character first! and character cities: responsive records from fort collins, co in response to my...

Post on 17-Jul-2016






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Character First Education and Becoming a Character City By Mayor Ray Martinez

Trust, integrity, honesty… these are all traits we want to practice in our daily lives and instill as positive values in our communities especially starting with our young people. There is a way to do this. In Fort Collins and Larimer County, we are pursuing a program called Character First. I attended a conference a couple of years ago on the program. It involves value statements of education such as honesty, trust, integrity, orderliness and attentiveness. The values are taught throughout the school day. For example, I had the recent pleasure of attending an Arbor Day event at one of the local elementary schools. All over the building were posters done by students defining what integrity or honesty meant to them. I was in another Elementary school not too long ago and talked to the students about character traits that were positive. I was truly amazed at their answers about what accountability meant and how to be responsible. Not only was I impressed, but I began to think about what all of this meant in terms of broader community values and what I could do as the mayor. School violence serves as the alarming illustration of what happens when children and young adults were not exposed to a value system that teaches and practices respect and accountability. I am a believer. And, I ask other mayors and elected leaders in other municipalities of our great state to join me and declare their city or town a character community. Doing so affords you the opportunity to work with your local school district, county commissioners and other key groups civic and business groups. I know that Governor Bill Owens and members of the General Assembly have considered legislation on the subject. In May 2000, the Colorado State Senate joint resolution 00-024 passed, which addresses schools and their ability to provide instruction on core character qualities. And, Attorney General and Colorado Attorney General, Ken Salazar, have spoken about the issue in the context of his anti-bullying campaign with school officials around the state. We the people of Fort Collins desire to fill the pond our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices about their lives and families. We recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based on objective moral standards which are the basis of universally recognized character qualities including respect for others, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, civility, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage. If people fail to demonstrate positive character qualities to make wrong choices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are in danger, resulting in a financial burden upon the taxpayers for the cost of law enforcement. Many current societal problems could be alleviated if citizens lived by positive and constructive character qualities, which distinguish between right and wrong. Our schools should be a safe atmosphere where character is exemplified, taught and strengthened, and where learning is encouraged. Recognizing positive character qualities among employees has undoubtedly resulted in increased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits. The emphasis of positive character qualities in every sector of society can only occur as individuals

commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same. As of September 4, 2001, our city council in resolution 2001-117 of Council of the City of Fort Collins supporting the City of Character initiative. Now therefore, resolve that the City Council hereby pledges it’s commitment to character and encourages it’s citizens to do all in their power to become known as a city of character by promoting character in our schools, businesses, homes, churches, city government, media and community groups, and the city council further hereby urges the leader of each of the jurisdictions to do likewise. If the idea of character building interests you, contact the International Association of Character Cities, 520 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Telephone number: (405) 815-0001. Their website address is: I think character counts. Let me know what you think. I can be reached at or (970)221-6505.



Puesto que, los ciudadanos de Fort Collins reconocen la importancia de tener carácter posit ivo y honorabilidad basados en los estándares morales establecidos por los fundadores de nuest ra nación y su sistema legal; y Puesto que, reconocemos la validez de la declaración de Alexis de Tocqueville que dijo: “América es grandiosa porque es buena. Cuando América deje de ser buena, dejara de ser grandiosa”, y Puesto que, deseamos crecer conforme a nuest ras raíces y hacer de Fort Collins un lugar donde se solidifiqué el núcleo familiar, donde los hogares y las calles sean seguros, la educación efect iva, los negocios product ivos, donde los vecinos se protejan unos a ot ros, y los ciudadanos sean libres de tomar decisiones correctas para sus vidas y las de sus familias; y Puesto que, reconocemos que los individuos son responsables por sus propias acciones y que sus decisiones deben de ser basadas en seguir los estándares ét icos universales como: el respeto al prójimo, honest idad, sinceridad, diligencia, civismo, generosidad, amabilidad, lealtad, y valent ía; y Puesto que, la irresponsabilidad y la falta de compromiso han aumentado los problemas en el núcleo de la familia, causando problemas personales, sociales, y consecuencias económicas que afectan tanto al individuo como a la comunidad; y Puesto que, hay necesidad de tener buenos ejemplos ent re nuest ros jóvenes para impedir la delincuencia y rebeldía; y Puesto que, si los ciudadanos fallan en demostrar cualidades posit ivas y toman malas decisiones, resulta siendo un atentado para la salud y seguridad social, causando consecuencias económicas a nuest ros ciudadanos los cuales cont ribuyen sus impuestos para la aplicación de las leyes; y Puesto que, muchos problemas sociales serán aliviados cuando los ciudadanos de Fort Collins escojan el camino posit ivo que dist ingue ent re el mal y el bien; y

Puesto que, la enseñanza de ét ica y comportamiento correcto a los jóvenes delincuentes a demostrado causar un cambio en conducta de los jóvenes reduciendo los chances de reincidencia de violencia; y Puesto que, nuest ros colegios deben de crear un ambiente seguro en donde el buen carácter es ejemplificado, impart ido, fortalecido y en donde la enseñanza sea fomentada; y Puesto que, la afirmación al comportamiento posit ivo de nuest ros empleados a mejorado la moral, seguridad de nuest ros empleados y la rentabilidad de nuest ros negocios; y Puesto que, el énfasis en el buen comportamiento en todos los sectores de la sociedad solo puede ocurrir si cada individuo se compromete a vivir como ejemplo e inspiren a ot ros a hacer lo mismo. POR LO TANTO, SEA DETERMINADO POR PARTE DEL CONSEJO DE LA CUIDAD DE FORT COLLINS que el consejo de la ciudad se compromete a seguir las reglas de carácter ejemplar. La cuidad quiere animar a sus ciudadanos que hagan todo en su poder por fomentar un carácter posit ivo, para que nuest ra ciudad sea conocida como la cuidad del carácter posit ivo. Promoviendo el carácter posit ivo en nuest ras escuelas, negocios, hogares, iglesias, oficinas gubernamentales, medios de comunicación, y grupos de la comunidad, por lo cual el Consejo de la Cuidad de Fort Collins urge a los lideres de cada una de esas jurisdicciones a hacer lo mismo. Esto fue apropiado y aceptado en una reunión del Consejo de la Cuidad de Fort Collins, efectuada el día 4 de Sept iembre, A.D. 2001. PRESENCIO: ALCALDE Funcionario de la Cuidad


Colorado General Assembly

SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 00-024 BY SENATORS Blickensderfer, Andrews, Chlouber, Dennis, Evans, Hernandez, and Powers; also REPRESENTATIVES Gotlieb, Clarke, Decker, Fairbank, Gagliardi, Gordon, Grossman, Hefley, Johnson, Lee, Tapia, Tochtrop, and Tupa. CONCERNING CHARACTER EDUCATION.

WHEREAS, Recent events in America's schools have caused our country to examine many aspects of our society, including society's use of weapons, the films and video games our children watch and play, the subcultures of our youth, and the proper role of parents, communities, and public school systems in raising our children; and

WHEREAS, As our country promotes academic literacy, we

must promote moral literacy as well; and

WHEREAS, Our school administrators must have the courage, ability, and authority to establish and maintain a safe and orderly environment that prevents victimization of vulnerable students and is maximally consonant with the purposes of schooling; and

WHEREAS, We must remember, respect, and unashamedly take pride in the fact that our schools, like our country, found their origin and drew strength from the faith-based morality that is at the heart of this nation's character; and

WHEREAS, To fail to allow schools to participate in the moral formation of our youth creates a disconnection between society and its schools; and

WHEREAS, Schools should be able and encouraged to provide instruction to students in core character qualities, such as common courtesy, respect for person and property, civic and personal responsibility, and honesty, that transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic differences; and

WHEREAS, If we are to ask educators to use their authority to participate in the moral formation of our youth, then educators must seek out and support the work and values of parents; and

WHEREAS, We should remember that throughout the history of our nation, we have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for moral courage and self-renewal in times of great danger and challenge; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Sixty-second General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the House of Representatives concurring herein:

That the Sixty-second General Assembly of the state of Colorado hereby encourages each school district to work with parents to promote moral literacy, as well as academic literacy, in our public schools.


Be it Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Colorado Department of Education for distribution to each school district in the state, and that the copy be displayed in an appropriate location in each facility or office. _________________________ _________________________ Ray Powers Russell George PRESIDENT OF SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE THE SENATE OF REPRESENTATIVES _________________________ _________________________ Patricia K. Dicks Judith M. Rodrigue SECRETARY OF CHIEF CLERK OF THE HOUSE THE SENATE OF REPRESENTATIVES

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2002 MEETING SCHEDULE January 17 from 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. , Fort Collins Community Foundation, 420 South Howes Street, Suite 101 (12/31/01--Due to conflict on schedule, Mayor told me he will attend only one hour (3:30-4:30 p.m.) of the two-hour meeting. Called Bob Powell to confirm this information. Emailed confirmation to Mayor Martinez./sek) February 22 No Meeting March 21 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Community Foundation Office, 420 S. Howes April 25 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Community Foundation Office, 420 S. Howes May 23 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Community Founation Office, 420 S. Howes June 27 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. July 25 CANCELED from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. (06/28/02—Per the meeting of the Character Council yesterday, they agreed to hold the meetings every other month. Called Bob Powell to confirm this information. Adjusted Darin’s calendar and entered as FYI on the Mayor’s calendar and sent confirmation email./sek) August 22 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. September 26 CANCELED from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. (06/28/02—Per the meeting of the Character Council yesterday, they agreed to hold the meetings every other month. Called Bob Powell to confirm this information. Adjusted Darin’s calendar and entered as FYI on the Mayor’s calendar and sent confirmation email./sek) October 24 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. November 28 CANCELED from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. (06/28/02—Per the meeting of the Character Council yesterday, they agreed to hold the meetings every other month. Called Bob Powell to confirm this information. Adjusted Darin’s calendar and entered as FYI on the Mayor’s calendar and sent confirmation email./sek) December 26 RESCHEDULED to December 19 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriff's Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr. (12/19/02—Darin Atteberry unable to attend. Contacted Bob Powell. /khp) (06/28/02—Per conversation with Bob Powell, the Character Council will meet on December 19 instead of December 26 due to Christmas Holiday. Adjusted Darin’s and the Mayor’s calendar accordingly and sent confirmation email./sek) ATTENDEES/DISTRIBTUTION: City of Fort Collins City Council • FYI/Ray Martinez, Mayor; Phone: 416-2154; email:

Staff Support: Sarah Kane, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 416-2447; Fax: 224-6107; email:

Character Council • Darin Atteberry, City Government Sector; Phone: 221-6511; email:

Staff Support: Tammy Arnold, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 221-6266; Fax: 224-6107; email:

• Ann Azari, At Large/Advisor; Phone: 482-6336; email: • Michael Demma, Business Sector; 5208 Fox Hills Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526, Phone: 229-1402;

email: • Joe Hendrickson, Schools Sector; Phone: 490-3390; email: Bob Powell; City of Character Coordinator; Character Cities Contact Phone: 494-4676; Work

Phone: 482-7747; Home Address: 1709 Globe Court, Fort Collins, CO 80528; Work mailing

Revised: 12/19/02 /khp G:\MGRS\2002\CMO - Shared\Character Council.doc

address: P.O. Box 2226, Fort Collins, CO 80522; Work address: 125 S. Howes Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521; email:

• Mary Zenzen, Communications/Media Sector; Phone: 388-8375; Home: 686-0995; email:


MEETING INFORMATION / FACILITIES / EQUIPMENT / SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: • City of Character Task Force meetings are scheduled at varying times and locations by Bob Powell.

The Mayor is always welcome to attend. • 06/21/02--Per Bob Powell, a new meeting location has been offered; the Sheriff's Department

Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Drive. At the June 27 meeting, he will ask the Council if they're willing to move to a bi-monthly meeting instead of monthly meeting and let me know. The Character Task Force no longer is in effect; it is the same as the "Character Council." /sek

• The majority of the meetings take place at the Brown & Brown Offices; 5th Floor of the Key Bank Building, 125 South Howes. New location has been offered: Fort Collins Community Foundation Board Room, 420 South Howes (NE Corner of Howes and Mulberry).

Revised: 07/24/06 /cfm G:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2002\2008\CMO Meetings\Character Council\2008 Character Council Meeting Schedule.doc


2008 MEETING SCHEDULE January 24, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall February 28, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall March 27, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall April 24, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall May 22, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall June 26, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall July 24, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall August 28, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall September 25, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall October 23, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall November 20, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall December 11, 2008 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall


To make our city known as a CITY OF CHARACTER WHREAS, the people of Fort Collins recognize the importance of honorable character qualities based upon the moral standards held by our Founding Fathers on which they established our nation and legal system; and WHEREAS, we recognize the validity of the statement by Alexis de Tocqueville that “America is great because she is good. When America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great;” and WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for the lives and families; and WHEREAS, we recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based upon objective moral standards which are the basis of universally-recognized character qualities, including obedience, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage; and WHEREAS, lack of commitment and irresponsibility have resulted in an increasing number of family problems causing personal, social, and financial consequences to individual family members and to this city as a whole; and WHEREAS, there is a need for more positive role models among our young people to help prevent juvenile rebellion and delinquency; and WHEREAS, if people fail to demonstrate positive character qualities and make wrong moral choices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are endangered, resulting in a financial burden upon the taxpayers for the costs of law enforcement; and WHEREAS, many current societal problems will be alleviated when the citizens of Fort Collins live by positive and constructive character qualities which distinguish between right and wrong; and WHEREAS, teaching positive character qualities to juvenile delinquents has been shown to produce a change in behavior, reducing recidivism rates; and WHEREAS, our schools should be a safe atmosphere where character is exemplified, taught and strengthened, and where learning is encouraged; and WHEREAS, encouraging employees by recognizing positive character qualities has resulted in an increase in workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits; and

WHEREAS, the emphasis of positive character qualities in every sector of society can only occur as individuals commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the people of Fort Collins pledge our commitment to character and to doing all in our power to become known as a City of Character by promoting character in our schools, businesses, homes, churches, city government, media, and community groups, and we urge the leaders of each of these jurisdictions to do likewise. Adopted by the Fort Collins City Council This ____ Day of _________________, 2001

Signed, _____________________________ Mayor Signed, _____________________________ City Clerk


Mr. Darin Atteberry Assistant City Manager City GovernmentCity of Fort Collins Sector Leader

Dr. Jim Butzek Vice President FRCCFront Range Community Sector Leader


Mr. Scoot Crandall Executive Director Non-Profit AgenciesTEAM Fort Collins Sector

Mr. Michael Demma Demma Consulting BusinessRetired, Kodak Colorado Sector Leader

Mr. Art Dillon Principal SchoolsTraut Core Knowledge Sector LeaderElementary School

Dr. Joe Hendrickson Former Assistant Director of Family andSuperintendent Youth Initiatives

Poudre School District

Mr. Doug Keasling Retired Director Faith CommunityMrs. Beth Keasling Department of Human Sector Leader

ServicesLarimer County

Dr. Linda Kuk Vice President Colorado State UniversityStudent Affairs Sector Leader

Colorado State University

Mr. Ralph Jacobs Director County GovernmentHuman Resources Sector Leader

DepartmentLarimer County

Capt. Ern Hudson UndersheritT Law EnforcementLarimer County Sector Leader





1112 Oakridge Drive, Suite 108FORT COLLINS, CO 80527


Dr. Lloyd Thomas Licensed Psychololgist Coordinator ofand Life Coach Community Recognition

Dr. Bonnie Titley Retired Professor Communications andColorado State University Events

Ms. Mary Zenzen Staff Member Media_.c..:: _............. Iasis Christ Fellowship Sector Leader

Mr. Dick Decook Property Manager Administrative Assistant

Ms. Sandra Schifferns Operations Manager Recording SecretaryBrown & Brown, Inc.

Mr. Bob Powell Retired Manager PresidentRiedman Insurance

as we all strive to become a City of Character.

Others, and Honoring the Golden Rule are invaluable

• The topics of Honor, Respect, Consideration for

School District (at the 2:30 p.m. meeting on 9/10102)

• Speak about the Character implementation program in Poudre

situations ).

3. What positive results have you seen? (give specific stories or


2. How have you been able to address these issues with character

1. What challenges has your community faced?

• Answers to the following questions:

how it has positively impacted the Fort Collins community.

• Discuss the Character Council of Fort Collins, how it functions,

Building Cities of Character ConferenceTuesday, September 10,2002

9:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m.Cox Convention CenterOklahoma City, OKRay Martinez, Mayor


• Becoming a City of Character starts with each person.

• Story: of US Supreme Court /Moses and the Curator

• Story: My trip to Indianapolis in 1999

• I started networking with business leaders, elected

officials, and the faith community to draw support before

presenting this to City Council.

• Next, I approached the City Council with the letters of

support; they agreed with the resolution.

• I thought a joint effort to simultaneously pass a

resolution with the County and School Board would have

a more powerful impact we did it, and it did make a


• In the mean time, Bob Powell approached me during a

Rotary luncheon meeting and inquired about my project.

He was instrumental in providing community letters of



• Initially, only 6 of our elementary schools were already

involved with Character First education.

o Since we became a City of Character, over 28

schools have joined the program in 2001, which

is whole-heartedly supported by our School

support-I encouraged him to attend the Character City

seminar in Indianapolis, Indiana, first.

• The next thing I know, Bob wanted to organize a citizen

council called "Character Fort Collins" which is in full

swing today. We have 11 members from all segments of

our community.

o At the first one-day conference on business

leadership, 47 people attended who were

supervisors, CEO's, and a mix of different


Superintendent Don Unger and the School Board

of Education.

o Beginning 2002 and by the end of 2003,

Character Education will be in the entire school

district, K-12 !

• We have produced three television programs on video

and DVD pertaining to Character in Schools and being a

City of Character.

o A local company in our city called Media Tech

Productions locked into this concept and helped

us produce television promos that we now show

on local cable channel 27.

o They've hosted a weekly TEENNATION USA

radio show on the Web.

• One of the action plans I like to participate in is to

recognize students and citizens in the newspaper with


note cards from my office-we always include a mini­

card of our Character City Resolution.

• When I hand out mini-cards to students in the schools, I

ask them to hold us accountable and responsibility for

what we do (months later some students are still carrying

the card).

• Front Range Community College in their new building

addition will display a flag of each one of the character


• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character

qualities through their handouts, and even with a large

banner on the front of the hospital that says, "Welcome

to Poudre Valley Hospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and

quality. "


o And today, we are in the midst of developing the

"Campus of Character" .

o For example, I just met with a parent from

Seattle, Washington here for Family Weekend.

• He said students here

1. are the nicest,

2. healthiest, and

3. friendliest kids

4. They look up, not down.

• This Father offered his daughter extra $ to

stay in-state for college, but she would

Compassion. "

• Dr. Albert Yates, President of CSU, in his last two

addresses to the University, he talked about Character

and quality people-he emphasized the need for civility

and the need for our City to be known as a "City of


rather attend CSU because it will be a life­

time memory vs. getting more temporal

material things and staying in-state.

o "Building Bridges to the Future" lecture series.

o The Character Fort Collins Council has been

reassured that the School of Social Work and the

College of Business at CSU will be very

interested in taking on the task of coming up with

a template to measure our results.

o Like any goal that we have in life, it must pass

the litmus test; is it Specific, Attainable and


• Our Sheriff's Office will start Character training on

January 1, 2003 for all 400 employees, and next they will

take that educational piece to jail, literally!


• Arthur Anderson headlines

• Or the World Com liquidations, which

ironically centered on the lack of integrity

and honesty.

• We don't need young adults to experience the demise of

a president of the United States or any country having to

• Enron stories

o Helping inmates to be of good character when

they leave, instead of a good actor can help

change lives, and improve the quality of life for


o In our society today, it is important that we

recognize the value of having strong character

that honors integrity, accountability and being

held responsible for our actions.

o We don't need more of the-


stop down from office because of lack of loyalty or


• We should be done with hearing about FBI stings that

uncovered congressmen taking bribes and shoving a

fistful of money in each hand into their suit until they ran

out of pockets-

o Operation Abscam was an embarrassing moment

in American history.

• I'm amazed to hear that 50% of small businesses go out

of business because of employee theft, and that for every

dollar worth of merchandise a shoplifter takes, an

employee takes $3 worth of merchandise.

• Something needs to radically change our society's


• We need something that will transform people by

renewing their minds with good Character!


o Things are done according to how we understand

• Following instructions of those in authority

• Honoring others

we react.

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their

property; listening to and following instructions of those

in authority; honoring others; following the Golden Rule;

being courteous and polite.

• Consideration of Others

o Consider means to "study astutely" - look at all

perspectives (thumb and one eye test)

o Consideration of property

o Who's property? (yours, mine, others) What is


• Listening

o Listening is learning ... how we listen will be how


• Story: President's stance on Nation of Character

• Story: Hot Air Balloon

• Story: Train Ride


• Being Courteous

• Being Polite

• Honor is defined as:

o Respecting those in leadership because of the

higher authorities they represent.

o Honor includes speaking positively about

parents, employers, government officials, and law

enforcement officers.

• The Golden Rule provides a great start to fulfilling these

positive character traits.

• "Do unto others as you would have them do unto

Puesto que, mucbos problemas sociales seran aliviados cuando losciudadanos de Fort Collins escojan el camino positivo que distingueentre el mal y el bien; y

Puesto que, si los ciudadanos fallan en demostrar cuaUdadespositivas y toman malas decisiones, resulta siendo un atentado parala salud y seguridad social, causando consecuencias econdmicas anuestros ciudadanos los cuales contribuyen sus impuestos para laapUcacionde las leyes; y

Puesto que, bay necesidad de tener buenos ejemplos entrenuestros jovenes para impedir la deUncuenciay rebeldia; y

Puesto que, la irresponsabiUdad y la falta de compromiso hanaumentado los problemas en el nucleo de la familia, causandoproblemas personales, sociales, y consecuencias eccnomicas queafectan tanto al individuo como a la comunidad; y

Puesto que, reconocemos que los individuos son responsables porsus propias acciones y que sus decisiones deben de ser basadas enseguir los estandares eticos universales como: el respeto al projimo,honestidad, sinceridad, dlUgencia,civismo, generosidad, amabilldad,lealtad, y valentia; y

Puesto que, deseamos crecer conforme a nuestras raices y bacerde Fort Collins un lugar donde se soUdifique el nucleo familiar,donde los bogares y las calles sean seguros, la edueacten efectiva,los negocios productivos, donde los vecinos se protejan unos aotros, y los ciudadanos sean Ubres de tomar decisiones correctaspara sus vidas y las de sus familias; y

Puesto que, reconocemos la vaUdezde la declaracien de AlexisdeTocqueviUe que dijo: "America es grandiosa porque es buena.CuandoAmericadeje de ser buena, dejara de ser grandiosa", y

Puesto que, los ciudadanos de Fort Collins reconocen laimportancia de tener caracter positivo y honorabiUdadbasados enlos estandares morales establecidos por los fundadores de nuestranacton y su sistema legal; y



Funcionario de la Cuidad


Esto fue apropiado y aceptado en una reunion del Consejo de laCuidadde Fort Collins,efectuada el dia 4 de Septiembre, A.D.2001.

POR LO TANTO, SEA DETERMINADOPOR PARTE DELCONSEJODE LACUIDADDE FORTCOLLINSque el consejo de laciudad se compromete a seguir las reglas de caracter ejemplar. Lacuidad quiere animar a sus ciudadanos que hagan todo en su poderpor fomentar un caracter positivo, para que nuestra ciudad seaconocida como la cuidad del caracter positivo. Promoviendo elcaracter positivo en nuestras escuelas, negocios, hogares, iglesias,oficinas gubernamentales, medios de comunicaci6n, y grupos de lacomunidad, por 10 cual el Consejo de la Cuidad de Fort Collinsurgea los lideres de cada una de esas jurisdicciones a hacer 10 mismo.

Puesto que, el enfasis en el buen comportamiento en todos lossectores de la sociedad solo puede ocurrir si cada individuo secompromete a vivir como ejemplo e inspiren a otros a hacer 10mismo.

Puesto que, la afirmaci6n al comportamiento positivo denuestros empleados a mejorado la moral, seguridad de nuestrosempleados y la rentabiUdadde nuestros negocios;y

Puesto que, nuestros colegios deben de crear un ambienteseguro en donde el buen caracter es ejempUficado, impartido,fortalecido y en donde la enseftanza sea fomentada; y

Puesto que, la enseftanza de etica y comportamiento correctoa los jovenes deUncuentes a demostrado causar un cambio enconducta de los jovenes reduciendo los chances de reincidencia deviolencia;y

they agreed with the resolution.

• Next, I approached the City Council with the letters of support;

City Council.

the faith community to draw support before presenting this to

• I started networking with business leaders, elected officials, and

• Story: My trip to Indianapolis in 1999

• Story: of US Supreme Court /Moses and the Curator

• Becoming a City of Character starts with each person.

become a City of Character.

Honoring the Golden Rule are invaluable as we all strive to

• The topics of Honor, Respect, Consideration for Others, and

Character City ProgramThursday, November 7, 2002

9:30-10:30 a.m.(SPEAK at 9:30-9:40)

Faith Evangelical Free Church1601 W. Drake RoadRay Martinez, Mayor


• I thought a joint effort to simultaneously pass a resolution with

the County and School Board would have a more powerful

impact we did it, and it did make a difference!

• In the mean time, Bob Powell approached me during a Rotary

luncheon meeting and inquired about my project. He was

instrumental in providing community letters of support-I

encouraged him to attend the Character City seminar in

Indianapolis, Indiana, first.

• The next thing I know, Bob wanted to organize a citizen council

called "Character Fort Collins" which is in full swing today.

We have 11 members from all segments of our community.

o At the first one-day conference on business leadership,

47 people attended who were supervisors, CEO's, and a

mix of different companies.

• Initially, only 6 of our elementary schools were already

involved with Character First education.


o Since we became a City of Character, over 28 schools

have joined the program in 2001, which is whole­

heartedly supported by our School Superintendent Don

Unger and the School Board of Education.

o Beginning 2002 and by the end of 2003, Character

Education will be in the entire school district, K-12!

• We have produced three television programs on video and DVD

pertaining to Character in Schools and being a City of


o A local company in our city called Media Tech

Productions locked into this concept and helped us

produce television promos that we now show on local

cable channel 27.

o They've hosted a weekly TEENNATION USA radio

show on the Web.

• One of the action plans I like to participate in is to recognize

students and citizens in the newspaper with note cards from my


office-we always include a mini-card of our Character City


• When I hand out mini-cards to students in the schools, I ask

them to hold us accountable and responsibility for what we do

(months later some students are still carrying the card).

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition

will display a flag of each one of the character traits.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities

through their handouts, and even with a large banner on the

front of the hospital that says, "Welcome to Poudre Valley

Hospital-we value compassion, confidentiality, dignity,

respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• Dr. Albert Yates, President of CSU, in his last two addresses to

the University, he talked about Character and quality people­

he emphasized the need for civility and the need for our City to

be known as a "City of Compassion."


o We don't need more of the-

o The Character Fort Collins Council has been reassured

that the School of Social Work and the College of

Business at CSU will be very interested in taking on the

task of coming up with a template to measure our


o Like any goal that we have in life, it must pass the

litmus test; is it Specific, Attainable and Measureable.

• Our Sheriff's Office will start Character training on January 1,

2003 for all 400 employees, and next they will take that

educational piece to jail, literally!

o Helping inmates to be of good character when they

leave, instead of a good actor can help change lives, and

improve the quality of life for everyone.

o In our society today, it is important that we recognize

the value of having strong character that honors

integrity, accountability and being held responsible for

our actions.


• Arthur Anderson headlines

• Or the World Com liquidations, which ironically

centered on the lack of integrity and honesty.

• We don't need young adults to experience the demise of a

president of the United States or any country having to stop

down from office because of lack of loyalty or trustworthiness.

• We should be done with hearing about FBI stings that

uncovered congressmen taking bribes and shoving a fistful of

money in each hand into their suit until they ran out of


o Operation Abscam was an embarrassing moment in

American history.

• I'm amazed to hear that 50% of small businesses go out of

business because of employee theft, and that for every dollar

worth of merchandise a shoplifter takes, an employee takes $3

worth of merchandise.

• Enron stories


• Something needs to radically change our society's values!

• We need something that will transform people by renewing their

minds with good Character!

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their property;

listening to and following instructions of those in authority;

honoring others; following the Golden Rule; being courteous

and polite.

• Consideration of Others

o Consider means to "study astutely" - look at all

perspectives (thumb and one eye test)

o Consideration of property

o Who's property? (yours, mine, others) What is


• Listening

o Listening is learning ... how we listen will be how we


o Things are done according to how we understand


• Following instructions of those in authority

• Honoring others

• Following the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have

them do unto you)

• Being Courteous

• Being Polite

• Honor is defined as:

o Respecting those in leadership because of the higher

authorities they represent.

o Honor includes speaking positively about parents,

employers, government officials, and law enforcement


o Showing respect to authorities by standing tall, making

eye contact, addressing them with the correct titles, and

having good manners.

o Showing honor to an authority will grab his or her

attention. He or she will take an interest in the life of


this respectful subordinate and will be glad to give

honor, as well as added responsibility, in return.

a Quote by Joseph Joubert, "To be capable of respect is

almost as rare as to be worthy of it."

• Deference is another great trait closely related to respect.

a Deference is limiting my freedom so I do not offend

the tastes of those around me.

a People respect those who are willing to give up

questionable activities in order to avoid offending


a The person who limits his or her freedom in deference

to another builds a good name that others will praise.

a George Washington said, "Every action in company

ought to be with some sign of respect to those


• Respect is also shown in Attentiveness.

a Attentiveness is showing the worth of a person or task

by giving my undivided concentration.


o An attentive person gains the respect of others as

they value his or her opinion the way he or she values


o Wilson Mizner said, "A good listener is not only

popular everywhere, but after a while he knows

something. "

• The Golden Rule provides a great start to fulfilling these

positive character traits.

• "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

• Story: President's stance on Nation of Character

Communications& Public InvolvementOffice. 300 LaPorteAvenue. Fort Collins,CO 80522 • (970) 416-2028


Government Agencies also report positive results. Leonard Martin, City Manager of Edmond, OKstates its character emphasis "has made a true difference in the way we deal with each other and withour customers."

Businesses are reporting substantial improvement in bottom- line results after bringing a systematicemphasis on character into the business culture. For example, EDG Incorporated, a New Orleansprofessional engineering firm reported its highest level of profitability, greatest total revenues, andlowest turnover in personnel the year the character focus began. Holly-Tex Carpet Mills, Inc., aWatonga, OK based carpet manufacturer reports a 90% drop in Workers' Compensation costs, from$486,000 annually to $47,000 within eighteen months of the introduction of its character program.

Other communities who have established similar programs have seen measurable positive results.Schools are seeing significantly improved student performance, a reduction in disciplinary issues andabsenteeism, and an improvement in teacher morale when a character emphasis is integrated into theschool curriculum and culture. Our own Poudre School District reports up to a 67% drop in behaviorinterventions in schools that have become "Schools of Character."

