chapter ii snowball throwing to teach descriptive …

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This chapter review of the related literarure that is used by the

researcher in the research. It deals with the previous researches,

theoretical review, and hypothesis.

A. Previous researches

This research was not the first research. The researcher

found some researches related to this research. Then, the

researchers choose some literatures about previous researches

which were relevant to the research.

Aris Susanti (Semarang: IAIN, 2011), “Upaya

Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Melalui Model Pembelajaran Snow

ball Throwing Pada Mapel PAI Materi pokok Puasa Wajib dan

Puasa Sunah Semester Ganjil Kelas VIII SMPN 23 Mijen

Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012”.1

The results showed that:

PAI student learning outcomes through learning model snowball

throwing good increase learning outcomes, particularly in the

subject matter of fasting obligatory and circumcision fasting in the

first cycle obtained value - average grade of 7.56 with 97.14%

1 Aris Susanti,Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Melalui Model

Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing Pada Mapel PAI Materi pokok Puasa

Wajib dan Puasa Sunah Semester Ganjil Kelas VIII SMPN 23 Mijen

Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012.FITK Library


mastery learning. Activities 57.6% among students learning and

learning activities of students and teachers by 70% and increased

to 8.82 with 100% mastery learning. Activities 82.16% of learning

among students and teachers of student learning activities with

84.17% in the second cycle. So it could be concluded that an

increase in value - average grade of 7.56 into and completeness of

classical study of the first cycle and the second cycle by 2.86%.

So no need for the third cycle.

The similar to the research above, the researcher used

snowball throwing. Then, the differences of both researches were

the research methodology and the subject of research. My research

used experimental research and her research used classroom

action research. The subject of her research Islamic religion

education at eighth grade of SMPN 23 Mijen in the academic year

of 2011/2012. Then the subject of my research was reading

comprehension at eighth grade of MTs Sunan Muria in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

Ulin Ni‟mah, (Semarang: IAIN, 2012), “The Effectiveness

of Using Basic Questioning with Picture to Improve the Students‟

Descriptive Writing Skill”.2 The result of the study indicated taht

there were average of post- test of experiment class was 71.17

which were higher than the average of post test of the control class

57.83. Based on the calculation result of t-test is obtained tcount

2 UlinNi‟mah, The Effectiveness of Using Basic Questioning with

Picture to Improve the Students’ Descriptive Writing Skill. FITK Library


(8.581) was higher than the ttable (1.67). Since the tcount was higher

than ttable, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is a

significant difference in writing skill improvement between

students who are taught writing descriptive text by using basic

questioning with picture and those who are taught by lecturing

(without basic questioning with picture).

The similar to the research above, research we used

experimental research and used descriptive text. Then, the

differences between ulin‟s research and mine were the media and

subject of the research. Her research used picture and her subject

of the research was writing skill at seventh of SMP N 31

Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012. Then, my research

used snowball throwing and the subject of my research was

reading comprehension at eighth grade of MTs Sunan Muria in

the academic year of 2015/2016.

Farida Arroyni, (Semarang: IAIN, 2010), “The Effectiveness

of Teaching Using Comic Strips to Facilitate Students‟ Reading

Comprehension Skill on Narrative Text”.3 The result of the study

indicated that there where average score for experimental group

was 59.8 (pre-test) and 71 (post-test). The average score for

control group was 60 (pre-test) and 51,3 (post-test). The following

was the simple tables of pre and post-test students‟ average score

and students‟ average score of each speaking components.

3 Farida Arroyni, The Effectiveness of Teaching Using Comic Strips

to Facilitate Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill on Narrative Text. FITK



The similar to the research above, our research used

experimental research and subject of our research was reading

comprehension. Then, the differences between farida‟s research

and mine were the media and object of the research. Her research

used comic strip and my research used snowball throwing. The

object of her research was narrative text and my research was

descriptive text.

