercial use of oil began.

 1860 - 1870 AD2nd Maori War, Pasteurization Introduce, Ft. Sumter , Battle of Bull Run , Mighty Russian Five, Battle of Antietam , Battle of Gettysburg, War of Triple Alliance , Civil War Ends , Lincoln Assassinated , Alice's Adventure in Wonderland, 13th Amendment Passed , Seven Weeks War, Reconstruction Passed, Blue Danube Waltz , Alaska Purchased, Johnson Impeached, Kingdom of Merina , Meiji Restoration , Revolution in Spain , 15th Amendment Passed, Itiber da Cunha-publishes A Sertaneja, Suez Canal, Transcontinental Rail Service

1860 AD 2nd Maori War Begins -The Second Maori war was fought from 1860-1872 between British colonist and native New Zealanders on the North Island. At the end of the largely guerilla war the natives were granted half the island.1861 AD Pasteurization Introduced In 1861, thanks to Louis Pastuers work on microorganisms, pasteurization

was introduced to milk, beer and other foods to preserve them.1861 AD Ft. Sumter Fort Sumter refused to surrender to the Confederates. Sixty-eight soldiers under the command of Major Anderson had been in the fort from December 26th, without supplies. When Lincoln made the decision to resupply the fort, the Confederacy decided to assault it. In the middle of the night of the 12th, Confederate emissaries brought Major Anderson an ultimatum: surrender by 4:00 AM or be fired upon.

At 4:30 AM on the 12th, General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard gave the order to open fire. The next afternoon Major Anderson surrendered. The war was on.  

1861 AD Battle of Bull Run -Federal troops, led by General McDowell advanced towards Manassas Junction, where Confederate troops were dug in, blocking the road to Richmond. Both Confederate and Union troops were not ready for battle. Union troops advanced on Confederate troops, almost breaking through, but at the last moment, Confederate reinforcements arrived at the battle and carried the day. Union troops were routed. There was no organized retreat, rather a mass of soldiers who fled back to Washington.  

1862 AD Mighty Russian Five Formed- Five Russian composers - Mili Balakirev, Cesar Cui, Alexander Borodin, Nicholai Rimsky-Korsakov, and Modest Mussorgsky– decide to form a group to promote Russian national music.1862 AD Battle of Antietam In the aftermath of the Confederate victory at Manassas, General Lee led his army into Maryland– in a gamble to win the war. His plans fell into Union hands, and the Union army massed against him outside a little town in Maryland, called Sharpsburg, near the Antietam Creek. In a day long battle, 23,582 Americans became casualties. Both sides lost an equal number of men. The Confederate force, which was much smaller, however, was forced to withdraw. In the aftermath of the battle– considered to be a Union victory, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation.1863 AD Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburg took place around this small Pennsylvania town, when Confederate forces foraging for shoes encountered a Union cavalry brigade guarding the town. Both sides quickly brought their main units to bear. In the first day of

the battle, Confederate troops forced Union forces back, but at a very heavy cost. The second day, Confederates attacked heavily fortified Union positions, and were repulsed on every attempt. Finally, on the third day, Lee's forces attempted to attack the Union Center. The attack was called "Pickett's Charge." Less than half of the men involved in the charge returned. Gettysburg marked the last time the Confederates attempted to bring about a decisive battle on Union soil.1865 AD War of Triple Alliance -On April 2nd, word reached Richmond that lines in Petersburg had broken. Richmond would have to be evacuated. The next day, Lincoln was able to visit Richmond. On April 7th, Lee's surrounded (and hungry) army was forced to surrender.1865 AD Civil War Ends On April 2nd, word reached Richmond that lines in Petersburg had broken. Richmond would have to be evacuated. The next day, Lincoln was able to visit Richmond. On April 7th, Lee's surrounded (and hungry) army was forced to surrender.1865 AD Lincoln Assassinated -Just six days after the South surrendered, President Lincoln was shot by an assassin, while attending a play at Ford's Theater. The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was killed during his capture, twelve days later. The rest of the conspirators were also apprehended and all four were hung on July 8th.1865 AD Alice's Adventure in Wonderland Published Lewis Carol published Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in 1865. He went on to write Through the Looking Glass and other works.1865 AD 13th Amendment Passed- On December 18th 1865, the 13th amendment to the Constitution was officially ratified. This amendment stated that neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude could exist in the United States. 1866 AD Reconstruction Passed- The end of the Civil War necessitated a decision specifying the terms by which the South could be readmitted to the Union. Both Lincoln and Johnson took the position that the South had never left the Union and therefore the question of readmission was moot. The Congress had other ideas and passed a series of laws imposing military control over the South.1866 AD Seven Weeks War -The Seven Weeks War began on June 15th with a Prussian invasion of Saxony which was an Austrian ally. The war was the idea of Bismark whose wished to strengthen German unity which Austria opposed. The Austrians were defeated in the battle of Sadowa. On August 23 the Austrians and the