The Character Fort Collins initiative will be a community-wide effort with programs in the government,law enforcement, business, education and faith sectors of the community. The Fort Collins CharacterCouncil is modeled after a national program that was established in 1998.

On Tuesday, May 7,2002, Mayor Ray Martinez will host a press conference to introduce the FortCollins Character Council and announce its initiative. The press conference will be held at TavelliElementary School, 1118 Miramont Drive, and will begin promptly at 3:00 p.m. Mayor Martinez will bejoined by numerous community leaders, including County Commissioner Kathay Rennels, PoudreSchool District Board President Steve Fobes, Character Council President Bob Powell and otherleaders from the government, education, business and faith communities. Students, faculty andparents from Tavelli Elementary School will also participate.

Character Council Announces Fort Collins Initiative

Release Date: May 2, 2002

Contact: Kelly DiMartino, Communications & Public Involvement Coordinator, (970)416-2028Mary Zenzen, Character Council Publicity Chairperson, (970)689-8375

Ci of Fort Colli 1S

Press ConferenceTuesday, May 7,2002

Commissioner Rennels:• Introduce Commissioners and County Staff in attendance (e.g. Frank Lancaster,

Ralph Jacobs, Sheriff Jim Alderden, Undersheriff Capt. Ern Hudson)• Vis~onIHopes of County Commissioners for Initiative

3:06PM Mayor Martinez introduces Commissioner Kathay Rennels

3PM Mayor Ray Martinez:• Welcome to Media and Guests• Introduce City Council Members and City Staff in attendance.• Explain Resolution Process - Copies of all 3 Resolutions in Media Kits.• Why he began Resolution process.• Perspective on importance of initiative.

Time Event

NOTE: The Media Conference will begin at 3PM sharp. It is important that all speakers,invited leaders, and Character Council members be available for seating no later than 2:45 PM.


Tuesday, May 7, 20023PM

TAVELLI SCHOOL1118 Miramont Drive

Fort Collins, CO




P.O.Box2226Fort Collins, Colorado 80522


3:45PM Questions from Media

3:37PM Bob Powell• Introduce Character Council Members• All leaders in front available for questions from Media• Closing Remarks

(Student):• What he/she likes about attending a school that's "got character!"

, Tavelli Student3:33PM Bob Powell introduces

(Parent):• Parents perspective an importance of character education as part of the school


, Tavelli School Parent3:29PM Bob Powell introduces

Michael Haddorff:• Why character emphasis is a critical direction for his business.

3:25PM Bob Powell introduces Michael Haddorff, President, Collins Control and Electric, Inc.

Bob Powell:• Thank you' s• Who we are• Vision for Initiative• Sectors• SecularlNot a Religious Program• Announce Business Seminar. Introduce President Jim Dismore and Vice President

Michael Stephens, Ultimate Support Systems.

3:14PM Mayor Martinez introduces Bob Powell, President, Character Council of Greater FortCollins.

President Steve Fobes:• Introduce School Board members and School District Administration Staff in

attendance.• VisionIHopes of Poudre School District for the Initiative.

3: WPM Mayor Martinez introduces Steve Fobes, President, Poudre School District Board ofEducation

Recognizing positive character qualities among employees has undoubtedly resulted inincreased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits. The emphasis ofpositive character qualities in every sector of society can only occur as individuals

We the people of Fort Collins desire to fill the pond our heritage and make Fort Collins aplace where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective,business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to makewise choices about their lives and families. We recognize that individuals are responsiblefor their actions and that daily decisions should be based on objective moral standardswhich are the basis of universally recognized character qualities including respect forothers, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, civility, generosity, kindness, loyalty, andcourage. If people fail to demonstrate positive character qualities to make wrong choices,the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are in danger, resulting in a financial burdenupon the taxpayers for the cost of law enforcement. Many current societal problemscould be alleviated if citizens lived by positive and constructive character qualities, whichdistinguish between right and wrong. Our schools should be a safe atmosphere wherecharacter is exemplified, taught and strengthened, and where learning is encouraged.

Trust, integrity, honesty ... these are all traits we want to practice in our daily lives andinstill as positive values in our communities especially starting with our young people.There is a way to do this. In Fort Collins and Larimer County, we are pursuing aprogram called Character First. I attended a conference a couple of years ago on theprogram. It involves value statements of education such as honesty, trust, integrity,orderliness and attentiveness. The values are taught throughout the school day. Forexample, I had the recent pleasure of attending an Arbor Day event at one of the localelementary schools. All over the building were posters done by students defining whatintegrity or honesty meant to them. I was in another Elementary school not too long agoand talked to the students about character traits that were positive. I was truly amazed attheir answers about what accountability meant and how to be responsible. Not only was Iimpressed, but I began to think about what all of this meant in terms of broadercommunity values and what I could do as the mayor. School violence serves as thealarming illustration of what happens when children and young adults were not exposedto a value system that teaches and practices respect and accountability. I am a believer.And, I ask other mayors and elected leaders in other municipalities of our great state tojoin me and declare their city or town a character community. Doing so affords you theopportunity to work with your local school district, county commissioners and other keygroups civic and business groups. I know that Governor Bill Owens and members of theGeneral Assembly have considered legislation on the subject. In May 2000, the ColoradoState Senate joint resolution 00-024 passed, which addresses schools and their ability toprovide instruction on core character qualities. And, Attorney General and ColoradoAttorney General, Ken Salazar, have spoken about the issue in the context of his anti­bullying campaign with school officials around the state.

Character First Education and Becoming a Character CityBy Mayor Ray Martinez

If the idea of character building interests you, contact the International Association ofCharacter Cities, 520 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Telephone number:(405) 815-0001. Their website address is: I think charactercounts. Let me know what you think. I can be reached at or(970)221-6505.

As of September 4, 2001, our city council in resolution 2001-117 of Council of the Cityof Fort Collins supporting the City of Character initiative. Now therefore, resolve thatthe City Council hereby pledges it's commitment to character and encourages it's citizensto do all in their power to become known as a city of character by promoting character inour schools, businesses, homes, churches, city government, media and communitygroups, and the city council further hereby urges the leader of each of the jurisdictions todo likewise.

commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring othersto do the same.

• Supreme Court Story ....

in our community ....

• Here is my perspective on the importance of character initiative

Collins? ...

• Why did I want to launch the Character City initiative in Fort

• Thank you for joining me today for this press conference.

Character Council Press ConferenceTuesday, May 7, 20023:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Tavelli Elementary School1118Miramont DriveRay Martinez, Mayor

We the people of Fort Collins want to ensure that Fort Collins is a place where familiesare strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive,neighbors generally care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choicesabout their lives and families. We recognize that individuals are responsible for theiractions and that daily decisions should be based on objective moral standards which arethe basis of universally recognized character qualities including respect for others,honesty, truthfulness, diligence, civility, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage. Ifpeople fail to demonstrate such qualities to make inappropriate choices, the health, safetyand welfare of the citizens are in danger, and the result is a great financial burden amongtaxpayers for the cost of law enforcement. Many current societal problems could bealleviated if citizens lived by positive and constructive character qualities. Our schoolswill be a safe haven for learning once character is exemplified, taught and strengthened.

I have asked other mayors and elected leaders in other municipalities of our great state tojoin me and declare their city or town a character community. Doing so affords theopportunity to work with your local school district, county commissioners and other keygroups civic and business groups. InMay 2000, Colorado State Senate Joint Resolution00-024 was adopted, which enables schools to provide instruction on core characterqualities. Colorado Attorney General, Ken Salazar, addressed the issue of character inthe context of his anti-bullying campaign with school officials around the state.

School violence serves as the alarming illustration of what happens when children andyoung adults are not exposed to a value system that teaches and practices respect andaccountability. I am a believer. Character is essential.

I had the pleasure of attending an Arbor Day event at one of the local elementary schools.All over the building were posters created by students describing what integrity orhonesty meant to them. I was in another elementary school not too long ago and talked tothe students about positive character traits. I was truly amazed at their answers aboutwhat accountability meant and how to be responsible. Not only was I impressed, but Ibegan to think about what all of this meant in terms of broader community values andwhat I could do as the Mayor.

Trust, integrity and honesty. These are all traits we want to practice in our daily lives andinstill as positive values in our communities, especially with our young people. There isa way to do this. InFort Collins and Larimer County, we are pursuing a program calledCharacter First. I attended a conference a couple of years ago about the program. Theprogram centers on honesty, trust, integrity, orderliness and attentiveness. These valuesare modeled and taught as part of the school day curriculum and experience.

Character First Education and Becoming a Character City

Ray MartinezMayorCity of Fort CollinsColorado

If the idea of character building interests you, contact the International Association ofCharacter Cities, 520 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Telephone number:(405) 815-0001. Their website address is: I think charactercounts. Let me know what you think. I can be reached at or(970) 221-6505.

On September 4, 2001, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted Resolution 200 1-117 supporting the City of Character initiative. The City Council pledged " .. .it' scommitment to character and encourages it's citizens to do all in their power to becomeknown as a city of character by promoting character in our schools, businesses, homes,churches, city government, media and community groups, and the City Council furtherhereby urges the leader of each of the jurisdictions to do likewise."

Recognizing positive character qualities among employees has undoubtedly resulted inincreased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits. Living by andinfusing positive character attributes into every sector of society can only occur asindividuals commit themselves to doing so in their personal lives and inspiring others todo the same.

IV.DVDA. Wendy mentioned that the DVD would have to exclude the Good Samaritan

D. Bonnie asked about non-profit postage rates: Chris needs to follow up onthat.

C. Chris went over the books for Champ and again reiterated that we will knowmore after the Breakfast on 1/31/08. He noted that there is a 2% transactionfee when credit cards are keyed in. To maximize money going to Champ/CFC letit be suggested to table captains that when asked have guest write a checkover using a credit card.

B. As far as Bob is concerned he will only get the proceeds from his trainingwhen the contract is separate from Character Fort Collins. Again, Bob willdonate 100% of his proceeds in 2008 to CFC if the contract is tied to CFC.

III. Financial ReportsA. Chris summarized the financial reports for 2007 and draft projected budgetsfor 2008. He noted that the 2007year end income was a 124% increase from2006. $15,413.89 was the net income. The majority of the income came fromBob's training. The board felt that we needed to diversify income by expandingfundraising. Chris also mentioned that various items needed to bedepreciating over time as their value has gone down over time and this issuehas never been handled in the past.

II. Minutes of October 25th, 2007 MeetingBonnie moved to approve the minutes from the November 15th meeting. Chrisseconded. Passed unanimously.

I. Meeting Called To OrderWendy called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.

Next Meeting: February 28th 20083:30-5 P.M., City Hall

Present: Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Joe Hendrickson, Garth McCann, ChrisOtto, Ken Schrader, Staci Shaffer, Bonnie Tit/ey, Wendy Williams, Mary Zenzen,

and Jaime Reed, recorder.


Character Fort Collins Board MeetingJanuary 24th 20083:30p.m.-5 p.m.

City Hall

Next Meeting: February 28th 20083:30 -5 P.M., City Hall

·Wendy will not be at this Meeting*

Motions:1. Bonnie moved to accept the Strategic Plan as distributed, Joe secondedmotion. Motion passed by vote.2. Bonnie moved to appoint an Interim Executive Director by the 1st March2008. Mike Demma seconded move. Motion went down, did not pass by vote.

Bonnie mentioned her role as Corporate Secretary would be fulfilled after the1st week in February. She'll be acquainting herself with the office "need toknow" materials.

Mary proposed a draft of the 2008 Strategic Plan which includes a timeline andbreakdown of the amount she wishes to be paid for her services as the InterimCoordinator. Mary stated that while she can do "behind the scenes work," shecannot "be the face of Character Fort Collins to the community." The timelinefor Mary is essentially 5 months as she has a family trip planned in July.

v. 2008 Strategic Plan Proposal

portion. Dennis said you "cannot use us." Action will need to be taken, aletter will be sent re: revoking their title. They can no longer be known as aBusiness of Character. Their new Administrator is 29 years old and has shownno concern for running the business as a business incorporating character.B. Mary noted that Gabe's last name is Romero. While his Mother's is Watson.Other than that it looks Good!

Letting others know by my words and actions how they havebenefited my life

Quickly and cheerfully carrying out the direction of thosewho are responsible for me

Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts

Maintaining a good attitude, even when faced with unpleasantconditions

The ability to recognize key factors and finalize difficultdecisions

Being aware of what is taking place around me so I can havethe right responses

Seeing and responding to life situations from a perspectivethat transcends my current circumstances

Guiding vital truths around another's mental roadblocks

Investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others

Limiting my freedom so I do not offend the tastes of thosearound me

Making my own schedule and priorities secondary to thewishes of those I serve

Allowing myself and others to spend only what is necessary




Month Quality

January Thriftiness

February Availability

March Deference

April Compassion

May Persuasiveness

June Wisdom

July Alertness

August Decisiveness

September Joyfulness

October Truthfulness

November Obedience

December Gratefulness


Mary proposed a draft of the 2008 StrategiC Plan which includes a timeline andbreakdown of the amount she wishes to be paid for her services as the InterimCoordinator. Mary stated that while she can do "behind the scenes work," shecannot "be the face of Character Fort Collins to the community." The timelinefor Mary is essentially 5 months as she has a family trip planned in July.

V. 2008 Strategic Plan Proposal.

IV. DVDA. Wendy mentioned that the DVD would have to exclude the Good Samaritanportion. Dennis said you "cannot use us." Action will need to be taken, aletter will be sent re: revoking their title. They can no longer be known as aBusiness of Character. Their new Administrator is 29 years old and has shownno concern for running the business as a business incorporating character.B. Mary noted that Gabe's last name is Romero. While his Mother's is Watson.Other than that it looks Good!

D. Bonnie asked about non-profit postage rates: Chris needs to follow up onthat.

C. Chris went over the books for Champ and again reiterated that we will knowmore after the Breakfast on 1/31/08. He noted that there is a 2% transactionfee when credit cards are keyed in. To maximize money going to Champ/CFC letit be suggested to table captains that when asked have guest write a checkover using a credit card.

B. As far as Bob is concerned he will only get the proceeds from his trainingwhen the contract is separate from Character Fort Collins. Again, Bob willdonate 100% of his proceeds in 2008 to CFC if the contract is tied to CFC.

III. Financial ReportsA. Chris summarized the financial reports for 2007 and draft projected budgetsfor 2008. He noted that the 2007year end income was a 124% increase from2006. $15,413.89 was the net income. The majority of the income came fromBob's training. The board felt that we needed to diversify income by expandingfundraising. Chris also mentioned that various items needed to bedepreciating over time as their value has gone down over time and this issuehas never been handled in the past.

II. Minutes of October 25th, 2007 MeetingBonnie moved to approve the minutes from the November 15th meeting. Chrisseconded. Passed unanimously.

1. Meeting called To OrderWendy called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.

February 28th 2008Next Meeting:3:30-5 P.M.City Hall

Present: Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Joe Hendrickson, Garth McCann, ChrisOtto, Ken Schrader, Staci Shaffer, Bonnie Titley, Wendy Williams, Mary Zen zen,and Jaime Reed, recorder.


Character Fort Collins MeetingCity HallJanuary 24th 20083:30p.m.-5 p.m.


Next Meeting: February 28th 20083:30 -5 P.M.City Hall*Wendy will not be at this Meeting*

Motions:1. Bonniemoved to accept the Strategic Planas distributed, Joe secondedmotion. Motion passedby vote.2. Bonniemoved to appoint an Interim ExecutiveDirector by the 1st March2008. Mike Demmasecondedmove. Motion went down, did not pass by vote.

Bonnie mentioned her role as Corporate Secretary would be fulfilled after the1st week in February. She11be acquainting herself with the office "need toknow" materials.

B. Bob attended a meeting on Thursday morning for NationalPhilanthropy Day.® Involved were various organizations includingthe Bohemian Foundation, Community Foundation and UnitedWay. It announced Colorado's "Give 10 Gala." Occurring in the

IV. ExecutiveDirector ReportA. Bob mentioned that there is increased activity statewide for more

training. That includes Fort Collins as well.

B. Mary mentioned getting a detailed budget from self-fundedprograms, i.e. CSU and LCSD to add to our financial reportsshowing the full scope of our impact in the community.

III. Financial ReportsA. Chris went over the financial reports in the meeting packet noting

that Character Fort Collins is "living within our means." Chris saidthat there are still missing pieces from the 2008 budget. However itbecame apparent to Chris at the annual retreat that a lot ofCharacter Fort Collins' programs are "funded by themselves orneutral" with regards to Character Fort Collins' budget. i.e. CSU,PSD, and LCSD.

I. MeetingCalledTo OrderWendy called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.

II. Minutes of October 25th, 2007MeetingMary moved to approve the minutes from the October 25th meeting.Mike Demma seconded move.

December 13th 2007, 4:30 -5:30 p.m. (NOTECHANGE)1816 Seminole Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (Bonnie's House)

Next Meeting:

Present: Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Garth McCann, Chris Otto, Bob Powell,KenSchrader,Staci Shaffer, Lloyd Thomas, Wendy Williams, Mary Zenzen, andJaime Reed, recorder.


Character Fort Collins MeetingCity Hall

November 15th 20073:30p.m.-5 p.m.

VI. Job DescriptionsPlease see handouts for Administrative Assistant and InterimExecutive Director.

***Mike Demma wishes to coordinate the start of a Board DevelopmentCommittee. Mike Haddorff might want to be on the committee andneeds a month to consider it.

Mike Demma moved that one unanimous ballot be put to a vote withWendy Williams as President, Mary Zenzen as Vice President, ChrisOtto as Treasurer, and Bonnie Titley as Secretary. Garth and Lloydseconded move, motion carried under unanimous vote.

3 Years:Chris OttoJoe HendricksonKen HoombeckAnne Hudgens[Bob Powell-extra ticket]

2 Years:Mike DemmaMary ZenzenGarth McCannMike HaddorffBonnie Titley

1 Year:Ken SchraderStaci ShafferLloyd ThomasWendy WilliamsLance Wright

V. Annual Meeting TasksOfficer Terms:

spring, the Gala is for those individuals who have donated $10,000or more to any non-profits in Larimer County. The Event featuresthe highest level of entertainers and is just a fun party. No non­profit staff are allowed so as to not push their agenda. Self­enrollment is done on an honor system.

"'Bob wishes to have at least 30minutesat the next meeting to speak freely.

Next Meeting: December 13th20074:30 -5:30 p.m.

1816Seminole DriveFort Collins, CO 80525(Bonnie's House)

+Party to follow please remember spouses are invited at 5:30.+Presentations at 6p.m.

***The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

-+Ken Schrader is invited to the next Executive Board MeetingDecember 10th 2007. Ken is asked to find and bring a copy of Tia's jobdescription/resume to the Executive meeting.

2. Interim Executive Director: (1/2 time position)Additions including:

./ Marketing emphasis

./ Creative

./ Leadership skills

./ Volunteer recruiting (talent)

./ Evaluation of impact on the community

Skills:./ Volunteer management./ Some familiarity/experience with non-profits./ Professional approach./ Ability to interact with a diverse audience and develop

positive relationships within the community while maintaininga high comfort level

1. Administrative Assistant: (hourly 1/2 time position: 20 hrs/week)This position has the potential to go beyond 20 hours a week in the

future. It was noted to have some additions to the job description:--perhaps make the official title: "Executive Assistant"--wages/competitive compensation--remove the section involving those w/ disabilities as there is noelevator in the facility.

Revised: 07/24/06/cfmG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2002\200S\CMOMeetings\Character Council\CFC Executive Cornmittee\200SExecutive CommitteeMeeting Schedule.doc

January 14, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallFebruary 11, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallMarch 10, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallApril 14, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallMay 12, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallJune 9, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallJuly 14,2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallAugust 11, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallSeptember 8, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallOctober 13, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallNovember 10, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City HallDecember 8, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. in the CIC Room at City Hall



V. 2008 Strategic PlanDue to time constraints, we did not further discuss the strategic plan, but Marymentioned that board members would like to see a more detailed budget aligned withthe strategic goals/deliverables. Exec members would like to see more discussion at theboard level about organizational goals, including what to do to expand training and thepossibility of recruiting Ron Maulsby for the Family Sector Chairperson. (Wendy notedthat he could serve on the CHAMP Commission and tie back to families ... )

IV. Executive DirectorDue to time constraints, we did not further discuss a process for hiring an executivedirector.

III. CHAMP/CFC RecommendationsThe Executive Committee approved the recommendations (per Chris' e-mail - seeattached) to be taken to the board. Wendy and some of the others questioned why thenew administrative assistant needed a desktop computer instead of a powerful laptop. Inaddition, Exec members are wondering ''when'' we would hire the admin as budget is anissue that needs to be managed. We will seek clarification at the February boardmeeting.

II. Rotary Club LuncheonWendy and Bob will be presenting at Wednesday's Rotary Club Luncheon. Bob's topicwill be the history of CFC; Wendy will talk about the future of CFC and soughtagreement with the Executive Committee about some of her speaking points. It wasagreed that Wendy can safely talk about our three major organizational goals(awareness building, engagement and sustainability) and point to areas we want tofocus on like business and families. She will probably say something like, "Some of ourprograms are off and running, like CHAMP..."

I. CHAMP Breakfast UpdateMike updated the group on the outcomes of the CHAMP breakfast. We are not clearwhether Dave King's large contribution is in addition to, or included in, the initial $34,500raised at the breakfast. At least another $2,000 or so has come in after the breakfast,according to Mary.

Next meeting: Monday, March 10, 2008 (8:30-10 a.m. at City Hall)

Present: Mike Demma, Bonnie Tittey, Mary Zenzen, Wendy Williams


CFC Executive Committee MeetingFebruary 11, 20088:30a.m.-10 a.m.

at City Hall

There were many other procedural type things discussed that really don't elevate to Executive orBoard approval levels like the use of mail boxes, keys etc. Some other updates:

• Ken, Mary and Chris will have check signing abilities on the CHAMP account. 2signatures are required for checks over $1,000.

• Wendy, Mary and Chris will have check signing abilities on the CFC account. 2signatures are required for checks over $1,000.

• The same parties will have the ability to approve payment of expenses on the credit cardas well. Credit Card charges over $1,000 will require two approval emails from authorizedsignors.

• The authority to approve purchase orders (different from the authority to approvepayment) will rest with those in charge of the programs - (Ken for Champ, Bob fortraining, Mary for other CFC, etc) as long as the amounts have been included in theBudget that is approved by the Board. Amounts that have not been included in theBudget will need approval by the Board for any purchases above $1,000.

• We are proposing the following IT acquisitions"o A desktop for the Admin desk - estimated cost $1,000o A new laptop for the ED office - estimated cost $1,000o A new copy/fax/scanner machine - estimated cost $300o A copier for making multiple copies - look for a donated older modelo A projector - donated by Ken

• I will be finalizing a budget to present for Executive and Board approval - we will presentat March meetings

• We are recommending the CHAMP/CFC move forward and hire a top-notch part timeExecutive Assistant (salary in the neighborhood of $20,000 for about 20 hours a week).

• CHAMP will pay 50% of the payroll related costs for the EA described above• CHAMP will pay 35% of overhead costs• CHAMP will pay 50% of rent• CHAMP will pay 100% of their own expenses• An invoice will be created at the end of each month to bill CHAMP for their allocated

costs. The allocation %'s will be analyzed after 3 months to determine if they need to bechanged. For instance, CHAMP has committed to covering 50% of the costs for the first 3months but wants the flexibility to evaluate that after the 3 months.

E-mail to Executive Committee (02-10-08) from Chris Otto:Mary, Ken, Anna, Sandy and Myself all met last week to discuss many administrative, financial,governance type issues. We concluded, subject to Executive Committee and Board approval, thefollowing items, which are presented as recommendations:

VII. AdjournWe adjourned the meeting at 10 a.m.

VI. Guideline for Volunteer Thank YousChris has asked for a guideline concerning how to thank volunteers, especially when agift is involved. Due to the enormous contribution of some of the CHAMP Commissionmembers, we definitely want to thank them in a memorable way. We decided to ask Bobto attend the March CHAMP Commission meeting to formally thank the CHAMPCommission.

Let me know if you have any questions.

We will have a credit card machine to process the CHAMP donations but not sure we will haveone going forward due to the minimum charge - I will continue to investigate the most costeffective route. Mary will be setting up a PayPal account in connection with our website.

We will be getting a non-profit bulk mail rate - it costs $175 but then you can do mailings(minimum 200) for 15.5 cents vs 41 cents.







Discussion Leader

Next MeetingMarch 27, 20083:30 -5 p.m.City Hall

VIII. Adjourn

V. 2008 Strategic Plan Discussion- Motion concerning V.P. position- Process for finding Exec Director- Topics for future meetings

IV. Coordinator Report - New Information

III. Financial Reports

II. Minutes from January 24 Meeting

I. Call to Order

Agenda Items

CFC Board MeetingThursday, February 28, 2008City Hall, 300 LaPorte AvenueCIC Room, 3:30 - 5:00 PM

5 p.m.

3:50 p.m.

3:30 p.m.






Discussion Leader

Next MeetingFebruary 28, 2008

3:30-5 p.m.City Hall

VIII. Adjourn

V. 2008Strategic Plan- Organizational Goals- Program Goals- Staffing- Budget (including CHAMP)

IV. Executive Director Report

III. Financial Reports

II. Minutes from November 15Meeting

I. Call to Order

Agenda Items

CFC Board MeetingThursday, January 24, 2008City Hall, 300 LaPorte AvenueCICRoom, 3:30 - 5:00 PM

5 p.m.

3:50 p.m.

3:30 p.m.

WHEREAS, our schools should be a safe atmosphere where character is exemplified,taught and strengthened, and where learning is encouraged; and

WHEREAS, teaching positive character qualities to juvenile delinquents has beenshown to produce a change in behavior, reducing recidivism rates; and

WHEREAS, many current societal problems will be alleviated when the citizens of FortCollins live by positive and constructive character qualities which distinguish between rightand wrong; and

WHEREAS, if people fail to demonstrate positive character qualities and make wrongchoices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are endangered, resulting in a financialburden upon the taxpayers for the costs of law enforcement; and

WHEREAS, there is a need for more positive role models among our young people tohelp prevent juvenile rebellion and delinquency; and

WHEREAS, lack of commitment and irresponsibility have resulted in an increasingnumber of family problems causing personal, social, and financial consequences to individualfamily members and to the City as a whole; and

WHEREAS, we recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and thatdaily decisions should be based upon objective ethical standards which are the basis ofuniversally recognized character qualities, including respect for others, honesty, truthfulness,diligence, civility, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage; and

WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place wherefamilies are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive,neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wisechoices for their livesandfamilies; and

WHEREAS, we recognize the validity of the statement of Alexis de Tocqueville that"America is great because she is good. When America ceases to be good, she will cease to be"great"; and

WHEREAS, the people of Fort Collins recognize the importance of honorable characterqualities based upon the moral standard established by our nation's founders and its legalsystem; and


Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 4th day ofSeptember, A.D. 2001.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFFORT COLLINS that the City Council hereby pledges its commitment to character andencourages its citizens to do all in their power to become known as a City of Character bypromoting character in our schools, businesses, homes, churches, city government, media, andcommunity groups, and the City Council further hereby urges the leaders of each of thesejurisdictions to do likewise.

WHEREAS, the emphasis of positive character qualities in every sector of society canonly occur as individuals commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal livesand inspiring other to do the same.

WHEREAS, recognizing positive character qualities among employees has resulted inincreased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits; and

A. A variety of resources are used. Primary resources will be obtained from the International Associationof Character Cities (IACC), a division of the Character Training Institute. (See the attached list ofcharacter qualities used by the Character Training Institute.) Some organizations within thecommunity may already have character initiatives underway. The Character Council desires to supportthese initiatives and supplement, rather than supplant, the resources being used, if consistent with thepolicies of the Council.

Q. What resources are used?

A. No. Good character is universal and applies to all people. Yet, some people can best understandcharacter in the context of religious faith. All faith groups are encouraged to participate to giveopportunity to citizens to ground the community-wide character emphasis in the tenets of theirpersonal religious faith

Q. Is this a religious program?

A. The primary sector is the family. The purpose of the character programs that are used is to reinforcecharacter development on the family level where lasting change to our society can occur. TheCharacter Council has identified the other sectors as schools, businesses, government, media, lawenforcement, other community groups, and the faith community, where character development andcharacter emphasis activities are conducted as part of the community-wide initiative.

Q. What community sectors are involved?

A. Our City Council, the Larimer County Commissioners and the Poudre School District Board ofEducation have unanimously passed resolutions to provide leadership and support in becoming aCommunity of Character. A steering committee of citizen leaders, who share the vision for theinitiative, has been created to guide the on-going effort. This committee is known as the CharacterCouncil of Greater Fort Collins.

Q. Has Fort Collins become a Community of Character?

A. The concept involves focusing the attention of the community on the importance of Character. It is abroad-based effort to integrate character into the culture of our community. In a Community ofCharacter elected officials, community leaders, and citizens-at-large recognize the critical importanceof good character in building a safe, productive, and caring community. Emphasis is placed upon anindividual's responsibility for his or her words, actions, and attitudes, and undisciplined living isconsidered socially unacceptable. Most important, a Community of Character has leaders who aremodels of the character they advocate for its citizens.

Q. What is a Community of Character?

A Communityof Character


Cities that have implemented a character initiative report:• Improved quality• Improved student performance• Improved customer relationships• Courtesy on roads, sporting events, and in public meetings• Increased productivity• Decreased workers' compensation costs• Improved family relationships• Lower absenteeism• Enhanced morale• Increased profits

• Quality concerns• Low productivity• Poor classroom results• Negligence• Lack of civility• Absenteeism• Low morale• Accidents• Theft• Conflicts• Customer complaints

A. Some of the greatest challenges our community faces on a day-to-day basis areCharacter issues. Symptoms such as the following stem from a lack of good character.

Q. Why should the citizens of the Fort Collins area work together to become a Community ofCharacter?

A. Yes. There are in excess of two hundred communities that have resolved to become CharacterCommunities and have the initiative underway. The first is Baton Rouge, LA, and among the latest isOklahoma City, OK. The legislatures of Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, and South Carolina haveresolved to encourage each community in those states to become a Community of Character.

Q. Are there other communities that have become Communities of Character?

Good Character enables one to see the wise decision in every situation and provides the courage to actupon that decision. For example, people will be able to see needs and provide solutions if they havestrong character traits of diligence, determination, and decisiveness. A higher standard of living willnaturally result if people are resourceful and thrifty. Greater economic results are the overflow ofcreativity, initiative, and endurance. A safer community results when citizens exercise the charactertraits of alertness, orderliness, and self-control.

A. Good character is the inward motivation to do what is right, according to the highest standardsof behavior, in every situation.

Q. How do you define good character?



Challenging ourselves and our community to excellence in character, person by person



970 266-2077


Additional Information:

• Making resolutions to become a family of character, a school of character, a business ofcharacter, a department of character, etc.

• Training supervisory employees to incorporate the character emphasis into your leadershipculture.