The similarity between Susanti‟s research and mine used

snowball throwing. Then, the differences were the research

methodology and the subject of research. My research used

experimental research and her research used classroom action

research. The similarity between Farida‟s research and mine used

experimental research and subject of our research was reading

comprehension. The differences between Farida‟s research and

mine were the media and object of the research. Her research used

comic strip and my research used snowball throwing. The object

of her research was narrative text and my research was descriptive

text. Ulin‟s research and mine have similarity the research

methodology, and have different subject of her research. The

subject of Ulin‟s research used picture and her subject of the

research was writing skill. My research used snowball throwing

and the subject of my research was reading comprehension.


B. Profile of MTs Sunan Muria

1. The history of the Mts Sunan Muria

MTs Sunan Muria was established on July 10 1979, was

founded by YAKUPPI (foundation community welfare and

development of Islamic education), chaired by KH.Abdul

Hafiz, a cleric in the village Jembulwunut district.

Gununungwungkal Kab. Starch. Basically establishment

Gunungwungkal MTs Sunan Muria is based on a sense of

personal responsibility as a servant of Allah, to urge virtue

and forbidding (commanding good and prohibiting unjust), as

well as their sense of social responsibility as a community.

The curriculum used in this Madrasah adjust

government programs. Because this institution is an institution

that teaches religious education, the curriculum used to follow

the curriculum of the Department of Religion.

Over the course of time, the world is getting advanced

education, government accredit all educational institutions,

including madrasas, MTs sm accredited in 2014, With a B.

At its inception, although with a very simple building

facilities, the number of pupils at the school have reached 67

students. This is a good start for an educational institution in

areas classified as slightly religious leaders because the status

is still listed, the state exams were first implemented in 1983,

still a part of MTs. State sacred graduation rates are achieved

quite encouraging, reaching 97%.


Originally Mts Sunan Muria is headed by Mr H. Imam

Supijadi, BA considered capable of managing the agency,

later replaced by Mrs. Widiati, S.Pd.I, the longer the

government pay attention to preschool institutions, then

teachers are in demand to improve the quality of education so

that education is increasing.

2. The location of geographical Mts Sunan Muria

Mts Sunan Muria at coordinates Longtitut 11098352

Latitut -6613204 located in the village Jembulwunut

Gunungwungkal District of Pati regency is as follows :

a. East of the village Sumberjo

b. West side of the village Bancak

c. South of the village of Dongbang

d. North Side Village Pule

In addition Mts also are in the area KUA (Office of

Religious Affairs) and building Hajj Gunungwungkal districts.

3. The organizational structure of Mts Sunan Muria

As educational institutions and to facilitate the

implementation of educational management, Mts Sunan Muria

Jembulwunut have an organizational structure that is designed

and developed by the school principals and the organization

with reference to the guidelines created by the foundation can

be seen in appendix 23.

4. State teachers of Mts Sunan Muria


The number of teaching staff (teachers) in MTs Sunan

Muria Jembulwunut Gunungwungkal Starch amounted to 17

people made up of: The principal and other temporary

employees. For more details, the authors specify a list of

names - names of teachers in MTs Sunan Muria jembulwunut

Gunungwungkal Pati Academic Year 2007/2008 as follows:

Table 2.1

The data of teachers MTs Sunan Muria Jembulwunut

Gunungwungkal Pati Tahun Pelajaran 2015/20164

No. Nama Mapel Tugas lain

1 2 3 4


H. Imam Supijadi,

BA Bahasa Arab Kep. Madrasah

2 Gigih Pranoto, a.Md Matematika

3 Drs Suhartoyo Bahasa Inggris

4 Drs Sunoto Indonesia


5 Prayogo, S.Pd PKn

6 Setyawati, S.E PKn


Senibudaya Wali kelas IX A

4 Data diambil dari papan mono grafi MTs Sunan Muria, tanggal 15

Desember 2016.


