chapter 2800 supplemental examination · ex parte reexamination is ordered under 35 u.s.c. 257(b) ,...

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Chapter 2800 Supplemental Examination

Introduction2801 Supplemental Examination2802 Persons Who May File a Request forSupplemental Examination


Inquiries from Persons Other Thanthe Patent Owner


Public Access2803.02 Representative of Patent Owner2804

Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent2804.01 Correspondence with Patent Owner;Patent Owner Address


How to File Papers in a SupplementalExamination Proceeding and in Any


Resulting Ex Parte ReexaminationProceedingFormat of Papers Filed in aSupplemental Examination Proceeding


Time for Requesting SupplementalExamination


Items of Information2809 Information Relating to the Correctionof Factual Information


Fees Due on Filing a SupplementalExamination Request


Document Size Fees2810.01 Content of Request for SupplementalExamination


Detailed Explanation of the Relevanceand Manner of Applying Each Itemof Information


Optional Content2811.02 Initial Processing of a Request forSupplemental Examination


Filing Date of the Request2812.01 Noncompliant Request forSupplemental Examination


Corrected Request2812.03 Termination Due toDefective/Improper Request orCorrected Request


Handling of Papers, Other Than aRequest, in a SupplementalExamination Proceeding


Amendments2813.01 Interviews Are Prohibited2814 Time for Deciding Request2815 Determination on the Request2816

Claims Considered in Making theDetermination


Criteria for Making the Determination2816.02 Content of the Determination2816.03

Effect of the Determination2816.04 Conclusion of SupplementalExamination


Processing and Electronic Issuanceof Supplemental ExaminationCertificate


Procedure after Conclusion ofSupplemental Examination


After Determination Finding aSubstantial New Question ofPatentability


After Determination Finding NoSubstantial New Question ofPatentability


Discovery of Possible Material Fraud2819 Submission of Notification of OtherPrior or Concurrent Post-Patent OfficeProceedings


Multiple Post-Patent Office Proceedings2821 Assignment of the SupplementalExamination Proceeding


Differences Between an Ex ParteReexamination Proceeding Ordered


Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 257 and an ExParte Reexamination ProceedingOrdered Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 302

2801 Introduction [R-11.2013]

Supplemental examination became available onSeptember 16, 2012, as a result of new section 257of Title 35, United States Code, which was addedby Public Law 112-29, enacted on September 16,2011, known as the Leahy-Smith America InventsAct (AIA). Supplemental examination provisions ofthe AIA provide a patent owner with a mechanismto request that the Office consider, reconsider, orcorrect information believed to be relevant to thepatent. The rules of practice in patent cases relatingto supplemental examination were promulgated onAugust 14, 2012, at 77 Fed. Reg. 48828-48853.

Unlike ex parte reexamination practice, theinformation that the patent owner may request to beconsidered, reconsidered, or corrected in asupplemental examination proceeding is not limitedto patents and printed publications. The"information" may include any information that thepatent owner believes to be relevant to the patent.For example, the information may include not only

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a patent or a journal article, but also a sales invoice,or a transcript of an audio or video recording. Inaddition, the information submitted as part of arequest for supplemental examination may involveany ground of patentability, such as, for example,patent eligible subject matter, anticipation, publicuse or sale, obviousness, written description,enablement, indefiniteness, and double-patenting.

The flowchart below shows the general procedurefor a supplemental examination proceeding, and foran ex parte reexamination proceedinginitiated/ordered as a result of a supplementalexamination proceeding.

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2802 Supplemental Examination [R-11.2013]

35 U.S.C. 257 Supplemental examinations to consider,reconsider, or correct information.

(a) REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTALEXAMINATION.—A patent owner may request supplementalexamination of a patent in the Office to consider, reconsider, orcorrect information believed to be relevant to the patent, inaccordance with such requirements as the Director may establish.Within 3 months after the date a request for supplementalexamination meeting the requirements of this section is received,the Director shall conduct the supplemental examination andshall conclude such examination by issuing a certificateindicating whether the information presented in the requestraises a substantial new question of patentability.

(b) REEXAMINATION ORDERED.—If the certificateissued under subsection (a) indicates that a substantial newquestion of patentability is raised by 1 or more items ofinformation in the request, the Director shall order reexaminationof the patent. The reexamination shall be conducted accordingto procedures established by chapter 30, except that the patentowner shall not have the right to file a statement pursuant tosection 304. During the reexamination, the Director shall addresseach substantial new question of patentability identified duringthe supplemental examination, notwithstanding the limitationsin chapter 30 relating to patents and printed publication or anyother provision of such chapter.

(c) EFFECT.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—A patent shall not be heldunenforceable on the basis of conduct relating to informationthat had not been considered, was inadequately considered, orwas incorrect in a prior examination of the patent if theinformation was considered, reconsidered, or corrected duringa supplemental examination of the patent. The making of arequest under subsection (a), or the absence thereof, shall notbe relevant to enforceability of the patent under section 282.


(A) PRIOR ALLEGATIONS.—Paragraph (1) shallnot apply to an allegation pled with particularity in a civil action,or set forth with particularity in a notice received by the patentowner under section 505(j)(2)(B)(iv)(II) of the Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(j)(2)(B)(iv)(II)), beforethe date of a supplemental examination request under subsection(a) to consider, reconsider, or correct information forming thebasis for the allegation.

(B) PATENT ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS.—Inan action brought under section 337(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930(19 U.S.C. 1337(a)), or section 281 of this title, paragraph (1)shall not apply to any defense raised in the action that is basedupon information that was considered, reconsidered, or correctedpursuant to a supplemental examination request under subsection(a), unless the supplemental examination, and any reexaminationordered pursuant to the request, are concluded before the dateon which the action is brought.


(1) FEES.—The Director shall, by regulation, establishfees for the submission of a request for supplementalexamination of a patent, and to consider each item of information

submitted in the request. If reexamination is ordered undersubsection (b), fees established and applicable to ex partereexamination proceedings under chapter 30 shall be paid, inaddition to fees applicable to supplemental examination.

(2) REGULATIONS.—The Director shall issueregulations governing the form, content, and other requirementsof requests for supplemental examination, and establishingprocedures for reviewing information submitted in such requests.

(e) FRAUD.—If the Director becomes aware, during thecourse of a supplemental examination or reexaminationproceeding ordered under this section, that a material fraud onthe Office may have been committed in connection with thepatent that is the subject of the supplemental examination, thenin addition to any other actions the Director is authorized totake, including the cancellation of any claims found to be invalidunder section 307 as a result of a reexamination ordered underthis section, the Director shall also refer the matter to theAttorney General for such further action as the Attorney Generalmay deem appropriate. Any such referral shall be treated asconfidential, shall not be included in the file of the patent, andshall not be disclosed to the public unless the United Statescharges a person with a criminal offense in connection withsuch referral.

(f) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this sectionshall be construed—

(1) to preclude the imposition of sanctions based uponcriminal or antitrust laws (including section 1001(a) of title 18,the first section of the Clayton Act, and section 5 of the FederalTrade Commission Act to the extent that section relates to unfairmethods of competition);

(2) to limit the authority of the Director to investigateissues of possible misconduct and impose sanctions formisconduct in connection with matters or proceedings beforethe Office; or

(3) to limit the authority of the Director to issueregulations under chapter 3 relating to sanctions for misconductby representatives practicing before the Office.

35 U.S.C. 257(a) provides that supplementalexamination may be requested by the patent ownerto consider, reconsider, or correct informationbelieved to be relevant to the patent in accordancewith requirements established by the Office. Theinformation presented in a request for supplementalexamination is not limited to patents and printedpublications, and may include, for example, issuesof patentability under 35 U.S.C. 101 and 112. Withinthree months of the receipt of a request forsupplemental examination (meeting the requirementsof 35 U.S.C. 257 including the requirementsestablished by the Office), the Office shall conducta supplemental examination and conclude thesupplemental examination proceeding with theissuance of a supplemental examination certificate.The supplemental examination certificate shall

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indicate whether the items of information presentedin the request raise a substantial new question ofpatentability.

If the supplemental examination certificate, issuedunder 35 U.S.C. 257(a), indicates that a substantialnew question of patentability is raised by one ormore items of information in the request forsupplemental examination, the supplementalexamination certificate will indicate that ex partereexamination will be ordered by the Office. Theresulting ex parte reexamination proceeding will beconducted according to ex parte reexaminationprocedures, except that the patent owner does nothave the right to file a statement pursuant to 35U.S.C. 304, and the basis of the ex partereexamination is not limited to patents and printedpublications. Each substantial new question ofpatentability identified during the supplementalexamination proceeding will be addressed by theOffice during the resulting ex parte reexaminationproceeding. See 35 U.S.C. 257(b).

35 U.S.C. 257(c) specifies the effect of asupplemental examination under 35 U.S.C. 257(a)and any resulting ex parte reexamination under 35U.S.C. 257(b)on the enforceability of the patent.

35 U.S.C. 257(d)(1) provides the Director withauthority to establish fees for filing a request forsupplemental examination and for considering eachitem of information submitted with the request. If ex parte reexamination is ordered under 35 U.S.C.257(b), 35 U.S.C. 257(d)(1) also establishes that thefees applicable to ex parte reexamination must bepaid in addition to the fees for supplementalexamination. 35 U.S.C. 257(d)(2) provides theDirector with authority to establish regulationsgoverning the requirements of a request forsupplemental examination, including its form andcontent.

In accordance with 35 U.S.C. 257(e), if the Officebecomes aware, during the course of a supplementalexamination or ex parte reexamination orderedunder 35 U.S.C. 257, that a material fraud on theOffice may have been committed in connection withthe patent that is the subject of the supplementalexamination, the Office shall refer the matter to theU.S. Attorney General, in addition to any other

actions the Office is authorized to take, includingthe cancellation of any claims found to be invalidunder 35 U.S.C. 307 as a result of ex partereexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257. TheOffice anticipates that such instances will be rare.The Office regards the term “material fraud” in 35U.S.C. 257(e) to be narrower in scope thaninequitable conduct as defined by the U.S. Court ofAppeals for the Federal Circuit in Therasense, Inc.v. Becton, Dickinson & Co., 649 F.3d 1276 (Fed.Cir. 2011).

Nothing in 35 U.S.C. 257 precludes the impositionof sanctions based upon criminal or antitrust laws(including 18 U.S.C. 1001(a)), the first section ofthe Clayton Act, and section 5 of the Federal TradeCommission Act to the extent that section relates tounfair methods of competition. See 35 U.S.C.257(f)(1). Section 12 of the AIA sets forth rules ofconstruction, providing that 35 U.S.C. 257 shall notbe construed to limit the authority of the Office toinvestigate issues of possible misconduct and imposesanctions for misconduct involving matters orproceedings before the Office, or to issue regulationsunder 35 U.S.C. 32 or 35 U.S.C. 33 relating tosanctions for misconduct by patent practitioners. See 35 U.S.C. 257(f)(2) and 35 U.S.C. (f)(3).

2803 Persons Who May File a Request forSupplemental Examination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.601 Filing of papers in supplemental examination.

(a) A request for supplemental examination of a patentmust be filed by the owner(s) of the entire right, title, and interestin the patent.


Only a patent owner may file a request forsupplemental examination of a patent. See 35 U.S.C.257(a) and 37 CFR 1.601(a). The statute does notauthorize the Office to accept a request forsupplemental examination from a party who is notthe patent owner. For example, a party who merelystates that it is an exclusive licensee or that it is aperson with sufficient proprietary interest under 35U.S.C. 118 is not eligible to file a request forsupplemental examination.

The request must be filed by the owner(s) of theentire right, title, and interest in the patent. A requestfor supplemental examination must include an

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identification of the owner(s) of the entire right, title,and interest in the patent requested to be examined,and a submission by the patent owner in compliancewith 37 CFR 3.73(c) establishing the entirety of theownership in the patent requested to be examined.See 37 CFR 1.610(b)(9). This is because the termsof a patent may be changed (e.g., by cancellation oramendment of the claims) during any ex parte reexamination proceeding that may be ordered as aresult of the supplemental examination proceeding,and this change must be binding on all parties havingan ownership interest in the patent. Furthermore, theOffice has consistently required that all partieshaving an interest in a patent are deemed “a patentowner” as a composite entity and must act togetherin proceedings before the Office. See MPEP §§ 301and 324. This is also consistent with ex parte reexamination practice, which requires a patentowner requester of an ex parte reexamination tocomply with the provisions of 37 CFR 3.71 and 37CFR 3.73 for establishing an assignee’s right to takeaction when submitting a power of attorney. SeeMPEP § 2222.

The Office may, under rare circumstances, permitless than all of the owners to file a request forsupplemental examination if a grantable petitionunder 37 CFR 1.183 requesting waiver of theprovisions of 37 CFR 3.71 and 37 CFR 3.73(c) isfiled. For example, such a petition may be filed inthe case of a deceased or legally incapacitated jointowner, or where the joint owner refuses to join orcannot be found after diligent effort. See MPEP §409 et seq. In the case of a deceased joint owner, theheirs, administrators, or executors of the joint ownermay be permitted to join in filing the request forsupplemental examination. If one of the owners islegally incapacitated, the legal representative of thejoint owner may be permitted to join in filing therequest for supplemental examination. If a jointowner refuses to sign or cannot be found or reachedafter diligent effort, the remaining owners mustinclude, in the petition, proof of the pertinent facts,a showing that such action is necessary to preservethe rights of the parties or to prevent irreparabledamage, and the last known address of all of the jointowners. Finally, if an owner of all or a portion ofthe entire right, title, and interest of the patent is anorganization that is dissolved, the Office may requirethat a determination of the ownership of the patent

be obtained from a court of competent jurisdictionprior to accepting and according a filing date to arequest for supplemental examination.

A legal representative of the patent owner may filea request for supplemental examination on behalf ofthe patent owner. See MPEP § 2804.

2803.01 Inquiries from Persons Other Thanthe Patent Owner [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.601 Filing of papers in supplemental examination.*****

(b) Any party other than the patent owner (i.e., any thirdparty) is prohibited from filing papers or otherwise participatingin any manner in a supplemental examination proceeding.


37 CFR 1.601(b) prohibits third parties from filingpapers or otherwise participating in any manner ina supplemental examination proceeding. In addition,because only the patent owner can file the requestfor supplemental examination, third partyparticipation is prohibited in any ex parte reexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 and 37CFR 1.625, pursuant to ex parte reexaminationpractice.

Office personnel, including both the examining andthe technical support staff, should not enter into adiscussion with, or answer inquiries from, thirdparties (i.e., parties who are not the patent owner)regarding a supplemental examination proceeding.A party who is not the patent owner should bereferred to the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU)Supervisory Patent Reexamination Specialist (SPRS)in the art unit of the assigned examiner. Onlyquestions on strictly general procedural mattersregarding supplemental examination, i.e., notdirected to any specific supplemental examinationproceeding, may be discussed by the CRU SPRSwith that party.

Employees of the Office, particularly CRUexaminers who have conducted a supplementalexamination proceeding that has been concluded,should not discuss or answer inquiries from anyperson outside the Office as to whether a certainreference or other particular evidence was consideredduring the proceeding, and whether that reference,

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or other evidence, would have been determined toraise a substantial new question of patentability, hadit been considered during the proceeding. Patentpractitioners (or other members of the public) mustnot address improper inquiries to members of thepatent examining corps and to the Office as a whole.Inquiries from members of the public relating to thematters discussed above must, of necessity, berefused and this refusal should not be considereddiscourteous or an expression of opinion by theOffice as to the validity, patentability, orenforceability of the patent.

The definitions set forth in 37 CFR 104.1 and theexceptions in 37 CFR 104.21 are applicable to thissection.

2803.02 Public Access [R-11.2013]

The Office does not intend to provide the public withaccess, by Public PAIR or otherwise, to a requestfor supplemental examination, or to any papers orinformation submitted as part of or accompanyingthe request, until the request is granted a filing dateby the Office.

After a filing date has been accorded the request,supplemental examination files are open toinspection by the general public by way of PublicPAIR which is available on the USPTO's Internetsite, See MPEP § 2232 (accessguidance for PAIR). Copies of non-patent literature(NPL) cited in the proceeding, however, will not beavailable via Public PAIR and must be ordered asset forth below.

If a copy of the supplemental examination file orNPL cited in the proceeding is desired, it may beordered from the Document Services Division of theOffice of Public Records (OPR) upon payment ofthe applicable fee after the request for supplementalexamination has been granted a filing date.

Orders for such copies must indicate the controlnumber of the proceeding and should be addressedas follows:

Mail Stop Document ServicesDirector of the U.S. Patent and Trademark OfficeP.O. Box 1450Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

In addition, after the request for supplementalexamination has been granted a filing date, a requestfor a copy of the file may also be sent via email, and the fee for the copy may becharged to a credit card or deposit account.