• Initiating character development activities where needed.• Changing the culture in your family, department, school, or business to one in which character

is emphasized, required, and praised. Create a culture where, not only is achievementrewarded, but, equally, good character.

• Providing employees with Character Bulletins, which provide historical perspective andaction items for the development of a particular character trait.

• Developing creative ways to provide families with character development resources.• Becoming a financial supporter. This initiative is dependent upon the voluntary financial

support of the citizens.

A. There are several facets of involvement, such as:

Q How can I get involved in the Character Initiative?

•• results.html• study.html•• www.characterfirst.comlbusiness/gettingstartedlbenefits.htm• www.characterfirst.comleducation/gettingstartedibenefils.htm• www.charactercities.orglcharactercitics/lawenforcement.asp••

A. We believe the positive impact of excellent character is universal. We encourage you to visit theseweb-sites to obtain information indicative of the types of results that can be anticipated from anindividual or organizational character initiative:

Q. What results can be expectedfrom character initiatives throughout our community?

DISCRETION VS. Simple-rnindednessRecognizing and avoiding words, actions, and attitudes that could bring undesirable consequences.

DISCERNMENT VS. ShortsightednessUnderstanding the deeper reasons why things happen.

DILIGENCE VS. SlothfulnessInvesting my time and energy to complete each task assigned to me.

DETERMINATION VS. FaintheartednessPurposing to accomplish right goals at the right time, regardless of the opposition.

DEPENDABILITY vs. InconsistencyFulfilling what I consented to do, even if it means unexpected sacrifice.

DEFERENCE VS. RudenessLimiting myfreedom so I do not offend the tastes of those around me.

DECISIVENESS VS. ProcrastinationThe ability to recognize keyfactors andfinalize difficult decisions.

CREATIVITY VS. UnderachievementApproaching a need, a task, or an ideafrom a new perspective.

CONTENTMENT vs. CovetousnessRealizing that true happiness does not depend on material conditions.

COMPASSION VS. IndifferenceInvesting whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others.

CAUTIOUSNESS VS. RashnessKnowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions.

BOLDNESS VS. FearfulnessConfidence that what I have to say or do is true, right, and just.

BENEVOLENCE vs. SelfishnessGiving to others' basic needs without having as my motive personal reward.

AVAILABILITY vs. Self-centerednessMaking my own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of those I serve.

ATTENTIVENESS vs. DistractionShowing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration.

ALERTNESS vs. CarelessnessBeing aware of what is taking place around me so I can have the right responses.

© 2000 Character Training Institute

ORDERLINESS vs. ConfusionArranging myself and my surroundings to achieve greater efficiency.

OBEDIENCE vs. WillfulnessQuickly and cheerfully carrying out the direction of those who are responsiblefor me.

MEEKNESS vs. AngerYieldingmy personal rights and expectations with a desire to serve.

LOYALTY vs. UnfaithfulnessUsing difficult times to demonstrate my commitment to those I serve.

JUSTICE vs. CorruptionTakingpersonal responsibility to uphold what pure, right, and true.

JOYFULNESS vs. Self-pityMaintaining a good attitude, even whenfaced with unpleasant conditions.

INITIA TIVE vs. IdlenessRecognizing and doing what needs to be done before I am asked to do it.

HUMILITY vs. Pride.Acknowledging that achievement resultsfrom the investment of others in my life.

HOSPITALITY vs. LonelinessCheerfully sharing food, shelter, or conversation to benefit others.

HONOR vs. DisrespectRespecting those in leadership because of the higher authorities they represent.

GRATEFULNESS vs. UnthankfulnessLetting others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life.

GENTLENESS vs. HarshnessShowing consideration and personal concernfor others.

GENEROSITY vs. StinginessCarefully managing my resources so I canfreely give to those in need.

FORGIVENESS vs. RejectionClearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudge.

FLEXIBILITY vs. ResistanceWillingness to change plans or ideas according to the direction of my authorities.

FAITH vs. PresumptionConfidence that actions rooted in good character will yield the best outcome even when I cannot see how.

ENTHUSIASM vs. ApathyExpressingjoy in each task as I give it my best effort.

ENDURANCE vs. DiscouragementThe inward strength to withstand stress and do my best.

WISDOM vs. FoolishnessSeeing and responding to life situationsfrom a perspective that transcends my current circumstances.

VIRTUE vs. ImpurityThe moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right.

TRUTHFULNESS vs. DeceptionEarningfuture trust by accurately reporting past facts.

TOLERANCE vs. PrejudiceRealizing that everyone is at varying levels of character development.

THRIFTINESS vs. Extravagance.Allowing myself and others to spend only what is necessary.

THOROUGHNESS vs. IncompletenessKnowing whatfactors will diminish the effectiveness of my work or words if neglected.

SINCERITY vs. HypocrisyEagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.

SENSITIVITY vs. CallousnessPerceiving the true attitudes and emotions of those around me.

SELF -CONTROL vs. Self-IndulgenceRejecting wrong desires and doing what is right.

SECURITY vs. AnxietyStructuring my life around that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.

RESPONSmILITY vs. UnreliabilityKnowing and doing what is expected of me.

RESOURCEFULNESS vs. WastefulnessFinding practical usesfor that which others would overlook or discard.

PUNCTUALITY vs. TardinessShowing esteemfor others by doing the right thing at the right time.

PERSUASIVENESS vs. ContentiousnessGuiding vital truths around others mental roadblocks.

PATIENCE vs. RestlessnessAccepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it.

Revised: 12/16/03 /sekG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2003\CMOMeetings\Character Council.doc

February 20 REGRETS from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs DepartmentAdministration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.(021l9/03-Per Darin's request, called Bob Powell with his regrets; asked Bob to mention the letter to Mayor Gilliland./sek)April 17 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building,2501 Midpoint Dr.June 19 REGRETS for Mayor from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriffs Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr.(06/04/03-Per Mayor attending Tax Coalition Conference, regrets for Character Council. Email to Bob Powell: Bob, This is to confirmthat Mayor Martinez cannot attend the Character Council meeting on Thursday, June 19,2003, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the LarimerCounty Sheriffs Department, 2501 Midpoint Drive, due to attending a conference out of town. Sounds like the video taping went well!!Thank you. Sara cmo team: the calendars and template have been updated. /sek)

August 21 RESCHEDULED TO August 28 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Sheriffs DepartmentAdministration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.(OS/0l/03-per email from Bob Powell: Good Afternoon:Thank you for your flexibility in helping a fellow council member bychanging meeting dates. The dates for the meetings of the Character Council for the next year are: Thursday, August 2S, 2003, Thursday,October 23, 2003, Thursday, December IS, 2003 (The Fourth Thursday is Christmas), Thursday, February 26, 2004, Thursday, April 22,2004, Thursday, June 24, 2004, Time and place remain the same, unless notified otherwise:, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, 2501Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO, 3:30 to 5:30PM, Have agreat weekend.Bob/sek)October 16 RESCHEDULED TO October 23 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County SheriffsDepartment Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.


Revised: 12116/03/sekG:\Archived Folders 1997-20I3\2003\CMO Meetings\Character Council.doc

ATTENDEESIDISTRIBUTION:City of Fort Collins Staff• Darin Atteberry, City Government Sector; Phone: 221-6511; email:

Staff Support: Ann Helmut, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 221-6505; Fax: 224-6107; E-mail:

City of Fort Collins City Council• FYIlRayMartinez, Mayor; Phone: 416-2154; email:

Staff Support: Sarah Kane, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 416-2447; Fax: 224-6107; email:

Character Council• Ann Azari, At Large/Advisor; Phone: 482-6336; email:

June 14,2004 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr.

April 22, 2004 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr.

February 26, 2004 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr.

December 18 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr. RELOCATED TO Council Information Center, 300 LaPorte Ave.12116/03-filed copy of key to city in AP bin and filed actual key in Mayor tickler.lsek12/15/03-email from Sarah Kane: »> Sarah Kane 12/15/03 11:16AM»> Thank you, Bob, for both of these items. 1willadd thetime of 4:30 to the Mayor's calendar for Thursday, December 18 with the understanding that he can attend the entire gathering ifhe wishes. 1will remove the January 6 from his calendar and wait to start over with the event when you contact me with a newdate. Thank you! Sarah /sek12115/03-email from Bob Powell: »> "Robert Powell" <> 12/15/03 11:07AM»>GoodMorning,Sarah: I just left you a voicemessage to call. There are two items of informationI need to get to you. First,the Mayorhasagreed to make an appearance at the Character Council"gathering"this Thursday in the CICroom. We have decided to not transact anybusiness in our Decembermeeting, rather it willbe a time to socializeand thank each other for their work on the Council.The Mayorshouldplan to drop by to make remarks about 4:15 PM.He is certainlywelcomefor the entire gathering whichwillbegin at 3:30, however,somehave indicatedthey willbe a little late. Second, the Mayorhas an event on his schedule for January 6 at the Marriott. It was planned as alunch, sponsored by FortCollinsMortgage,to benefit Character FortCollins. I was informedthis morningthat the event is being postponeduntilMarch. Apparentlysome schedulingconflictshave come up and the sponsor decided to postpone. Wewillstart over again with theMayorwhen we have a date. Thanks, Sarah. Bob/sek12/13j03-Per Susan at AllSports Trophy, the name plate for BobPowellwillbe ready Monday.jsek12/04/03-email from Angelina: »> Angelina Powell 12/04/03 08:22AM »>fyi ... »> Darin Atteberry 12/3/03 11:04:44 PM»>Thx A. I've already informed Bob that I eill be arriving late. Appreciate the heads up! Darin »> Angelina Powell 12/3/03 3:10:53PM»> Darin, fyi, Traut Kindergarten has a program from 2-4, do you want to plan to attend a portion of the 12/18 CharacterCouncil gathering or do you (have you) want to send (sent) regrets? Angelina »> Sarah Kane 12/3/03 1:29:09 PM»> Didyouknow if Darin has RSVP'dto Bob Powell or not? (1don't think you were cc: on BOb's email)Sarah /sek12/01/03-email from Bob Powell: >>> "Robert Powell" <> 12101/03 12:53PM >>>Hello, All. Our December Character Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 18. At this time of the holiday season, weare planning something different for our meeting. Instead of meeting at our regular location, the meeting will be held at City Hall, 300LaPorte, in the CIC room. The room is the first to your right as you enter from LaPorte Ave. We plan no formal agenda, rather it will bea brief time to socialize and say thank you to each other for our first two years. Mayor Martinez will join us, and make some briefremarks. Light refreshments will be served. You are encouraged to invite your spouse or friend to accompany you. The time will befrom 3:30PM to 5:00PM. So that we may plan, we would appreciate your RSVP. Just a reminder, we have scheduled planning sessionsfor the Council forJanuary 22, February 26, March 25, and April 22, 2004. The meetings will be at our regular location, the Larimer County Sheriffs OfficeAdministration Building from 3:30PM to 5:30PM I look forward to seeing you on the 18th. Bob /sek11/19/03-Per Bob Powell, can they relocate to the CIC room and have snacks, etc. Also, can mayor speak a few words of thanks? ToldBob I'd email him the confirmation. Need to updated Darin calendar also. Sent email: »> Sarah Kane 11119/0302:48PM >>>This is toconfirm that the Character Council meeting for Thursday, December 18, 2003, has been re-located to City Hall, CIC Room, 300 LaPorteAvenue. The meeting is from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and the room is reserved from 3:00-6:00 to allow for set up of snacks and clean up. Bob, Iwill check with the Mayor to determine his ability to stop and say a few words to the group. Thank you, Sarah Kane cmo: all Calendarsand template updated. /sek

Revised: 12116/03 /sekG:\Archived Folders I997-2013\2003\CMOMeetings\Character Counci1.doc

MEETING INFORMATION I FACILITIES I EQUIPMENT I SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS:• Character Council meetings are generally scheduled every third Thursday of every other month from

3:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. at the Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building 2501Midpoint Drive.

• The Mayor is always welcome to attend.• 01l27/03-Email from Dick DeCook: The new office for Character Fort Collins is now located at

1112Oakridge Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80525. It is in the First State Bank Building. The new PostOffice Box is 271427 at zip code 80527. The new phone number is 266-2077.

• 06/25/03 email from Bob Powell: Good Morning: As many of you know, Dr. Joe Hendrickson hasserved on the Board of Directors of the Character Council of Greater Fort Collins and as Leader forthe Schools sector of the Character Council. On June 30, Joe retires from the Poudre SchoolDistrict. My purpose in writing is to let you know that while Joe's is retiring from the school district,his involvement in "Character Fort Collins" will continue. Joe will continue to serve on the Board ofDirectors and will assume a new role on the Character Council. The development of character inyouth is one of the most important aspects of our mission. Through Joe's leadership characterdevelopment activities are now integrated in virtually all of our public schools, and most privateschools. The Non-Profit sector of the Character Council primarily focuses on youth activitiesoutside the school, under Scoot Crandall's leadership. Character development activities andresources for youth in faith communities are being guided by Doug and Beth Keasling. Workingwith the leaders of the Schools, Business, Faith Communities, and Non-Profits sectors, JoeHendrickson will newly assume the role of Director for Families and Youth on the CharacterCouncil. In this capacity, Joe will work with other sectors to provide an integrated continuum ofcharacter development activities and resources for youth and families, beginning in the home, andcontinuing through the schools, workplaces, faith communities and after school activities. We aregrateful that Joe will continue to use his professional experience as an educator, his love for youth,and his passion for the importance of character development to serve our community in the CharacterFort Collins Initiative.


• Michael Demma, Business Sector; 5208 Fox Hills Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526, Phone: 229-1402;email:

-+ Bob Powell; City of Character Council President; Character Cities Contact Phone: 266-2077; Bob'sHome Address: 1709Globe Court, Fort Collins, CO 80528; Character Council mailing address:P.O. Box 271427, Fort Collins, CO 80527; Character Council Office address: 1112Oakridge Dr.,Suite 108,Fort Collins, CO 80525; email: Bob's Cell phone: 988-9349. Website:

• Mary Zenzen, Communications/Media Sector; Phone: 388-8375; Home: 686-0995;

• See attached roster for full list. (Also saved under G:\MGRS\2003\CMO Meetings\CharacterCouncil Roster.doc)

8. What do you have to do to become a Mayor?

7. What is the hardest part of your job?

and character qualities early in life)

helpful to you in your job right now? (talk about learning skills

6. What school subjects from elementary school are the most

about respect and give an example)

important for someone who wants to become a Mayor? (talk

5. Besides knowledge and skills, what personal qualities are

4. What do you enjoy most about your job?

3. What tool and equipment do you need for your job?

2. Where do you work?

1. What exactly does a Mayor do?

• Interviewer Questions for Mayor:

Theme: Using Character in my job as Mayor

City of Character speechUpdated 09/03/03

Mayor Ray Martinez


• Story: Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary

• God Bless America vs. God Has Blessed America!

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

citizens in a community can influence the entire city.

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their property; listening to

and following instructions of those in authority; honoring others;

following the Golden Rule; being courteous and polite.

• Story: How I use respect in City Council as the Mayor...

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition displays a

flag of each one of the character traits. As of October 1, 2003, Front

Range Community College launched a monthly character newsletter that

will follow the calendar of traits emphasized in the community by

Character Fort Collins.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

says, "Welcome to Poudre Valley Hospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "


• As of the beginning of this school, 2003-2004, we have all 26 of the

elementary Schools teaching Character Education.

• Also, all the junior high schools are teaching the curriculum also!

» Cache La Poudre Elementary Ron Maulsby Principal

» Dunn Elementary Jan Borman Principal

» Kruse Elementary Kim Nokava Principal

» Tavelli Elementary Dan Lawler Principal

» Traut Core Knowledge Art Dillon Principal


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1, 2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for


and families."

It "Whereas. we 'desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort

Collins a place where families are strong. homes and streets are safe.

education is effective and business is productive, neighbors care about

one another. and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives

- 17:

Til tollo I ( is a quo: l oficn IS Irorn the Ci \ o! Charact r lniti.ui l

• Fort Collins High School has the program as well, thanks to the leadership

of Dennis Baker, their principal.

• Character Education is working! !

• Get this, last year, Irish Elementary School reported at 67% drop in

behavioral interventions since implementing the character education


• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

Resolutions" in September 2001.


• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Next, the formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer

leaders from all sectors of the community.

• The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and

development of character throughout the community, and to coordinate

that promotion among all of the sectors, which include

)- Families (the primary sector),

)- Schools,

)- Business,

)- Higher Education,


• Arthur Anderson headlines

• Enron stories

)- Government,

)- Law Enforcement,

)- Communities of Faith, and

)- Media.

• Next, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is a "grass­

roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of the Character Council

fully dependent on voluntary donations from the citizens.

• We're off and running! Bob Powell, President of Character Fort Collins,

leads the way by diligently promoting and assisting all the sectors of the

community with implementation of Character!

• Now Larimer County is going to Character-based hiring!

o In our society today, it is important that we recognize the value of

having strong character that honors integrity, accountability and

being held responsible for our actions.

o We don't need more of the-


• Or the World Com liquidations, which ironically centered

on the lack of integrity and honesty.

• We don't need young adults to experience the demise of a president of the

United States or any country having to stop down from office because of

lack of loyalty or trustworthiness.

• We should be done with hearing about FBI stings that uncovered

congressmen taking bribes and shoving a fistful of money in each hand

into their suit until they ran out of pockets~

o Operation Abscam was an embarrassing moment in American


• I'm amazed to hear that 50% of small businesses go out of business

because of employee theft, and that for every dollar worth of merchandise

a shoplifter takes, an employee takes $3 worth of merchandise.

• We need something that will transform people by renewing their minds

with good Character

• It begins one person at a time and spreads to all our community.

following the Golden Rule; being courteous and polite.

and following instructions of those in authority; honoring others;

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their property; listening to

citizens in a community can influence the entire city.

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

God Bless America vs. God Has Blessed America!•

Story: Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary•

Fort Collins ...

6. Why I worked so hard to get the Character Initiative going in

5. Why the City of Character Initiative is Important ...

4. Why is character so important?

2. Where do you work?

1. What exactly does a Mayor do?

Theme: Using Character in my job as Mayor

Ascent Character Builders Childrens ClassWednesday, October 1,2003

6:30-7:15 p.m. (SPEAK AT 6:30)First Presbyterian Church531 South College Ave.Mayor Ray Martinez


Ron Maulsby Principal)- Cache La Poudre Elementary


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition displays a

flag of each one of the character traits.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

says, "Welcome to Poudre ValleyHospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1, 2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for

• Story: How I use respect in City Council as the Mayor ...


• As of the beginning of this school, 2003-2004, we have all 26 of the

elementary Schools teaching Character Education.

• Also, all the junior high schools are teaching the curriculum also!

• Fort Collins High School has the program as well, thanks to the leadership

of Dennis Baker, their principal.

• Character Education is working! !

• Get this, last year, Irish Elementary School reported at 67% drop in

behavioral interventions since implementing the character education


• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

Resolutions" in September 2001.





Jan Borman

Kim Nokava

Dan Lawler

Art Dillon

» Dunn Elementary

» Kruse Elementary

» Tavelli Elementary

» Traut Core Knowledge


• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Next, the formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer

leaders from all sectors of the community.

and families."

"Whereas. we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort

Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe,

education is effective and business is productive, neighbors care about

one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives

Resolution 2()() 1-1 17:

The following j, '1 quote I ofrcn U\C Irorn rhe City of Character Initiative


• The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and

development of character throughout the community, and to coordinate

that promotion among all of the sectors, which include

~ Families (the primary sector),

~ Schools,

~ Business,

~ Higher Education,

~ Government,

~ Law Enforcement,

~ Communities of Faith, and

~ Media .

• Next, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is a "grass­

roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of the Character Council

fully dependent on voluntary donations from the citizens.

• We're off and running! Bob Powell, President of Character Fort Collins,

leads the way by diligently promoting and assisting all the sectors of the

community with implementation of Character!


• Now Larimer County is going to Character-based hiring!

• Itbegins one person at a time and spreads to all our community.

• You can make the difference!

8. What do you have to do to become a Mayor?

7. What is the hardest part of your job?

and character qualities early in life)

helpful to you in your job right now? (talk about learning skills

6. What school subjects from elementary school are the most

about respect and give an example)

important for someone who wants to become a Mayor? (talk

5. Besides knowledge and skills, what personal qualities are

4. What do you enjoy most about your job?

3. What tool and equipment do you need for your job?

2. Where do you work?

1. What exactly does a Mayor do?

• Interviewer Questions for Mayor:

Theme: Using Character in my job as Mayor

City of Character speechUpdated 09/03/03

Mayor Ray Martinez


• Front Range Community College in their new building addition displays a

flag of each one of the character traits.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

says, "Welcome to Poudre Valley Hospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• Story: Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary

• God Bless America vs. God Has Blessed America!

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

citizens in a community can influence the entire city.

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their property; listening to

and following instructions of those in authority; honoring others;

following the Golden Rule; being courteous and polite.

• Story: How I use respect in City Council as the Mayor...


• As of the beginning of this school, 2003-2004, we have all 26 of the

elementary Schools teaching Character Education.

• Also, all the junior high schools are teaching the curriculum also!

» Cache La Poudre Elementary Ron Maulsby Principal

» Dunn Elementary Jan Borman Principal

» Kruse Elementary Kim Nokava Principal

» Tavelli Elementary Dan Lawler Principal

» Traut Core Knowledge Art Dillon Principal


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1,2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for


and famil ies."

one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives

education is effective and business is productive. neighbors care about

Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe,

"Whereas, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort

....,I :t )

TI c Iollo il1U is a quote I often lise from the Cit_/ of Character mnat c

Resolutions" in September 2001.

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and


behavioral interventions since implementing the character education

• Get this, last year, Irish Elementary School reported at 67% drop in

• Character Education is working! !

of Dennis Baker, their principal.

• Fort Collins High School has the program as well, thanks to the leadership


• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Next, the formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer

leaders from all sectors of the community.

• The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and

development of character throughout the community, and to coordinate

that promotion among all of the sectors, which include

» Families (the primary sector),

» Schools,

» Business,

» Higher Education,


~ Government,

~ Law Enforcement,

~ Communities of Faith, and

~ Media.

• Next, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is a "grass­

roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of the Character Council

fully dependent on voluntary donations from the citizens.

• We're off and running! Bob Powell, President of Character Fort Collins,

leads the way by diligently promoting and assisting all the sectors of the

community with implementation of Character!

• Now Larimer County is going to Character-based hiring!

• Itbegins one person at a time and spreads to all our community.

• Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary

• Map of the World

• Dr. Swindol and the Dodgers

• Life is like a coin

• Hal Kinard

• Dr. Gil Carbajal

• Dennis Bokee, Ph.D.

• Story: Ms. Warner

• Story: Ms. Irish

• Story: Eagle and the Otter

• Story: Supreme Court: Moses

Country, we should stand with our President and Country.

~ This is a time where we should not stand behind our President and

~ These are challenging times.

Character Fort Collins Business Sector BreakfastThursday, April 10, 2003

6:45 a.m.-8:00 a.m.(SPEAK AT 7:00)

Egg & I, 2809 South College Ave.Mayor Ray Martinez


• I understand that Craig Schmidt joins us today . Welcome!

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition display a

flag of each one of the character traits.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

says, "Welcome to Poudre Valley Hospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

citizens in a community can influence the entire city. Such is the case

with two fathers, Craig Schmidt and Jess Me Daniel, who attended

Building Cities of Character Conference in Indianapolis sponsored by

International Association of Character Cities.

• (Invite and mention little boy from Muscular Dystrophy Association)=

Joe Akmakjian, 1709 Linden Lake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80524

• Dr. Yates-A City of Compassion "Bridges to the Future"

o Campus of Character

• God Bless America vs. God Has Blessed America!


• Today, we have 26, and I suspect that by the end of the school year,

this educational piece will be K-12.

}iio> Cache La Poudre Elementary Ron Maulsby Principal

}iio> Dunn Elementary Jan Borman Principal

}iio> Kruse Elementary Kim Nokava Principal

}iio> Tavelli Elementary Dan Lawler Principal

}iio> Traut Core Knowledge Art Dillon Principal


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1, 2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for


• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

ulle .mot cr. .u d l iti/clls art. r'\:' to d e \

Ld LIcat i0 I i c ffc c til' and b LI 111e . ix I'r ()d uri

Collin. d place where t.irni lic arc stro: g. home .ind streets dLT sal

e" ~ \)•

Resol ution 2001-1 17:

at The following is a quote I often lise from the City of Character Initiative

• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

Resolutions" in September 200 1.


of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Next, the formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer

leaders from all sectors of the community.

• The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and

development of character throughout the community, and to coordinate

that promotion among all of the sectors, which include

» Families (the primary sector),

» Schools,

» Business,

» Higher Education,

» Government,

» Law Enforcement,

» Communities of Faith, and

»Media. The Character Council is listed in the Breakfast Program.

• Next, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is a "grass­

roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of the Character Council

fully dependent on voluntary donations from the citizens.


I am honored to introduce Tom Hill, today's Keynote Speaker.

• Tom is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of

Kimray, Inc., a leading manufacturer of oil and gas equipment in

Oklahoma City.

• Tom is the founder and president of Character First! and the Character

Training Institute, Inc., a non-profit 501 C-3 organization dedicated to

providing materials and training for families, schools, businesses and

other organizations interested in building good character.

• Since its inception in 1992, over

)- 1,200 businesses,

)- 2,000 school districts and

)- 150 communities in the United States and

)- 17 foreign countries have implemented this "new" paradigm for

personal growth.

• Tom and his wife Kay are active members of Western Hills Baptist

Church in Oklahoma City. They have been married for 39 years and have

3 married children, and 16 grandchildren.

• Map of the VVorId

• Dr. Swindol and the Dodgers

• Life is like a coin

• Hal Kinard

• Dr. Gil Carbajal

• Dennis Bokee, Ph.D.

• Story: Ms. VVarner

• Story: Ms. Irish

• Story: Eagle and the Otter

• Story: Supreme Court: Moses

Country, we should stand with our President and Country.

~ This is a time where we should not stand behind our President and

~ These are challenging times.

Theme: Facing our challenges with the Power of Character

Community Leaders Character BreakfastThursday, March 27, 2003

6:45 a.m.-8:45 a.m.(SPEAK AT 7:30)

Marriott Hotel, 350 E. HorsetoothMayor Ray Martinez


• I understand that Craig Schmidt joins us today. Welcome!

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition display a

flag of each one of the character traits.

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

citizens in a community can influence the entire city. Such is the case

with two fathers, Craig Schmidt and Jess Me Daniel, who attended

Building Cities of Character Conference in Indianapolis sponsored by

International Association of Character Cities.

• Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary

• (Invite and mention little boy from Muscular Dystrophy Association)=

Joe Akmakjian, 1709 Linden Lake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80524

• Dr. Yates-A City of Compassion "Bridges to the Future"

o Campus of Character

• God Bless America vs. God Has Blessed America!


this educational piece will be K-12.

}i;;- Cache La Poudre Elementary Ron Maulsby Principal

}i;;- Dunn Elementary Jan Borman Principal

}i;;- Kruse Elementary Kim Nokava Principal

}i;;- Tavelli Elementary Dan Lawler Principal

}i;;- Traut Core Knowledge Art Dillon Principal

• Today, we have 26, and I suspect that by the end of the school year,


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

says, "Welcome to Poudre ValleyHospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1, 2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for


the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

and rami 1il S."

, .lI '

luc.uion i, tffLe' i ~111c1hu Illes, is product: . nciuhbor care ah ) It

( ol linx a pLll'c' \\ I ere f.unil: .uc trouu. IHlIl1C and xtrc ts arc, ak

iur 'I ~(re

Resolution 2001-117:

The following is a quote I often use from the City of Character Initiative

Resolutions" in September 2001.

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and


of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Next, the formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer

leaders from all sectors of the community.

• The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and

development of character throughout the community, and to coordinate

that promotion among all of the sectors, which include

~ Families (the primary sector),

~ Schools,

~ Business,

~ Higher Education,

~ Government,

~ Law Enforcement,

~ Communities of Faith, and

~ Media. The Character Council is listed in the Breakfast Program.

• Next, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is a "grass­

roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of the Character Council

fully dependent on voluntary donations from the citizens.


I am honored to introduce Tom Hill, today's Keynote Speaker.

• Tom is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of

Kimray, Inc., a leading manufacturer of oil and gas equipment in

Oklahoma City.

• Tom is the founder and president of Character First! and the Character

Training Institute, Inc., a non-profit 501 C-3 organization dedicated to

providing materials and training for families, schools, businesses and

other organizations interested in building good character.

• Since its inception in 1992, over

»- 1,200 businesses,

»- 2,000 school districts and

»- 150 communities in the United States and

»- 17 foreign countries have implemented this "new" paradigm for

personal growth.

• Tom and his wife Kay are active members of Western Hills Baptist

Church in Oklahoma City. They have been married for 39 years and have

3 married children, and 16 grandchildren.


Ray MartinezMayor


WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a placewhere families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective,business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free tomake wise choices for their lives and families.

Your emphasis on putting character first emulates the following paragraph taken fromCity Council Resolution 200 1-117 supporting the City of Character Initiative:






Next Meeting: Thursday, February 26,2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

V. Council Planning Session

IV. Coordinators Report

III. Administrators Report

II. Minutes of Last Meeting

I. Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM











Next Meeting: Thursday, March 25, 2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

Council Planning Session (Continued)

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, February 19,2004













Next Meeting: Thursday, April 22, 2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

V. Council Planning Session (Continued)

IV. Coordinators Report

III. Administrators Report

II. Minutes of Last Meeting

I. Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, March 25, 2004



Task Force





Next Meeting: Thursday, May 27, 2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

Report of the Marketing Message Task Force

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, April, 22, 2004














Next Meeting: To Be DeterminedLarimer County Sheriff's Department

VII. Adjourn

Report of Marketing Task Force

Finalize MissionlVision Statements

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM

THURSDAY, May 27, 2004
















Next Meeting: August 26, 2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VII. Adjourn

Strategy Planning (from adopted Mission Statement)• Resource Development• Executive Director - long range planning• Sector Strategies

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:00PM



THURSDAY, June 24, 2004








Next Meeting: December 16, 2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

IX. Adjourn




City GovernmentFront Range Community CollegeBusinessSchoolsFaithColorado State UniversityLaw EnforcementLarimer CountyCommunications

VIII. Sector Discussions(Please plan to update the Council and discuss activity and plans in each sector.)

AllVII. Family Sector Representative

PowellVI. Council Organization Task Force

PowellV. Community-wide Character Summit Status

PowellIV. Coordinators Report

DeCookIII. Administrators Report

PowellII. Minutes of Last Meeting

PowellI. Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, October 28, 2004



Additional opportunities have presented themselves for TV spots. Bob reported that FirstNational Bank, PVHS and ComCast Cable would be sponsoring 1600 spots for 4 monthsfor Character Ft Collins. The spots will begin either in Mayor June, 2003.

Character First Bulletin subscription will be paid for the Council members if interested.