7 Arif Gunadi, A.Md IPA Wali Kels VIII


Pembina Osis

8 Sukadar, S.Pd I Bhs Indonesia


Wali Kelas VIII


9 Sunardi,A.Ma SKI

Bahasa Daerah Wali Kelas IX B

10 H. Ah. Musta'in, S.Pd






11 Moh. Shobirin, A.Ma Al Qur'an


Bhs Inggris




Rif'atiningsih,A.Ma Fiqih

Wali Kelas VII


13 Widiati, S.Pd I Al Qur'an


Akidah Akhlak TU

14 Sukasan,A.Ma Akidah Akhlak



Dra. Sri



Matematika Sie Kurikulum

16 Maya Zulfa, SS Bahasa Inggris



diri Tafsir

17 Ratna Ovika Sari,




Wali Kelas VII A

5. Facilities and infrastructure of Mts Sunan Muria

To support the process of working in educational

institutions MTs Sunan Muria Jembulwunut Gunungwungkal

Pati until today, she already had some education facilities as

provided in the following table:

Tabel 2.2

Facilities and infrastructure of education MTs Sunan Muria

Jembulwunut Gunungwungkal Pati Tahun Pelajaran


No. Jenis Ruangan Jumlah Keterangan

1 2 3 4






Ruang Kelas

Ruang Kepala Sekolah

Ruang Guru

Ruang TU












5 Data diambil dari papan monografi MTs Sunan Muria, tanggal 15

Desember 2016.





















Rumah Dinas Guru

Wc/Kamar Mandi

Meja Murid

Kursi Murid

Kursi Guru

Meja Guru


Mesin Ketik

Papan Tulis

Lapangan Volly

Lapangan Tenis Meja


Bola Pimpong

Tolak Peluru

Lempar Lembing

Lempar Cakram









































C. Theoretical Review

1. Concept of Reading Comprehension

Reading involves the activity either visually or

kinesthetically. When we are reading, we are clearly engaged

in a great deal of mental activity, some of it automatic, some


of it concious.6 In literate sociaties, most “normal” children

learn to read in five or six years old, and some even earlier.

With the exeption of a small number of people with learning

disabilities, reading is a skill that is taken by special way.

In foreign language learning, reading is likewise a

skill that teacher simply expect learners require. Reading

arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational

contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as we

create assessments of general language ability.7 The statement

above means reading is the key to gain the whole of

knowledge field.

Broughton said that the word reading of course has a

number of common interpretations. It may mean reading

aloud or silent reading. It must be recognized that reading

aloud is primarily an oral matter. For those who teach foreign

languages it is closer to „pronunciation‟ than it is to

„comprehension‟. It must also be admitted that the usefulness

of the skill of reading aloud is limited. Reading may also

mean „silent reading‟. Then, silent reading is nearest approach

to reach the essence of reading. The functions silent reading

are (i) to survey material which is to be studied, to look

through indexes, chapter headings and outlines, (ii) to skim

6 J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University press, 2000), p.13

7 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Priciples and

Classroom Practices, (San Francisco: Pearson Education), p. 13


particularly when one item of information is being sought in a

mass of other printed information, (iii) to gain superficial

comprehension, as when reading for pleasure or preparing to

read aloud, (iv) to study the content of what is read in some

detail, (v) to study the language in which material is written

this may involve textual study in the literary sense or in may

involve the kind of language study that a foreigner may need

to do.8 Both of reading styles above have its problem. People

may get pronunciation problem when they are reading aloud.

And by silent reading people also probably has problem in the

depth of understanding the passage.

Reading also has some techniques, which are:

a. Scanning

Scanning is a strategy used by all readers to find

relevant information in a text. The main function of

scanning strategy is to find a specific piece of information

such as a number or the answer to a question.

b. Skimming

Skimming is the process of rapid coverage of

reading matter to determine its gist or main idea. It is a

prediction strategy used to give the reader a sense of the

topic and purpose of the text, the organization of the text,

the perspective or point of view of the writer, its ease or

8 Geoffery Broughton et,al, Teaching English as a Foreign

Language, (New York: Taylor and Francis E-Library, 2003) p.89-90


difficulty, and/or its usefulness to the reader. Of course

skimming can apply to text of less than one page, so it

would be wise not to confine this type of task just to

extensive texts.9

Skimming is valuable procedure. Skimming

through a passage involves very fast in order to recognize

main ideas and supporting details while skipping (not

reading) parts that are not relevant to your reading


Reading has some types that are:

a. Perceptive

In keeping with the set of categories specified for

listening comprehension, similar specification are offered

here, expect with some differing terminology to capture

the uniqueness of reading. Perceptive reading task involve

attending to the components of larger stretcher of

discourse: letters, words, punctuation and other graph

emic symbols.

