cheap & dirty cosplay for beginners

Post on 01-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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DESCRIPTION SheWolf Cosplays presented Cheap & Dirty Cosplay for Beginners as a beginner crash course in cosplaying. Read this, and become the best cosplay character you can be with our tips, tricks, and hints, all from our very own experiences cosplaying. Topics touch on planning, budget, execution, makeup/prosthetics, tips and tricks, and how to deal with criticism.


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Welcome to our panel! We are SheWolf Cosplays, my name is Xand Griffin and that’s Sara Gates. We started cosplaying about 3 years ago, and I personally had a really rough time starting out and understanding what a good beginner was.

Cheap & dirty cosplay

Anyone can cosplay

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With a quick show of hands, who here has cosplayed at least once before, twice, three times? To the people that did not raise their hands, why have you not cosplayed before? Is it confidence? Didn’t know where to start? Didn’t think you could do it? You can do it. No matter what you look like. If you are old, fat, female, male, not the same race as the character, have tattoos and piercings, whatever you are, you can cosplay WHATEVER character you want to do. Some people think there is this ideal to look absolutely 100% accurate, with the character entirely, and some people do that well, but most of us are don’t look like the characters in the first place. Look at how the characters are drawn. They are unrealistic and near impossible to recreate perfectly.

The community of cosplay is founded around the thought that this hobby is fun. Yes, it is hard work. Yes, it is time-consuming. Yes, it can be tedious and people may not understand why we

do it. But in the end, cosplay is fun.

- Jeannette "Chinako" Chambliss -

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This is a quote from an article written by Chinako, and it exemplifies how I feel about cosplaying, there are basically two camps of people: You have to look exactly like the character or you have to love the character. I fall into the second category. My only requirement for a cosplayer is that they love what they are doing.

I think that at the very heart of cosplay is the love for a character, and the desire to bring that character to life.

That's what it should be about.

- Chaka Cumberbatch -

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Cosplay is about fun, the minute that stops, when people diss on well done costumes because of the person’s size, race, age, or anything else. Cosplay has made me so much more confident in myself and has inspired me to just be healthier in everyday life. I have a better attitude and a hobby I love to do. Plus you feel like a rockstar with tons of people surrounding you for your photo.

Examples of: cosplaying while different.

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This is Chaka, one of the girls I had quoted earlier, when she posted her Sailor Venus costume on the internet she was told time and time again that Sailor Venus wasn’t black and that she should never wear her cosplay again. Look at her she looks absolutely stunning in both her Sailor Venus and her Captain America gender bend.
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Male genderbend Harley
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Doesn’t this look amazing?

Let’s get this party started.

Pick your character

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The fun part, who do you want to be? Start out early enough and you can do anything. For beginners though, a simple costume, well-done will get you many more compliments than an elaborate costume made poorly.

Keep it simple

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This is my first cosplay ever

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

Keep it simple

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That’s YaYa Han there a big cosplayer

Keep it simple

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That’s YaYa Han there a big cosplayer

Make sure to plan ahead!

Assess your Skills

No? Can you sew?


1. Go buy a pattern 2. Go buy fabric 3. …Profit

That’s why you’re here Silly goose

Set a goal to sew one thing for every cosplay you do

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This way you strengthen your skills and understanding, as you progress you are going to want to do bigger and better cosplays, and most of those you are going to need to sew for. It will help you in the long run, but for now we are going to focus on th

materials Assess your

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If you can’t sew, use alternative materials to make your costume. Other cosplayers would probably slap me for saying this, but duct tape and cardboard can make some fun costumes. FUN. Not GREAT! You have to know when you’re starting out making a cardboard/duct tape costume that you won’t be accurately But those of us who understand will think it rocks, and it’s a good base. You have to start looking at the shape of things, rather than the finished product. You can always make

Duct Tape Card


Bottle Caps

Laundry Basket

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Tom Servo made of: Duct tape, cardboard, laundry hamper.

Foam core

Chicken Wire

Plaster & Gesso

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Pyramid head: foam core covered with plaster mixed with gesso

Liquid Latex

PVC Pipe

Coffee Grounds

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Silent Hill Nurse: Liquid Latex and scrap fabric

Hot Glue

Thick Fabric

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Hot glueing fabric does work with thicker fabrics. People have made full suits of Skyrim armor using hotglue and various fabrics that looks quite good. There is always another way of doing something.

Craft Foam

Mod Podge

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This is a tutorial from – you can use craft foam from a craft store to make superhero masks or helmets or boot covers. Very easy material to work with and the only tool you need is a heat gun, which are around 20-30 dollars for the lower powered models.

Contact Cement

Craft Foam


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Budget Assess your

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I spend about a hundred dollars on each cosplay I do, because I don’t normally have a lot of time to dedicate to it. If you have enough time, you can do cosplay for as cheap as you can, because you can be on the lookout for deals online and in-store, and can comb through thrift stores looking for what you need. I say $50 is a good price.

Have Two Budgets

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Have an entire budget and an OMG I HAVE TO BUDGET. Only spend that budget on an item that is going to make your character instantly recognizable or completes your outfit just right. That way you can keep your normal budget in check without having to sacrifice something that’s going to make your outfit amazing. Your pride in finding/making this is going to show through! Keep an eye on sales, especially after Halloween.

