chasing the buddha at hyperlight speed

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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7/30/2019 Chasing the Buddha at HyperLight Speed 1/37

Chasing the Buddha


Hyper-Light Speed


E. E. Richards

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Hello fellow traveler 

Of this lonesome trip called Time

We stop awhile

To catch a smile

And let the Love Light Shine

There are worlds for us to follow

Both far and near to Find

So I reach

To touch this Moment

And feel your Heart and Mind

I do not want to hold you

Just Love you, free to Be

Our trails unwind

To stop a time

In being You and Me

If you should be somewhere far away

And I should come in Flight

A thought you hear 

Tells that I'm near 

It's my Love song in Delight

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Thought and


Two sides of the same Coin


The outer World

Grass at your Feet

Wind in your Hair 

The Other,

Worlds to imagine

Time is gone

Space doesn't Care

As thought

Becomes Experience

Experience too

Will feed your Thought

Go In Love; We are One

Said the turtle to the Crow

Come let's join the Fun

And watch each other Grow

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Seasons cycle their spiral of Time

Colored hues, fragrance Sublime

Pull back the blanket, open your Eyes

Taste of the Sun-light, wash in its Rhyme




Hear the cosmic matter flowing thru You

Catch the spark, the glowing Coal

Put it in motion, swim in its Soul

Reach out



Cling To Another 

Its cycles swing, grow in the Find

Call it Gravity, Or Love, Or Grand Design




New seeds burst forth, molded in Joy

Catch the swirl, drift with the Tide

Jump to the rhythm, you've eons to Ride

Paint the neurons crimson and Gold

Dry as the dust, wrinkled and Old

Dance the river or bubbling Streams


Suddenly caught in crystalline Frost

You crawl into its blanket of Numbness

to Rest

Shaping dreams of Tomorrows Games

When seasons call you don't need a Name

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The Light comes alive upon the waters

