charles tilly interview by paul diperna | blau exchange

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September 22, 2007


moderated by Paul DiPerna

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Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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moderated by Paul DiPerna

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Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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moderated by Paul DiPerna

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Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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Blau Exchange, est. 2006 | Blau Exchange, All Rights Reserved 2006-2008

site design by gralmy

moderated by Paul DiPerna

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Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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Blau Exchange, est. 2006 | Blau Exchange, All Rights Reserved 2006-2008

site design by gralmy

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Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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Blau Exchange, est. 2006 | Blau Exchange, All Rights Reserved 2006-2008

site design by gralmy

moderated by Paul DiPerna

Site Search

Charles Tilly Interview

Paul DiPerna:

Professor Tilly.. I understand that you completed both your

Bachelors and Ph.D. in Sociology at Harvard.

What was your graduate school experience like?

How do you see your schooling and training in the 1950s contrast

with the structures and demands of Sociology programs today?

Charles Tilly:

Having entered Harvard's newly founded

undergraduate program in Social Relations

during its initial year (1946) and having

worked in the department office to

supplement my meager funds, I found the

grad school atmosphere and personnel in

Social Relations very familiar. We had to

qualify in sociology, social psychology,

personality psychology, and social

anthropology, which made for both stretch

and superficiality.

As a partisan and assistant of Pitirim Sorokin and George Homans,

I saw the formation of Social Relations as partly a coup d'etat against

Sorokin and partly a great adventure. Our teachers ran from Gordon

Allport and Jerome Bruner to Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons.

No sociology department would demand so much scope of its

graduate students today. Nor would any department give a student a

year's graduate course credit for a note like the one I got from my

Balliol College (Oxford) tutor: "Mr. Tilly read analytic philosophy under

my supervision for a year, and did very well," or words to that effect.

Harvard accepted the note, with the result that I did only one year's

course work for the Ph.D.

Paul DiPerna:

You have published a number of highly regarded articles and books

about social movements in Europe and in the United States...

What got you interested in mobilization and the study of social


Were there particular circumstances or people that influenced you

and your research questions?

Charles Tilly:

The French Revolution got me started.

Once I was studying why a counter-revolution began in Western

France during 1793, I had no choice but think more generally about

how and why French people mobilized during the Revolution. That led

easily to more general comparative and historical studies of political

mobilization in France and elsewhere. I avoided the study of social

movements as such for years, however, because I disliked the fuzzy

conceptualizations people brought to movements; see the discussion

in From Mobilization to Revolution (1978).

Finally I became so frustrated with the ahistorical conception of

social movements that prevailed in Europe and (especially) America I

started writing about movements as such during the 1980s.

My dissertation co-directors George Homans and Barrington Moore

strongly affected my thinking about historical analysis, but not about

political mobilization. More on that topic came from political scientist

Sam Beer and the gang of graduate students (including Michael

Walzer, Norman Birnbaum, and Klaus Epstein) he recruited to teach

in his Harvard undergraduate course on Western thought and

Institutions. In fact, my fascination with the French Revolution began

with teaching in that course...

Then, after my six sad years teaching sociology at the University of

Delaware, political scientist Harry Eckstein gave me the life-enhancing

award of a postdoc year at Princeton, where I began to create the

event-based methods for studying political struggle that I've used ever


Paul DiPerna:

How does the events-based method differ from the ahistorical

analysis that you said was so prevalent in preceding European and

American scholarship before the 1960s?

Charles Tilly:

I apparently didn't make myself clear... Two different points got

mixed in your question.

First, from my postdoctoral year at Princeton onward I started

using event catalogs to study change and variation in forms of popular

struggle. The method caught on, and became one of the most

common approaches to describing a wide variety of struggles,

including social movements. My own event catalogs typically drew

from standard historical material: periodicals, archival

correspondence, chronicles, and so on. But the most common

method has been to draw qualifying events from newspapers.

Second, I avoided writing about social movements for about twenty

years because I felt that the term had become swollen and imprecise.

The phenomenon of the social movement looked to me like a

historically specific form of politics parallel to the electoral campaign

and the collective seizure of food, not a universal category of human


As I began to work on transformations of British popular politics

during the later 1970s I couldn't help seeing that in Britain, at least,

social movements didn't exist in the mid-18th century but had become

a dominant form of popular politics by the 1830s. That started me

writing about the history of social movements, first in Western Europe,

then finally across the world as a whole.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there other people who have been good ambassadors (for lack

of a better word) who over the years have extended the value of event


Charles Tilly:

It depends on what you mean by "event modeling."

Susan Olzak has vigorously forwarded the use of event history

analysis, the formal technique, in the study of contentious events.

