chapters 1 12

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Chapters 1 12


    Second Love

    Chapter 1

    You only get one soul mate in your life. Has he already missed his?

     Ji Hoo looked fondly at Jan Di. Sometimes he would consider abandoning her as a hopeless cause

    and find someone else, but the thought always disappeared before it could fully take form. His heart just

    didn’t seem to care that this girl was already taken, that she would never be his. He would be lying if he

    said he would be content just watching her, but if that was as far as he could get, then he would just have

    to accept that.

    ‚Sunbae? Are you okay?‛ He was jolted back to reality as Jan Di’s concerned face came into his

    line of vision.

    ‚Yeah, I’m fine.‛ He shook his head to clear away all the distracting thoughts. ‚Do you want

    something to drink?‛ He got up abruptly before even getting a response from the surprised girl. He

    needed some space between them right now, or he would start thinking too much about their

    relationship again.

    It wasn’t that he didn’t like thinking about their relationship, he mused  as he slipped a few won

    into the vending machine. It was just a sore topic for him, and he started getting depressed whenever it

    even crossed his mind. And as good and caring a girl as Jan Di was, she still couldn’t fully hide herpreference of the happier Ji Hoo who could always make her laugh instead of the sad and morbid one

    who still pined after his lost love. Therefore he had promised himself to always remain like that happy Ji

    Hoo in front of her.

    With two cups of that wonderfully cheap coffee she loved in hand and a determined mind frame

     back in place, he headed back to their usual seats in front of the swimming pool building.

     Just in time to see Jan Di with Jun Pyo. They were kissing with such passion that despite himself,

     Ji Hoo felt a pang of jealousy. He backed behind a wall so as to not disturb them. A split second later, he

    wished he had disturbed them after all.

    ‚Jan Di, you know I love you. Will you marry me?‛  

    In that brief second before her answer, it seemed as if his heart had stopped beating. He didn’t

    care about his friendship with Jun Pyo anymore. He just wanted to do something, anything , to prevent herfrom saying the word he knew she would utter.


    He felt as if he was being consumed from the inside. Everything was pain, just like it had been in

    the car crash, and just like back then, there was no one to comfort him.

    He staggered away from the sight of the happy couple, moaning softly. He couldn’t deny it

    anymore; he had truly loved Jan Di, and seeing her form such a bond with another man was unbearable.

    He hadn’t even realized his feet had carried him in front of the elevator. He sighed and pressed

    the ‚up‛ button, wanting nothing more than a tall building to jump off of. 

    As the elevator doors closed, he noticed a smudge of black ink on the side of the elevator railing.

    ‚Jan Di and Jun Pyo, first night together.‛ 

    Suddenly the elevator seemed way too small. The pain from Jun Pyo’s proposal had intensified

    and he truly felt as if he wanted to die.

     Just then, the elevator doors slid open, and in stepped a girl. The first thing he noticed was the

     bracelet she wore. Unconsciously he reached out to it, hearing the girl ’s slight gasp.


    His mind roared. Jan Di had come back to him. This bracelet was the one she had in New

    Caledonia and left on the sand. She had come back to him.

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      He rushed at her, wrapping his arms around her, breathing in her scent. He didn’t see Jun Pyo

    anywhere, which was odd considering what he had just witnessed, but he was too weak with relief to

    care. Someone had come for him after all; he no longer had to endure the pain by himself.

    ‚Ji Hoo sunbae

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      ‚Sorry sunbae, I really have to go.‛ No. She did not just reject his offer to dinner! No woman ever 

    rejects him.


    ‚I’ll call you later, sunbae.‛ There was a beep as Ga Eul disconnected, but not before Yi Jeong

    heard a distinctly male voice let out a low moan.

    ‚What the hell is she doing?!‛ 

    Chapter 3

    Ga Eul started as Ji Hoo stirred. She quickly disconnected the phone and used both hands to

    steady him.

    ‚Whuh?‛ He blinked rapidly, but upon suddenly noticing his proximity to her, got up abruptly.

    Due to him still being on top of her, this resulted in a collision of heads and a slight brush of lips.

    Gingerly rubbing her forehead, Ga Eul turned away so Ji Hoo wouldn’t see her blush. 


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    So instead, he partied more, drank more, slept with more women, and did more pottery, all in an attempt

    to avoid and ignore the second woman to have ever pulled at his heartstrings.

    Personally, he thought it was unfair that Ga Eul should go through so much pain on someone

    else’s account. A fragile girl like her who dreamed of soul mates really shouldn’t pine after someone as

    ruthless a bastard as Yi Jeong was. Even if he did like her back, that cold nature of his would only bring

    her more pain.

     Ji Hoo was shaken out of his reverie by Ga Eul’s shy ‚Okay.‛ He smiled, rather pleased with

    himself but not quite sure why.

    ‚Let’s go then.‛ 


    Ga Eul tried to keep her mouth closed, but it was hard. Even the tablecloth here looked too

    expensive to touch. She wondered if Ji Hoo sunbae came to these places regularly.

    She stumbled a bit and then jerked in surprise as Ji Hoo’s arm snaked around her waist to steady

    her. He seemed not to notice her reaction and continued to walk in that unconcerned way of his.

     Ji Hoo noticed her discomfort and smiled slightly. ‚Don’t worry, I’ll pay.‛ 

    ‚Oh no , it’s not that!‛ Ga Eul waved her hands hurriedly. ‚It’s just that I never realized how

    different the rich were from us commoners until now

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      All these thoughts were making him even more confused than before. He needed to clear his

     brain and forget about everything for a while. And when Yi Jeong needed to ‚clear‛ his brain, his action

    plan always involved copious amounts of alcohol.

    So here he was, completely and utterly drunk. He had partied for an hour straight, picked up

    some girls, then headed to a more casual bar with them. He thought he had successfully forgotten Ga – 

    that commoner girl’s name. 

    Until he saw her with another guy. She was smiling up at him and he was looking back at her in

    such a tender way that he had wanted to throw up. And when she opened her mouth, the worst words Yi

     Jeong thought she could ever say came out.

    ‚You’re a really good guy.‛ And she proceeded to give him a hug. A hug! And a very tight,

    intimate one at that.

    Yi Jeong was in a blind rage at this point. That guy didn’t know whose girl he was stealing! 

    But she’s not your girl, the little voice in his head told him. What girl in her right mind would keep

    coming back to someone that only breaks her heart over and over again? 

    ‚Oppa, are you alright?‛ one of the girls at his side purred, and he was reminded of a cougar

    ready to pounce. ‚Aw, you look so sad. Do you need a little love?‛ she cooed, pulling him closer. ‚I could

    – mmph

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    ‚Sorry, I was keeping her occupied,‛ he smirked, stressing the word ‚occupied‛. While Yi Jeong

    gaped, Ji Hoo took the opportunity to slip a hand around Ga Eul’s waist and pull her closer to him.  

    Yi Jeong’s eyes narrowed at their intimate position, his brain already racing to process what he

    had just heard. So he hadn’t been worrying over nothing after all. Ji Hoo really did like Ga Eul, and if that

    moan was any indication, things between them were starting to heat up.

