chapter 3

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Learning Style and Intelligence

Chapter 3

What is learning style?

Your learning style is your learning preference.How do you like tolearn?

Knowing about Your Learning Style Helps You to: Be more productive Increase achievement Be more creative Improve problem solving Make better decisions Learn more effectively

Learning Style

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic/Tactile

Learning Style Memory Exercise

15 items will be passed around. Can you remember them?

How did you remember the items? Did you remember what you could see,

feel, hear or touch? What is your strongest preference?

What worked best for you?

Auditory Visual Or kinesthetic?

Visual Learners

Learn through seeing and reading Prefer written directions Often good readers

Visual Learners Learn Best With: pictures illustrations photos graphs diagrams maps

Visual Learning Techniques

Mental photograph or video Flash cards Highlighting Draw pictures to remember Use pictures or symbols in the margin

to remember Draw a map or outline

Auditory Learners

Learn through listening and talking Remember what they hear better than

what they see

Auditory Learners:

Prefer to listen to instructions Often like to talk on the phone

or listen to music Learn best if they can hear and

see the assignment

Auditory Learning Techniques

Discuss what you have learned with others

Participate in study groups Recite aloud Teach others what you have learned Use flash cards and say the items Use music in the background if it does

not distract you or use it as a break from studying

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners

Learn through doing Remember hands on activities Use their hands to build, create, plant,

draw or decorate

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners:

Learn the assignment best by using physical activity

Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Techniques Read while walking or pacing Study outside when practical Take notes on lectures Highlight or underline Write summaries Outline chapters Think of practical applications

Activity: Complete the Learning Style Quiz in the Textbook


Sound Light Temperature Design (formal or informal)


Motivation Persistence Responsibility Structure


Alone/peer Authority figures present Several ways


Auditory Visual Tactile Kinesthetic Intake Evening/morning Late morning Afternoon Mobility

Written Exercise

Understanding your Peps Learning Style Inventory

What is your ideal environment for learning?

Your Personality and Your Learning Style

For review, what is your personality type? Extravert or Introvert? Sensing or Intuitive? Thinking or Feeling? Judging or Perceptive?


Learn best when in action Value physical activity Like to study with others


Learn by talking. Discuss what you have learned with

others. Like variety and action. Take frequent

breaks and do something active.


Extraverts can get so distracted by activity and socialization that the studying does not get done.


Learn best by pausing to think Value reading Prefer to study individually Need quiet for concentration


Find a quiet place to study by yourself. Plan to study for longer periods of time

so you can concentrate. Find places with minimal distractions

such as the library. Turn off the phone.


This type may miss out on sharing ideas with others and the fun and social life of college.


Seeks specific information Memorizes facts Values what is practical Follows instructions Likes hands-on experience Wants clear assignments


Good at mastering facts and details. Think about practical applications to

motivate yourself. Ask, “How can I use this.”


Seeks quick insights Uses imagination to go beyond the facts Values what is original Likes theories Reads between the lines Independent thinkers


Good at learning concepts and theories Ask yourself, “What is the main point?”


Since this type focuses on general concepts and theories, they are likely to miss the details and facts. To learn the details, organize them into broad categories that have meaning for you.


Wants objective material to study Logic guides learning Likes to critique new ideas Finds flaws in an argument Learns by challenge and debate Wants logical presentations


Thinking types are good at logic. Ask yourself, “What do I think of these

ideas?” Debate or discuss your ideas with

others. Allow time to think and reflect on your



Wants to be able to relate to the material personally

Personal values are important Likes to please instructors Learns by being supported and

appreciated Wants faculty who establish personal

rapport with students


Search for personal meaning to motivate yourself.

Help others to learn. Whenever possible, choose classes

that relate to your personal interests. Find a comfortable environment for



Find ways to organize the material to learn it easier.

If possible, select instructors who present material in an organized way.

Set goals and use a schedule to motivate yourself.

Use a daily planner or to-do list.


This type tends to be structured and controlled which can limit creativity.

They may be in conflict with others who are less organized.

They may be overachievers who get stressed easily.


Good at looking at the possibilities and keeping the options open.

Allow time to be thorough and complete your work.

Have fun while learning. Study in groups with a mixture of

perceptive and judging types.

What if your personality does not match the teacher’s personality?

Choose a different teacher.

What else?


Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences

Developed by Howard Gardner Defined as the human ability to solve

problems or design or compose things valued in at least one culture

Broadens the scope of human potential

Learning Style

Intelligences put to work Measured by your performance You can develop these areas and

become competent in each one

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES•Verbal/Linguistic•Logical-Mathematical•Musical/Rhythmic•Visual/Spatial•Bodily/Kinesthetic•Intrapersonal•Interpersonal•Naturalist

Your textbook provides an opportunity to explore your multiple intelligences.

These intelligences work together in complex ways to make us unique individuals.

Keys to Success:Create Your Success

Create Your Success

We make decisions and choices that create the future.

Our behavior leads to our success or failure.

Sometimes we blame others

My parents did it to me. My teacher gave me a poor grade. My boss gave me a poor evaluation.

When we take responsibility for our actions, we create our success.

Ask these questions:

How did I create this situation? How can I make the best of it? What can I do about it now? If I didn’t create it, how do I choose to

react to it?


Sometimes you do not create it all. You can still choose your attitude and

reaction to what has happened.

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