cheltenham east primary school

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Silver Street Principal: Mr Wayne Bach Cheltenham 3192 Assistant Principal: Mrs Leisel Ward Phone: 03 9583 5746

Weekly Newsletter No: 18 Friday June 11, 2021


Mon June 14 - PUBLIC HOLIDAY – QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Wed June 16 - Parents’ Committee Meeting 7.00pm Staffroom Wed June 23 - CURRICULUM DAY – NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL Wed June 23 - School Council Meeting 7.30 pm Thur June 24 - Foundation 2022 Transition session Fri June 25 - Last day of term 2 – early dismissal 2.30 pm Mon July 12 - Term 3 begins 9.00 am

Child safety is everyone’s responsibility. Cheltenham East Primary School has zero tolerance for any form

of child abuse.



I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which we are gathered and pay our respects to the elders both past and present of the Kulin nation and extend that respect to other indigenous Australians present.

Our School Vision

“Cheltenham East students are empowered learners who are flexible thinkers with the skills and knowledge to respond critically to their world.”

Return to On-Site Learning Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing as well as can be in these difficult but improving circumstances. The Victorian Government has announced arrangements for schools in Victoria from and including Friday 11th of June. Based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all schools in metropolitan Melbourne will resume attending on-site

schooling from this Friday. This is great news for parents and carers who can hand back the supervision to the teachers. If you have borrowed a laptop from school please return it to Mr Bourke as soon as possible.

Thank You Thank you to our wonderful teachers, tutors and teacher’s aides for doing such a fabulous job of supervising the on-site learners during the lockdown. Also thank you to our amazing office staff for keeping the office ticking over during a difficult time. Thank you also goes out to you, our parents, for taking on the task of supervising your children during a tough time and ensuring they connected remotely.

Stay home when unwell

The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, is to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain

SCHOOL ABSENCE CONTACT INFORMATION: Sentral parent portal: (preferred)

Please use the portal for each day of absence with child’s name, grade, reason & date of absence (you can

also enter future absences for more than one day)


at home and get tested, even with the mildest of symptoms.

Students who are required to isolate or undertake home-based quarantine will be provided materials to continue their learning remotely, until such time that they are permitted to return to school.

Ensure Physical Distancing

We need parents who are dropping off and picking up children to maintain physical distancing as much as possible. Please do not congregate in the one area. You can help by organising pickups via different gates A variety of strategies to support physical distancing among all students and staff will be pursued, where possible.

Physical distancing in public means people:

keep 1.5 metres away from others wherever possible

avoid physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs and kisses

practise extra care if you are using public transport – read the guidelines (PDF, 165 KB).

avoid crowds – if you see a crowded space do not enter

avoid large public gatherings

practise good hygiene

stay at home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19

Density limits of 1 person per 4 square metres apply to staff areas such as staff lunchrooms and areas accessed by the public, such as reception areas. For public areas, signage will be displayed to indicate the maximum number of members of the public that may be present in the space at a single time.

Other restrictions include:

Camps and overnight stays can take place

within regional Victoria or metropolitan Melbourne, providing the camping venue is limited to use by a single school only.

Excursions are not permitted at this time

Incursions are not permitted at this time

Interschool activities are not permitted at this time

Playgrounds remain open for school use and can be made available for community use out of school hours.

Drinking fountains can remain open.

Community groups can use school facilities when the use complies with permitted activity in the community.

School tours should not be conducted on-site for prospective students and their families at this time.

Non-essential visitors should be excluded from school sites for this period.

School events subject to the Public Event’s Framework are suspended, unless permitted via the PEF approval pathway, including school open days.

Non-essential meetings, gatherings and assemblies should be deferred or held remotely.

Hygiene DET advises that:

Everyone can protect themselves and prevent the spread of coronavirus by continuing effective hand hygiene.

At our school:

All staff and students will undertake regular hand

hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before

and after eating, after blowing their nose,

coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. This will be

directed or supervised by staff where required.

Where soap and water are not readily available,

hand sanitiser will be made available.

Students must bring their own water bottles to

school for use (and refilling). It is recommended

that students do not drink directly from drinking

fountains at this time.

The sharing of food is not permitted.

BYO drink bottle please


Foundation Transition Reschedule

This Friday the 10th of June was supposed to be our music session for the 2022 Foundation children however because of our lockdown we have had to re schedule to Thursday the 24th of June at 2.30pm. This of course depends on our lockdown situation. We will keep parents informed.

Child Safe Standards Reminder

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people is our highest priority. We know that schools are safe places for children and that principals and teachers work hard to protect all students from abuse and neglect. The Child Safe Standards (Standards) were published at the beginning of 2017 and are the result of recommendations from the final report of the Victorian Parliament’s Betrayal of Trust inquiry. All schools have been mandated to self-assess against the Ministerial order 870 which is all about child safe standards. Our school has completed the process which entails having:

A policy with a commitment to child safety.

A code of conduct document that establishes

clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with


Processes for responding to and reporting

suspected child abuse.

Strategies to deal with and remove risks of child


Strategies to promote the participation and

empowerment of children.

These are all standards which will ensure that the children are protected from abuse and neglect.

Enrolments for 2022 Foundation

If you know of families that are intending to enrol at Cheltenham East in 2022, please encourage them to visit our website for the relevant information. We would appreciate prompt return of enrolment forms to assist us in planning for 2022.

Thought for The Week

WAYNE BACH Principal


There’s a new project lead by Monash University called ‘YourGround’. Councils across Victoria have signed up to the program which essentially is an online interactive map where any woman, girl or gender diverse person can add a pin and a comment to an area they feel is safe and why, or unsafe and why. This is an effort to gather often unheard experiences and perceptions of safety in public spaces so local police and councils can act on them. The results will show us what is working well and should be replicated, and what isn’t, and should be fixed. The process couldn’t be easier. Open the website, add a pin, add brief notes about why that area feels safe or unsafe, and you can also see input from people before you and add your own comments to those. There is no login and you don’t need to give your name. Police and Council are keeping an eye on the map as the project runs in an effort to quickly identify areas of concern they previously hadn’t been aware of. The project will run until August.

This is your opportunity to have a say in the safety of your community. The more input we have, the more chance we have of identifying areas that aren’t safe and working to make those better. Get on board! Leading Senior Constable Lisa Dobbie – 9556 6339



This term we are working on RESPECT

and next week we are looking at

Respecting Differences

There are many things we have in common and share at Cheltenham East Primary School. But there are many ways in which we all differ. Some of us like football, while others prefer netball. Some like maths, others prefer reading books. Some people like to listen

to music; others like to play on the computer. Some like the Saints and some go for the Swans. Some of us are tall, some of us are short. Some are strong and some are

fast. In some way or another we are all different and that makes us all the more interesting. It

would be pretty boring if everyone went around doing exactly the same thing - we would all be like robots. Thankfully we are not robots, we are human and we are all different.

Even in the same family we are different from our brothers and sisters. Rather than worrying about these differences we need to accept and respect them, and

also to celebrate them. It is good that we are all different from each other - all special and unique.

Classroom Cuisine







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