christmas in manzanares

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Normally the nativity scene is set up some days before Christmas...and children at home move the elements, for example the three wise men having them to go closer and closer until arriving to the crib... well... children and all those who have a child soul…


To make the scene more real, there are elements of a normal life like we suppose it was in that moment

people working in the country, animals, and the castle of Herodes too...

At Christmas Eve, it is a tradition that all the family have dinner together, It is a happy day for almost everybody, especially children.

This is a day in which people remember relatives that are not now with us.

The three wise men going to visit the crib and to take presents...The sixth of January is the day when children in Spain get their presents too. This is a similar scene that the village of Manzanares perform live along the main streets

Children this night go to bed very nervous waiting for the presents. It is said that the ones that had a bad behavior along the year, only get coal...

Nativity scene in Las Palomas square in Manzanares. Children from our village and our families perform this typical Christmas scene.

Shepherds near the crib.. a very normal image in this type of performance...An angel announce the "GOOD NEWS" of the birth of JESUS.

This can be a summary of all the Christmas feast in Manzanares. Children and young people from our families perform this beautiful scene...the crib...all of them waiting for the arrival of the three wise men. People from Manzanares live like an important feast this day, when the three wise men arrive to give presents to the little child...

The EndIES Pedro Álvarez de Sotomayor

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