    He found himself asking in a rather detached voice, ‚Oh, well forgive me for intruding upon

    your time then. Just out of curiosity, are you two dating now?‛  

    ‚Oh no!‛ Ga Eul exclaimed before Ji Hoo could respond. The answer calmed Yi Jeong down

    slightly, but only slightly. ‚I—Ji Hoo sunbae, we need to go. See you, Yi Jeong sunbae!‛ And with the

    swish of the doors, they were gone.

    The girl beside Yi Jeong huffed a little. ‚How rude! They didn’t even introduce themselves or

    acknowledge me! Oppa, please don’t tell me you’re friends with those people.‛ 

    Yi Jeong turned to give her a blank stare. ‚Go.‛ 

    ‚< what?‛ The girl was incredulous.

    His voice turned cold. ‚I said go. You have no idea who those people were, or even who I am.

    You came because you thought we were going to have sex and you could have bragging rights to your

    friends about how you bagged So Yi Jeong. Well, sorry to disappoint you, I’m not interested anymore.

    Maybe if you head back quickly enough, you’ll have time to get another bed buddy for the night. Goodluck. Now leave.‛ 

    The girl gave an indignant cry and left, leaving Yi Jeong with only his memories.

    What was he going to do about Ga Eul?

    Chapter 5

     Ji Hoo knew the stinging slap was coming before she even raised her hand to deliver it.

    "How could you?" she screamed at him. "What the hell were you thinking? You made him think

    we -- we--"

    "We liked each other?" Ji Hoo finished for her. He felt something sink inside of him; did she really

    feel so opposed to being more than friends? "What's wrong with him thinking that?""Because we don't!" she raged. "There's nothing between us! I could never--" She seemed to

    rethink her harsh words. "Sorry sunbae, I'm not trying to say you would be a bad boyfriend; you

    wouldn't be. There are probably loads of girls that would want to date you, and why not? After all, you're

    smart, funny, considerate--" She stopped again, her cheeks reddening slightly. "What I'm trying to say is,

    it's not good to tell someone things that aren't true," she finished lamely.

    "Why can't it be true?"

    There was deadly silence. Ji Hoo looked placidly at her while she stared back.

    He was slightly confused at what had transpired between them today. Ga Eul had been

    unbelievably understanding when he had fainted; maybe it was that that made him feel so indebted to

    her. But back there, he hadn’t been speaking to pay back her favour. The way Yi Jeong had kissed that

    other girl in public and then had the guts to challenge Ga Eul on her rejection of him made his blood boil.Ga Eul shouldn’t be just a puppet for a man like Yi Jeong, an eternally happy housewife waiting for her

    fickle husband to come home. He would give her some charming words, leftovers from those he had

    used on other ladies that day, and she would forgive him for all his cheating ways and fall in love with

    him all over again. In turn, he would go out, pick up more girls and return home with the same stench of

    unfaithfulness. This vicious cycle would eventually break her beyond repair.

    As Ji Hoo looked into the warm pools of Ga Eul’s eyes, he realized he didn’t want that to happen

    to her. He wanted her protected, cherished loved. And, he realized with a jolt, he wanted himself to be

    the one that did that.

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    The problem was he didn’t know if she had any feelings for him. 

    It didn’t matter if she didn’t like him back right now. That he could deal with. But he wouldn’t be

    able to stand it if she told him no because she still loved Yi Jeong.

    Maybe it wasn’t the best course of action, but to Ji Hoo it was the only one that would keep Ga

    Eul’s heart safe. 

    ‚Ga Eul, I’m sorry about my earlier actions. I reacted selfishly and didn’t think about how you

    would fee. The truth is, I’ve wanted to ask you for a favour for a while now.‛ 

    She didn’t understand, and her confused eyes blinked back at him. ‚Uh< what is it sunbae?‛ 

    ‚Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?‛ 


    Ga Eul couldn’t breathe. Never in a mil lion years had she expected this to happen. Ji Hoo sunbae

    had been a part of her circle of friends for a while now, but he had always been closer with Jan Di and the

    other F4 than with her. She knew that had Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s whirlwind romance not happened, they

    would have never even met. As it was, they attended the same gatherings but rarely spoke. Until today,

    everything she had known about Ji Hoo sunbae had come from Jan Di. It was as if her best friend was the

    glue that held two relative strangers together; without Jan Di, she and Ji Hoo would separate and drift

     back to their own worlds.

    And now he was asking her to be his girlfriend.

    Realizing he was looking at her, Ga Eul tried stuttering out an answer. ‚I< uh< well< I

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    human exotic masterpieces would also be present, which was usually a nice side attraction, but right now

    all he could think about was the same country bumpkin.

    What if she didn’t want him anymore, but didn’t have the heart to tell him? Would she be mad at

    him for making her reject him in front of so many people?

    He shook his head wildly, trying to dislodge scenarios of all the bad things that could happen.

    Two girls walked by and looked at him strangely, so he shot them a charming smile as reassurance that

    he wasn’t crazy. Immediately, he felt bad. Even though technically he had done nothing wrong, it seemed

    almost as if he was betraying Ga Eul again. He tried changing his expression into a glare, but the girls

    were already walking away, giggling like mad, still recovering from the full-force of a smile from the cute

    Korean boy.

    Yi Jeong sighed and glanced back at where the movers were putting the items going up for

    auction. One man was carrying three boxes and the smaller one on the top had begun to teeter

    dangerously. In a flash Yi Jeong was beside him and snatched the box before it could fall. He gave a

    murderous glance at the cowering worker, who paled and apologized profusely for being so careless. If

    that box had dropped on the ground he would have personally made sure no company in Korea ever

    hired the man again.

    Tossing the box up and down in his free hand, he strolled to a bench overlooking the garden at

    the back of the building. There his serious gaze lowered onto the box. He pulled on the ribbon holding

    everything together, and with a slight tug, the box opened to reveal a clay lily.

    Yi Jeong turned the lily around in his hands, thinking about how things had changed for him in

    the matter of a day. He hadn’t realized how important Ga Eul was to him until she wasn’t there anymore. 

    His plan was to profess his love for her while the clay lily was being presented as an auction item

    and then take it out of the auction to give to her. Any other girl would be delighted at such a display of

    affection, but Ga Eul wasn’t ‚any other girl‛. She had loved him simply and without regret for a long

    time, but now seemed to be rethinking this. He had to make sure he understood that being with him

    didn’t necessary have to be a painful and ugly thing. 

    He looked at his watch again. The exhibit should start in about another hour. That meant Ga Eul

    should be here about now. He should probably go in and check to make sure she didn’t feel too

    uncomfortable with so many people she didn’t know. It turned out he didn’t need to. Ga Eul was looking perfectly at ease talking with various people

    of great influence. It was highly unusual for the shy Ga Eul to be mingling with the crowd so naturally,

     but Yi Jeong understood when he saw who was with her.

     Ji Hoo was smiling and chatting amiably, seeming perfectly at ease. Yi Jeong had heard of Jan Di

    and Jun Pyo’s engagement and knew his friend had too, so it was disconcerting to see the quietest

    member of the F4 in such a good mood. In fact, Ji Hoo didn’t only look like he was in a good mood; he

    was positively glowing! His eyes twinkled as he laughed at some joke the senator’s wife made, his

    posture relaxed and comfortable.

