charm-eu - introduction  · web view2020. 11. 3. · the charm-eu project will be producing...

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Comprehensive list of resources/outputs from each WPWork Package and Deliverable WP 8.1.2Lead, Co-Lead Silvia GallagherGroupDeadline (if appropriate)

Document HistoryVersion Date Author/s DescriptionV.0 30/01/2020 SG Basic structureV.1 04/03/2020 SG Addition of March

resultsV.2 30/06/2020 SG Addition of June


Document Overview8.1.2: This document describes the process of how resources will be identified for inclusion in the CHARM-EU toolkit, and the results of this process.

Contents1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3

2. Resource identification form.........................................................................................................3

3. Procedure......................................................................................................................................4

4. Timeline.........................................................................................................................................4

5. Results...........................................................................................................................................4

5.1. Documents identified............................................................................................................4

5.2. Resource types.......................................................................................................................5

5.3. Timing....................................................................................................................................5

6. Appendix: Word version of Teams Toolkit Form...........................................................................6

1. IntroductionThe CHARM-EU project will be producing resources that will be used during the micro pilots, pilot and for future use with non-CHARM-EU projects. These resources need to be identified, developed, collected, evaluated, and integrated within an online environment.

The preliminary stage of this process is to identify the resources that each work package will be producing. The rationale for this is to:

Inform the selection of the toolkit environment (i.e. what is needed in the online environment)

Ensure no overlap across work packages (i.e. Two work packages are not creating the same resource).

Evaluate their necessity for inclusion into the environment (i.e. will it be included for CHARM-EU only or for non-CHARM-EU projects also.)

Allow for discussion of the best possible format (e.g. would a video be better than a document).

2. Resource identification formTo identify the resources being produced by each work package, a Microsoft Teams form will be used to ensure streamlined responses from each submission. This form will include

Submitter nameo This is to identify who is submitting the form.

Submitter emailo This is to have a contact email for the submitter.

Submitter institutiono This is to be able to identify where the submitter is from.

Work package resource is associated witho This is to code the resource in terms of WP to help resource organization.

Resource nameo An initial name for the resource should be provided. This may change in time.

Proposed format o A list of different formats are provided. This may change in time.

Additional requirementso Any additional requirements i.e. file size are inserted here.

Deliverable Yes/Noo This is to identify if it is a deliverable or not.

Deliverable codeo This is to identify the deliverable to help resource organization.

Use in micropilotso This is to support WP7.

Additional noteso A section will be provided for any additional notes.

A draft form is available for review here: It is also included in the appendix of this document.

3. ProcedureTo identify the resources within the toolkit, the following process is proposed

4. TimelineThis form was created on the 12/02/2020, discussed by WP8 on the 17/02/2020, and sent to WP leaders on 20/02/2020.

5. ResultsResponses from WP2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were received by the 30/06/2020

The Excel spreadsheet is available on Teams here.

5.1. Resources identified (17)The following resources were identified as being possible inclusions to the toolkit.

Pedagogical guidelines ("Guide for Instructional design teams") WP4 Teaching & Learning Strategies Handbook (for academics) WP4 Personalised Module Design Tool WP4 Educational database WP4 Virtual Learning Environment: Instruction guide for online platform and Online toolguide

WP4 E-Portfolio WP4 Guide for Emerging technologies (might be integrated with VLE resource) WP4 Assessment Handbook WP4 Mobility Matrix WP5 Interactive Mobility Handbook WP5 Unique Funding System WP5 Report on best practices of governance WP2 CHARM Curriculum Design Blueprint WP3 6.1. CHARM EU Inclusiveness Survey WP6 6.2. Good Practices WP6 6.3. Inclusivity Plan WP6 CHARM EU Checklist for WPs, delivered in April 2020. (this is internal use only) WP6

Microsoft Teams form is

shared with all work


Work package leader

completes form.

Resource names are

evaluated in terms of form.

Results are used to

inform the selection of the toolkit


5.2. Resource typesSome resource types were identified by the survey, although in some cases the WP leader was unsure.

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Interactive multimedia (e.g. Articulate Storyline) Adobe Acrobat Video (e.g. animations, screencapture, talking head video) Static graphic (e.g. infographic, chart, diagrams) Interactive multimedia (e.g. Articulate Storyline)

5.3. TimingWP leaders identified resource first drafts available from March 2020 to Mid 2021.

5.4. Public / private accessAll resources, except for single resources from WP2 and WP5, were described as being for public viewing.

This suggests that a requirement for the toolkit should be public access.

5.5. InterdependenciesAll WP leaders except for WP2 described interdependencies with other work packages.

6. Appendix: Word version of Teams Toolkit Form

Identification of WP8 Toolkit ResourcesHello from CHARM-EU WP8! We are doing some preliminary research on the types of resources being produced by the work packages (e.g. deliverable documents, multimedia resources etc...). This will help us understand the requirements for our toolkit. Please complete this form to help us develop the WP8 online toolkit. There are 14 short questions and it should take 5 minutes to complete. - What is the CHARM-EU Online Toolkit (WP8)? The CHARM-EU Online Toolkit is an organised online portfolio of tools and artefacts created by the CHARM-EU work package teams. These are resources described in the CHARM-EU application for dissemination to CHARM-EU partners and non-CHARM-EU organizations. The resources will be contained in one online toolklit for ease of access. - What will this form be used for? This form is used to find out what resources will be produced by the CHARM-EU work packages. The results will be used to inform the design and development of the online toolkit. - Who is this form for? This form should be completed by any work package member responsible for creating resources (e.g. handbooks, guides, policy documents, videos etc...) for the CHARM-EU toolkit. - Who should I contact for more information? Please contact Silvia Gallagher WP8 Lead for more information. We understand that many resources are still at a planning stage, however we would welcome initial responses by all work packages by the 2nd of March 2020. 1.What is your name?

2.What CHARM-EU institution are you representing?Trinity College Dublin

University of Barcelona

Utrecht University

Eotvos Lorand University

University of Montpellier3.What is your email address?

4.What work package does your resource relate to?WP1








WP95.What is the name of your resource? The final name is not required at this stage but if you could provide an indication of what it will be called.

6.What file type(s) will your resource use? Note: WP8 will provide guidelines on resource format, but if you could submit a proposed file type at this stage. Multiple file types can be selected (i.e. if you will have a handbook and accompanying video files).

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft Excel

Adobe Acrobat

Video (e.g. animations, screencapture, talking head video)

Audio (e.g. podcast)

Static graphic (e.g. infographic, chart, diagrams)

Interactive multimedia (e.g. Articulate Storyline)

I don't know yet

7.Does your resource have any specific requirements for the online environment? e.g. large file size, location on another platform.



I don't know yet8.Is your resource a deliverable?



I don't know yet9.Please enter the deliverable code below if available (e.g. 3.1)

10.Would you mind if your resource would be made available as part of the toolkit to the public and in particular to other European universities?

It would be useful to make the resource publicly available

The resource is for internal (intra Charm) use only

I don't know yet11.Describe any interdependencies your resource may have with other work packages, if relevant.

12.When do you estimate this resource will be completed (e.g. May 2020)? Note that there will be a quality assurance period with WP8 which WPs should take into account with their timelines.

13.Will this resource be tested in the micropilot or pilot stage (WP7)?Yes


I don't know14.Please describe anything else we should know about your resource.

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