Speaking engagements and scheduled seminars have increased giving further evidencethat the Breakfast provided additional credibility in the community. An Open Seminarwas held at the Sheriffs Office on 4/17/03 where 4 local businesses were represented;future plans are being made for a County Treasurers seminar. Scheduled seminarsinclude: Emergercy Services on 4/25/03 and 4/26/03 at Berthoud Fire Department withFranklin Smith presenting; Larimer County Sheriff Advanced Character based training on4/29/03.

Bob reported that feedback from the Community Breakfast was very positive. Therewere 255 people in attendance. Additional positive responses were shared by Mike fromthe Business Sector, Jim from FRCC, Darren from the City, Mary from Media and LindafromCSU.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

The current Cash Flow Report was distributed. Bob clarified that the "Achieving TrueSuccess" books were available at $12.00 each if 1-19copies were purchased; $9.00 eachif 20 or more copies were purchased.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

It was moved and seconded that the minutes from the February 20, 2003 meeting beapproved as written. Motion carried.

II. Minutes of February 20, 2003

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:38 PM. Guests Michael Stephens and KentFahrenbruckjoined the meeting after finishing a Character Training seminar. Michael iscurrently with Ultimate Support Systems and is training to become a certified consultantfor Character First; Kent is the Director of Education for Character First in OklahomaCity, Oklahoma.

I. Call to OrderlIntroduction of GuestsJ


Guests: Michael Stephens and Kent Fahrenbruck

Darren Atteberry, James Butzek, Dick DeCook, Mike Demma, Doug and Beth Keasling,Linda Kuk, Robert Powell, Sandy Schifferns, Mary Zenzen


April 17, 2003


Jim reported the invitees in attendance at the breakfast had a good understanding of theCouncil and the role it is assuming. Interest has been expressed by student services. TheCharacter banners for the building are being actively pursued and to complete this fiscalyear.

FRCC - Jim Butzek

Action Item: Bob to work on recruiting a representative for that sector.

Doug posed the question about special service providers such as the Red Cross andPoudre Health District needing their own representation on the Council, as they did notfit into any of the existing sectors represented.

Doug reported that the Community Breakfast provided a good topic for follow-up calls.All of those in attendance had expressed an interest in obtaining more information, whichhas been sent. Future meetings have been scheduled.

Faith - Doug and Beth Keasling

Mike reported that the business sector involvement was part of a bigger strategy to createawareness then work individually with the businesses that express an interest byproviding support then evaluation. The Business Breakfast held on 411 0/03 was verysuccessful and was led by Mike Stephens and Mike Haddorff. There has been someinterest from other communities but the decision was made to stay focused inFt Collins and continue the work here.

Business - Mike Demma

Action Item: Mary and Bob will draft an invitation to the Council for further discussion.

Mary discussed the selection process for the Character honoree highlighted in theColoradoan with a feature story. Some concerns were expressed about those honoreespreviously selected as being a duplication of qualities and characteristics. Discussioncentered on the need for the process to be more defined which would make it equal for allgenders/races. Several options were discussed including opening recommendations tothe community through the website, using Utility bills to obtain recommendations, andusing the Coloradoan as an available source for community involvement.

The need for a professional designer (graphic/website) was discussed. It wasrecommended that possibly an IT person willing to donate time would be an asset.

Mary reported that Channel 10would be telecasting a monthly 30-minute show, whichwould spotlight the monthly character as the topic.

Media - Mary Zenzen

VI. Sector Reports

Bob reported that about 10%of the book inventory had been distributed. Books will beavailable for students through the Poudre School District and for individual purchases aswell as for businesses and churches to be given away.

v. "Achieving True Success" Book Distribution

Next Meeting: June 19,2003 3:30 to 5:30 PMSheriff's Department Administration Building

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

VII. Adjournment

Darren reported newsletters were still being distributed and that Bob had attended a staffmeeting at the City. Other than modeling character traits, there was not much additionalactivity due to additional pressures in the workplace.

City - Darren Atteberry

Additional opportunities have presented themselves for TV spots. Bob reported that FirstNational Bank, PVHS and ComCast Cable would be sponsoring 1600 spots for 4 monthsfor Character Ft Collins. The spots will begin either in Mayor June, 2003.

Character First Bulletin subscription will be paid for the Council members if interested.

Speaking engagements and scheduled seminars have increased giving further evidencethat the Breakfast provided additional credibility in the community. An Open Seminarwas held at the Sheriff s Office on 4117/03 where 4 local businesses were represented;future plans are being made for a County Treasurers seminar. Scheduled seminarsinclude: Emergercy Services on 4/25/03 and 4/26/03 at Berthoud Fire Department withFranklin Smith presenting; Larimer County Sheriff Advanced Character based training on4/29/03.

Bob reported that feedback from the Community Breakfast was very positive. Therewere 255 people in attendance. Additional positive responses were shared by Mike fromthe Business Sector, Jim from FRCC, Darren from the City, Mary from Media and LindafromCSU.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

The current Cash Flow Report was distributed. Bob clarified that the "Achieving TrueSuccess" books were available at $12.00 each if 1-19copies were purchased; $9.00 eachif 20 or more copies were purchased.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

Itwas moved and seconded that the minutes from the February 20, 2003 meeting beapproved as written. Motion carried.

II. Minutes of February 20, 2003

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:38 PM. Guests Michael Stephens and KentFahrenbruckjoined the meeting after finishing a Character Training seminar. Michael iscurrently with Ultimate Support Systems and is training to become a certified consultantfor Character First; Kent is the Director of Education for Character First in OklahomaCity, Oklahoma.

I. Call to Orderllntroduction of Guests


Guests: Michael Stephens and Kent Fahrenbruck

Darren Atteberry, James Butzek, Dick DeCook, Mike Demma, Doug and Beth Keasling,Linda Kuk, Robert Powell, Sandy Schiffems, Mary Zenzen


April 17, 2003


Jim reported the invitees in attendance at the breakfast had a good understanding of theCouncil and the role it is assuming. Interest has been expressed by student services. TheCharacter banners for the building are being actively pursued and to complete this fiscalyear.

FRCC - JimButzek

Action Item: Bob to work on recruiting a representative for that sector.

Doug posed the question about special service providers such as the Red Cross andPoudre Health District needing their own representation on the Council, as they did notfit into any of the existing sectors represented.

Doug reported that the Community Breakfast provided a good topic for follow-up calls.All of those in attendance had expressed an interest in obtaining more information, whichhas been sent. Future meetings have been scheduled.

Faith - Doug and Beth Keasling

Mike reported that the business sector involvement was part of a bigger strategy to createawareness then work individually with the businesses that express an interest byproviding support then evaluation. The Business Breakfast held on 4/10/03 was verysuccessful and was led by Mike Stephens and Mike Haddorff. There has been someinterest from other communities but the decision was made to stay focused inFt Collins and continue the work here.

Business - Mike Demma

Action Item: Mary and Bob will draft an invitation to the Council for further discussion.

Mary discussed the selection process for the Character honoree highlighted in theColoradoan with a feature story. Some concerns were expressed about those honoreespreviously selected as being a duplication of qualities and characteristics. Discussioncentered on the need for the process to be more defined which would make it equal for allgenders/races. Several options were discussed including opening recommendations tothe community through the website, using Utility bills to obtain recommendations, andusing the Coloradoan as an available source for community involvement.

The need for a professional designer (graphic/website) was discussed. Itwasrecommended that possibly an IT person willing to donate time would be an asset.

Mary reported that Channel 10would be telecasting a monthly 30-minute show, whichwould spotlight the monthly character as the topic.

Media - Mary Zenzen

VI. Sector Reports

Bob reported that about 10%of the book inventory had been distributed. Books will beavailable for students through the Poudre School District and for individual purchases aswell as for businesses and churches to be given away.

V. "Achieving True Success" Book Distribution

Next Meeting: June 19,20033:30 to 5:30 PMSheriff's Department Administration Building

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

VII. Adjournment

Darren reported newsletters were still being distributed and that Bob had attended a staffmeeting at the City. Other than modeling character traits, there was not much additionalactivity due to additional pressures in the workplace.

City - Darren Atteberry

VI. June 10th is the next Community Breakfast.Council members are encouraged to attendand bring a guest.

V. The new tag line was discussed and the following waspresented to Bob Powell: "Developing positivecharacter together".

1.Ms. Susan Moye, Staffing Specialist, Departmentof Human Services, will replace Ralph Jacobs asthe Larimer County Representative on the CharacterCouncil.

2. Bob Powell and Bonnie Titley have been in contactwith Erik Weihenmayer about our linking tohis website. The group recommended that Bonnieand Bob pursue tis activity.

3. Training ActivitiesTeachers In Service, Fossil Ridge HighSchool, April 28, 2004

Teachers In Service, Kinard CoreKnowledge JHS, May 25, 2004

Parents Seminar, Building CharacterFirst, June 4, 2004Character First ImplementationSeminar, June 29,2004

4. Mike Demma will contact Don Marosticafrom Loveland with regard to CharacterInitiative.

IV. Coordinators Report

ill. Administration ReportDick DeCook reported that current check balance was$8027.00 and Savings was $2244.98.

II. Minutes of April 22, 2004 were approved.

I. Call To OrderMike Demma called the meeting to order at 3:35pm.


May 27, 2004

Mike Demma

Recorded and submitted by:

Thursday, June 24, 20043:30pm - 5:00pmLarimer County Sheriffs Department

VIII. Next meeting:

VII. Group discussed the Strategic Planning ( TessHeffernan) efforts. The "missionstatement: was reviewed and recommendations given toBob Powell. Group also discussed the need tobegin developing our organization; establishingpaid positions for Executive Director andResource Development; developing an Awareness/Marketing strategy.

The Council finalized the Mission Statement, the "Elevator Speech", and had a briefdiscussion about our new "tag line." It next discussed Resource Development. Based onconsistent feedback received from time to time, the work we are doing is perceived asimportant for the community, valued, and needed into the future. This presents a long­range challenge to sustain and grow the organization. In terms of resources, emphasiswas made of the need for a growing number of committed volunteers who are passionateabout our mission. In addition, we will need to add paid staff to meet our vision andmission. We discussed the need for a significantly expanded annual budget in the range

Strategy Planning

Bob Powell indicated nothing specific in the Coordinator's Report. The month has beendevoted to normal business. We have had the regular activities ofthe CharacterBreakfast planning, planning for the Implementation Seminar, and one speakingengagement. Bob asked Mike Demma to share the very supportive comment that wasmade by Gordon Thibedeau, Executive Director of the United Way of Larimer County inhis address at the State of the Community Luncheon regarding the value of CharacterFort Collins to the community.

Coordinator's Report

InDick DeCook's absence, Bob Powell gave the financial report for January 1,2004through June 22, 2004.

Administrator's Report

The Minutes of May 27,2003 were reviewed. The position for Susan Moye, newCouncil Representative from Larimer County was changed to read: StaffingSpecialist, Department of Human Resources, Larimer County. There were noother changes.

Minutes of May 27, 2003

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:35PM.

Call to Order

Mike Demma, Doug Keasling, Susan Moye, Bonnie Titley, Mary Zenzen, Bob Powell

June 24, 2004









Next Meeting: August 26, 2004, 3:30PM to 5:30PMSheriff's Department Administration Building

The meeting adjourned at 5:00PM

VII. Adjournment

Bob asked the Council to submit recognition nominations to Lloyd Thomas for our Julyemphasis on "Joyfulness," "maintaining a good attitude, even when faced withunpleasant circumstances.

Community RecognitionVI.

Each Sector was asked to begin specific planning for building strategies for expandingthe character initiative within their sectors supportive of the mission and vision workdone by the Council over the first five months of 2004.

Action Item: Mike and Bob will meet next week to identify the group and to beginplanning.

Mike Demma suggested a small "ad hoc" group be developed from the Council to beginstrategizing how to develop the needed resources.

For purposes of understanding the challenge facing the Council, Bob Powell shared hislong-range plans, as he sees them at this time. At the privilege of the Council, Bob willcontinue to provide Executive Director services at the same level as he is currentlyproviding on a volunteer basis for the next two to three years, to coincide with his wife'santicipated retirement. This presents the challenge to the Character Council to begin nowto develop the sustaining financial base for the organization.

of $100,000 to $150,000. This would allow for normal operating, expanded promotion,and paid Executive Director and Resource Development positions.

Bob opened discussion about the Character Ft Collins website asking for ideas on how todecide what should be included - books, movies, virtues, etc. Ideas were exchanged to

Meetings scheduled/completed: City of Ft Collins with Darin and Kelly to maintaincontinual involvement of the City with Character Ft Collins; Character Education tune-upwith the faculty and staff at Fossil Ridge High School (including emphasis in thehandbook on good character - 49 definitions used; Dr. Obermann who is planning todevelop the "Integrity Center" and hopes to work with Character Ft Collins; Teacher In­Service at Frontier High School; Health District staff meeting; Chamber of Commerce -Character in the Workplace; interim superintendent of Poudre School District - continualinvolvement and plans for the future; Ft Collins Youth Sports discussions.

Bob proposed that Character Ft Collins join the Ft Collins Area Chamber of Commerce.Motion carried.

IV. Coordinators Report:

A Financial Report and Administrator's Report as of 8/25/04 were distributed by Bob inDick DeCook's absence. Highlights: Sam's Club in Ft Collins will be purchasing andstocking "Achieving True Success" with a possibility of the Loveland store doing thesame; Quick Books has been purchased and is being installed for use for Character FtCollins; new business telephone line installed and available 8/30/04: 970-266-2671.

III. Administrative Report

Copies of the minutes were distributed to those present. No corrections were noted.

II. Minutes of June 24, 2004

Guests included: Gae DiGregorio and Jodi Donovan from the Campus of Character atCSU sitting in for Linda Kuk; Kelly DiMartino for the City of Ft Collins sitting in forDarin Atteberry

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:36 PM.

I. Call to OrderlIntroduction of Guests


Bob Powell, Michael Demma, Beth Keasling, Susan Moye, Bonnie Titley, MaryZenzen, and Sandy Schifferns


August 26, 2004


Sheriff Alderden joined the meeting for a few minutes to announce that two deputies wereapproved to complete training with the staff/youth detention inmates at the County jail.

Larimer County Sheriff - Sheriff Alderden

VII. Sector Reports:

Executive Committee be formed to handle the Board Development andReport back to the Council. Bob to contact Council members to pursue

Action Item:

Mike Demma led a discussion which identified a Board Development Cycle Processwherein Board members make a commitment to Character Ft Collins. The Council agreedthat it was appropriate to go through the assessment. Itwas recommended thatnothing is changed that has already been finalized but the Board needs to get ideasof involvement from the members.

VI. Focus on Future

Action Item: Bob to contact Hamburg, NY for additional information; to set upan adhoc committee including the representatives from CSU, City of Ft Collins andPoudre School District.

There was an overall support of the concept but additional information was needed forfurther discussion.

Bob distributed a hand-out explaining the concept of a Character Summit to be heldsometime next year. The Summit would allow feedback from the community andwould help to further create an awareness of Character Ft Collins. It would be co­sponsored with another organization in Ft Collins and would be an all day event: Morningsession - purpose to support families and schools with break-out groups; Lunch withkeynote speaker; Afternoon session with break-out groups of similar nature (faith, city,county, schools, etc.) with reports from each group.

V. Community-wide Character Summit

Bob will be out of town the third week in September at the International "BuildingCities of Character" conference. He has been invited to be one of the speakers for theconference.

Kelly and Gae to work with Bob with website set-upAction Item:

make website a resource not a site for preaching. Disclaimer was suggested - websiteincludes helpful information - ideas only.

Next Meeting: October 28, 2004 3:30 - 5:30 PMSheriff's Department Administration Building

The meeting was adjourned at 5:28 PM.

VIII. Adjournment

Mike reported that community breakfasts were continuing and encouraged members andguests to attend. He indicated that there may be a possible format change to alternatemonths for additional marketing for Character Ft Collins. Character seminars areon-going and well attended.

Business - Mike Demma

Bob also announced that our certified trainer, Michael Stephens, had recently married andmoved to Pittsburg, PA. He will continue to provide training during the next two to threemonths. Bob asked for approval from the Council to negotiate for a new projector to be

Bob announced that Mike Demma would be resigning from the Business Sector effectiveJanuary 1,2005. He will be leading a new sector: Youth Organizations due to hisconnections with the organizations through his other volunteer work. Bob is open torecommendations for a replacement for the Business Sector.

Bob reported on training and initiatives: Character 1st Implementation seminarsare scheduled as well as in-service at the Larimer County Detention Center; Meetingscheduled with PSD School Board to discuss the mission of the school district and howsignificantly does it include a character component - are standards in place to measure theschool's progress -how can Character Ft Collins help; Discussions are on-going regardingcharacter development through youth sports in Ft Collins with Healthier CommunitiesCoalition.

IV. Coordinators Report:

A Financial Report was distributed. Dick reported that he was still working with themanager of the Ft Collins Sam's Club to arrange to make "Achieving True Success"available for Christmas. Sam's is considering purchasing 200 copies from the currentinventory for re-sale at the store.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the August 26, 2004 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of August 26, 2004

Guests included: Laurie Stolen and Terry Ferebee from the Larimer County DetentionCenter

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM.

I. Call to OrderlIntroduction of Guests


Wynette Circiello, Dick DeCook, Beth Keasling, Jody Donovan, Kelly DiMartino,Michael Demma, Bob Powell, Mary Zenzen, and Sandy Schiffems


October 28, 2004


Laurie and Terry reported that they had implemented the same concepts and ideas at theLarimer County Detention Center as the one used at the Oklahoma County Jail. Therewill be approximately 100 inmates going through the curriculum. They link insideactivities with outside by mailing tapes and books to their homes. Representatives areavailable throughout the jail to help coordinate the process of reconnecting with familiesby sending information out during their stay. Laurie and Terry reported very positiveresponse from the inmates who are participating in the program.

Larimer County Sheriff - Laurie Stolen and Terry Ferebee

VIII. Sector Discussions

Council members participated in a general discussion about how best to expand themessage of Character Ft Collins to reach people of diverse backgrounds. A suggestionwas made to continue using the Character 1st training materials but to address the issue ofdiversity at the beginning of each seminar. Itwas further recommended that the best wayto promote the family training was to attend a seminar to see what should bemodified/adjusted to make it better. Itwas agreed that the best marketing is word ofmouth but fund raisers and marketing was essential. Additional discussion surrounded theneed to identify multiple cultural needs and define a common language for character. Itwas suggested that the existing Character 1st information be reviewed and fine tunedwhere needed.

Bob announced that he was looking for a new representative for the Council for theFamily Sector. He asked that members contact him directly with recommendations.

VII. Family Sector Representative

A task force has been organized to examine the current structure of the Council. The taskforce will work with Mike Demma on recommendations for strengthening the Council.The task force is comprised of: Bob Powell, Dick DeCook, Mary Zenzen, and RayCrawford

VI. Council Organization Task Force

Bob reported that the HCC (Healthier Communities Coalition) had already scheduled aFamily Summit for February, 2006. The Summit to be sponsored by CharacterFt Collins was tabled.

V. Community-wide Character Summit

used in training because Character Ft Collins had been using Mike's personal projector fortraining. Motion carried. Bob will also be trying for grants and donations to help withthe cost.

Next Meeting: December 16, 2004 3:30 - 5:00 PMEveryday Joe's Coffee House

144 S Mason Street (east side across from the County building)Short Business Meeting/Holiday Gathering

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

VIII. Adjournment

Jodi reported that the Institutional Values had been written at CSU. She was pleased toannounce that "Character" was the first value listed.

CSU - Jody Donovan

The Council approved the financial statement for 2004 (January 1,2004 throughDecember 15,2004.)

Bob then introduced Pamela O'Grady who had just joined the staff in a key rolehelping with some of the executive duties of the office. Pamela will begin the processof becoming an Associate Trainer with Character First!, and will help to maintaincontact with existing clients and programs, and developing programs. Bob alsoindicated that plans for 2005 include him also becoming an Associate Trainer withCharacter First! with the thought of more flexibility in seminar offerings, includingteam teaching the longer seminars.

Mike Demma, as Chair of the Business Task Force, thanked the Business Task Forcefor its work since being formed. He presented certificates recognizing the characterquality of "Determination" that has been displayed by the BTF in their work.Members recognized were: Mike Haddorff, Ken Hoornbeek, Chris Nicholas, BobPowell, Marcy Scharf, Win Schendel, and Michael Stephens

Bob Powell welcomed Mayor Ray Martinez who thanked the Character Council for itswork and challenged it to go forward in light of the incidents of youth related issues(e.g. alcohol abuse) that the City and C.S.U. were facing. He stated that our work inthe community was very important and to boldly work to fulfill our mission.

III. Annual Meeting - 2004

The Minutes from the August 28, 2003 annual meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of August 26, 2004

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 4 PM. The meeting was held at EverydayJoe's Coffee Shop. Itwas our annual meeting and holiday gathering.

I. Call to Orderllntroduction of Guests


Guests: Mayor Ray Martinez, Mike Haddorff, Sandra Haddorff, Chris Nicholas, andPamela O'Grady

Ray Crawford, Mike Demma, Joe Hendrickson, Doug Keasling, Lloyd Thomas, MaryZenzen, Gaye Digregorio, Jody Donovan, Bob Powell


December 16, 2004


Next Meeting: February 24, 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFort Collins, CO

The meeting adjourned at 4:55pm

The meeting concluded with a review of major activities of the Character Council in2004 and expressions of thanks and appreciation.

Operational funds estimated between $40,000 - $50,000 tosupport development (salary and operating funds)

Identify the goals:

Take care of immediate needs - begin with fundraising - cannot add staff without funds

Tess distributed a handout - Create a Resource Development Strategy

IV. Vision and Planning - Tess Heffernan

The meeting was then turned over to Tess Heffernan, facilitator.

The next community breakfast will be held on 4/8/04 and is open to the public. Memberswere encouraged to bring guests.

A meeting has been scheduled with the staff at Fossil Ridge High School for in servicetraining - coordinated through the efforts of Art Dillon.

Bob reported that there were upcoming seminars on 4/8/04 at the Sheriff's Office,4/19/04 at Estes Park which will emphasize law enforcement implementation, 4/21/04 atJohnstown which will be open to Milliken and Johnstown.

The Character Ft Collins website is being updated. The site is still available but it is "inprogress" and the final version is not yet completed.

Bob recapped the success of the seminar "Farther The They Eye Can See", stating thatthere were 620 in attendance and that the profit for the Council was $3000. He furtherstressed the added visibility in the community that was gained by the seminar. LindaKuk from CSU has expressed an interest in partnering closer with Character Ft Collinsfor similar events.

III. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

It was moved and seconded that the minutes from the February 19,2004 meeting beapproved as written. Motion carried.

II. Minutes of February 19, 2004

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM. Bob introduced Heather Mills,marketing consultant from One Source Communications.

I. Call to OrderlIntroduction of Guests


Tess Heffernan and Heather MillsGuests:

Art Dillon, Bonnie Titley, Darin Atteberry, Beth Keasling, Em Hudson, Joe Hendrickson,Mary Zenzen, Mike Demma, Bob Powell and Sandy Schifferns


March 25, 2004


"Catch phrase" (elevator speech) needs to be developed

Recognize that each sector will respond to a variation ofthe message

Create the message to convey our mission and formalizeit - "Good character is the inward motivation to do whatis right according to the highest standards in eachsituation" - we can get better - continuous improvementis not about fixing something - we are promoting strongcharacter/recognizing good character and appreciating it

What do we want to be seen as - articulate the message

Develop a compelling message to create the image

Develop consistent message and image that all will conveyto the community:

Priority for CFC before work on fund raising can begin:

Develop a plan for identifying potential donors

Tax deductible - goal at $40,000 - set up sub-committee:Frame challenge and request

Personal donations - marketing - founders/charter members40 people at $1000 each

Commission approach - seek grants for % of fund raised

Look at other Character Councils fundraising to model after i.e.Topeka, northern Florida, Indiana - this step may be moreappropriate for the person hired

Donation for funds from individual/foundations and/or servicegroups to pay salary for 2-3 months

Collaborate with United Way to raise money for CFC

Direct contributions from agencies represented by CFC Councilmembers

Set up system for personal donations that continuesautomatically i.e. United Way donations, payroll deductionsBuild an infrastructure using CFC contacts in sectors/community

Bob would continue in his volunteer leadership role

Hire someone able to fund other paid staff - must be ableto develop a model and structure for future funds development

Order to pursue:

Steps - reach goals:

Next Meeting: April 22, 2003 3:30 to 5:30 PMSheriff's Department Administration Building

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

v. Adjournment

Tess will facilitate again to review the results/recommendations from thesub-committees and set the path for the future.

Plan to identify potential donors to be developed byMay 27, 2004 meeting - Bob, Mike, Darin

"Catch phrase" to be developed before April 22, 2004 meeting -Bob, Heather, Ern, Sandy

Action Items:

Revised: 12/13/04/sekG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2004\CMOMeetings\Character Council\Character Council.doc


January 22 (REGRETS FOR MAYOR) from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County SheriffsDepartment Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.01/14/04--»> Sarah Kane 01/14104 07:58AM »> This is to confirm that Mayor Ray Martinez will be out of town attending aconference and will not be able to attend the Character Council meeting on Thursday, January 22, 2004 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at theSheriffs Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Drive. I will look at his schedule for doing the welcome at the breakfastand get back with you soon, Bob. Thank you, Sarah Kane IsekFebruary 26 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building,2501 Midpoint Dr.March 25 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building,2501 Midpoint Dr.April 22 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building,2501 Mid_pointDr.

Effective Wednesday, June 16,2004 at 12:01 a.m. Darin Atteberry assumes the position ofInterim City Manager until further notice by City Council.

June 24 (REGRETS for Darin Atteberry) from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County SheriffsDepartment Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.(06/24/04 at 8:44 a.m.-Left voicemail to REGRET for Darin Atteberry on Bob Powell's voicemail. Darin is out of town attending CMLconference. Iltg)August 26 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building,2501 Midpoint Dr(08120104---email from Bob Powell: »> "Robert Powell" <> 08/2010409: 19AM »>Good Morning. I hope your summer has gone well. Here we are, nearing the end of August. Our August Character Council meeting isnext Thursday, August 26. Attached is the agenda for that meeting. I look forward to seeing you next Thursday. Bob. Isek)October 28 (REGRETS for Darin Atteberry; Lead: Kelly DiMartino) from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.,Larimer County Sheriffs Department Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Dr.(10/26/04-Per Darin Atteberry, Kelly DiMartino will take lead on this meeting until a decision is made on his position at which time itwill be readdressed. Icfm)

December 16 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriff's Department AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Dr. RELOCATED to Everyday Joe's Coffee House, 144 S. MasonStreet.(l2/13/04---email from Bob: »> "Robert Powell" <> 12113/0403:36PM »>Good Afternoon:Attached are the Minutes of our October 28,2004 Character Council meeting. Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Thursdayafternoon, December 16, 2004 at 3:30pm for a short annual meeting, and a brief holiday gathering. The meeting will be at Everyday Joe'sCoffee House, 144 S. Mason. You are welcome to invite your spouse or guest. Bob Powell /sek)

(l2/06/04-Email from Darin Atteberry>»> Darin Atteberry 12106/0405: 19PM »>Christine, I would like to attend if possible. Thankyou! Darin Icfm)(l2/03/04-Email from Kelly Courkamp»> Kelly Courkamp (Darin Atteberry) 12/03/04 04:32PM »>Caiendaring for Darin Atteberry.Kelly Icfm)(12/03/04-Email from Bob Powelboc- "Robert Powell" <> 12/03/04 04:28PM »>Hello, As wediscussed at our October Character Council meeting, our December meeting will have only one brief agenda item - Convene a very briefannual meeting of the corporation to approve last year's minutes and the corporation financial statement - then we will hold a "gathering"to celebrate the past year and our work together. We will meet on Thursday, December 16, 2004, from 3:30 to 5 pm at Everyday Joe'sCoffee House, 144 S. Mason Street (East side of Mason across the street from the new County building.) When you arrive, pleasepatronize Everyday Joe's for your drink. We will also have some goodies present. During our gathering, we would like to recognize theBusiness Task Force, so each member of that group is invited and encouraged to join us. I look forward to seeing you on the 16th BobPowell President Character Fort Collins, Character Focus of the Month: "Gratefulness" "Letting others know by mywords and actionshow they have benefited my life." Icfm)



Revised: 12113/04/sekG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2004\CMOMeetings\Character Council\Character Council.doc

MEETING LOGISTICS:• The Character Council meetings are generally the fourth Thursday of February, April, June,August, October, and December (Third Thursday) from 3:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. at the Larimer CountySheriffs Department Administration Building 2501 Midpoint Drive. The first 4 months of 2004 willhave a monthly meeting for special strategic planning, per Bob Powelllsek• The Mayor is always welcome to attend.

City of Fort Collins City Council• FYIfRay Martinez, Mayor; Phone: 416-2154; email:

Staff Support: Sarah Kane, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 416-2447; Fax: 224-6107; email:

Character Council-+ Bob Powell; City of Character Council President; Character Cities Contact Phone: 266-2671; Bob's

Home Address: 1709 Globe Court, Fort Collins, CO 80528; home phone: 223-4015; CharacterCouncil mailing address: P.O. Box 271427, Fort Collins, CO 80527; Character Council Officeaddress: 1112 Oakridge Dr., Suite 108, Fort Collins, CO 80525; Bob's Cell phone: 988-9349.

• See complete roster: G:IMGRSI2004/CMO Meetings/Character CouncillCharacter CouncilROSTER.doc

City of Fort Collins Staff• Darin Atteberry, City Government Sector; Phone: 221-6511; email:

Staff Support: Angelina Powell, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 221-6525; fax: 224-6107; email: apowell@(

The mission of Character Fort Collins is to increase awareness of the impact of positivecharacter qualities in our individual lives, to strengthen the exercise of these qualities byproviding resources appropriate to their development throughout our community, and torecognize and reinforce good character in leaders of families, business, education, lawenforcement, government, service agencies, and the faith community.

MISSION STATEMENT(Adopted by the Character Council May 27, 2004)


By LArry Rhoads, Executive Director of the CIulrader Training Institute

• Keep the big picture in mind (Wisdom)

• Maintain transparent motives (Sincerity)

• Look for root causes (Discernment)

• Cover all the bases (Thoroughness)

• Approach the issue head on (Boldness)

• Communicate accurately (Truthfulness)

• Watch your words, attitudes and actions(Discretion)

• Allow for time change (Patience)

• Do what is right regardless (Determination)

• Know good character brings the best possibleoutcome (Faith)

Byproperlyapproachingeachneed\:Jropportunityfrom a perspective of good character,you will befar more successful.

People are constantly being pulled or pushedinto believing they should join, buy, vote for, orchange something. The sad reality is that mostpersuasion taking place is based on getting,rather than giving. When someone asks you to dosomething, carefully evaluate the motive behindtheir request and consider whether it is rooted ingood character.

What about you? What is your motive behindyour ideas or proposals? Do you desire selfishgain, or are you working toward a common goalwith others in mind? Read over the followingpoints, and endeavor to implement them intoyour daily interactions with others. As a result,you will add power to your persuasiveness.