2804 Representative of Patent Owner[R-11.2013]

Where an attorney or agent files a request on behalfof a patent owner, he or she may act under a powerof attorney under 37 CFR 1.32, or in a representativecapacity under 37 CFR 1.34. In order to act in arepresentative capacity under 37 CFR 1.34, anattorney or agent must provide his or her registrationnumber, name, and signature. In order to act undera power of attorney from a patent owner, an attorneyor agent must be provided with a power of attorneyby the patent owner. Pursuant to 37 CFR 1.32(c) a“power of attorney may only name as representative”either one or more inventors or registered patentpractitioners. Thus, an attorney or agent representinga patent owner must be a registered patentpractitioner. A patent owner may not be representedduring a supplemental examination proceeding orany resulting ex parte reexamination proceeding byan attorney or other person who is not registered topractice before the Office.

Any correspondence from the Office will bedirected to the patent owner at the addressindicated in the file of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested, pursuantto 37 CFR 1.33(c), regardless of the address ofthe person filing the request . If the patent ownerwishes the Office to direct correspondence regardingthe supplemental examination proceeding to anaddress other than the official correspondenceaddress of record in the file of the patent, then thepatent owner must file a change of correspondenceaddress in the file of the patent. A change ofcorrespondence address should also be filed in thesupplemental examination proceeding. See MPEP§ 2805.

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2804.01 Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent[R-11.2013]

For a practitioner to withdraw from representationin a patent, supplemental examination proceeding,or a reexamination proceeding, the Office no longerrequires that there be at least 30 days remaining inany running period for response between theapproval of a request to withdraw and the expirationdate of any running period for response. Instead,pursuant to 37 CFR 11.116(d), a practitioner musttake steps to the extent reasonably practicable toprotect a client’s interests, such as giving reasonablenotice to the client, allowing time for employmentof other counsel, surrendering papers and propertyto which the client is entitled and refunding anyadvance payment of fee or expense that has not beenearned or incurred. “Reasonable notice” should allowfor a reasonable amount of time for the client to seekthe services of another practitioner prior to theexpiration of any applicable response period. Whenthe correspondence address changes as a result ofthe withdrawal, the withdrawing practitioner(s) mustrequest that the Office direct all futurecorrespondence to the patent owner of record.Practitioners may do so by specifying either thecorrespondence address of the patent owner, or theaddress associated with the Customer Number ofthe patent owner. Withdrawing practitioner(s) cannotchange the correspondence address to the addressassociated with the Customer Number of anotherlaw firm, or to any address other than that of thepatent owner of record. See MPEP §§ 402.06 and2805.

2805 Correspondence with Patent Owner;Patent Owner Address [R-07.2015]

The correspondence address of record for the patentfor which supplemental examination is requested isthe correct address for all notices, official letters,and other communications for patent owners insupplemental examination proceedings. This isconsistent with reexamination practice. See, e.g., 37 CFR 1.33(c). For this reason, the correspondenceaddress of record in the file of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested will beutilized by the Office as the address of the patentowner when mailing any communications in

supplemental examination proceedings, and in anyresulting ex parte reexamination proceedings.

If the patent owner desires the Office to sendcorrespondence to a registered attorney or agentother than the attorney or agent of record in the fileof the patent for which reexamination is requested,then a new power of attorney must be filed in both:1) the file of the patent for which supplementalexamination is requested; and 2) the file of thesupplemental examination proceeding, or, ifreexamination is ordered, in the resulting ex partereexamination proceeding. Patent owners arestrongly encouraged to use form PTO/AIA/81Bwhen submitting a power of attorney and/or changeof correspondence address in a supplementalexamination proceeding or a reexaminationproceeding.

After a request for supplemental examination hasbeen filed, and/or after any ex parte reexaminationresulting from the supplemental examination hasbeen ordered, any submissions to the Office tochange the power of attorney or the correspondenceaddress should be addressed as set forth in MPEP §2806. Use of form PTO/AIA/81B is encouraged. If,however, the supplemental examination proceedingand any resulting reexamination proceeding is nolonger pending, then such submissions should beaddressed to Mail Stop Document Services, Directorof the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

A submission requesting a change of correspondenceaddress may be signed by all of the patent owners(see MPEP § 2803) or by the registered attorney oragent of record in the file of the patent undersupplemental examination. If the application whichbecame the patent under supplemental examinationwas filed on or after September 12, 2012, a patentpractitioner acting in a representative capacity whosecorrespondence address is the correspondenceaddress of record in the file of the patent undersupplemental examination may file a change ofcorrespondence address, provided that the changeof correspondence address is accompanied by astatement in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33(g).

Papers filed on behalf of patent owners must besigned by the patent owners, by the registered

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attorney or agent of record in the patent file, or byany registered attorney or agent acting in arepresentative capacity under 37 CFR 1.34. SeeMPEP § 2804. Double correspondence with thepatent owner and the attorney or agent will notnormally be undertaken by the Office.

The following is a copy of form PTO/AIA/81B,which may be used for changing a power of attorneyand/or a correspondence address in a supplementalexamination proceeding and, if desired,simultaneously in the file of the patent.

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2806 How to File Papers in a SupplementalExamination Proceeding and in Any

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Resulting Ex Parte ReexaminationProceeding [R-07.2015]

A request for supplemental examination should bedeposited as a new, separate, and independentsubmission, and should not be deposited in the fileof the patent for which supplemental examinationis requested, or in the file of any other application,patent, or proceeding. The request should be clearlyidentified by, for example, providing a heading suchas “REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTALEXAMINATION” prominently at the top of the firstpage of the paper. Use of the new form PTO/SB/59titled “Request for Supplemental ExaminationTransmittal Form,” which is available on the Office’swebsite, is also recommended.Requests for supplemental examination, any paper(s)other than a request submission that are to be filedin a supplemental examination proceeding, and anypaper(s) to be filed in a reexamination proceedingordered as a result of a supplemental examinationproceeding, should be addressed to the Office as setforth below.

The filing of any papers other than those formingpart of a request for supplemental examination inthe supplemental examination proceeding submissionshould be rare.

A supplemental examination proceeding is separateand distinct from any ex parte reexaminationproceeding that may later result from it. Asupplemental examination proceeding concludeswith the electronic issuance of a supplementalexamination certificate. 35 U.S.C. 257(a) and 37CFR 1.625(a). Any reexamination resulting from asupplemental examination proceeding will beordered after the conclusion of the supplementalexamination proceeding. See 35 U.S.C. 257(b) and37 CFR 1.625(b). The ex parte reexamination is adistinct proceeding initiated by its own order. Ifreexamination is ordered as a result of asupplemental examination proceeding, any paperssubmitted subsequent to the order should be filed inthe resulting reexamination proceeding.

Supplemental examination proceedings will beassigned a “series 96” control number, such as, forexample, 96/999,999. Any ex parte reexaminationresulting from a concluded supplemental

examination proceeding will retain the same controlnumber, even though the two proceedings areseparate and distinct. After the filing of the request,any correspondence sent to the Office relating to thesupplemental examination proceeding or to theresulting ex parte reexamination proceeding shouldidentify the proceeding by the number of the patent,the control number assigned to the proceeding, theart unit, and the name of the examiner.

The certificate of mailing and transmissionprocedures (37 CFR 1.8) may be used to file anypaper in a supplemental examination proceeding,except for a request or corrected request. See MPEP§ 512 regarding the use of the certificate of mailingand transmission procedures. The Priority Mail

Express® mailing procedure (37 CFR 1.10) may beused to file any paper, including a request orcorrected request, in a supplemental examinationproceeding. See MPEP § 513 as to the use of the

Priority Mail Express® mailing procedure.


Patent owners may submit papers in a supplementalexamination proceeding via the Office’s Web-basedelectronic filing system (EFS-Web), available byaccessing the Office's website, Theelectronic submission of requests for supplementalexamination and “follow-on” papers (i.e., subsequentcorrespondence in the proceedings) is encouraged.

When filing a new supplemental examinationrequest, the patent owner should select, in EFS-Web,the filing option “New application/proceeding,” andthen select “Supplemental Examination.” Anypaper(s) that are to be filed in an existingsupplemental examination proceeding, and anypaper(s) that are to be filed in a reexaminationproceeding ordered as a result of a supplementalexamination proceeding, may be filed by selecting“Existing application/patent/proceeding” (e.g., aproceeding that has already been assigned a controlnumber), “Documents/Fees for an existingapplication/proceeding,” and then entering theassigned control number and confirmation numberfor the proceeding. For example, a corrected requestthat is filed in response to a Notice of NoncompliantSupplemental Examination Request should be filed

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as paper(s) in an existing proceeding. After thecontrol number and confirmation number of theproceeding are entered, patent owners will beprovided with a menu of document descriptionsappropriate for a supplemental examinationproceeding, unless reexamination has been ordered.If reexamination has been ordered, patent ownerswill be provided with a menu of documentdescriptions for a reexamination proceeding. Forfurther information, see “EFS-Web Quick StartGuide to Filing a Supplemental ExaminationRequest,” at e f a u l t / fi l e s / p a t e n t s / p r o c e s s / fi l e / e f s /guidance/QSG_Supplemental_Exam.pdf.

Even though the concluded supplementalexamination proceeding is separate and distinct fromthe resulting ex parte reexamination, the resultingreexamination retains the same control number asthe concluded supplemental examination proceedingto simplify tracking and processing. Therefore, anypaper to be submitted in the resulting reexaminationproceeding is to be filed as a paper in an “existingapplication/patent/proceeding”, using the samecontrol number as was used in the now concludedsupplemental examination proceeding.


The Office accepts paper form (hard copy) requestsfor supplemental examination (i.e., requestsubmissions), and any paper(s) other than requestsubmissions that are filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding. These papers should beaddressed to “Mail Stop Supplemental Examination”at the appropriate address provided below.

Any papers to be submitted in paper form (hardcopy) in a reexamination proceeding ordered as aresult of a supplemental examination, other thancorrespondence to the Office of the General Counselpursuant to 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 37 CFR 102.4,should be addressed to “Mail Stop Ex ParteReexam” at the appropriate address provided below.

Mail to be delivered by the United States PostalService (USPS) should be addressed as:

Mail Stop ______________Central Reexamination UnitCommissioner for PatentsP.O. Box 1450Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Correspondence to be hand-carried or delivered byother delivery services (Federal Express (Fed Ex),UPS, DHL, Laser, Action, Purolator, etc.) should beaddressed as:

United States Patent and Trademark OfficeCustomer Service WindowMail Stop __________________Central Reexamination UnitRandolph Building, Lobby Level401 Dulany StreetAlexandria, VA 22314

Whether the correspondence is mailed via the U.S.Postal Service mail or is hand-carried to the Office,it is strongly recommended that the Mail Stopinformation be placed in a prominent position on thefirst page of each paper filed, utilizing a large fontsize to direct attention to it.


Requests for supplemental examination may notbe facsimile-transmitted. This is also true for acorrected request that is filed in response to a NoticeofNoncompliant Supplemental Examination Request(see MPEP §§ 2812.02 - 2812.03), since thecorrected request stands in place of the originalrequest. Papers to be filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding, other than a request or acorrected request for supplemental examination, andany papers to be filed in a reexamination proceedingresulting from a supplemental examinationproceeding, if the papers to be filed in thereexamination proceeding may be properly filed viafacsimile transmission in accordance withreexamination practice, may be facsimile-transmittedto the Central Reexamination Unit at (571)273-9900. See MPEP § 2224.

2807 Format of Papers Filed in aSupplemental Examination Proceeding[R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.615 Format of papers filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding.

(a) All papers submitted in a supplemental examinationproceeding must be formatted in accordance with § 1.52.

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(b) Court documents and non-patent literature may beredacted, but must otherwise be identical both in content and informat to the original documents, and, if a court document, tothe document submitted in court, and must not otherwise bereduced in size or modified, particularly in terms of font type,font size, line spacing, and margins. Patents, patent applicationpublications, and third-party-generated affidavits or declarationsmust not be reduced in size or otherwise modified in the mannerdescribed in this paragraph.

37 CFR 1.615(a) requires that all papers submittedin a supplemental examination proceeding must beformatted in accordance with 37 CFR 1.52.

37 CFR 1.615(b) provides that court documents andnon-patent literature may be redacted, but mustotherwise be identical both in content and in formatto the original documents, and if a court document,to the document submitted in court, and must nototherwise be reduced in size or modified, particularlyin terms of font type, font size, line spacing, andmargins. Patents, patent application publications,and third-party-generated affidavits or declarationsmust not be reduced in size or otherwise modifiedin the manner described in this paragraph.

If the requirements of 37 CFR 1.615 are not satisfied,the request will be considered to be defective. See37 CFR 1.610(d) and MPEP § 2812.01 .

Papers filed in a supplemental examinationproceeding may be filed electronically via EFS-Web.See MPEP § 2806, subsection I.

2808 Time for Requesting SupplementalExamination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.601 Filing of papers in supplemental examination.*****

(c) A request for supplemental examination of a patent maybe filed at any time during the period of enforceability of thepatent.

Under 37 CFR 1.601(c), a patent owner may, at anytime during the period of enforceability of a patent,file a request for supplemental examination. Thisperiod was set by rule, because the Office believesthat Congress could not have intended the Office toexpend resources on the supplemental examinationof a patent which cannot be enforced. Theenforceability period is generally determined byadding six years to the date on which the patentexpires, but the period may be extended if litigation

is pending. Specifically, if litigation is institutedwithin the statute of limitations (see 35 U.S.C. 286),requests for supplemental examination may be filedafter the statute of limitations has expired, as longas the patent is still enforceable against someone.

It is the responsibility of the patent owner todetermine the expiration date of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested. For example,the expiration date of a utility patent may bedetermined by taking into account the term of thepatent, whether maintenance fees have been paid forthe patent, whether any disclaimer was filed as tothe patent to shorten its term, any patent termextensions or adjustments for delays within theOffice under 35 U.S.C. 154 (see MPEP § 2710, etseq.), and any patent term extensions available under35 U.S.C. 156 for premarket regulatory review (seeMPEP § 2750 et seq.). Any other relevantinformation should also be taken into account.

2809 Items of Information [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.605 Items of information.

(a) Each request for supplemental examination may includeno more than twelve items of information believed to be relevantto the patent. More than one request for supplementalexamination of the same patent may be filed at any time duringthe period of enforceability of the patent.

(b) An item of information includes a document submittedas part of the request that contains information, believed to berelevant to the patent, that the patent owner requests the Officeto consider, reconsider, or correct. If the information to beconsidered, reconsidered, or corrected is not, at least in part,contained within or based on any document submitted as partof the request, the discussion within the body of the requestrelative to the information will be considered as an item ofinformation.

(c) An item of information must be in writing in accordancewith § 1.2. To be considered, any audio or video recording mustbe submitted in the form of a written transcript.

(d) If one item of information is combined in the requestwith one or more additional items of information, each item ofinformation of the combination may be separately counted.Exceptions include the combination of a non-English languagedocument and its translation, and the combination of a documentthat is over 50 pages in length and its summary pursuant to §1.610(b)(8).

An “item of information” includes a documentsubmitted as part of a supplemental examinationrequest that contains information believed to berelevant to the patent, that the patent owner isrequesting the Office to consider, reconsider, or

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correct. See 37 CFR 1.605(b). Patent owners areencouraged to draft the supplemental examinationrequest to clearly and consistently set forth the itemsof information the patent owner wishes the Officeto consider, reconsider, or correct.


Each request for supplemental examination mayinclude no more than twelve items of informationbelieved to be relevant to the patent. See 37 CFR1.605(a). 37 CFR 1.605(a) also permits the filing ofmore than one request for supplemental examinationof the same patent at any time during the period ofenforceability of the patent. Therefore, patent owneris not precluded from obtaining review of any itemof information despite the twelve-item limit, becausethe patent owner may file one or more additionalrequests for supplemental examination of the samepatent sequentially or at the same time, each ofwhich may include up to twelve additional items ofinformation.


An item of information must be in writing. In mostcases, an “item of information” is a separatedocument submitted as part of the request. Undercertain conditions, however, an “item ofinformation” may be contained within the body ofthe request.

A. An Item of Information Must Be in Writing

37 CFR 1.605(c) requires that an item of informationmust be in writing in accordance with 37 CFR 1.2.The Office does not currently have the capability ofretaining records in unwritten form. For this reason,any audio or video recording must be submitted inthe form of a written transcript in order to beconsidered. A transcript of a video may be submittedtogether with copies of selected images of the video,and a discussion of the correlation between thetranscript and the copies of the video images. Seealso MPEP § 2807 regarding the format requirementsfor papers submitted in a supplemental examinationproceeding.

B. An Item of Information Must Be Submitted as aSeparate Document, Where Applicable

In most cases, an item of information is a separatedocument submitted with the request which containsinformation relevant to the patent that the patentowner wants the Office to consider, reconsider, orcorrect. Examples of an item of information thatmust be submitted as a separate document includea journal article, a patent, an affidavit or declaration,a sales receipt, a foreign search report, a copy of apage of a dictionary containing a definition, a courtdocument, and a transcript of an audio or videorecording. However, if the item of information is aU.S. patent or a U.S. patent application publication,a copy is not required, but may be submitted. See37 CFR 1.610(b)(7).