    And one arm slinged over Ga Eul’s choulders. That arm rested snugly, sometimes shifting a bit to

    move up and down a little over Ga Eul’s arm during the conversation.

    Ga Eul either didn’t notice the actions or didn’t mind them. She continued carrying herconversation, blissfully unaware of Ji Hoo’s assault on her shoulder. 

    Yi Jeong gritted her teeth. Why was Ji Hoo so bent on getting close to Ga Eul? Was he trying to

    use her to ease his heartbreak? And pure innocent Ga Eul had no idea< He couldn’t do anything about

    this now, but after today, Ji Hoo would no longer have that arm and hand anywhere near Ga Eul, because

    she would be a taken woman. Yi Jeong just had to stop being such a pessimist and get out there and

    convince his girl that he loved her before someone else did the same.

    As if on cue, Ga Eul paused between words to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and her eyes

    met those of Yi Jeong.

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    Chapter 6

    For a second she froze. The people at the art fair were nicer than she had thought

    they would be, and she had been quite at ease. So at ease, in fact, that she had

    completely forgotten why she was here and who had requested she attend.

    Yi Jeong. Why did she always end up somewhere close to him? After she had

    agreed to become Ji Hoo’s girlfriend, it was like all of her had given a huge sigh in the

    expectation of finally creating some distance between her and Yi Jeong. She had

    promised herself that she wouldn’t pine for what she couldn’t have any longer, not only

     because it would hurt her, but because it would hurt Ji Hoo as well.

    So how did she end up here? How did she manage to break her promise so easily?

    She had been so pumped up about what she had to do that when the opportunity

    actually came it took her completely by surprise.

    They had met after school ended, when she came to find Jan Di so they could goon their shopping trip. He was waiting on Jun Pyo, so it was only natural that they

    strike up a conversation while the two lovebirds were god-knows-where doing god-

    knows-what. Their conversation had started out normal -- before he dropped the

     bombshell. ‚Will you come to my art exhibition?‛ he had asked in that same casual

    careless tone he always used with her, reminding her that he didn’t really care if she

    came or not. That should’ve been her cue to tell him she wasn’t going to chase him

    anymore, that she had in fact already acquired a boyfriend of her own. But of course,

    her being her usual flustered self in front of Yi Jeong, she only managed to stammer out

    a quick ‚Hai‛. She had had to confess everything to Ji Hoo; after all, given their current

    relationship status, it was only right. He had been very understanding about the whole

    thing and even offered to accompany her.

    ‚We can just consider it one of our first dates,‛ he told her and smiled, which

    made her go warm and tingly all over.

    So there she was, talking with a bunch of rich people and snuggling up to Ji Hoo.

    Everything felt so right, so perfect. Her world finally seemed to be relaxing, allowing

    itself to breathe.

    Then she saw him across the room. And her world almost shattered again.

    Ga Eul felt a reassuring squeeze on her hand, and loosened ever so slightly. JiHoo was there with her. He was lending her his strength. She couldn’t act like a baby

    any longer. She had to face what she had to do.

    But that didn’t mean she had to do it alone. Ga Eul looked up at Ji Hoo and felt

    reassured by his presence. He would back her up if he needed to.

    She once again met Yi Jeong’s eyes, this time with a determined look. No more

    hiding. No more confusion. It was time to end this now.

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      ‚Hello, Yi Jeong sunbae,‛ she smiled cordially, the smile not quite managing to

    reach her eyes.

    Yi Jeong didn’t seem to notice, and grinned brightly. A bit too brightly. ‚I’m so

    glad you’re here, Ga Eul! You too, Ji Hoo,‛ he added dismissively, already seeming to

    forget he was there.

    ‚Ga Eul! Ji Hoo! Yi Jeong!‛ They all turned to see a happy Jan Di and Jun Pyo

    running at them, hand in hand. Ga Eul looked up quickly at Ji Hoo to gauge his reaction;

    he had no emotion whatsoever on his face. She hoped he was okay. She couldn’t help

     but feel angry with her best friend. She had obviously known about Ji Hoo’s feelings

    towards her, yet she had still accepted Jun Pyo’s proposal without so much of a thought

    of Ji Hoo. She would be the first one to agree that Jan Di deserved happiness, but she

    couldn’t be so blinded that she no longer cared about her friends’ feelings. Ji Hoo had 

    always been there for Jan Di when she needed it; why couldn’t Jan Di return the favour?

    ‚Jan Di,‛ Ga Eul returned, her voice adapting a cool tone. Jan Di looked taken

    aback, then guilty, knowing exactly what was going on in her friend’s head.‚Congratulations on the engagement.‛ 

    ‚Th-thanks,‛ Jan Di responded a little shakily, not quite knowing what to do

    under Ga Eul’s stern glare. She had never seen her friend angry before; Ga Eul had

    always been the type of girl to be broken, sad, and in depression, but never angry. It

    was a scary thing, an angry Ga Eul.

    ‚Well then, now that we’re all together—‚ Ji Hoo was interrupted as a new voice

    cut through the room.

    ‚Yo yo yo, don’t forget about me, my bros!‛ 

    Everyone turned around (again) as the owner of the voice strode up. Song WooBin wore the grin of a child on Christmas Day as he patted Jun Pyo on the head

    (ignoring the threatening growl that emanated from underneath his hand) and declared

    with a tone of finality, ‚Well, our leader’s officially whipped now.‛ Jun Pyo attempted

    to grab Woo Bin by the neck and strangle him, but Jan Di stopped him with a punch to

    the face and the cry ‚stupid idiot!‛ 

    Woo Bin simply laughed and shook his head as he repeated, ‚Yep, he’s whipped.‛ 

    ‚Well then ,‛ Ji Hoo started again, ‚G—‛ 

    ‚What the hell?‛ Jun Pyo complained. ‚Let go of me Jan Di – let me at him!‛ 

    ‚No way! I can’t believe you’re still being so immature when we’re already about

    to get married!‛ ‚I’ll be as immature as I want to, you—‛ 

    ‚Shut the hell up!‛ Ji Hoo roared, effectively silencing everyone, who simply

    stared at him, dumbfounded.

    ‚Man, did you just—‛ Woo Bin broke off when Ji Hoo’s eye twitched. ‚Got it,

    shutting up,‛ he mumbled. 

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      ‚As I was saying,‛ Ji Hoo paused slightly, as if waiting for someone to interrupt

    again. When no one did, he continued. ‚As I was saying, Ga Eul and I have an

    important announcement to make.‛ He paused again, looked down at Ga Eul and

    smiled encouragingly. She gulped, knowing that he wanted her to be the one who

    announced it.

    She looked around at everyone’s faces. Jan Di and Jun Pyo were staring back

     blankly. Woo Bin had his lips pursed, a serious expression on his face.