Andrew Abbott and Peter Bearman have pioneered and theorized the

analysis of sequences, including historical sequences. But in my end

of the business I would single out Hans-Peter Kriesi, Dieter Rucht,

Sidney Tarrow, Mark Beissinger, and Roberto Franzosi as the

empirical analysts who have done the most to organize and publicize

the use of event catalogs as means of studying change and variation

in political struggle. Although event catalogs are not quite his bag,

William Gamson has also strongly influenced users of such methods,

back to his The Strategy of Social Protest, which he wrote while

working in the research center I directed at the University of Michigan.

Paul DiPerna:

You mentioned From Mobilization to Revolution (1978)... Are there

particular projects/publications that have given you an enduring feeling

of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment?

For any that you mention, can you briefly tell us why the work has

meant so much to you?

Charles Tilly:

I still enjoy re-reading my two big histories of popular struggle, The

Contentious French (1986) and Popular Contention in Great Britain,

1758-1834 (1995). They never had the impact on historians' work I had

hoped for and also failed to inspire parallel studies elsewhere.

Nevertheless, they communicate a love for both the problem and the

data as well as showing that there is no necessary contradiction

between historical and social scientific research.

This doesn't mean, of course, that I think ill of my other

monographs and syntheses. For example, I still enjoy having written

Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1985),

Coercion, Capital, and European States 990-1992 (1992), and Why?


Paul DiPerna:

What is the best compliment you

have received either for a specific

project or for your collective body of


Charles Tilly:

I'm not sure, but I certainly prized the

e-mail from someone I'd never heard of

in Iowa last year who said he'd read my

book Why? and suddenly understood

things that had puzzled him about his

own life.

Paul DiPerna:

What was your motivation for writing Why? a couple years ago? To

me, it would have been incredibly daunting to set out to explain why

people give reasons for their social actions...

Charles Tilly:

Frankly, I had thought for years that I wrote as well as many people

who publish trade books, and had something to say in my relational

approach that non-specialist readers would find engaging. So I tried a

little essay for Sociological Theory to see if I could make it work. It

worked, so I wrote the book, greatly enjoying myself along the way.

Paul DiPerna:

I have read most of your 2004 book, Social Movements, 1768-

2004, and there was a very interesting segment on the role of

technological innovations in social movements. My understanding is

that you believe the utility of communications technologies depends

strongly on how well said technologies integrate with existing "offline"

social structures and relations, interpersonal skills and technology

skills among key members, and leadership goals.

Is that accurate?

Charles Tilly:

That is accurate.

Paul DiPerna:

Are there clear examples of technologies enabling tipping points for

social movements?

Charles Tilly:

Sure. The invention of the penny press in Great Britain after the

Napoleonic Wars spread social movement messages to ordinary

people as never before. Again, television made southern officials'

brutality to civil rights activists visible to the whole US -- and Martin

Luther King took full advantage of the medium.

Paul DiPerna:

How do you see the Internet changing

democratic processes here in the United


Charles Tilly:

As your reading of my book suggests, I

worry that it allows people to substitute

finger work for legwork, and promotes

quick, slick solutions to problems of

mobilization (e.g. petitioning) that over the

long run would work better through face to

face contact. Both Theda Skocpol and Dana Fisher have voiced

parallel worries about the professionalization and outsourcing of


Nevertheless, the Internet and electronic communication at large

greatly lower the cost of getting information out, which can be a boon

for democracy if it doesn't substitute for direct participation.

Paul DiPerna:

When you set out to begin a project, do you have a system for your

work approach? I guess this would probably depend on different

phases like research design, lit review, research/data collection,

analysis, writing, etc..

Charles Tilly:

No system. Most projects begin either as responses to invitations

or as by-products of things I'm already working on. Of course I don't

start a serious effort without laying out systematic notes on what the

project will require.

Paul DiPerna:

How have you seen the

Internet change the way academics do their work? What do you see

as the positives and negatives to these changes?

Charles Tilly:

Academics now share papers much more rapidly and readily,

which has advantages for more extensive communication and

disadvantages for overload. (I get irritable when someone sends me

the same manuscript, slightly revised, for a third or fourth time without

asking a specific question.)

The information resources on the Internet are tremendous, so

much so that, once a library bug, I rarely go to the library (except

electronically) any more.

Paul DiPerna:

I haven't had the opportunity to fully read your most recent book

Democracy, but I understand that one of the central theses is that the

integration of "trust networks" into public politics is an essential

process for democratization.