C. When an Item of Information May be Containedwithin the Body of the Request

If the information to be considered, reconsidered, orcorrected is not, at least in part, contained within orbased on a supporting document submitted as partof the request, the discussion within the body of therequest relative to that information will be consideredas the item of information. For example, if the patentowner requests the Office to consider claim 1 of thepatent on the basis of 35 U.S.C. 101, and thediscussion of any potential application of 35 U.S.C.101 to claim 1 is wholly contained within the bodyof the request and is not based, at least in part, onany supporting document, the discussion in therequest will be considered as the item of information.Another example of an item of information that maybe contained within the request is an admission bypatent owner that certain facts or claim limitationswere known at the time of the invention.

The patent owner may not avoid counting an itemof information by inserting the content of thesupporting document within the body of the request.For example, if the patent owner presents an imageof a supporting document, such as an image of anelectronic mail message or other document, withinthe body of the request, then a separate copy of thesupporting document must be provided. The separatecopy of the item will be considered as the item ofinformation.

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When counting the number of items of informationsubmitted with a request for supplementalexamination, the Office will tally the number ofitems of information, such as documents, presented.

The Office will not count the number of issues raisedby, or the number of grounds which the patent ownerrequests the Office to consider, when determiningthe number of items of information. A singlereference that raises multiple issues under multiplegrounds, for example, under 35 U.S.C. 102, 35U.S.C. 103, and 35 U.S.C. 112, will be counted asa single item of information. However, if the patentowner cites a combination of multiple referencesunder 35 U.S.C. 103, then each reference of thecombination will be separately counted as an itemof information.

For example, if the patent owner states that theclaims are patentable under 35 U.S.C. 103 over thecombination of reference A in view of reference B,then references A and B must be separately listed asitems of information, and will be counted as twoitems. If, however, a single item of information, suchas a reference patent, raises a potential issue under35 U.S.C. 102 as to claim 1 and another potentialissue under 35 U.S.C. 103 as to claim 2, thereference patent will nevertheless be counted as asingle item of information. The Office will countthe number of items of information, but will notcount the number of issues potentially raised by eachitem.

As another example, if the patent owner relies upondifferent abstracts bound together in a book ofmeeting abstracts, it is likely that the Office will treateach abstract as a separate item of information. Inthis example, the Office suggests that the patentowner cite and rely upon only the particular abstractsthat are relevant to the patent and not cite an entirebook of meeting abstracts.

Cumulative items of information will each beseparately counted. For example, if the patent ownerindicates that reference A is cumulative to referenceB, references A and B will be counted as two itemsof information. If the patent owner believes that

multiple items of information are cumulative to eachother, the patent owner is encouraged to select oneor two documents as the items of information thatwill be submitted with the request.

If a discussion within the body of the request isbased, at least in part, on a supporting document,then the supporting document, and not the discussionwithin the request, will be counted as the item ofinformation. For example, if the patent ownerdiscusses a potential public use or sale of the claimedinvention, and also submits a supporting document,such as a sales invoice, with the request as possibleevidence of a public use or sale, or the lack thereof,then the supporting document (e.g., the salesinvoice), and not the discussion within the body ofthe request, will be considered as an item ofinformation.

A declaration or affidavit submitted as part of arequest would be considered an item of information.However, if the declaration presents two distinctitems of information, such as information relatingto a potential ground under 35 U.S.C. 101 as topatent claim 1 that was not considered during theprior examination of the patent, and informationrelating to erroneous facts or data presented duringthe prior examination of the patent with respect toan issue under 35 U.S.C. 103 as to patent claim 10,then each item of information contained within thedeclaration will be counted separately, resulting intwo items of information.

The patent owner may not avoid the counting ofmultiple items of information by inserting themultiple items within the body of a declaration orby presenting them as exhibits accompanying thedeclaration. If the declaration presents one item ofinformation, such as information regarding erroneousdata presented during the prior examination of thepatent with respect to an issue under 35 U.S.C. 103as to a particular patent claim (such as, e.g., claim10), and relies upon a single exhibit, such as a newtable of data, to support facts presented in thedeclaration, the Office is likely to count thedeclaration, including the supporting exhibit, as asingle item of information. If, however, thedeclaration relies upon two separate and distinctexhibits, then each exhibit may be countedseparately. For example, if the declaration relies

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upon two separate and distinct sales receipts asevidence of a potential sale of the invention (e.g., asales receipt dated March 2011, and a second,separate sales receipt dated October 2011, whichprovides evidence of a second, separate sale of theinvention), then each additional sales receipt will becounted separately, resulting in two items ofinformation (one item consisting of the declarationand one sales receipt, and the second item consistingof the second sales receipt). As another example, ifthe declaration relies not only upon a sales receipt(e.g., exhibit 1) as evidence of a sale of the inventionunder 35 U.S.C. 102, but also upon a reference patent(e.g., exhibit 2) as evidence of a potential groundunder 35 U.S.C. 103, then each additional exhibitwill be counted separately. In this example, thedeclaration and the sales receipt will be counted asa first item of information and the reference patentwill be counted as a second item of information.

37 CFR 1.605(d) provides that if an item ofinformation is combined in the request with one ormore additional items of information, each item ofinformation of the combination may be separatelycounted. If it is necessary to combine items ofinformation in order to raise an issue, or to explainthe relevance of the items of information to beconsidered, reconsidered, or corrected with respectto the identified claims, each item of informationmay be separately counted. For example, if the patentowner requests consideration of claim 1 of a patentin light of references A and B, and explains that itis the combination of references A and B that isrelevant to claim 1, reference A and reference Bmust be separately listed as items of information,and will be counted as two items of information.

Exceptions to this provision include the combinationof a non-English language document and itstranslation, and the combination of a document thatis over 50 pages in length and its summary pursuantto 37 CFR 1.610(b)(8).


Petitions should not be submitted with the request.Petitions including, for example, petitions forunintentionally delayed foreign priority or domesticbenefit claims (see MPEP § 2809.01), should only

be filed after reexamination is ordered. If a petitionis filed in a supplemental examination proceeding,it will generally be held in abeyance until after theissuance of the supplemental examination certificate.See 37 CFR 1.620(b) and MPEP § 2813. If theOffice determines that a substantial new question ofpatentability is raised by the request, any petitionheld in abeyance will be addressed in due courseafter reexamination is ordered. If, however, theOffice determines that no substantial new questionof patentability is raised by the request, any petitionheld in abeyance will be dismissed as moot.

In addition, amendments to the patent may not besubmitted with the request. No amendment may befiled in a supplemental examination proceeding. 37CFR 1.620(f). Any paper containing an amendmentthat is filed in a supplemental examinationproceeding is an unauthorized paper, and will beexpunged from the file if inadvertently entered. Ifreexamination is ordered, amendments may be filedafter an initial Office action on the merits in theresulting reexamination proceeding. See MPEP §2813.01.

2809.01 Information Relating to theCorrection of Factual Information[R-11.2013]

In a request for supplemental examination, the patentowner may inform the Office of factual informationbelieved to be relevant to the patent, which the patentowner wishes to correct. The factual information tobe corrected may include, for example, a missing orerroneous foreign priority or benefit claim, ormissing or erroneous information relating to thecommon ownership of the claimed invention. Theitem of information may be, for example, a patentdocument relating to the factual information, suchas a priority document or parent patent in the caseof a missing or erroneous foreign priority ordomestic benefit claim, a declaration under 37 CFR1.132 limited to a discussion of the factualinformation to be corrected, or, if no supportingdocument is submitted with the request, a discussionwithin the body of the request relating to thecorrection of the factual information.

However, if the patent owner merely wishes toamend the patent file in order to correct factual

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information, the patent owner should file a reissueapplication or a request for certificate of correction,where appropriate. See MPEP §§ 1402 and 1405. Ifthe patent owner only desires to correct theinventorship, the patent owner should file a requestfor a certificate of correction under the provisionsof 35 U.S.C. 256 and 37 CFR 1.324, or, alternatively,the patent owner may file a reissue application. SeeMPEP §§ 1402, 1412.04, and 1481.02. Correctionof inventorship may also be made, if desired, in anex parte reexamination proceeding. See MPEP §2258, subsection IV.F. If the information that thepatent owner wishes to correct is only of a clericalor typographical nature, or of a minor characterwithin the meaning of 35 U.S.C. 255 and 37 CFR1.323, the patent owner should file a request forcertificate of correction rather than a supplementalexamination request. See, e.g., MPEP § 1481.

A deletion of an earlier-obtained domestic benefitclaim in a supplemental examination proceeding orany resulting reexamination proceeding (or, for thatmatter, in any post-patent Office proceeding) willnot operate to extend the term of the patent.


A supplemental examination proceeding is limitedto a determination of whether the informationproperly submitted as part of the request raises asubstantial new question of patentability (SNQ). See35 U.S.C. 257(a).

However, an item of information limited to acorrection of factual information, alone, may notraise a substantial new question of patentability. Forexample, an item of information limited to thecorrection of a missing or erroneous foreign priorityor domestic benefit claim, alone, generally will notraise an issue of patentability. In order for thecorrection of a foreign priority or domestic benefitclaim to raise a substantial new question ofpatentability, the request for supplementalexamination should also include one or moreadditional item(s) of information, such as one ormore intervening reference(s), that would cause thepatentability of the claims under, e.g.,35 U.S.C. 102

or 103, to depend upon the foreign priority ordomestic benefit claim. In such an instance, the itemof information may raise a SNQ, depending uponwhether the foreign priority or domestic benefitclaim is or is not corrected. See MPEP § 2816.02for a further discussion of whether a document raisesa SNQ depending upon the correction of a foreignpriority or domestic benefit claim. Similarly,information limited to the correction of other factualinformation, such as the common ownership of theclaims, alone, may not raise a SNQ, in the absenceof one or more additional item(s) of information thatwould cause the patentability of the claims to depend upon the issue of common ownership.

If the Office determines that no SNQ is raised bythe request, the supplemental examinationproceeding concludes with the issuance of asupplemental examination certificate, indicating thatno SNQ is raised. See 35 U.S.C. 257(a), 37 CFR1.620(a), and 37 CFR 1.625(a). Because no SNQ israised by the request, ex parte reexamination is notordered. In such an instance, the factual informationcannot be corrected because the procedure formaking the correction of the factual information isthe reexamination that would have been ordered,had the Office determined that a SNQ was raised inthe request. In other words, the patent owner mayinform the Office of factual information to becorrected during the supplemental examinationproceeding, and thus request supplementalexamination “to correct information believed to berelevant to the patent” in accordance with 35 U.S.C.257(a). However, in the absence of information inthe request that raises a SNQ, there is no opportunityto make the correction. Thus, the supplementalexamination proceeding will not result in anycorrection to the patent. In such cases, the patentowner may wish to file a reissue application, acertificate of correction, or other proceeding, asapplicable, in order to have the informationcorrected. See, e.g., MPEP §§ 1402, 1405 and 1481.

If, however, the Office determines that the requestraises a SNQ, reexamination will be ordered. See 35U.S.C. 257(b) and 37 CFR 1.625(b). The factualinformation may be corrected during the resultingreexamination proceeding in accordance with exparte reexamination practice. For example,corrections may be made during the resulting

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reexamination proceeding by filing, whereappropriate, an amendment after the initial Officeaction on the merits (see MPEP § 2813.01 ), or apetition for an unintentionally delayed foreignpriority or domestic benefit claim (see MPEP § 2258,subsection IV.E.).

When analyzing a request for supplementalexamination, the Office will only consider theitem(s) of information provided by the patent owner.The Office will not initiate supplementalexamination of the patent in view of any item ofinformation that was not requested by the patentowner to be considered, reconsidered or corrected.For example, any prior art of record in the patentfile, that is not properly submitted as one or moreadditional item(s) of information in the request, willnot, in general, be considered during thesupplemental examination proceeding, except todetermine whether the item(s) of informationproperly submitted with the request are cumulativeto the prior art of record. Furthermore, a request forsupplemental examination “of all of the patentclaims” solely in view of the “the factual informationto be corrected”, without more, is improper. Thepatent owner is effectively requesting reconsiderationof all of the patent claims in view of all prior art inexistence (or, at a minimum, all of the prior art ofrecord). Each prior art document, however, wouldbe considered as a separate item of information. Sucha request would be improper because it would notcomply with the requirements of, for example, 37CFR 1.610(b). It would fail to include, e.g., (a) aseparate list of each prior art document as an itemof information; (b) a copy of each item ofinformation, where appropriate; c) a separate,detailed explanation of the relevance and manner ofapplying each prior art document to every claim forwhich supplemental examination is requested, etc.In addition, “all prior art in existence” is likely toinclude more than twelve items of information. SeeMPEP § 2811 for discussion of the required elementsof a supplemental examination request as set forthin 37 CFR 1.610(b).

In summary, the patent owner may inform the Officeof factual information to be corrected during thesupplemental examination proceeding, and thusrequest supplemental examination “to correctinformation believed to be relevant to the patent” in

accordance with 35 U.S.C. 257(a). However, in theabsence of information in the request that raises aSNQ, the supplemental examination proceeding willnot result in a corrected patent. Any correction mayonly be made during a resulting reexaminationproceeding, which is only initiated if thesupplemental examination proceeding concludeswith a determination that a SNQ was raised. Forthese reasons, the patent owner should include withthe request, as one or more additional items ofinformation, evidence that the patentability of theclaims depends upon the factual information to becorrected. Such evidence may include, for example,one or more intervening references.


The Office recommends that any request forsupplemental examination, that includes an item ofinformation limited to the correction of factualinformation, should also include one or moreadditional item(s) of information that potentiallyprovide evidence that the patentability of the claims depends upon the factual information to becorrected.

For example, where the information to be correctedis a foreign priority or domestic benefit claim, theOffice recommends that the patent owner include inthe request, as one or more additional item(s) ofinformation, any documents or other information,such as an intervening patent or printed publication,that caused the patent owner to reconsider theeffective filing date of the claims. The effective dateof some of the claims in a patent which resulted froma continuing application under 35 U.S.C. 120, forexample, could be the filing date of the continuingapplication since those claims were not supportedin the parent application. Therefore, interveningpatents or printed publications may be available asprior art. See, e.g., In re Ruscetta, 255 F.2d 687,118 USPQ 101 (CCPA 1958), In re vanLangenhoven, 458 F.2d 132, 173 USPQ 426 (CCPA1972). See also MPEP § 211.05. Similarly, wherethe information to be corrected involves, forexample, the common ownership of the claims, thepatent owner should include with the request one ormore additional items of information that cause(s)the patentability of the claims to depend upon the

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common ownership issue, such any prior art or otherdocuments or information that caused the patentowner to reconsider the common ownership of theclaims.

Alternatively, the patent owner may include in therequest one or more additional items of informationwhich are unrelated to the factual information to becorrected, but which raise a SNQ. For example, thepatent owner may include, in addition to informationlimited to the correction of a domestic benefit claim,an item of information such as a reference patentthat would qualify as prior art under 35 U.S.C. 102even if the domestic benefit claim is corrected.


See MPEP § 2809, subsection IV. Petitions shouldnot be submitted with the request. Petitionsincluding, for example, petitions for unintentionallydelayed foreign priority or domestic benefit claims,should only be filed after reexamination is ordered.See MPEP § 2809.01. In addition, amendments tothe patent may not be submitted with the request.No amendment may be filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding. 37 CFR 1.620(f). Ifreexamination is ordered, amendments may be filedafter an initial Office action on the merits in theresulting reexamination proceeding. See MPEP §2813.01.

See MPEP § 2816.02, subsection II, for a furtherdiscussion of situations where a SNQ is or is notraised, when the request includes information limitedto the correction of factual information.

2810 Fees Due on Filing a SupplementalExamination Request [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination.

(a) A request for supplemental examination must beaccompanied by the fee for filing a request for supplementalexamination as set forth in § 1.20(k)(1), the fee forreexamination ordered as a result of a supplemental examinationproceeding as set forth in § 1.20(k)(2), and any applicabledocument size fees as set forth in § 1.20(k)(3).


(d) The filing date of a request for supplementalexamination will not be granted if the request is not incompliance with §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section, subject to

the discretion of the Office. If the Office determines that therequest, as originally submitted, is not entitled to a filing date,the patent owner will be so notified and will be given anopportunity to complete the request within a specified time. Ifthe patent owner does not timely comply with the notice, therequest for supplemental examination will not be granted a filingdate and the fee for reexamination as set forth in § 1.20(k)(2)will be refunded. If the patent owner timely files a correctedrequest in response to the notice that properly addresses all ofthe defects set forth in the notice and that otherwise complieswith all of the requirements of §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section,the filing date of the supplemental examination request will bethe receipt date of the corrected request.

Consistent with the requirement in 35 U.S.C. 257(d)to establish fees, 37 CFR 1.610(a) requires that therequest be accompanied by the fee for filing a requestfor supplemental examination as set forth in 37 CFR1.20(k)(1), the fee for ex parte reexaminationordered as a result of a supplemental examinationproceeding as set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), andany applicable document size fees as set forth in 37CFR 1.20(k)(3). These fees qualify for a 50 percentreduction for small entities and a 75 percentreduction for micro entities. See Setting andAdjusting Patent Fees, 78 Fed. Reg. 4212 (January18, 2013) (final rule); Changes to Implement MicroEntity Status for Paying Patent Fees, 77 Fed. Reg.65019 (December 19, 2012) (final rule). See MPEP§ 509.04.

