children's rights

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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By: Alisa


The Central Idea in my own words

The many things that you do can agree or disagree to access the rights and chances.

Deconstructing the Central Idea

Actions support or deny access to rights and opportunities1. Actions - things that you do2. Support - agreeing with something or helping achieve something3. Deny - not agreeing with something4. Access - allowed in something for example - i have access to my bedroom5. Rights - A rule that should be respected6. Opportunities - a chance


to learn...

to rest

to play...

we should be free from child labor. But if we do work, we should be treated and payed fairly

We have the right to live with our family in our own homes.We should also be protected by the government.


We have the right to live

The Central Idea

From based on what I’ve learnt from this unit, I think the central idea is true. I think this because actions do support access to rights and opportunities, and other actions can deny access to

rights and opportunities. They are both correct in different ways.

Support: The actions that support rights and opportunities could be the following:1. organization like UNICEF, they help children with difficulties 2. your own personal action, you can take action your self by donating and spending time with humans (children) who don’t have opportunities like we do, or if their rights are being denied.

Deny:The actions that deny rights and opportunities could be the following:1. not caring about other children and what situations they are in2. not allowing children to have their basic essential needs, also making them your slaves

The Central Idea

My understanding:I understand the central idea well. I understand that actions can support or deny rights and opportunities. Depending on the action that you take, it could either have a good impact on the people or harm them. So if you make bad choices like not caring about it then that would be harming them (as the central idea would say “denying”), but if you make good choices like taking action (“supporting”), then you would be helping. Bad action would be like dumping more and more garbage into their homes or declare war on them. Basically things that can harm them. The good choices would be caring for them, visiting them, donating money etc.. Some examples of people or organizations that took action could be: Iqbal Masih, a lady called Kim Saville that organized a school called St. Jude school of Tanzania, International labor organization and UNICEF.

The Central IdeaProving the Central Idea:I know that the central idea is correct because of all the information that i’ve collected through books, internet, and guest speakers. In all the books that I’ve read, the articles I’ve looked on the internet, and the notes that I’ve jotted during hearing the guest speakers have all helped me gain knowledge about children’s rights and if they are denied or supported. Examples:1. Kim Saville helped open a school for the brightest most poor children - SUPPORTS the rights of children - as a result those children get an OPPORTUNITY to learn new things.

2. The Taliban made new rules that DENIED human rights. here is a link to a website which shows all the things that the Taliban does to “woman” maybe even some girls

3. ILO helped rescue a boy from working in a farm to make chocolate - SUPPORTS the rights of children. Unfortunately he might have to go back because his family was poor.

4. Iqbal: Iqbal Masih worked in a carpet factory in Pakistan. He didn’t feel safe and comfortable there so he escaped. He thought it was very unfair to make children people’s slaves, so he decided to call an organization (I don’t know the name) to help him free the children who are in child labor. Later on he made speeches about letting children go and free them form child labor. Some people didn’t like how he was freeing children from child labor because the masters won’t get anymore money. So at the age of 12 or 13 Iqbal was shot dead. - Iqbal SUPPORTED the rights of children by trying to free them from child labor: “Article 32You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and edu- cation. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.



This is a link that tells you call about Unicef and what the do for children.

The Central Idea

Circumstances and opportunities:Children in different countries are in circumstances which do not really involve them but because of the roughness of the masters and adults that abuse them, they are in situations that are harmful to them. They have very little opportunities to learn and to eat nutritious food. But because of organizations that care, their rights would be able to be supported. They are also able to attend schools with good education and they are able to eat at least some nutritious foods.Other children in the world are in better circumstances, where they have a bed, a family, and healthy, nutritious food. They don’t have to work long hours just to get a little money because their parents already have good jobs that earn lots of money. They chances of opportunities are very high, in other words they have a better chance of going to school and being free.

The Central Idea

BeiJing tanks rolling over college students:

In BeiJing 4th of June1989, there were students about 19 - 23 were protesting against the government. They were trying to get their rights, but consequently the tanks of the government rolled over them and they got killed. The government is denying their rights because they are not letting them to have a chance to speak out. They only want everybody to listen to them, not to anybody else.

CREDITS- Sze Ching- My little brothers- Audrey- Virginia- Annie with Hong Kong- ME!!!!



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