chinese tea art

Post on 13-Nov-2015






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Chinese tea under 8 Chinese tea classes

Chinese tea under 8 Chinese tea classes. All Chinese tea names in Chinese are in graphics format. Watch out for long loading time. Chinese tea name translations are not official.

Chinese Tea GreenGreen tea is the most natural tea class. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Green tea is only dried with heat and undergoes no fermentation process. Green tea has the most medical value and very low caffeine.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Tai Ping - Hou KuiMonkey King

Xi Hu - Long JingDragon Well

Dong Tin - Bi Luo ChunGreen Spring Snail

Lu Shan - Yun WuCloud & Fog

Huang Shan - Mao FengFur Peak

E Mei - Zhu Ye QingGreen Bamboo Leaf

Xian Ren Zhang ChaCactus Tea

An Hua - Song ZhenPine Needle

Liu An - Gua PianMelon Slice

Jing Ting - Lue XueGreen Snow

Nan Jing - Yu HuaRain Flower

Liu An - Gua PianMelon Slice

Xin Yang - Mao JianFur Tip

Tian Shan - Lu YaGreen Sprout

Chinese Tea Oolong

Oolong is a class of tea as well as a kind of tea. Oolong tea is half-fermented and thus is relatively thick in flavor. Oolong tea is very popular in south-east China and Taiwan and also is the most used tea for Kung Fu Cha. You got to love this - Oolong is an emulsifier for fat and cholesterol. Like a savior for today's junk food eaters.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

An Xi - Tie Guan YinIron Guan Yin (goddess of mercifulness)

Wu Yi - Da Hong PaoBig Red Robe

Song Zhong Dan CongSONG Species Lone Bush

Feng Huang - Shui XianWater Fairy

Yong Chun - Fo ShouBuddha's Hand

Chinese Tea Black

Black tea is a fully fermented tea class. Black tea is the everyday tea of the west and northwest. Black tea is good for cleaning up the digestive channel because it's an emulsifier for fat and cholesterol. Weight-watchers' gospel.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Pu' erPu'er (the name is Pu'er)

Hu Nan - Hei ChaBlack Tea

Lao Qing YeOld Green Leaf

Xi Chuan - Bian ChaEdge Tea

Chinese Tea Red

Red tea is not the major hit in China. Red tea's known way of usage, , is to make tea eggs.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Qi Men - Hung ChaRed Tea

Ying De - Hung ChaRed Tea (Yes, not fancy names. the place of origin is what tells the teas apart)

Chinese Tea White

White tea is similar to green tea except that it's roasted. White tea has the lowest caffeine content and is very light in color and aroma.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Shou MeiLongevity Eyebrow

Bai Mu DanWhite Peony

Yin Zhen Bai HaoSilver Needle White Fur

Chinese Tea Flower

Flower tea is sometimes called scented tea. (Oh, I have said that in the title) The base of flower tea can be black, green or whatever. Then ingredients like flower petals might be added. Flower tea is popular in northern China.

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Mo Li Hua ChaJasmine

Mei Gui Hua ChaRose

Bai Lan Hua ChaGardenia (not sure of the translation though)

Long Zhu Hua ChaDragon Ball

Chinese Tea - Compressed Tea

Tea Name in ChineseMandarin PronunciationPlace of Origin - Tea NameMeaning in English(for Tea Name only)

Bing ChaCake Tea

Tuo ChaTUO (just a name) Tea

Zhuang ChaBrick Tea

Brewing methods of Chinese tea are closely related to everyday life. On this huge piece of land called China, 1.3 billion people use more than a couple of brewing methods to get their teas done. It's not like looking into a reference book and you can find them all because there are methods so casual that books don't care to tell.Here, Kam shares a few methods he has come across and has practiced. You can choose your brewing method from the list base on what tea ware you have, the class of Chinese tea you want to brew, degree of convenience, occasion, etc.Kam drinks Oolong and green tea mostly. His most used brewing methods are Kung Fu Cha (big & small) and glass brewing (see below).

The Serious Methods

These are the brewing methods that all tea books and tea sites have to mention. They are cool ways of doing tea. If you don't mind the trouble of setting up a few things and you want more flavor from your tea, pick one from below.

Kung Fu Cha (small pot)Kung Fu Cha (big pot)GaiWan (small)Tea ware - YiXing teapot 6 oz, teacupsTea ware - porcelain GaiWan

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