The world is made up of billions of people withmillions of differing ideas. Properly applied,these ideas can bring life, unity, and success.Used selfishly, however, ideas will bring divi­sion, destruction, and death.

The Power in Persuasion

"Our main goal with a character emphasis as a global organization isto provide an ethical value set that is uniform to our operation in themany different countries where we have a presence. Beingperceivedby our customers as providing the best quality product in the marketwhile being treated with fairness and respect is important to us."

"Character First! has offered many ideas and practical applications forhow we respect each others' differences and celebrate each others'strengths,"Yehlingdeclares.And through a characteremphasis,SprayingSystemsis sure to overcomethose challenges,and movetoward success.

Spraying Systems hasn't forgottenabout building internally as theyexpand externally.

According to Jim Yehling,Vice President of HumanResources for the company,Spraying System views theircharacter emphasis as vital. Ithas been of great value,"especially as we expand tomore international manufac­turing, and have differentgroups of employees fromdifferent cultures," he says.

January 2004 Edition

.. Appeal to a person'sconscience in terms ofcharacter.

Wait for the best time.

• Do not argue.

Aspects of persuasiveness:

• Point others in the rightdirection.

• Do not stretch thetruth to make it moreattractive.

Guiding vital truths aroundanother's mental roadblocks

.r ua IVS. Contention

An international company faces many of the same challenges thatother organizations face, but sometimes on a larger scale. The sheerimmensity of employees, buildings, tasks, and responsibilities isoften both impressive and overwhelming.

For instance, how should team members in a global company inter­act with each other? How can an organization build good workingrelationships across cultures? How should people from differentcountries go about developing good communication, respect, andunderstanding? How can a large organization ensure that itscommitments are fulfilled in a timely manner?

Spraying Systems Co., located in Wheaton, Illinois, faces many ofthese challenges every day. As a global company with locations allover the world, each employee interacts with those from differentlocations, backgrounds, and beliefs.

Theircharacteremphasiseven began in an internationalway.A generalmanager in China heard about Character First!, and began focusingoncharacter at his location. After witnessing his great success in theendeavor,SprayingSystemsexpanded their emphasis acrossthe board.

Global Challenges

The Character Training Institute (CTI)was established to encourage truesuccess in businesses, organizations,schools, communities, and familiesby encouraging character growthand development. With forty-ninequalities at its center, CharacterFirst! offers a variety of training andresources to stimulate charactergrowth in individuals from allwalks of life.

The Character Training Institute is anon-profit SOl(c)(3) organizationbased in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Upcoming SeminarsImplementation SeminarFebruary24, 2004EffectiveLeadership SeminarFebruary25, 2004Implementation SeminarMay25,2004


If you are an outsider to city govern­ment, volunteer to strengthen yourcommunity by becoming their repre­sentative to hold the mantle of charac­ter promotion in city event. Takingaction today will, without doubt, resultin fruit for tomorrow.Butwhatever youdo, remember to continue cultivatingand watering the seeds!

Copyright Ie2003 by Character Training Institute. 520 West Main Street, Oklahoma City OK 73102 • (4lJ5)81s.ooJ1

Remember, character is applicable to every situation in life,and can easily be integrated into a city function or meeting,simply by mentioning the character quality that applies tothe topic at hand and noting how taking heed to its instruc­tion can enhance the success of the current endeavor.

Is your city's character torch running Iowan fuel?Has yourcity purposed to become a City of Character, and thenbecome lost about actually fulfilling that promise? There isno better time than now to begin re-marshalling your com­munity's efforts around the character development banner.Youmay not see immediate results, but if you endure, yourpersistently maintained efforts to establish the importance ofcharacter will not fail in producing long-lasting fruit.

Perhaps you can begin this re-vitalization effort in your areaby gathering a nucleus of individuals within your communi­ty to emphasize character and discover ways to make it moremeaningful to people within your sphere of influence.

Perhaps giving a simple gift subscription of CharacterBulletins to a few individuals could spark a renewed interestin your community. Maybe your school needs characterposters placed in classroomsor hallways.Youcould also talkwith local businesses about the importance of character totheir success by hosting a Character and Business forum toseek ways to help them strengthen their employees to begreater individuals of character.

Many businesses will benefit from posting the characterposters in their establishment. If you are in city government,seek to encourage character development within your city'sestablishments.

• During a parent-teacherconference, the parentabruptly interrupted theteacher. When the con­versation was over, thestudent gently put hishand on his parent's Teacher's in Arad, Romania arearm and said, "Did you experiencing the benefits ofrealize that you inter- putting character first!rupted the teacher?"

Thanks to the investment of teacher and city leaders, fromFrance to Romania, from Canada to Mexico, children arelearning what it means to put character first.Make sure thatthose in your area are learning good character as well.

"Thank you" before.Now he thanks her forevery little thing shedoes!

Astonishing GrowthClyde, a farmer, had a car accident. Incourt, a lawyer was questioning him.

Clyde said, "Well, I'll tell you, Iwasloadin' my mule Bessieinto the ... "

The lawyer interrupted, "I am tryingto establish the fact that this man toldthe HighwayPatrolmanon scenethat hewas 'just fine.' Now severalweeks afterthe accidenthe is trying to suemy client.Ibelievehe is a fraud."

"I'd like to hear what he has to sayabout his mule," the judge replied.

"Well, I loaded Bessie into the trailerand was drivin' her down the highwaywhen this semi-truck ran the stop signand ran into my truck. Iwas throwninto one ditch, and Bessiewas thrownout, too. I was hurtin' real bad and did­n't want to move. But, I could hear oleBessie moanin' and groanin'. Shortlyafter the accident an officercame on thescene.He could hear Bessiernoanin', sohe went over to her.After he looked ather, he took out his gun and shot herbetween the eyes. Then the Patrolmancame across the road, gun in hand,looked at me, and said, 'How are yafeelin'?' Now,what would you say?"

What about you? Doyou share the factsnecessaryto guide truths around others'mental roadblocks?

A few months ago, Character First! representatives trained30 Romanian school teachers who have begun a pilot pro­gram of the Character First! curriculum in Romania. Englishteachers have implemented the curriculum successfully inthe past-now the materials are translated and ready forimplementation in the country's native tongue.

Already, teachers are reporting how the character lessonshave made a significant impact in their classrooms.

• Amother asked her child's teacher, "What are you doing inschool with my son?" After explaining the pilot programto her, the mother replied that her son has completelystopped swearing and is not using foul language any­more. (This child spent three years in first grade andalready spent a night at the police station because of hisviolent behavior.)

• The mother of a spoiled child asked the teacher about thenew character lessons in class. After learning about theprogram, the mother said that her child has never said

What Character Means

The Case

"I am sohappy tohave thismaterialmourown

language !"-A tetlcher fromArad, Romania

Character Fort Collins970- 266-

To download past issues of the newsletter, visitwww.characterfirst.comlbusinesslresourceslnewsletter.htm

If you are unablefor any reason to open the attached newsletter file, please reply to this e-mailor reach us by phone. You may also contact us if you wish to unsubscribe.

The attached newsletter can be viewed and printed using Acrobat Reader, version 4.0 or later,which you can downloadfree of chargefrom:


If you would like to discuss a character emphasis in your business,organization, faith community, school, or home, please call us at CharacterFort Collins, 970-266-2077

Astonishing Growth -Practical ways to encourage a character emphasis in your area.

The Case -Sometimes persuasiveness means thinking about more than your words.

The Power in Persuasion -Which way are you pulling? Understand the basis for effective persuasion.

What Character Means -Teachers in Arad, Romania begin using the newly translated Romanian CharacterFirst! Education materials.

Global Challenges -How important is a character emphasis for an international organization? Seewhat one company has to say.

We are pleased to share the attached Building Character with you. In thisnewsletter from the International Association of Character Cities you willfind:

During the month of February, the community-wide focus of Character FortCollins will be on the character quality of "Persuasiveness", defined by theCharacter Training Institute as "Guiding vital truths around another's mentalroadblocks."

If you would like to discuss a character emphasis in your business,

Practical ways to encourage a character emphasis in your area.

Astonishing Growth -

Sometimes persuasiveness means thinking about more than your words.

The Case -

Which way are you pulling? Understand the basis for effectivepersuasion.

The Power in Persuasion -

Teachers in Arad, Romania begin using the newly translated RomanianCharacter First! Education materials.

What Character Means -

How important is a character emphasis for an international organization?See what one company has to say.

Global Challenges -

We are pleased to share the attached Building Character with you. Inthis newsletter from the International Association of Character Citiesyou will find:

During the month of February, the community-wide focus of Character FortCollins will be on the character quality of "Persuasiveness", defined bythe Character Training Institute as "Guiding vital truths aroundanother's mental roadblocks."

"Robert Powell">>1/29/04 10:17PMFebruary Character Quality - Persuasiveness



Character Fort Collins

To download past issues of the newsletter,

If you are unable for any reason to open the attached newsletter file,please reply to this e-mail or reach us by phone. You may also contactus if you wish to unsubscribe.

The attached newsletter can be viewed and printed using Acrobat Reader,version 4.0 or later, which you can download free of charge from:

organization, faith community, school, or home, please call us atCharacter Fort Collins, 970-266-2077

handouts, and even with a large banner on the front of the hospital that

• Poudre Valley Hospital is now promoting character qualities through their

Character Fort Collins.

will follow the calendar of traits emphasized in the community by

Range Community College launched a monthly character newsletter that

flag of each one of the character traits. As of October 1, 2003, Front

• Front Range Community College in their new building addition displays a

• Story: How I use respect in City Council as the Mayor...

following the Golden Rule; being courteous and polite.

and following instructions of those in authority; honoring others;

• Respect: Showing consideration for others and their property; listening to

citizens in a community can influence the entire city.

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

Theme: Using Character in my job as Mayor

City of Character BreakfastThursday, March 11,2004

6:45 a.m.-8:00 a.mSPEAK AT' :20 a.m-? :30

Moot House Restaurant, 2626 South College Ave.Mayor Ray Martinez


• As of the beginning of this school year, 2003-2004, we have all 26 of the

elementary Schools teaching Character Education.

~ Cache La Poudre Elementary Ron Maulsby Principal

)- Dunn Elementary Jan Borman Principal

~ Kruse Elementary Kim Nokava Principal

)- Tavelli Elementary Dan Lawler Principal

)- Traut Core Knowledge Art Dillon Principal


• When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives were

underway in five elementary schools at the time resolutions were passed:

says, "Welcome to Poudre Valley Hospital-we value compassion,

confidentiality, dignity, respect, equality, integrity, and quality. "

• Our Sheriff's Office began Character training on January 1, 2003 for all

400 employees, and next they will take that educational piece to jail,


• Helping inmates to be of good character when they leave, instead of a

good actor, can help change lives, and improve the quality of life for


"Whereas, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort

Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe,

education is effective and business is productive. neighbors care about

one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives

and families.'

Resolution 2001-117:

The following is a quote I often use from the City of Character mnanvc

• Also, all the junior high schools are teaching the curriculum also!

• Fort Collins High School has the program as well, thanks to the leadership

of Dennis Baker, their principal.

• Character Education is working!!

• Get this, last year, Irish Elementary School reported at 67% drop in

behavioral interventions since implementing the character education


• The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and

Poudre School District Board of Education each passed "Character

Resolutions" in September 200 1.


• Arthur Anderson headlines

• Or the World Com liquidations, which ironically centered

on the lack of integrity and honesty.

• Enron stories

• By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these

governing boards to promote and emphasize the development and practice

of good character within the areas of government they lead, and to

challenge the citizens to "do likewise."

• Launching the Character Initiative by the Resolutions focused on drawing

the entire community around a common purpose - focusing the attention

of the community on the importance of personal character in building a

safe, productive, and caring community.

• Now Larimer County is going to Character-based hiring!

o In our society today, it is important that we recognize the value of

having strong character that honors integrity, accountability and

being held responsible for our actions.

o We don't need more of the-


• We don't need young adults to experience the demise of a president of the

United States or any country having to stop down from office because of

lack of loyalty or trustworthiness.

• We should be done with hearing about FBI stings that uncovered

congressmen taking bribes and shoving a fistful of money in each hand

into their suit until they ran out of pockets-

o Operation Abscam was an embarrassing moment in American


• I'm amazed to hear that 50% of small businesses go out of business

because of employee theft, and that for every dollar worth of merchandise

a shoplifter takes, an employee takes $3 worth of merchandise.

• We need something that will transform people by renewing their minds

with good Character

• Itbegins one person at a time and spreads to all our community.

and families."

one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives

education is effective and business is productive, neighbors care about

Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets arc safe,

• "Whereas, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort

Resolution 2001- J 17:

The follov ing is a quote I often lise from the City of Character Initiative

• Story: How I use integrity in City Council as the Mayor...

students in a community can influence the entire city.

• I fully support the Character Cities initiative, and I believe one or two

• Story: Eric Gomez at Putman Elementary

do what is right.

• This includes the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently

• Today we recognize the character trait of "Integrity".

Riffenburgh Elementary School Character AssemblyFriday, February 27, 2004

8:45 - 9:15 a.m.(SPEAK From 8:45-8:50)1320 East Stuart StreetMayor Ray Martinez


• Arthur Anderson headlines

• Or the World Com liquidations, which ironically centered

on the lack of integrity and honesty.

• We don't need young adults to experience the demise of a president of the

United States or any country having to stop down from office because of

lack of loyalty or trustworthiness.

• We should be done with hearing about FBI stings that uncovered

congressmen taking bribes and shoving a fistful of money in each hand

into their suit until they ran out of pockets-

o Operation Abscam was an embarrassing moment in American


• Enron stories

• In our society today, it is important that we recognize the value of having

strong character that honors integrity, accountability and being held

responsible for our actions.

o We don't need more of the-

• We need something that will transform people by renewing their minds

with good Character

• It begins one person at a time and spreads to all our community.






Next Meeting: Thursday, February 26,2004Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

Council Planning Session

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM











By enacting Character Resolutions, we realize the resolve of these governing boards to promoteand emphasize the development and practice of good character within the areas of governmentthey lead, and to challenge the citizens to "do likewise." Launching the Character Initiative bythe Resolutions focused on drawing the entire community around a common purpose - focusingthe attention on the importance of personal character in building a safe, productive, and caringcommunity.

"Whereas, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place wherefamilies are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective and business isproductive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choicesfor their lives and families."

The Fort Collins City Council, Larimer County Commissioners, and Poudre School DistrictBoard of Education each passed "Character Resolutions" in September 2001. The following is aquote I often use from the City of Character Initiative Resolution 2001-117:

We took that step in Fort Collins in 2001 because I believe one or two citizens in a communitycan influence the entire city. When I first brought this to Fort Collins, Character initiatives wereunderway in five elementary schools. As of the beginning of this school year, 2003-2004, wehave all 26 of the elementary Schools teaching Character Education. All the junior high schoolsare teaching the curriculum also! Character Education is working! Last year, Irish ElementarySchool reported at 67% drop in behavioral interventions since implementing the charactereducation piece.

Congratulations on taking the step of joining the growing number of communities engaging incharacter initiatives.

Dear Steering Committee:

Community Character Council Steering Committeec/o Sheriff Joey Chavez730 East DriscollCortez, CO 81321

January 12,2004

cc: City Council MembersJohn F. Fischbach, City ManagerBob Powell, President, Character Fort Collins


Ray MartinezMayor


I know the areas covered by your character initiative will benefit in much the same way as FortCollins does. I look forward to hearing good reports from Montezuma County, the Town ofCortez, the Town of Dolores, the Town of Mancos, and the Town of Towoac, CO. Your effortswill not go unrewarded. Thank you for expanding the character initiative across the state ofColorado.

We needed something to transform people by renewing their minds with good character. Itbegins one person at a time and spreads throughout our community, and now across the state.

In our society today, it is important that we recognize the value of developing strong characterthat honors integrity, accountability and being held responsible for our actions.

The formation of a Character Council brought together volunteer leaders from all sectors of thecommunity. The role of the Character Council is to promote the awareness and development ofcharacter throughout the community, and to coordinate that promotion among all of the sectors,which include families (the primary sector), schools, business, higher education, government,law enforcement, communities of faith, and the media. After that, we created a 501 (C)(3) Non­Profit Corporation. This is a "grass-roots" initiative, with funding of the activities of theCharacter Council fully dependent on voluntary donations from our citizens.

January 12, 2004Community Character Council Steering CommitteePage 2

Next Meeting: June 23, 2005Larimer County Sheriff's Department3:30PM to 5:30PM

VI. Adjourn

• Sector Goals and Strategies - Status Report and Priorities All• Proposed By-Laws Changes Demma

AllOrganization Development DiscussionV.

PowellCoordinator's ReportV.

DeCookAdministrator's ReportIV.

III. Comments from Fort Collins Mayor, Doug Hutchinson

PowellMinutes of Last MeetingII.

PowellCall to OrderI.

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, May 5, 2005










Next Meeting: December 15, 2005Larimer County Sheriff's Department (Tentative)3:30PM to 5:00PM

VI. Adjourn

VII. Potential Fund Raiser - Mitchell

VI. Character Colorado - Strategize how to introduce

• Review Vision and Mission• Re-affirm approval of By-Laws• Organization Chart• Letters of Commitment• Election of Officers

Organization Development DiscussionV.

Coordinator's ReportIV.

Administrator's ReportIII.

Minutes of Last MeetingII.

Call to OrderI.

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY October 20, 2005



Bob proposed Character Ft Collins contract with Pamela O'Grady as a consultant forCharacter Ft Collins and to co-lead the organization. Her emphasis would be onconsulting and training in connection with Character First! resources. Pamela would sharethe revenue with Character Ft Collins per a pre-determined agreement. She and Bobwould both be certified Character First! trainers by the end of the year. Motion carried.

Consensus was also needed to begin the process of an appeal to sustain membershipfor Character Ft Collins. Motion carried.

Bob asked for Council approval for a $250 per month budget for professional assistancefor communications, media, website redesign, newsletter. Motion carried.

Bob announced that the Character Ft Collins office would be relocating within the next 2-6 months as the current location in the First Main Street Bank space will need to bevacated. He anticipates a Mayor June relocation.

IV. Coordinators Report:

Bob distributed the Fund Balances Report in Dick's absence.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the December 16, 2004 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of December 16, 2004

Bob announced that Mary Zenzen would be leading the Family Sector.

Each attendee introduced themselves ~ new members/guests: Hayden Camp: PoudreSchool District, Gaye Golter Digregorio: CSU, Mike Haddorff: Business, PamelaO'Grady: Miramont Sport Center/Consultant for Character Ft Collins.

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

I. Call to Orderllntroduction of Guests


Hayden Camp, Ray Crawford, Gaye Golter Digregorio, Kelly DiMartino, MikeHaddorff, Em Hudson, Doug Keasling, Pamela O'Grady, Bonnie Titley, LloydThomas, Bob Powell, Mary Zenzen, and Sandy Schiffems


February 24, 2005


Next Meeting: May 5, 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

VI. Adjournment

Action Item: For the next meeting, Sector chairs will present a statement of progress ontheir goals, prioritization of those goals and who will be responsible for accomplishmentof those goals.

City - Kelly DiMartino: Focus on internal employee training and personnel policiesSchools - Bob Powell: Meet with the School Board to recommit to character education;need assessment of academics launched from characterBusiness - Mike Haddorff: Simplify leadership training, design a "Business PresentationPackage" and recruit businessesFamily - Mary Zenzen: Community-wide Family Seminar to be implemented; specializeseminars to audience needsLaw Enforcement - Em Hudson: November seminar with international speaker - open tothe publicFaith - Doug Keasling: Link with Family Seminar to promote faith involvementCSU - Gaye GoIter Digregorio: Campus of Character Council is a separate organizationwith goals/strategies designed for student affairs staff, students and faculty. It wasrecommended that CSU collaborate with Front Range Community College in an exchangeof ideas and direction.

Sector Goals/Strategies: Sector chairs briefly discussed their previously submitted goalsfor the 2005 year.

Organization Goals/Strategies: Bob led a discussion about the 2005 Strategic Plan,highlighting Organization Development, Media and Communications and Training. Bobrecommended that within the next year, a separation between Board leadership andExecutive leadership be determined instead of his retaining both positions. Additionally,Mary recommended that she relinquish her position as SecretarylTreasurer because thoseroles are currently handled by other members.

Mission Statement: Bob presented several drafts for a revised Mission Statement as wellas a recommended version. After some discussion and minor changes, a revised MissionStatement was approved as corrected.

V. Organization Development Discussion

Bob met with the Administration at Poudre R-l to discuss continued support for characterdevelopment in schools. Bob recommended that standards and assessments wereneeded so that greater more consistent quality of character education be obtainedthroughout the district. Bob also suggested to Board President Ross Cunniff that theDistrict pursue National District of Character distinction in the next five years.

Bob reported that the joint project between the City, Poudre R-l, CSU and the HealthierCommunities Coalition was on hold for now. The Healthier Community Coalition isdoing a community survey and all parties have agreed to wait for the results beforecontinuing the project.

Bob announced that the annual meeting for the Council would be held on 9/29/05 at theSheriff s office.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

A Financial Report was distributed.

Dick reported that a new space (arranged by Mike Demma) at 1501Academy Court, Ste203, Ft Collins, CO 80524 had been located for the Character Ft Collins office. The leasehad been negotiated for two years at $162.50 per month including utilities. A newcommunication line would be needed as well as office furniture (possibly donated byUltimate Support Systems) but the phone number would remain the same. Itwas movedand seconded that the new location be approved as arranged. Motion carried.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the May 5, 2005 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of May 5, 2005

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:31 PM.

I. Call to Order


Ray Crawford, Dick DeCook, Michael Demma, Kelly DiMartino, Gaye GolterDigregorio, Mike Haddorff, Pamela O'Grady, Lloyd Thomas, Bonnie Titley, BobPowell, and Sandy Schifferns


July 28, 2005


Action Item: Each Council member was asked to review the draft to decide how theyeach want to fit into the new Board structure. Bob will contact each member to discuss.Any feedback from the Council should be directed to Bob prior to the next meeting.

A "Draft" of a Letter of Commitment was distributed and discussed for possiblechanges/additions. A Letter of Commitment would be established for each of the Chairsfor the Board of Directors. The Letter of Commitment would be reviewed annually by theBoard President and the Chair to see how the position was managed.

Proposed Board Commitment - Mike Demma

He further explained that there was latitude in the structure to identify Chairs to meet thespecific needs of the Council. Roles and responsibilities for each Chair/Committee wouldbe determined by current Council members. Mike explained that the Executive Directoris usually a paid position and that he/she is a member of the Board of Directors but doesnot have a vote.

Mike distributed a sample organizational chart for Not for Profit organizations andclarified some of the areas as it applies to the Council: Youth Organizations =Non Profit;Resource Development = New = Fund Raising; Ad Hoc = established as needed;Education = composed of different committees for CSU, FRCC, Poudre R-I; Government= City and County.

Mike led the discussion by outlining the critical steps for Board development: MissionStatement with Goals and Objectives for each sector; By-Laws; Organizational Structure:Volunteers and Staff; Letter of Conflict (Conflict of Interest); Letter of Commitment;Standing Ad Hoc Committees.

Proposed Organization Structure - Mike Demma

Bob distributed copies of the VisionlMission Statements developed with the leadership ofTess Heffernan from last year as well as copies of his personal Vision Statement for ourCommunity-wide Character Initiative. Bob thanked the Executive Committee - RayCrawford, Dick DeCook, Mike Demma, Bob Powell and Mary Zenzen - for their hardwork and efforts in re-organizing the Council and the By-Laws.

V. Organization Development Discussion - Bob Powell

Training events scheduled: Character First Implementation seminar on 9113/05 (goodenrollment so far); Boulder County Sheriffs training 10/25/05 and 1211/05; LarimerCounty Police Dynamics with Sheriff Ray Nash 11114-15/05 (State POST Academyprovided a grant for all POST certified officers to attend at no cost as a condition of thegrant). The seminar will be held at the Lincoln Center with a possibility of having thefilm and speaker broadcast to another room for additional attendees.

Next Meeting: October 20, 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM.

VI. Adjourn

Approval for the Letter of Commitment and the new structure will be discussed at theannual meeting.

Annual Meeting - Election of Officers - Mike Demma

Revised: 1O/31/05/cfmG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2005\CMO MEETINGS\Character Council\Character Council.doc

October 27 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

10/09/05--email from Doug stating he would like to try to go but his day is very full.

October 20 from 3:30·5:30 p.m., Larimer County Sheriff's Department - ANNUAL MEETING10/17/05--»> Sarah Kane 10/17/2005 12:33: 12 PM »> Hello Bob, I was out of the office all last week but seeyour email about the upcoming meeting. Mayor Hutchinson is very supportive of the group, as you know, butunfortunately, his schedule this week prevents him from attending the meeting on Oct. 20.Thank you for all the good work you're doing in our community. Sarah /sek

August 25 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

June 23 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

(04/l9/05-Call from Bob Powell asking if Doug can speak and address the group at 3:45. Told him I'd check with Doug and let himknow.lsek)(04/14/05--»> "Robert Powell" <>4113/2005 10:09:39 PM »> Good Evening: It has becomenecessary to re-schedule our April 28, 2005 Character Council meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2005 from3:30pm to 5:30pm at the same location, The Larimer County Sheriffs Office, 250 I Midpoint Drive. The Executive Committee of theCouncil has been meeting regarding some re-organization issues. Some proposals for changes to the By-Laws will be on the agenda, so itwill be of great benefit for you to attend the meeting, if at all possible. We are sorry for having to make the change, but appreciate yourflexibility. Bob Powell /sek)

April 28 RESCHEDULED TO May 5 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office,Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Drive(04/22/05--»> "Robert Powell" <> 4/22/2005 12:19:26 PM »> Good Morning.Attached you will find four documents in preparation for our Character Council meeting on May 5. Regarding the agenda, note that FortCollins' new Mayor, Doug Hutchinson, will be in attendance for some or all of the meeting andwill take the opportunity to connect with the Character Council and will also make a few comments about our work together. Please planto be on time so that the Mayor can visit with us early in the meeting. At our last meeting, we adopted the attached statement of sectorgoals and strategies for 2005. At the conclusion of the meeting we asked that you come to this meeting with your statement of progresson your goals, your prioritization of your goal statements, and who will be responsible for accomplishment. Please plan on no more than3 minutes for yourreport on this agenda item. The third attachment is our existing By-Laws. The fourth attachment is the proposed new By-LawsforCharacter Fort CoIlins and Character Colorado. Mike Demma will lead a discussion on the philosophy behind the proposed changes andthe specific changes recommended to the Council. As you can see, this meeting has very significant items on the agenda. Thanks foryour flexibility in moving the date back by one week toaccommodate schedule conflicts. see you on May 5. Thanks Bob Powell /sek)

February 24 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

(01/21/05-email from Bob:»> "Robert Powell" <> 01/2110504:21PM »> Hi, Sarah.Attached is the current Character Council list. Dates for 2005 are: February 24, 2005 April 28, 2005 June 23, 2005 August 25, 2005October 27,2005 December 15,2005 The meetings will be held from 3:30pm to 5:30pm at the Larimer County Sheriffs Office,Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Drive. There may be an official change in City representation on the Character Council soon. Ihave not spoken with Darin about this since the "Interim" was removed from his title. It may be that Kelly DeMartino becomes theofficial member. She has been representing Darin on the Council. I just need to get with Darin to determine his wishes. Let me know ifyou need more. Bob /sek)

CONFIRMA TION:(01l28/05--email from Sarah: »> Sarah Kane 01128/05 I0:40AM »> Hi Bob, I checked with Darin Atteberry. He would like topermanently appoint Kelly DiMartino to the Character Council, per your email below. I will place the meetings on the Mayor's calendaras FYI as you noted he is welcome to attend at any time. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Sarah /sek)



Revised: 10/31105IcfmG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\200S\CMOMEETINGS\Character Council\Character Council.doc

MEETING LOGISTICS:• The Character Council meetings are generally the fourth Thursday of February, April, June,August, October, and December (Third Thursday) from 3:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. at the Larimer CountySheriffs Department Administration Building 2501 Midpoint Drive.• The Mayor is always welcome to attend.• On 01l28/05-Darin Atteberry indicated his preference to appoint Kelly DiMartino to permanently

represent the City on the Character Council per Bob Powell's email request./sek

City of Fort Collins City Council• FYIIRayMartinez, Mayor; Phone: 416-2154; email:

Staff Support: Sarah Kane, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 416-2447; Fax: 224-6107; email:

Character CouncilBob Powell; City of Character Council President; Character Cities Contact Phone: 266-2671; Bob'sHome Address: 1709Globe Court, Fort Collins, CO 80528; home phone: 223-4015; Character Councilmailing address: P.O. Box 271427, Fort Collins, CO 80527; Character Council Office address1501Academy Court, Ste. 203 , Fort Collins, CO Fax: 970-226-9977-+ email:'s Cell phone: 988-9349. Website: Pamela O'Grady, Assistant:

• See complete roster: G:IMGRS/2005/CMO Meetings/Character Council/Character CouncilROSTER doc

ATTENDEESIDISTRIBUTION:City of Fort Collins Staff• Wendy Williams, Assistant City Manager; phone: 416-2899; fax: 224-6107; email: OF 10/31/05). Kelly DiMartiBO, CommuBicatioBS illld PublicmvolvemeBt CoordiBator; phoBe: 4Hi 2028; cell: 217 3293; fax: 224 6107; email:kdimartiBo@fego".com

December 15 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive(10/31105»> Christine Macrina 10/31120055:02:32 PM »>Wendy Williams will be attending all future Character Council Bi-MonthlyMeetings replacing Kelly DiMartino. I have spoken with Bob Powell and have placed the next meeting of December ISth on Wendy'scalendar, in addition I have updated the meeting template. Thank you. Christine Macrina Icfm)

Bob met with the Administration at Poudre R-l to discuss continued support for characterdevelopment in schools. Bob recommended that standards and assessments wereneeded so that greater more consistent quality of character education be obtainedthroughout the district. Bob also suggested to Board President Ross Cunniff that theDistrict pursue National District of Character distinction in the next five years.

Bob reported that the joint project between the City, Poudre R-l, CSU and the HealthierCommunities Coalition was on hold for now. The Healthier Community Coalition isdoing a community survey and all parties have agreed to wait for the results beforecontinuing the project.

Bob announced that the annual meeting for the Council would be held on 9/29/05 at theSheriff s office.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

A Financial Report was distributed.

Dick reported that a new space (arranged by Mike Demma) at 1501Academy Court, Ste203, Ft Collins, CO 80524 had been located for the Character Ft Collins office. The leasehad been negotiated for two years at $162.50 per month including utilities. A newcommunication line would be needed as well as office furniture (possibly donated byUltimate Support Systems) but the phone number would remain the same. Itwas movedand seconded that the new location be approved as arranged. Motion carried.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the May 5, 2005 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of May 5, 2005

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:31 PM.

