· charting, toolbars, menus, listbars, trees, tabs, explorer bars, user interface and editors. *...

Post on 15-May-2020






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NetAdvantage 2005 Power your presentation layer NetAdvantage

gwww.infragistics.comInfragistics Sales 800 231 8588

The world leader in Presentation Layertechnology, Infragistics® has built a track record ofcustomer success, and is committed todeveloping solutions in line with the latestindustry technology while providing developmentteams with the tools they need to efficientlydeliver commercial grade applications.

Our ongoing pledge to develop tools that can beeasily used to extend the functionality ofapplications built with the latest developmenttechnologies, like Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005and Microsoft Windows® Presentation Foundationfor Windows Vista™, allows customers to stay onthe cutting edge of presentation layerdevelopment.

*NetAdvantage is the most comprehensivepresentation layer toolset for designingcommercial class user interfaces for all Microsoftdevelopment environments – Windows Forms,ASP.NET and Tablet PC. InfragisticsNetAdvantage 2005 is comprised of all majorinterface elements including grids, scheduling,charting, toolbars, menus, listbars, trees, tabs,explorer bars, user interface and editors.

* NetAdvantage customers will receive Active X controls aspart of their NetAdvantage purchase. Active X tools arecurrently on extended support status.

This data sheet provides an overview of the major controlsincluded in the Infragistics NetAdvantage toolset. For detailedinformation on the more than 110 controls that ship withNetAdvantage visit www.infragistics.com.

Para más información sobre NetAdvantage 2005 Suite, contacte con Danysoft en el 902 123146, por email en info@danysoft.com o visite www.danysoft.com

Philosophy and Design Goals

Our goal is to reduce the time that it takes you to buildprofessional applications, while increasing the overallquality and functionality that those applications provide.Our controls are thoughtfully architected, rigorouslydeveloped and tested, and fully supported. Ourarchitecture takes full advantage of the .NET Frameworkand allows us to provide a very similar API whether you’redoing Windows Forms, Web applications, Tablet PC, orCOM development. This allows you to reuse yourknowledge and expertise as you move betweenenvironments.

By focusing on what today’s developers need, we’vecreated a set of controls that is easy to use and allowsteams to customize all aspects of presentation layerbehavior and appearance. We understand that today’sdevelopers need to provide users with interfaces with thelook and feel of Microsoft applications – and we’recommitted to continually empowering developers with theability to easily replicate Microsoft’s latest applications inevery detail.

To ensure the life of the applications created with our toolsour Windows Forms and ASP.NET controls are writtencompletely in CLI compliant C# code. By maintainingstability, consistency and fine grained programmability ourobject model allows for access to every level of objecthierarchy. And, with rich event models, we also allowdevelopers to code customized user actions to meet theirneeds. This focus on consistency and compatibility hasallowed us to create tools that are positioned to addressthe presentation layer needs for today and the future.

The Infragistics Presentation LayerFrameworks™

Consistency for the developer, and for the end user, is thekey to increasing productivity. The Infragistics PresentationLayer Frameworks (PLF) provide this unparalleledconsistency as a common substrate upon which allInfragistics elements are built. For the developer thismeans that out of the box, you get XP Themes and Officelook and feel with a single property. This means that ourgrid controls let you edit any data type using editorcontrols which are all built on top of the same architecture.This means that you can build your own custom controlson our award-winning framework, and leverage our

NetAdvantage 2005



infrastructure so that your controls support XP Themes andOffice styles, and you can leverage our logic for hit-testing,painting, transparency, gradients, eventing, and more.

Our architecture extends across both Windows Formsdevelopment (Presentation Layer Framework™), and Webdevelopment (Web Presentation Layer Framework™), so nomatter which environment you work in, you can count on asingle intuitive learning curve, and a consistent experiencefor your users. The end result is less time spent onbuilding the presentation layer, and richer functionalitywhen you’re done.

To read more about the PLF visit:http://www.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/PLF.aspx

NetAdvantage Purchasing and LicensingInformation

At Infragistics, purchasing our products is the first step inestablishing a relationship with our customers. We pledgeto provide quality tools, and customer satisfaction that issecond to none. Our customers receive much more thanjust products, we provide them with solutions for issuesthey’re facing today, and we arm them to take on anyfuture issues they might encounter.