b. Selective

The category is largely an artifact of assessment

formats. In order to ascertain one‟s reading recognition of

lexical, grammatical or features of language within a very

9 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Priciples and

Classroom Practice)…, p. 13

10 Wallie Hammond, Peterson’s Master Toefl Reading skill,

(US: Peterson‟s Nelnet Company, 2007) p.37


short scratch of language, certain typical task are used:

pictured-cued, matching, true or false, multiple choice etc.

c. Interactive

Include among interactive reading types are

stretches of language of several paragraphs to one page or

more, in which the reader must, in a psycholinguistics

sense, interact with the text. That is, reading is process of

negotiating meaning. The reader brings to the text a set of

schemata to understanding it, and intake is a product of

interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves into

interactive reading are anecdotes, short narratives and

descriptions, excerpts from longer texts, questionnaires,

memos, announcements, directions, recipes and the like.

The focus of an interactive task is to identify relevant

features within text is moderately short length with the

objective of retaining the information that is processed.

d. Extensive

Extensive reading applies to texts of more than a

page up to and including professional articles, essays,

technical reports, short stories and books (it should be

noted that reading research commonly refers to “extensive

reading” as longer stretches of discourse such as long

articles and books that are usually read outside a

classroom hour.


Reading comprehension is very complex process. The

common reason why reading with comprehension was

complex is vocabulary knowledge. But having vocabulary

knowledge is not determining the success of reading


According to Richard, comprehension is the

process how a person understands the meaning of written or

spoken language.12

In order to comprehend the text, the

readers should have strategy. Strategy is means, the way to

reach comprehension.

There are five thinking strategies of good readers that

are: predict, picture, relate, monitor, correct, and grasp in

understanding. Predict means to make educated guesses. The

readers make predictions about thoughts, events, outcomes,

and conclusions. By prediction, the reader become involved

with the author‟s thinking and helps them to learn. The second

ispicture, picture will increase reading understanding by the

obvious form. The third is relate that means to draw

connection between the readers‟ existing knowledge or

experience with the new information in the text to help

understanding the material. The fourth is monitor to check

understanding. Monitor your ongoing comprehension to test

your understanding of the material. The last is correct gapsin


LulutWidyaningrum, Mapping Readability of the texts and

Reading Abilities of the User, (LP2M, UIN Walisongo Semarang, 2014) p.24

12 Jack Richard, Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics,

(England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1990), p. 54-55


understanding. This strategy means seek solution when they

are facing the problem of reading comprehension such as:

rereading a sentence or looking back at previous page.13


thinking strategies above can help the readers to overcome

some problems when they are reading. Although everybody

has different way to reach comprehension.

2. Teaching reading

Teaching is a process of transferring knowledge.

Teaching reading is not only teaching to read, but more of it.

Comprehending the text is one of the reading‟s goals.

Teaching reading can be main as facilitate students‟

performance this in comprehending texts, and provide

students with many opportunities for practice are encourage in

a number of comprehension. Enhancing the best known of

which are reciprocal teaching, cooperative learning and

reading recovery.14

During teaching reading process we must

pay attention about the principles of teaching reading. The

principles can be standard to limit teachers when they teach

reading. The principles of teaching reading are stated below:

Reading is not passive skill

a. Students need to be engaged with hat they are reading


LulutWidyaningrum, Mapping Readability of the texts and

Reading Abilities of the User,… p.21-23

14 Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rodger, Approaches and

Methods in Language Teaching, (United States of America: Cambridge

University Press. 2001), p. 207.