I. Call to Order


Ray Crawford, Dick DeCook, Michael Demma, Kelly DiMartino, Gaye GolterDigregorio, Mike Haddorff, Pamela O'Grady, Lloyd Thomas, Bonnie Titley, BobPowell, and Sandy Schifferns


July 28, 2005


Action Item: Each Council member was asked to review the draft to decide how theyeach want to fit into the new Board structure. Bob will contact each member to discuss.Any feedback from the Council should be directed to Bob prior to the next meeting.

A "Draft" of a Letter of Commitment was distributed and discussed for possiblechanges/additions. A Letter of Commitment would be established for each of the Chairsfor the Board of Directors. The Letter of Commitment would be reviewed annually by theBoard President and the Chair to see how the position was managed.

Proposed Board Commitment - Mike Demma

He further explained that there was latitude in the structure to identify Chairs to meet thespecific needs of the Council. Roles and responsibilities for each Chair/Committee wouldbe determined by current Council members. Mike explained that the Executive Directoris usually a paid position and that he/she is a member of the Board of Directors but doesnot have a vote.

Mike distributed a sample organizational chart for Not for Profit organizations andclarified some of the areas as it applies to the Council: Youth Organizations =Non Profit;Resource Development = New = Fund Raising; Ad Hoc = established as needed;Education = composed of different committees for CSU, FRCC, Poudre R-1; Government= City and County.

Mike led the discussion by outlining the critical steps for Board development: MissionStatement with Goals and Objectives for each sector; By-Laws; Organizational Structure:Volunteers and Staff; Letter of Conflict (Conflict of Interest); Letter of Commitment;Standing Ad Hoc Committees.

Proposed Organization Structure - Mike Demma

Bob distributed copies of the VisionlMission Statements developed with the leadership ofTess Heffernan from last year as well as copies of his personal Vision Statement for ourCommunity-wide Character Initiative. Bob thanked the Executive Committee - RayCrawford, Dick DeCook, Mike Demma, Bob Powell and Mary Zenzen - for their hardwork and efforts in re-organizing the Council and the By-Laws.

V. Organization Development Discussion - Bob Powell

Training events scheduled: Character First Implementation seminar on 9/13/05 (goodenrollment so far); Boulder County Sheriffs training 10/25/05 and 1211/05; LarimerCounty Police Dynamics with Sheriff Ray Nash 11114-15/05 (State POST Academyprovided a grant for all POST certified officers to attend at no cost as a condition of thegrant). The seminar will be held at the Lincoln Center with a possibility of having thefilm and speaker broadcast to another room for additional attendees.

Next Meeting: October 20, 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.

VI. Adjourn

Approval for the Letter of Commitment and the new structure will be discussed at theannual meeting.

Annual Meeting - Election of Officers - Mike Demma

Bob proposed Character Ft Collins contract with Pamela O'Grady as a consultant forCharacter Ft Collins and to co-lead the organization. Her emphasis would be onconsulting and training in connection with Character First! resources. Pamela would sharethe revenue with Character Ft Collins per a pre-determined agreement. She and Bobwould both be certified Character First! trainers by the end of the year. Motion carried.

Consensus was also needed to begin the process of an appeal to sustain membershipfor Character Ft Collins. Motion carried.

Bob asked for Council approval for a $250 per month budget for professional assistancefor communications, media, website redesign, newsletter. Motion carried.

Bob announced that the Character Ft Collins office would be relocating within the next 2-6 months as the current location in the First Main Street Bank space will need to bevacated. He anticipates a Mayor June relocation.

IV. Coordinators Report:

Bob distributed the Fund Balances Report in Dick's absence.

III. Administrative Report - Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the December 16,2004 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of December 16, 2004

Bob announced that Mary Zenzen would be leading the Family Sector.

Each attendee introduced themselves - new members/guests: Hayden Camp: PoudreSchool District, Gaye Golter Digregorio: CSU, Mike Haddorff: Business, PamelaO'Grady: Miramont Sport Center/Consultant for Character Ft Collins.

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

I. Call to OrderlIntroduction of Guests


Hayden Camp, Ray Crawford, Gaye Golter Digregorio, Kelly DiMartino, MikeHaddorff, Em Hudson, Doug Keasling, Pamela O'Grady, Bonnie Titley, LloydThomas, Bob Powell, Mary Zenzen, and Sandy Schiffems


February 24, 2005


Next Meeting: May 5, 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

VI. Adjournment

Action Item: For the next meeting, Sector chairs will present a statement of progress ontheir goals, prioritization of those goals and who will be responsible for accomplishmentof those goals.

City - Kelly DiMartino: Focus on internal employee training and personnel policiesSchools - Bob Powell: Meet with the School Board to recommit to character education;need assessment of academics launched from characterBusiness - Mike Haddorff: Simplify leadership training, design a "Business PresentationPackage" and recruit businessesFamily - Mary Zenzen: Community-wide Family Seminar to be implemented; specializeseminars to audience needsLaw Enforcement - Em Hudson: November seminar with international speaker - open tothe publicFaith - Doug Keasling: Link with Family Seminar to promote faith involvementCSU - Gaye Golter Digregorio: Campus of Character Council is a separate organizationwith goals/strategies designed for student affairs staff, students and faculty. It wasrecommended that CSU collaborate with Front Range Community College in an exchangeof ideas and direction.

Sector Goals/Strategies: Sector chairs briefly discussed their previously submitted goalsfor the 2005 year.

Organization Goals/Strategies: Bob led a discussion about the 2005 Strategic Plan,highlighting Organization Development, Media and Communications and Training. Bobrecommended that within the next year, a separation between Board leadership andExecutive leadership be determined instead of his retaining both positions. Additionally,Mary recommended that she relinquish her position as SecretarylTreasurer because thoseroles are currently handled by other members.

Mission Statement: Bob presented several drafts for a revised Mission Statement as wellas a recommended version. After some discussion and minor changes, a revised MissionStatement was approved as corrected.

V. Organization Development Discussion






Next Meeting: April 28, 2005Larimer County Sheriff's Department

VI. Adjourn

• Mission Statement• Organization Goals/Strategies• Sector Goals/Strategies

Organization Development Discussion

Coordinators Report

Administrators Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

Call to Order

3:30PM to 5:30PM



THURSDAY, February 24, 2005








Revised: 07124/06 /cfmG:\Archived Folders 1997-2013\2006\CMOMeetings\Character Council\Character Council.doc

June 22 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

May 25 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

April 27 CANCELED from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriff's Office, AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Drive(04/25/06»> "Robert Powell" <> 04125/062:23 PM »>Hello Council, We have had a "first" in ourhistory. A number on the Council have had to leave town due to deaths and illness of family and close friends. Some are personally ill,and others are traveling, and one will be preparing a birthday dinner for his wife. We now stand with a number below a quorum,insufficient for productive Council-wide discussion. Accordingly, I have decided to cancel our April meeting and we will pick up at ouralready scheduled May meeting, Thursday, May 25, 2006, 3:30pm to 5pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office Administration Building,2501 Midpoint Drive, Upstairs Conference Room. I regret any inconvenience from this late notice for those of you who were still in aposition to attend. Thanks for understanding. Bob Powell. President, Character Fort Collins /cfm)(04/12/06»> "Robert Powell" <> 04112/064:52 PM »>From: Mary Zenzen,], Sent: Wednesday, April 12,20063:48 PM, To: rpowell (a, Cc: Bonnie Titley, Subject: 2005 AnnualReport. Please forward to Character Council: ---------------------------------------------------- Hi Everyone -- I am working on a simple 2005Annual Report for Character Fort Collins and need your help... If you are a sector chairperson, please answer the following questions. Ineed your responses by Friday, April 21. You can just respond to this e-mail, or you can send me something in the mail: MaryZenzen, 36682 Pauline Place, Windsor, CO 80550. Thanks! Mary:-) 310-8751 cell PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWINGQUESTIONS FOR THE 2005 CFC ANNUAL REPORT: I. What is the mission of your sector? 2. What were your goals and objectivesin 2005? a. How did you meet them? b. What was accomplished? c. Who was involved? (If you have a subcommittee, please list theirnames, titles and places of work.) 3. Do you have any interesting relevant photos, graphics or other images for the annual report? (Pleaseattach or send. If you send me photos, I'llbe sure you get them back at one of our meetings.) /cfrn

March 23 REGRETS from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriff's Office, AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Drive(03/23/06 at 10:45 a.m. contacted Bob Powell regarding Wendy not being able to attend meeting as she is out ill. /cfm)

February 23 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive(1/27/06--»> "Robert Powell" <> 1/27/200611:54:47 AM »>Good Morning, At the CharacterCouncilmeeting yesterday, the Council reviewed its meeting schedule and made modifications. We agreed to meet monthly for the first 6 months of2006 and evaluate the benefits of a monthly meeting versus the bi-monthly schedule of the past. Accordingly, here are the dates and timesso that you can put them in your calendars. You will note that I have done the entire 2006 calendar on a monthly meeting basis. Shouldwe go back to bi-monthly, we will revise by eliminating the "off" month dates for the latter half of the year. Character CouncilMeetings(3:30pm to 5pm - note we are shortening the meetings by one-half hour due to the monthly schedule) (Meeting locationswill be at theLarimer County Sheriff's Office facilities. We will meet either in the Administration Building or the Detention Center conference rooms. Youwill be advised of the location on the Agenda each month. February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, August 24,September 28, October 26, November 23, December 14 (Note earlier becauseof the season). Pleaselet me know if you have anyquestions. Thanks. Bob Powell, President. Character Focusof the Month: Self-Control: "Rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right"j_cfm

January 26 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive(12/16/05--»> "Robert Powell" <> 12/162:49 PM»>Hello all, Thanks, again, to all who were able toattend our holiday celebration last evening. I am grateful to each of you, and for your very kind comments. And to those whose schedulesdid not allow you to participate, Merry Christmasand Happy Holidays. Thank you for your contribution this past year. I promised to sendyou the schedule for our next Council meeting. It has been scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2006, 3:30pm to 5:30pm, same location.At that meeting, we will discuss and establish our meeting schedule for the remainder of the year. Bob Powell, President. Character Focusof the Month: Initiative: "Recognizingand doing what needs to be done before I am asked to do it." /ctm)




Revised: 07124/06/efmG:\Arehived Folders 1997-2013\2006\CMOMeetings\Charaeter Council\Charaeter Couneil.doe

MEETING LOGISTICS:• The Character Council meetings are generally the fourth Thursday of February, April, June,August, October, and December (Third Thursday) from 3:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. at the Larimer CountySheriffs Department Administration Building 2501 Midpoint Drive.• The Mayor is always welcome to attend.• On 01l28/05-Darin Atteberry indicated his preference to appoint Kelly DiMartino to permanently

represent the City on the Character Council per Bob Powell's email request./sek

Character CouncilBob Powell; City of Character Council President; Character Cities Contact Phone: 266-2671; Bob'sHome Address: 1709Globe Court, Fort Collins, CO 80528; home phone: 223-4015; Character Councilmailing address: P.O. Box 271427, Fort Collins, CO 80527; Character Council Office address1501Academy Court, Ste. 203 ,Fort Collins, CO Fax: 970-226-9977-+ email: Bob's Cell phone: 988-9349. Website: Pamela O'Grady, Assistant: ooqrady@characterfortcollins.orq

• See complete roster: G:IMGRS/2005/CMOMeetings/Character Council/Character CouncilROSTER doc

ATTENDEESIDISTRIBUTION:City of Fort Collins Staff• WendyWilliams, Assistant City Manager; phone: 416-2899; fax: 224-6107; email:

July 27 CANCELED from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, AdministrationBuilding, 2501 Midpoint Drive(07/24/06»> "Robert Powell" <> 07/21/063:58 PM »>Hello, The ExecutiveCommittee of theCharacter Council held its July meeting this week. We had a full agenda, yet concluded that there were no urgent items to require a Julymeeting of the Character Coundl. So, in the spirit of summer, we agreed to cancel the July meeting to give you all a break. Our Augustmeeting will be held on Thursday, August 24 from 3:30pm to Spm at the Larimer County Detention Center conference room on the firstfloor. Enjoy the break! I appreciate you all. Bob Powell, President, Character Fort Collins. Character Focusof the Month: ENDURANCE:''The inward strength to withstand stress and do my best"

August 24 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint DriveSeptember 28 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building,2501 Midpoint DriveOctober 26 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint DriveNovember 23 RESCHEDULED TO Nov. 16 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County SheriffsOffice, Administration Building, 2501 Midpoint Drive(02/07/06-»> "Robert Powell" <> 2/7/20069:59:33 AM »> UndersheriffHudson called to let me know that Ihad scheduled our November meeting on Thanksgiving day. That was anoversight on my part. Please mark your calendars to show that the November meeting will be on Thursday,November 16. Sorry for the confusion Bob Powell President /sek

December 14 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, Larimer County Sheriffs Office, Administration Building, 2501Midpoint Drive

Preparation for the annual meeting includes the following:(1) Mary and Mike will draft a sample agenda.(2) Mary will schedule a 1.5 hour strategic planning meeting with Executive Committee andWendy BEFORE the annual meeting. We want Wendy's full involvement from the beginning.(Include list of potential board members. Add Stephanie Hillberry and Ken Schrader to list.)(3)We should determine the meeting dates/times/locations for the rest of the calendar year,including a decision about a Christmas party which Mike Demma offered to host at his house.

H. Social

G. Thank yous to existing board members for their service in 2006

F. Commitments from existing board members (for 1,2 and 3-year terms)

E. Vision-casting for2007. What are we trying to accomplish? What will strategic planning (ExecCommittee only) look like? Org chart? (By the way, we discussed the possibility of having anEducation Chairperson oversee CSU, PSD, FRCC, etc... Mike will ask Joe Hendrickson aboutchairing this. Also, we need to add the Resource Development Director to the organizationalchart.) We will need an "Organizational" Org Chart AND a "Sector" Org Chart.

President: Wendy WilliamsVice President:Secretary: Sandy ShiffernsTreasurer: (Mike Demma will check with Mark Soukup to find a CPA who wants to getinvolved with CFC. Dick may continue to serve until we find a new treasurer.)

D. Election of officers (but not election of board members at this time):

C. Financial statements (Mary added this)

B. Review the existing six goals and objectives of the Character Council

A. Review existing mission statement and "elevator" version (slogan): "Sowing a focus on goodcharacter throughout the community... "

Bob and Mike will oversee the first part of the meeting. Wendy will take over afterelection of officers:

1. Annual MeetingWe discussed the upcoming CFC Annual Meeting, to be held November 2, 2006, at the Sheriff'sOffice West Training Room.Wendy Williams has agreed to 'put her hat in the ring' for theposition of Board President for one year. We agreed that the agenda for the CFC AnnualMeeting will include the following items:

Present: Bob Powell, Mike Demma, Mary Zenzen, Dick DeCook, Ray Crawford


CFC Executive CommitteeMonday, October 9,2006

9:30 - 11 a.m. at CFC office

3. OtherMary and Bob will be meeting at a later date to define the "Get Real" project (Boys & GirlsClubs).

2. CHAMP! Funding ClarificationsAfter Mike and Ray left the meeting, we clarified possible points of misunderstanding concerningthe role of the CHAMP! Commission fund-raising team and the Character Fort Collins fund­raising team. A written document clarifying the roles/responsibilities is in the works and is beingpassed around between Mike, Bob, Ken and Mary. When everyone agrees, it will be presentedto the CHAMP! Commission for final approval.

Next Meeting: January 26, 2006 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

No official business was transacted at this meeting, rather a holiday celebration recognizing the workand contribution to the Character Council during 2005 by each member.


Guests: Joan Demma, Darcy Thomas

Shay Bright, Ray Crawford, Michael Demma, Kelly DiMartino, Jody Donovan,MikeHaddorff, Bonnie Titley, Bob Powell, Lloyd Thomas, Wendy Williams, andMaryZenzen


December 15, 2005


Consulting/Training: Bob is working with Resurrection Christian School, Poudre HighSchool and is meeting with PSD Early Childhood Team; Volk & Associates in Lovelandis almost ready; Larimer County Sheriff's Office is nearly finished; Gym of the Rockies isabout to roll out; work is progressing for the development of Organization of CharacterRecognition; work is continuing with the Integrity Center, Boulder County SheriffsOffice, Ft Collins Good Samaritan Village, Berthoud Fire Dept, Poudre Fire Authority,Select Contract Services in Denver and Voyager Express in Denver.

Bob reported that Pamela O'Grady had resigned as Consultant effective 10/31/05.Although she was very dedicated and supportive of the mission of Character Ft Collins,her family, schedule and income needs were such that her resignation was necessary. Shewill finish her assigned projects and is available and interested in continuing to do CF!Training. Bob recommended a short term response would be to find a volunteeradministrative assistant for 4 hrs per week and asked for Council members to notify himof any possibilities.

Bob reported that the office move had been completed and was working out very nicely.Only some pictures and window coverings were needed to complete the process.

IV. Coordinators Report/Potential Fund Raiser - Bob Powell

A Profit and Loss Statement for the period January, 2005 to September, 2005 wasdistributed and reviewed. It was moved and seconded that the report be accepted aspresented.

III. Administrative Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the July 28, 2005 meeting were approved as written.

II. Minutes of July 28, 2005

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM.

I. Call to Order


Ray Crawford, Michael Demma, Kelly DiMartino, Gaye Golter Digregorio, MikeHaddorff, Ern Hudson, Bonnie Titley, Bob Powell, Mary Zenzen and SandySchifferns


October 20, 2005


The original motion, as amended, was defeated by majority vote.

The original motion was suspended.

The original motion was amended with a provision that Ray Martinez agree to suspend hisradio show during the term of his office. The amendment to the original motion wasapproved by majority vote.

Itwas moved and seconded that the Slate of Officers be approved unanimously aspresented. Discussion followed about Ray Martinez's radio show and a concern that hisviews could be interpreted as those of Character Ft Collins.

Slate of Officers: President - Ray Martinez, Vice President - yet to be announced,Secretary - Sandy Schifferns, Treasurer - Dick DeCook

Each member of the Council was provided a Board of Directors Manual which containedcopies of the Vision and Mission Statement, revised By-Laws, Organization Chart, Letterof Commitment, and a list of the proposed Officers and Directors. Mike led thediscussion to review the Vision and Mission, reaffirm the By-Laws, explain theOrganization Chart, review the Letter of Commitment and guide the process for theelection of Officers.

v. Organization Development Discussion - Mike Demma

Bob tabled discussion on "Character Colorado - Strategize how to introduce" due to timeconstraints.

Action Item: Bob will find out specific details regarding costs and availability.

Potential Fund Raiser: Bob presented a short film entitled "It's Not What Happens to You- It's What You Do About It" featuring W Mitchell and asked about support for a springfund raiser. Interest in finding out more about costs and possibly partnering with anotherorganization was discussed.

Em Hudson reported on the Police Dynamics seminar to be held 11114-15, 2005 at theLincoln Center. The seminar will be held classroom style with 250 seats - after thereserved seating, there will be availability for open enrollment to other law enforcementmembers and to the general public. The cost of the books will be $25.00 each. Both dayswill include the same content. Em encouraged all to attend if possible.

lACC Conference: Bob and Pamela attended the Conference 9/21-23,2005 in Oklahoma.Bob reported that the Conference was outstanding and there was discussion about futureregional conferences. Attendees included international representation from Peru,Argentina, Mexico, South Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Romania.

Next Meeting: December 15 , 2005 3:30 - 5:30 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.

VII. Adjourn

Bob announced that, due to conflicting obligations, this would be the last meeting for bothGaye Golter Digregorio and Kelly DiMartino. Both will be missed.

VI. Announcements - Bob Powell

Action Item: The Executive Director will co-sign each Letter of Commitment and returncopies to the signers.

Letters of Commitment were signed and submitted by all Officers and Directors present.

Itwas moved and seconded that the proposed Board of Directors Manual be accepted asprinted. Motion carried.

Mike identified the Directors who had been appointed and had agreed to serve: BusinessChair - Mike Haddorff, Law Enforcement Chair - Ern Hudson, Youth OrganizationsChair - Mike Demma, Communications Chair - Bonnie Titley, At Large: Ray Crawford(Executive Team), Mary Zenzen (Communications Team), Lloyd Thomas(Communications and Education Teams), Joe Hendrickson, Jody Donovan, Shay Bright,Hayden Camp and Amy Smith (Education Team), Kelly DiMartino (Government Team).No vote was necessary for this process. CSU and Poudre School District will each haveone vote. Bob Powell was appointed as the Executive Director with no vote.

The Executive Committee will re-convene to discuss approaching Ray Martinez with theconcerns of the Council. If possible, a special meeting could be convened before the nextregular meeting to finalize the vote for President of the Board.

A motion was made to approve Sandy Schifferns as Secretary and Dick DeCook asTreasurer. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Em Hudson announced that the Larimer County Sheriff s Department is hosting its annualAwards Banquet on 1131106.There will be a special presentation for Bob Powell andPamela O'Grady in recognition of their contributions with the Detention Center program.

Bob reported that the Police Dynamics seminar was a great success. There wereapproximately 220 in attendance for the two days representing 12 agencies in Coloradoand Wyoming.

Bob announced that the Blue Ribbon Task Force kick-off is scheduled for 1131/06 at8:00 AM in the Hall of Fame room at CSU's Moby Gym. The CSU Athletic Dept, City ofFt Collins and Poudre School District have commissioned the Task Force, comprised ofmembers from a broad spectrum of community sectors, to establish standards ofexcellence for character development through youth sports. Character Ft Collins andHealthier Communities Coalition have partnered to organize meetings and manageadministrative details of the process.

Bob reported that the International Association of Character Cities (lACe) had taken stepsto link cities in the United States via the Internet. Monthly meetings are presented with allattendees having access to participate. Anyone interested can join Bob at the CharacterFt Collins office. Contact him for dates and times.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

A Profit and Loss Statement for the period January, 2005 to December, 2005 wasdistributed and reviewed.

III. Administrator's Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

The Minutes from the October 20,2005 and December 15,2005 meetings were approvedas written.

II. Minutes of October 20, 2005 and December 15, 2005

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM.

I. Call to Order


Shay Bright, Ray Crawford, Michael Demma, Mike Haddorff, Em Hudson, LloydThomas, Bonnie Titley, Wendy Williams, Bob Powell, and Sandy Schifferns


January 26, 2006


Organization Strategic Initiatives: Complete Board Development by 7/1/06 and Build

Strategic Initiatives - 2006:

(Bob explained that Ray Martinez had declined the President's position due to potentialconflicts with his future political plans.)

Establishment of Advisory CouncillPotential Candidates: One way to fill the openBoard positions is to establish an Advisory Group comprised of community members whowould be willing to commit for a short term. The Advisory Council would cultivatecandidates to present to the Executive Committee for nomination. It was moved andseconded that the Council develop an Advisory Council. Recommendations included RayMartinez, Bob Everitt, Sonny Lubick, Tom Sutherland, and Maury Dobie.

Committee recommendations included: Education - Brownie McGraw, Ron Maulsby,Andy Chismar; Faith - Bob Geller; Marketing - Laurie Steele, Maury Dobie; Family­Christine Cerbana, Tony Zimmerman, Sherry Friesen, Bob Wilson. Otherrecommendations included: Kathay Rennels, Doug Hutchison, Larry Noel, Jen -Miramont Sport Center, Marcie - Ultimate Support Systems, Gil Carbajal. Resourcesincluded: Human Relations Commission, Bar Association, Colorado Society of CPAs,Disabled Resources, Healthier Communities Coalition.

Open Board PositionslPotential Candidates: A brain storming session was led by Mikeand Bob relative to possible candidates for the Board. Mike explained that the ExecutiveCommittee acts as the nominating committee but all committees can recommendcandidates.

V. Organization Development Discussion - Mike Demma and Bob Powell

Bob stated that he had attended a first implementation meeting with the Boulder CountySheriffs Office and that Larry Abramson of the District Attorney's office was beginningto use Character First! in his office as well.

Action Item: Wendy Williams and Bonnie Titley will obtain sample statements andvideos for review by the Council as a means of preparing new volunteers.

Bonnie Titley discussed a need for each Council member to participate in the monthlycharacter proclamation ceremony held before each City Council meeting. Bob joinedBonnie in urging participation as a show of community support from each member of theCouncil rather than from only a few members. A sign-up sheet was distributed andcompleted by the members present.

Bob announced that Miramont Lifestyle Fitness Center was recognized on 12/15/05 byCharacter Ft Collins as a Business of Character. An outline of the guidelines to become aBusiness of Character was distributed.

Next Meeting: February 23,2006 3:30 - 5:00 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 PM.

VII. Adjourn

Discussion concerning a change in the meeting schedule was completed. Itwas movedand seconded that meetings continue on the fourth Thursday of the month from 3:30 PMuntil 5:00 PM (shorter time) - monthly instead ofbi-monthly - for six months. At thattime, the Council will decide if a permanent change is in order. Motion carried. Themeeting place will remain the same - Larimer County Sheriff s Office.

VI. Meeting Schedule - 2006 - Bob Powell

Sector Initiatives: Bob explained that these would be on-going but the target completiondate would be 3/06. Each sector should include "what, who, when" as part of their outlinefor the initiatives. He stressed that all sectors should link the challenges being faced intheir sector or in the community to character needs, and should use the Mission andVision statements as a guide.

Resource Development Plan by 7/1/06 - Itwas moved and seconded that theseOrganization Initiatives be adopted. Motion carried.

• Bob asked Mike Haddorff to update the Board on how he has incorporatedcharacter discussion in his weekly staff meetings.

City of Fort Collins Report: Wendy Williams• The City has been engaged in a process to update the Vision, Mission, and

Values. They have identified core values to draw consistency aroundbehaviors that are character based. In addition, the employee newsletterand Executive Leadership team highlight character traits for discussionamong employees. They have developed an incentive and recognitionprogram, a leadership training program, utility billing inserts, a letter fromthe Mayor and City Manager to all employees

Poudre School District Report: Hayden Camp• Hayden Camp, Mike Demma, and Bob Powell met with Dr. Wilson in

February, 2006. At the request of Dr. Wilson, a study group has beenformed to take an in-depth look at character education in the District,including the development of character education standards andassessment. Jan Borman, retired Principal of Dunn Elementary developeda strategic plan that will take the process to the 2012-2013 academic year.Sub-groups are working on developing a mission statement and rationalefor character ed. (led by Joe Cuddemi, Principal of Kinard Junior High)and a vision sub-group (led by Mike Demma)

Bob advised:• CSU has been officially recognized by the IACC as a Campus of Character.

There are two universities so recognized, to the best of our knowledge - CSU andHarding University

• Youth Sports Initiative - Graphic has been developed. Still some tweaking to do.The CHAMP designation will stand for "Character in Athletics - Make it aPriority." A second group has been formed to work on process, assessment,standards, management, promotion and funding. Ken Schrader , President ofUltimate Support Systems leads this group.

• Tom Livingston is considering joining the Board• Funds balance: $6,152.15 plus $3,600 value of inventory.• Bob Powell took a week off to do Katrina Relief.

Coordinator's Report:

Attendees: Bob Powell, Em Hudson, Shay Bright, Hayden Camp, Mary Zenzen, MikeHaddorff, Lloyd Thomas, Jody Donovan, Wendy Williams

June 22, 2006

Character Council of Greater Fort CollinsCouncil Meeting

Next Meeting - Note Different Location:August 24, 2006 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Larimer County Detention Center· Conference Room - First Floor2405 Midpoint Drive

Itwas agreed to refer to the Executive Committee to work through the issues and bringback a recommendation, one way or the other at the next meeting.

Discussion centered on how to market and get activity, how to balance the demands ofCFC and Burn Lounge, can we try it short term, and assurance that none of Bob's time oruninterested Board members time will be necessary. Also, will our focus on BL blur ourpriorities and mission?

The Board discussed Burn Lounge to clarify issues: The proposed Bum Lounge musicstore would be a fund raiser. The cost to maintain is $180.00 per year, after an initialinvestment of $120.00. Because we are a 501c3, there is no need to set up a secondcompany. Our accountant has advised that our tax exempt status is not in jeopardy. Wewill have to pay 15%tax on all net income from Bum Lounge (income minus BLexpenses). The taxable status on BL income starts when gross revenues from BL exceed$1,000.

The need to re-engage Larimer County was discussed. Wendy and Bob will makecontact with Frank Lancaster, Kathay Rennels, or Myrna Rodenberger.

Em Hudson discussed inmate and employee initiatives. There is a possibility that PoliceDynamics Two will be conducted in the area in conjunction with the Boulder CountySheriffs Office in the fall.

The Annual Report for 2005 is about finished. Itwill be distributed to City Council andothers.

Colorado State University: Shay Bright and Jody Donovan• The CSU Campus of Character Council has incorporated a character

emphasis in the Residence Halls for the new school year. ResidenceAssistants will be provided packaged training materials. They have alsobeen incorporating a character emphasis with the Student Leadership andCivic engagement office (SLCE). They are creating noontime trainingsessions to tie character and leadership together under as "Leading throughCharacter."

• The campus-wide civility campaign - regarding words and behaviors - isnow being housed with the Campus of Character.

• A new emphasis "Be Cool@CSU" incorporated 10-15behaviors toemphasize and promote

Bob announced that the Executive Committee had approved a request from the Chamberof Commerce Red Carpet Committee to celebrate Character Ft Collins at a reception on4125106 at 9:00 AM. Bob encouraged all Council members to attend, if possible.

Future training includes Character 151Implementation Seminar on 5/18/06 and the FamilySummit on 4/22/06 (presentations by Bob Powell and Lloyd Thomas), Regis University(classroom presentation by Bob Powell), and Business Owners International from EstesPark.

Future meetings are planned with Poudre Fire Authority, Douglas CountySherifflDetention Center. Bob will present a report at the April, 2006 IACC CharacterCouncil Network meeting featuring our Youth Sports program. It will be at the CharacterFt Collins office and all Council members are invited to attend.

Bob provided information about on-going Training activities with Resurrection ChristianSchool, Wingshadow, and Berthoud Fire Department; Speaking engagement for theColorado Jail Association; Meeting with PVH Ambulance Service.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

Bob updated the Council with the current cash balance. No financial information wasdistributed.

III. Administrator's Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

Itwas moved and seconded that the Minutes from the February 23,2006 meeting beamended - Present: Also in attendance was a member of the Communication Sector -Connie Pfeiffenberger. Motion carried. The Minutes were approved as amended.

II. Minutes of February 23, 2006

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM.

I. Call to Orderllntroductions


Shay Bright, Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Ern Hudson, Connie Pfeiffenberger,Lloyd Thomas, Bonnie Titley, Bob Powell, and Sandy Schifferns


March 23, 2006


Bonnie stressed the importance of being given information for press releases in a timelymanner. She asked that each sector representative provide a summary of activities on amonthly basis. If "press" is needed, the representative should so indicate when submittingthe information.

Mike reported that the Blue Ribbon Task Force had agreed to extend their meetingschedule to review their recommendations before handing them off to the implementationtask force. There is discussion about creating a sub-committee for youth in other areas ofinvolvement besides sports. A decision should be finalized by May, 2006.