By paying close attention to all customer needs anddeveloping positive relationships through product deliveryand support, Infragistics products instill clients with a senseof quality and security. And, for our flagship product,NetAdvantage, purchasers get the best value whenordering the product with Subscription. The NetAdvantageSubscription service provides access to all three featurepacked yearly releases, full C# .NET source code, allupdates and upgrades for one year, and includes noruntime royalty fees.

When upgrading to Subscription with Priority support,customers receive guaranteed same day response to anonline web support submission request received by 1 p.m.EST. For support requests received after 1 p.m. EST, aresponse will be returned by 1 p.m. the next business day.Priority support is also available via phone, from 8:30 a.m.to 5:30 p.m. EST.

All Infragistics products are available for purchase throughour corporate website at www.infragistics.com. Directorders can also be placed over the phone by calling 1-800-231-8588 or by visiting one of the many ofworldwide Infragistics resellers.

NetAdvantage Resources

To assist with your NetAdvantage evaluation please besure to visit the following pages atwww.infragistics.com.

To read more about NetAdvantage and see a full list ofproduct features visit:http://www.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage

To download a full trial of NetAdvantage please visit:http://www.infragistics.com/Downloads

For product support visit Infragistics DevCenter™ at:http://devcenter.infragistics.com

To learn how your development team can get the mostfrom the NetAdvantage toolset through the Infragisticstraining program visit:http://www.infragistics.com/Training

To see the latest NetAdvantage ASP.NET referenceapplication visit:http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Expense

To see the latest NetAdvantage Windows Formsreference application visit:http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Tracker

New Release Features NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 3

The NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 3 release continues togive you all the presentation layer development toolsthat you need to deliver consistent applications to yourend users on a timely basis. This new release adds avariety of enhancements to both the Windows Formsand Web Forms elements. New web element featuresinclude scheduling controls featuring all necessaryelements to write a full fledged scheduling applicationfor the web, an upgraded WebGrid that includes XMLPaging using AJAX, grid printing support and manyother enhancements. The Windows Forms elementsbring a new WinDockManager feature, Visual StudioStyle Docking, in additional to multiple WinGridenhacements. Finally, both the WinChart andWebChart include a variety of new features.

For full details about all of the updates included inNetAdvantage 2005 Volume 3 be sure to visitwww.infragistics.com/whatsnew


Create feature rich, visually compelling data grids in minutes using quickstart designers

Ensure a consistant look and behavior across your entire enterprise by importing andexporting grid presets

Support displaying and navigating complex data models using built in hierarchical display,CardView or completely customize your grid using multi-row headers or row templates.

Bind to any data source, be it database, XML, arrays or custom business objects

Develop high performance applications using Load-On-Demand features

Easily leverage a multitude of in-box features like data sorting, data filtering, columnmoving, column grouping

Provide powerful data entry solutions by integrating NetAdvantage editor controls directlyin the grid, or completely customize the experience using Row Edit templates

Gain granular control over grid look and behaviors using the grids expansive object model

Leveraged learning - Built on the PLF / Web PLF

Support applications of a global reach through localization

Maintain a familiar user interface for users by easily leveraging common Microsoft styleslike Visual Studio, Windows 2000, Office 2000 and Office 2003*

Pass grid data onto others by exporting directly to Microsoft Excel, or by printing usingthe built in print support

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experience to Tablet PC devices

Give end users a rich user experience using the extensive client side object model andAJAX enabled features like paging and Load-On-Demand

Create accessible applications that are Section 508 compliant

NetAdvantage 2005






Our grids provide developers with the power and flexibilitynecessary to create compelling data display and entryapplications in both Windows and Web environments.

* Not all styles available for all controls

Multi Row Header

Card View

Summary Types

Images in Rows

Row Pinning



Fixed Add Row

Non Repeating Headers

Multi Row Headers

Simple Wizards



Field ChooserEmpty Rows

Row Edit Template

Hierarchical Data Display

Cell Data Merging


Row Data Filtering

Fixed ColumnsEasily group data byadding Outlook GroupBy

Column Moving

Column Sorting

Pinned Columns

Column Moving


NetAdvantage 2005


Features (Menus,Toolbars, Listbars, Docking, MDI, Tabs,Tree, ExplorerBar)

Make your application easy to use by creating powerful and intuative navigation

Provide your users a familiar interface by mimicking Windows styles including Office 2003, Office 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005*

Give your users the power to customize their UI experience by adding dragand drop functionality and dockable windows

Create powerful application menus by embedding editor controls directly in them

Leveraged learning - Built on the PLF / Web PLF

Give Web application users a more seamless user experience using the richclient side object model

Create complex, nested navigation structures for your application

Create feature rich, visually compelling data grids in minutes using quickstartdesigners

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experience to Tablet PC devices

Support applications of a global reach through localization

Create accessible applications that are Section 508 compliant











With the available navigation controls developers areempowered to create familiar user interfaces, leading to aquicker learning curve for end users.

