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Chapter 2

Formulas, Functions, and Formatting

Syntax of “List” Functions


Average function calculates the average of the numbers in

cells A1 through A5, in other words, A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5

Functions and formulas

always start with an equal

sign, =

Colon means through


First cell in listName of function Last cell in list

List inside of


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Syntax of “List” Functions


Function to find the highest number in the values in cells A1

through A5, in other words, A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5

Name of function First cell to examine Last cell to examine

List inside of parentheses

Functions and formulas

always start with an equal

sign, =

Colon : means “through”

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Relative Cell Addressing Relationships


1 2 2 2

2 3 1 6

3 3 4 5

4 8





Excel only knows that you want to add the three cells directly above the

cell containing the sum function. The relative position of these cells is that

they are the three cells directly above.

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Copied formula with relative cell addresses


1 2 2 2

2 3 1 6

3 3 4 5

4 8 7





When the formula in B4 is copied to C4, Excel still only knows that you want to

add the three cells directly above the cell containing the sum function.

Therefore, it adds from C1 to C3 and puts the sum in C4.

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Copied formula with relative cell addresses


1 2 2 2

2 3 1 6

3 3 4 5

4 8 7 13




When the function in C4 is copied to D4, Excel continues to add the three cells

directly above the cell containing the sum function. Therefore, it adds from D1 to

D3 and puts the sum in D4. It remembers only the locations of the cells being

added relative to the cell with the SUM function.


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Formula in B3 refers to B2 and F1. F1 is four columns to the

right and up two rows. What will happen if the price, tax, and

total are moved down a cell but not the tax rate?


1 tax rate .07

2 Price 10.00

3 Tax 00.70

4 Total 10.70




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Excel still references cells one above as well as two

rows and four columns to the right.


1 tax rate .07


3 Price 10.00

4 Tax REF?

5 Total 00.00


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Absolute, rather than relative Cell Addressing Fixes the Problem



1 Tax rate .07


3 Price 10.00

4 Tax 00.70

5 Total 10.70



The first dollar sign keeps the column letter from changing. The second dollar sign

keeps the row number from changing. This results in always referencing F1.

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Symbols used by Excel

- Negation (a negative number)

% percent

^ exponentiation

* multiplication

/ division

+ addition

- subtraction

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Useful Formats for Numbers

Accounting : fixed dollar sign at the far left of the cell, a

comma every three positions to the left of the decimal

point (called thousands separator), and shows the cents

(the two places to the right of the decimal point). May

leave spaces between dollar sign and the first number.

On the home tab, in the number group use the $ sign


$ 1,000,000.00

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Useful Formats for Numbers

Currency Style: floating dollar sign immediately to the left

of the first number with no spaces between, commas as

thousands separators, and cents showing.

To use this style, on the home tab, in the number group,

click the General and click on currency.


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Useful Formats for Numbers

Comma Style: a comma every three positions to the left

of the decimal point and shows the two places to the

right of the decimal point.

No dollar signs


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Conditional Formatting

This is making the formatting of numbers or cells

themselves depend upon whether or not they meet a

specific condition that you set.

Example: If the value in the cell is more than 400, then

the cell should be filled with light orange.

Example: If the value in the cell is less than 1000, then the

cell should have a dark blue border

Example: If the value in the cell is between 100 and 200,

then the number should be bolded.

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Relational Operator Description of the condition it sets

Between cell value is between two numbers

Not between cell value is not between two numbers

Equal to cell value is equal to a number

Not equal to cell value is not equal to a number

Greater than cell value is greater that a number

Less than cell value is less than or equal to a number

Greater than

or equal to cell value is greater than or equal to a number

Less than or

equal to cell value is less than or equal to a number

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Themes are sets of colors, fonts, chart styles, cell styles,

and fill effects that are applied to an entire workbook.

Default theme for new workbooks is “Office.”

You can change a theme.

After you have applied a different theme, you can still

change formatting. You are not stuck with the entire set

of formatting attributes from a particular theme.

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Column Widths and Row Heights


Default column width is 64 pixels.

You can easily change this manually or use Excel’s Best Fit


When a column is not wide enough for the number in it, you

will see pound signs, #######.


Default row height is 15 points (a vertical measurement) or

approximately 1/5 of an inch.

A point is 1/72 of an inch.

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Spell Checking

How it Works

Excel, like Word, compares each word with the words in the

Standard dictionary and then the Custom dictionary.

The Custom dictionary is where you put words that are not

misspelled, but are unusual enough that they won’t be found in the

Standard dictionary.

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Spell Checking

Standard Dictionary

Checked first

Custom Dictionary

then checked second

Common words found

in a regular dictionary

Uncommon words not found

in a regular dictionary such

as proper names

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Spell Checking, continued

When Excel encounters a word it cannot find in either dictionary, it shows the

spelling dialog box.