Prussians signed the Treaty of Prague which was favorable to Prussia. Austria was forced to cede Schleswig-Holstien as well as Frankfurt and Hanover to Prussia. Austria was also forced to accept the creation of the Northern German Confederation.1866 AD Blue Danube Waltz Presented -Johann Strauss the younger first presents his Blue Danube Waltz, which later became one of the most popular and familiar works of European music.1867 AD Alaska Purchased -Secretary of State Seward negotiated the US purchase of Alaska from Russia for the sum of $7 million. The purchase was not universally popular and the treaty was approved by a vote of 27 to 12, only one vote more than the two-thirds needed to approve the treaty1868 AD Johnson Impeached-President Johnson constantly clashed with Congress, which wished to impose a significantly more radical version of reconstruction on the South. Finally, the radicals in Congress decided to try to impeach and indict Andrew Johnson. The impeachment vote passed in the House. The Senate voted 35 for and 19 against conviction; one vote short of the needed 2/3rds majority.1868 AD France Recognizes Kingdom of Merina in Madagascar -The Hova Queen of Madagascar died after a 5 year reign. Ranavalona II succeeded her. The power behind her throne was her husband, a Christian, Rainilaiarrivony. France recognized the kingdom sovereignty in Madagascar.1868 AD Meiji Restoration -The Meiji restoration began when the newly established emperor Mutsuhito ousted the shogante of the Tokugawaw clan that had ruled Japan since 1603. The new emperor restored direct imperial rule of Japan. The Mutsuhito began the modernization of Japan.1868 AD Revolution in Spain -On September 18, 1868 the officers of the Spanish fleet began a revolution. They marched on Madrid and defeated government forces. Isabella was forced to flee. The military announced the formation of a provisional government, and created a constitutional monarchy.1869 AD15th Amendment Passed Despite the fact that the 14th Amendment indirectly provided the vote to Afro-Americans, many Southern states continued to find ways not to permit Blacks to vote. Therefore, on the 15th of February, Congress passed the 15th Amendment which

made this right explicit. Congress did not, however, include the right for women to vote in this amendment.1869 AD Brazil - Itiber da Cunha, an amateur musician and pianist, publishes A Sertaneja, a piece for piano. In it, da Cunha emulates urban popular music, and even quotes a popular tune of the time. A Sertaneja is considered the first nationalist composition published in Brazil.1869 AD Suez Canal Opened -On November 17, 1869 the Suez Canal opened to traffic. The canal linked the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. It was 103 miles long and it brought Oriental ports 5,000 miles closer to Europe. Work had begun on the canal in 1859. It was financed primarily by French investors. The canal increased the strategic importance of Egypt to European powers.1869 AD Transcontinental Rail Service Begun in the United States -On May 10th, at Promontory Point, Utah, a golden rail spike was struck, completing the first transcontinental railroad line. The spike joined the lines of the Union-Pacific Railroad being built westward, from Omaha, Nebraska; and those of the Central-Pacific being built eastward, from Sacramento, California.

