chapters 10 & 11 chapter 10 section 1 chapter 10 section 2 chapter 10 section 3 chapter 11...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Chapters 10 & 11

Chapter 10

Section 1

Chapter 10

Section 2

Chapter 10

Section 3

Chapter 11

Section 1

Chapter 11


100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Final Jeopardy

Section 1- 100

The inventor of the Cotton Gin was…

Eli Whitney

Section 1 - 200

The Industrial Revolution started up in America in…

New England (Northeast)

Section 1- 300

The basis of our economic system is…


Section 1- 400

A time period in which advances in technology led to people working in

factories instead of the family business

is called the…

Industrial Revolution

Section 1- 500

The man who brought the knowledge of the Industrial Revolution to America


Samuel Slater

The man who revolutionized the steamboat was…

Section 2 - 100

Robert Fulton

The first new and improved steamboat to operate in America was called the…

Section 2 - 200


Connecting the Great Lakes and the Hudson River was the…

Section 2 - 300

Erie Canal

The name of the path connecting Maryland and Illinois was called the…

Section 2 - 400

National Road

The three advancements that helped lead to western expansion are…

Section 2 - 500

Roads, Canals, and Rivers

This country still had a foothold in Florida until the Adams-Onis Treaty

was signed, the name of that country is…

Section 3 - 100


Section 3 - 200

The statement from the U.S. telling Europe that the Americas are no longer to be

colonized is called the…

Monroe Doctrine

Section 3 - 300

The Congressman who was aligned with the South and supported their

policies was…

John Calhoun

The main idea of the Missouri Compromise was….

Section 3 - 400

Missouri became a slave state and Maryland became a free state

There were two Supreme Court Cases during this time period dealing with state vs. national rights, give me the name of either


Section 3 - 500

McCulloch v. MarylandGibbons v. Ogden

Section 1 - 100

The name of the system that was originally used to select presidential candidates was

called a…


The nickname given to Andrew Jackson due to his toughness during the War of

1812 is…

Section 1 - 200

Old Hickory

The election of 1828 was the first time candidates resorted to insulting each other

using this tactic called…

Section 1 - 300


When Jackson replaced federal workers with ordinary citizens who supported him, this was

called the…

Section 1 - 400

Spoils System

Section 1 - 500

What was the corrupt bargain between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams


Adams promised Clay that he could be

Secretary of State if Adams was President.

Miscellaneous - 100

The Cherokee journey west to Oklahoma is referred to as the…

Trail of Tears

Miscellaneous - 200

The tribe who successfully defended themselves against U.S. forces in Florida

were the…


Miscellaneous– 300

The Democratic Republicans candidate for the presidency in the 1828 election was…

Andrew Jackson

Miscellaneous - 400

Native Americans were offered money for their land and forced to move to the Great

Plains because of the…

Indian Removal Act

Miscellaneous - 500

During the election of 1828, the National Republicans favored…

A strong national government

Final Jeopardy

As president, Andrew Jackson fought for…

Equal Protection and Equal Rights

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