Based on your following of the Iraq

War, do you see trust networks and

coalitions growing or diminishing in that


Charles Tilly:

We have to break the question into two

parts: Are trust networks thriving? Are

they integrated into public politics? Iraqis

depend even more heavily than before the

war on trust networks defined by kinship,

ethnicity, and religion to get their

consequential work done. But those trust networks have separated

massively from public politics and the state since the US invasion. The

dis-connection of trust networks poses even greater long-run

obstacles to democracy than did Saddam Hussein's tyranny.

Paul DiPerna:

What, if anything, can the United States do to foster these informal

social ties and processes to lay a foundation for what could someday

become a democratic state?

Is democratization beyond hope in Iraq?

Charles Tilly:

Democratization is not "beyond hope" anywhere. But the most the

United States can do is to broker regional three or four way alliances

between state officials on one side and local segments of ethnic-

religious trust networks on the other, providing guarantees that each

local group can pursue its major activities -- procreation, provision for

children, physical protection, making a living, meeting religious

obligations, and connecting with trust network members elsewhere --

in peace and security.

A tall order, I admit, in today's Iraq, but possibly feasible one locality

at a time.

Paul DiPerna:

There is a lot of talk these days that information and

communications technologies (ICTs) will undoubtedly re-energize

democratic politics and civic engagement...

I can see this potential, but I don't believe it is a given. It seems to

me ICTs are terrific for enhanced transparency and citizen oversight

of public institutions and public individuals, but this can erode our trust

as much as build it. In fact my understanding is that the American

public has less faith now in most public institutions than in recent

memory... All the while coinciding with the rise of cable television

news, the 24 hour news cycle, the Web, and the blogosphere.

To what extent do you think Television and the World Wide Web

have been good for democracy here in the United States?

Charles Tilly:

As I said earlier, you have to balance two contradictory effects:

(1) the wider availability of information and

communication, which on balance favor democratization,


(2) the attenuation of person-to-person solidarity within

politics, which menaces democracy.

In recent years, my intuition is that (2) has increased faster than

(1), and that ICT expansion has therefore weakened democracy. But

I'd like to see a lot more evidence.

Paul DiPerna:

Is it possible the saturation of reporting and blogging (news or

news-like stories) can actually erode democracy?

Might a society's "information overload" threaten democracy by

contributing to fatigue and apathy toward public institutions for which

we used to have some reasonable amount of respect?

Charles Tilly:

No, people have always had

access to more information and

pseudo-information than they

could handle, and have always

organized (however implicitly)

selective connections with the

information, relying for example

on intimates and local authorities

to validate or invalidate different sources. It still works that way with

blogs, zines, search engines, and e-mail.

Paul DiPerna:

Can you describe the ideas in your forthcoming book Credit and


Charles Tilly:

Very simply, that when something consequential happens to them

or others about whom they care people seek insistently to assign

responsibility by identifying agents, evaluating the consequences of

the agents' actions, judging the competence and responsibility of the

agents, and matching preferred rewards and punishments to the

multiples of all those elements.

Blame isn't quite symmetrical with credit, however, because in

blaming people draw sharper lines between us and them, between

worthy and unworthy, and work harder to match penalties to

magnitudes of damage.

My book illustrates this line of argument at many scales and in

many different settings, from friendship to Academy Awards to truth

and reconciliation commissions.

Paul DiPerna:

What is one of your favorite examples in Credit and Blame? Can

you share this with us as a sort of trailer to your publication?

Or are there any examples off the top of your head (or in the book)

that may have to do with uses of technology?

Charles Tilly:

The chapter on credit distinguishes among four ways of collective

awarding credit: tournaments, honors, promotions, and networks. I

especially enjoyed writing about the Academy Awards as the

culmination of a tournament in which the winners (limited to 45

seconds of remarks before the music comes up and drowns them

out) typically gush thanks to family, friends, and helpers without saying

much that's coherent.

Credit for technology sometimes shows up in the secondary

Academy Awards (for example, in animation), but more often figures

centrally in the Nobel Prizes -- where the speeches are never


Paul DiPerna:

If you have any advice for the next generation of scholars and

researchers in the social sciences, what would you like to tell them?

Charles Tilly:

Don't get blindsided by neuroscience, which is going to make

individualistic, brain-centered accounts of human behavior even more

popular for the next ten years or so. Anticipate the following phase,

when even the neuroscientists will begin to recognize the importance

of social interaction in the formation of individuals.

Paul DiPerna:

Along similar lines.... if you have any hopes for the next generation

of scholars, what would you like to ask of them?

Charles Tilly:

Figure out how to do relational analyses that provide valid

explanations of individual behavior and are accessible (at least in

simplified form) to readers outside of social science.

September 22, 2007

Tilly's Bio

"... ICT expansion

has therefore





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