choosing to believe pastor stephen...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Valley Isle Fellowship Love God. Love His Church. Love His World

473 S High St • PO Box 886

Wailuku, HI 96793

I quickly got ready and went to the property and found that the trailer that we had recently gotten was broken into and our Husqvarna Lawn Tractor, a 25 galloon tank sprayer, a newly built ramp, and some herbicides were stolen. We called the police and made a report. So many bad feelings begin to invade us during times like this. Anger and disappointment were the predominant feelings that were flooding into my life. I had to quickly grab a hold of my feelings and realize that eyes were on me. I had to make sure that anything and everything that I did and said would bring glory and honor to the Lord

even in this situation. Therefore I had to accept the fact of Romans 8:28 (NLT) And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Either this verse is true or it is not. I had to make a choice and I chose to believe it. Therefore, even through this bad situation, I chose to believe that God would work something good

through it. This is the lesson that I believe that God desires us to process today. How are you choosing to respond to the negative challenges and situations of your life? You see, either Romans 8:28 is true or it is false in all situations. We have to determine whether God can be trusted in all situations or not. Whether it be through disappointments, tragedy, or even through death, can God be trusted. I choose to believe that God can always be trusted and depended on. This is the same choice that you will have to make, especially during challenging times. This choice will have a profound impact on your attitude and disposition. It will determine whether anger and disappointment will rule or whether God will rule. Most of all it will

determine whether glory and honor or shame will be brought to the Lord through your life.

You can actually come to the place where you will thank and praise the Lord for these challenging times. These times of stress and distress become times of strengthening and empowering a life that brings glory and honor to the Lord. In the movie “Woodlawn,” the star football player wrote the word “Believe” on the back of his helmet. As the movie moves on, you get to see that he chose to Believe in Jesus and to let his belief control his thoughts and his actions. Although it was a hard struggle, he chose to believe in Jesus and let Him control his thoughts and actions to the point where he chose to love his girl friend, in spite of her reputation. He chose to love and respect his opponents to the point where they became great respecting friends. He chose to believe and let his life impact his team and his community to the point where his coach gives his life to the Lord. It is very difficult to make choices like this, but once you make those choices, you get to see the Lord begin to work His love, grace, and power through those choices. In the choices of your life, if you want to see God work in strength and power in your life, then you have to believe and choose Jesus despite the difficulties and challenges of that choice. Choose Jesus! You will bring glory and honor to Him when you believe and choose Him. God bless you as you choose Jesus.

1 Choosing to Believe

2 What Is Gospel Fluency?

3-7 Announcements

8 VIF Calendar

9 Sermon



Choosing to Believe Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro I am writing this article on Monday, November 2nd. For me, this day began with a call from my wife that the gate to our Waikapu property was open and there was no chain and lock any

where to be seen.

What is Gospel Fluency?

Pastor Darren Sarmiento

It has been a while since you heard in church about “Gospel Fluency”. So I wanted to remind us again because we still need to be fluent in the gospel. When applied to Christians, Gospel Fluency are people who know everything about Jesus and can tell others about Him because they have an intimate relationship with Him. One’s whole life is centered on Jesus Christ. Our sole purpose is to bring God our Father glory by the way we live and the service we give through the living and sharing of the gospel.

In a bullet point form let me give you what is gospel fluency:

A person who believes in Jesus. A person who knows Jesus. A person that loves Jesus. A person that follows Jesus. A person that becomes like Jesus. A person that knows Jesus is the answer to all of life’s situations. A person that yearns for Jesus. A person that learns from Jesus. A person that is passionate like Jesus. A person that loves the Father like Jesus. A person that knows he is loved by the Father because of Jesus. A person that received the Holy Spirit through Jesus. A person that is empowered and bold to tell people about Jesus because Jesus said he will be able to do it.

There are many more to add to this but the question is, "Are you fluent in the gospel?" Begin at the top of the list and work yourself down. When you start to recognize the ones you need to work on or work out, then, be a person who truly seeks after Jesus knowing that Jesus sought after you. The gospel doesn’t just save you but it also sustains you, matures you, and brings about a new life and a new way to live. I leave you with this scripture to ponder with the Lord.