    Out of all the F4, Ga Eul had grown especially close to Woo Bin. Jan Di and Jun

    Pyo were always away together, she had always thought Ji Hoo was too quiet to have a

    full-fledged conversation with, and Yi Jeong< well it was best not to even get on that

    topic. That left only Woo Bin, which was fine because the Don Juan more than made up

    for any lack of conversation material the others were. The fact that he was Yi Jeong’s

     best friend only gave him more points in Ga Eul’s book. They hit it off immediately, and

    Woo Bin was always around to give Ga Eul counsel about Yi Jeong. His favourite thing

    to say had always been, ‚Don’t give up on him, Ga Eul. Yi Jeong’s a stubborn person, but he will come around. Just keep loving him and waiting for him. It won’t be in vain.‛ 

    I’m sorry sunbae, Ga Eul told Woo Bin with her eyes as he looked unhappily

     back. I tried waiting for him, I really did. But I’m not sure I have as much faith in him as

    you do anymore. Maybe we just aren’t meant to be. As if he understood, but not agreed,

    Woo Bin gave an almost imperceptible nod before looking away.

    Ga Eul turned to look at Yi Jeong. His face was filled with confusion, but also a

    streak of knowledge. His eyes seemed to be pleading with her, begging her not to say

    what he thought she was going to say.

    Sorry sunbae, she silently said to him as well. I can’t afford to keep waiting foryou. Ji Hoo’s given me a once-in-a-lifetime chance and I’m too lonely and desperate to

    go without it.

    With that last thought in mind, Ga Eul finally spoke aloud. ‚Ji Hoo and I have

    started dating.‛ 

    Shocked silence followed her announcement, and then Jun Pyo broke it.

    ‚What the fuck? Ow!‛ Jan Di had given him another spinning kick to the head. 

     Jan Di smiled slightly before addressing both of them. ‚Congratulations!‛ She

    seemed slightly confused as to Ji Hoo’s sudden change of heart (she had always thought

    he still harboured feelings towards her) but also slightly relieved. Now she no longer

    had any guilt keeping her from a happy ending with Jun Pyo! Though admittedly, shealso felt an unwelcome sensation that could only be labelled as jealousy< it was hard

    letting go of your first love, even when you already had the love of your life by your

    side< she quickly brushed that train of thought away; Ji Hoo was Ga Eul’s guy now, so

    she had no business thinking those thoughts.

    When had this romance started though? She wondered. Granted, she hadn’t

    spent much time with Ga Eul recently, but wasn’t she still her best friend? How was it

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    that she didn’t even have a clue on who her best friend was really interested in until

    they made an official announcement? The feelings of guilt that had dissipated just

    moments before now returned with a vengeance as she realized how quickly and

    thoughtlessly she had abandoned her friend. Jun Pyo had kept her so occupied she

    hadn’t even realized Ga Eul had become interested in another one of the F4! 

    Speaking of the F4, how was Yi Jeong taking this news? It didn’t matter, Jan Di

    decided, not even bothering to look his way. That bastard was always playing hot and

    cold with Ga Eul; it had been only a matter of time before she came to her senses and

    dumped him for the trash he was.

    Chapter 7

    He was Yi Jeong. So Yi Jeong. The one to inherit the biggest art galleries in all of


    All that seemed like empty words. Who was he really? Just a name?

    What was in a name? What good was his name if it didn’t get him what he


    All his life, Yi Jeong had never been in want of anything materialistic. He was

    always in possession of the best of the best, except of course, anything that belonged to

     Jun Pyo. That was essentially why he joined the F4; because of the overwhelming

    curiosity of how it was possible one boy could have something he didn’t. Not jealousy,

    for he had never been jealous before: simply curiosity.

    As the saying goes, there’s a first time for everything. Whatever his old feelings

    were, Yi Jeong was certainly jealous now. The pure, unbridled jealousy rippled through

    his veins, and he felt as if he were drowning.

    You’re so stupid , the voice in his head chided. Ga Eul may be a patient girl, but she’s

    not a saint. You couldn’t have expected her to wait for you forever, especially considering the

    way you’ve been treating her. 

    ‚Sunbae?‛ Ga Eul’s hesitant voice pierced through the shroud of gloom wrapped

    around his brain and he glanced at her with the look of a deer in headlights.

    ‚I – I need to make sure the preparations are ready.‛ For the first time in his life,

    he stuttered while talking to a girl, but everyone was still too shocked from the recent

    revelation to document it. Before anyone could so much as move, Yi Jeong had already

     bolted away.

    Ga Eul made to chase after him, but Woo Bin held her back. He did not say

    anything, but she understood. She was probably not the person he wanted to see right

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    now. She fell limp and resumed her place beside Ji Hoo, her mind swirling with


    What was his reaction for? He had made it quite clear many times before that he

    wasn’t interested in her as anything more than a friend, and maybe not even that. So

    what was with the horrified expression? Could it possibly be< that he was disgusted

    with her? That made more sense; what type of girl would go from being obsessed with

    one guy one day to dating another the next? With a dawning of that realization, Ga Eul

    felt a heavy weight settle in the pit of her stomach. No matter what he had thought of

    her before, she knew for sure what he thought of her now; a superficial, clingy,

    worthless slut.

    Was there really any harm down, though? she wondered. This last blow to their

    relationship was irreparable, but had there really been anything left for it to destroy

    anyway?Maybe it was better this way, she mused, twirling a long strand of raven hair.

    She had lost her last chance at getting her soul mate, but Ji Hoo had yet to lose his.

    Maybe Jan Di would be willing to come back to him now that there was some

    competition, and even if she was not, she certainly did not mind being his back-up girl.

    It was not as if she was not used to that anyway; she had had plenty of practice with Yi


    Yes, this was all for the better, she decided, releasing the strand and letting it

    swing back into place with the rest of her hair. She would forget about Yi Jeong and actthe part of girlfriend for Ji Hoo until Jan Di came back to him. What she would do after

    that happened, she would decide later. For now, she would just enjoy the happy bliss of

    having a boyfriend, no matter his ulterior motives.

    Chapter 8

    Watching rather detachedly the scene playing out before him, The Man let none

    of the emotions he was feeling show in his eyes.

    That girl was such a conniving little bitch. She made herself out to be all innocentand shit, but really, she was on about the same level as the prostitutes that his father

    hung out with and brought home from time to time. She played the role of a girl

    infatuated with Prince Charming, but once she had him hooked, she lost interest and

    went to find another person to play with.

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      He had tried to be nice. He had warned her. Given her the chance to turn back

    and repent. She hadn’t even seemed to consider it, so now he had no choice but to do

    what he should’ve done in the beginning. 

    Chu Ga Eul was a loose end. And loose ends had to be tied up and eliminated.


     Ji Hoo smiled at Ga Eul while secretly keeping tabs on Yi Jeong all the while. He

    was so relieved that things had gone as smoothly as they did; maybe Yi Jeong really

    hadn’t cared about Ga Eul that much after all. 

    His last expression before bolting did cause some concern though. Yi Jeong had

    never been one to show his emotions through his eyes, so Ji Hoo had no idea how to

    read whatever had been in them this time. He could make an educated guess and say it

    was jealousy though.

    ‚Could I have your attention please. The auction will now begin. The first items

    is a personal collection vase by artist Lee Hoon.‛ A woman’s voice rang through the

    room like a bell. Ji Hoo looked up and sighed. It was such a shame that even the best artexhibition had sunken to such levels. The woman, more of a girl really, was wearing a

    new Woosung Hyun dress that left nothing to the imagination. The dress would be

    auctioned off as the grand finale, and the girl had obviously been told that she would be

    the one modeling the dress and would consequently get the chance to make it big in

    practically every fashion industry in the world. But Ji Hoo knew Woosung: his models

    went with his dresses. The girl would also secretly be auctioned off today; it’s just that

    everyone was in on the secret but her.

