chapter 7 map tues, dec 6265 – 275 chp 6 mat due wed, dec 7275 – 281 thur, dec 8281 – 285...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Chapter 7 Map

• Tues, Dec 6 265 – 275 chp 6 mat due

• Wed, Dec 7 275 – 281

• Thur, Dec 8 281 – 285

• Frid, Dec 9 285 – 294

• Mon, Dec 12 294 – 306

• Tue, Dec 13 Quiz/Cards/Study Guide

• Wed, Dec 14 chapter 7 desk mat due

Waking Consciousness (265)

• Remember our history of psych time line:

• Pre 1920 - study of mental processes

• 1920 to 1960 - behaviorism - study of observable behaviors

• Post 1960 - study of mental and behavior

Consciousness (266)

• Our awareness of ourselves and our environment

• Allows us to focus our concentration

• With practice some conscious behaviors become automatic, leaving our consciousness to focus on other matters.

Levels of Information Processing (266)

• Conscious awareness lets us exert voluntary control and communicate our mental states to others.

• We also react to stimuli we do not perceive consciously - this is our subconscious

• In our subconscious we parallel process many things very quickly

• In our conscious, we serially processing on a slower rate.

• Novel tasks require conscious processing

Daydreams and Fantasies

• Jerome Singer (1975) found that nearly all have fantasies. Young adults have more that are sexual

• Sexual fantasies do not indicate sexual problems.

• Daydreams are adaptive - release impulses - help plan - enhance cognitive and social development

• Singer (1976) people with violence issues/drugs have fewer fantasies.

Sleep and Dreams (269)Biological Rhythms

• Annual cycles - ex. SAD

• 28-day cycles - ex. menstruation

• 24-hr cycles - varying alertness, temperature, growth hormone secretion

• 90-minute cycles - sleep stages

Circadian Rhythm (269)

• Our biological clock called our circadian rhythms regulates our bodily rhythms of temperature and wakefulness on a 24 hour cycle

• Our temperature rises as morning approaches, peaks during the day, dips in the PM and then drops again before we go to sleep

Circadian Peak (271)

• We think sharpest and have our best memory at our circadian peak

• Old people peak in AM

• Young people peak in later evening

Jet Lag (271)

• Occurs when we are awake when our circadian rhythm wants sleep

• Bright light helps to reset our bio clocks

• To fight jet lag, spend the 1st day outside and awake

The Effect of Light (271)

• Light activates the light-sensitive retinal proteins which trigger signals to a brain region that controls the circadian clock. Our pineal gland decreases melatonin in the AM and increases it in the PM. Melatonin causes us to sleep.

• Artificial light extends our 24 hour day cycle.

PMS (270)

• AKA premenstrual dysphoric disorder

• The study tracked women’s actual daily reports of emotional fluctuation and their remembered emotional fluctuation - the recalled mood was worse than the actual

• Placebos therefore work for PMS

Sleep Stages (271)• Every 90 minutes we pass through 5 sleep stages• 1 - light sleep/5 minutes/hallucinations like falling• 2 - 20 minutes/deeper sleep/bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain activity• 3 - few minutes/slow delta waves• 4 - 30 minutes/slow delta waves/hard to awaken/deep sleep/bed

wetting/sleep walking/night terrors/will still respond to some stimuli (like a baby crying) --- 4 is reduced over the night

• Back through 3 and 2 again and then to REM--• REM sleep - about 10 minutes/dream during REM/heart rate

increases/rapid breathing and eye movement/genital arousal/very difficult to awaken --- REM gets longer over the night

Alpha and Delta Waves

• Alpha waves - slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake person

• Delta waves - large, slow brain waves of deep sleep

Sleep Stages (274)The Brain Sleep and Circadian Rhythm 6 minute video

Why do We Sleep? (275)

• Sleep patterns vary• Identical twins have similar patterns ---- genetic?????• Most would sleep 9 hrs• Sleep debt - our brain keeps about a 2 week log and one night of

long sleep won’t pay it off• The Brain- 14 Sleep Functions video - 5 minutes

Sleep Deprivation Effects (276)

• Low energy, weakened immunity, more accident prone, irritable, fatigue, increases obesity

• US navy Experiment - subjects in bed for 14 hours daily for a week - most initially slept for 12 hours (paying off their sleep debt) but then settled into 7.5 to 9 hours per night

Stanley Coren Study (276)

• Accident rate 7% higher on Monday after the spring time change (where you loose an hour of sleep) and lower by 7% on Monday after the Fall time change

Sleep Deprivation (276)

• Weakens our immunity• When we have infections we sleep more boosting

our immunity• Alters our metabolic and hormonal functioning in

ways that mimic aging and are conducive to obesity, hypertension and memory impairment.