b. Student should to be encouraged to respond to the content

of a reading text, not just to the language

c. Prediction is major factor in reading

d. Match the task to the topic

e. Good teacher exploit reading texts to the full15

Teaching reading is not vacuum activity. Students

must enjoy during reading process. As we know the

advantages of reading, so we must pay attention how to

increase reading comprehension in classroom. Teaching

reading need more than only read text. According to the

definitions about reading and reading comprehension, we

have three points based on the explanation above, they are:

a. The reader who is doing the comprehending

b. The text that is to be comprehend

c. The activity in which comprehension is a part

3. Genre

a. Definition of Genre

The word genre comes from the French (and

original Latin) word for „kind‟ or „class‟. The term is

widely used in rhetoric, literacy, theory, media theory, and

more recently linguistics.16


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (England: Longman,

2007),p. 122

16 Alexander Mongot Jaya, et. al., English Revolution, (Jepara:

MAWAS PRESS, 2008), P. 1.


The term “genre” is used to refer to particular

text-types, not to traditional varieties of literature. It is a

type or king of text, defined in terms of its social purpose:

also the level of context dealing with social purpose.17

Genre is one of the most important and influential

concept in language education. Genre can be defined as a

culturally specific text type which results from using

language (written or spoken) to (help) accomplish


So genres are cultural specific and have

associated with: particular purposes, particular stages and

particular linguistic features.

Every genre has communicative purpose, generic

structure and lexicogrammatical features. Students are

taught these features and a language for talking about the

language in the context of learning how these features

contribute to overall meaning of text they are writing.

The meaning of the genre intended is that students

are able to understand the concept and they would be able

to identify a kind of texts that students will have to write.

b. Kinds of Genre

Texts are determined by genre. The French word

“genre” means text type or kind of text. Genre is a term


Entika Fani Prastikawati & Siti Musarokah, Writing 3, (Semarang:

Ikip Pgri, 2010), P. 7.

18 Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional

Grammar, (Sydney: GerdStabler, 1994), p. 17.


of grouping text together, representing how written

typically use language to respond to recurring situation.19

Genre can be recognized from three rethorical structures.

They are social function, schemmatic structure, and

language features. There are two different kinds of

genres: they are story genres and factual genres. The

classification of the genres as below:

Story Genres Factual Genres

1. Narrative Text

2. News Story

3. Anecdote

4. Recount Text

5. Spoof

1. Procedure Text

2. Explanation Text

3. Report Text

4. Exposition Text

5. Discussion Text

6. Description Text

7. Review Text

8. News Item

4. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a piece of text that describes a

particular person, place, or thing.20

While Boardman and

Jia state that descriptive text is a kind of text that is used


Entika Fani Prastikawati, Siti Musarokah, Writing 3 (Handouts

and Assignments),(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang, 2010), p.7 20

DepartemenPendidikanNasional, Kurikulum 2004,

StandarKompetensi Mata PelajaranBahasaInggris, p. 48.


to describe what something looks like.21


definition about descriptive text is based on Gerot and

Wignell, it is stated that descriptive is a kind of text which

is aimed to describe a particular person, place, or thing.22

From the definitions above, the writer concludes

that descriptive text is a text which aims to describe

particular things, such as people, place, even unit of days,

times of day, or season. It may be used to describe more

about the appearance of people, their character or

personality. Descriptive text reproduces the way things

look, smell, taste, feel, or sound.

b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of descriptive text is shown in

the following table:23

Table 2.3

Generic Structure Function

Identification Identifies the person, place, or

thing to be described

Description Describes parts, qualities, and



C.A. Boardmand and Jia F., Writing to Communicative

Paragraphs and Essays, (New York: Longman, 2002), 2nd Ed., p. 30.

22 Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional

Grammar…p. 214.

23 Jenny Hammound, et. al., English for Social Purposes ( A

Handbook for Teachers of Adult Literacy), (Sydney: Macquarie University,

1992), p. 78.


c. Grammatical Feature of Descriptive Text

1) Specific participant

a) Certain noun for example; my car, my dog, my

new house; but if (car, dog, dolphin and etc) are

not allowed.

b) The use of detail noun phrase for example I have

a white skinned girlfriend.

c) The use of adjectives that have features

describing, numbering, classifying; for example

two strong legs.

d) The use of thinking verb and feeling verb to

express private writer opinion about the subject,

for example I think it is clever animal, Police

believe the suspect is armed.

e) The use of action verb for example my cat eats my


f) The use of figurative language like that simile,

metaphor, for example John is white as chalk.