1870 - 1890 ADStandard Oil Formed, Charles Dickens Dies, Italy Unified, Franco Prussian War, Treaty of Washington , Paris Commune , Chicago Fire, Second Reich , Tweed Corruption, Second Carlist War ,Japanese Invade Taiwan, Civil Rights Act of 1875 , Telephone Invented, Centenial Exposition , Ring Cycle Premieres, Serbia Declares War on Ottoman Empire , Korea Independent , Custer Killed , Reconstruction Ended , National Rail Strike , Germ Theory of Disease, Phonograph Invented, Thomas Edison, Congress of Berlin , Treaty of San Stefano , Electric Light, Zulu War


1870 AD Standard Oil Formed On January 10th 1870 John D Rockefeller and four partners incorporated the Standard Oil Company. The company gained control of nearly 95% of the oil refining industry in the United States.1870 AD Charles Dickens Dies -Charles Dickens died in 1870. Dickens was a prolific English writer who wrote some of the most enduring stories written in the English language. Some of his better know works include: Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and Tale of Two Cities.1870 AD Pope Stripped of all power- Italy Unified- Italy was unified when Italian troops entered Rome after the

withdrawal of French troops. The Italians stripped all temporal power from Pope Piius IX, whom they imprisoned in the Vatican. Rome became the new capital of unified Italy.1870 AD Franco Prussian War - The Franco German War broke out at the instigation of Prussian minister Bismarck who believed the war would help unify Germany. Bismarck maneuvered so that France would declare war on Germany, thus helping to stroke German nationalism. On September 2, 1870 the French army was defeated at the battle of Sedan. The French commanders, as well Napoleon III were captured. The Germans advanced steadily on Paris. The fort at Metz held out until October 28th. On December 27th the forts surrounding Paris were placed under siege. On January 28, 1871 Paris fell and the French surrendered.1871 AD Treaty of Washington- The sympathy shown by many Englishmen towards the Confederacy combined with the British government's lax enforcement of neutrality created a serious rift between the United States and Great Britain. The most serious charge leveled by the U.S. was that the British allowed the Confederate cruisers "Alabama", "Shenandoah" and "Florida" to be armed in British ports.Early attempts to resolve this dispute were unsuccessful. At one point, a claim was made that Britain was responsible for half the cost of the war, and that the US would consider Canada proper payment. Thus, on May 8th, the United States and Great Britain agreed to submit all of their disputes, including boundary disputes, fishery issues, and the question of claims to binding arbitration.

The arbitration committee decided that Great Britain owed the United States $15,500,000 dollars.1871 AD Paris Commune-When word spread in Paris that the legislative assembly was considering restoring the monarchy, students and workers took to the streets. They seized control of the city, and the Commune of Paris as it was called controlled the city from March 18th until May 28th. Marshal Mac-Mahon led French troops that regained control of the city. Over 20,000 Parisians lost their lives defending the barricades of the city.1871 AD Chicago Fire- On October 8th, a fire broke out in the west side of Chicago. The fire lasted two days, killing 300 people, and destroying most of Chicago. Property damages were estimated at 200 million dollars.1871 AD Second Reich - With the German victory in France complete, the German Reichstag(parliament)

proclaimed the creation of the Second Reich. The Reichstag approved with minor modification the constitution of the Northern German Federation. William I became King of Germany with Otto Bismarck the first chancellor.1872 AD Tweed Corruption Exposed- William Tweed was but one of many big city political bosses. These bosses ran a government which was a power unto itself. It would insure itself political support by handing out jobs to its supporters and helping them with various problems they had with government. The bosses were particularly adept at gaining support from new immigrants. 1872 AD Second Carlist War The Second Carlist War broke out in the spring of 1872 when Don Carol III tried to reestablish the Bourbon reign in Spain. The war continued for two years until 1874 when a coalition declared Alfonso XII King.1874 AD Japanese Invade Taiwan - The Japanese invaded Taiwan. Their excuse was the killing of an Okinawan seamen after a shipwreck. The Japanese agreed to withdraw after the Chinese agree to pay an indemnity.1875 AD Civil Rights Act of 1875- On March 1st 1875 the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was passed. The act mandated that public accommodation for Blacks be equivalent to those of whites. The laws were completely ignored in the south. Local "Jim Crow" laws were passed that established separate accommodations for Blacks and Whites.1876 AD Telephone Invented On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell successfully tested the first telephone. The initial test was accidental. It happened when Bell spilled some acid on his leg and called out for Watson to come and help him. Watson heard Bell's request through the telephone instrument that they were working on.1876 AD Centenial Exposition- On May 10th, an exposition opened in Philadelphia's Fairmont Park, celebrating 100 years of American independence. The fair was housed in 249 structures over 249 acres of the park. On the first day over 100,000 people crowded the park.1876 AD Ring Cycle Premieres - Richard Wagner's cycle of four operas, Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelungs) is first performed, at the first of the music festivals at Bayreuth, Germany. The four operas in the cycle are: Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), Die Walkuere (The Valkyrie), Siegfried, and Goetterdaemmerung (The Twilight of the Gods).

