chapter xix (dragon venom) -  · web viewshe shouted, “watch out!” as the...

Post on 21-Jun-2020






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CHAPTER XIX (Dragon Venom)

First thing during sunup, Owen, Wynn, Gallard, and Augustus scurried over to

Baron Tower to see whether or not their names were on the list. They vied for position at

the front of the crowd, and as soon as Owen read the list, the smile on his face gave it all

away. At that moment, Gallard knew the outcome, but he still needed the reassurance of

reading his name. He wanted to see Gallard Tobiah, proving that his name was recorded

on the roster for this solary cycle’s swithen team. There it was, bold, toward the end of

the list of names, next to Augustus’s name. What a thrill! The excitement and joy of

making the team almost overwhelmed him.

Gallard jumped up in the air and yelled, “We made it, Augustus! You and I, we

get to play swithen for Archwood Academy. How exciting is this, Augustus? How elated

are we?”

Augustus squealed with exhilaration. “It will be an absolute blast, Gallard. I am

excited and proud to join the team with you, my brother.”

“Thank you, Wynn, for rallying every sunup for the past lunar cycle to teach me

this spectacular game. I am looking forward to playing with you and your brother,”

commented Gallard.

“A joy it will be, Gallard. I am pleased that all quartet of us made the team. In

reading the roster, it looks as though we are going to be surrounded by remarkable

players. Listen to the lineup.” She read out the names of the players and their horsemels.

Solo. Garton Aidric, Horsemel, Bonaventure

Duo. Corliss Belden, Horsemel, Durable

Trio. Alair Braxton, Horsemel, Shadow

Quartet. Blossom Cordell, Horsemel, Abbott

Quintet. Wesley Fitzwilliam, Horsemel, Frye

Sextet. Catlin Hamilton, Horsemel, Baron

Septet. Huxley Langston, Horsemel, Gratian

Octet. Lily Norwood, Horsemel, Tacy

Nonet. Stratton Parson, Horsemel, Chase

Decet. Godwin Parson, Horsemel, Chaz

Decetsolo. Garrick Rutherford, Horsemel, Will

Decetduo. Cyanne Stanton, Horsemel, Charmaine

Decettrio. Owen Sutherland, Horsemel, Knight

Decetquartet. Wynn Sutherland, Horsemel, Vitality

Decetquintet. Augustus Tobiah, Horsemel, Action

Decetsextet. Gallard Tobiah, Horsemel, Vivacious

Decetseptet. Conrad Townsend, Horsemel, Duke

“There are decetseptet players on the team. Duo more than last solary cycle A

great team altogether. You are going to find swithen irresistible, Gallard and Augustus. I

am lucky to have you duo brothers on our team,” stated Owen.

“The delight is all ours, Owen. Thank you for your support,” stressed Gallard.

Practices for Gallard and Augustus started to blur from solo luminary cycle to the

next. Archwood Academy became a place of habit and security for both brothers. Owen

and Wynn became more like family members than friends, even though Gallard still

gazed into Wynn’s essence as though he felt untainted devotion to her.

Maelog also grew accustomed to living in Hereward. He participated in the Music

Club and the Knowledge Bowl. This kept him both busy and involved at the academy.

All of the trio Tobiah boys formed special friendships with Walkabouts who

attended the academy. Augustus mostly hung around with Stratton and Godwin, the duo

cousins. They now referred to themselves as the elements of trio. Gallard and Wynn were

practically inseparable and always included many Walkabouts in their friendships.

Maelog befriended Kiandra, a Walkabout with the most magical voice ever heard in

Hereward. Maelog also spent many luminaries with Arwin, who was a member of the

Knowledge Bowl. When Owen was not playing swithen or going to class, his best friend

was Sinclair. Owen and Sinclair had grown up in Leland together, and they were like


Solo particular luminary phase, the sun shone brightly into Ogden Tower through

the west. It brought in a pleasant warmth to Maelog, Gallard, and Owen who were seated

next to one another. Master Daryan Sterling was lecturing the students on poisons. He

taught the class about all the different poisons that could be used in the darts. While in the

middle of his lecture, something occurred that changed the path of someone’s life


Kiandra sat at the opposite end of the tower from Maelog, Gallard, and Owen.

