choosing not to go it alone: boards sharing to achieve mutual benefit

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2007 Annual Conference. Choosing Not To Go It Alone: Boards Sharing to Achieve Mutual Benefit. Lanette Anderson, MSN, JD, RN WV Association of Licensing Boards. Objectives:. Describe examples of how three different regulatory organizations/agencies have shared resources and expertise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


2007 Annual Conference

Choosing Not To Go It Alone:

Boards Sharing to Achieve Mutual Benefit

Lanette Anderson, MSN, JD, RN

WV Association of Licensing Boards

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Objectives:• Describe examples of how three different

regulatory organizations/agencies have shared resources and expertise

• Discuss advantages of collaboration among regulatory organizations/agencies

• Obtain examples of present and future activities of these organizations

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

West Virginia Association of

Licensing Boards• Formed in 1981 to assist and organize the various licensing boards in WV

• Comprised of 32 autonomous licensing boards included in Chapter 30 of WV Code

• Professions regulated include physicians, nurses, dentists, engineers, barbers, land surveyors, etc.

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Purposes of Association

• For the best interest and keeping the high standards and ideals of the licensing boards created by the Legislature…

• To help the various licensing boards continue the constant pattern of raising the standards and ethics of each licensing board for the protection of the citizens of the State of West Virginia

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Purposes of Association

• To upgrade the standards of dealing with complaints concerning unethical and/or unprofessional practice

• To work with the Legislature and its committees, recommending laws for passage and advising and answering questions for the protection of the citizens of the State of West Virginia

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Purposes of Association

• Most importantly, to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the State of West Virginia by seeing that all who are licensed meet minimum competency standards

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Structure of Association

• Officers are elected for two year terms in accordance with Bylaws

• Officers consist of President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer

• Contact for the Association is made through the office of the Secretary/Treasurer for convenience purposes

• Meetings are held twice per year

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Membership and Voting

• Licensing boards – Each has one vote

• Associate members – Any governmental agency employee or

corporate entity– non-voting members

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Fiscal Issues• Dues are voluntary• Annual dues are $35.00 per year per

board member from participating boards• Funds for the Association come entirely

from dues, which are used to pay meeting expenses, postage, web site maintenance, and payment of a legislative consultant on behalf of the Association during the Legislative Session

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Benefits of the Association

• Many boards are small with limited funds

• Legislative consultant can be retained

• Web site assistance– Contact information– Generic complaint form – Greater access by public and legislators to

licensing boards– Meeting agendas, minutes, etc. are posted

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Challenges• Member participation

• Financial issues

• Questions from Legislative Auditors

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Web Site Information•

• Also contains:– News and info– Committee information– Bylaws– List of member boards with email access to all– Calendar

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Speaker Contact Information:

Lanette L. Anderson, MSN, JD, RN Executive Director, WV State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses Secretary/Treasurer, WV Association of Licensing Boards 101 Dee Drive, Suite 100 Charleston, WV 26311 877-558-5767 email:

2007 Annual Conference

Choosing Not to Go It AloneBoards Sharing for Mutual Benefit

Tom Gottlieb, Vice President, Versa Systems

Engineers Canada Common Membership Database

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

What is Engineers Canada?• Established 1936 - the business name for CCPE

• The national organization for 12 provinces and territories• The voice of its constituent members in national and

international affairs• Coordinates the development of national policies,

positions and guidelines on behalf of the engineering profession.

• Promotes greater understanding of the nature, role and contribution of professional engineers and engineering to society

• Undertakes federal government relations and national media relations on behalf of, and in consultation with, its constituent members.

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Who are the Constituent Members?

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Who are the Constituent Members?

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

What is the SLG?• Staff Liaison Group

• Provides advice and council to Engineers Canada

• Comprised of Executive Directors or CEOs of the 12 Constituent Members

• The SLG was the initiator for the Common Membership Database Project

• Groups that report to SLG:

– National Admissions Group– National Discipline and Enforcement Group– National Communications Group

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Common Membership Database Project -


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Common Membership Database Project -

Objectives• Develop a national database to consolidate provincial and territorial data about applicants, members in training and license holders

• Assist in the regulation of the profession relating to processing new applications, investigating mobility and disciplinary actions

• Support research through statistical analysis to recognize and monitor trends in the evolution of the profession.

• Use results to influence policy, programs and priorities

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Common Membership Database Project -

Objectives• Provide the capability of establishing better market-based data for surveys regarding the offering of affinity-based programs to Association members.