If all of the required fees for supplementalexamination are not paid at the time the request isfiled, the request will be considered to be defective,and a filing date will not be granted. See 37 CFR1.610(d) and MPEP § 2812.01 et seq. If, afternotification of the failure to pay all of the requiredfees, the fees are not timely received, then the requestwill not receive a filing date, the processing of therequest will be terminated, and a refund inaccordance with 37 CFR 1.610(d) of any fees paidwill be made to the patent owner.

The fee under 37 CFR 1.20(k)(2) for ex parte reexamination ordered as a result of a supplementalexamination proceeding will be refunded, inaccordance with 37 CFR 1.610(d), if thesupplemental examination certificate indicates thatno substantial new question of patentability (SNQ)was raised by any of the items of informationproperly submitted as part of the request, andreexamination is not ordered.

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2810.01 Document Size Fees [R-11.2013]

The document size fees, as set forth in 37 CFR1.20(k)(3), are only applicable to non-patentdocuments that having greater than 20 pages.Non-patent documents having 20 pages or less arenot subject to the document size fees. Non-patentdocuments include, for example, non-patentliterature, transcripts of audio or video recordings,and court documents. Patent documents, such asU.S. patents, U.S. patent application publications,published international patent applications, andforeign patents and patent application publications,are not subject to the document size fees.Translations of non-English language patentdocuments are also “patent documents” within themeaning of the rule, and are not subject to thedocument size fees.

Each non-patent document will be separately subjectto the document size fees if greater than 20 pages.For example, each non-patent document attached toa declaration as an exhibit will be subject to its owndocument size fees if the document is greater than20 pages. Thus, a 21-page journal article, which isdesignated as an exhibit to a declaration under 37CFR 1.132, is considered to be a separate documentfor the purposes of the document size fees and itspages will be counted separately from the pages ofthe declaration.

Non-patent documents having 21–50 pages aresubject to the fee pursuant to 37 CFR 1.20(k)(3)(i),per document. Non-patent documents having greaterthan 50 pages are, in addition, subject to a documentsize fee for each additional 50-page increment, or afraction thereof, per document, pursuant to 37 CFR1.20(k)(3)(ii).

The document size fees will not be pro-rated. Forexample, if a request for supplemental examinationincluded a 51-page non-patent document and a99-page non-patent document, the same total feewould be due for each document.

Blank pages will be counted. The Office uses anautomatic page counter that does not subtract blankpages from the total page count for the non-patentdocument. This policy is consistent with the Officepolicy for application size fees.


Document Size Fee for Each Non-Patent Document Having21–50 Pages

A request for supplemental examination includes eightdocuments: two U.S. patents, one U.S. patent applicationpublication, one published international patent application, oneJapanese published application, two journal articles, and a courtdocument. The Japanese published application is not in theEnglish language. For this reason, the request also includes aninth document, which is a 22-page translation of the Japanesepublished application. The first journal article is 20 pages long,the second journal article is 25 pages long, and the courtdocument is 50 pages long.

In this example, the U.S. patents, the U.S. patent applicationpublication, the published international patent application, andthe Japanese published application and its 22-page translation,are all patent documents, and are not subject to the documentsize fees. The 20-page journal article, which has 20 pages orless, is also not subject to the document size fees.

In this example, there are only two documents which are subjectto the document size fee for non-patent documents which have21–50 pages: the 25-page journal article and the 50-page courtdocument. Therefore, the request should be accompanied by apayment equivalent to two document size fees pursuant to 37CFR 1.20(k)(3)(i).

In addition, there are no non-patent documents having greaterthan 50 pages. Therefore, there are no non-patent documentssubject to the document size fee pursuant to 37 CFR1.20(k)(3)(ii). For EFS-Web Filers: in this example, the number“2” should be entered into the box labeled “Quantity” for thenumber of documents subject to the fee for non-patentdocuments having 21–50 pages.

Document Size Fee for Each Additional 50-Page Increment,Per Document

A request for supplemental examination includes six documents:one U.S. patent, one 21-page journal article, one 30-pagedeclaration under 37 CFR 1.132, one 2-page invoice or salesreceipt, one 55-page transcript of an audio or video recording,and one 148-page copy of a catalog. The 2-page invoice or salesreceipt is designated as an exhibit to the 30-page declaration.

In this example, the U.S. patent is a patent document, and is notsubject to the document size fees. The 2-page invoice or salesreceipt is considered to be a separate document for the purposesof the document size fees, even though it is designated as anexhibit to the declaration. It is not subject to the document sizefee because it has less than 20 pages. (If the declarationdesignated as an exhibit included one or more non-patentdocuments each having greater than 20 pages, then each of thegreater-than-20-page exhibits would be subject to the documentsize fees.)

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The remaining documents are subject to the document size fees, which are calculated as follows:

Each additional 50 pages or afraction

21-50 pages

121-page journal article130-page declaration

1155-page transcript of audio orvideo recording

21148-page chapter of textbook____34Total Quantity

In this example, the 21-page journal article and the 30-pagedeclaration are each subject to the fee for a non-patent documenthaving 21-50 pages. The 55-page transcript and the 148-pagecatalog also include pages 21-50, and are subject to the samefee. (For EFS-Web Filers: the number “4” should be enteredinto the box labeled “Quantity” for the number of documentssubject to the fee for non-patent documents having 21–50 pages).

In addition, the 55-page transcript and the 148-page catalogeach have greater than 50 pages, and therefore include all, or afraction, of at least one additional 50-page increment. The55-page transcript includes only one (5-page) fraction of a50-page increment greater than 50 pages. The 148-page catalogincludes two 50-page increments (or a fraction thereof): one forpages 51–100, and a second one for pages 101–148. (ForEFS-Web Filers: the number “3” should be entered in the boxlabeled “Quantity” for the number of documents havingadditional 50-page increments or a fraction thereof).

Therefore, in this example, the request should be accompaniedby a payment equivalent to four times the document size feepursuant to 37 CFR 1.20(k)(3)(i), plus three times the documentsize fee pursuant to 37 CFR 1.20(k)(3)(ii).

Note: If the request in the above example also included a562-page textbook, the document size fees for that documentwould include one fee under 37 CFR 1.20(k)(3)(i) for pages21-50, and, in addition, the equivalent of eleven fees under 37CFR 1.20(k)(3)(ii) for pages 51-562. The total document sizefee for the 562-page textbook would be added to the total forall of the documents in the above example. If the 562-pagetextbook were designated as an exhibit to the 30-pagedeclaration, the fee total would be the same, because thetextbook would be considered as a separate document for thepurposes of calculating the document size fees, even though itis designated as an exhibit to a declaration.

Patent owners are encouraged to redact lengthy documents toinclude only the relevant portions, unless the redaction wouldremove context such that the examiner would not be providedwith a full indication of the relevance of the information.

For e-filing information, please see the “EFS-Web Quick StartGuide to Filing a Supplemental Examination Request,” whichis available at QSG_Supplemental_Exam.pdf.

2811 Content of Request for SupplementalExamination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination.

(a) A request for supplemental examination must beaccompanied by the fee for filing a request for supplementalexamination as set forth in § 1.20(k)(1), the fee forreexamination ordered as a result of a supplemental examinationproceeding as set forth in § 1.20(k)(2), and any applicabledocument size fees as set forth in § 1.20(k)(3).

(b) A request for supplemental examination must include:

(1) An identification of the number of the patent forwhich supplemental examination is requested.

(2) A list of the items of information that are requestedto be considered, reconsidered, or corrected. Where appropriate,the list must meet the requirements of § 1.98(b).

(3) A list identifying any other prior or concurrentpost-patent Office proceedings involving the patent for whichsupplemental examination is being requested, including anidentification of the type of proceeding, the identifying numberof any such proceeding (e.g., a control number or reissueapplication number), and the filing date of any such proceeding.

(4) An identification of each claim of the patent forwhich supplemental examination is requested.

(5) A separate, detailed explanation of the relevanceand manner of applying each item of information to each claimof the patent for which supplemental examination is requested.

(6) A copy of the patent for which supplementalexamination is requested and a copy of any disclaimer orcertificate issued for the patent.

(7) A copy of each item of information listed inparagraph (b)(2) of this section, accompanied by a writtenEnglish translation of all of the necessary and pertinent parts ofany non-English language item of information. The patent owner

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is not required to submit copies of items of information thatform part of the discussion within the body of the request asspecified in § 1.605(b), or copies of U.S. patents and U.S. patentapplication publications.

(8) A summary of the relevant portions of anysubmitted document, other than the request, that is over 50 pagesin length. The summary must include citations to the particularpages containing the relevant portions.

(9) An identification of the owner(s) of the entire right,title, and interest in the patent requested to be examined, and asubmission by the patent owner in compliance with § 3.73(c)establishing the entirety of the ownership in the patent requestedto be examined.


37 CFR 1.610(a) requires payment of the feespecified in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(1), the fee forreexamination ordered as a result of a supplementalexamination proceeding as set forth in 37 CFR1.20(k)(2), and any applicable document size feesas set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(3). See MPEP § 2810.

37 CFR 1.610(b) sets forth content requirements fora request for supplemental examination. Theelements are as follows:


37 CFR 1.610(b)(1) requires that the request includean identification of the number of the patent forwhich supplemental examination is requested.


37 CFR 1.610(b)(2) requires that the request includea list of the items of information that are requestedto be considered, reconsidered, or corrected. Whereappropriate, the list must meet the requirements of37 CFR 1.98(b). For example, the list must includea publication date for each item of information, ifapplicable. If the item of information is a U.S. patent,it must be identified by inventor, patent number, andissue date, as required by 37 CFR 1.98(b)(1).

This list must include each of the items ofinformation submitted with or as part of the request.See MPEP § 2809 for more information aboutrequirements for items of information. If the item of

information is a discussion contained within the bodyof the request, the pages of the request on which thediscussion appears, and a brief description of theitem of information, such as “discussion in requestof why the claims are patentable under 35 U.S.C.101, pages 7 - 11,” must be listed. Patent owners arestrongly encouraged to use Part B of Office FormPTO/SB/59 to provide the list.

The list must be limited to the items of informationfor which a separate, detailed explanation is providedin the request, as required by 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5),and, of which a copy is provided with the request,when required by 37 CFR 1.610(b)(7). If the listcontains an item of information for which therequired detailed explanation and required copy (ifapplicable) are not provided with the request, therequest may not be granted a filing date, and a noticeof noncompliant supplemental examination request,informing the patent owner of the defects, may bemailed by the Office.

The list should identify each item of the informationin a manner that clearly corresponds to any copy ofthe item of information provided with the requestand to the detailed explanation of the manner ofapplying the item of information, pursuant to 37CFR 1.610(b)(5), provided in the request.

The request must include a separate, detailedexplanation of the relevance and manner of applyingeach item of information listed pursuant to 37 CFR1.610(b)(2) to each claim of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested. See 37 CFR1.610(b)(5). See also subsection V below, and MPEP§ 2811.01.


37 CFR 1.610(b)(3) requires that the request includea list identifying any other prior or concurrentpost-patent Office proceedings involving the patentfor which the current supplemental examination isrequested, including: an identification of the type ofproceeding, the identification of Office serial numberof any such proceeding (e.g., a control number or areissue application number), and the filing date ofany such proceeding. The type of proceeding maybe, for example, an ex parte or inter partes

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reexamination proceeding, a reissue application, aninterference, another supplemental examinationproceeding, a post-grant review proceeding, an interpartes review proceeding, or a covered businessmethod review proceeding. Patent owners arestrongly encouraged to use Office Form PTO/SB/59to provide a list with a request.

If such notice has not been previously provided withthe request, 37 CFR 1.620(d) requires that the patentowner must, as soon as possible upon the discoveryof any other prior or concurrent post-patent Officeproceeding involving the patent for which thesupplemental examination is requested, file a paperlimited to notifying the Office of the post-patentOffice proceeding. See MPEP § 2820.


37 CFR 1.610(b)(4) requires that the request includean identification of each claim of the patent forwhich supplemental examination is requested. Theresult of a supplemental examination is adetermination whether any of the items ofinformation raises a SNQ. Because patentabilityrelates to the claims of the patent, the patent ownermust identify the patent claims to be examined inorder for the Office to determine whether a SNQaffecting those claims has been raised by an item ofinformation.

For example, if the information raises a question asto the adequacy of the written description portion ofthe specification, the SNQ pertains to the questionof whether the specification provides adequatesupport under 35 U.S.C. 112 for the identified claim.If the information raises a question regardingwhether the claimed invention may be anticipatedor may be obvious, the SNQ pertains to the questionof whether the identified claim is patentable under35 U.S.C. 102 or 35 U.S.C. 103 in view of the itemof information.



37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) requires that the request includea separate, detailed explanation of the relevance andmanner of applying each item of information to eachclaim of the patent for which supplementalexamination is requested. See MPEP § 2811.01 fora detailed discussion of this requirement. In addition,patent owners may also consider the guidance setforth in MPEP §§ 2214 and 2217, which govern thecontent of a request for ex parte reexamination.


37 CFR 1.610(b)(6) requires that the request includea copy of the patent for which supplementalexamination is requested, and a copy of anydisclaimer or certificate issued for the patent. A copyof the patent, for which supplemental examinationis requested, should be provided with thespecification and claims submitted in a doublecolumn format. The drawing pages of the printedpatent are presented as they appear in the printedpatent; the same is true for the front page of thepatent. Thus, a full copy of the printed patent(including the front page) can be used to provide theabstract, drawings, specification, and claims of thepatent for the request for supplemental examination.The printed patent is to be reproduced on only oneside of the paper; submission of a two-sided copyof the patent is not proper.

A “certificate issued for the patent” includes, forexample, a certificate of correction, a certificate ofextension, a supplemental examination certificate,a post-grant review certificate, an inter partesreview certificate, an ex parte reexaminationcertificate, and/or an inter partes reexaminationcertificate issued for the patent. Any disclaimer orcertificate issued in the patent generally becomes apart of the patent. Thus, a copy of each must besupplied in order to provide the complete patent.The copy must have each page plainly written ononly one side of a sheet of paper.

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37 CFR 1.610(b)(7) requires that the request includea copy of each item of information listed in 37 CFR1.610(b)(2), accompanied by a written Englishtranslation of all of the necessary and pertinent partsof any non-English language document. See MPEP§ 609.04(a), subsection III, for more informationregarding translations of non-English languagedocuments. The requirement of 37 CFR 1.610(b)(7)is important because it allows for all materials to beavailable to the examiner for full considerationwithin the three-month statutory time period forsupplemental examination. The copy of each itemof information listed under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(2) mustbe legible, and must be otherwise in full compliancewith 37 CFR 1.52. See 37 CFR 1.615 and MPEP §2807. The request must not include a copy of anyitem of information that is not listed under 37 CFR1.610(b)(2).

Items of information that form part of the discussionwithin the body of the request as specified in 37 CFR1.605(b) are not required to be submitted. Asdiscussed previously, if the information to beconsidered, reconsidered, or corrected is not, at leastin part, contained within or based on any supportingdocument submitted as part of the request, thediscussion within the body of the request relative tothe information will be considered as the item ofinformation, a copy of which is not required under37 CFR 1.610(b)(7) to be separately submitted.SeeMPEP § 2809, subsection II.C.

Copies of U.S. patents and U.S. patent applicationpublications are not required, but may be submitted.


37 CFR 1.610(b)(8) requires that the request includea summary of the relevant portions of any submitteddocument (including patent documents), other thanthe request, that is over fifty (50) pages in length.The summary must include citations to the particularpages containing the relevant portions. This summarymay be similar to the requirement for informationdisclosure statements of a discussion of the relevant

and pertinent parts of a non-English languagedocument. See MPEP § 609.04(a), subsection III.This requirement will assist the Office in treatinginformation presented in lengthy documents withinthe statutory three-month time period. Patent ownersare encouraged to redact lengthy documents toinclude only the relevant portions, unless theredaction would remove context such that theexaminer would not be provided with a fullindication of the teachings of the item of informationwith respect to the claimed invention.


37 CFR 1.610(b) requires that the request mustinclude an identification of the owner(s) of the entireright, title, and interest in the patent requested to beexamined, and a submission by the patent owner incompliance with 37 CFR 3.73(c) establishing theentirety of the ownership in the patent requested tobe examined. A request for supplementalexamination of a patent must be filed by the owner(s)of the entire right, title, and interest. See 37 CFR1.601(a). This is because the scope of a patent maybe changed (e.g., by cancellation or amendment ofthe claims) during any ex parte reexaminationproceeding that may be ordered as a result of thesupplemental examination proceeding, and thischange must be binding on all parties having anownership interest in the patent. Furthermore, theOffice has consistently required that all partieshaving an interest in a patent are deemed “a patentowner” as a composite entity and must act togetherin proceedings before the Office. See MPEP §§ 301and 324. This is also consistent with ex parte reexamination practice, which requires a patentowner requester of an ex parte reexamination tocomply with the provisions of 37 CFR 3.71 and 3.73for establishing an assignee’s right to take actionwhen submitting a power of attorney. See MPEP §2222.