Master Sterling asked her to fill up her vial with some of the poisons that he was

currently lecturing on. Carefully, Kiandra placed a syringe in the poison, filled it up, and

then pumped it into her dart. She then placed the dart on her sling. Then, without

warning, a dart released from her sling. She shouted, “Watch out!” as the dart shot across

the classroom, heading straight toward Maelog, Gallard, and Owen. Gallard and Owen

ducked to the ground and covered their heads. Maelog, less athletic than his brothers, was

slower. The dart flew directly at him and hit Maelog in his right thigh. At first, he sat in

his chair stunned, gazing at the dart stuck in his leg. Then he screamed in agony.

Maelog knew what the poisonous dart would do to his human body, and in that

split second, he feared for his life. The poison shot through his veins as fast as lava

erupting out of an active volcano. Maelog fell off the chair, and he crashed head first onto

the hard surface below him. His mouth began foaming, and his body shook in

uncontrollable convulsions. Master Sterling promptly ran to the closet and fetched his

antivenom kit.

“What type of venom did the dart contain, Kiandra? Please don’t say ‘dragon


“Ye-es-sss, sir, it was full of dragon venom,” said Kiandra in a panic. “The dart

released unexpectedly.”

“Naturally, it had to be dragon venom. Oh, where is my Aquinas vial? Never has

any student passed on my watch, and I am not about to let it occur on this luminary

phase,” said Master Sterling, under his breath. “Here it is. I found it. Out of my way. Let

me through.”

Master Sterling walked briskly toward Maelog and abruptly jabbed the needle

into the vial, pulled up on the syringe, and then stabbed the needle with great accuracy

into Maelog’s heart. His skin turned from ashen to rosy as he slowly came to.

Gallard began sobbing uncontrollably, promptly releasing his anxious dread.

Tears fell onto Maelog’s skin and immediately hissed as they hit his body. Alarmed,

Gallard inquired, “What is happening to him, Master Sterling? As my tears land on him

they are instantly absorbed. What is going on?”

“Going on? My dear boy! Gallard, your brother just received the poison of a

lifetime. His body is dealing with deadly venom!” stated Master Sterling.

“What? What are you talking about, Master Sterling? Is my brother going to


“Yes,” said Master Sterling.

Maelog slowly opened his eyes in a haze. “Wha…what is happening? My lips

burn and the inside of my throat stings.” Maelog’s mouth smoldered as he spoke.

“You, my boy, got shot in the leg with a dart filled with dragon venom. Solo of

the deadliest venoms we know,” explained Master Sterling. “Happily, I had the antidote.

You truly have the luck of a sprite.”

Kiandra ran to Maelog’s side, put her arms around him, and cried in relief. “I shot

you by accident,” sobbed Kiandra. “I take full responsibility. I am sorry and obliged to

make it up to you in any way possible. Here, let me help you get up.”

Maelog tried to stand up but keeled over in agony. “I think that I shattered all of

the bones in my leg, and my head is swirling around in a haze making me off kilter.

Kiandra, I know you mean well, but please just leave me alone. I need space.”

“Master Sterling, I didn’t recall you teaching us that dragon poison changes a

Walkabout forever,” stated Gallard.

“True, Gallard! We do not know the long-term effects of using this type of


“I appreciate you saving my life, Master Sterling. But I feel horrible. Do you

think that you could get me back to the manor so that I can lie down in my bed?”

“But of course, my dear boy, but of course,” stated Master Sterling with great


Gallard put a warm blanket over Maelog, while Owen and Kiandra found a soft

platform to lay him on. Many of the class members transported Maelog to Hanley Manor

and carried him to his bed upstairs.

As soon as Maelog’s classmates laid him down, he fell fast asleep. He stirred in

his sleep several times but never woke up. He stayed asleep for many luminary cycles.