• Take the quiz on page 278

Sleep Functions (278)

• PROTECT - cavemen from cliffs• RECUPERATE - restores body/brain tissue

- while awake our brain produces adenosine which makes us sleepy. Caffeine blocks adenosine. During sleep our adenosine declines

• GROW - during sleep the pituitary gland releases growth hormone (less so for adults)

Sleep Disorders (279)

• Insomnia - recurring problem in falling or staying asleep (10 to 15% of adults)

• Middle aged people commonly have interrupted sleep

• People overestimate their sleep problems• Sleeping pills and alcohol aggravate sleep

problems because they reduce REM sleep. You need more drugs over time. When you quit the drugs, insomnia returns worsened

Suggestions For Sleep (279)

• Dim light and relax before bed• Avoid caffeine and rich food• Drink milk - boosts serotonin which helps sleep• Follow a regular sleep schedule• Avoid naps• Exercise but not at night

Sleep Disorders (279)

• Narcolepsy - periodic, overwhelming sleepiness. Usually lasts less than 5 minutes. Some collapse right into REM.

• Gene in dogs discovered. 2 min clip

• Humans with narcolepsy have a relative absence of a hypothalamic neural center that produces hypocretin (drug treatment possible?)

Sleep Disorders (279)Sleep Apnea

• 1 in 20 people• Intermittently stop breathing during sleep followed

by arousal and breathing/snorting• Can happen 400 times per night• Deprives you of slow-wave (delta) sleep• Irritable, sleepy during the day• Obesity increases apnea• 3 minute clip of a test

v=zEzU6eueWig&feature=related• The results (3 minute clip)


Sleep Disorders (280)Night Terrors

• Mostly affect children• During a terror they may

sit up, walk around, talk incoherently, have a double heart and breath rate and appear terrified.

• They seldom wake up and they recall little or nothing the next morning

• Night terrors (stage 4) are not the same as nightmares (REM)

Sleep Disorders (280)Sleepwalking and Sleeptalking

• Happen in stage 4• Run in

families/genetic link/identical twins

• Usually harmless and not recalled

• Usually decreases as the child ages

• Rare after age 40

Dreams (281)

• Lucid Dreams - we are sufficiently awake during a dream to wonder if we are dreaming. We might test our state of consciousness - can I fly?

Dreams (281)

• Even in REM we have some response to external stimuli (water spraying experiment)

• We don’t remember taped information “heard” while we sleep

• Sleep apnea people don’t remember waking up

Freud and Dreams (281)

• Manifest Content - the story line of our dream that we remember. A censored version of the latent content.

• Latent Content - our unconscious drives and wishes in our dream that would be threatening if expressed directly. We do not remember the latent content.

• Dream interpretation site

• 10 minute clip on Freud

Why do we Dream? (282)

• Freud thought dreams were our safety valves• Freud said our dreams were symbolic - critics

disagree Link to information on Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams.

• Some say our dreams are “information processing” that help us sift, sort and fix the day’s events

• REM sleep helps memory - the brain regions active while running a maze are also active during at rat’s REM - you could see where the rat would be in the maze if he was awake.

• We should sleep on new learning

Physiological Effect of Dreams (283)

• Perhaps REM sleep gives the sleeping brain stimulation - leading to neural growth/connection (remember that experiences cause neural growth)

Activation-Synthesis Theory (283)

• Says that dreams erupt from neural activity that spreads upward from the brainstem. The theory is that the neural activity is random and a dream is the brain’s attempt to make sense of it.

• During REM the limbic system is active but the frontal lobe are not.

