chapter 3 (p.68-93). people continued to come to america from europe and african countries. during...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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 I. Early English Settlements Section 1


Chapter 3 (p.68-93) People continued to come to America from Europe and African Countries. During the 1600s and 1700s, the English, the French, and the Spanish established many colonies. The values and beliefs of these early colonists influenced how and why the colonies were organized. Big Idea I. Early English Settlements Section 1 A.Many settlers came to America for adventure, wealth, and economic and religious freedom B. The Virginia Company of London established Jamestown in In 1624 King James took it over, making it the first royal colony in America Reading Check: 1.Why did Raleigh choose Roanoke as the site for the colony? 2.What economic activity helped save Jamestown? 3.Why did the Virginia Company establish settlements in North America? 4.Why was the house of Burgesses important? II. New England Colonies: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rohde Island Section 2 A.Settlers called Pilgrims, a group of church reformers and church separatists, signed the Mayflower Compact. The Compact was a promise to obey laws passed and a pledge of loyalty to England. B. In 1629 a group of Puritans received a royal charter to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony. C. Settlers in Connecticut developed the fundamental Orders of Connecticut- the first constitution in America. D. In 1644 Rhode Island become a chartered colony. It became the first place in America where people were able to worship as they wished. Reading Check: 1.Identify why the Separatists left Europe for the Americas. 2.Why was the Mayflower Compact an important step toward representative government? 3.Describe the importance of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. 4.Describe the interaction between the Native Americans and the colonist. III. Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware Section 3 A.People from the Netherlands settled the area that was a center for shipping. This area would become Manhattan Island in New York City. B.New Jersey, formed from the southern part of New York, promised freedom of religion, trial by jury, and a representative assembly. C.The king of England gave William Penn, a Quaker, a large piece of land that was named Pennsylvania. D.Delaware, a separate colony supervised by Pennsylvania's governor, was settled by the Swedes in Reading Check: 1.Why did Penn see Pennsylvania as a holy experiment? 2.How did William Penn encourage self-government? 3.How William Penn win the respect of Native Americans? 4.How did a proprietary and royal colony differ? IV. Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia Section 4 A.Maryland was a proprietary colony settled ion 1632 as a safe place for Catholics to worship. B.As settlers moved farther west in Virginia, conflicts arose between them and the Native Americans, who did not want their lands taken. C.Carolina was established as a proprietary colony. In 1729 Carolina split into North Carolina and South Carolina. D.South Carolina was more prosperous than North Carolina because of fertile farmland, which increased the demand for slaves. E.Georgia, the last of the British colonies to be established, was founded as a place where people in in debt could start over. It also protected other British colonies from Spanish attack. Reading Check: 1.Why did George Calvert establish the colony of Maryland? 2.Why did Bacon oppose the colonial government? 3.Do you think Bacons rebellion was a sign of more unrest to come? 4.Who was John Locke? What did he do for Carolina? 5.How did Georgia serve as prote4ction for the English colonies? 6.Explain why French settlement in North America was slower than in the English colonies.

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