    He was pulled out of his musings by an impatient tug on her hand. ‚Sunbae, let’s

    go! We’re going to miss it!‛ That’s right. The girl on stage was not the only naïve one in the room; his Ga Eul

    -- whoa, he already thought of her as his Ga Eul? This was dangerous – he knew he

    liked her more than Jan Di, but getting too possessive too fast wouldn’t be good for

    either of them. For one thing, he might scare her away and she would be unwilling to

    continue their make-Jan-Di-and-Yi-Jeong-jealous-by-dating-each-other relationship.

    And he could definitely not let that happen.

    He looked down at the girl that had become his life and nodded. ‚Okay, let’s go.

     Just one thing< shouldn’t you call me oppa instead of sunbae now?‛ He smiled in

    amusement at her suddenly red cheeks, and she nodded meekly.

    ‚A-ah, okay, op-oppa.‛ The auction was the usual for Ji Hoo, but it definitely wasn’t for Ga Eul, who

    stared in wide-eyed shock and horror as some pieces were solf for more than 60 000 000

    won respectively. How could these people bear to use so much money at once? This

    was more than her parents would make in a lifetime!

    When at last the Woosung Hyun dress was sold to a sleazy-looking old man, Ji

    Hoo breathed a sigh. These sights never used to bother him, but now with Ga Eul at his

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    side, he suddenly felt ashamed. The rich complained about being forced to breathe the

    same air as people of the coarse, mean, and rude lower class, but in reality the deceit

    and treachery that lay in their layer far surpassed whatever crude practices their poorer

    cousins had. They were really just a bunch of nicely dressed ruffians.

    Ga Eul’s gasp (the hundredth that day) made him sigh and look down. ‚Ga Eul,

    the auction’s already over. What are you surprised about now?‛ She didn’t answer, but

    simply pointed.

     Ji Hoo turned around just in time to see Yi Jeong stride up to the auction podium

    and whisper something in the young girl’s ear. She nodded and gave the stage over to


    Yi Jeong cleared his throat and looked around at everyone before giving a small

    shy smile that made the entire female part of the audience, young of old, married or not,

    give a sigh of wonderment.

    ‚As you might have heard,‛ he started off, ‚my name is Song Yi Jeong. Some of

    my pieces were auctioned off today, and I would like to thank everyone for theirgenerosity this year. I’m very glad my pieces were so well-received and I hope to make

    greater future contributions to the national art world.‛

    Following this little speech, there was thunderous applause and people

    murmured amongst themselves. ‚He’s a piece of art himself!‛ a mother whispered to

    her daughter, who blushed madly while also nodding furiously. Then Yi Jeong started

    to speak again.

    ‚As an artist, I find it important to combine both passion and skill, and it is

    something that has led into my personal life as well. As a result, I’ve lent quite a lot of

    passion to my romantic pursuits as well.‛ At this, at least half of the girls fainted withnosebleeds, and the rest started chattering excitedly.

    ‚Unfortunately, despite my passion for romance, I never managed to stick with

    one relationship for too long. You see, I never really believed in things such as marriage

    and soulmates; my picture of love had always been a spark that would ignite into

    something beautiful but short-lived. My belief had always been that lovers should part

    ways before the last of the fireworks died, so that they would be left with the memory

    of the magnificent display of light instead of the all-consuming darkness that is sure to

    follow it.‛ 

    By now, the room had fallen silent. Ga Eul stared at Yi Jeong, feeling slightly

    empty. So the curtains have finally closed, she thought. ‚I’m going to the restroom,‛ shemurmured softly to Ji Hoo, and slipped away. She just needed a few moments by

    herself to get rid of all this baggage, and then she would continue on with her life. Yi

     Jeong had actually made things considerably easier by cutting things off in the brusque

    way that seemed to be his specialty.

    Chapter 9

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    Yi Jeong fixed his eyes on every girl he could find, purposely avoiding a certain

    someone who he knew must be in the crowd. He didn’t want to see her face when he

    said the last part of his speech, didn’t want to see the look of pity. So he plowed on,

    ignoring her completely.

    ‚That’s what I used to think. What I used to believe.

    ‚Before I met her. 

    ‚She was the new light to my world, a world I didn’t know was dark until she

     brightened it up. She gave me a chance at what I never knew existed. She gave me the

    chance to live.

    ‚And I messed it up. 

    ‚She had none of the qualities I usually looked for in a girl, and because of that I

    foolishly drove her away, not realizing it was the worst mistake of my life until it was

    too late.

    ‚She’s found someone else now, and I’ve got to live with the consequences of myactions. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about what could have been, should

    have been, but wasn’t.‛ 

    Yi Jeong held up the small package, delicately balancing it in the palm of his

    hand. ‚I made this piece while reminiscing on our times together.‛ One long finger

    reached up and loosened the binds that held the box together, revealing a lonesome

    flower that somehow managed to remain snow white and reflect all the colours of the

    rainbow at the same time. The crowd oohed and aahed like there was no tomorrow.

    ‚This lily had originally been a present, a surprise for that girl I loved. I was a

    plain fool not to cherish what I had until it was too late. It is my dearest wish that noneof you make the same mistake. That’s why I have decided to auction off this piece as my

    newest contribution. I hope this is just as well received as my other pieces, and that it

     becomes a symbol of love between any gentleman who loves their lady friend as much

    as a person who appreciates beauty loves a flower eternally in bloom.‛ At this, the

    spectators broke into thundering applause.

    Yi Jeong smiled, a smile that all females in the audience found to be different

    from his usual dashing smirk, but devastating all the same. If Ga Eul had been watching

    at that moment, she would’ve done a double take because the only time Yi Jeong’s smile

    looked anything close to what it did now was when _____. But Ga Eul was not present

    at the time Yi Jeong’s strangely genuine smile graced the room. It wasn’t until the latterhad exited the stage and the auction had begun than the country bumpkin this whole

    mess was about once again entered the room.

    In fact, Ga Eul came in just in time to see all the male hands in the room shoot up,

    shouting prices, with their female partners propping the hands up and cheering them


    ‚What’s going on?‛ she asked Ji Hoo, who was staring intensely at the stage. 

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      ‚Oh, they’re auctioning off this eternal flower for guys to present to their

    girlfriends. It’s really hitting it off.‛ Ji Hoo told her nonchalantly. With that explanation,

    he calmly raised his hand and announced, ‚100 000 000 won.‛ 

    Ga Eul’s reaction was priceless. ‚Who are you buying it for?‛ 

     Ji Hoo was amused. ‚the girl I’m dating.‛ 

    ‚Who’s that?‛ When it finally registered, she started jumping up and down. ‚No

    sunbae, you musn’t!‛ 

    ‚Of course I must,‛ he said, all the more amused. ‚You’re my girlfriend now,

    and I insist on treating you well. 200 000 000 won!‛ 

    ‘You can treat me well without buying me some random flower that costs more

    than three of my checkbooks!‛ Ga Eul protested, furiously ignoring the blush that was

    already starting to taint her cheeks.