1876 AD Serbia Declares War on Ottoman Empire In May of 1876 the Bulgarians began an insurrection against the Ottomans. The insurrection was quelled brutally and thousand of Bulgarians were slain. To protest this Serbia declared war on the Ottomans. The Serbs were defeated at the battle of Alexinatz on September 1. The Bulgarian revolt ended soon after.1876 AD Japan Recognizes Korean Independence from China Japan recognized Korean independence from China. Under a treaty with Korea trade between Japan and Korea was opened when three cities were opened to Japanese traders. China did not object to the treaty.1876 AD Custer Killed On June 25th, in Dakota territory, at the Little Big Horn, General Custer and all 256 troops were killed. The defeat of Custer in the Battle of the Little Big Horn was the last Indian victory.1877 AD Reconstruction Ended-President Hayes kept his campaign promise to remove federal troops from the South, ending the period known as Reconstruction. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.1877 AD First National Rail Strike- The first national strike against the railroads began after the 12th day of a strike at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, initiated when brakeman's wages were reduced. The national strike which was unorganized marked the beginning of labor-management confrontations that would last for the rest of the century.1877 AD Germ Theory of Disease -1877- Louis Pasteur investigated microorganisms. This resulted in his presentation of the Germ Theory of disease. Joseph Lister went on to initiate the practice of insuring that surgeons were clean before they conducted surgery. 1877 AD Phonograph Invented by Edison On December 15th, Thomas Edison applied for a patent for his phonograph. Edison initially believed it would be used to record business sessions, or family voices. Edison became famous with this invention and was invited to the White House for a demonstration.1878 AD Congress of Berlin -The Congress of Berlin was convened to address the anger of Great Britain, Austria Hungary and Prussia at the terms of the treaty of San Stefano. The Treaty of Berlin made changes to the terms of the agreement, including the occupation of Bosnia and Herzogovina by Austria -Hungary. It also decreased the

size of Serbia and Montengro.1878 AD Treaty of San Stefano The Treaty of San Stefano is signed on March 5th between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The treaty brought to an end a war between the parties begun the year before when Russia declared war on the Ottomans. The Russian were successful on the battlefield and the Ottomans were forced to sue for peace. Under the terms of the agreement Romania, Montenegran and Serbia are assured independence, while reforms are promised in Bosnia and Herzogovina and Bulgaria.1879 AD Electric Light Invented -Thomas Edison overcame the obstacle to finding a light bulb that would burn long enough to become commercially viable by developing a bulb based on carbonized cotton. The invention of the light bulb began the electrical revolution that soon swept the country and the world.1879 AD Zulu War The Zulu nation that was founded in 1876 ended when the British defeated them in battle. On January 22 the British were defeated at the battle of Isandhlwand. The British however decisively defeated the Zulu at the battle of Ulundi.

1880 - 1890 ADChinese Treaty, Alexander II Killed , President Garfield Assasinated, Dostoevski Dies, French Invasion of Tunisia , Britain Invades Egypt , Triple Alliance , Anglo French Expedition, Pendelton Act, Modern American Navy, Brooklyn Bridge , Manet Dies, Sino-Chinese War, Congo Free State, Germany Claims Tanzania, Bomb Shatters Haymarket, Anglo-Egyptian Agreement, Pension Act , Interstate Commerce Act , Ethiopian-Italian War , George Eastman Patents Camera, Oklahoma Land Rush , Johnston Flood, Japan Received Written Constitution