The Office may, under rare circumstances, permitless than all of the owners to file a request forsupplemental examination if a grantable petitionunder 37 CFR 1.183 requesting waiver of the

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provisions of 37 CFR 3.71 and 3.73(c) is filed. SeeMPEP § 2803.

An application data sheet (ADS) under 37 CFR 1.76cannot be submitted in a supplemental examinationproceeding since a supplemental examinationproceeding is not an “application.”

Form PTO/SB/59 should be helpful to persons filingrequests for supplemental examination. The use ofthis form as, for example, the transmittal form, listof items of information, list of prior or concurrentpost-patent Office proceedings, and cover sheet fora request for supplemental examination isencouraged. The following is a copy of formPTO/SB/59.

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2811.01 Detailed Explanation of theRelevance and Manner of Applying EachItem of Information [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination


(b) A request for supplemental examination must include:


(5) A separate, detailed explanation of the relevanceand manner of applying each item of information to each claimof the patent for which supplemental examination is requested.



A separate, detailed explanation required by 37 CFR1.610(b)(5) must include, for each item ofinformation listed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.610(b)(2),an explanation of how the item of information maybe applied to the claims for which supplementalexamination is requested. The patent owner mustexplain, for each claim requested to be examined,either (1) what the item of information teaches withrespect to that claim, or (2) which teachingscontained in the item of information may beconsidered by an examiner to be important whendetermining the patentability of that claim.

The explanation should include citations to particularportions or figures in the item of information inwhich the teachings are located. Ideally, the requiredexplanation can be provided using an appropriatelydetailed claim chart that compares, limitation bylimitation, each claim for which supplementalexamination is requested with the teachings of eachitem of information cited in the request.

A general statement of relevance that is not tied toany particular claim limitation is not sufficient tomeet the requirement.

Patent owners are strongly encouraged to specifywhich claims are to be examined in light of whichitems of information. If the patent owner desires torequest supplemental examination of all of the claimsof the patent in light of all of the items of informationsubmitted with the request, the patent owner isencouraged to specifically request, for example,supplemental examination of claims 1-10 (i.e., all

of the claims of the patent) in light of, for example,“the following items of information” (after which alist of the items of information is provided). On theother hand, if the patent owner separately lists: 1)the claims for which supplemental examination isrequested; and 2) the items of information submittedwith the request, but does not specify which of theclaims are to be examined in light of which items ofinformation, the request will be taken as a requestfor the supplemental examination of all of the claimsrequested in light of each item of informationsubmitted with the request. In either case, the patentowner must provide a separate, detailed explanationof the manner of applying every item of informationsubmitted as part of the request to each claim forwhich supplemental examination is requested.

The Office will assume that all of the claimsidentified pursuant to 37 CFR 1.610(b)(4) arerequested to be considered in light of every item ofinformation listed under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(2), unlessotherwise specified. For example, if, in a request forthe supplemental examination of claims 1-10, fiveitems of information are listed, and the patent ownerwishes supplemental examination of claims 1-5based on the first two items of information andsupplemental examination of claims 1-10 based onthe next three items of information, the patent ownermust clearly indicate which claims are requested tobe examined in light of which items of information.The patent owner can provide such an indication,for example, by use of the headings in the detailedexplanation as discussed below, and/or in a table ofcontents.

A separate, detailed explanation is also required foreach dependent claim for which supplementalexamination is requested. If the patent owner wishesto rely upon the explanation of the manner ofapplying the item of information to the independentclaim as the required explanation for the dependentclaim, the patent owner should so state. For example,the patent owner may state: “Because dependentclaims 2-5 each include all of the limitations ofindependent claim 1, the patent owner relies uponthe required explanation under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5)of the manner of applying the Fisher article toindependent claim 1, provided above, as the requiredexplanation under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) for dependentclaims 2-5.” The patent owner is reminded, however,

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that if the patent owner relies on a proper, detailedexplanation of an independent claim as the detailedexplanation for the dependent claims, then a reviewof the dependent claims may be limited to thedetailed explanation of the independent claimprovided by the patent owner.

If the request does not include an explicit statementincorporating the explanation for the independentclaim as the required explanation for the dependentclaims, or if the request fails to include separateexplanations for the dependent claims, the Officemay mail a notice of noncompliant request to informthe patent owner of the deficiency. See MPEP §2812.02.

The Office does not recommend that the detailedexplanation under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) be combinedwith an optional discussion, such as a discussionunder 37 CFR 1.610(c)(3) of how the claimspatentably distinguish over the item of information.See MPEP § 2812.02. Although the rules do notprevent the patent owner from combining suchoptional discussions within the detailed explanation,the Office recommends that this optional discussionbe made under a separate subheading such as“Optional Explanation under 37 CFR 1.610(c).” TheOffice has found that requests that combine thedetailed explanation with the optional discussiontypically include a lengthy discussion of why theclaims are patentable over the items of information,or why the items of information do not raise a SNQ,with little to no explanation as to how the item ofinformation is applicable to the claim limitations, asrequired by 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5). By combiningoptional discussions with the required detailedexplanation, the patent owner runs the risk ofobscuring the “detailed explanation.” Such anobscured request could potentially result in theOffice finding the “detailed explanation” was notprovided, and therefore lead to a determination thatthe request failed to comply with the filing daterequirements, and the loss of the date of the originaldeposit of the request as the filing date.

Use of headings and subheadings in the detailedexplanation section of the supplemental examinationrequest is encouraged. For example, headings thatidentify each item of information and which claimsare being discussed are excellent tools to ensure

clarity in the explanations. In addition, under eachheading, the Office highly recommends usingseparate subheadings for each independent claimand its associated dependent claims, if applicable.

For example, the patent owner may provide a seriesof statements which identify which claims are to beexamined in light of each item of information listedunder 37 CFR 1.610(b)(2). The statements do notneed to take the form of a proposed rejection, butshould be sufficiently clear to determine the scopeof the request. These statements will NOT beconstrued as an admission of unpatentability. Thesestatements would only indicate that the patent owneris requesting that the Office consider whether certainissues may be raised by each item of informationwith respect to specific claims. If the patent owneris aware, or is made aware, that an item ofinformation may raise particular patentability issue(s)(e.g., anticipation, obviousness, written description,enablement, etc…), the patent owner may identifythese issues in the explanation under 37 CFR1.610(b)(5). These statements would provide afocused review on the potential issues and explicitconsideration of those potential issues on the record.

The following are examples of statements that maybe set forth as headings in the detailed explanation:

Supplemental examination is requested for claims1-10 of the ‘123 patent in view of the Fisher article.

The patent owner requests the Office to considerwhether the Fisher article raises a SNQ affectingclaims 1, 4, 7, and 15 of the ‘123 patent.

Does Smith raise a SNQ affecting claims 1-3 and5-7?

Does the Byrd declaration raise issues under 35U.S.C. 101 affecting claims 1-7?

Does the Byrd declaration raise issues under 35U.S.C. 112 affecting claims 2 and 8?

Are claims 1-5 entitled to the earlier filing date ofMarch 5, 2008 in light of the Wolf declaration?

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Patent owners are encouraged to be ascomprehensive as possible in the explanation. Thisallows the patent owner to frame any potential issues,and assists the examiner in focusing on thesepotential issues to better determine if a SNQ is, oris not, raised. See also the guidance provided inMPEP §§ 2214 and 2217 for ex parte reexaminationproceedings.

Any failure to provide the required explanation forany item of information, or for any claim for whichsupplemental examination is requested, will beidentified in a “Notice of NoncompliantSupplemental Examination Request (37 CFR1.610(d)).” See MPEP § 2812.02. Even if the requestfails to strictly comply with the detailed explanationrequirement, the Office may, in its sole discretion,accept the request if it is readily understood fromthe explanation provided in the request how the eachof the items of information submitted with or as partof the request may be applied to each of the claimsfor which supplemental examination is requested.


The requirement for a detailed explanation may notbe met by incorporating by reference a paper fromanother proceeding, or by relying on a paper of athird party, which is submitted with the request.

A request for supplemental examination must standon its own. A request for supplemental examinationcannot be made, and the requirements for a detailedexplanation pursuant to 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) cannotbe satisfied, by incorporating by reference a paperfrom another proceeding. A paper filed in anotherproceeding must comply with the regulations andprocedures set for that proceeding, and wouldaddress the issues specific to that proceeding, not tothe present supplemental examination proceeding.A procedure which would require the examiner tosort through a paper filed in another proceeding anddetermine which issues may be raised and treated ina supplemental examination proceeding wouldfrustrate the Office’s ability to conclude thesupplemental examination proceeding within threemonths of the filing date of the request, as required

by 35 U.S.C. 257. For example, the patent ownercannot rely on an Office action from anotherproceeding as the detailed explanation required by37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) of the manner of applying thereferences cited in the Office action. Incorporationby reference would require Office staff to reviewany incorporated papers (such as, e.g., an Officeaction) to see if the papers happen to include adiscussion of each item of information identified inthe present supplemental examination proceedingand explain, in detail, how each item of informationmay be applied to each claim for which supplementalexamination is requested, in order to determine ifthe filing date requirements are met. Such aprocedure would absorb a greater portion of thethree-month time period for conducting thesupplemental examination and reduce the timeavailable for a full and comprehensive analysis ofeach item of information submitted as part of therequest. For these reasons, each request must standon its own. The requirement for a detailedexplanation cannot be satisfied by incorporating byreference a paper from another proceeding.

The detailed explanation must reflect the opinion ofthe patent owner, and not that of a third party(including a patent examiner). 35 U.S.C. 257(a)specifies that a patent owner may requestsupplemental examination. The statute does notauthorize the Office to accept a request forsupplemental examination by a party other than thepatent owner. The patent owner may not file paperson behalf of a third party and thus circumvent theintent of the legislation for supplementalexamination. For this reason, the detailed explanationrequired under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) must be draftedby the patent owner, and must reflect the opinion ofthe patent owner, i.e., what the patent owner believesis the relevance of each item of information, andwhat the patent owner believes is the manner ofapplying each item of information to each claim ofthe patent for which supplemental examination isrequested. The patent owner may not rely on a paperfiled by a third party (including a paper drafted bya patent examiner) to provide the detailedexplanation required by 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) becausethe paper filed by the third party does not necessarilyreflect the opinion of the patent owner.

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If the patent owner wishes to have the examinerconsider, in a supplemental examination proceeding,an Office action from another application orproceeding, the patent owner must separately list theOffice action and any documents mentioned in theOffice action as items of information pursuant to 37CFR 1.610(b)(2), and provide, when required under37 CFR 1.610(b)(7), copies of each item ofinformation. In addition, the patent owner mustsupply its own detailed explanation under 37 CFR1.610(b)(5), of how the Office action and anydocuments mentioned in the Office action may beapplied to the claims for which supplementalexamination is requested.


If the request includes an item of information limitedto a correction of factual information, such as aforeign priority or domestic benefit claim, or thecommon ownership of the claimed invention, therequest should also include one or more additionalitem(s) of information that potentially provideevidence that the patentability of the claims dependsupon the factual information to be corrected. SeeMPEP § 2809.01. In such a case, the request mustinclude a detailed explanation required under 37CFR 1.610(b) of how each of the additional item(s)of information may be applied to the claims forwhich supplemental examination is requested. Forexample, if the patent owner wishes to correct theeffective filing date of the patent to be examined byclaiming the benefit of an earlier filing date of, e.g.,a parent patent, the request should include a copy ofthe parent patent as a first item of information, anda copy of an intervening reference as a second itemof information. The patent owner must include inthe request a detailed explanation of how theintervening reference may be applied to the claimsof the patent to be examined if the effective filingdate remains unchanged and is not corrected.As another example, if the patent owner wishes todelete a benefit claim, or correct an earlier-obtained(incorrect) benefit claim in order to properly claimthe benefit of a later filing date of a parent patent,the request should include, as separate items ofinformation, a copy of any parent patent documenton which the later (corrected) effective filing date

is based, and a copy of an intervening referencewhich would pre-date the effective filing date of thepatent to be examined, if the domestic benefit claimwere deleted or corrected to an appropriate later date.In this case, the patent owner must include in therequest a detailed explanation of how the interveningreference may be applied to the patent claims if theeffective filing date of the patent to be examined iscorrected to the later date.

The request must also include an explanation of howthe patent owner is entitled to the corrected factualinformation, where appropriate. For example, if thepatent owner informs the Office that the effectivefiling date of the patent to be examined should reflectan earlier filing date of a parent patent, then thepatent owner must also include in the request adetailed explanation of how the patent owner isentitled to the earlier effective filing date, by, forexample, explaining how each claim limitation issupported by the parent patent. If, however, thepatent owner merely wishes to delete a foreignpriority or domestic benefit claim, an explanationof how the patent owner is entitled to the (new)effective filing date, if the domestic benefit claim(or, where appropriate, the foreign priority claim) isdeleted, is not required.


A request for supplemental examination includes an item ofinformation limited to the correction of the effective filing dateof the patent, such as a copy of a parent patent and a discussionwithin the body of the request limited to how the effective filingdate should be corrected, i.e., by changing the effective filingdate of the patent to be examined to the earlier filing date of theparent patent. The request also includes a second item ofinformation, i.e., an intervening reference, which causes thepatentability of the claims to depend upon the domestic benefitclaim. In such a case, the patent owner must include in therequest a detailed explanation of how the intervening referencemay be applied to the claims for which supplementalexamination is requested, if the effective filing date of the patentto be examined remains unchanged and is not corrected. Thepatent owner must also include a detailed explanation of howthe patent owner is entitled to the earlier effective filing date,by, for example, explaining how each claim limitation issupported by the parent patent.

2811.02 Optional Content [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination.


(c) The request may also include:

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(1) A cover sheet itemizing each component submittedas part of the request;

(2) A table of contents for the request;

(3) An explanation of how the claims patentablydistinguish over the items of information; and

(4) An explanation of why each item of informationsubmitted with the request does or does not raise a substantialnew question of patentability.


37 CFR 1.610(c) provides that the request mayoptionally include the following enumeratedelements:


37 CFR 1.610(c)(1) permits the request to includea cover sheet itemizing each component submittedas part of the request. A “component” may be acertificate of mailing, the request, the patent to beexamined, an item of information, and any otherseparate document that is deposited with or as partof the request. Submission of a cover sheet will assistthe Office in the review of the request for compliancewith the filing date requirements. For example, theOffice may readily recognize that certaincomponents listed as submitted on the cover sheetmay be missing from the file and quickly contactthe patent owner for correction. The Officeencourages patent owners to submit a cover sheetwith a request for supplemental examination. Useof the form PTO/SB/59 as the cover sheet isparticularly encouraged.


37 CFR 1.610(c)(2) permits the request to includea table of contents for the request. Submission of atable of contents will provide clarity to the recordand also help ensure that the request includes all ofthe required elements in accordance with 37 CFR1.610(a) and 37 CFR 1.610(b). In addition, a tableof contents will also assist in the initial review ofthe request to determine if the filing daterequirements are met and in the examiner’s analysisof the request during the supplemental examinationproceeding.


37 CFR 1.610(c)(3) provides that the request mayinclude an explanation of how the claims patentablydistinguish over the items of information. Thisoptional discussion should be separately made undera separate subheading such as “Optional Explanationunder 37 CFR 1.610(c)(3).” The Office has foundthat requests that combine the detailed explanationunder 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) with the optionaldiscussion under 37 CFR 1.610(c)(3) typically havea lengthy discussion of why the claims are patentableover the items of information with little to noexplanation as to how the item of information isapplicable to the claim limitations as required by 37CFR 1.610(b)(5). By combining the optionaldiscussion with the required detailed explanation,the patent owner runs the risk that the Office willfind that the required explanation was not provided,causing the request to be noncompliant, and the lossof the date of the original deposit of the request asthe filing date. See MPEP § 2812.02.


37 CFR 1.610(c)(4) provides that the request mayinclude an explanation why each item of informationdoes or does not raise a SNQ. Patent owners areencouraged to submit this explanation, which willassist the Office in analyzing the request. If thepatent owner does submit this optional content,particularly where the patent owner explains whyeach item of information does not raise a SNQ, theOffice strongly recommends that this optionaldiscussion be separately presented, in the request,from the explanation required by 37 CFR1.610(b)(5), under a subheading such as “OptionalExplanation under 37 CFR 1.610(c)(4)”. See MPEP§§ 2811.01 and 2812.02.

An application data sheet (ADS) under 37 CFR 1.76cannot be submitted in a supplemental examinationproceeding since a supplemental examinationproceeding is not an “application.”

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2812 Initial Processing of a Request forSupplemental Examination [R-11.2013]

All processing of requests for supplementalexamination and of other papers filed in asupplemental examination proceeding and in anyresulting ex parte reexamination proceeding will beperformed by the staff of the Central ReexaminationUnit.

2812.01 Filing Date of the Request[R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination.

(d) The filing date of a request for supplementalexamination will not be granted if the request is not incompliance with §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section, subject tothe discretion of the Office. If the Office determines that therequest, as originally submitted, is not entitled to a filing date,the patent owner will be so notified and will be given anopportunity to complete the request within a specified time. Ifthe patent owner does not timely comply with the notice, therequest for supplemental examination will not be granted a filingdate and the fee for reexamination as set forth in § 1.20(k)(2)will be refunded. If the patent owner timely files a correctedrequest in response to the notice that properly addresses all ofthe defects set forth in the notice and that otherwise complies

with all of the requirements of §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section,the filing date of the supplemental examination request will bethe receipt date of the corrected request.