    ‚Nonsense. Besides look; Jun Pyo’s doing it too. 300 000 000 won!‛ 

    ‚Ga Eul looked around and saw Jun Pyo shouting prices up at the stage and Jan

    Di furiously raining blows up at him. One of them connected with his head and the heirslumped down, unconscious. ‚Not anymore,‛ she winced, knowing Jun Pyo was sure

    to sport a bump on his million-on hairstyle tomorrow. Jan Di looked up and shouted

    something to Ga Eul, but amongst the clamor, her voice was lost. To soothe her friend,

    Ga Eul simply nodded.

    Eventually, only two people remained; Ji Hoo and an anonymous caller on the

    phone. As the prices rose into the 12 digits, Ga Eul became more and more nervous.

    WAsn’t Ji Hoo taking this relationship a lot more seriously than he should? Then again,

    maybe she just wasn’t taking this seriously enough? But still, no need to pay so much

    for a false relationship!At last she couldn’t stand it anymore. ‚Ji Hoo, no!‛ She tried to drag his hand

    down, but the violinist was a lot stronger than he looked. Even as she was straining to

     bring that lithe arm down, he was still calming telling the auctioneer outrageous prices.

    When the two auctionees started to get to yet another spiking digit, she tackled him to

    the ground, and before his mouth could utter another goddamn price, she covered it

    with her own. Ji Hoo’s eyes widened. Nothing else came out of that mouth. 

    The auctioneer grinned widely as she counted down. ‚Going once, going twice,

    going three times, SOLD!‛ 

    Ga Eul stood up, panting. She could not believe she just did that. She looked

    down at Ji Hoo to find him smiling a bit stupidly up at her. ‚Sorry,‛ she said meekly. ‚Don’t worry about it,‛ he told her, sounding slightly disoriented. You can do

    that as much as you want.‛ This announcement made her cheeks burn up again. 

    ‚And the eternal flower made by our beloved boy potter goes to the anonymous

    caller on the phone! Thank you everyone for bidding!‛ The girl onstage practically sang

    the words out as she gave the couple a very non-conspiracy wink.

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    Chapter 10

    The Man was madder than mad. What a disgusting public display of affection.

    How inconsiderate could that little ingrate be? Yi Jeong had just poured his heart out in

    front of everyone, and in response that little slut just grinded down the pieces of his

     broken heart! That slimy piece of shit really didn’t deserve to live! 

    Luckily this would all be over soon. If all went according to plan, Chu Ga Eul

    wouldn’t be able to cause heartbreak for much longer. 


    Yi Jeong drank. A lot. It was true that they had already announced their

    relationship, but really? Kissing him in front of everyone? Wasn’t that just pouring salt

    over an open wound?

    What a day, he though bitterly. I thought it was just because Ga Eul didn’t know

    I had any wounds in the first place, because I hadn’t told her. Now it’s pretty clear she

    doesn’t care enough anymore. And it’s all because I waited too long. Man, I’m such afuck-up.

    The door to the studio opened gently, and Yi Jeong looked up. Ji Hoo stood in

    the doorway.

    The potter sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood< for apologies or pep talks.

    ‚Hey dude. Wassup?‛ he slurred. ‚Here for some beer or some company? ‘Cause I’m

    not offering either today, sorry. Store’s closed, haha

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      ‚I need you to stop bothering Ga Eul. Isn’t it enough that you steppe don her

    feelings for so long already? She finally tried to sort out that tangle of hurt you’ve left

    her in, and you want to step in again and mess with her some more? Don’t think I’m

     just going to stand around and let you guilt trip her like that. Today’s performance

     better not repeat itself. Ga Eul deserves better than a playboy, so you can keep your

    cold clay flowers to yourself.‛ 

    Once again, Yi Jeong found himself stunned. He’d never seen these types of

    heated words come out of Ji Hoo’s mouth before, and truth be told, it was slightly

    frightening to see him transform into a seemingly different person. ‚Look, I—‚ 

    ‚You look! Look nice and hard into my eyes, Yi Jeong. That was your warning.

    You’d better leave Ga Eul alone, or next time I’m not going to hold back.‛ He turned to

    leave, then stopped at the threshold of the studio. ‚Give up, Yi Jeong,‛ he said tiredly,

    all the anger seeming to dissipate off his body. ‚She’ll never come back to you. ‚Just

    accept it and move on.‛ 

    Yi Jeong stood there for a long time after Ji Hoo left, numb to the bone.Eventually he dropped to his knees, head in his hands, before finally collapsing on the

    floor, reaching blindly around for a source of comfort, preferable another beer bottle.

     Ji Hoo was right. When he had gotten on that stage, giving Ga Eul away to

    another man had been the last thing on his mind. No matter how noble he pretended to

     be (and sometimes even wanted to be), the truth was that So Yi Jeong never played fair

    and in the game of love it was no different. Even while he had been trying to come to

    terms with the fact that Ga Eul belonged to someone else now, his other side had

    already been formulating a plain, secretly trying to get Ga Eul to feel guilty with his

    final speech. He thought that if Ga Eul heard him speak his true feelings aloud, shewould feel guilty for abandoning him and come running back into his arms.

    And for a while there, it had looked like it was working. He hadn’t dared look at

    Ga Eul but he did hear ji Hoo’s voice clearly bidding some pretty competitive prices,

    even managing to surpass those of Jun Pyo. Was it too far-fetched to guess that Ga Eul

    was egging him on, wanting Yi Jeong’s flower for herself? 

    Yes it was. Ga Eul was many things, but a beggar she was not. His heart had split

    in half once he hard her protesting with Ji Hoo, but it had crumbled to pieces when he

    finally risked a peek at the couple when Ji Hoo’s voice was suddenly cut off. Bad risk to


    Yi Jeong shut his eyes in pain. He didn’t want to remember what he saw then. Ga Eul and Ji Hoo making out on the ground, with Ga Eul holding on as if her

    life depended on it.

    What does he have that I don’t? he screamed silently. The answer came to him

    almost instantaneously.

    Trust. Faithfulness. A heart.

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      ‚I do have a heart,‛ he whispered into the darkness. ‚I just didn’t know until it

    was already broken.‛ 

    His groping hand felt something cool and smooth, and he grabbed at it, eager to

    drown his sorrows with the best friend he could remember for a long long time. But

    when he pressed his lips against it, he realized it wasn’t a bottle of beer. It was the lily

    he had made for Ga Eul.

    The flower had rolled under the table, but instead of smashing like Ji Hoo had

    intended, the clay piece was unblemished. Yi Jeong slowly took it into his trembling

    hands as the memory overtook him.

    He had just drove from his father’s pottery studio, and spied Ga Eul staggering

    down the sidewalk. He watched, completely mystified as she finally dropped down on

    the steps, face lowered. Still in a bad mood from seeing his father’s fourth girlfriend that

    year, he really didn’t want to stop to see another problem, but felt almost obliged to.

    He scratched his head tiredly. ‚Stop the car,‛ he ordered, and stepped out to

    meet her. Sniffling repeatedly, she didn’t even notice he was there until he begantalking.

    ‚Aren’t you past the age of crying in the middle of the street?‛ 

    She looked at him almost curiously. He smirked.