Bringing to motion an infinity of timeless shapes

Only my eyes can grasp their presence

Too fast even for neurons to cast their spell of remembrance

Attention receives only


The rest is but feel

Lost in the spaciousness of vibration

And on my side

Air, the breath of life

Returns the ripple

An interchange within the media of Oneness

This cultivation of Light

Formed of the living Now

Will continue to change and forever 


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Spinning like a top

Around this Universe

Dancing in the arms

of the Sun

As I feel its radiating


Balanced between the tongue

of its Fire

And the pull of the Universe

The Moon spirals around me

On this garden Earth

Singing its song of Fluctuation

Upon this Cosmic Birth

Join the harmony of the


In its twirl between the

Black Holes

And the White

The pushing and pulling of 

Some Massive Thought

Of which I Am

But me of flesh and bones

Rivulets of crimson flow

Coursing thru my veins

Feeding those starving cells

On the Cosmic Breath

To join in play

With the Chemistry of 


And the OM of electronic


Carry out messages

of action and thought

Projections of our 


And the Light

of which we are

Slow down the Vibrations

Look into the


Of the ONE

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Sparks of Life

Moving about the Center 

of Light

The Hub,

The Flame of Eternity

Each life form, each entity

Sees the Light thru Rays,

Spokes of Vibration




About the Hub

We are the Medicine Wheel

Thru the Breath, the

Energy of Life

We channel the movement of the Wheel

Once turning

In Gyroscopic Stability

The Center Focused

Moving upon its Path

Undaunted by outside force

Pushing and Pulling

We are Focused

We are the Center 

The Light

Each moves its

Spiral Path about the


A Vortex of Light

Breathing Slowly


Nuclear Radiations

New Clear Rad-ia-tions

Radiations: emanations, pulsations, vibrations

Clear: reset, return to beginning, set

Prepare to Start

New Clear Radiations

The Medicine Wheel Turns

We are the Spokes-persons

Breathing In-Breathing Out

Channeling of the Turning Rim

The Refrain of its Life

In Harmony


Its Song of Celebration

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Let Motion equal Emotion ,

Moderation, Equanimity, Work, LovePlauzation of the Pulsation,


Seeing the Material, its vibration energy ,

Each element, each atom, its particular 

Rate, frequency, wavelength of vibration

See it all held / fed / fired

By the all pervading Glue,

Akasha, aether 

The Glue surrounds AllPervades All

Within, Without

See it all Pervading

Take this Glue and See it Vibrate

Faster and faster 

Higher and higher 

Until it seems to disappear 

Leaving just the Material Creations

Vibrate this Glue

On into Infinity

At ever higher and higher rates

Follow with your imagination

Up this ladder of 

Energy vibration

See / Feel its cycling change

At any frequency

Ever Higher 

Find a place where it Feels

Ever Strong

See its Vibration

Stop / Look back down the Spectrum

Back at the Material

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The Matter vibrations now seem to be

Standing Still

Caught in their individual

Cycles of movement



Time Stands Still

Move anywhere within the Material

See / Feel its Multitudinous

Variety of Vibrations


Are Free to roam,


Throughout Creation

Move through and with


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Early morning rays reflect golden,

orange and violet off distant clouds.

Collections of birds sing to greet the new dawn.

A half moon lazily drifts across deep blue heavens,

leaving reminders of far off cosmic motion

magically disappearing from view.

The day's frantic adventures call the ants to arise,

as coyote sings before retiring into shaded den

for the welcome rest.

All around Creation's cycles renew their seconds,

days or eons of motion.

Reaching out, returning; inhaling, exhaling;

playing, resting;

everywhere the dance goes on and on.

Super-nova returns to stillness,

as revolving Sun sprays its rotating

family with gathered cosmic showers.

Energy from which to grow.

The alliance of Earth and Moon harvest

the spiral flow,

feeding their flourishing garden,

sprouting innumerable

cycles from gathered cosmic seeds.

Motions of day and night

signal awakening energies as the atmosphere

breathes Life into each moment.

Silent electrical charge ensues.

Bright lightning discharge suddenly transforms.

Minuscule particles of swimming energy

and swirling vibrations crawl ashore,

struggle to their feet and slowly look around.

Hearing the magic of sounds,

feeling the warmth,

tasting the ecstasy,

fragrance abounds.

We stand center stage for but a moment,

in Wonder;

To again dance and sing in harmony

with the Song.

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A fine mist from nature's waterfall

catches the late day solar rays

turning to red, then pink,

with orange, yellow, green, blue

and variations on violet

Suddenly its a brilliant rainbow

dazzling before eyes of wonder.

Just as suddenly

its two bows of color 

gathering upon slate colored clouds

and then a third also

as if to announce

or maybe celebrate.

The stage has been set

Wind rises swiftly in crescendo

as Trees waving verdant leaves

perform a merry jig;

Enticing Flowers and Grass

to join the rhythm.

Bright pink Clouds change to gray;

a swirling impish gray,

almost green, as if to say

its now my play.

Streaks of Light proclaim the act

of deep voiced Thunder's curtain call,

as eager Rain begins her fall

after a long day of climbing in Earth's

great ocean of Air.

The performance goes on

Lightning flashes bright,

Thunder's message, as if of cosmic source,

rattles the listening ear drums.

Wind carefully conducts the movements

of Rain's prancing rhythms.

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The Concert is long,

powerful, surrendering and clear;

its Magic creates fragrance of ionized oxygen,

quickening the Breath,

flashing through neurons with delight,

Now awakens throughout every cell.


hardly even noticed,

Quietness ascends with a new beat;

drips of life blood fall around

thirsty pinions;

tiny liquid Drops creep

over delicate Blossoms;

deep shadows of Darkness descend;

Fragrance pervades the transformed theater,

Stillness slithers on to cover the rhythm.