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Attention All VIF Members . . . Listening Session:

Sunday, November 15, 5 - 7 pm

VIF Annual Business Meeting:

Sunday, November 29, 6 pm

14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (NLT)

Waikapu Tent Set-Up 8 am, Saturday, November 21

For safety reasons please wear shoes.

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Give thanks to the LORD and

proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done .

1 Chronicles 16:8 (NLT)

Thanksgiving Service at VIF

November 22, 2015

Location: Waikapu Property Schedule:

8 - 9:30 am Breakfast and


10 am Service

There will be continental breakfast as well as a full breakfast for the hearty appetites.!


Pop-up tents

Please let Pastor Darren or the church office know if you have a pop-up tent that we could use for our Thanksgiving

Service at Waikapu.

Opportunity for service: The Waterhouse Charitable Trust is in need of people to help with childcare at their Parenting Conference on Sunday afternoon, November 15. The conference is from 2:30-5:30 pm. They will pay $15.00 an hour. Waterhouse Trust will also pay for a background check. If interested please contact Nick Tanaka at (808)342-3071 or e-mail him at

Memorial Service celebrating Mary Anne DeVore’s life

Monday, November 23, 2015 6 p.m. VIF Sanctuary


To prep Mary Anne’s belongings

to ship to her family:

Thurs., 11/12/15

6:30 pm Sanctuary

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Global Hunger Relief follows the unique “dollar in, dollar out” path blazed by World Hunger Fund. This SBC channel sends 100 percent of every gift to meet hunger needs in North America and the world. Help Hawaii Pacific Baptists cooperatively support the Global Hunger Relief efforts by giving generously to the Hunger fund. This fund helps churches in Hawaii with food pantries as well as hunger ministries across the USA and in disaster

areas around the world.

VIF Seniors Christmas Luncheon

Date: Thursday, December 3

Time: 11:00 am—2:00 pm

Cost: $20 includes meal, tax and tip

Place: Kahili Restaurant

Menu: Fish or chicken, coffee or soft drink, brownie sundae

RSVP by November 19 to Lillian Takaki (298-0612), Cecile Hashimoto (878-3739 or Thelma Waki (242-7248) . Bring a $5-$10

door prize. Space limited. Payment in advance is appreciated.

“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” ACTS 2:42-47 NLT


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November 14

Women’s Fellowship


Because the Lord is my Shepherd I have


Psalms 23:1

Guest speaker

Robin Jones Gunn

Calling Women 6th Grade and Older!! Invite a friend or two to join us in a reflection

time of...

Guest speaker will be Robin Jones Gunn, an

award winning, best-selling author of 82 books

including the Christy Miller Series for teens

and the Sisterchicks® novels for women. Robin

is a resident of Maui.

Time: 8:30 a.m. - noon

Place: VIF High Street Sanctuary


Local Collection is week of November 16-. Turn in your filled boxes to VIF Office by Sunday, November 15

Please join us in prayer for those women who will be in attendance that they will be touched by the hand of God and find “Contentment” in



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Maui Conference

Place: McCoy Studio Theater, MACC

Date: Sunday, November 15, 2015

Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m. (2:00


Topic: Parenting with Love and Leadership -From Tots to Teens

John Rosemond has worked with families,

children, and parents since 1971 in the field of

family psychology. He is syndicated in

approximately 225 newspapers nationwide and

has written eleven best-selling parenting books.

John has devoted his time to speaking and

writing and is known for his sound advice,

humor and easy, relaxed, engaging style. He will

be speaking at the MACC McCoy Studio

Theater from 2:00 – 5:30 pm. To register visit or call (808)732-

5561 ext. 204.

Sunday School for Adults . . .

Come along on a chronological, Christ-centered journey through the storyline of Scripture. You will encounter God’s plan of redemption in Scripture through the study of Bible narrative, the essential doctrines of the faith, and the call to join in God’s mission locally and globally.

Come join us after breakdown!!!