Bonnie Titley - Communications Sector, Mike Haddorff - Business Division and ErnHudson - Law Enforcement Division distributed their Strategic Plans for 2006 includingMission Statements and Goals. Goals for the Business Division will be ready for theApril, 2006 meeting. Job descriptions from Mike Demma - Youth OrganizationsDivision were distributed at the February, 2006 meeting.

VII. Division (Sector) Reports:

Mike and Bob met with Ron Maulsby, Assistant Superintendent for Poudre SchoolDistrict. A meeting was set up with Jerry Wilson, Superintendent and principals fromschools where character is the culture. As a group, they recommended to Jerry Wilsonthat he consider forming a sub-committee whose job would be to explore morestandardization of character education throughout the District. Jerry agreed to therecommendation. Character Ft Collins received a letter of confirmation. Bob and Mikewill be part of the sub-committee for character education (K-12). The goal will be to setstandards and assessments for character education similar to what is in place foracademics.

VI. Poudre School District Report - Mike Demma

Action Item: Bob will contact the Mayor/City Council to make arrangements for apresentation by Campus of Character to spotlight their efforts and accomplishments.

Shay distributed information about CSU Campus of Character which outlined their currentinitiatives and activities as of March 23, 2006. She reported to the Council about themany activities, explained the Monthly Character Traits used on the campus, reviewedand Campus of Character department memberships. She provided an overview of theHonor Statement being implemented on campus, the Green and Gold Spirit Code, StudentOrganization - Organization of Character Award - to name a few. Her report was veryinformative and provided a very clear picture of the dedication of the Campus ofCharacter.

V. CSU Report - Accomplishments/2006 Plans - Shay Bright

Next Meeting: April 27, 2006 3:30 - 5:00 PMLarimer County Sheriff's Office

2501 Midpoint Drive - 2nd Floor Conference RoomFt Collins, CO


The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM

Ern informed the Council that the Sheriff s office had re-applied for a grant for PoliceDynamics II. Results of the application will be released by May 1, 2006. If the grant isapproved, it may be possible to host another police dynamics conference locally.

VIII. Adjourn

Bob explained that the Chamber of Commerce had offered twelve (12) 30 second radiospots on 600 KCOL - free to Character Ft Collins. The deadline to accept the offer is7/25/06. The Council agreed that we should take advantage ofthe offer. It wasrecommended that Garth McCann from the Communications sector be contacted tocoordinate writing the material for each of the spots - with help from Bob and each of theSector chairs.

Action Item: Mary will distribute the final draft of the 2005 Annual Report via e-mail.

Bob explained that Mary Zenzen had undertaken the responsibility of compiling a 2005Annual Report. Mary distributed a rough draft and asked all members to review andE-mail any corrections/additions to her by the end of May.

Bob reported that an application had been submitted by Ultimate Support Systems tobecome a Business of Character. It was moved and seconded that Council approve theapplication. Motion carried.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

Bob reported that there would be no Administrator's Report because Dick DeCook hasbeen out of the country.

III. Administrator's Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

It was moved and seconded that the Minutes from the March 23, 2006 meeting beapproved as written.

II. Minutes of March 23, 2006

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM.

I. Call to Orderllntroductions


Shay Bright, Ray Crawford, Mike Haddorff, Em Hudson, Bonnie Titley, WendyWilliams, Mary Zenzen, Bob Powell and Sandy Schiffems


May 25, 2006


The meeting was adjourned at 5:18PMNext Meeting:

VI. Adjourn

Bob announced that presentation and discussion of Division (Sector) 2006 Plans wouldneed to be postponed until the June meeting due to time constraints. The City ofFt Collins Strategic Plan was distributed.

Action Item: Mary will research the feasibility of the transfer of the reserved space fromBob to Character Ft Collins.

Itwas moved and seconded that, if it is possible to transfer the reserved place from Bob toCharacter Ft Collins, Character Ft Collins reimburse Bob for his financial investment ontheir behalf. The motion was further amended with approval of the second to add: TheCouncil reserves the right to withdraw completely from "Bum Lounge" pending Boardapproval. After discussion, motion carried: four in favor and two opposed. A quorumwas present.

Mary presented a fund raising opportunity for Character Ft Collins entitled "BumLounge". The new company is a web-based service that provides a song music library,E-commerce tools and business management software for anyone interested in owningand operating a digital download store. The idea had been presented to the ExecutiveCommittee two months ago for review. Council approval is needed to proceed with theopportunity. Mary explained that Bob had reserved a space in his name using personalfunds, so it would be available to Character Ft Collins if the fund raising opportunity wasapproved by the Council.

V. Sustainable Fund Raising Opportunity - Mary Zenzen

Bob reported that the Character standards/assessments process for Poudre School Districtwas moving forward. A Study Group has been formed and will be meeting over theSummer to develop a recommendation to Superintendent Wilson. Hayden Camp willprovide more details at the June meeting.

Bob reminded the Council that there were still several open Board positions and that themembers who provided names of individuals during the brain storming sessions shouldmake contact with the individuals and then arrange for introductions to Bob. Open spotsinclude Family, Faith, Education, Government, Research, Development and MarketingSectors as well as some Officer positions.

Action Item: Bob will contact the Chamber to see if the deadline of 7/25/06 was foracceptance of the offer or if the completed text for the 30 second spots had to becompleted by 7/25/06.

Action Item: Bonnie will initiate contact and discussion with Garth.

Larimer County Sheriff's Office2501 Midpoint Drive - 2nd Floor Conference Room

Ft Collins, CO

June 22, 2006 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Bob reported that the hiring of Bethany Hoke as an Administrative Assistant has been agood addition. At her current salary (20 hrs per week at $7.50 per hour), there are fundsavailable to sustain employment for six months. Itwas moved and seconded to extendBethany's employment for six months with a 3 month update from Bob to the Council.Motion carried. The decision to add her as a check signer was tabled for review.

V. Administrative Assistant - Bob Powell

Bob participated in the Board of Education's Character Education Resolution declarationin September. At that time he informed the Board of Education of the work being donewith Poudre School District to study and develop any needed plans to strengthen thequality of character education in the District, if that is determined necessary.

Bob reported that he had attended the Building Communities of Character conferenceagain this year. Delegate attendance from outside the United States was over 70% withnearly 70 delegates from Romania. Character Ft Collins is ranked among the upper tier ofcities in the United States with the upper tier consisting of 5 cities.

IV. Coordinators Report - Bob Powell

Bob reported the current Profit and Loss balance and the work in progress. He explainedthat the computer system problem had been fixed. Hereafter, monthly reports will beavailable.

III. Administrator's Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

It was moved and seconded that the Minutes from the August 24, 2006 meeting beapproved as written.

II. Minutes of August 24, 2006

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:42 PM.

I. Call to OrderlIntroductions


Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Ern Hudson, Lloyd Thomas, Bonnie Titley,Wendy Williams, Mary Zenzen, Bob Powell and Sandy Schifferns


September 28, 2006


Due to a schedule conflict, the annual meeting to be held October 26, 2006 was changedto November 2,2006. The meeting will be held in the Larimer County Sheriffs office­Training Room on the 2nd floor instead of the Board Room on the 2nd floor.

Mike explained that discussion at the annual meeting would include separating Boardfunctions from Executive functions. A slate of officers will be presented prior to themeeting along with a proposed agenda. Plans for the organizational structure by the endof 2007 will be included.

IX. Plan Annual Meeting - Mike Demma

For clarification purposes, Bob recommended that the entity "Character Colorado" beused for training, consulting, and revenues outside the city of Ft Collins. For communitywide initiatives inside the city, "Character Ft Collins" would continue to be used.Recommendation approved.

VIII. Character Colorado - Bob Powell

Mike reported that a committee was being formed which will include Champ!, CharacterCouncil and the community at large. The purpose of the committee is to develop a longrange strategy for fund raising for Character Ft Collins which would include fund raisingfor Champ! Administrative costs for Character Ft Collins will be deducted from anydonations to Champ!

VII. Resource Development - Mike Demma

Bob asked for formal approval by the Council for the initial Champ! establishment underthe Character Ft Collins umbrella. Itwas moved and seconded that the initial Champ!administration responsibilities are housed within the Character Ft Collins office with areview at the end of one year. Motion carried. It was further moved and seconded that aseparate bank account using the Character Ft Collins 501c designation be established forChamp! Motion carried.

Mike and Mary reported that the CHAMP! program for youth sports was still progressingtoward the pilot to be launched January 1,2007. Sonny Lubick has been selected as the"Spokesperson," and Ken Schrader selected as the Commissioner. Each team (includesplayers, coaches and parents) and will focus on sportsmanship, community and teamworkwhen developing their character resolution at the beginning of each year.

VI. Champ! - Mary Zenzen and Mike Demma

Larimer County Sheriff's OfficeAdministration Building - 2nd Floor Training Room

2501 Midpoint DriveFt Collins, CO

November 2, 2006 3:30 - 5:00 PM

(Note Locatioll and Date Change)

Next Meeting:

The meeting was adjourned at 5:08 PM

XI. Adjourn

Mike reported that Good Samaritan Village had been participating in CharacterImplementation for the past 18months. Their application had been reviewed and waspresented to the Board for approval as a Business of Character. Motion carried.

Mike Haddorff - Business Sector

Ern reported that the Police Dynamics I and II seminar to be held featuring Sheriff RayNash is confirmed for 12/14/06 and 12/15/06 in Boulder. Policy Dynamics I will bepresented on day 1; Police Dynamics II will be presented in both a morning and anafternoon session on day 2. Early registration for attendance was encouraged.

Ern presented a film created by the Implementation Team at the Larimer County Sheriff sOffice. The film demonstrated one of the forty-nine character traits. Employees "acted"in the film and participated in the development. Plans are underway to complete aseparate film for each trait. Once completed, the films will be included as part ofemployee staff meetings.

Ern Hudson - Law Enforcement Sector

X. Updates - All

Wendy re-joined the meeting after the election. Bob relinquished control of the meetingto Wendy as the new President.

Wendy was excused during the election. Itwas moved and seconded that the slate beapproved as presented. Motion carried.

Bob presented the slate of Officers for election: Wendy Williams - President; SandySchiffems - Interim Secretary; Dick DeCook - Interim Treasurer. Bob explained thatSandy and Dick had agreed to continue to serve on the Council in an interim capacitybecause of legal guidelines requiring someone to serve in both positions at all times. Dickwill be resigning due to personal commitments; Sandy is considering her continuation onthe Board based on her ability to fulfill the requirements of the Letter of Commitment.

IV. Election of Officers - Bob Powell

Bob distributed a Profit & Loss statement and Balance Sheet through 11/1/06. Bothstatements were reviewed and discussed. Itwas moved and seconded that the financialstatements be approved as presented. Motion carried.

III. Administrator's Report - Bob Powell for Dick DeCook

It was moved and seconded that the Minutes from the September 28, 2006 meeting beapproved as written.

II. Minutes of September 28, 2006

Bob Powell called the meeting to order at 3:38 PM. Bob introduced a guest of theCouncil meeting: Patty Bigner, City of Ft Collins Customer and Employee RelationsManager.

I. Call to Orderllntroductions


Mike Demma, Mike Haddorff, Em Hudson, Lloyd Thomas,Wendy Williams, Mary Zenzen, Bob Powell and Sandy Schiffems


November 2, 2006


Wendy explained that the Executive Committee would design a new strategic plan whichwould need to be ratified by the Council. Each sector would review the plan and worktoward the common goals of the plan. The sector goals would dovetail with the strategicplan for Character Ft Collins so everyone was working in the same direction.

Wendy addressed the Council and initiated a discussion about the Mission Statement. Sheencouraged the Council to think about how the Mission Statement could be revitalized.

VI. Review Mission and other organizational comments - Wendy Williams

Action Item: Each board member was asked to think about these issues to make surethey feel comfortable signing the Letter of Commitment and accepting a 1 to 3 year termof office on the Board. Concerns could be addressed with Wendy or held for discussion ata future meeting.

Because of the importance of the Letter of Commitment and the length of the term ofoffice, it was suggested that Board members be given some time to make their decisionand that a final commitment be delayed for a few months. In the interest of time, andbecause of the weight of these issues, Wendy recommended that further discussion betabled for another agenda item at a future meeting.

Sandy expressed some concerns about the Letter of Commitment and asked for someclarification. Mike explained that it was a standard commitment for not for profit Boardsand was designed to better determine commitment to the Board. At the end of one year,an evaluation would be completed between the Board member and the President todetermine if adjustments should be made based on the ability of the Board member tomeet the commitments outlined. Mike reminded everyone that the Letter of Commitmenthad been discussed at length before it was approved for use by the Board. It was set up asa structure for Board members to do their best to fulfill the requirements outlined and wasnot designed with the intent of failure. Further discussion involved possiblyre-wording the Letter of Commitment to include more flexibility. It was explained thatthe Letter was not a legal document and that perhaps there should be a revision to include"endeavor to" or similar wording.

In order to complete the organization of the Board of Directors, each potential Boardmember would be asked to sign a Letter of Commitment. Mike explained that the Boardterms would be for 1 to 3 years and that each term would be determined by means of alottery. With this process in place, the Board positions would be on a rotating basis.

Mike led the discussion and explained that the organizational structure would change withWendy as the President and Bob as the Executive Director. Each of them will havedifferent responsibilities in their new roles.

V. Election of Board of Directors - Mike Demma and Wendy Williams

Special Note:

Meetings for 2007 will be scheduled for the fourth (4th)Thursday of each month from3:30 - 5:00 PM. Permanent schedule including locations will be announced at a later date.

Next Meeting: December 14,2006 3:30 - 5:00 PMLarimer County Detention Center

First Floor Conference Room2405 Midpoint Drive

Ft Collins, CO

The meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM

VIII. Adjourn

Bob expressed his gratitude to the Council for the support that had been provided to himduring his tenure as President. He recognized that all of the Board members were highlycommitted and he was very appreciative of the time given by the members to theCharacter Ft Collins initiative. He specifically thanked Mary Zenzen for all of her helpover the past five years and her dedication to Character Ft Collins. For each Boardmember, Bob presented a certificate which identified a specific trait that they hadexhibited while working on the Council. They are: Mike Demma - Persuasiveness;Bonnie Titley - Loyalty; Dick DeCook - Dependability; Hayden Camp - Generosity;Ern Hudson - Faith; Jody Donovan - Enthusiasm; Lloyd Thomas - Contentment;Mary Zenzen - Boldness; Mike Haddorff - Discernment; Shay Bright - Availability;Ray Crawford - Creativity; Sandy Schifferns - Diligence; Wendy Williams - Wisdom.Mary Zenzen presented a certificate to Bob from the Council for the trait ofWholeheartedness - a trait that he has exhibited for the past 5 years through his efforts inbehalf of Character Ft Collins.

VII. Recognitions and Thank You's - Bob Powell

The Council was reminded that Champ! is under the umbrella of Character Ft Collins. Itwas suggested that the Council utilize already established organizations and help themweave Character Ft Collins into all areas of their groups. Some suggestions were: Boys& Girls Club - Get Real, Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts - all provide multiple opportunities forteaching character without re-inventing the wheel.

Action Item: Mary Zenzen will begin working on the annual report for 2006.

Wendy recommended reviewing the City and County resolutions (found on our websiteunder "About Us") as well as the CSU resolution and use them as a basis for discussion ata future meeting. For Poudre School District, she suggested that schools using charactereducation could make a presentation to schools not participating so they could see thebenefits and not assume that it was just more work. The Annual Report could also beused as a tool to build awareness of Character Ft Collins.

cc: City Council MembersJohn F. Fischbach, City ManagerBob Powell, President of Character Fort CollinsLloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D., Coordinator of Community Recognition


Ray MartinezMayor


Congratulations on receiving this honor; it is well deserved.

WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place wherefamilies are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business isproductive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choicesfor their lives and families.

Determination is the quality that drives someone to set and accomplish personal goals regardlessof opposition. Throughout your life, from surviving the early death of your mother to achievingcollege graduation despite financial hardships, your strong spirit and perseverance to your goalsdemonstrate the following paragraph taken from City Council Resolution 2001-117 supportingthe City of Character Initiative:

Congratulations on receiving the recent honor from Character Fort Collins for demonstrating"determination," the character trait for the month of September.

Dear Name:

NameAddressFort Collins, CO 80524


Eachsector of the CharacterFort CollinsCommunitywill be given theselectioncriteria for the nomination of individualsthey believeto exemplify thecharactertrait of the month for which the sector is responsible.

The procedurefor accomplishingthis is proposedas follows:

In its desire to recognizeand honor individualswho daily live out theexpressionof spedfic high-quality character traits, the CharacterCouncilofGreaterFort Collinshasadopted a procedurefor identifying and acknowledging12 specific individualsper year who exemplify the particular character traitbeing singledout eachmonth.




Uoyd J. Thomas,Ph.D.3421 PolkCircleWestWellington,Colorado80549-1681(970) 568-0173

UoydJ. Thomas, Ph.D.Coordinatorof CommunityRecognitionCharacterFort Collins

As promisedat the International StudentsReceptionon Monday,below is thewritten processfor identifying and recognizinghonoreesby the CharacterCouncil. I am alsoattaching the feature article I wrote for SeptemberFYI.Apparently,your staff (sek) alreadysent a letter to C.J.Streit on October 7thcongratulatinghim. I receiveda copy of that letter. I want to acknowledgeyou for your supportivecommitment of CharacterFort Collinsand forrecognizingas Mayorour chosenhonorees.

»> <> 10/15/03 09:58AM »>Hi Ray,

Sarah KaneExecutive Administrative AssistantCity Manager's OfficeP.O. Box 580Fort Collins, CO 80522phone: (970) 416-2447fax: (970) 224-6107email:

10/16/03-Process Notes: »> Sarah Kane 10/16/03 08:53AM »>Lloyd,Mayor Martinez forwarded me your message. Yes, please continue to notify our office of the Character Awards recipients.Last month, when you mailed a copy of the Coloradoan article plus sent a letter asking for a letter from the Mayor, thatprocess worked very well. I will make a note to cc: you on the letters to the recipients in all future acknowledgment letters.Pleasecontact me if you have further questions.

Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.Coordinator of Community RecognitionP.O. Box 271427Fort Collins, CO 80527

Bob PowellPresidentCharacter Fort CollinsP.O. Box 271427Fort Collins, CO 80527

In what ways has the nominee benefited the organization they serve or thecommunity at large?

What regular habits does the nominee have that express the character trait?

What choiceshas the nominee made in the past that exemplify this charactertrait? (Example: if the trait of the month is "generosity," has the nomineechosen to give of his/her time, money, or abilities with no expectation of any"return?")

In what actions does the nominee engage that demonstrate the above charactertrait?

? Telephone number: _? E-mail: _



[* To date not actively involved in Character Fort Collins]

is:The character trait being emphasizedfor the month of ________ . It is defined as: _

INSTRUCTIONS:Pleasecomplete this form and submit it to the chairperson ofthe SelectionCommittee of the Character Council. We would prefer twonominees: one male and one female.


The criteria recommendedfor selecting a nominee are contained in thefollowing suggested form:

FRCCBusinessCSUCity GovernmentCounty Government

Law EnforcementNon-profit AgenciesYouth & FamiliesInitiativesFaithCommunitiesSchools

Communications/Media*Health*Legal*Public at large

The current community sectors include:

Uoyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.Ufe Coach/UcensedPsychologis


It is our intention to inform each community sector regarding the spedficmonth for which they need to submit a nomination and the character trait that isbeing highlighted that month. Eachsector will be notified at least threemonths in advanceof the expected nomination, and will be informed of theselectionprocessand given several nomination forms.

Iwill also contact the Mayor'soffice informing him of our honoreeso theMayorcan publicly acknowledgethe honoree is some manner.

" A brief definition of the monthly character trait;" A descriptionof the honoree illustrating how this character trait ismanifested;" How the honoreeand the character trait positively impacts our community.

When the selectednominee has been chosen,Iwill contact him/her and setup a formal interview during which Isolicit written permissionto honorhim/her for this character trait. Iwill then write and submit an article forColoradoannewspaperthat contains:

Oncethe abovesubmission(s)are received, they will be reviewed by theSelectionCommittee,which is comprisedof a minimum of one representative fromeachsector of the community (listed above), who will make the finalselection basedon the information contained in the above form.


CharacterCouncilof Greater Fort Collins1112OakridgeDrive, Suite 108P.O.Box271427Fort Collins,CO80527

Pleasereturn (mail or e-mail) this completed form to:

~----- ~..----- -_ ~----

Pleaselist a few personal reasonsyou are nominating this person forconsiderationby the Character First SelectionCommittee.


cc: City Council MembersJohn F. Fischbach, City ManagerBob Powell, President of Character Fort CollinsLloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D., Coordinator of Community Recognition


Ray MartinezMayor


Congratulations on receiving this honor; it is well deserved. Best wishes for continued health inyour determined fight to beat cancer.

WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place wherefamilies are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business isproductive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choicesfor their lives and families.

Determination is the quality that drives someone to set and accomplish personal goals regardlessof opposition. Throughout your life, from surviving the early death of your mother to achievingcollege graduation despite financial hardships, your strong spirit and perseverance to your goalsdemonstrate the following paragraph taken from City Council Resolution 2001-117 supportingthe City of Character Initiative:

Congratulations on receiving the recent honor from Character Fort Collins for demonstrating"determination," the character trait for the month of September.

Dear Name:

NameAddressFort Collins, CO 80524


Eachsector of the CharacterFort CollinsCommunitywill be given theselectioncriteria for the nominationof individualsthey believeto exemplify the

The procedurefor accomplishingthis is proposedas follows:

In its desire to recognizeand honor individualswho daily live out theexpressionof specifichigh-quality character traits, the CharacterCouncilofGreater Fort Collinshasadopteda procedurefor identifying and acknowledging12 specific individualsper year who exemplify the particular character traitbeing singledout eachmonth.




LloydJ. Thomas, Ph.D.3421 PolkCircleWestWellington, Colorado80549-1681(970) 568-0173

LloydJ. Thomas, Ph.D.Coordinatorof CommunityRecognitionCharacterFort Collins

As promisedat the International StudentsReceptionon Monday,below is thewritten processfor identifying and recognizinghonoreesby the CharacterCouncil. I am also attaching the feature article I wrote for SeptemberFYI.Apparently, your staff (sek) alreadysent a letter to C.J.Streit on October 7thcongratulatinghim. I receiveda copy of that letter. I want to acknowledgeyou for your supportivecommitment of CharacterFort Collinsand forrecognizingas Mayorour chosenhonorees.

»> <> 10/15/03 09:58AM »>Hi Ray,

Sarah KaneExecutive Administrative AssistantCity Manager's OfficeP.O. Box 580Fort Collins, CO 80522phone: (970) 416-2447fax: (970) 224-6107email:

10116/03-Process Notes: >>> Sarah Kane 10/16/03 08:53AM »>Lloyd,Mayor Martinez forwarded me your message. Yes, please continue to notify our office of the Character Awards recipients.Last month, when you mailed a copy of the Coloradoan article plus sent a letter asking for a letter from the Mayor, thatprocess worked very well. I will make a note to cc: you on the letters to the recipients in all future acknowledgment letters.Pleasecontact me if you have further questions.

Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.Coordinator of Community RecognitionP.O. Box 271427Fort Collins, CO 80527

Bob PowellPresidentCharacter Fort CollinsP.O. Box 271427Fort Collins, CO 80~7

In what ways has the nominee benefited the organization they serve or thecommunity at large?

What regular habits does the nominee have that express the character trait?

What choiceshas the nomineemade in the past that exemplify this charactertrait? (Example: if the trait of the month is "generosity," has the nomineechosen to give of his/her time, money, or abilities with no expectation of any"return?")

In what actions does the nominee engage that demonstrate the above charactertrait?

? Telephone number: _? E-mail: _



[* To date not actively involved in Character Fort Collins]

The character trait being emphasizedfor the month of is:_______ . It is defined as: _

INSTRUCTIONS:Pleasecomplete this form and submit it to the chairperson ofthe SelectionCommittee of the CharacterCouncil. We would prefer twonominees: one male and one female.


The criteria recommendedfor selecting a nominee are contained in thefollowing suggested form:

FRCCBusinessCSUCity GovernmentCountyGovernment

Law EnforcementNon-profit AgenciesYouth & FamiliesInitiativesFaith CommunitiesSchools

Communications/Media*Health*Legal*Public at large

The current community sectors include:

character trait of the month for which the sector is responsible.

Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.Ufe Coach/UcensedPsychologis


It is our intention to inform each community sector regarding the specltlcmonth for which they need to submit a nomination and the character trait that isbeing highlighted that month. Eachsector will be notified at least threemonths in advanceof the expected nomination, and will be informed of theselection processand given several nomination forms.

Iwill also contact the Mayor'soffice informing him of our honoreeso theMayor can publicly acknowledgethe honoree is somemanner.

" A brief definition of the monthly character trait;" A description of the honoree illustrating how this character trait ismanifested;" How the honoree and the character trait positively impacts our community.

When the selected nominee has been chosen, Iwill contact him/her and setup a formal interview during which Isolicit written permission to honorhim/her for this character trait. Iwill then write and submit an article forColoradoan newspaper that contains:

Once the above submission(s) are received, they will be reviewed by theSelection Committee, which is comprised of a minimum of one representative fromeach sector of the community (listed above), who will make the finalselection based on the information contained in the above form.


Character Council of Greater Fort Collins1112 Oakridge Drive, Suite 108P.O. Box 271427Fort Collins, CO 80527

Please retum (mail or e-mail) this completed form to:

Please list a few personal reasons you are nominating this person forconsideration by the Character First Selection Committee.


The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services,programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangement for persons withdisabilities. Please call 221-6505 (TDD 224-6001) for assistance.

The City Council has been invited to attend and a majority of the City Council may be inattendance. Therefore, the meeting is being regarded as a meeting of the City Council. While noformal action will be taken during the course of this meeting, the discussion of public businessmay occur.

The Fort Collins Character Council is hosting a Community Leaders Breakfast on Thursday,March 27, 2003, from 6:45 a.m.-8:45 a.m. at the Fort Collins Marriott Hotel, 350 E. HorsetoothRoad.

Posted on March 25, 2003




Ray MartinezMayor


We're committed to becoming a City of Character and have established a "City ofCharacter Task Force" that meets routinely, implements training programs for businessesand encourages involvement from many sectors of the community. I trust you will findthe videos informational and useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate tocall me.

Enclosed you will find two video cassette tapes that demonstrate what the City of FortCollins and various other organizations in Fort Collins have done and are doing topromote character. On September 4, 2001, the City Council passed Resolution 2001-117the "City of Character Initiative" and I've enclosed a copy of that resolution.

Dear Mr. Coury:

Mr. Gerald CouryInternational Association of Character Cities520 West Main StreetOklahoma City, OK 73102

June 21, 2002


cc: Darin Atteberry, City Manager


Thank you.

Please call me if you have any questions.

This is to request your assistance in depositing the attached funds in the amount of $130.00,check number 406, which were received from Dick DeCook from Character Fort Collins, asreimbursement for the Character First! Implementation Seminar on September 13,2005 whichDoug Hutchinson was not able to attend. The attached documentation shows when this purchasewas made and the letter from Dick DeCook outlining why the refund is received. Please depositthese funds into Council Business Unit account 101.400100.527100.

Funds Received from Character Fort CollinsRe:

Christine Macrina, Executive Administrative AssistantFrom:

Edna Hoemicke, Senior AccountantTo:

October 18,2005Date:



xc: Darin Atteberry, City Manager


Thank you.

Please call me if you have any questions.

This is to request your assistance in depositing the attached funds in the amount of $40.00, checknumber 401, which were received from Dick DeCook from Character Fort Collins, asreimbursement for the Character First! Implementation Seminar on September 13,2005 whichDarin Atteberry did not attend. The attached documentation shows when this purchase wasmade and the letter from Dick DeCook outlining why the refund is received. Please depositthese funds into City Manager's Office Business Unit account 101.410100.527100.

Funds Received from Character Fort CollinsRe:

Sarah Kane, Executive Administrative AssistantFrom:

Edna Hoemicke, Senior AccountantTo:

September 26, 2005Date:


Page 1


















Nov 30, 07

Total Liabilities

EquItyEquityUnrestrict (retaIned earnIngs)Net In80me

Total EquIty


Total Current LIabilitIes



Current Llabll"le.Accounts Payable

Accounts payable

Totsl Accounts Payable

Total Currant A.. eta

Fixed AI.etsPhysIcal Assets

Totsl FIxed A.lela

ASSETSCurrent Aaset.

CheckIng/SavIngsFIrst National Bank CkgFIrst National Bank Endowment

Total CheckIng/SavIngs

Accounts ReceivableAccount. receIvable

Total Accounts ReceIvable

Other Current Asset.Accounts Rec.cHAMPSecurIty DepositUndeposlted Fund.

Total Other Current Assets

Character Fort CollinsBalance Sheet

As of November 30,2007

1:10 PM

12107/07Accrual Ba81s














Jan ·Nov07

Ordinary Income/ExpenseIncome

Business MembershipsContributlons·EndowmentCharacter First SeminarsCharacter First CommissionsPollee Dynamics SeminarsContributions· GeneralConsultingFund Raising Materlals/BookaInterest

Total Income

ExpanseProgram Davelopment CostsConference ExpenseFundralslng CostsInsuranceOffice SuppliesAccountingBank Service ChargasCharacter First Commission ExpeCharacter First Seminar ExpenseCharacter First BulleUnsComputer & SoftwareFeas/DuesGiftInternetLeaseLodgingMealsMonthly Character BreakfastOfflce SetUpPayrollPayroll Tax ExpensePollee Dynamics Seminar ExpensePostage and DeliveryPrinting and ReproductionPromotionSuppliesTelephone

Character Fort CollinsProfit & Loss

January through November 2007

1:13 PM

12/07/07Accrual Basis

Page 2

18,168,27Net Incomo


16,168.27Net Ordinary Incom.

Jan ·Nov07



Total Expon ••

Character Fort CollinsProfit & Loss

January through November 2007

1:13 PM

12107107Accrual 0 .. 1.

Page 1







Dec31. 07



EquityEquityUnrestrict (retained 88rnlngs)NoIlncomo

Total Equity

Total Current As.etsFixedAssets

Physical A... t.Total FixedAssets

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Chocking/SavingIFirst NaHonalBank CkgFirst NaHonalBank Endowment

Totsl Chocking/SavingsOther Current Assots

Security DepaoliUndeposlted Funds

Total Other Current As.ets

Character Fort CollinsBalance Sheet

As of December 31, 2007

















Jan ·D8C 07

Ordinary IncomoJExponsoIncome

Bu.lno •• Membership.Contrlbutlon.-endowmentCharacter Firat SomlnaraCharac1.r Firat Comml•• lon.Pollco Dynamics SomlnaraContrlbutlon •• GoneralConsultingFund Reising Materials/Book.Inlerost

Totel IncomeExpenso

Bad DobisMootlngs, rolr.atsMlloagoProgram Development CostsConferenco Expon.oFundr.I.lng COlt.InsuranceOfficeSuppllo.AccountlngBank SeIVI... Charge.Character First Comml.alon ExpoCharscter Flrsl Seminar Expon.oCharactor Flrsl BulletlnsComputer & SoftwaroFOH/DUHGiftInlernelLaa ••LodgingMealsMonlhly Characlet Broakf•• tOfficaSetUpPayrollPayroll Tax Exp.nseponca Dynamic. Seminar ExpensePostage and DeliveryPrlnllng and ReproducllonPromollonSupplle8Telephono

Character Fort CollinsProfit & Loss

January through December 2007


01103/08Caoh Basi.