Cloud mixed Moon-glow

moves into view,

followed by the waltzing Starsof varied hue;

billowing Mist clears the stage

as Coyote announces the evening program.

Cosmic Drama commences,

Cycles renew

as Super-nova kindles

its nourishing light,

and Harmony goes on with Listen!

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Dance beneath the Stars

Let the sand caress your Feet

Ride Neptune's steeds charging toward the Shore

Upon the hoof beat rhythm,

Universe Inspired

As a song from afar,

Or near 

Who can say?

Or Why?

Its there for you and Me

To be, or Try

The twinkle from afar,

My mind becomes afire

Reverberation touches a neuron Display

Excites the spiral Flow

Sending shivers shooting spinal Songs

Across our Time

Call it Me

Or You

Feel the Flow

Hoof beats cast away the riders endless Song

To bring again the Newness

Of the Now

With soundless speculation of Worlds

We didn't Try

We trace a path and let it Fly

Can You See?

Do you Know?

I rise within the Tides

To let the evening shadows Show

Till darkness returns again

Leaving me to Go

On into the Light

With Neptune’s the Flow

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One long deep Breath

sends ripples of Vibration


The body sings to the Chant

of gurgling brook

and gentle breeze

Whispering through fir 


Gophers play hide and seek, as green

dapple leaves

dance to the morning


Each breath sends sunlit golden Rays

resonating through my Center 

balancing an instant

Returning to the


Robin and I share this Awakening

It breaks into Song

A praise of the Dawn

A world of colored Light

Sound and Fragrance

Overwhelm the


Too powerful for pen scratches

and thought to


But to catch a Glimpse

The Play of Light-Sound-Smell

Dance and Surround

As slow even breaths

Join the Harmony

And Become

Slow steady Pulsations of Love

Spread from this


Each breath sending-receiving the

Cosmic Promise

Silent praise for ITS majestic


Robin too sings the Song of Praise

Joining with Water and Wind

In Gratitude

Singing Now

A New Day to


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Centuries call Down

To hang Suspended

On each Breath


Listening from Ages Past

Swinging on the Gate of Life

Yet--Move here Now

Spirit Breaths In

Breaths Out

Ancient Rhythms Dance Still

Upon this Instant

The Lord of All


Great Magician

Presses In

Pulls Out

Whispers of Eternity

Send Oxygen Ripples


This Puppet of Cosmic


Resonates with

the Light of a Million Elders

Catch their Life

in what I Call


But who is it?

Their Sparks of Vibratory Swirls

Fill my Lungs

With Ancient Tales

Messages so Swift

I seldom Hear 

While watching the Gate Swing

I Stretch the Inner Ear 

For the Sweetness of Endless Song

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One long slow breath follows another;

Setting its own rhythm.

As if searching;

Sounds reverberate around the immediate space,

that I call Now.

Spectrums of these tactile sonic vibrations

find root and stir within and around

this seemingly asleep body.

Another slow swing of the breath-gate;

Attention returns

in partnership with distant rumbles

from long forgotten pasts.

Thoughtfulness grasps the rhythms

of electric cells dancing with magnetic pulses

of ancient stars that burst

into immediate now-ness.

Silent, yet swift, throbs of light

Bounce around the mirror-like walls,

Calling forth colors as if numbers on the keyboard

or pulsations in a song.

A long forgotten melody

fills the stillness so completely and fully

its barely noticed.


Catches the beat of body substance

Singing cadence to breath.

The skeletal frame moves rhythmically

as streams of oxygen, nitrogen and other swirling masses

Sweep thru the nostrils;

Sending ionic rushes throughout.

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Crystalline formed rib structure tenses,

then relaxes;

as it generates electrical pulses

throughout its framework.

These carbonic crystals

Guide waves of Magnetic Light

to encircle and resonate

the fiber messenger nerves.

Sending waves of breath sponsored vibrations,

Linking Earth sensing toes

to Heaven sensing skull sphere.