The request must satisfy all the requirements of 37CFR 1.605, 1.610 and 1.615, in order for a filingdate to be granted. The Central Reexamination Unitwill determine if a request for supplementalexamination meets these requirements and will begranted a filing date. Even if the request isdetermined to be defective, the Office has thediscretion under 37 CFR 1.610(d) to grant a filingdate. However, the Office will not generally grant afiling date to a defective request unless the requestcontains only minor defects, such as minorformatting defects (e.g., improper margins, etc.).

If the request is not granted a filing date, the Officewill mail a “Notice of Noncompliant SupplementalExamination Request (37 CFR 1.610(d))”, detailingthe defects in the request. See MPEP § 2812.02.

If the request is granted a filing date, the Office willmail a “Notice of Supplemental ExaminationRequest Filing Date”. The following is a copy ofsuch a notice.

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2812.02 Noncompliant Request forSupplemental Examination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.610 Content of request for supplementalexamination.


(d) The filing date of a request for supplementalexamination will not be granted if the request is not incompliance with §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section, subject tothe discretion of the Office. If the Office determines that therequest, as originally submitted, is not entitled to a filing date,the patent owner will be so notified and will be given anopportunity to complete the request within a specified time. Ifthe patent owner does not timely comply with the notice, therequest for supplemental examination will not be granted a filingdate and the fee for reexamination as set forth in § 1.20(k)(2)will be refunded. If the patent owner timely files a correctedrequest in response to the notice that properly addresses all ofthe defects set forth in the notice and that otherwise complieswith all of the requirements of §§ 1.605, 1.615, and this section,the filing date of the supplemental examination request will bethe receipt date of the corrected request

If the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) determinesthat the request, as originally submitted, does notsatisfy all of the requirements of 37 CFR 1.605,1.610 and 1.615, and all other applicable rules, andis not entitled to a filing date, the CRU will mail aNotice of Noncompliant Supplemental ExaminationRequest (37 CFR 1.610(d)) to the patent owner. Thenotice will be mailed to the patent owner at thecorrespondence address of record in the file of thepatent for which supplemental examination isrequested. See MPEP § 2805. The notice will specifythe defects found in the request, and provide aspecified time, generally 15 days, within which acorrected request may be timely filed. If furtherexplanation is needed, an attachment to the noticewill be provided specifically explaining why therequest was non-compliant with the filing daterequirements.

2812.03 Corrected Request [R-11.2013]

The patent owner has one opportunity to file acorrected request in response to a Notice ofNoncompliant Supplemental Examination Request(37 CFR 1.610(d)).

To be proper, a corrected request must properlyaddress all of the defects set forth in the notice, andmust otherwise comply with all of the requirementsof 37 CFR 1.605, 1.610 and 1.615, and all other

applicable rules. The corrected request must includeall of the components that the patent owner intendsto include as part of the request, such as, forexample, the request itself, copies of each of theitems of information, a copy of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested, anytransmittal sheet, a submission in compliance with37 CFR 3.73(c), etc.

The patent owner must submit a complete, correctedrequest that will replace the originally-filed request.In other words, the patent owner must not submit a“supplemental” or corrected portion of the request,because the Office intends to expunge the entireoriginally-filed request once a corrected request isreceived. For this reason, a corrected request mustcontain all of the required information withoutreliance on any defective originally-filed request.

If all applicable fees have already been paid, thesefees do not have to be resubmitted with the correctedrequest. Also, as discussed previously, even if therequest (either the originally-filed request or thecorrected request) is determined to be defective, theOffice has the discretion under 37 CFR 1.610(d) togrant a filing date. See MPEP § 2812.01. Forexample, if the Office determines that a correctedrequest only contains one or more defects of minorcharacter, the Office may, in its sole discretion, enterthe defective corrected request, correct the defect(s) sua sponte, and/or request a submission from thepatent owner in order to correct the defect(s). As aspecific example, if the defect in the correctedrequest is limited to the omission of a copy of thepatent for which supplemental examination isrequested, and the copy of the patent was submittedwith the originally-filed request, the Office mayexercise its option to sua sponte accept the originalsubmission of the copy of the patent as part of thecorrected request.

The corrected request may be submitted using theOffice’s Web-based electronic filing system(EFS-Web) at, or, if filed in paperform, may be addressed to the CentralReexamination Unit (CRU), Attn: “Mail StopSupplemental Examination”. See MPEP § 2806. Acorrected request must not be facsimile-transmitted.Any corrected request may be followed up by a

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telephone call to the Central Reexamination Unit at(571) 272-7705 to ensure receipt.

If a proper corrected request is timely filed, the filingdate of the supplemental examination request willbe the receipt date of the corrected request. TheOffice will mail a Notice of SupplementalExamination Request Filing Date to the patentowner. A copy of such a notice is provided in MPEP§ 2812.01.

2812.04 Termination Due toDefective/Improper Request or CorrectedRequest [R-11.2013]

If, in response to a Notice of NoncompliantSupplemental Examination Request (37 CFR1.610(d)), a proper corrected request is not filed oris not timely received, or if the corrected request isdefective/improper (for example, if the correctedrequest does not address all of the defects set forthin the notice, or introduces a new defect which wasnot present in the original request), the request willnot be granted a filing date, and the processing ofthe request will be terminated.

A single failure to comply with the Notice ofNoncompliant Supplemental Examination Request(37 CFR 1.610(d)) will ordinarily result in therequest not being granted a filing date. 37 CFR1.610(d) provides that “[i]f the patent owner doesnot timely comply with the notice, the request forsupplemental examination will not be granted a filingdate.” Thus, absent extraordinary circumstances, thepatent owner will be given only one opportunity tocorrect the original request.

When terminating the request, the Office will maila Notice of Termination, which will notify the patentowner of the defects found in the corrected request,or of the lack of receipt, or timely receipt, of acorrected request. The fee for reexamination as setforth in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), if paid, will be refunded.The control number assigned to the request will beretained, but the request will not be granted a filingdate, and will not be further considered. The requestpapers will not be returned, but will remainunavailable to the public. See MPEP § 2813,subsection II.

If, after receiving a Notice of Termination, the patentowner still desires to request supplementalexamination of the patent, the patent owner may filea new request for supplemental examination, whichis complete and includes the missing informationidentified by the Office in the notice.

2813 Handling of Papers, Other Than aRequest, in a Supplemental ExaminationProceeding [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.


(b) The Office may hold in abeyance action on any petitionor other paper filed in a supplemental examination proceedinguntil after the proceeding is concluded by the electronic issuanceof the supplemental examination certificate as set forth in §1.625.

(c) If an unauthorized or otherwise improper paper is filedin a supplemental examination proceeding, it will not be enteredinto the official file or considered, or if inadvertently entered,it will be expunged.



37 CFR 1.620(b) provides that the Office may holdin abeyance an action on any petition or other paperfiled in a supplemental examination proceeding untilafter the proceeding is concluded by the electronicissuance of the supplemental examination certificateas set forth in 37 CFR 1.625. The only actions bythe Office on the request for supplementalexamination are:

(1) a determination of whether the request isentitled to a filing date; and

(2) a determination of whether any of the itemsof information submitted with the request raises aSNQ.

The only relevant type of petition that the Officeanticipates will be filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding would involve the filingdate of the request, which is not relevant to thedetermination of whether any of the items ofinformation submitted with the request raises a SNQ.Holding in abeyance a decision on such a petitionwill assist the Office in making the determination

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regarding a SNQ within the three-month statutoryperiod.


37 CFR 1.620(c) provides that if an unauthorized orotherwise improper paper is filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding, it will not be entered intothe official file or considered, or if inadvertentlyentered, it will be expunged.

After filing a request for supplemental examination,no papers other than: (1) a corrected request filed inresponse to a notice of noncompliant supplementalexamination request, or (2) a notice of a prior orconcurrent post-patent Office proceeding pursuantto 37 CFR 1.620(d), should be filed with the Officeprior to the conclusion of the supplementalexamination proceeding. Any papers directed to themerits of the supplemental examination proceedingother than (1) or (2) set forth above, will not beentered into the file, and may be discarded by theCRU without consideration. If such a paper isentered prior to its discovery, it may be expungedfrom the record.

Where an unauthorized or otherwise improper paperhas already been scanned into the Image FileWrapper (IFW) of the supplemental examinationproceeding before recognizing the nature of thepaper, the paper cannot be physically returned to theparty that submitted it. Instead, the paper will beexpunged, i.e., by marking the paper “non-public”and “closed” so it does not appear in the publicrecord of the supplemental examination proceeding.A copy of the Office communication notifying thepatent owner of the return of the paper (or itsexpungement) will be made of record in the patentfile. However, no copy of the returned/expungedpaper will be retained by the Office. If a latersubmission of the returned/expunged paper isappropriate, such as during any resulting ex partereexamination proceeding, then the paper may befiled and entered by the Office at that time. The dateof the later submission will be the filing date of thepaper.

A. Third Party Papers

In accordance with 35 U.S.C. 257(a), any party otherthan the patent owner is prohibited from filing papersor otherwise participating in any manner in thesupplemental examination proceeding. See 37 CFR1.601(b). If a third party files any petition or otherpaper in a supplemental examination proceeding, itwill not be entered into the official file or considered.If such papers are inadvertently entered, they willbe expunged. See 37 CFR 1.620(c).

B. Authorized but Defective Papers

Where papers filed in a supplemental examinationproceeding are defective (e.g., are not signed or failto meet the filing date requirements), such papersmay be expunged from the official file of thesupplemental examination proceeding by markingthe paper as “non-public” and “closed” so that itdoes not appear in the public record of thesupplemental examination proceeding.

C. Application Data Sheet (ADS)

An application data sheet (ADS) under 37 CFR 1.76cannot be submitted in a supplemental examinationproceeding since a supplemental examinationproceeding is not an “application.”

2813.01 Amendments [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.


(f) No amendment may be filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding.


37 CFR 1.620(f) provides that no amendment maybe filed in a supplemental examination proceeding.Amendments are not “information believed to berelevant to the patent” under 35 U.S.C. 257(a) anda patent owner cannot file an amendment as part ofa statement under 35 U.S.C. 304 because 35 U.S.C.257(b) expressly excludes the filing of a statementpursuant to 35 U.S.C. 304 in a supplementalexamination proceeding.

Any paper containing an amendment that is filed ina supplemental examination proceeding is an

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unauthorized paper, and will be expunged from thefile if inadvertently entered. Amendments are notitems of information, and are not appropriate in asupplemental examination proceeding.

An amendment may be submitted in an ex partereexamination proceeding ordered under 35 U.S.C.257. Patent owners, however, are reminded that 35U.S.C. 257(b) expressly removes the right of thepatent owner to file a statement under 35 U.S.C. 304,which includes any amendment that the patent ownermay wish to file prior to an initial Office action onthe merits. Because the ex parte reexaminationproceeding does not exist prior to the order under35 U.S.C. 257, and because the patent owner isprecluded from filing a statement under 35 U.S.C.304, no amendment may be filed from the time therequest for supplemental examination is filed, untilafter the issuance of an initial Office action on themerits in any ex parte reexamination proceedingordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 .

Patent owners are reminded that a statutorydisclaimer under 35 U.S.C. 253 and 37 CFR 1.321(a)may be submitted in the file of the patent prior tofiling any request for supplemental examination. SeeMPEP § 1490. Moreover, if the patent owner merelywishes to amend the patent claims, the patent ownermay file a reissue application instead of a requestfor supplemental examination.

2814 Interviews Are Prohibited [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Interviews Are Prohibited*****

(e) Interviews are prohibited in a supplemental examinationproceeding.

37 CFR 1.620(e) prohibits interviews in asupplemental examination proceeding. Thisrequirement will assist the Office to process therequest for supplemental examination within thethree-month statutory period. Any paper requestingan interview that is filed in a supplementalexamination proceeding is an unauthorized paper,and will be expunged from the file if inadvertentlyentered. A telephone call to the Office to confirmreceipt of a request for supplemental examination,or to discuss general procedural questions, is notconsidered to be an interview for the purposes ofthis provision. This prohibition against interviews

applies only to supplemental examinationproceedings. Interviews conducted in connectionwith any ex parte reexamination ordered under 35U.S.C. 257 as a result of the supplementalexamination proceeding are governed by theregulations governing ex parte reexaminationproceedings. See, e.g., 37 CFR 1.560. Specifically,interviews are generally permitted to discuss issuesof patentability, which are directly addressed duringany ex parte reexamination proceeding orderedunder 35 U.S.C. 257, and not during thesupplemental examination proceeding.

2815 Time for Deciding Request [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.

(a) Within three months after the filing date of a requestfor supplemental examination, the Office will determine whethera substantial new question of patentability affecting any claimof the patent is raised by any of the items of informationpresented in the request. The determination will generally belimited to a review of the item(s) of information identified inthe request as applied to the identified claim(s) of the patent.The determination will be based on the claims in effect at thetime of the determination and will become a part of the officialrecord of the patent.


Within 3 months following the filing date of arequest for supplemental examination, the examinerwill determine whether a SNQ affecting any claimof the patent is raised by any of the items ofinformation properly presented in the request. See35 U.S.C. 257(a) and 37 CFR 1.620(a). Asupplemental examination proceeding concludeswith the issuance of a supplemental examinationcertificate, indicating the results of the examiner’sdetermination. If the three-month period ends on aSaturday, Sunday, or federal holiday within theDistrict of Columbia, then the certificate should issueby the preceding business day.

The examiner should take up a request about 6 weeksafter the request’s filing date. A determination onthe supplemental examination request may be madeat any time during the period of enforceability of apatent. See MPEP § 2808.

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2816 Determination on the Request[R-07.2015]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.

Within three months after the filing date of a request forsupplemental examination, the Office will determine whethera substantial new question of patentability affecting any claimof the patent is raised by any of the items of informationpresented in the request. The determination will generally belimited to a review of the item(s) of information identified inthe request as applied to the identified claim(s) of the patent.The determination will be based on the claims in effect at thetime of the determination and will become a part of the officialrecord of the patent.



35 U.S.C. 257(a) and 37 CFR 1.620(b) require that,within three months following the filing date of arequest for supplemental examination, the Officewill determine whether a SNQ affecting any claimof the patent is raised by any of the items ofinformation properly presented in the request. Thestandard for determining whether an item ofinformation properly submitted as part of the requestraises a SNQ will be the same as the standard setforth in the MPEP § 2242 for ex partereexaminations filed under 35 U.S.C. 302: i.e.,whether there is a substantial likelihood that areasonable examiner would consider the item ofinformation important in determining patentability.See MPEP §§ 2816.02 and 2242.

The determination of whether such an item ofinformation raises a SNQ will generally be limitedto a review of the item(s) of information identifiedin the request with respect to the identified claim(s)of the patent. For example, a determination on arequest that includes three items of information,where each item is requested to be considered withregard to claim 1, will generally be limited towhether any of the three items of information raisea SNQ with respect to claim 1. If the patent ownerwishes to request consideration of an item ofinformation with respect to multiple claims of thepatent, the request for supplemental examinationmust include an identification of each claim in viewof which the item of information is to be considered,and the required detailed explanation with respectto each claim. For example, if the patent owner fails

to request that the Office consider certain claims inview of an item of information, then the patent owneris not entitled to a determination for that item ofinformation with respect to those claims. Thedetermination will be based on the claims in effectat the time of the determination. See MPEP §2816.01. The supplemental examination certificate,which contains the results of the determination ofwhether a SNQ was raised by one or more of theitems of information submitted as part of the request,will become a part of the official record of the patent.


The patent owner may wish to consider theprovisions of 35 U.S.C. 257(c)(1) and 35 U.S.C.257(c)(2) on the effectiveness of any supplementalexamination on already pending litigation whendetermining whether and when to file a request forsupplemental examination. The Office takes noposition on this issue.

The patent owner must promptly notify the Officeof any federal court decision involving the patent.

A. Litigation Search

Before making a determination on the request forsupplemental examination, a litigation search fromthe Technical Support Staff (TSS) of the CentralReexamination Unit (CRU) or the Scientific andTechnical Information Center (STIC) may be doneto check to see if the patent has been, or is, involvedin litigation. A copy of the litigation search isscanned into the IFW file history. In the rare instancewhere the record of the supplemental examinationproceeding or the litigation search indicates thatadditional information is desirable, guidance formaking an additional litigation search may beobtained from the library of the Office of theSolicitor.

If litigation has concluded or is taking place in thepatent on which a request for supplementalexamination has been filed, or if the examinerdiscovers, at any time during the supplementalexamination proceeding, that there is litigation orthat there has been a federal court decision on thepatent, the request must be promptly brought to the

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attention of the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU)Supervisory Patent Reexamination Specialist (SPRS)or Technology Center (TC) Quality AssuranceSpecialist (QAS), who should review the decisionon the request and any examiner’s action to ensurethat it conforms to current Office policy andguidelines set forth below.