While he slept, Kiandra sat alongside Maelog. She sang to him and comforted him while

he tossed, turned, and sweated the poison out. Master Sutherland and Nia supplied

Maelog with many poultices for his scaly skin. Nia gathered herbs, both from their cellar

and fresh herbs from outside, which she and Master Sutherland used to help him recover.

The news spread around Archwood Academy and the town like wildfire.

Everyone knew what happened, and many Walkabouts held ceremonies in Maelog’s

honor. Word spread to the Father and Mother of Divine Being. Even the creatures and

trees of Hereward heard about Maelog. Collectively, they decided to keep the news secret

from Talia. They did not want to worry Queen Arianna. Chancellor Ruby Chauncey, the

headmistress of Archwood Academy, held a vigil where almost all of the student body

attended. Tamesis, not surprisingly, was the only one who did not.

Solo late, foggy evening, Maelog finally woke from his deep sleep of sextet

luminary cycles. In his stupor, he gazed at a figure slumped over in a chair next to him. It

took him a moment to recognize her. “Kiandra, is that you? What is going on?” asked

Maelog in a soft, guttural voice.

Startled, Kiandra jumped out of the chair. “Maelog, you are awake? Brilliant!”

“Yes, I am awake. Kiandra, why are you in my room?” asked Maelog.

“Because, um…you don’t remember?” inquired Kiandra.

“Remember, what? My dreams?” responded Maelog, dumbfounded.

“Stay right where you are. I need to get Nia. I will return shortly,” Kiandra said

with great enthusiasm.

Kiandra ran down the stairs into the kitchen. “Maelog is awake, Nia. He is


“Awake, as in up? Oh, what a relief.”

The two of them briskly rushed upstairs to Maelog’s room. “Maelog? It is I, Nia.

Where are you?”

“I am in the bathroom, Nia, and boy, do I look like a scaly, old man. My skin is

bumpy and peeling off. What the heck is going on?”

Kiandra whispered to Nia, “He got up out of bed on his own, Nia. I am sorry. I

asked him to stay put while I found you.”

“That is all right, as long as he doesn’t fall over and hurt himself. Let’s try and get

him to lie back down,” whispered Nia. In her normal voice, she called, “Come out here,

Maelog. I need a hug.” Maelog opened the bathroom door and stumbled out. Nia grabbed

hold of him and hugged him for a long moment. Then Nia sat Maelog down on the bed

and began explaining to him what had happened sextet luminary cycles ago in class.

“Maelog, you have been in and out of consciousness for many luminary cycles,

and we have all been by your bedside, taking care of you. Gallard and Augustus have not

been to class or practice. They missed the latest swithen game and have been awfully

worried about you. They are sleeping at the moment, since it is late in the sundown.

Kiandra has not left your side. She sang to you every sunup and sundown. Owen and

Wynn have tried to comfort your brothers as best they could. We have all been worried

sick over you,” proclaimed Nia.

“The last thing I remember is sitting in Ogden Tower in a poisons class. Nia, my

body is feeling really stiff, and my skin itches. What is happening? I can barely swallow

or speak due to the dryness in my mouth.”

“Allow me to get you a drink, Maelog. I will make you a pot of tea,” stated Nia,

with great concern.

“Yes, please, Nia, and a glass full of water.”

“Coming up. I will be right back.”

Kiandra took the opportunity to tell Maelog her regrets. “Maelog, I have been

over the incident in my mind centet times and cannot figure out what happened. I filled

up my darts with quintet types of venom and then placed them in my sling, but the trigger

safety was on, or at least, I believed that it was on. I was putting my sling down when all

of a sudden a dart jetted out of it and headed toward the other side of Ogden Tower. I

yelled, ‘Duck’ as loud as I could. That is when the nightmare all happened. I watched the

dart, as if in slow motion, flying toward your body. I knew in a split second that there

was nothing I could do because it was traveling on a trajectory that was too fast and far

away from me. The dragon venom dart jammed itself into your right thigh. I thought that

you had died. I wanted to die with you, right then and there, Maelog. But here you are,

awake, alive! I will do anything to make it up to you Maelog, anything.”