* The DockManager enables window docking* Not all styles available for all controls


Vertical, horizontal & multiline tab configuration

Easily add Tabbed MDI navigationOffice 2003 style menus

Office 2003 Explorer bar style

Add docking windows

Embeded controls into menus

Embed images andassign hotkeys to menus

Windows XP style listbar

Simple toolbars creation tools

Create floating and dockable toolbars


Visual Studio 2005 StyleDocking Indicators

NetAdvantage 2005


Features (Menus,Toolbars, Listbars, Docking, MDI, Tabs,Tree, ExplorerBar)

Create nested node structures

Provide complex data categorization scenerios by allowing user to drag and drop tree nodes

Create feature rich, visually compelling data grids in minutes using quickstart designers

Bind to any data source, be it database, XML, arrays or custom business objects

Add powerful data editing and display features by embedding controls into tree nodes

Load large amounts of data in moments with the high-performance tree

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experience to Tablet PC devices

Leveraged learning - Built on the PLF / Web PLF

Give end users a more seamless user experience using the rich client side object model

Create accessible applications that are Section 508 compliant




Provide your users a familiar interface by mimicking Windowsstyles including Office 2003, Office 2000, Windows XP, Windows2000, Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005*

Leveraged learning - Built on the PLF / Web PLF

Give end users a more seamless user experience using the richclient side object model

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experienceto Tablet PC devices







Provide your users a familiar interface by mimicking Windowsstyles including Office 2003, Office 2000, Windows XP, Windows2000, Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005*

Leveraged learning - Built on the PLF / Web PLF

Give end users a more seamless user experience using the richclient side object model

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experienceto Tablet PC devices









* Not all styles available for all controls


Popup menus

Draggable toolbars

Office 2003 style listbar

Embedable editors

Scrollable tabsWindows XP style listbar

Vertical, horizontal andmultiline tab configurations


NetAdvantage 2005



Create complelling visual displays of data using over 35 different chart types

Make your data more meaningfull by adding annotations, tooltips or cross hairs

Bind one or more data sources, via database, XML, arrays or custom business objects

Create complex chart displays by layering several series of data into a single Chart Area, oradd multiple Chart Areas to a single chart canvas.

Save file or render in a wide variety of formats including BMP, GIF, JPEG,PNG,TIFF, WMF,Flash, or SVG

Layered chart design gives you granular control of the chart rendering

Create feature rich, visually compelling data grids in minutes using quickstart designers

Give end users a more seamless user experience using the rich client side object model

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experience to Tablet PC devices

Create accessible applications that are Section 508 compliant





Enhance business data in Windows and Web applications byusing NetAdvantage’s charting controls. Display data to endusers in easily understandable formats.


Customizable tooltips

Apply 3D other effects

Background images

Simple bar chart

X & Y scrollbarsX & Y scrollbars


3D chart types

Customizable X & Y axis lables

Custom chart layers


Composite Charts

NetAdvantage 2005



Build common Outlook calendar views like DayView, WeekView, MonthView

Flexible data binding allows you to bind to various data source types

Provide powerful data entry solutions by integrating NetAdvantage editor controls directlyin the calendar view controls

Built-in appointment and recurring appointment editor dialogs

Gain granular control over grid look and behaviors using the grids expansive object model

Provide your users a familiar interface by mimicking Windows styles including Office 2003,Office 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005*

Create Ink-Enabled applications to extend your user experience to Tablet PC devices

Create applications on a global scale by localizing





The robust features within the advaced schedule controls allowyou to save time and effort when building Windows or Webapplications.

*Not all styles available for all controls


Create different calendar views

All day appointments

Outlook 2003 calendar UI


Built in appointment dialog

Appointment grouping

Multimonth view

Easy to use print & print preview


Built in recurring appointment dialog

MonthView, DayView and WeekView

Visual Studio® 2005

Microsoft's Visual Studio 2005 is a major milestone in therelease of the next generation of Visual Studio products.Infragistics NetAdvantage 2005 compiled natively againstVisual Studio 2005 extends the functionality of the VisualStudio toolbox with advanced presentation layerdevelopment tools such as grids, charts, toolbars, menus,listbars, trees, tabs explorer bars, and editors.NetAdvantage 2005 complied natively against Microsoft's.NET Framework 2.0 includes additional featuresexclusively for Visual Studio 2005.