1880 AD Chinese Treaty- This treaty between the United States and the Chinese gave the US government the right to limit, restrict, or suspend, but not prohibit the entry of Chinese into the United States. Anti-Chinese pressure from the West Coast was responsible for the treaty. In 1882 Chinese immigrants would be excluded from the U.S. for 10 years.1881 AD Alexander II Killed -A bomb in St Petersburg assassinated Alexander II Czar of Russia on March 13, 1881. The Czar who had reigned for 26 years is succeeded by his 36 year old son Aleksander III.1881 AD President Garfield Assasinated-President Garfield was shot on July 2nd as he walked through the waiting room of the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad in Washington. His assassin, Charles Guiteau, had been rejected for a position in Garfield's administration. The

President died on September19th.1881 AD Dostoevski Dies Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevski died in 1881. The Russian novelist wrote Crime and Punishment as well as The Idiot.1881 AD French Invasion of Tunisia-Tunisian tribesmen had raided Algeria, which provided the French a pretext for attacking Tunisia. The French withdrew after signing the treaty of Bardo. The treaty gave France the responsibility for the defense and foreign policy of Tunisia.1882 AD Britain Invades Egypt The British invaded Egypt in response to anti foreign riots. The British defeated the army of Arabi Pasha at Al Tell. On September 15th they captured Cairo. Arabi pasha the nationalist leader was deported to Ceylon.1882 AD Triple Alliance The Triple Alliance was created when Italy joined Germany and the Astro- Hungarian empires. In 1884 Russia agreed to renew the Three Emperors Alliance between Russia, Austria-Hungary and Germany. Under its terms the members were required to maintain neutrality in the case of any war involving its members.1883 AD Anglo French Punitive Expedition -The French and the British launched a punitive expedition against Sudan that was decisively defeated by Muhammad Ahmad at the battle of El Ubbayid. The British then sent Charles George Gordon to arrange the withdrawal of British troops from Sudan. He was cut off and executed by the Sudanese.1883 AD Pendelton Act- Public reaction to the assassination of President Garfield forced Congress to pass the Civil Service Reform Act. The law established a three-person, bi-partisan panel to develop exams to hire federal employees based on merit. The act initially covered 10% of federal employees, but became the basis for most of the Civil Service of today.1883 AD Modern American Navy Begun- On March 3, the US Congress approved the construction of three steel cruisers. These were the first modern warships that the US navy built. In the next 17 years, the Navy would go from being 12th to 3rd in size in the world.1883 AD Brooklyn Bridge Opened- On May 25, the New York boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn were linked with the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge was the first steel suspension bridge erected in the United States. It was built at a cost of $16 million and 26 lives. When it opened, the Brooklyn Bridge was the longest

suspension bridge in the world.1883 AD Manet Dies In 1883 Douard Manet died. He was the leading French Impressionistic Painter. His works included "Picnic on the Grass."1883 AD Sino-Chinese War -The French and the Chinese fought in the Sino-Chinese war . The French occupied most of Annam, (Vietnam and Cambodia) but their trade was being disrupted by Chinese in Northern Vietnam. The French destroyed the Chinese navy as it lay anchor at Foochow. Under the treaty of Hue the French consolidated their protectorate over all of Vietnam1884 AD Congo Free State The Belgium's declare the Congo a Free State. They open it to settlement and trade by all nations. The territory was under the personal rule of Leopold the King of Belgium. The people of Congo where in fact exploited and brutally oppressed.1885 AD Germany Claims Tanzania -The German East Africa Company was given a charter to administer Tanzania. The same year Germany claimed Southwest Africa and Togoland.1886 AD Bomb Shatters Haymarket Rally-A bomb went off amidst a group of policemen at a labor rally called by Albert Parsons and Samuel Feldman. The rally took place at the end of a peaceful four-day nationwide strike calling for an eight-hour work day. The bomb blast killed one policeman and wounded many more. This event discredited the labor movement.1886 AD Anglo-Egyptian Agreement -The British and the Germans agreed to recognize Sayid Barghash as sultan of Zanzibar. He was recognized to control the coasts of present-day Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya. Germany annexed the hinterland of Tanzania while Great Britain did the same for the hinterland of Kenya.1887 AD Pension Act- The Pension Act called for giving a pension to all honorably discharged veterans who had served at least 90 days, and who had depended on manual labor to earn a living. The bill was vetoed by President Cleveland who claimed the pension would become a roll of fraud, rather than a roll of honor.1887 AD Interstate Commerce Act Passed-On February 4, President Cleveland signed into law the first bill regulating the railroads. The act, which called for just and equal rates, also limited pooling (secret pacts between railroads). This measure received broad support in the Congress.1887 AD Ethiopian-Italian War Begins -The Italians were defeated in the first battle of the Italian-Ethiopian War at