Excel will try to guess the word you meant. It will show you several suggested


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Spell Checking

Generally spell check the entire worksheet at once

Start in Cell A1 as Excel checks to the right and down

If you start in another cell, when Excel has finished, it will

ask if you want to continue checking at the beginning.


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Spell Checking other than an entire Sheet

To spell check only one cell, double click the cell

This puts the cell contents in the formula bar

On the Review tab, click the spelling button

To spell check a range of cells, select the range first, then

on the Review tab, click the spelling button

To spell check all the worksheets in a workbook at one

time, right click one of the sheet tabs, click on Select all

Sheets, then, on the Review tab, click the spelling button

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AutoCorrect—the Time Saver

Not just for correcting typing and spelling errors

Can use abbreviations for words

Click the File Button

Click Options button near the bottom of the screen

Click Proofing

Click AutoCorrect Options button

In the Replace text box, type the abbreviation

Press Tab

In the With text box, type the complete words

Click the Add button

Click OK; then click OK again

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Headers and Footers

A header appears at the head of every page

Usually contains the subject of the worksheets or a company name, etc.

A footer appears at the foot of every page

Generally contains items such as the page number, worksheet name or the path and

file name



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Page Orientation Review


Allows for deeper worksheets

Fit into notebooks well

Most common orientation


Good for information requiring

a wide sheet such as financial

projections or histories of more

than12 months

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Views in Excel

Normal View―This is the default view. Does not show the page breaks.

Page Layout View―The worksheet will print as it appears on the screen. Shows the page breaks with a background between pages. Shows the margins. Shows header area as well as footer area. The ruler appears at the top of the page.

Page Break View―Shows several pages at once and clearly illustrates where the page breaks will fall. Like many things, this is not pretty, but it is useful.

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When printing a worksheet, the margins are the areas at

the top, bottom, left, and right that are left empty.

Left margin

Default: .7”Right margin

Default: .7:

Bottom margin

Default: .75”

Top margin

Default: .75”

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More on Margins

There are three sets of predefined margins you can use in

addition to the ability to set them individually as “custom


The predefined settings are normal (as shown in the

previous slide), wide, and narrow. Again, you can choose

“custom margins” to go to a dialog box where you can

define each margin yourself.

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Normal, Wide, and Narrow Margin Presets

normal wide narrow

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Displaying the formulas

To turn it on: Ctrl `

To turn it off: Ctrl `

The ` accent key is just beneath the Esc key.

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Displaying your Formulas

FormulasNumbers not the result of

formulas-merely typed in

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Printing the Formulas

First of all, make sure that the formulas are showing already

Click the page layout tab, and click page setup dialog box

launcher to get the dialog box

If not already in landscape, select it.

In the scaling area, click Fit to

Print the worksheet; after printing, you may want to change

back to normal scaling

Click the page layout tab

Click page setup dialog box launcher to get the dialog box

In the scaling area, type 100 in the Adjust to box

Click OK

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Changing Sheet Names

Default sheet names are sheet1, sheet2, and so on

You can change them to more meaningful names

Up to 31 characters including spaces

Better to choose short, one-word names

Tabs don’t take up so much room that you can’t see the ones

to the right (even with the tab split moved to the right)

Should use one-word names in case you have to reference the

sheets in a formula from another sheet or workbook

Steps for renaming sheets

Double click the tab, and type the new name OR

Right click the tab, and type the new name.

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Built-In Web Queries

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Currency Rates

Used to find currency rates

Pesos to Dollars

Dollars to Yen

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Major Indices

Used to find information in major indices, such as

Deutsche Bank Energy Index

S&P (Standard and Poors) 1000 Micro Index

First Trust Health Care

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Stock Quotes

Look Up information on up to 20 stocks of your choice--you must know the symbols (alphabetic abbreviations for the stocks)

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Web Query-Importing External Data

Can import data from external sources in the Web

Comes into Excel in the form of a worksheet

Three Web queries are already set up for you

inside Excel

They are:

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Currency Rates

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Major Indices

MSN MoneyCentral Investor Stock Quotes

Start in cell A1 when importing because the information

comes in to the right and down.

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Web Query-Keeping your Data Current

When you are defining your query by telling Excel which

stocks to find, if you click “Use this value/reference for

future refreshes” option, you can just click the refresh

button later and Excel will import the information for the

stocks you have designated.

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Web Queries

Once you get the data, you can click links to:

View a line chart of the stock’s price performance

for the last year

Look up news stories on that stock

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E-mailing from inside Excel

This has not worked on most computers in our

classrooms in the past. Only one or two of the

computers had the right configurations to do it.

However, it is very easy to save the workbook and make

it an attachment to an e-mail.

You will have to do this part, at the end of the chapter, on

your own.

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