chapter 4 physical fitness

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7 th Grade. Chapter 4 Physical Fitness. Vocabulary. Fitness Capability of the body of distrusting inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort. Effort - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 4Physical Fitness

7th Grade


Fitness Capability of the body of distrusting

inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort.

Effort This concept defines how the body

moves. It consists of three components: time (faster or slower), force (harder or softer), and flow (bound or free).

Parts of Fitness

Strength Amount of force that muscles apply

when they are used. You use your strength when you lift

boxes or push a lawn mower. Endurance

Ability to do activities for more than a few minutes.

Paddling a boat uses both strength and endurance

Parts of Fitness

Flexibility Ability to bend and twist joints easily. You use flexibility when you bend down,

twist your body, or reach for something Body Composition

Compares the weight of your fat to the weight of your muscles, bones, and organs.

Physical activity can improve body composition.

Your Fitness Program

Why should you exercise? Improve self-esteem, prevent or alleviate

the effects of depression, and relieve. Improve bone density. Reduces the risk of some forms of

cancer. Improve the quality of life for people

with diabetes, arthritis, and asthma.

How to Test Your Fitness?

FitnessGram Test Pacer Curl-Ups Push-Ups Trunk Lift Sit n Reach


F: Frequency Refers to how often you exercise

I: Intensity Refers to how hard you exercise

T: Time How long you exercise

T: Type What you do when you exercise.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

One way to see how hard you are exercising is to check your heart rate.

Target heart rate zone is 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate (MHR) is the largest number of times you heart can beat while exercising.

MHR = 220 – age

Fitness Testing Activity

On the board you have been put into a category. I.E. Pacer, Push-Up, Curl-Up or Sit-n-Reach

Your task is to come up with as many activities, sports, stretches, or games as you can that will help you do better at that Fitness Test.

Minimum is 10

Selling Exercise

Create a television commercial to convince people to become fit.

Use songs, jokes, or catchy slogans to get the audience to exercise.


Flexibility The elasticity of muscles and connective

tissue, which determines the range of motion of joints.

Goal Aim: something that somebody wants to

achieve. A predetermined plan of action.

Energy for Exericse

“A world-champion sprinter can run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds. But can a sprinter run a marathon in an hour?”

A sprinter can’t run a marathon in an hour. The sprinter would run out of energy before he or she could finish.

Sprinters and marathon runners use different energy systems when they run.

Food = Energy

Fun Fact! Your body gets energy from the food you

eat. The sugars in foods, such as fruit and

bread, are changed into sugar call glucose.

Your body uses oxygen to get energy from glucose.

With and Without Oxygen

When your body uses oxygen to get energy, the process is called aerobic exercise.

Aerobic Exercise: exercise that uses oxygen to get energy. Long distance running and swimming.

With or Without Oxygen

Glycogen is another sugar made from the food you eat.

Your body releases energy from glycogen without using oxygen.

Anaerobic Exercise is fueled without using oxygen. Sprinting

Competition and Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship: the ability to treat all players, officials, and fans fairly during competition.

Good Sport

Someone who practices sportsmanship is called a good sport. Always plays her best Following rules of the game She also considers the safety of the

other players She congratulates player for a good job,

even if they are on a different team. She is also polite if she loses and modest

if she wins.

Sunday Funnies

You will draw cartoons illustrating when different sports, such as basketball or soccer, use aerobic energy and anaerobic energy.


Muscular Endurance The ability to contract your muscles

repeatedly without excessive fatigue Muscular Strength

The maximal force that you can exert when you contract your muscles.


Warning Signs of Injury (6 common signs) Sharp pain Tenderness in a single area Swelling A reduced range of motion around a joint Muscle weakness Numbness or tingling


Overtraining :condition that happens when you exercise too much. You feel tired all the time You aren’t doing as well during games

and practices You are less interested in the activity Your resting heart rate increases You may get hurt more often. Your body

hasn’t had a chance to heal from past injuries.

Common Injuries

Acute Injuries: injury that happens suddenly. Strains: muscle or tendon is

overstretched or torn Sprains: when a joint is twisted suddenly. Fractures: cracked or broken bone

Common Injuries

Chronic Injuries: injury that develops over a long period of time. Stress fracture: tiny fracture Tendinitis: irritation of a tendon.

Your doctor should treat Chronic Injuries.

Eight Way to Avoid Injury

1. Warm Up and Cool Down2. Stretch3. Don’t Go Too Fast4. Improve Your Form5. Take A Break6. Wear the Right Clothes7. Use Your Safety Equipment8. Don’t Exercise Alone

Sports Safety

Have students work in groups of four. Ask groups to make a safety

guidebook for a sport. The guidebook should describe some

common injuries of the sport and what causes them.

They should include information on preventing these injuries.


Personal Fitness The result of a way of life that includes

living and active lifestyle, maintaining good or better levels of physical fitness, consuming a healthy diet, and practicing good health behaviors throughout life.

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