the Battle of Dogali where Ethiopians defeated Italian troops. The Italians then engage in alliances with Ethiopia's neighbors to weaken them. The next year the Ethiopian leader Johannes IV was killed in a battle with the Mahdists. Menelik of Shoa, who received Italian support, succeeded him.1888 AD George Eastman Patents Camera-George Eastman patented the hand held camera.1889 AD Oklahoma Land Rush-The last major unsettled territory in the United States (which had been exclusively Indian) was opened for settlement. Over 200,000 settlers waited at the borders of the territory awaiting settlement. On the first day the territory was opened, 12,000 settlers arrived in Guthrie, Oklahoma.188 AD Johnston Flood-The entire town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania was wiped off the map by a flood caused by the collapse of a dam. Engineers warned residents about an impending disaster, but the final break was so sudden that over 2,000 people lost their lives.1889 AD Japan Received First Written Constitution -The Japanese received their first written constitution. Under the terms of the constitution the emperor's legislative power was exercised only with the consent of the Imperial Diet. No law takes effect if the Diet does not approve it.

1890 - 1900 ADPresidential Elections:





1890 AD Bismark Resigns -William II Emperor of Germany dismissed Chancellor Bismarck. This ended the career of the man who was singly responsible for the unification of Germany.1890 AD Eiffel Tower -In 1890 the Eiffel Tower was completed.1890 AD Uganda Occupied by Britain -The Germans and the British resolve their differences in Africa when the Germans give up claims to Uganda which the British occupy, in return for receiving the island of Hegoland in the North Sea from Britain.1890 AD Van Gogh Dies -On July 29, 1890 Vincent Van

Gogh the Dutch painter committed suicide. During his lifetime he sold only one painting becoming successful only upon death.1890- Womens Suffrage Groups Merge-The nation's two largest women's organizations, the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Women's Suffrage Organization, merged to form the National American Women's Suffrage Association. NAWSA was dedicated to obtaining the vote for women.1890-McKinely Tariff-The highest tariff in American history, to date, was passed. It called for a tariff of over 49.5% on most goods. The eastern industrialist interests, who were strong supporters of protectionism, were the prime movers behind the tariffs. The Democrats, under Cleveland, lowered the tariffs slightly. They were soon raised again.1891- Yellowstone Becomes First National Park-After a concerted effort by conservationalists, a vast area of Wyoming and Colorado was set aside to become Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone marked the first concrete action by the federal government to preserve parts of the western wilderness, which was rapidly being settled.1892- Steel Strike Broken By Militia- The first large industrial strike against the Carnegie Steel Works was eventually broken by state militia. The strike began when the company demanded a wage cut of 18-26%. The union refused. They were locked out, and in turn, closed the plant. After Pinkerton guards failed to dislodge the strikers, the state militia removed them successfully.1892 AD Ellis Island Opens -The flood of immigration forced the federal government to open up a new center for immigrant processing in a new center for immigrant processing in New York harbor. That center was called "Ellis Island." Millions of immigrants passed through its portal.1893- Panic of 1893-A growing credit shortage created panic, resulting in a depression. Over the course of this depression 15,000 businesses, 600 banks, and 74 railroads failed. There was severe unemployment and wide-scale protesting, which in some cases became very violent.1893 AD Revolt in Hawaii -American sugar growers revolted against the native Hawaiian monarchy, The revolt received assistance from the Marines.The new government received American recognition. A treaty was drawn up to annex the Hawaiian Islands, but it did not pass before Harrison left office. McKinley removed