The inner eye catches a glimpse

of the vibrant light patterns

Magnifying their response.

Attention grasps for the chant.

The field of cells shiver with excitement

as the breath pulses surge

like ocean breakers

Over mitotic frolicing.

Rhythms of Earthic Drumming

Palpitate the spinal conduit,Combining with beats of Lunar tremors

Awash with solar spray.

Tensions rise as distant planetary harmonics

Surge wind-like over cellular coats.

Billions of vibratory acts of cosmic endorsement

take the stage in one cycle of breath,

and then another.

Concentration returns to the swinging gate.

Nostril membrane flutters in the breeze

and listens for the next far off message

as the internal clock pulse resets

and prepares for another slow breath.

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The legs spring to motion,

Feet begin to pound the hardened surface,

The lungs arouse slowly,

Caught uninformed.

Synchronization takes grasp,

Breath catches swinging signs

of appendage rhythms.

The whole vibrant frame chants.

Distant peaks reflect snow bright

thru passing cottonwood maze,

And brown eyed petals

mirror sunlight to attract a glance.

Respiratory pulses electrically

excite the caged ribs to motion,

Rhythmic electric signals

dance vibrations upon the spine.

Attention tends the breath-beat,

Auric displays ride the cadence,

Swirls of inner pineal light

Bounce with solar incandescence.

Concentration again returns to breath,

Rides the beats of cellular motion,

Magnetized heart throbbing rivulets

Circulate footfall metric messages.

The cadence of gravity's spiral

pulling down, pushing back.

Levitation springs to life,

Feet hang suspended in timeless Now.

The open plains stretch forever 

as body electrics slice the magnetic flux.

Electrostatic force-fields send Earthly

rhythms arcing from head to heel.

Aetheric motions impress the galactic

Words of forever on planetary spilled melodies

as utility poles count kilometers passing

and each instant of the breath-beat seizes Now.

The finish in view triggers pituitary

Secretions from unknown depths.

The pineal inspired light flow

Blesses and feeds the final surge.

The joy of running the electric body

Stimulates the ecstatic glow.

It's really all for fun

You Know.

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Specks of Crystal Light

Modulated by Solar Sprays

Reflect bright Earth sounds

Toward my Sight

History records in an instant

On carbon folds

The pulses of Earth rhythms

Upon my spinal shaft

The Harmonies of Light

and Sound

Blend with Magnetized

Crimson Flow

Rhythmic nasal motion

Swings the Pendulum

Of Spinal fluids

And Cranial Electrics

Neuronal jumps of Ecstasy

Rush with each ionic Breath

Sending flame-like radiations Oscillating

Between Earth's core and Heavens Cosmic Gates

Action turns to stillness, attention Follows

the Oxygenated Rhythm

Vibrations of intensity

Surge past and Thru

Now-ness invades the total-ness of Being

The thin-stretched Skin

Of Terrestrial Life

Enters from all Perception

Wafts of heat driven Air 

Dust and Touch

With gentleness and Blessings

Distant snowfields bounce Echoes

of Light

Sounding the bell-tones

of a million leaf cells

Curled around the smiling Blossom

of gathered Sun-Sounds

All to modulate this total Being

and Send charging energy Up

the three-fold Path

To spontaneously Explode

in the Feelings of 


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YOU and ME

Who am I, you ask?

As you Gaze at the World around.

And Listen to the Dawn of days

or the Birth of Sound.

You are the Sunlight Warmth,

the Scuffle through the dust,

the Coolness of water.

You are the Fragrance of Blossom,

the Ruffle of the wind,

the Taste of honey.

You are the Touch of Love,

the Scratch of cactus,

the Fear of jumping.

You are the Sound of thunder,

the Chirp of crickets,

the spinal Rush of Darkness.

You are the Flutter of hummingbirds,

the Kiss of Mother,

the Touch of Father.

You are the Rhythm of Earth,

the Tickle of a feather,

the Coldness of snow.