• The Activation-synthesis theory says that dreams spring from the mind’s effort to make sense of unrelated visual bursts which are given their emotional tone by the limbic system.

REM Rebound (283)

• Studies agree that we need REM sleep

• REM rebound is our tendency to return quickly to REM sleep (and stay in REM longer) after being awakened

Hypnosis (285)

• Def - a social interaction where the hypnotist suggests to the subject that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will spontaneously occur.

Posthypnotic Amnesia (286)

• You are told to forget what happens during hypnosis after you are out of the state of hypnosis.

• Forgotten material can be remembered on cues.

Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) (286)

• Claimed he had discovered an “animal magnetism”.

• Cured people by passing magnets over them

• People would fall into trances then awaken cured

• A French commission chaired by Benjamin Franklin found no evidence of animal magnetism and attributed the cures to “imagination”. They called it “mesmerism” and thought of it as quackery.

Anti-hypnosis Evidence (286)

• Hypnotized people cannot do the great feats they claim and what they do do can be done by unhypnotized people.

Hypnosis - Facts/Falsehoods (286)

• The subject’s openness to suggestion appears to be the key

• Posture sway test (Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale)

• The ability to focus inward also predicts the ability to be hypnotized

• Your expectation to be hypnotized is also a factor

Can Hypnosis Enhance Recall of Forgotten Events? (287)

• No• In age regression demonstrations, hypnotized

people act like their memories of childhood, not like actual children (ex. they don’t make spelling errors)

• Confabulate - mixing fact and fiction • The hypnotizer can suggest memories• Many therapists have unrealistic ideas about

hypnosis and memory induction

Can Hypnosis Force People to Act Against Their Will? (288)

• Hypnotized people will dip their hands in “acid” but so will the control group of people who are pretending to be hypnotized

• Spanos (1982) - a hypnosis research found “the overt behaviors of hypnotic subjects are well within normal limits”.

Hypnotic Age Regression: A True Story (289)

• Robert True’s hypnotize subjects could recall the day of the week of past Christmas parties 82% correctly -

• Other researchers couldn’t get the same great results - then they realized that True was asking his subjects “was it on a Tuesday?” as opposed to “what day was it on?”

• Also, since a 4 year old doesn’t know the days of the week neither should a hypnotized adult acting as a child

• Also, when we go back to our past lives we are always kings and queens, never just serfs- and they don’t know things that any person of that time would have known.

Can Hypnosis be Therapeutic? (290)

• It helps headaches, asthma, warts, skin disorders, obesity

• It doesn’t seem to help smoking, nail chewing

Can Hypnosis Alleviate Pain? (290)

• Yes• Hypnotized people can stick their arms in freezing water and

feel no pain• Dental procedures can be done with less pain if hypnotized• Why? Theory 1 - Because of dissociation - we split between

different levels of consciousness - we dissociate the pain stimulus from the emotional response to that pain. Therefore we still feel the extreme cold but we don’t connect it with pain.

• Why? Theory 2 - Selective Attention - hypnosis works the same as relaxing and distracting people. PET scans show that we receive the pain in the sensory cortex but we don’t attend tot he pain in other brain regions.

Hypnosis as a Social Phenomenon (291)

• The social phenomenon theory says that the hypnotic phenomenon is just an extension of everyday social behavior. People act as they believe they should in their role of a hypnotized person.

Hypnosis as Divided Consciousness (292)

• Ernest Hilgard - says hypnosis is social influence plus a state of dissociated consciousness. We dissociate cognition from behavior.

• Hilgard talks of the “hidden observer” - we are passively aware of what we, as hypnotized person, is experiencing and doing. We don’t feel pain but one of our hands will press a button if a part of our body feels pain. (see picture and caption on 293)

• 7 minute clip on Hidden Observer

Drugs and Consciousness (294)

• Psychoactive drugs change our perceptions and moods.

• Tolerance - continued use of psychoactive drugs produce tolerance - the user experiences neuroadaptation which is the brain’s counteracting the disruption to its normal functioning. With tolerance you need more of the drug to produce the same effect.

Withdrawal (294)

• Is the body’s response to removal of the drug

• Physical dependence• Psychological

dependence • Remember the

neurotransmitter endorphin?