US troops.1893- Repeal of Silver Act-President Cleveland called Congress to a special session to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, in order to stop the drain on US gold reserves. The repeal was passed in the House by a vote of 239-108, and by a vote of 48-37 in the Senate.1894 AD Debussy Composes Prelude a Lapres-midi Dun Faune -Claude Debussy, French Impressionist composer, composes Prelude a lapres-midi dun faune (The Afternoon of a Faun) for orchestra, based on a poem by French Symbolist poet Stephane Mallarme.1894- Coxey Army-An "army of unemployed" was expected to invade Washington demanding relief from the depression. The demonstrators called for a government program of public works which would create jobs. In the end, less than 1,000 demonstrators arrived in Washington, most of whom were arrested for various misdemeanors.1894 AD Robert Louis Stevenson Dies-The Scottish writer Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson died. Some of his better works included Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.1894- Pullman Rail Strike- A Major strike led by Eugene Debs was directed against the Pullman Rail company after the company responding to the depression cut worker salaries but refused to cut their rent payments in Pullman houses.

18951895 AD First Sino-Japanese War -The Japanese defeat the Chinese in the Sino-Japanese War. The Chinese army and navy were both defeated by the Japanese. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonsoseki. Under its terms Taiwan and the Pescasdoeres Islands were ceded to Japan. China recognized Korea's independence, and China was forced to pay a large indemnity to Japan.1895 AD French West Africa -The French organized their territorial holding in West Africa into French West Africa. It comprised what today are Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast and Senegal. The French governor general made his headquarters in Dakar. That same year it established a protectorate over Madagascar1895 AD Sun Yatsen Revolt -Sun Yat-sen organized a secret revolutionary society in Canton in 1894. In 1895 he attempted to overthrow the Manchu dynasty. His first attempt at revolt was unsuccessful.1896 AD Battle of Adwa -The Ethiopians defeated the Italians at the Battle of Adwa. This brought to an end the

Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Italy was force to acknowledge Ethiopian independence at the treaty of Addis Abba on October 26, 1896.1896 AD Ghana Captured by Great Britain -The Ashanti capital of Kumasi was captured by a British expeditionary force. The area, which is in present day Ghana was made a British protectorate.1897 AD Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika Composed -Rev. Enoch Sontonga composes the famous Xhosa hymn, Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika (God bless Africa). Its melody is used for the national anthems of Tanzania and Zambia, and it becomes an anthem for those who struggled to eradicate apartheid in South Africa.1898 AD Dewey Captures Philippines -Before the Spanish American War broke out Assistant Naval secretary Teddy Roosevelt had sent a message to Admiral Dewey, commander of US naval forces in the western pacific, to be prepared if war came with Spain to proceed to Manila and defeat the Spanish fleet there. When war was declared Dewey received orders to proceed and destroy the Spanish fleet.

Admiral Dewey commanded a squadron of six ships, including modern cruisers. The Spanish had a force of 10 old ships, which were no match for the American ships. The Spanish commander Admiral Patricio Montojo decided to fight the battle anchored in Manila Bay hoping to gain some advantage from shore batteries. Dewey acted aggressively, entering Manila Bay at night, thus providing the Spanish very little time to prepare for battle. Leading the American force was the Olympia with Dewey aboard. At 5:15 in the morning of the first, the Spanish battery at Cavite opened fire on the American force. The American fleet continued and at 5:41 at a distance of 4,000 yards Dewey gave the order to open fire. The American squadron steamed up and down the Spanish line five times, laying devastating fire on the Spanish ships. At 7:35 Dewey temporarily withdrew believing, mistakenly, that his ships had only 15% of their ammunition left. After it was ascertained that only 15% had been used, Dewey resumed his attacks at 11:00 against a rapidly sinking Spanish force. At 12:30 the battle ended, with the entire Spanish fleet sunk.1898 AD Fashoda Incident -The Fashoda incident occured when a French military expedition reached Fashoda in the present Sudan. Jean Baptist Marchand led the French force. A larger British force, led by Horatio Herbert Kitchener, arrived at Fashoda. A war-like crisis ensued between France and England as the British demanded the French withdraw.

The crisis ended when France recognized British claims to the Nile basin, while Britain recognized French claims to the Sahara as well as Western Sudan.

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