    ‚Women, you know, sometimes think they look pretty when they cry. But it’s

    really not true.‛ He expected the quirky comment to start a torrent of words that would

    explain why she was crying. Instead, she simply started sobbing.

    He smiled at her childishness. ‚Miss Ga Eul.‛ She only sobbed harder. 

    Not knowing what to do now, he nervously looked around. ‚Miss Ga Eul.‛ She

    practically wailed in response.The passerby looked at him in disgust, and he frantically shook his hands and

    gave a little sheepish smile. ‚It’s not me,‛ he tried to explain. ‚It’s not me.‛ No one

    stopped to listen.

    A little worried about his image now, he once again tried to coax her to a stop.

    ‚Miss Ga Eul!‛ She didn’t listen. ‚Miss Ga Eul!‛ He put his hands together and resorted

    to begging. ‚Please! Miss Ga Eul!‛ 

    Eventually they had made it back to the workshop. He brought out a clay bowl.

    ‚It looks really weak, doesn’t it?‛ She just looked at him, not understanding.

    Giving a smile, he poured the tea out into both their cups, then dropped it. She

    gasped, making him smile again. ‚But it’s stronger than it looks.‛ ‚How long do you think it took to become like this? 

    ‚Turned upside down, stepped on, cut over and over again, and it needs to

    withstand 1300 degrees of heat.

    ‚That’s not the end. 

    ‚And when you go through all that and it still can’t be yours, you need to

    completely give it up. Like this.

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      He got up and picked the bowl up, wrapping it in a cloth. He then took a

    hammer and smashed on it. She covered her eyes. When he took the cloth back up, the

     bowl was smashed to pieces. Her wide eyes took in the smashed pieces. He turned back

    to her.

    ‚What I’m saying is that in order to become strong, and to find what truly

     belongs to you, there will be a process you must overcome. Just like what you’ve gone

    through today.‛ 

    A beginning of what might have been a smile started to form on her face. ‚I think

    I understand what you’re saying< Thank you.‛ 

    ‚Then shall we slowly get going?‛ 

    Chapter 11

    Yi Jeong gripped the clay flower as if it were his lifeline. In a way it was. It was

    his only link to Ga Eul now, and he had come to realize that Ga Eul was the only thingthat held meaning in his life.

    She had gone through hell and back with him all these years, and she had finally

    decided it was time to give him up completely.

    But that didn’t mean he needed to give up on her. 


    Ga Eul rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and slowly sat up. Her head was still

    pounding, but there was no time for sleep now. She was scheduled to meet Ji Hoo in a

    few hours.

    They had been dating for a few weeks now, and things had been going< well

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    anyone who dared try and find the real him. Ga Eul had always thought she would be

    the one to finally get through those defenses and descover the true So Yi Jeong. His

     barriers had zapped her so many times she had lost count, but she kept stubbornly

    going back to them, convinced her feelings for him would overcome the searing burns

    she received every time he rejected her.

    She had overestimated herself.

    Ga Eul held her head in her hands now, quivering with the sobs she had kept in.

    She remembered that Valentine’s Day, when she was making him chocolates.

    She had spent hours debating on what type of filling to put inside the tiny squares of

    goodness. She knew now that whatever she put inside wouldn’t have mattered, because

    he didn’t care, but back then, the question had been all-important to a lovesick girl.

    So what filling? Caramel? Cream? Or something more complicated? None of the

    choices had seemed to suit the feelings she was trying to express.

    For it hadn’t been Yi Jeong’s mask of charm that had drawn Ga Eul to him,

    although that mask was hard to resist sometimes as well. It had been the turbulentmystery of emotions underneath those carefully guarded emotions. Throughout the

    years, Yi Jeong had given Ga Eul occasional glances into that inner mystery. They were

     brief looks only: his barriers shot up as soon as they realized they had come down and

     betrayed their master’s secrets. But every look she had managed to sneak made Ga Eul

    all the more drawn in; she hadn’t fallen in love with the superficial playboy, but the

    vulnerable, sensitive, yet savage man underneath.

    In the end, she had decided to put almonds in the chocolate. Although it might

    not be the sweetest type of chocolate, it represented perfectly how she felt about him.

    He was never predictable: with him, she never knew if she was going to receive theexpected soft and sweet welcome, or find an actual hard bland brush-off underneath.

    The almond brought her nothing but an unwelcome interruption from her sweet sweet

    chocolate, but at the same time, it was what made her love the candy all the more. It

    was a testament to their love.

    Or was it a testament to the fact that no matter how much chocolate she poured

    on their relationship, the hard almonds in his heart would always remain, torturing her?

    It was at this part of the memory where despair started to seep in. He had caused

    her nothing but pain, and yet she couldn’t resist going back to him again and again, like

    a moth drawn to the flame

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      She could hear, from somewhere far away, someone rapping on the door, but she

    felt physically incapable of getting up. Whoever was there would have to wait. Maybe

    they would even go away.

    It was all her fault. She had thought she could change his feelings for her, mold

    them into what she wanted him to feel.

    Someone was calling her name, but their voice was so faint and far away that she

    could barely hear them.

    He had never loved her. The truth hurt, but it was something she had to face. She

    thought she had been facing it when she started dating Ji Hoo, but she had only been

    avoiding it.

    Yi Jeong had never loved her. She repeated those words to herself again, like a

    child marvelling at the shine of a switchblade. She had been acting just like another

    stupid fangirl of his. Even now, she was dating Ji Hoo in the naïve attempt to make him

     jealous when the truth was, he had probably been relieved.

    She felt arms wrap around her in a warm embrace, and that’s when she realized Ji Hoo had come into the room with her. She knew she should feel comforted in his

    arms, but the only thing she could think about was how she was getting tears all over

    his expensive suit.

    Yi Jeong had never loved her. But that didn’t mean she had stopped loving him.  

    She pushed Ji Hoo away and sat up herself, ignoring his concerned gaze. She had

    thought she was moving on by dating him, but she had really just been hiding her

    feelings. How absurd was it that she was trying to get over Yi Jeong by dating one of his

     best friends? No, if she wanted herself to let go, this wasn’t the way to do it. She could

    never let go of Yi Jeong if she stayed so close to him.‚Ji Hoo sunbae.‛ He had already been looking at her attentively, but now he

    gave a slight inclination of the head to show that he was listening. If he had noticed she

    was calling him sunbae again, he didn’t show it. 

    ‚What’s wrong Ga Eul? Did something happen?‛ 

    ‚No. Well,‛ she hesitated, ‚yes.‛ 

    ‚You know my parents moved to America a few years back, but I chose to stay

    with Jan Di and her family in order to finish my schooling here. Well, I think it’s time

    for me to go join them.‛ She paused here, waiting for a response. He didn’t say


    ‚It won’t be forever, of course. I’ll come back in a few—‛ ‚So where does that leave us?‛ The question startled her, and she didn’t know

    quite how to respond. She had assumed that by telling him she was going to leave the

    country for a few years would be indication enough of them ending their so-called

    relationship. After all, it really wasn’t going to benefit either of them now. Yi Jeong

     Jeong had shown his disinterest more times than she could count, and Jan Di was

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    already engaged, for heaven’s sake! She was going to America in order to get herself

    sorted out and move on, and she really thought it was time for him to do the same.