Misconceptions (294)

• Myth - All people become addicted.– Only a small % does– People using drugs medically rarely become


• Myth - you need therapy to beat addiction.– With or without therapy the recovery rates are


• Addiction applies to any repetitive behavior.

Psychoactive Drugs (295)

• Depressants• Stimulants• Hallucinogens• Anti-psychotics

• Drugs in all categories work at the brain’s synapses by stimulating, inhibiting, or mimicking the activity of neurotransmitters.

Depressants (295)

• Calm neural activity

• Slow body functions

• Alcohol, barbiturates, tranquillizers, opiates

Depressants (295)Alcohol

• slows brain activity that controls judgment and inhibition• increases harmful tendencies AND helpful tendencies• Slows sympathetic nervous system• Doesn’t impair short term recall or existing long-term

memories, but, it disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memory

• Suppresses REM sleep and therefore affects memory• Reduces our self-awareness• Focuses our attention on the present and away from

consequences• The user’s expectations will affect the effect of the alcohol (or


Depressants (297)Barbiturates

• Tranquillizers

• Mimic alcohol effects

• Depress sympathetic nervous system

• Used to induce sleep and reduce anxiety

• Can be lethal if combined with alcohol

• Can be lethal alone in large doses

Depressants (297)Opiates

• Opium, morphine, heroine• Depress neural function• Blissful pleasure for short time• Highly additive - tolerance makes you need more

and more• Endorphins are our natural opiates - they will stop

being produces when we take opiates. When we are going through withdrawal we will not have the endorphins to fight the pain of withdrawal.

Stimulants (298)

• Caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine

• Speed up body functions (heart/breathing)

• Decrease appetite

• Increase energy

• addictive

Stimulants (298)Cocaine/Crack

• Blocks reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. These stay in the synapse intensifying their normal mood0altering effects producing a euphoric rush. After the high, you experience the crash of withdrawal.

• Can cause emotional disturbance, convulsions, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure.

Stimulants (299)Ecstacy


• Stimulant and a mild hallucinogen

• The amphetamine component triggers release of dopamine and serotonin and blocks the reuptake - producing a feel-good effect

• Risks are dehydration, overheating, high blood pressure, death, depression (depletes serotonin)

Hallucinogens (299)LSD

• Created 1943 by Albert Hofmann

• Mimic serotonin• Hallucinations• Triggers various

emotions - euphoria to panic

• User’s expectations are important

Hallucinogen (300)Marijuana

• THC is the active ingredient

• Relaxes, lowers inhibitions, euphoric high and a mild hallucinogen

• The experience and expectation of the user is a factor in the drug’s effect on the user

Hallucinogen (300)Marijuana

• Therapeutic relief for pain, nausea, glaucoma, chemotherapy patients

• Cancer causing smoke• Impairs motor, perception, reaction time• Disrupts short term memory• Concentration of THC-sensitive receptors in frontal lobe, limbic

system and motor cortex (does this mean we have naturally occurring THC-like molecules?)

• Reversed tolerance - the body stores THC for up to a month - so the regular user needs LESS of the drug over time to achieve the same high

• May make brain more susceptible to cocaine or heroine addiction

Illegal/Legal Drugs

Common Threads (300)

• Triggers negative after effects that offset the immediate positive effects

• The high emotions trigger opposing emotions that grow stronger as drug use continues. The user needs to take a larger dose to get the same high and to fight the negative emotions.

Influence on Drug Use (301)

• Increases and decreases over time and across cultures

• Attitudes to drug use changes

• Lucky Strike commercial


Biological Influence (301)

• Heredity influences alcoholism - a deficiency in brain’s natural dopamine (reward neurotransmitter)

• Impulsive, fearless children are more likely to use drugs

• Mice who drink have lowered bran chemical NPY

Psychological and Cultural Influences (302)

• Unmarried/childless have higher use

• People under stress/failure have higher use

• Whites higher than blacks for most drug use

• Peer pressure is a huge influence - what you believe your peers are doing is as important as what they are actually doing

Near Death Experience (305)

• People report an altered state of consciousness after a close brush with death

• Similar to a drug-induced hallucination

• Dualists - mind can exist separate from body - Socrates

• Monists - mind and body are one

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