child 90.1 school group presentation

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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How Schools Influence A Child’s Socialization Process

By Nichole Au, Jomana Issawi and Angela Innes

Overview • Socialization is learning how to behave in our society. It is a learned behavior that we

learn at a young age. Learning to be a part of a group and having the social skills to be able to function in our society. From a young age family influences us before anything else. They teach us how to behave. We learn about values, such as honest, sharing and following rules. These are things that stay with us forever.

• School also plays a part. In school children learn a lot about the people around them and what is going on all over the world.

• They learn teamwork, working together with their classmates. These are all skills needed for socialization. Children learn how to behave and follow rules. We want them to be able to have the social skills to be able to function.

• Schools try to set children up for success in the world. Schools socialize children by helping a child learn and views how others act, talk, and move outside their home environments. This is important to expose children to new environments and help them gain new skills and behaviors in a school setting.

• A child will act differently at school than at home. Children need to learn how to act in a large group setting/learning environment.

Overview (continued)

• Teachers differ from parents while socializing a child. They do this by modeling correct group manners, and speaking, as well as helping a child learn rules and patients.

Overview (part three)• A teacher also has a separate relationship with a child as an authority

figure. The teacher is not a friend or family member. This is important for a child to learn how to interact with a person of authority/ teacher as they will always have encounters.

• Teachers also socialize a child by teaching them how to build lasting relationships with other children.

• Teachers help children by helping them use their words with others. Showing them how to work with the group and be a part of it. To make their own friendships by engaging and approaching other peers themselves.

• Overall school and teachers largely influence children and play a very important role in socializing children to teach them social skills they will need to use forever.

School’s Purpose and Methods in the Socialization Process

The children’s book FRANKLIN GOES TO SCHOOL, is about a young boy that goes to school for the first time. He is excited and nervous about the big day. He says, “It feels like it is full of jumping frogs” describing the feeling in is belly. His mother says that she remembers those feelings and they will go away. When he gets to the bus stop all the kids and families are there, he turns to his parents and cries, “ I don’t want to go!”

Purpose and Methods (Part Two)

• Franklin is going from a home the he feels secure and comfortable in with people he knows well to an unfamiliar surrounding. His parents comfort him by telling him, they felt the same way when they were young. Family is the first and most important socialization agent and the transition to the next imperative one, school, is not always easy.

• Once Franklin is in school and his teacher “Mr. Owl” reassures he is in a good place, then new student opens up and is provided play and socializing opportunities. Teachers are one of the most influential people regarding the lessons of socialization. First a child must feel accepted and cared for in order for that child to have healthy socialization skills. Franklin enjoys the rest of his day learning and playing. The book ends with Franklin excited to tell his parents about his big first day at school.

School’s purpose and methods (continued)

• School is responsible for teaching formal cognitive

skills, like reading, math, writing, science and math. There is also a hidden curriculum in school, such as a child’s first introduction to a formal agent of socialization. They are taught in preparation for life by the aspects of culture, discipline, order, cooperation, and conformity. All characteristics that is required for success as an adult in society.

Role of Teachers in the Socialization Process

• To leave the world a little bit better,• whether by a healthy child,• a garden patch,• or a redeemed social condition;• To know that even one life has breathed• easier because you have lived:• This is to have succeededThomas Stanley

Youtube Video Link on teachers and the socialization process

Three Teachers’ Thoughts On Their Role In A Child’s socialization Process

• First teacher I talked to was Ms. Lael, special education teacher who teaches a Kindergarten-first grade county class through S.C.O.E. (Sonoma County Office of Education)

• She has been a teacher for 8 years• While she was getting her teaching credential,

she worked as a teacher’s assistant in a class of 3-4 children that had behavior disorders.

Ms. Lael’s Thoughts

• "Hmmmm, the teachers role in socialization...• I'm not sure that I fully understand the

question, but I'm interpreting it to mean what part should teachers play in imparting good social skills on their students so that they develop good play, sharing, turn taking, problem solving, and eventually overall people skills in order to be a productive and contributing member in social circles.

Ms. Lael (Continued)

• At the early stages, preschool through early elementary, I think that teachers should still be emphasizing appropriate interactions with peers so that individuals learn and practice life skills such as tolerance, respect, compassion, cooperation, etc. Unfortunately, teachers are so overwhelmed with teaching State Content Standards that it is rare to find role play and other instruction in social skills such as the Second Step curriculum. I feel like a lot of the bullying that is ignored on campuses today might be reduced if students were getting more direct instruction in social skills.

Ms. Lael (part three)

• HOWEVER, I also feel very strongly that parents play a huge role in a child's social development and skills. I know from my experience as a teacher of individuals with behavior disorders that I can teach good social skills all day long, but if that child goes home to a violent or depressed environment (violence on T.V, in video games, domestic violence, drug/alcohol abuse, bullied by siblings, ignored by parents, no role models, etc.) that child is going to forget everything they learned about appropriate social interactions in school, and go back to what they know and what gets their needs met in their primary environment. "

Ms. Connie’s Thoughts

• Connie, a retired preschool teacher who worked at a state funded, multi-cultural preschool that served ages 31/2 to 5 years, for 18 years:

• I think it is very important for a preschool teacher to pick up on the cues the child is sending out. The teacher can set up play for two children. Watch how the child approaches the play . If the child is unable to ask to join the play or not able to seek out another child to play then the teacher can provide the child with words to help them gain access to the play. Most children will pick it up fast when they learn that they can do it.

Ms. Connie’s Thoughts(continued)

• Setting up the play to invite social play, such as a cooperative game without rules. An out door activity where the children can work side by side and observe each other & share what they are doing.

• Setting up the environment is the key to promoting Social development.

• Most children fit right in. It's the quiet ones or the one who don't make waves that need to be closely watched so they won't slip through the cracks.

Ms. Rana, who works at a Reggio-inspired preschool that serves children ages 2 years to 5 five years

• She says that the teacher is an observer in the classroom. The teacher watches and observes the children interact with each other during their play or during a conflict and then stepping in if needed and re-directing their behavior towards a positive solution. She went on to say that she thinks the teacher is an educator who is supposed to teach children various concepts that are relevant and meaningful to their lives such as how to work things out and solve problems when the children can't do it themselves. She also believes that the teacher is a role model that children pay attention to and may copy the teacher actions and words. She says it is amazing how the children do pat attention to details that the adults may not even notice.

Ms. Rana (continued)

• In addition, Rana says that the teacher is a supporter who provides all the materials, time and attention to the children in their learning experience and how the teacher is also a caregiver who loves children and enjoys working with them and giving them the time they need to learn and explore.

Images from Pinterest on teaching and teachers


Socialization is a learned behavior; it is not something that is in a child’s nature. It is learning how to live in our society. Of course this learning process starts at home. But schools and teachers also have a big part to play. The child needs to learn to be part of a group. School teaches a child how to behave outside of their home. It helps teach them how to function and be a part of our society.

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