    ‚Well, I wouldn’t my leaving to keep you from going on with your life—‛ 

    ‚Ga Eul, we both know you’re not just going to America to be with your parents.

    You’re doing it to get away from Yi Jeong.‛ She nodded cautiously, not seeing where he

    was going with this.

    ‚I know we both got into this relationship in order to make Yi Jeong and Jan Di

     jealous. I knew you were still hung up on Yi Jeong, so I wanted to wait for a better to

    tell you this, but I guess there is no better time now.‛ 

    Ga Eul stared into Ji Hoo’s earnest eyes with confusion. ‚Tell me what?‛ 

    ‚Tell you I don’t like Jan Di anymore. And to tell you I

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    out. It had been unbelievably hard trying to get ahold of the woman, something he had

    never had trouble with before. He guessed it really shows him how much she had

    placed him as a priority before by keeping herself accessible at all times. He just wished

    he had realized how valuable she was sooner.

    He had yet to catch a glimpse of her the last few weeks. She had been incredibly

     busy with Ji Hoo, it seemed. Speaking of Ji Hoo, the other man barely spoke to Yi Jeong

    anymore. Their relationship had never been as close as the others, but now, had it not

     been for regular F4 hang-outs, their very acknowledgement of each other would have

     become obsolete. As it was, any conversation between the two was extremely strained.

    He had finally gotten to Ga Eul through Woo Bin. But where was she now? Woo

    Bin had told him she had agreed to meet up at the coffee shop at 5PM. So where was


    His phone buzzed and Yi Jeong sped to check his text messages. It was from Ga

    Eul. The text stood solitary on the screen.

    Sorry, I’ve changed my mind. I think it’s better if we don’t see each other. 

    -Ga Eul

    For a few seconds, Yi Jeong didn’t blink, didn’t move. He just stared blankly at

    the text. A nearby waiter hesitated before tapping him on the shoulder. ‚Did you need

    help with anything?‛ 

    Crack! By the time the cellphone hit the ground Yi Jeong was already gone.


    ‚What sort of surprise is it?‛ Ga Eul couldn’t resist asking. ‚Not anotherridiculously expensive one I hope.‛ 

    ‚You’ll see,‛ was the only response she got. 

    ‚But I can’t see,‛ she pouted. ‚You’re covering my eyes.‛ 

    ‚Patience, my darling,‛ Ji Hoo’s voice admonished her, ‚patience.‛ 

    ‚I’m trying, I really am. But we’ve been turning and walking for ages. How far

    exactly did we—‛ 

    ‚And voilà.‛ The pressure on her eyes was removed, the dim light from the

    moon restored her vision, and Ga Eul looked in awe. The whole night sky laid spread

    like a blanket in front of them. ‚It’s beautiful,‛ she breathed. 

    ‚Well, I know you didn’t like expensive gifts, so I thought this something freewould suit your taste better,‛ Ji Hoo murmured, coming up behind her. ‚I actually used

    to come up here a lot with some of the F4, when we didn’t feel like talking much and

     just wanted a show.‛ 

    ‚Wow,‛ Ga Eul smiled. She had never really thought of the F4 as the sentimental

    type. Maybe Yi Jeong and Woo Bin acted like it around girls, but she really hadn’t been

    able to imagine any of them displaying too many genuine feelings with, even each other.

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      ‚Do you think they’d mind you showing me this?‛ she realized amid the


     Ji Hoo laughed. ‚The guys aren’t ones to care much about these kinds of things.

     Jun Pyo’s showed Jan Di, and I’ll bet Woo Bin’s brought his fair share of lady meat up

    here as well.‛ Ga Eul didn’t miss the lack of a certain F4 member in the list, but her

    thoughts were distracted by a clattering sound from below.

    ‚Are people still working at this hour?‛ She was surprised. Even when Jan Di

    had been working as a night janitor she hadn’t been forced to stay on duty this late. 

    ‚There’s work happening here at every hour of the day, but especially at this

    hour ,‛ Ji Hoo informed her. ‚We’re at the top of an astronomical tower.‛ Knowing Ga

    Eul’s reaction before she made it, he hushed her. ‚Don’t worry, we do have permission

    to be up here. My father has connections with the owner of this research centre, and

    we’ve been granted unlimited access to the building and all the equipment. What we’ve

    mostly been interested in is the roof.

    Ga Eul smiled. ‚So what made you think I would like to have a rooftop viewinstead of getting to try a telescope or something of the like?‛ 

    He embraced her a little tighter. ‚When I was a kid, I always found it strange that

    people would be willing to give so much just to be able to make a little difference in

    their perspective. ‘Is a boss’ chair really that much more comfortable than that of a

    worker?’ I wondered. The question intrigued me, and I thought that there must’ve been

    a reason but I never found it. When I met Jan Di, I thought I had finally found the

    answer to the question that had plagued me for so long. Her stubbornness and

    determination shone as a light to my dark path. I felt as if for the first time in my life I

    had finally gained the motivation to chase something. I believed I had finally found mygoal in life.

    ‚But it was exhausting, and I didn’t like it. Soon, I began to wonder why I was

    doing any of it. When I realized my feelings were reciprocated, I was done. Any

    motivation I had previously had was gone, null, void. I felt myself slipping back to my

    old nature, and I hated myself for it.

    ‚You made me accept myself, Ga Eul. With you, I finally regained that childhood

    wisdom which had been lost to me by the maturing years gone by. How good your life

    is doesn’t depend on how hard you work towards what you think is success. It rests on

    how you enjoy what’s right in front of your eyes.‛ 

    Ga Eul’s own eyes began to fill with tears. She had never heard anything from sodeep within Ji Hoo’s soul, and uttered in so sincere a tone. 

    ‚Thank you for sharing that with me,‛ she uttered softly. ‚I appreciate it a lot.

    He smiled at her, a soft sad smile. ‚You’re welcome.‛ There was another clatter

    from downstairs and he brightened. ‚I almost forgot; I’ve got another surprise for you.

    Wait here!‛ 

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      Ga Eul contentedly let Ji Hoo slip away from her and looked up at the stars. She

    had been unbelievably stressed the last couple of days; a lot of things in her life were

    changing and sometimes it just felt like too much of a hassle to keep up with it. But now,

    as she stood staring a the stars with Ji Hoo’s words still ringing in her ears, she felt

    perfectly at peace.

    I wonder what he went to get, she mused lazily. Right as she thought that, she

     became aware of another presence. Turning around, she suddenly saw the giant


    It was a magnificent presence, and she felt slightly foolish at not realizing it was

    there earlier.

    ‚How many people’s hopes and dreams must’ve been used to build this piece of

    equipment?‛ she wondered a loud. Beside its stately enormity, she felt almost


    Ga Eul would have probably continued pondering upon these philosophical

    lines, except that her thought process was rudely interrupted.The feeling of the damp cloth clamped firm against her nose and mouth was

    startling, but quickly fading. ‚How many people’s hopes and dreams? Too many if it

    was just for scum like you to see it,‛ a voice cooed into her ear, its owners darting

    tongue lightly brushing against her robe.

    Everything faded into darkness.

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