You are the Softness of footfall,

the Joy of ice cream,

the Gentleness of a kittens breath.

You are the Glory of Sunset,

the Powder of snowflakes,

the Warmth of a blanket.

You are the Excitement of a story,

the Pain of confusion,

the Exhilaration of completion.

You -are All I make of you

And All you make of ME

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The Forces of Nature Dance Serenely Around US

The Surging Flow of a Tremendous Tide

The Universe Moves, Becomes, Creates, IS

Organisms of Delight Form Steady Slow Rhythms

And Rests Between Movements of Spilling Forth

Life's Great Masses

Living Creatures Pause-As Thought Appears

A Large Brain Stands Upright and Feels the

Vital Pressure of Cosmic Drumming

Absorbing All the Forces at Life's Disposal

A World Evolves with Concentration upon the Human Soul

A Sphere of Consciousness and Perfection of the Human Element

We Find Ourselves situated in Space and Time

Enclosing Our Masses Around a little ball

Set On a Course Among the Stars

A Grain of Cosmic Dust

A Vast and Continuing Process Reveals Itself 

As Though a Dream

Unfolding Like Intelligent Atoms

the Process of Universing

Discovering Our Souls

Conscious, Unfolding Relationship

With all Parts of Creation

Enlarging Our Separate Personalities

External to Flesh

Our Real and Whole Body is Taking Shape

We Are the World

Extension thru Awareness

the Organic Process, the Natural Impulse

A Germination of Life and Growth of Mind

We Impact Centuries,

Feel the Responsibilities and the Power 

of the Entire Universe

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In Every Thinking-a Fullness, a Newness

A Maturity Through a Multitude of Human Acts

A Consummated Human Thought

Coming into Full Possession of the Sphere of Action,

Strength, Unity-Reaching at last

the Apogee of Responsibility and Freedom

Holding in Our Hands All Future and All Past

Making the Choice

This Choice is a Force

Knowing All that IS and All that Can BE

A Physical Existence of a Unity of Beings

Living and Active

A Momentary Ripple of Spirit, The Passing Impulse Force

The Fulfillment of All Living Beings

Designed for Considered Action from the Human Will-Power 

Mankind as a Whole, the Collective Humanity

Called to Perform, Release and Flourish

the Act of Total Force of Terrestrial Evolution

We Are a Living Organism

We Glow and Responsively Vibrate

Expressing All the Natural Grandeur of the Human Mission

Fulfilling Through the Ages the Sum of Our Individual Endeavors

Sanctified Collective Thought,

Attained on Earth,

Consummated By the Constant Striving of 

Every Human Cell

To Unite With All the Others

This Coming Together 

a Great Mass

of Spirits

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Completes the Building of a New Temple

On the Ruins of All Others

The Genesis of the Whole Human

The Impulse of Constructive Energy

Trembles with the Desire for Unity

We Are the Climb

From the Depths of Matter 

To the Highest Peak of Spirit

The One Evolution, The One Soul

Fulfilling the Profound Need for Unity

Which Pervades the World

Finding the Natural Energy For Renewal of the World's Life

Now Seeing Heaven Illumined

Feet Walking Firmly Upon the Earth

Let's Shine

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A light breeze puffs snow flakes