“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”

Colossians 4:2 (ESV)

Here are opportunities to gather together in prayer

Sundays 6am (Pastor Jeremy’s Office)

Mondays 10 am & 6:30 pm (High St Sanctuary)

Gather together to pray for God to move within

ourselves, our church, community, nation and world. Please join us for these very powerful times

with the Lord and our brothers and sisters.


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High Street Cleaning Schedule

Week of Nov 12-14

Women’s Fellowship

Week of Nov 19-21

Powell Ohana

Week of Nov 26-28

Shum Ohana

Week of Dec 3-5

Edwards, Reimann, Kaneshiro

6:00 am Prayer Meeting

(Pastor Jeremy’s Office)

7:00 am Set-up

9:00 am Worship Service

(no childcare)

10:30 am Sunday School

(Children & Youth-High St Property)


6:00 pm

Evening Service (High St Property)

call Church Office




Ministry call Church

Office 244-0865


Crisis Care Ministry Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro


Andy Sniffen


Valley Isle Fellowship 2015 Calendar

November 2015

8 6 am - Prayer Time (Pastor Jeremy’s Office) 9 am - Pastor Stephen 10:30 am - Sunday School at High St Property - Adult Sunday School @ WES 6 pm - Pastor Darren

9 10 am - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary

11 Veterans’ Day—Office Closed 6:30 pm - Youth Group “Fuel” @ Sanctuary

14 8:30 am - Women’s Fellowship “Contentment”

15 6 am - Prayer Time (Pastor Jeremy’s Office) 9 am - Pastor Jeremy - Operation Christmas Child boxes DUE 10:30 am - Sunday School at High St Property - Adult Sunday School @ WES 5 - 7 pm - Listening Session

16 10 am - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary

18 6:30 pm - Youth Group “Fuel” @ Sanctuary

21 8 am - Tent set-up @ Waikapu Property

22 8 - 9:30 am - Breakfast & Fellowship 10 am - Thanksgiving Service - Pastor Darren NO Sunday School NO Evening Service

23 10 am - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary 6 pm - Memorial Service for Mary Anne Devore 6:30 pm - NO Prayer Meeting

25 6:30 pm - Youth Group “Fuel” @ Sanctuary

26-27 Thanksgiving Break - Office Closed

29 6 am - Prayer Time (Pastor Jeremy’s Office) 9 am - Pastor Stephen 10:30 am - Sunday School at High St Property - Adult Sunday School @ WES 6 pm - Annual Business Meeting

30 10 am - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary 6:30 pm - Prayer Meeting @ Sanctuary

Sunday Evening


VIF Church Sanctuary

6:00 pm

Associate Pastor Darren Sarmiento

Cell: (808) 757-1651 Email:

Associate Pastor Jeremy Kaneshiro

Cell: (808) 280-2780 Email:

Valley Isle Fellowship

473 S High St, PO Box 886, Wailuku, HI 96793

ph: (808) 244-0865

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Sunday Morning


Wailuku Elementary School Cafeteria 355 S High St. Wailuku, HI 96793

Service - 9:00 am

Sunday School - 10:30 am

*Children & Youth Sunday School at High Street property*

*Adults at Wailuku Elementary School Cafeteria @VIFMaui

Senior Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro

Cell: (808) 419-8100 Email:

121 Ho`owaiwai Lp #801 Wailuku, HI 96793

Today's Worship Songs

Nothing Ever Could Separate

Here I Am To Worship

God Is Able

The Whole Package

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I. No longer .

A. No – No longer .

B. Speaking in .

C. Becoming more like .

II. to Jesus.

A. As .

B. As a , the .

III. fitted together.

A. Each person has a .

B. Each person, as they are , helps others to .

C. This causes the to:

1. be .

2. be .

3. be of .

IV. Must be fully to the .

A. Fully committed to . – (Matthew 22:37-40)

B. Fully committed to your .

C. Fully committed to your .

Ephesians 4:14-16 (NLT) 14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed

and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick

us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in

every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the

whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts

grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

Pastor Stephen Kaneshiro

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