• Enable member Associations to take future advantage of these capabilities to reduce costs and enhance flexibility in the maintenance of their own member and applicant information.

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

How long will it take?# Months Date Task

1 Jan/05 SLG formulates concept

12 Jan/06 SLG reaches agreement

13 Feb/06 RFP is issued

15 Apr/06 Receive proposals

18 Jul/06 Reaffirm commitment from Constituent Members

23 Dec/06 Award contract

25 Feb/07 Sign memo of understanding

26 Mar/07 Start implementation

33 Oct/07 Go live!

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

The MOU* – Second Thoughts! • No public access

• No sales/marketing uses• Limited to approved uses• CM’s right to delete any data• No CM Liability for errors• Annual use reporting required• 30 day renegotiation clause• 60 day exit notice• SLG right to discontinue use

* Memo of Understanding

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Allowed Uses & Benefits

• Annual Constituent Membership Survey

• Industry Survey

• Inter-Association Mobility Agreement

• International Accreditation Program

• Licensure Uptake

• Multi-Jurisdictional Licensure

• National Survey (demographics, specialization)

• Secondary Liability Insurance Programs

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...Logon

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...Menu

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...Search

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...Results

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...View


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

System walkthrough ...Change


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Speaker Contact Information

• Tom Gottlieb, Vice President

Versa SystemsTel: (416) 493 - 1833



• See also

2007 Annual Conference

Choosing Not to Go It AloneBoards Sharing for Mutual Benefit

Deanna L. Williams, Past President

Federation of Health Regulatory Colleges of Ontario

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

F.H.R.C.O• Established 1990

• 21 member Colleges regulating 23 regulated health professions

• Much variance between members

• Size of membership, resources

• Common statute - RHPA

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

GOVERNANCE• Same fee for all - $5000.00

• Board of Directors = Registrars

• FHRCO “position” only where support is unanimous

• Autonomy of individual Colleges preserved

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference


• On issues important/relevant to certain/few professions/Colleges

• To advance interest or position of one or more

• Where unanimity does not exist

• ***STRENGTH lies in commonality

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

R.H.P.A• Regulated Health Professions Act

proclaimed in 1993

• Created 21 health regulatory colleges operating under one statute

• Statutory programs, committees, processes common for all

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

FOR EXAMPLE…..• Complaints and Discipline

- Composition of committees and panels- 51% professional, 49% public representation- Establishes reasonable timelines to conclude

investigations/hearings- Defines what information is public, what is not- Sets maximum fines that may be awarded- Interim Suspension provisions to protect


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

• Continuing Competency or QA– every College to have QAP in place by

January 1, 1997– Autonomy to choose suitable program so

much variance in components– new RHPA will expect similar components in


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

FHRCO’s ACTIVITIES• Committees and working groups struck -

share info and resources: i.e. Quality Assurance, Public Education

Strategy (Communications), Practice Standards and Delegation project (“world peace”!), Discipline Orientation Programs (basic and advanced), Insurance Working Group, ad hoc as needed.

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference


• By collaborating on joint submissions to government on issues of common concern

• Bill 171 (Regulated Health Professions Act)• Bill 124 (Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act)• New Directions Report (HPRAC)• Bill 159 (Private Security and Investigative

Services Act) • PHIPA (Personal Health Information Protection


Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

OTHER ACTIVITIES• Meet with government respecting

implementation issues re Bill 171

• Liaise with other agencies on issues affecting regulation, Public Appointment Unit (PAU), Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HPRAC), Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB)

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

ACCOMPLISHMENTS• “World Peace” achieved (see “A Guide to

Medical Directives and Delegation” at

• Sponsored the first CLEAR Executive

Leadership Program for Regulators in Toronto, June 2007

• Have become a “Go To….” Group

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference


• We look forward to welcoming to the Federation five new professions by 2009– Kinesiologists– Homeopaths– Naturopaths– Psychotherapists– Traditional Chinese Medicine and

Acupuncture practitioners

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference


• Radio spot #2

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and RegulationAtlanta, Georgia2007 Annual Conference

Speaker Contact Information

• Deanna Williams, Past President Federation of Health Regulatory Colleges of Ontario310-2175 Sheppard Avenue EastToronto, Ontario  M2J 1W8Tel: (416) 493-4076Fax: (416) 491-1670Email: FHRCO@taylorenterprises.comwebsite:

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