checking for comprehension - startalk for comprehension greg duncan betsy hart...

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Checking for Comprehension

Greg Duncan Betsy Hart

Monday, November 18, 13

Presenta(on  Overview  

•What  is  STARTALK?•What  STARTALK  resources  are  available?  

Monday, November 18, 13


  to  provide  summer  language  learning  opportuni(es  for  students  and  professional  development  opportuni(es  for  teachers  in  cri(cal  languages

Monday, November 18, 13

Current  STARTALK  Languages• Arabic  • Chinese  • Dari  • Hindi  • Portuguese• Persian  • Russian  • Swahili  • Turkish  • Urdu

Monday, November 18, 13

STARTALK-­‐endorsed  Principles

• Implemen(ng  a  standards-­‐based  and  thema(cally  organized  curriculum• Facilita(ng  a  learner-­‐centered  classroom  • Using  target  language  and  providing  comprehensible  input  for  instruc(on• Integra(ng  culture,  content,  and  language  in  a  world  language  classroom• Adap(ng  and  using  age-­‐appropriate  authen(c  materials  • Conduc(ng  performance-­‐based  assessment  

Monday, November 18, 13

Using  the  Target  Language

• 2010:  professional  development    on  the  use  of  target  language  in  the  classroom• 2011:  increased  use  of  the  target  language,  but  limited  checks  for  comprehension• 2012:  professional  development  on  checking  for  comprehension  and  produc(on  of  a  video

Monday, November 18, 13

At the end of this session, you will be able to say, “I can . . .”

explain why checking for comprehension is essential

identify various types of strategies to check for comprehension

explain when specific strategies might be the most useful in checking for comprehension

Monday, November 18, 13

Watch and Learn

Monday, November 18, 13

Comprehension Check

Scientists have invented a new airborne shuttle.

The invention has many sophisticated working parts, including a ding alarm.

The new invention is expensive but will be bought by the government.

Monday, November 18, 13

Did you understand the lesson you saw on the video?

Were you able to answer our questions?

In your classroom, is it possible for your students to answer questions without understanding?

Give a partner an example of when this could happen.

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13

Did the teacher check for comprehension?

YES = Arms UP

NO = Arms straight out front

Monday, November 18, 13

Do you think the teacher knew which students knew the answers and which ones didn’t?

• If yes, how did he know?• If not, why did he not know?

What did the teacher learn from the answers students gave?

What was NOT possible for him to learn based on his selection of this particular strategy?

Monday, November 18, 13

Some of the strategies we used required no language.

Some of the strategies required limited language.

Some of the strategies required extended language.

What is useful about this strategy and why?

Did you notice . . . ?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these types of comprehension checks

Monday, November 18, 13

More Strategies to Check for Comprehension

Non-Verbal Strategies

Student facial expressions and body language

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13


Thumbs up /Thumbs down

Do as I say (TPR)/Act out

Monday, November 18, 13

Make my sentence true / you understand



Response cards

Monday, November 18, 13

Even MORE Strategies to Check for Comprehension

Oral Production Strategies


Fill in the blank

Monday, November 18, 13

Pair / Group Work

Numbered Heads Together

Monday, November 18, 13

Name  the  States

Monday, November 18, 13

Numbered Heads Together

Why is Numbered Heads Together a useful check for comprehension?

Monday, November 18, 13

Turn and talk

Think - Pair - Share

Monday, November 18, 13

3 big ideas I heard today

2 strategies I will use right away

1 “ah-ha” moment


Monday, November 18, 13

As this session ends, I can . . .

explain why checking for comprehension is essential

identify various types of strategies to check for comprehension

explain when specific strategies might be the most useful in checking for comprehension

Monday, November 18, 13

Checking for Comprehension

Greg Duncan Betsy Hart

Monday, November 18, 13

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