2) Simple present tense for example; I live in simple

house, the house is very beautiful, it has a wonderful


d. The Example of Descriptive Text

My Pet

I have a pet. It is a

dog, and I call it Brownie Identification


because the color is brownish


Brownie is a Chinese

breed. It is small, fluffy and

cute. It has got thick brown

fur. When I cuddle it, the fur

feels soft. Brownie does not

like bones. Every day it soft

food like steamed rice, fish or

bread. Every morning I give

her milk and bread. When I

am at school, Brownie plays

with my cat. They get along

well, and never fight maybe

because Brownie does not

bark a lot. It treats the other

animals in our house gently,

and it never eats shoes.

Brownie is really a sweet and

friendly animal.

5. Strategy of Teaching Reading Comprehension

Some strategies and activities in reading can be used

to enhance students' understanding. The strategy in question is

as follows:



a. Metacognitive strategies, relating to knowledge a person

has on the use of the intellectual brain and conscious

effort to monitor or control the use of the intellectual

abilities. Metacognitive include ways of thinking, the

students will choose reading skills and reading techniques

in accordance with the task of reading.

b. Close procedure, used to increase understanding by

eliminating the information in reading and students are

asked to fill it.

c. Question guides, used to improve understanding.

Students are trained to remember the facts in a way

change the fact that the question "why".24

On the above strategy, the researcher using strategies

other than that in the mentioned above that strategy is

Snowball Throwing, Snowball Throwing is one model of

cooperative learning. This model can be used to give the

concept of understanding the difficult material to students.

Snowball Throwing method is also to determine the extent of

the knowledge and abilities of students in mastering the



Azmi Faisal, Pengetahuan,

2016/03/strategi-pembelajaran-membaca.html, di akses pada tanggal senin

09-01-2017 pukul 18:27 WIB


6. Strategy of Snowball Throwing

a. Definition of Learning Strategy

Snowball throwing as a whole can be interpreted

throwing snowballs. In lessons snowball throwing,

snowball is a paper containing questions made by students

and then thrown to his own to answer. According bayor

(2010), snowball throwing is one model of active learning

(active learning) which in practice involves many

students. The role of teachers here only as a landing early

on the topic of learning and further, the control of the

course of study.25

b. Strategy of Snowball Throwing

Snowball throwing method has several strategies that

all involve and student participation in learning. Strategies

in this method are as follows:

1) Teachers convey the material to be presented. Teacher

divided some groups and calling each group leader to

give an explanation of material.

2) And then, each group leader came back to the group

it, then leaders explains material presented by the

teacher to his friends.


Jumantan Hamdayama, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

Kreatifdan Berkarakter, (Bogor: Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2014), p.158


3) Then each student is given a worksheet to write down

any questions regarding the material which has been

described by the group's leaders.

4) Then the paper is made into a ball and thrown from

one student to another student for approximately 5


5) After the student gets one ball / one question given

the opportunity for students to answer questions

written in ball-shaped paper interchangeably.

6) Evaluation

7) Conclusion.26

In the method of learning snowball throwing, this

strategy is give priority to students can deepen of

knowledge on learning than students can only remember

the knowledge or learning.

c. Advantages and disadvantages of ST (Snowball

Throwing) Method

These are several advantages and disadvantages

of ST (Snowball Throwing) Method:


Agus Suprijono, Cooperative Learning – Teoridan Aplikasi

Paikem, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009), p.147


1) Advantages of ST

ST method has several advantages that are

all involved and participation of students in learning.