Across the Pond

It shakes the pine boughs

Freeing the cloud formed powder 

The bald eagle glides and silently scans

the frozen white world below

A single pine stands erect on

the protruding ledge island

With white frosting

Covering its green

Your Stillness sweeps thru me

Nestled among arches

of maple and oak

Your Love Enfolds

Your Grace sends shivers

of Delight

The Sun peeks thru

Hazy, puffy clouds

It beckons me to come,

To Dance in Your Glory

The Gates of Breath

Swing to Your Rhythm

I Receive the Lightness

of Presence

Enveloped In Your 

Everlasting Arms

The Gentle Music of Your Being


The Light Lifts

Becoming All


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While Listening

To the Sounds of Silence

The Magic Overwhelms

In Sight

and Color 

Dragon Fly Dances

to Butterfly's Sway

and the Flowered Image

of Succulent Fruit

Catches Spectrum of Light

To Again Reflect

Butterflies Play

Among the Tall Grasses

and Blackberry Blossoms

Gentle Mosses

and Ancient Leaves

Kiss My Feet

As Maple Leaves-Palm Up

Receive Today’s Blessings

Feathered Dinosaurs

Converse Across

Bull Frog Echoes

as the Crows Interject

Interspersed Wisdom

The Squirrel Speaks

from the Towering Pines

as I Pass

This Garden Paradise

of Harmony


As I Sit Spellbound

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Just within a few Feet

The Magic and Beauty

Overwhelm the Ability

To Scribble on Paper 

Tiny Bright Blossom Faces

Gaze Back

I Give Thanks

and Gratitude

for Being Allowed

this Moment

this Now

I Smile,

and Love Sent

Seems Reflected Many-fold

Distant Crows Hold

a Verbal Conference

Telling Tales of the Magic

As they See and Feel

Colossal Patterns of 

Sub-Atomic Dust

Breathed into Motion

and Form

Held Suspended

Ever Changing

Touched and Imagined

By That Great


Through the Cycles

of Growth

and Decay

The Magic Spark


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The Word


I Take a Deep


And Feel My Cup

Runneth Over 

In the Being-ness

of Presence

Everywhere YOUR BEING

Takes Flight

Sends Sounds of Wonder 

Sights of Amazement

The Taste and Scents

of Life


Touching and Sweeping


My Core

Like the Center of 

a Tornado

YOU Lift My


To Sit at YOURThrone

YOUR Chariot

Sweeps Silently

Thru Eternity

I Ride Gladly

The Magic of the Dust

Illumined by THY Light


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The Weave and Woof of Universal Flux

Vibrating Swirls of brilliant Hue

Spinning in the Dust Bowl of Creation

Dancing in the Wind of Galactic Charge

Vibrations In and Out

Up and Down

Within, Without

Singing my Electromagnetic Song

With the Color Spectrum of Light


Let's Waltz with the Swirling Planets

Through the Milky way Spillover 

The Universe is ours

To Play in its sublime Rhythm

I reach my Hand

We join as One

Energies Attuned

Expand/ Expand

With Galactic Hands

We reach through Black/ White

Swiss Cheese Worm Holes

Playing Gravity's Love Song

Direct your Spiraling

Call of Love

It takes us Anywhere

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Oceans tumble into dreams of ivy

Rain drops wash the howling wind

Dancing to the stellar point of crystal light

I move before the sands of time beginning

For empty hollow ages ever onward

We dance into the twilight of our time

Forever are the seasons we have climbed on

Forever are the times we meet again

We are balanced in spirals

A living rhythm of energy

Time hopping from spiral pool, to spiral pool

As the Universal mixture churns itself to boil

Come down thru, Come down thru

We're 0n the Rim


Are you Gone ?


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Dancing to the Sound of Light

We rode upon a Milky wave

And dove into the curl

We soared around the solar spray

And jumped into the swirl

One day, quite surprising

We sailed into the Sun

Drifted out among the planets

To have a little fun

You and I, we did the magic

To disappear without a trace

And then I had to find you

Taking lifetimes and infinite space

And suddenly you stood before me

A mystery to be found

Was it a glance from a bar stool

Or a mountainous cliff playground

A surging spinal column

Lit the flame, loves been found !