Maelog reassured Kiandra that mistakes happened, even to the best of beings.

“I’m thankful that you are here with me, Kiandra.”

“It’s nothing! I can’t imagine the hardship that I inflicted upon you, Maelog.”

The news of Maelog’s waking spread quickly through Hanley Manor. Everyone,

including Master Sutherland, surrounded Maelog with merriness and vivacity. His room

turned from a solemn, still environment to one of wild entertainment. Everyone talked at

once, explaining his or her own version of Maelog’s accident.

Maelog nodded politely and then finally took the stage. “My gratitude to all of

you amazing friends and family members, and my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your

comfort and attention during this peculiar incident. I am sorry if I cannot talk right now,

but my mouth feels parched beyond belief, and my body is aching from having been

asleep for such a long while. Nia, I need some of your thirst-quenching herbal tea. Would

you mind if we went into the kitchen and talked?” Everyone gave Maelog hugs and then

left him, heading back to their own beds to continue sleeping.

“Kiandra, am I correct in assuming that you have not laid your body flat on a

comfortable bed in a while? Please, Kiandra, use the guest bed on this sundown,”

emphasized Maelog. She agreed. Everyone slowly disappeared back into their bedrooms,

while Maelog and Nia went to the kitchen to get caught up.

The next sunup everyone found Maelog in the kitchen still visiting with Nia.

Master Sutherland came in to get some tea, and then sat down and began to tell an ancient

tale. This is the tale he told.

Many luminary cycles ago, after the departure of Lucempest into Lucien, dragons

inhabited all of Hereward along with the Walkabouts. The duo species lived in

complete harmony with one another. Each Walkabout was joined with solo

dragon as his or her lifelong companion—to ride around on, to keep from harm,

and to help in need.

However, Lucempest did not want the dragons to serve the Walkabouts.

He wanted them all to himself. He slowly gained credibility with the dragon tribes

and enticed them into living in his land of Lucien. Solo by solo they entered his

land, and Lucempest gradually manipulated those dragons into serving him. They

were forced to help Lucempest however he requested, and if he needed them in a

different land, they went there to act on his behalf, and eventually returned to

Lucien. As the migration of the dragons into the land of Lucien continued, many

of the dragon tribes got wind of Lucempest’s trap. If they fled to Lucien, their ill

luck would force them into serving Lucempest. If the dragons stayed in Hereward,

they would be slaughtered. Some dragons knew of another land, and many were

able to escape their misfortune by fleeing. During the mass exodus of the dragons,

the dragons that went to this new land learned how to serve a new tribe, a race

called humans.

With the disappearance of the dragons from Hereward, the Walkabouts

lost their lifelong companions. That is when the Father and Mother of Divine

Being provided the Walkabouts with the Talian creatures of the sea, beasts of the

land, and birds of the sky to be their companions. These creatures made up for the

loss of the dragons, but the imprint of the dragon never disappeared.

There was a man named Mercurial who was poisoned by one of

Lucempest’s dragons. Mercurial’s son naturally felt distressed when he was

informed that his father would die. There was no antidote for the poison of the

dragon at that time, and his father was doomed to die a slow and painful death.

While Mercurial was on his deathbed, a stranger Walkabout from the other

side of Hereward, from a village named Paxton, paid him a visit. He informed

Mercurial that there was solo cure for the curse of the dragon that he knew of, but

it was forbidden. In the far reaches of the dark and ominous land of Lucien, there

existed a creature by the name of Marquis Amon. He was a wolf-like demon with

a serpent’s tail. He was in charge of a particular dragon tribe that had learned

great dark magic from him. He was their master. Any Walkabout who attempted

to set foot in Lucien had to confront Marquis Amon, and it was not a pretty sight.

Yet the particular dragons that Marquis Amon governed produced an antidote for

the curse of the dragon. A Walkabout could risk obtaining this antivenom from

the dragon, but the consequences were great. The chances of returning to

Hereward alive were small to null. “I am giving you this information, Mercurial,

because I can help,” said the man from Paxton. “If you decide to find me, I will be

at vigint trio, Foxpaw Lane in Paxton.” The man then suddenly departed.