The advantages in this method are:

a) Learning environment for students like to play by

throwing the paper ball to another student.

b) Students have the opportunity to develop the

ability to think because they were given the

opportunity to seek a hard question in question

and given to other students.

c) Making students are prepared with various

possibilities because students do not know the

questions given to another groups.

d) Students are actively involved in learning

e) Educators are not too bothered to make media for

students directly involved in the practice.

f) Learning becomes more effective.

g) Aspects of cognitive, effective and psychomotor

2) Disadvantages of ST

In addition there is an advantages of course

ST method also has disadvantages. The downside of

this method is as follows:

a) It depends on the ability of students to understand

the material so that the students who mastered

only slightly. It can be seen from about the


selected students usually only about material

already described, or as examples of questions

that have been given.

b) The Chairman of the group who are not able to

explain properly is certainly a barrier for other

members to understand the material so that it can

take a bit to the students to discuss the subject


c) No quiz individual and group awards so students

currently flocking less motivated to cooperate but

did not rule out the possibility for teachers to add

a quiz giving individual and group awards.

d) It takes a long time.

e) Pupils naughty tend to make trouble.

f) Classes are often noisy because of the group

created by pupils.

However, weaknesses in the use of these

methods can be covered in the following ways:

a) Teacher explains in advance the material that will

be demonstrated briefly and clearly accompanied

by the application

b) Optimizing time by giving a limitation in make a

group and choose the questions.

c) Teachers participate in the making of the group

so that the noise can be overcome.


d) Separating the group of children who are

considered often make noise in different groups.

e) However, it also did not rule out the possibility

for teachers to add a quiz giving individual and

group awards.27

d. Reason for choosing Snowball Throwing to Teach

Descriptive Text in Reading Comprehesion

As a professional educator, teacher should be able

to select an appropriate teaching method that can motivate

students to learn. One of the greatest enemies of

successful teaching is student bored. So, the process of

learning should bring the students to achieve a lot of skills

that enable them to actualize themselves. In addition,

knowing about methods and technique of teaching

theoretically and practically is really important for teacher

in order to create a positive milieu in learning process.

Teaching reading by using Snowball Throwing is

very interesting activity to use almost any classroom

situation. As a technique of cooperative learning, ST is

advantageous strategy that could be used as an active and

interactive process in teaching reading comprehension.


Jumanta Hamdayama, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif

dan Berkarakter, (Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2014), p. 161-162.


e. The procedures of Snowball Throwing to teach

descriptive text in reading comprehension

1) Preparing

Before teaching, teachers must make syllabi,

learning design, and prepare the task for students.

Then teacher make some group and in group consist

four students. In each group must heterogeneous

based on the grade academic.

2) Teacher‟s Presentation

Teacher will tell indicators of learning,

introducing, and explaining materials based on the

lesson plans that have been made.

3) The Groups‟ Activity28

Teachers convey the material to be presented.

Teacher divided some groups and calling each group

leader to give an explanation of material.And then,

each group leader came back to the group it, then

leaders explains material presented by the teacher to

his friends.Then each student is given a worksheet to

write down any questions regarding the material

which has been described by the group's leaders.Then

the paper is made into a ball and thrown from one


Jumantan Hamdayama, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif

dan Berkarakter ... p.158


student to another student for approximately 5

minutes.After the student gets one ball / one question

given the opportunity for students to answer questions

written in ball-shaped paper interchangeably.

f. Benefits of Snowball Throwing to teach descriptive

text in reading comprehension

Benefits of this method to the students gives an

opportunity students to discuss the results of information

in the groups. Snowball Throwing can increase the

activity of student learning in reading of descriptive text.

Benefits to the teacher is make teacher to continue

and maximize the teaching in the classroom by way of

preparing the material with mature, manage time well and

to explain the subject matter to students with a coherent

and clear so that students do not get bored with the

submitted materials teachers.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the assumption that possibly true or

possibly also wrong. It is the provisional answer to the problems

of the research that theoretically considered possibly or highest

the level of his truth. It is provisional truth determined by


researcher that should be tested and proved.29

Because the

hypothesis is the provisional answer, it is carrying out by

investigation in the analysis part of the data to receive proof

whether the hypothesis could be accepted or not received.

The hypothesis of this research is: Snowball Throwing

(ST) strategy is effective to teach students‟ reading

comprehension on descriptive text, because the average scores of

experimental and control groups pretest have in not similarity, the

average score of experimental group posttest better than the of the

experimental group pretest, and the average score of experimental

group lower than the of control group posttest.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik

13th Ed... p. 116.

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