Page 2





Jan • Doc 07

Nol Ordinary Incomo



Tolal Expon.o

Character Fort CollinsProfit & Loss

January through December 2007


01/03/08Cash Basis











Dec 07

Net Income

Net Ordinary Income

Ordinary IncomelExpanseIncome

Character First SeminarsContributions - GeneralConsultingFund Raising MatertalsIBooks


ExpanseBad DebtsMeetings, retreatsMileageProgram Development Costsomce SUppliesCharacter F1rst Seminar ExpenseCharacter F1rst BulletinsComputer & SoftwareGiftInternetLeuePostage and DeliveryTelephone

Total Expense

Character Fort CollinsProfit & LossDecember 2007

3:40 PM

01/14108Accrual Basis

Page 1

11:45 AM Character Fort Collins02108108 Balance SheetACCNal Basis As of January 31, 2008

Jan 31,08

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Checking/SavingsFirat NaUonal Bank Ckg 28,660.63First National Bank Endowment 5,759.51

---~Total Checking/Savings 34,420.04

Accounts ReceivableAccounts receivable 708.90

Total Accounts Receivable 708.90

Other Current AssetaFunds for Retirement Gift 84.99Securtty Ceposlt 243.33Undeposited Funds 95.01

Total Other Current Asseta 423.33

Total Current Asseta 35,652.27

Fixed AssetsPhysical Assets 12,980.97

Total Fixed Assets 12,980.97

TOTAL ASSETS 48,533.24


Current liabilitiesAccount. Payable

Accounts payable 70.82

Total Accounts Payable 70.82

Total Current Liabilities 70.82---

Total Liabilities 70.82

EquityEquity 12,320.00Unrestrict (retained earnings) '22,332.41Net Income 13,810.01

Total Equity 48,462.42


Page 1








Jan 08

Ordinary Income/ExpenseIncome

GrantCharacter First SeminarsCharacter First Comml8slonsContributions· GeneralFund Raising Materlals/BookaIntereat

Total Income

ExpenseOffice SuppliesAccountingComputer & SoftwareFeeslDuesInternetLeassMealsMonthly Character BreakfastPayroll Tax ExpensePollee Dynamics Seminar Expansepostage and DeliveryPromotionTelephone

Total Expense

Net Ordinary Income

Net Income

Character Fort CollinsProfit & lossJanuary 2008

11:48 AM

02108/08Accrual Basis











Nov 30, 07




Unrestrlcled Net A.setsNet Income

Total Equity

Total Current AS8els

Olher Asset.Office Equipment

Total Other Assets

ASSETSCurrent Asuts

ChecklnglSavlnllsFirst National Bank Checklnll

Total Checklnll/Savlngs

CHAMPBalance Sheet

As of November 30, 2007

1:20 PM

12107/07Accrual Basis














Net Income

Net Ordinary Income

Ordinary Ineom'/ExpanseIncome

Contribution.Program Davelopment Income


Expen.eContract Service.

Legal Fo..

Total Contract Services

OperationsFund Railing Expon.,Internat ExpensePromotion ExpenseSuppllasUniforms/Shirts

Total Operations

Profe•• lonal Fees

Total Expensa

CHAMPProfit & Loss

January through November2007

1:22 PM

12107/07Accrual a•• I.












EquityUnrestrlclod Net A.set.Not Income

Total Equity


Total CurrontAssetsOtherAssola

Office EqUipmentTotal OtherA... t.

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Chocking/Saving"FiratNational Bank Checking

Total ChecklnglSavfngs

Accounla ReceivableSponsorships

Tolol Account. Receivable

CHAMPBalance Sheet

As of December 31, 2007

10:09 PM

01103108Accrual Baals

Pogo 1












Jan-Dec 07

Net Income

Net Ordinary Income

OrdInary IncomelExpens.Income

ContrIbutionsProgram Developmont Incom.Sponsorahlp

Total Income

ExpenseContract Services

Legal FeesTotal Contract Servl ...

OperationsFund RaIsIng ExpenseInternet ExpensePromotion Expenl8SuppliesUnlformolShlrts


Prolelllonal Fe••Total Expon.o

CHAMPProfit & Loss

January through December 2007

10:14 PM

01103/08Accrual Basi.

Page 1

8:38AM CHAMP02112108 Balance SheetAccrual Basis As of January 31, 2008

Jan 31,08

ASSETSCurrent Assels

Checking/SavingsFirst National Bank Checking 7,401.48

Total ChecklngfSavlngs 7,401.48

Total Current Assets 7,401.48

Other AssetsOffIce Equipment 111.78

Total Other Assets 111.78



CURent LiabilitiesAccounts Payable

Accounts Payable 129.61

Total Accounts Payable 129.61

Total CURent Liabilities 129.61

Total Liabilities 129.61

EquityUnrestrIcted Net Assets 9,969.29Net Income -2,685.64

Tolal Equity 7,383.65


Page 1








Jan 08

Net Income

Total Expense

Net Ordinary Income

Ordinary Income/ExpenseExpense

OperationsBooks, Subscriptions, ReferenceInternet ExpenseMealsOffice SupplyPostage, Mailing ServicePromotion ExpenseSupplies

Total Operations

CHAMPProfit & Loss

January 2008


02112108Accrual Basis

Page 1








Dec 07

Net Income

NetOrdInary Income

Total Expense

OrdInary IncomelExpenseIncome


Total Income


Internet Expense

Total OperatIons

CHAMPProfit & LossDecember 2007

3:37 PM

01114108Accrual BasIs

Character First Education and Becoming a Character City

Trust, integrity and honesty. These are all traits we want to practice in our daily lives and instill as positive values in our communities, especially with our young people. There is a way to do this. In Fort Collins and Larimer County, we are pursuing a program called Character First. I attended a conference a couple of years ago about the program. The program centers on honesty, trust, integrity, orderliness and attentiveness. These values are modeled and taught as part of the school day curriculum and experience. I had the pleasure of attending an Arbor Day event at one of the local elementary schools. All over the building were posters created by students describing what integrity or honesty meant to them. I was in another elementary school not too long ago and talked to the students about positive character traits. I was truly amazed at their answers about what accountability meant and how to be responsible. Not only was I impressed, but I began to think about what all of this meant in terms of broader community values and what I could do as the Mayor. School violence serves as the alarming illustration of what happens when children and young adults are not exposed to a value system that teaches and practices respect and accountability. I am a believer. Character is essential. I have asked other mayors and elected leaders in other municipalities of our great state to join me and declare their city or town a character community. Doing so affords the opportunity to work with your local school district, county commissioners and other key groups civic and business groups. In May 2000, Colorado State Senate Joint Resolution 00-024 was adopted, which enables schools to provide instruction on core character qualities. Colorado Attorney General, Ken Salazar, addressed the issue of character in the context of his anti-bullying campaign with school officials around the state. We the people of Fort Collins want to ensure that Fort Collins is a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors generally care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices about their lives and families. We recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based on objective moral standards which are the basis of universally recognized character qualities including respect for others, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, civility, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage. If people fail to demonstrate such qualities to make inappropriate choices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are in danger, and the result is a great financial burden among taxpayers for the cost of law enforcement. Many current societal problems could be alleviated if citizens lived by positive and constructive character qualities. Our schools will be a safe haven for learning once character is exemplified, taught and strengthened.

Recognizing positive character qualities among employees has undoubtedly resulted in increased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits. Living by and infusing positive character attributes into every sector of society can only occur as individuals commit themselves to doing so in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same. On September 4, 2001, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted Resolution 2001-117 supporting the City of Character initiative. The City Council pledged “…it’s commitment to character and encourages it’s citizens to do all in their power to become known as a city of character by promoting character in our schools, businesses, homes, churches, city government, media and community groups, and the City Council further hereby urges the leader of each of the jurisdictions to do likewise.” If the idea of character building interests you, contact the International Association of Character Cities, 520 West Main Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Telephone number: (405) 815-0001. Their website address is: I think character counts. Let me know what you think. I can be reached at or (970) 221-6505. Ray Martinez Mayor City of Fort Collins Colorado

Your emphasis on putting character first emulates the following paragraph taken from City Council Resolution 2001-117 supporting the City of Character Initiative:

WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage and make Fort Collins a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families.

Sincerely, Ray Martinez Mayor /sek

Revised: 3/6/2015 /ltg g:/mgrs/2001/City Manager’s Office 2001/Mayor’s Meetings/Colorado Youth Corp.doc




November 29 4:00-5:00 Brown & Brown, 125 South Howes (11/19/01-Regrets for Mayor due to scheduling conflict. /ltg)

ATTENDEES: City of Fort Collins Council:

Ray Martinez, Mayor; Phone: 416-2154; email: (Staff Support: Kendall Halbert, Executive Administrative Assistant; Phone: 221-6509; Fax: 224-6107; email:

MEETING INFORMATION / FACILITIES / EQUIPMENT / SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: • Meetings are scheduled at varying times and locations. CONTACT: Bob Powell; Phone: 494-4676

..J lJrlic)r LHHg~Jeof

Fort Collins

GENERAL MEETINGFebruary 5, 2002

7:00 p.m.Senior Center

Don’t Forget!üNew/Gently Used Books


A Time to BelieveTo believe is to know that every day is a new beginning,

It is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true.To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds,

To know the wonder of a stardust sky andthe wisdom of the man in the moon.

To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart,The innocence of a child’s eyes and the beauty of an aging hand,

For it is through their teachings we learn to love.To believe is to find strength and courage that lies within us,

When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again.To believe is to know we are not alone,

That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it.To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen,

And all our hopes and dreams are within our reach.If only we believe.

(Author Unknown)Junior League Members,

I read this poem in another Junior League publication and it touchedme. What is truly extraordinary about Junior League is that we as womenchose to associate with each other around a shared vision. In our connected-ness, each individual and each community gets stronger and the world getsbetter.

The Junior League of Fort Collins is dedicated to improving the qualityof life in our community and creating a legacy of trained volunteers. Trainingour volunteers is part of Junior League and what our February general meetingis all about. Don’t miss this training opportunity! See you at the SeniorCenter for our February general meeting.

-Julie Bassett, President JLFC

Junior League of Fort Collins

Feb, 2002Vol. 11Issue 7

President’s MessageGeneral Meeting

February Training: TheCourage To Be YourselfSue Patton Thoele

Character First Education &Becoming a Character CityMayor Ray Martinez

AJLI Centennial Celebration

JLFC AnnouncementsJanuary Shooting Star!Calendar

Potential New Member Form

2002-03 JLFC OfficersThanks!

Read On! Fort Collins: AShared CommunityExperience

In this issue


PresidentJulie Bassett: 223-8756e-mail:

President-ElectPhyllis Kane: 225-9737

SecretaryKimberly Clouser: 225-6494

TreasurerDebora Polk: 225-6457

Communications VPJenifer Davis: 225-6141

Community Programs VPSandy Winters: 204-9822

Finance Council VPMichele Meyer: 224-2880

Membership/Training VPMona Glover: 226-0830

Nominating & Placement ChairCathy Brown: 204-0078

Public AffairsDeanna Atchison: 593-9912

Sustainer Member-at-LargeJudy Zumwalt: 351-1682

Newsletter/PublicationsEditor: Grace Wilson282-0045/204-8324

FAX: 204-0466e-mail: or



Submissions to the newsletter are due bythe 13th of each month.

JLFC publishes the Columnbine 10 times/year.No article may be reprinted in whole or in part, except

in another Junior League publication, withoutpermission of the editor.

Copyright 2001.

February Training: The Courage to Be YourselfSue Patton Thoele

Sue Patton Thoele, licensed psychotherapist, Hospice Chaplain, and author often books on women’s self-assurance and well-being, will be the special guestspeaker at our 2002 JL University training session, 7 p.m., Feb. 5, at the FortCollins Senior Center.

With the independence that most American women enjoy today also comes thefeeling of being pulled in too many directions. That is why Sue Thoele hasdedicated her life to keeping herself and other women from becoming over-whelmed. Sue strives to guide women in their trek toward self-realization,peace of mind, and courage.

Sue earned her M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara Universityand her B.A. in Drama from Kansas University. In addition to writing andspeaking professionally, Sue has worked as the director of a counseling center,a retreat leader, and a high school and adult education teacher. She has ap-peared on CNN, KTLA-TV Los Angeles, and KCNC-TV Denver. Herpassions include public speaking, leading retreats for women, and swimmingwith free dolphins. She and her husband, Gene, live in Boulder, close to theirfour adult children, son-in-law, and grandsons.

For our extended training session, Sue will be teaching us concepts from therecently released 10th anniversary edition of her book The Courage to BeYourself: A Woman’s Guide to Emotional Strength and Self-Esteem. (Pleasenote that the average customer review of this book on is five outof five stars!) The training session will be interactive, so the room set-up willallow us to sit in groups around tables.

Following the training session, Sue will be selling copies of her books. Otherbooks she has authored include The Woman’s Book of Courage, The Woman’sBook of Confidence, The Courage to Be a Stepmom, The Woman’s Book ofSpirit, and Freedoms after Fifty, and the Heart-Centered Marriage.

Some words from Sue (from her Web site:

“My passion is helping people — primarilywomen — find ways to love themselves,appreciate their own unique authenticity,and increase their sense of well-being.

Women, especially, have been taught tosacrifice themselves for others’ needs but weall have the right and responsibility tocontinually evolve into our best selves. Ihope that my books and talks will act as acatalyst for opening your hearts and usher-ing more love into your world.”

— Sue Patton Thoele, M.A., MFT

Trust, integrity and honesty. These are all traits we want to practice in our daily lives and instill as positivevalues in our communities, especially with our young people. There is a way to do this. In Fort Collins andLarimer County, we are pursuing a program called Character First. I attended a conference a couple of yearsago about the program. The program centers on honesty, trust, integrity, orderliness and attentiveness.These valuesare modeled and taught as part of the school day curriculum and experience.

I had the pleasure of attending an Arbor Day event at one of the local elementary schools. All over the buildingwere posters created by students describing what integrity or honesty meant to them. I was in another elemen-tary school not too long ago and talked to the students about positive character traits. I was truly amazed attheir answers about what accountability meant and how to be responsible. Not only was I impressed, but Ibegan to think about what all of this meant in terms of broader community values and what I could do as the Mayor.

School violence serves as the alarming illustration of what happens when children and young adults are notexposed to a value system that teaches and practices respect and accountability. I am a believer. Character is essential.

I have asked other mayors and elected leaders in other municipalities of our great state to join me and declaretheir city or town a character community. Doing so affords the opportunity to work with your local schooldistrict, county commissioners and other key groups civic and business groups. In May 2000, Colorado StateSenate Joint Resolution 00-024 was adopted, which enables schools to provide instruction on core characterqualities. Colorado Attorney General, Ken Salazar, addressed the issue of character in the context of hisanti-bullying campaign with school officials around the state.

We the people of Fort Collins want to ensure that Fort Collins is a place where families are strong, homes andstreets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors generally care about one another, andcitizens are free to make wise choices about their lives and families. We recognize that individuals are respon-sible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based on objective moral standards which are the basisof universally recognized character qualities including respect for others, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, civil-ity, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage. If people fail to demonstrate such qualities to make inappropri-ate choices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are in danger, and the result is a great financial burdenamong taxpayers for the cost of law enforcement. Many current societal problems could be alleviated if citi-zens lived by positive and constructive character qualities. Our schools will be a safe haven for learning oncecharacter is exemplified, taught and strengthened. Recognizing positive character qualities among employeeshas undoubtedly resulted in increased workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits. Living by andinfusing positive character attributes into every sector of society can only occur as individuals committhemselves to doing so in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same.

On September 4, 2001, the Council of the City of Fort Collins adopted Resolution 2001-117 supporting the Cityof Character initiative. The City Council pledged “…it’s commitment to character and encourages it’s citizensto do all in their power to become known as a city of character by promoting character in our schools, busi-nesses, homes, churches, city government, media and community groups, and the City Council further herebyurges the leader of each of the jurisdictions to do likewise.”

If the idea of character building interests you, contact the International Association of Character Cities, 520West Main Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Telephone number: (405) 815-0001. Their website address I think character counts. Let me know what you think. I can be reached or (970) 221-6505.

Character First Education and Becoming a Character CityMayor Ray Martinez

The Junior League Centennial Celebrationsubmitted by Phyllis Kane

The Junior League Centennial year! What a perfect time to review the history of the first Junior League, and tocelebrate our own accomplishments, as well as those of other Leagues. Our Centennial Year newsletter page hasshared an overview of the first 100 League years, a biography of the founder Mary Harriman Rumsey, and a pagefrom the Congressional Record congratulating the New York Junior League on its first 100 years! We concur –Congratulations New York Junior League! As well as celebrating, what an opportunity for us to learn about theAssociation of which we’re all members!

Celebrate Fellow Leagues’ Accomplishments

California Leagues Collaborate: California Junior Leagues sent 170 members to the 15th annual Governor’s Confer-ence for Women – a conference attended by 10,000 women! As delegates in honor of the 100th anniversary of the JuniorLeague movement, the 170 women were seated prominently at the front of the hall. And continuing today in the spirit ofthose original women who founded the Leagues in 1901, they were not simply there in the role of observers, but asparticipants.

As part of their conference participation, the California Leagues made a collective donation of more than $10,000 tosupport the Youth Leadership Program. This program allowed young women (high school juniors and seniors) to attendthe conference. The donation also provided for a conference speaker and the Leagues hosted an information booth withproject and program information, as well as membership recruitment opportunities. The League delegates enjoyed theopportunity to attend three separate keynote addresses and chose from 28 different seminars with dynamic speakers,addressing a wide variety of issues related to women in the 21st century. What a perfect fit with the mission state-ment: “. . . developing the potential of women . . . and leadership of trained volunteers. . .”

Done in a Day Project: In March , 2002, the California Leagues will again collaborate and participate in a statewideDone in a Day project in honor of the Centennial. When the founders of the Junior League went to the settlement housesand immigrant neighborhoods of New York City to make a positive impact on the at-risk communities of their era, theyset up an “Active Works” Committee to help them structure their activities. These early junior League members under-took a wide variety of exciting, and sometimes controversial, programs to achieve their goal. They provided daycare,funded and built playgrounds, taught ESL classes, developed nutrition programs, provided health care support, and evendid some fundamental advocacy with the City leaders. In honor of this spirit, the California Leagues will recreate the“Active Works” committee for a day, and make a positive impact in the at-risk communities of our era.Again, fulfilling the mission statement: “. . . improving the community through the effective action andleadership of trained volunteers . . . “

In the upcoming months, our newsletter page will continue to celebrate the work of fellow Leagues, but will also be acelebration of our time as a League! We’ll share our history! We’ll honor many of the outstanding women of our League!We’ll celebrate our work with past and present projects in the community! And we’ll prepare for our own anniversary -the 20th year of our own Garden and Terrace Tour!

League Announcements!GENERAL MEETING:

The February General meeting is on February 5th, 7:00 pm at the SENIOR CENTER.PLEASE NOTE: The March General Meeting is on March 5th in the Lincoln Center - MINI THEATRE.

Share A Book With MeWe need your help in stocking our bookshelves! Please make a note that we will collect books (both new and gentlyused) at each monthly meeting. There will be a big blue box at the front by check-in - THANK YOU!

JUNIOR LEAGUE BOARD MEETING:The February board meeting is on Monday, February 11th, 6:30 p.m. at Phyllis Kane’s house. Mona Glover is assisting.

TERRACE AND GARDEN TOUR COMMITTEE:All committee meetings will be held at Harmony Presbyterian Church at 6:30p.m.

February 26, March 26, April 23, May 28, June 11Event Dates:

TBA 20th Annual Celebration GalaJune 28 Night on the Terrace and Silent AuctionJune 29 20th Annual Terrace and Garden Tour

BOOKS ON WHEELS: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!Due to the tremendous success of our Books on Wheels project, we need additional drivers to drop books off in the in-homedaycares. This is a once a month commitment and entails picking up the books and delivering them to the daycare’s assignedto you. If you can be of assistance, please call Laurie King at 282-8123.

MEMBERSHIP DUES!It will soon be that time of year again! And YES Junior League and AJLI Membership dues are tax deductible.

SHARE A BOOK WITH ME!We need SPANISH books/titles for our Share a Book With Me Shelves.

In addition to new and gently used books we have a increasing need for children’s books in Spanish. If you have access toany, please pass them along.

Other “Share A Book” Literacy Team Updates:Re-stocking current shelves and searching for new locations: we continue to re-stock our community bookshelves...A BIGTHANK YOU to all of the enthusiastic new members who have stepped up to help with this project - Vickie Dix, SusanHanks, Michelle Marquitz, Debi Swartz - wow, I am impressed. Vickie, Michelle and Debi have all been dedicated to con-necting with our shelve locations and determining needs. Susan has found a new book location for us at Respite Care. We arealso targeting a new shelf at Nimaqua Center in Loveland – more info to come on all the great progress. We will make a tripto the book warehouse in Denver in February to purchase more books and we are also in need of two bookshelves. If youknow of anyone who would like to donate or build shelves – please let me know! – Tiffany Tuell

Calling All Share a Book with Me & DIAD team members!Happy New Year! As chair of both teams, I would like to invite you to join me for our next meeting on February 5th at 6pmat the Lincoln Center (our usual JL meeting room) prior to our 7pm monthly meeting. We have lots of great work to continueon behalf of Share a Book and we have a number of potential DIAD projects that need our attention. Still in plan for thisyear’s DIAD are The Children’s Nursery Paint Project (Thanks for Jen Salaz for offering to help coordinate), MOCAPainting and Building a Deck for Debbie Kindred in the spring - Tiffany Tuell

NEWSLETTER ONLINE!In an effort to offset rising costs of postage and printing, League members are encouraged to receive the Newsletter via e-mail. Newsletters are sent in a PDF Format and can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Newsletters can also be sentTEXT only and printed copies will be available at all the General Meetings. Please e-mail Grace Wilson at or with your request to be added to the e-mail list.

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28

2 Breakfast Book Club2 9:00 am Infant and Child CPR class5 7:00 pm February General Meeting

12 6:30 pm Board Meeting13 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE!!21 Sustainer Luncheon26 6:30 pm Terrace and Garden Tour

Committee Meeting

May Celebration!If you have catering ideas, decorating ideasor suggests for the May celebration, pleasecontact Julie Basset at 223-8756.

Class of 1997 Reunion!Were you in the same new member class as Jill Myrick and Rachel!

Well, they’re not in League any more but since you are, please plan to attendClass of 1997 Reunion on March 1st,  6:00 pm at Ciao Vino.

Email Monique Lanphear at to confirm your attendance.

Infant and Child CPR ClinicA waiting list is available for the Feb. 2 Infant and ChildCPR class for JFLC members. The class starts at 9 the ENT Clinic, 1032 Luke Street (corner of DoctorsLane and Luke Street, near the hospital). The course feeis $25 without a book and $30 with a book. Please paythe instructor, Mary Craig, on the day of the clinic. If youare interested on being added to the waiting list for theclass, please call Deb Kahn (TrainingCommittee Chair) at 266-9629.

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30

2 Breakfast Book Club5 7:00 pm March General Meeting

12 6:30 pm Board Meeting13 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE!!26 6:30 pm Terrace and Garden Tour

Committee Meeting

League Announcements!(cont.)

CONGRATULATIONS!Deanna Atchison was recently named a Trustee for

the Women’s Foundation of Colorado.Jan Carroll (sustainer) is also a Trustee for the

Women’s Foundation of Colorado.

Laurie King was awarded the January Shooting Star.Laurie is recognized for her efforts to the Books on Wheels project. Great jobLaurie!

JLFC Potential New Members 2001-2002 NAME:
















League contact and phone:

Call or Mail to:

Denice Lammons, 223-3152 2206 Stillwater Creek Drive

Fort Collins, CO 80528

With Sympathy, Our thoughts are withJenifer Davis in the loss of her grandfather.

Elected Officers:President Phyllis KanePresident-Elect Kari OlsenSecretary Ann AllenFinance Council VP Renee SternCommunications VP Deb KahnMembership/Training VP Laurie KingCommunity Programs VP Sandy WintersPublic Affairs Kim ClouserTreasurer Debora PolkNominating & Placement Chair Cathy BrownSustainer Member-at-Large Geri Stern

Appointed Positions:Program Council:

CRPD Michele MeyerLincoln Center Children’s series Cathi BakerFC MOCA Chair Jen DeinesDone-in-a-day Chair __________(open)Share a Book with Me Cari BrownBooks on Wheels Jennifer DiTullio

Appointed Positions: (con’t)Finance Council

Fund Development Chair Patricia StreeterGarden Tour 2003 Chair Rachel LiparotoCommunity Assistance Grant program Ginny Montgomery

Membership and Training CouncilTraining Chair Tiffany TuellNew Member Chair Margaret ChapmanNominating & Placement Advisors Denice Lammons

Debbie BostakLeslie Beaton,Monique Lanphear______(open)

Social Arrangements Mona Glover

Communications CouncilMarketing chair Kathy MasonNewsletter Chair Grace WilsonYearbook Chair Lois AscoughOffice manger Melissa Davis

Junior League of Fort CollinsSlate of Officers for Year 2002-2003

The Nominating and Placement Committee is pleased to announce the 2002-2003 Leadership Team. You will havethe opportunity to vote on the Slate of Officers at the March General Meeting.

Additional nominations with the consent of the nominees, shall be made in writing by ten members, who have the rightto vote, and must be received at least 3 weeks prior (on or before Feb. 12, 2002) to the election meeting. Additionalnominations should be mailed to Cathy Brown, Nominating & Placement Committee. No additional nominations willbe accepted for the office of President unless the women slated is unable or unwilling to serve.

-Thank you to Mona Glover for hosting the January board meeting.

-A big thank you to Deb Polk for arranging this class, to Mary Craig for offering us a discounted course fee, and toMelissa Conlon for offering the use of the ENT Clinic’s offices. Melissa’s husband, Dr. Sean Conlon, is an ear, nose, andthroat specialist who joined his father, Dr. Robert Conlon, in the Fort Collins’ practice about 18 months ago. Dr. SeanConlon is the only ear, nose, and throat specialist in northern Colorado to be fellowship-trained in neurotology (neurol-ogy of the ear). Melissa is the clinic’s office manager. Also, thank you to all of you who responded to Deb Kahn’s e-mailabout the CPR class. What a great group of women we have!

-Thank you to Sandy Winters for hosting and organizing Color Your World night for Leaguemembers. It was great fun!

-Thanks to the Finance Council for the efforts on the financialsurvey and the efforts to come!

-A BIG THANK YOU to L.Joy Griebenow. L.Joy took all thedoor prize slips from last year’s Terrace and Garden Tourand entered them into an Access database. This informationwill be used to enhance our marketing efforts for the tourand our speaker event. L.Joy entered over 800 names andaddresses into the database! L.Joy did all this work forLeague, and in the meantime is studying for the Colorado BarExam. We wish L.Joy good luck on the exam, which isFebruary 26 and 27.

The Junior League of Fort CollinsMuseum of Contemporary Art201 South College AvenueFort Collins, CO 80524(970)

Mission Statement – The Junior League ofFort Collins is an organization of womencommitted to promoting voluntarism, develop-ing the potential of women, and improving thecommunity through the effective action andleadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose isexclusively educational and charitable.

Vision Statement – The Junior League ofFort Collins is dedicated to improving thequality of life in our community and creating alegacy of trained volunteers.

Impact Statement – All children and theirfamilies should have access to opportunitiesthat prepare them for social and academicsuccess.

Submit all address/telephone/e-mail changes to Kimberly Clouser, 2724 Willow Creek Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525. 225-6496

Read On! Fort Collins: A Shared Community Experience

As a leader in this community, you are well aware of the value of building shared community experi-ences. In these past months, we have seen the citizens of our great city and nation come together in atime of crisis. But community traditions and shared experiences should occur beyond crisis, and thereis no better time to work together to build a stronger sense of community than now.

Read On! Fort Collins: A Shared Community Experience is a community-building project involving theselection and promotion of one book for all of Fort Collins’ diverse peoples to read and discuss. Byencouraging people to read the same book, we can enhance our sense of community by sharingdifferent interpretations of a common experience. Many communities across America have organizedsimilar projects with great success, from Rochester, New York, to Chicago, Illinois, to Seattle, Wash-ington. Read On! Fort Collins: A Shared Community Experience is Fort Collins’ initiative to bring ourcommunity closer together by providing a shared experience that is based on interpretation, dialogue,and understanding.

We plan on convening the book selection committee in March 2002, with final selection occurring inApril and the collective reading to take place through the summer and fall.Final selection will occur in April and the collective reading to take place through the summer and fall.

Junior League would like to send a representative to the meeting for this project. There will be fourmeetings in March that you would need to commit to. They will be held March 4, 11, 18, & 25 – allMondays from 5-6pm. If you are interested please call Deb Polk at 495-7400.


WHEREAS, the people of our county recognize the importance of honorable character qualities based upon the moral standards held by our Founding Fathers on which they established our nation and legal system; and WHEREAS, we desire to build upon our heritage by making our county a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families; and WHEREAS, we recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based upon objective moral standards which are the basis of universally-recognized character qualities, including gratefulness, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, generosity, responsibility, compassion, and loyalty; and WHEREAS, lack of commitment and irresponsibility have resulted in an increasing number of family problems causing personal, social, and financial consequences to individual family members and to this county as a whole; and WHEREAS, there is a need for more positive role models among our young people to help prevent juvenile rebellion and delinquency and foster a community culture where good character is praised and encouraged; and WHEREAS, if people fail to demonstrate positive character qualities and make wrong moral choices, the health, safety and welfare of the citizens are endangered, resulting in a financial burden upon the taxpayers for the costs of law enforcement; and WHEREAS, many current societal problems will be alleviated when the citizens of this county live by positive and constructive character qualities which distinguish between right and wrong; and WHEREAS, teaching positive character qualities to juvenile delinquents has been shown to produce a change in behavior, reducing recidivism rates; and WHEREAS, our schools should be a safe atmosphere where character is exemplified, taught, and rewarded, and where learning is encouraged; and WHEREAS, encouraging employees by recognizing positive character qualities has resulted in an increase in workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits; and WHEREAS, the emphasis of positive character qualities in every sector of society can only occur as individuals commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the people of this county pledge our commitment to character and designate ourselves as a Character County in order to formally launch a county-wide initiative to encourage character in our schools, businesses, churches, county government, city government, media, community groups, and families, and we urge the leaders of each of these jurisdictions to support and contribute to this noble endeavor. Adopted this day of 4th day of September, 2001. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LARIMER COUNTY COLORADO BY: Chair ATTEST: Deputy Clerk to the Board

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