The dancing as our bodies met

Plays our love light sound

At this auspicious occasion

While nestled within the trees

Heaven sent the Stars to see

This cosmic you and me

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Fly away

As worldly affairs are tumbling downAnd lives are lost

And lives are found

With empty pages as yet unturned

Our days are numbered

We’ve much to learn

A squeaky door comes into view

To choose to enter 

Its time we flew

The nesting is done, the eggs are crackedThe doors wide open

We can’t look back


Fly away

Life goes on in many ways


Fly away

Some are goingSome must stay

You know this crazy game is done

You know the home-team

Spirits won

Don’t pack your bag, there is nothing needed

The silent message

Must be heeded

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Listen, it’s a cosmic burn

The flame reaches higher 

With every turn

The inner light awaits the soul

Lay down your marbles

Its time to roll


Fly away

Life goes on in many ways


Fly away

It’s yours to know

It’s yours today

The time has come to fly away

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Future Influence

If an event is within

A long-wave standing-wave near-field influence

Its connection with another related event

Occurring within its seemingly future

May influence the seemingly past.

Then the original event

Is instantly and always connected

And therefore may alter its activity accordingly.

All shorter-wave standing-wave near-fields

Within the longer 

May give the appearance of changing

Relative to one another 

But not within the common encompassing near-field

If consciousness knows itself at these levels

Then all is a mode of discovery.

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Warning spring sunlight sparkles through billions

of frozen water crystals

Reflecting the pattern

of Earthic sounds throughout

The eyes catch but a glimpse

of the cosmic wave-wash

The sweeping pulses of Universe

formed light stimulates the Now-ness

The depth of breath reaches

for the precious vital energy

The food of being-ness

ripples the spinal conduit

Dumping forth its vibrant fluid

in brain felt spray

Oh! what joy abounds

This sitting under ancient oaks

while feeling Your sounds

The heart opens full-blown waiting, watching, wondering

where the moments will lead

Your radiance enters swiftly

Catching the breath-swing attention

Holding the now-ness

Each day, hour, minute

The joy of Your presence stirs

New feelings, new dreams, new wonderment

The new self becoming

Infinities ride

I reach out my hand

Ready to fly

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Pendulum Swings

In the silence of the sunlit morning

The pendulum swings as breath takes note

Each drawing listens to the roar of All

Facial skin tastes the gentle warmth

Towering pines collect their daily source

Of wisdom and light

Leaves release their grasp to fly

Soon to protect and feed

Oh! The solar warmth

Stirs the sap withinSending ripples to the crown

The breeze waves

Bouncing from needle to leaf 

Reflected on waters ripple

The I feels its own waving

The motion of cosmic song

The instant hesitation

Blends to nowness

Surface tension collects rhythms of Starlight and moon glow

Hidden behind flying water droplets

The spinal surge catches another 

Long forgotten rhythm

From across the pond

A raven answers

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Jumping at the Ritz

From across the Universe an echo

That spins its fire-eye song

Its Superluminal function

Seems to take way too long

Harmonic cousins riding

Somewhere to be heard

Whispers from the heavens

Yet we hear not a single word

It’s all around to see

That message in the trees

A gliding bird has caught the rhythm

But Water it can but freeze

Moons, planets listen

Gravity it’s a feel

The Galaxy widely hastens

While I spin the magnet wheel

The information entanglement

And the superluminal sheen

Standing waves bounce around

That spherical bone throne scene

While ripples from the morning Sun

Stimulate the neuron wall

To satisfy the surface waves

Across two feet they fall

The standing waves of ancient days

Like neurons dance the street

The near field sends a message

As the long waves read the beat

An instantaneous Tachyon

Beats on the monkey’s mind

And then he answers

“Information”, this galactic super find

If only we could find the time

On this money day parade

Magic mushrooms got the rhyme

On a merry escapade

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What Magic

I stand center stage

Immersed in constant vibration

Within the womb of the Mother Her rhythms stir spinal influx

And braincase pulses

The cosmic influences

Instantly felt

What magic links thee

To the unknown

It births, it lives

It moves on

These ripples of infinity

The dancing musicThe beat notes of 

Cosmic sound

Manifest the moment as

Love sweeps up and down

The spine

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