chapter 9 the era of good feelings. post war of 1812 there is a grater focus on west ward expansion....

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Chapter 9 the Era of Good Feelings

Post War of 1812

There is a grater focus on west ward expansion. The Anglo American Conference was held to determine the boundaries between America and Britain making Oregon a shared territory.

Expansion of the Cherokee Culture

As the American Citizens expanded the Cherokee culture was going through a revolution. Sequoyalh developed a written language for the group. The group formed a public Government and began to create their own plantation system.

Settling the Mississippi

The River area was growing quickly in population by 1840 a third of the population was living in the area. Many of the original inhabitants were squatters who pushed preemption or a formal right to buy landCongress would pass a law providing this. Most of them were subsistence farmers.

Connecting the country

A number of national roads were built.The first went from Cumberland Maryland to Virginia.Lancaster Turnpike connected Philadelphia to Pittsburg. Travelers benefitted more then those who were using roads to transport. Due to high rates on shipping using the road.

Rolling Down the River(That is a CCR and Tina Turner Reference)

River transportation is the most significant reason for economic growth. (Mostly from Ohio to Mississippi)Flatboats originally made the one way trip. The transportation was revolutionized by steam boats that could travel up and down river. Reduces cost of products and increases speed.


As river travel became popular there was a demand for moving products between east and west.Wanted to link seaboard cities to great lakes. Eerie canal opens in 1825.Governor Dewitt Clinton Developed the idea. Increased trade and again brought a sharp decline in cost of goods.

A Market economy is formed

Most early products especially clothing were made out of the home. Eventually standardization formed were a store owner would specialize in an area and build an entrepreneurship. Francis Cabbot Lowell developed power looms allowing cotton to be turned into shirts in one place.

Market Economy

Good land Marketing developed an economy.Regional crops came into being.Wheat in the North.South TobaccoCarolina to Louisiana was cottonTo assist in theses land buys Commerce banking developed.

Commerce banking

Local merchant took charge of industry at first.They would uses a system of credit to pay for things until state banks came in.The state banks gave out bank notes to help end bartering. Poor use of credit though lead to the panic of 1819Federal government tried to spur growth but could not develop laws to help everyone causing tension.


The war came to a close there was no Federalist party.Jeffersonian Republicans without Jefferson were just Republicans. Madison pushed many old Hamilton ideas.Changes in the bank to give government more controlAs well as a protective Tariff for industry.

The American System

During the end of the Madison era Henry Clay developed as political player.He developed the American System. High protective TariffProtection of the home market.

James Monroe

Held two terms as President virtually uncontested. Third President in a row from VirginiaOne political party does not mean harmony due to lack of choice.Madison avoided controversy pushing for harmony, toured the country.

Missouri Compromise

As Missouri entered as a state it created the problem of throwing off the balance of slave state vs free.North feared Southern presidentsSouth feared the growing populations in the North. The compromise created Missouri as slave state, Maine FreeCreated the 36 30 latitude border in any territory North of Missouri.

Monroe Doctrine

Opposed further colonization of Americas America would not involve itself in European internal affairs Claimed all the countries near America were their own independent republics. North America being the head republic.

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