B. Supplemental Examination With ConcurrentLitigation Prior to Federal Court Decision

In view of the statutory mandate to make thedetermination on the request within three months,the determination on the request based on the recordbefore the examiner will be made without awaitinga decision by the federal court. It is not realistic toattempt to determine what issues will be treated, orwhat issues will be finally decided, by the federalcourt prior to the court decision. Accordingly, thedetermination on the request will be made withoutconsidering the issues allegedly before the court. Ifan ex parte reexamination is ordered under 35U.S.C. 257, the reexamination will continue untilthe Office becomes aware that a court decision hasissued. At such time, the reexamination proceedingordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 will be reviewed inaccordance with the guidelines set forth in MPEP §2286.

C. Federal Court Decision Issues After Request FiledBut Before Supplemental Examination Certificate Issues

A non-final federal court decision concerning apatent under supplemental examination will have nobinding effect on the Office’s determination whethera substantial new question of patentability has beenraised in a supplemental examination proceeding. Anon-final holding of claim invalidity orunenforceability (or, for that matter, a non-finalholding of claim validity or enforceability) will notbe controlling on the question of whether asubstantial new question of patentability is present.A final federal court decision, i.e., after all appeals, which upholds the validity of one or more of thepatent claims also has no binding effect on thesupplemental examination proceeding. See, e.g., Ethicon v. Quigg, 849 F.2d 1422, 7 USPQ2d 1152(Fed. Cir. 1988), in which the court states the Officeis not bound by a court’s holding of patent validity.While the Office may accord deference to factual

findings made by the court, the determination ofwhether a substantial new question of patentabilityexists will be made independently of the court’sdecision on validity as it is not controlling on theOffice. See, e.g., In re Swanson et al., 540 F.3d1368, 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2008), where the FederalCircuit approved of the Office’s interpretation inMPEP § 2242. See MPEP § 2286 for furtherguidance.

A final holding of claim invalidity orunenforceability (after all appeals) is controlling onthe Office. In such cases, a substantial new questionof patentability would not be present as to the claimsheld invalid or unenforceable. This policy tracks theOffice’s policy for ex parte reexamination. See, e.g.,MPEP § 2286, citing Ethicon v. Quigg. The Officewill not intentionally conduct supplementalexamination of patent claims which have been finallyheld to be invalid or unenforceable by a federalcourt.

If it is brought to the Office’s attention that a federalcourt has issued a final holding of invalidity orunenforceability, any claims which are finally heldinvalid or unenforceable, and for which supplementalexamination has been requested, will not beexamined. If only some of the claims requested tobe examined have been finally held invalid orunenforceable, the examiner will indicate, in theReasons for Substantial New Question ofPatentability Determination which accompanies thesupplemental examination certificate (see MPEP §2816.03, subsection II), which requested claims werenot under supplemental examination due to the finalholding of invalidity or unenforceability. If all ofthe claims requested to be examined have beenfinally held invalid or unenforceable, the Office willnot conduct the supplemental examination. If a filingdate has been granted, it will be vacated by theOffice. If it is brought to the Office’s attention that,prior to the issuance of the supplemental examinationcertificate, a federal court has rendered a finaldecision, i.e., after all appeals, holding that all of thepatent claims under supplemental examination areinvalid or unenforceable, and if a supplementalexamination certificate has inadvertently issued, thesupplemental examination certificate will be vacated.

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If a final federal court holding of invalidity orunenforceability is rendered after the date ofelectronic issuance of the supplemental examinationcertificate in the Office’s electronic Image FileWrapper system (IFW) and in Public PAIR (seeMPEP § 2817.01), the supplemental examinationcertificate will not be vacated. If reexamination hasbeen ordered as a result of the supplementalexamination proceeding, and if a final holding ofinvalidity or unenforceability is brought to theOffice’s attention, claims which are held invalid orunenforceable will be withdrawn from considerationin the reexamination. If all of the claims beingexamined in the reexamination proceeding are finallyheld invalid or unenforceable, the reexaminationwill be terminated by the CRU or TC Director as nolonger containing a substantial new question ofpatentability. See MPEP § 2286, subsection IV forfurther guidance.

2816.01 Claims Considered in Making theDetermination [R-11.2013]

The claims of the patent in effect at the time of thedetermination will be the basis for deciding whether“a substantial new question of patentability” (SNQ)is present. See 37 CFR 1.620(a). In a supplementalexamination proceeding, the determination will belimited to a review of the claim(s) for whichsupplemental examination is requested. The Officewill generally not initiate supplemental examinationof any patent claims for which supplementalexamination was not requested by the patent owner.

37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) requires that the request mustinclude “[a] separate, detailed explanation of therelevance and manner of applying each item ofinformation to each claim of the patent for whichsupplemental examination is requested.” If the patentowner fails to explain how any of the items ofinformation may be applied to a patent claim, thenthe patent owner is not entitled to supplementalexamination of that claim. If the patent owner doesnot provide an explanation of how an item ofinformation may be applied to every claim requestedto be examined in view of that item, the patent owneris not entitled to a determination on claims for whichthe required explanation was not provided. Forexample, if the patent owner requests supplementalexamination of claims 1-10 in view of the Fisher

article, but only provides a separate, detailedexplanation of the manner of applying the Fisherarticle to claims 1-5, then the patent owner is notentitled to a determination on claims 6-10, for whichthe required explanation was not provided. In suchinstances, a notice of noncompliant supplementalexamination request should be mailed by the Office.See MPEP § 2812.02.

If the examiner determines that a SNQ affecting apatent claim has been raised by at least one of theitems of information submitted as part of the request,reexamination will be ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257.Once reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 257 is ordered,the Office may, in its sole discretion, reexamineclaims other than the claims for which supplementalexamination has been requested. See 35 U.S.C.303(a).

As a general rule, the Office will analyze a claim forwhich supplemental examination is requested onlyin light of the item(s) of information identified forthat claim. For example, if the patent owner requestssupplemental examination of claim 1 in light of threeitems of information, and requests supplementalexamination of claim 5 in light of two other itemsof information, the Office will analyze, in general,only claim 1 in light of the three items of informationidentified for claim 1, and only claim 5 in light ofthe two items of information identified for claim 5.The examiner, however, has the discretion todetermine whether any of the items of informationproperly submitted with the request raises a SNQaffecting any of the claims for which supplementalexamination is requested. Based on the facts givenin the above example, the examiner has the optionto determine whether any of the five items ofinformation provided with the request raises a SNQaffecting either claim 1 or claim 5. In other words,the examiner has the option of analyzing the itemsof information provided with the request with respectto any of the claims for which supplementalexamination is requested, in a manner other than thatprovided by the patent owner in the request. Thepatent owner, however, is not entitled to adetermination on a claim for which the requiredexplanation under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) has not beenprovided.

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Amendments and/or new claims presented in anycopending post-patent Office proceeding for thepatent to be examined will not be considered norcommented upon when deciding a request forsupplemental examination. However, if afterreexamination of the patent under 35 U.S.C. 257 hasbeen ordered, a certificate or reissued patent hasbeen issued which amends the claims for whichreexamination has been ordered under 35 U.S.C.257, reexamination should be on the basis of theclaims as amended by that certificate or reissuedpatent, because the certificate becomes part of thepatent as of its issue date or the original patent issurrendered and replaced by the reissued patent asof the issue date of the reissued patent.

2816.02 Criteria for Making theDetermination [R-07.2015]

The criteria for making the determination on therequest for supplemental examination is whether anyof the items of information submitted with or as partof the request raise a substantial new question ofpatentability affecting at least one claim of thepatent. See 35 U.S.C. 257(a).


The examiner will determine if a SNQ is raised byeach item of information. The SNQ standard insupplemental examination proceedings is identicalto the “substantial new question of patentability”standard in ex parte reexamination proceedings.The meaning and scope of the term “a substantialnew question of patentability” is not defined in thestatute, and must be developed on a case-by-casebasis, with reference to earlier case law involving ex parte reexamination proceedings.

If an item of information raises a substantial newquestion of patentability (SNQ) for at least one claimof the patent, then a substantial new question ofpatentability as to the claim is present, unless thesame question of patentability has already been: (A)decided in a final holding of invalidity by a federalcourt in a decision on the merits involving the claim,after all appeals; (B) decided in an earlier concludedexamination or review of the patent by the Office;or (C) raised to or by the Office in a pending

reexamination or supplemental examination of thepatent. Issues involving 35 U.S.C. 325(d) must bereferred to the Director of the CRU. An “earlierconcluded examination or review” of the patent is:(A) the original examination of the application whichmatured into the patent; (B) the examination of thepatent in a reissue application that has resulted in areissue of the patent; (C) the examination of thepatent in an earlier concluded reexamination orsupplemental examination of the patent; (D) thereview of the patent in an earlier concluded trial bythe Patent Trial and Appeal Board, such as apost-grant review, inter partes review, or coveredbusiness method review of the patent; or (E) anyother contested proceeding, which has beenconcluded and which involved the patent.

For example, the same question of patentability mayalready have been decided if the Office haspreviously considered, in an earlier concludedexamination or review of the patent, the samequestion of patentability based on the same prior art.See In re Recreative Technologies, 83 F.3d 1394,38 USPQ2d 1776 (Fed. Cir. 1996). Prior art whichhas been cited or considered by the Office is referredto, for the sake of expediency, as “old art,” as coinedby the Federal Circuit in its decision in In reHiniker, 150 F.3d 1362, 1365-66, 47 USPQ2d 1523,1526 (Fed. Cir. 1998). Reliance on old art does notnecessarily preclude the existence of a substantialnew question of patentability (SNQ) that is basedexclusively on that old art. See Public Law 107-273,116 Stat. 1758, 1899-1906 (2002), which expandedthe scope of what qualifies for a SNQ.Determinations on whether a SNQ exists in such aninstance shall be based upon a fact-specific inquirydone on a case-by-case basis. For example, a SNQmay be based solely on old art where the old art isbeing presented/viewed in a new light, or in adifferent way, as compared with its use in the earlierconcluded examination(s) or review(s), in view ofa material new argument or interpretation presentedin the request.

The answer to the question of whether a substantialnew question of patentability (SNQ) exists, andtherefore whether reexamination may be ordered, isdecided by the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU),under the authority delegated by the Director of theUSPTO.

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An item of information raises a substantial newquestion of patentability where there is a substantiallikelihood that a reasonable examiner would considerthe item of information important in decidingwhether or not the claim is patentable. For example,if the supplemental examination request states andexplains that there may be a potential issue under35 U.S.C. 101 regarding claim 5, the examiner wouldreview the supplemental examination record todecide whether there is a substantial likelihood thata reasonable examiner would find the item ofinformation (e.g., the discussion in the requestregarding claim 5 and the potential issue under 35U.S.C. 101) important in determining thepatentability of claim 5. If the item of informationwould be considered important, then the examinershould find a substantial new question ofpatentability unless the same question ofpatentability has already been decided as to the claimin a final holding of invalidity by a federal court,decided by the Office in an earlier concludedexamination or review, or raised to or by the Officein a pending reexamination or supplementalexamination of the patent. For example, the samequestion of patentability may have already beendecided by the Office where the examiner finds thatthe items of information, which are newly providedprior art patents or printed publications, are merelycumulative to prior art already fully considered bythe Office in an earlier concluded examination orreview of the claim.

For a substantial new question of patentability (SNQ)to be present, it is only necessary that: (A) an itemof information raises a SNQ regarding at least oneclaim, i.e., the teaching of the item of informationis such that a reasonable examiner would considerthe teaching to be important in deciding whether ornot the claim is patentable; and (B) the same questionof patentability as to the claim has not been decidedby the Office in an earlier concluded examinationor review of the patent, decided in a final holding ofinvalidity (after all appeals) by a federal court in adecision on the merits involving the claim, or raisedto or by the Office in a pending reexamination orsupplemental examination of the patent. It is notnecessary that a “ prima facie” case ofunpatentability exist as to the claim in order for “asubstantial new question of patentability” to bepresent as to the claim. Thus, a substantial new

question of patentability as to a patent claim couldbe present even if the examiner would notnecessarily reject the claim as either fully anticipatedby, or obvious in view of, the items of information.As to the importance of the difference between asubstantial new question of patentability and a“ prima facie” case of unpatentability, see generally In re Etter, 756 F.2d 852, 857 n.5, 225 USPQ 1, 4n.5 (Fed. Cir. 1985).

Note that the clarification of the legal standard fordetermining obviousness under 35 U.S.C. 103 in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. (KSR), 550U.S. 398, 82 USPQ2d 1385 (2007) does not alterthe legal standard for determining whether a SNQexists.


An item of information limited to a correction offactual information, alone, may not raise a substantialnew question of patentability (SNQ). For example,an item of information limited to the correction ofa missing or erroneous foreign priority or domesticbenefit claim, alone, generally will not raise an issueof patentability. In order for the correction of aforeign priority or domestic benefit claim to raise aSNQ, the request for supplemental examinationshould also include one or more additional item(s)of information, such as one or more interveningreference(s), that would cause the patentability ofthe claims under, e.g., 35 U.S.C. 102 or 103, to depend upon the foreign priority or domestic benefitclaim. In such an instance, the item of informationmay raise a SNQ, depending upon whether theforeign priority or domestic benefit claim is or is notcorrected. Similarly, information limited to thecorrection of other factual information, such as thecommon ownership of the claims, alone, may notraise a SNQ, in the absence of one or more additionalitem(s) of information that would cause thepatentability of the claims to depend upon the issueof common ownership. For this reason, the Officerecommends that any request for supplementalexamination that includes an item of informationlimited to the correction of factual information,should also include one or more additional item(s)of information that potentially provide evidence thatthe patentability of the claims depends upon the

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factual information to be corrected. See MPEP §2809.01.

Example of Determination on Information Directedto a Missing Domestic Benefit Claim

The patent owner informs the Office, in a requestfor supplemental examination, that the effectivefiling date of the patent to be examined should becorrected to reflect the earlier filing date of a parentpatent. The request includes, as an item ofinformation, a copy of the parent patent and adiscussion within the body of the request explaininghow each claim limitation of the patent to beexamined is supported by the disclosure of the parentpatent. The request also includes, as a second itemof information, a copy of an intervening patent orprinted publication that caused the patent owner toreconsider the effective filing date of the claims. Insuch a case, the examiner will first determinewhether the second item of information, i.e., theintervening reference, would raise a substantial newquestion of patentability (SNQ) if the effective filingdate of the patent to be examined remains unchangedand is not corrected.

If the examiner determines that a SNQ would beraised by the intervening reference if the effectivefiling date of the patent to be examined remainsunchanged and is not corrected, the examiner may,at the examiner’s option, then make a preliminary determination of whether the patent owner is entitledto the benefit of the earlier filing date by, forexample, analyzing whether the claim limitations ofthe patent to be examined are supported by thedisclosure of the parent patent. A final determination, however, that the patent owner isentitled to the benefit of the earlier filing date will,in general, only be made during any resultingreexamination proceeding, when, for example, anyappropriate amendment to the specification, and therequired petition for an unintentionally delayedbenefit claim under 37 CFR 1.78, may be filed. SeeMPEP §§ 2813–2813.01. For a discussion of theexplanation under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5) that must beprovided in such a case, see MPEP § 2811.01,subsection III. Where the examiner determines thata substantial new question of patentability is raised,reexamination will be ordered, and the domesticbenefit claim may be added during the resulting

reexamination proceeding. See MPEP § 2809.01 andMPEP § 2816.03, subsection II.

If the examiner determines that the interveningreference does not raise a substantial new questionof patentability even if the effective filing date ofthe patent to be examined remains unchanged andis not corrected, then the item of information limitedto the correction of the missing domestic benefitclaim, i.e., the parent patent and the discussionwithin the body of the request showing how eachclaim limitation is supported by the disclosure of theparent patent, will not be further considered on themerits. The examiner will issue a supplementalexamination certificate indicating that no substantialnew question of patentability is raised by the request,and the domestic benefit claim will not be added tothe patent. See MPEP § 2816.03, subsection II.

Example of a Determination on InformationDirected to the Deletion of an Earlier-ObtainedDomestic Benefit Claim

The patent owner, in a request for supplementalexamination, requests the deletion of anearlier-obtained domestic benefit claim. The requestincludes, as an item of information, an interveningreference which caused the patent owner toreconsider the effective filing date of the claims, andwhich would pre-date the effective filing date of thepatent to be examined, if the domestic benefit claimis deleted. The request also includes a detailedexplanation of how the intervening reference maybe applied to the patent claims if the domestic benefitclaim is deleted. See MPEP § 2811.01, subsectionIII. In this case, the examiner would determinewhether the intervening reference would raise asubstantial new question of patentability (SNQ)affecting the identified claims of the patent if thedomestic benefit claim is deleted and the effectivefiling date of the patent to be examined is correctedto an appropriate later filing date. If the examinerdetermines that the intervening reference does notraise a SNQ, then the examiner will issue asupplemental examination certificate indicating thatno SNQ is raised by the request. If the examinerdetermines that the intervening reference raises aSNQ, then the examiner will issue a supplementalexamination certificate indicating that a SNQaffecting at least one claim of the patent is raised in

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the request. Reexamination will be ordered, and thedomestic benefit claim may be corrected during theresulting reexamination proceeding. Patent ownersare reminded, however, that the deletion of thedomestic benefit claim in this example will notoperate to extend the term of the patent. See MPEP§ 2809.01 and MPEP § 2816.03, subsection II.

