choosing the right pest control company in philadelphia

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Choosing the Right Pest

Control Company in


The advance in technology and especially the

internet have revolutionized how businesses operate. Pest control companies have not been

left behind, and you can now find their services online by a click of a mouse. Finding the right

pest control company can be a daunting task service but in this era of internet, you can get

the right pest control company in Philadelphia by a click of a mouse. However, there are fake

companies which have seized the opportunity and are using any available chance to swindle

unsuspecting clients.

Pests such as bees, wasps, ants, flies, rats, termites, roaches, and rodents such as rats, moles

and mice can cause havoc in your home or business. It is therefore important to employ the

right pest control company to help you exterminate these pests before things get out of

hand. If you are you looking for a company on the internet to exterminate them, the

following are a few guidelines which can help you choose before you settle on a certain


Consider the security of the site

You should make sure the company site is secure especially if you will be required to enter

sensitive information such as your credit card info, social security number, full names, email

and other such personal details. A safe website has signs of a real world presence such as the

contact info. If you are doubtful about a certain website, you can use the contact info

provided on the “Contact Us” page to verify the authenticity of the business. Also check for

the “lock” icon which is a de facto standard requirement by web browsers. The website URL

should also start with https and not http. Another thing that can give you a clue if the

website is legit is by right-clicking the hyperlink and select “Properties”. This will take you to

the real destination of the link.

Reviews from Past Clients

Most websites for pest control company in Philadelphia post customer reviews on their sites.

If not, research extensively on review sites and get reviews of the company from past clients.

A satisfied client will most definitely give positive reviews and likewise a disappointed client

will tell as it is. If there are people you know who have been serviced by the same company,

ask them if the treatment used in their premises was effective and the schedules adhered to.


A valid pest control website should have a contact page which provides the email of the

company, phone numbers and a map showing the physical location of the company. If you

are doubtful of anything, you can visit the company’s office and ask all the necessary

questions concerning their treatment plan.

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