Trash pick thrift shop &

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There is no shame in my game, but once I saw a large rubber ring in the trash that would’ve been perfect for a Tira from Soul Calibur’s weapon. I regret not taking it to this day. Thrift shops are the best way to keep your budget under

Esmeralda Shirt Buffalo Exchange Pyramid Ma’Am Skirt Philly Aids Thrift Team Fortress Medic Outfit Closet Jayne Cobb Boots I Goldberg Military Poison ivy Swimsuit Base Goodwill Harley Quinn Blouse From a Friend

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Buffalo Exchange for trendy, unique pieces in all sizes. Online for cheap corsets, eBay – 20 dollars for a good PLUS SIZE corset that will last several wearings! Burlington Coat Factory and other clearance stores for plainer pieces that can be customized further.
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There are plenty of thrift shops in Philly, so look around and find your favorites. By the pound place in Jersey.

research Is so so sexy

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There are a ton of resources online to research into for inspiration, tutorials, and community.

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There are literally thousands of places on the internet to look for reference, tutorials, tips, tricks, community, etc Print out reference materials! It’s much easier to bring a picture of a character to a fabric store and compare rather than remembering from memory.

Do it with friends

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If you love a certain character, but you don’t think they will be recognizable on their own do it with friends. Try to recruit a friend Buffy with Buffy Vampire Supernatural group Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy If it’s you’re first time it’s easier with someone you know. If you don’t have friends try to start a cosplay group for a certain convention so you can meet up with new friends. Cosplayers are really friendly, and even if you think your costume sucks compared to a more experience person, everyone starts somewhere!

We became friends Through costuming…

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Cosplay is a great way to form lasting friendships. We did a zombie photoshoot together, and ever since stayed in touch for the various projects that we worked through.

And ever since have Done it together. …

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We became fast friends and moved in together. Cosplay is a community and it’s growing fast.

Practice run MAKE SURE TO Do a

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If I had done a practice run in my Jayne Cobb boots I would’ve realized that my authentically purchased military outlet store boots were falling to pieces. By the end of the con day I had to duct tape my shoes together. Not cute. Blisters on the first day are never good for the second and third. BE COMFORTABLE. If you are used to wearing stilletos wear them, if you aren’t wear them for a while then switch out!

Photo posing Tips, tricks, and hints

Capture the light With your face

Practice in a mirror and with a camera how will you know what you look like unless you try

Make your arms dynamic cosplay is fun and exciting and your arms need to show it

Keep trying different poses in the hall this keeps your pictures interesting

Look slightly above the lens of the camera this reduces red-eye

Engage your eyes and keep your photos alive

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Everyone has different angles that flatter them best.

Make-up Tips, tricks, and hints

Not just for girls however…

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Think Stage Makeup

You are playing a character so go all out

If your character doesn’t wear makeup, wear subtle foundation/eyeliner/mascara anyway

Get the good stuff, or bad stuff happens breakouts, smudging, fading, reactions

Keep color in theme

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Set your makeup

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Setting makeup, and going bold when you need to.

Prosthetics Effects and Prosthetic effects

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don't be afraid of prosthetics! �-expand your horizons and PRACTICE! �-be practical�-know that better prosthetics=higher maintenance and a heavier MEDKIT! �-spirit gum and liquid latex are MAGIC�-there is no shame in YouTube tutorials...�-...or premade appliances!

Don’t be afraid of prothestics…

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It’s easier then you think

Expand your horizons practice, practice, practice

Be practical seriously

Know that better prosthetics higher maintenance and need a heavier medkit

Spirit Gum & Liquid Latex magic

Watch Youtube videos and try premade appliances


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Fangs, Premade Prosthetics

sometimes complex

Make your own blood

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Make blood yourself when you need a lot, tons cheaper.

Go big or go home

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Think Stage Makeup

Pack Properly

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Pack a convention bag and make a checklist, you can use ours for starters

Use our MedKit Packing List super glue pre-threaded needles patch of fabric moleskin sheet bandaids Neosporin safety pins small scissors duct tape bobby pins double sided tape cheap eyeliner 1 black Sharpie 1 brown Sharpie small Swiss army knife compact mirror hair bands confidence

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }

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Me and Sara everytime are scatter brained and forget something vital. MAKE A COMPLETE LIST and stick to it, as you pack it away, check it off, and then you will make sure you remember everything. We are giving these out at the front afterwards. This is just the med kit, we have a full printed version of this

Happy with it Make sure you are

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Look in the mirror and make sure you are absolutely happy with it. And this ties into planning. Last minute cosplay is never a good idea. I had all the accessories ready to go for Jessica Rabbit, the wig gloves, heels everything perfect. I put the dress I had ordered off Amazon and hated it. It was of a really silky material that showed everything, the boob cups were too small, I spent hours trying to fix it and in the end wasted time and money because of it. If I had worn it anyway, I would’ve been uncomfortable and stiff, and that’s not why we cosplay. We cosplay to feel confident and dynamic and you should always like what you are wearing.

Confidence Is the best tool

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This is the last thing I leave you with.

Have fun


Want to have a discussion? Is it acceptable for a person to use body paint to mimic skin-tone? What about tanning to achieve a darker skin tone? Do tattoos or piercings distract from the cosplay? Is it offensive to put on old-age makeup for an older character? Special thanks!

Jeannette "Chinako" Chambliss Chaka Cumberbatch

Jessica R Orsini Bryan L Moore

Frank Le Baccia Greg Ember

Clare Barbone Aaron A Chernak

Black, White, and Raw Photography Michael Enoches

Warren Suber Larry West

Disclaimer Some of the images used within this presentation are not owned by me, if you are the owner of the image, contact and we will gladly give you credit or take down your material.

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