Purchase a NetAdvantage Subscription today and in additionto receiving three annual NetAdvantage releases, you willalso receive NetAdvantage 2005 compiled natively againstMicrosoft's .NET Framework 2.0. Receive your NetAdvantagetoolset compiled natively against Visual Studio 2005 within40 days after Microsoft ships Visual Studio 2005.

NetAdvantage for Visual Studio 2005 still includes hundredsof powerful features that you can not get from the in-boxcontrols. Additionally NetAdvantage for Visual Studio 2005has been enhanced to take advantage of new capabilitiesoffered by .NET 2.0 and the Visual Studio 2005 IDE.

Key Features in NetAdvantage 2005 for Visual Studio 2005 include:

Windows Forms

• Snap Lines• GDI Text Support• Managed Theming APIs• Smart Tags• Integration of Editors into the in-box grid• New DataBinding Support (Partial)• DataSource Window Integration• CalcEngine functionality extended to all Visual Studio in-

box controls


• Design Time DataBinding• Support for the new Designer Architecture• IWebPart Support• AJAX support for WebGrid (Via Out of Band Callback)

Additional Benefits

• Project Update Utility for Visual Studio 2005

For a full list of features in NetAdvantage that you won’tfind as part of Visual Studio 2005, please visit:www.infragistics.com/VS2005

New Technologies


Infragistics WinGrid with Visual Studio 2005 SmartTag,bound to BindingSource control


Windows Presentation Foundation(Formerly code-named "Avalon")

With the first beta release of Microsoft® Windows Vista™,Microsoft has taken the initial step towards launching itsnew operating system due mid-year in 2006. With itsrevolutionary Microsoft Windows® Presentation Foundation(formerly code named "Avalon"), Windows Vista isproviding a strong foundation for rich media user interfacedevelopment.

At Microsoft's PDC 2005 event, Infragistics unveiled Beta 1versions of it's next generation Grid and Chart controlscompatible with Microsoft's Windows PresentationFoundation. This release is an important milestone onInfragistics path to delivering a production version of itsWindows Presentation Foundation (WPF) compatible tools.The final production release of these tools will be includedas part of the Infragistics NetAdvantage toolset.

As we have for the past 15 years, Infragistics will continueto work closely with Microsoft to provide the mostconsistent, compatible, and flexible presentation layerframework which we will build our next generation of toolsupon. By providing a consistent presentation layerframework of common object models, designers, and stylepresets for Windows Forms and ASP.NET, NetAdvantagedelivers powerful cross platform functionally. As ourNetAdvantage customers move to develop applications onthe Windows Presentation Foundation, they will find thatour WPF controls provide the same consistency, innovationand productivity they have grown accustomed to with ourWindows Forms and ASP.NET tools. NetAdvantage willprovide an excellent path for those looking to develop forthe Windows Presentation Foundation while protectingtheir current investment in the .NET Framework.

NetAdvantage's DataPresenter™ and charting control corWindows Presentation Foundation include the followingfeatures:


• The ability to display data in a variety of UI formats• TabularView - a classic grid presentation of data• Infragistics' SimpleStyling technology using enumerated

properties enables the selection of alternate looks and UIlayout through the generation of alternate default styles

• Multi-column sort capability• The ability to group data rows using the 'Outlook

GroupBy' style• Easily display data rows in a CardView presentation• Resizable data columns and rows


• Gallery of high visual fidelity built-in styles for visualdesign

• The ability to include 3D/2D animations• True Composition Model® for ease of use and easy

composite-ability• Advance data interactions and image rendering creating

an intuitive interface• The ability to interface with various data sources

including Indigo• Present and interact with data via 3D Drilldowncapability

and projections for analyzing complex datasources• Easily extend the chart for custom layering and Create-

Your-Own-Chart features• Multiple 3D & 2D chart types will be provided in-the-box

For more information on NetAdvantage controls forWindows Presentation Foundation please visit:http://www.infragistics.com/WPF

Infragistics DataPresenter™ with Onyx theme andMicrosoft’s new Aero look and feel

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