cheer ups nutrition

Post on 05-Apr-2016






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Cheer Ups offers healthy and delicious protein smoothie mix along with energizing green tea, black tea and coffee. The protein mix is enriched with whey protein, chia and dietary fiber.


Cheer UpsHealth and Happiness

Cheer Ups offers healthy and delicious protein smoothie mix along with energizing green tea, black tea and coffee. The protein mix is enriched with whey protein, chia and dietary fiber.

Protein Mix

Delicious whey protein shake with mix loaded with the goodness of beetroot, Omega 3, Iron etc. It is a great beverage to kick starts your day and a good companion for workouts as well!


Beetroot smoothie Spinach smoothie

It is a lip-smacking protein mix containing Omega 3, Chia and fiber. Poppy seeds give a nutty flavor to the smoothie and are absolutely nutritious. It is a delicious and a healthy beverage beneficial for body mass build up, helps prevent various diseases etc.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy Seeds Regular

RegularIt is a tasty protein smoothie mix that is used as a healthy morning or night drink. It is enriched with Omega 3, fiber, Chia and whey protein. It is beneficial to the body in many ways. It helps both genders in managing the body regularity.

SpinachWhey protein mix loaded with the goodness of Iron and Vitamin A makes for the perfect morning or night beverage. It has the right mix of Omega 3, Chia and fiber added to the mix. It is good for weight loss and various body functions.

Turmeric with SaffronIt is a delicious and healthy protein mix containing whey protein, chia and dietary fiber. It is a great way to start your day and revive your energy during workout. Turmeric and saffron gives it a lip-smacking taste offering the best of taste and health to you!


Fiber Enriched Black Tea

Healthy and energizing black tea loaded with the goodness of fiber and antioxidants. It helps in weight loss and also beneficial to people having blood sugar and cholesterol problems.

Fiber Enriched Green TeaFiber Enriched Black Tea

Fiber Enriched Coffee

It is a fiber-rich coffee offering the goodness of coffee beans and dietary fiber. It promotes weight loss and regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Green Tea  Fiber Enriched Coffee

Fiber Enriched Green Tea

Green Tea is a healthy beverage that you can include in your diet. This is a fiber-rich green tea which is good for the body, weight loss plan and helps in improving regularity.

Green Tea

Green tea is the best thing to start you day with. It can also be had with lunch and dinner. It has antioxidants and fiber to give you a healthy boost!

Contact Us

Cheer Upshealthy and delicious protein smoothie mix

Cheer Ups Nutrition

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Cheer Ups Nutrition

Cheer Ups Nutrition

Cheer Ups Nutrition

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