Mercurial’s son, Aquinas, overheard this conversation and desired to do

whatever it took to save his father. Aquinas followed the stranger and begged for

his help. The man told Aquinas to meet him at his home in Paxton at sundown,

and he would provide him with all the essentials to get into Lucien. But he could

not promise him that he would get out alive.

Aquinas set out on the journey that sundown to meet this stranger from

Paxton. Aquinas was decet septet solary cycles of age, practically a Walkabout

adult. At his age, he recognized the great risk and understood the immeasurable

sacrifice he was planning to make.

Upon Aquinas’s arrival, the man provided him with a map, a suit of armor,

and a sword. The sword was inscribed with a motto, ‘Quis ut Deus.’ Then the

stranger showed Aquinas on the map a secret opening that led to the forbidden

land of Lucien. The stranger wished Aquinas good luck and bade him go in

strength. He did not dare go with him, for he knew that he would never return.

Mercurial’s wife felt hopeless. Not only was she losing her husband, but

now her son had vanished. Duo luminary phases later, on a full moon, Mercurial’s

wife gazed out the window and she spotted an enormous white dragon, bigger

than any dragon ever seen before in Hereward. To her astonishment, there was a

Walkabout riding on the back of the dragon. She ran outside to investigate and

realized that it was her son, Aquinas. But by the time she arrived, the dragon and

Aquinas were already flying away from the house.

She shouted after Aquinas. “Come back! Come back, Aquinas!” she cried.

“Your father is dying, and you must return.” The dragon and Aquinas disappeared

into the moonlight. She felt deflated. As she slowly gathered enough strength to

walk back inside her house, she noticed something on her front stoop. There was a

letter and a gift. She opened the letter and read the following.

Dragon saliva from the cursed land,

Given to the poisoned man.

Take a droplet of this magic

Be forever healed from the tragic.

Once the dragon’s curse of fire

Is gone for good from the mire.

Take heed that this saliva

Shall restore and be used for others in need.

Mercurial will be forever blessed by his good deeds.

Mercurial’s wife unwrapped the gift and found a large container full of

what looked like the dragon saliva described in the writing. She decided there was

nothing to lose if she tried this antidote. Her hands and body began trembling as

she brought the saliva and the note inside the house and got out a teaspoon. She

dipped her spoon into the gooey saliva that reeked of rotten hog tripe. Careful to

not spill a drop, she leaned over her husband, placed the gunk on his thirsty

tongue, and watched him swallow it.

Mercurial’s body uncontrollably thrashed around the bed. Then red-hot

flames shot out from his mouth. At the very next moment, Mercurial collapsed

into oblivion. His wife could not stop weeping. Bawling, she shrieked, “I killed

him! I was fooled! He is gone. My precious Mercurial is gone! Now I am without

a son, and without my husband! I am destined to endure great suffering.”

Yet Mercurial still clung to life, and after trio excruciatingly long luminary

phases, Mercurial awoke from his long sleep. The dragon saliva that Mercurial’s

wife gave him had indeed cured him. Mercurial gradually returned to normal,

whatever normal meant to Mercurial now that he had lost his son, Aquinas. After

reading the letter, Mercurial realized that he was obliged to help other

Walkabouts. Mercurial began using the dragon saliva to heal many Walkabouts

from illnesses. He named the dragon saliva cure after his gallant son, Aquinas.

The Walkabouts of Hereward expressed gratitude to Mercurial by honoring his

son Aquinas with the title of Noble Walkabout.

Mercurial and his wife passed in a fire vigint quintet solary cycles later.

The dragon saliva survived the fire. The elder Walkabouts of Hereward stored it

in a safe cellar to be used for future needs.

It is said that even now, at the full moon, an enormous white dragon

circles the moon trio times, spews flames from its mouth, and then flies away,

screeching, “Aquinas, son of the great Mercurial, where have you abandoned


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