Determination Where the Request Only IncludesInformation Limited to the Correction of FactualInformation

If the only information provided with the request issolely directed to the correction of factualinformation, such as the correction of a missing orerroneous foreign priority or domestic benefit claim,or the correction of the common ownership of theclaims, which does not, itself, raise a substantial newquestion of patentability (SNQ), then (1) thesupplemental examination certificate will state thatno SNQ is raised in the request for supplementalexamination; and (2) the reasons for SNQdetermination will indicate that the informationregarding the correction of factual information didnot raise a SNQ because the patent owner did notinclude with the request any additional items ofinformation that caused the patentability of theclaim(s) to depend upon the corrected factualinformation.

For example, if the request only includes one itemof information, and that item of information islimited to the correction of an erroneous domesticbenefit claim, such as, e.g., i.e., a copy of a parentpatent and a discussion within the body of the requestshowing how each claim limitation is supported bythe disclosure of the parent patent, then the reasonsfor SNQ determination should indicate that theinformation regarding the domestic benefit claimdid not raise a SNQ because the patent owner didnot include with the request any intervening art orother information that caused the patentability of theclaim(s) to depend upon the domestic benefit claim.See MPEP § 2809.01.

Determination Where the Request IncludesInformation Limited to Correction of FactualInformation and Additional Information Unrelatedto the Factual Information to be Corrected

Alternatively, the request may include one or moreadditional items of information which are unrelatedto the factual information to be corrected, but whichraise a substantial new question of patentability(SNQ). For example, the patent owner may include,in addition to information limited to the correctionof a domestic benefit claim, an item of informationsuch as a reference patent that would qualify as priorart under 35 U.S.C. 102 even if the domestic benefitclaim is corrected. If the examiner determines thata SNQ is raised in the request, the examiner may, atthe examiner’s option, make a preliminarydetermination of whether the patent owner is entitledto the benefit of the corrected benefit claim, asdiscussed previously. Reexamination will be ordered,and the domestic benefit claim may be correctedduring the resulting reexamination proceeding. SeeMPEP § 2809.01 and MPEP § 2816.03, subsectionII. If the examiner determines that no SNQ is raisedby the additional item(s) of information, theinformation limited to a correction of the domesticbenefit claim will not be further considered on themerits. A supplemental examination certificate,which indicates that no SNQ is raised by the request,will be issued, and the benefit claim will not becorrected.

See also MPEP § 2242, subsections II and III, formore information on how a substantial new questionof patentability may be determined in specificsituations.

2816.03 Content of the Determination[R-11.2013]

35 U.S.C. 257 Supplemental examinations to consider,reconsider, or correct information.

(a) REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTALEXAMINATION.—A patent owner may request supplementalexamination of a patent in the Office to consider, reconsider, orcorrect information believed to be relevant to the patent, inaccordance with such requirements as the Director may establish.Within 3 months after the date a request for supplementalexamination meeting the requirements of this section is received,the Director shall conduct the supplemental examination andshall conclude such examination by issuing a certificateindicating whether the information presented in the requestraises a substantial new question of patentability.


37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.

(a) Within three months after the filing date of a requestfor supplemental examination, the Office will determine whether

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a substantial new question of patentability affecting any claimof the patent is raised by any of the items of informationpresented in the request. The determination will generally belimited to a review of the item(s) of information identified inthe request as applied to the identified claim(s) of the patent.The determination will be based on the claims in effect at thetime of the determination and will become a part of the officialrecord of the patent.


Once a determination is made on the request as towhether the items of information raise a substantialnew question of patentability (SNQ), the examinerwill prepare: (1) the Supplemental ExaminationCertificate; and (2) the Reasons for Substantial NewQuestion of Patentability Determination (the"reasons document").


The supplemental examination certificate is preparedby utilizing a form captioned “SupplementalExamination Certificate.” The form lists all of the

items of information properly submitted as part ofthe supplemental examination request and stateswhether a SNQ affecting at least one claim of thepatent is raised in the request.

Examiners should not initial, sign and date the listingof the items of information (37 CFR 1.610(b)(2))submitted with the request. This practice is differentfrom the current practice regarding prior art citationsin applications or proceedings involving patents.There is no need to initial, sign, and date the listingsubmitted under 37 CFR 1.610(b)(2) because thesupplemental examination certificate includes acitation to each item of information properlysubmitted as part of the request.

A copy of a supplemental examination certificateindicating that a SNQ affecting at least one claim ofthe patent is raised in the request, and a copy of asupplemental examination certificate indicating thatno SNQ is raised in the request, appear below.

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The Reasons for Substantial New Question ofPatentability (SNQ) Determination (or “reasonsdocument”) will typically accompany thesupplemental examination certificate. This documentwill explain, for each item of information, why eachitem does or does not raise a SNQ. Form paragraph28.01 should be used as the heading for the reasonsdocument.

A. Where At Least One Substantial New Question ofPatentability is Found

If the request is determined to raise at least one SNQ,the supplemental examination certificate will indicatethat a SNQ affecting at least one claim of the patenthas been raised, and will refer to the reasonsdocument. For each item of information, the reasonsdocument should include:

(1) A statement that the item of information, aspresented in the request, raises a SNQ, and anidentification of the claims for which a SNQ israised.

(2) Where appropriate, a statement that the itemof information, as presented in the request, does notraise a SNQ, and an identification of the claims forwhich a SNQ is not raised.

(3) A brief statement of the basis for thedetermination that a SNQ affecting the identifiedclaims was raised by the item, or was not raised bythe item.

Where an item of information is determined to raisea SNQ, but the SNQ is determined to affect less thanall of the claims which were requested to beexamined in view of the item, the reasons documentmay also include, in addition to (1) above, anidentification of the claims for which a SNQ wasnot raised by the item, and a brief statement of thebasis for that determination.

For each item of information, the examiner needonly identify one SNQ (e.g., a teaching that wouldbe important to a reasonable examiner whendetermining patentability) for each identified claim.The examiner may rely upon a determination that a

SNQ is raised for an independent claim as the basisthat a SNQ is raised for each dependent claim thatincorporates the subject matter of the independentclaim, if the dependent claims were also requestedto be examined by the patent owner. For example,if the examiner finds that item of information Araises a SNQ for independent claim 1, the examinermay rely upon the explanation of how item A raisesa SNQ for claim 1 as the explanation of how itemA raises a SNQ for dependent claims 2-10, whichwere also requested to be examined by the patentowner. Form paragraph 28.03 should be used toexplain why an item of information raises a SNQ.

For each item of information, if the examinerdetermines that a substantial new question ofpatentability is raised by the item, the reasonsdocument should point out:

(A) That the item of information raises a SNQaffecting specific claims of the patent (where thespecific claims are listed);

(B) The recitation of the specific claimlimitation(s) affected by the teaching(s) of the itemof information;

(C) What the teaching(s) are, and where in theitem of information the teaching(s) are to be found;

(D) Why a reasonable examiner would considerthe teaching(s) to be important in determining thepatentability of the specific claim(s) (where thespecific claims are listed) for which supplementalexamination is being requested; and

(E) Where appropriate, whether the item ofinformation is prior art (e.g., due to its issue date orpublication date) to specific patent claims (wherethe specific claims are listed) and, when applicable,the reasons why the item of information is deemedto be available as prior art against the patent claims.

For each item of information, if the examinerdetermines that a substantial new question ofpatentability is not raised by the item, the reasonsdocument should point out:

(A) That the item of information does not raisea SNQ affecting specific claims of the patent (wherethe specific claims are listed);

(B) The recitation of the specific claimlimitation(s), if any, which were discussed in the

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request with respect to the teaching(s) of the item ofinformation;

(C) What the teaching(s) are, if any, and wherein the item of information the teaching(s) are to befound;

(D) Why a reasonable examiner would notconsider the teaching(s) to be important indetermining the patentability of the specific claim(s)(where the specific claims are listed) for whichsupplemental examination is being requested (e.g.,why the teaching(s) are cumulative to the teachingsconsidered in the earlier concluded examination orreview of the patent, or are not important eventhough the teaching(s) are not cumulative and areavailable against the claim);

(E) Where appropriate, whether the item ofinformation is available as prior art (e.g., due to itsissue date or publication date) against specific patentclaims (where specific claims are listed) and, whenapplicable, the reasons why the item of informationis or is not deemed to be available as prior art againstthe patent claims; and

(F) If the item of information is not deemed tobe available as prior art against specific patentclaims, a further statement, when applicable, thatthe item does not contain information that raises anyother issues of patentability with respect to thespecific claims (where the specific claims are listed).For example, a request for the supplementalexamination of claims 1-3 includes, as an item ofinformation, a copy of a foreign search report whichis determined not to raise any issues of patentabilityunder 35 U.S.C. 101, 102, 103, or 35 U.S.C. 112affecting claims 1-3. In the reasons document, theexaminer should explain why the foreign searchreport does not qualify as prior art (under, e.g., 35U.S.C. 102 or 103) against any of claims 1-3, andshould also state that the foreign search report doesnot contain information that raises any other issuesof patentability with respect to claims 1-3 of thepatent.

Where applicable, the examiner should also explainwhy an item of information that was cited in therecord of the patent is barred by the guidelines setforth in MPEP § 2242, subsection II.A.

Where it is not clear from the patent file orsupplemental examination record, the reasons

document may optionally include, for each itemof information:

(i) An explanation that the teaching was notpreviously considered or addressed in any priorexamination or proceeding involving the patent ora final holding of invalidity of the patent by thefederal courts; or

(ii) An explanation that the teaching, ifconsidered in a previous examination or proceedingof the patent or of the application that became thepatent, is presented in a new light, or in a differentway, by the arguments presented in the request.

If the examiner determines that an item ofinformation does not raise a SNQ affecting everyclaim to which the item of information was appliedin the request, the examiner should state the claim(s)for which the SNQ was not raised and a briefstatement of the reasons why the item did not raisea SNQ affecting the identified claim(s). If the patentowner applied the item of information to anindependent claim, but did not apply the item to itsdependent claims, the examiner may rely upon adetermination that a SNQ is not raised for theindependent claim as the basis for the determinationthat a SNQ is not raised for each dependent claim,for which supplemental examination was alsorequested, and which incorporates the subject matterof the independent claim. For example, if the patentowner provided a detailed explanation of the mannerof applying item of information A to independentclaim 11 as required by 37 CFR 1.610(b)(5), andrelied on that explanation as the only requiredexplanation for dependent claims 12-21 (for whichsupplemental examination was also requested), andif the examiner finds that item of information A doesnot raise a SNQ for independent claim 11, then theexaminer may rely upon the explanation of how itemA does not raise a SNQ for claim 11 as theexplanation for its dependent claims 12-21. Formparagraph 28.02 should be used to explain why anitem of information does not raise a SNQ.

The examiner will not decide, and no statementshould be made, as to whether the claims are rejectedover the items of information. It is unnecessary forthe examiner to decide questions of patentability ofthe claims in a supplemental examination

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proceeding. The examiner only decides whetherthere is a SNQ.

B. Where No Substantial New Question ofPatentability is Found

If the examiner determines that none of the items ofinformation properly submitted as part of the requestraise a SNQ, the supplemental examinationcertificate will state that no SNQ is raised in therequest for supplemental examination, and will referto the Reasons for Substantial New Question ofPatentability Determination (i.e., "the reasonsdocument"). The reasons document should explainwhy each item of information did not raise a SNQfor every claim to which that item of informationwas applied in the supplemental examination request.See subsection II.A., above. Form paragraph 28.02should be used to explain why each item ofinformation does not raise a SNQ.

C. Where the Request Includes Factual Informationto be Corrected

Where the request includes an item of informationlimited to the correction of factual information, therequest should also include one or more additionalitem(s) of information, such as one or moreintervening reference(s), that potentially provideevidence that the patentability of the claims dependsupon the factual information to be corrected. In suchan instance, the item of information may raise aSNQ, depending upon whether the foreign priorityor domestic benefit claim is or is not corrected.

Example 1. The request includes a first item ofinformation limited to the addition of a claim for thebenefit of an earlier effective filing date, a seconditem of information which is an interveningreference, and a detailed explanation of how theintervening reference may be applied to the patentclaims if the domestic benefit claim remainsunchanged, and is not corrected. If the examinerdetermines that a SNQ is raised by the interveningreference, the examiner should include, in thereasons document, the reasons why the interveningreference raises a SNQ, in accordance with thegeneral guidance set forth above in subsection II.A.If the examiner determines that no SNQ is raised bythe intervening reference, the examiner should

provide, in the reasons document, the reasons forthe determination that the second item ofinformation, i.e., the intervening reference, does notraise a SNQ in accordance with the general guidanceset forth above in subsection II.B., even if thedomestic benefit claim remains unchanged and isnot corrected. The examiner should also provide astatement to the effect that the first item ofinformation, which is limited to the correction of adomestic benefit claim, does not raise a SNQ becausethe patent owner did not include with the requestany additional items of information that cause thepatentability of the claim(s) to depend upon thedomestic benefit claim, even if the domestic benefitclaim remains unchanged and is not corrected.

Example 2. The request includes a first item ofinformation limited to the deletion of a benefit claim,a second item of information which is a referencethat pre-dates the effective filing date of the patentif the benefit claim is deleted (i.e., an interveningreference), and a detailed explanation of how theintervening reference may be applied to the patentclaims if the benefit claim is deleted. If the examinerdetermines that a SNQ is raised by the interveningreference if the benefit claim is deleted, the examinershould include, in the reasons document, the reasonswhy the intervening reference raises a SNQ if thedomestic benefit claim is deleted, in accordance withthe general guidance set forth above in subsectionII.A. If the examiner determines that no SNQ israised by the intervening reference, the examinershould provide, in the reasons document, the reasonsfor the determination that the second item ofinformation, i.e., the intervening reference, does notraise a SNQ in accordance with the general guidanceset forth above in subsection II.B., even if thedomestic benefit claim was deleted. The examinershould also provide a statement to the effect that thefirst item of information, which is limited to thedeletion of the domestic benefit claim, does not raisea SNQ because the patent owner did not include withthe request any additional items of information thatcause the patentability of the claim(s) to depend uponthe domestic benefit claim, even if the domesticbenefit claim were to be deleted.

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D. Panel Review

After an examiner has made a preliminarydetermination, the examiner will formulate a draftSupplemental Examination Certificate and a draftReasons for Substantial New Question ofPatentability Determination (i.e., a draft "reasonsdocument"). The examiner will then inform his/herCRU Supervisory Patent Reexamination Specialist(SPRS) of his/her preliminary determination. A panelreview conference will be convened, and theconference members will review the preliminarydetermination. See MPEP § 2271.01 for the make-upof the panel. If the conference confirms theexaminer’s preliminary determination, theSupplemental Examination Certificate shall be issuedby its publication in the Office’s Image File WrapperSystem, IFW, which will be viewable in PublicPAIR. The reasons document will be labeled"Reasons for SNQ Determination" in IFW, and itwill generally be available for viewing at the sametime as, or shortly after, the issuance of thecertificate. The reasons document will be signed bythe examiner, with the two other conferees initialingas “conferee” to indicate their presence in theconference.

If the conference does not confirm the examiner’spreliminary determination, the examiner willreevaluate and make appropriate changes to the draftSupplemental Examination Certificate and draftreasons document, in accordance with any agreementreached at the conference.

E. Form Paragraphs for the Reasons for SubstantialNew Question of Patentability Determination

The following are the form paragraphs that shouldbe used in the Reasons for Substantial New Questionof Patentability Determination:

¶ 28.01 Header for Statement of Reasons for SubstantialNew Question of Patentability DeterminationREASONS FOR SUBSTANTIAL NEW QUESTION OFPATENTABILITY DETERMINATION

¶ 28.02 Reasons for Finding No Substantial New Questionof Patentability

[1], as presented in the request, does not raise a substantial newquestion of patentability because [2].

Examiner Note:

1. In bracket 1, insert the name or description, as appropriate,for the item of information. For example, a patent or patentapplication publication may be designated using the name ofthe patentee or first-named inventor, such as “the Jones patent,”“the Jones patent application publication,” or the number of thepatent or patent application publication. A non-patent literaturedocument may be designated by the name of the author, suchas the “the Sherwood publication” and the date of thepublication, if desired. A sales receipt or invoice should bedesignated using the date of the receipt, and any appropriatedescriptive information, such as “the March 11, 2011,BigBoxStore sales receipt,” or “the April 1, 2011 XYZCorporation invoice.” An affidavit or declaration should bedesignated using the name of the declarant and the date of theaffidavit or declaration, such as “the Schmidt declaration datedJanuary 20, 2012.” A transcript of an audio or video recordingshould be designated using the title of the recording and the dateof the recording, if applicable, such as “the transcript of theSeptember 16, 2012 XYZ Corporation Marketing Video.” Adiscussion within the body of the request regarding a potentialissue under 35 U.S.C. 101 may be designated, for example, as“the discussion on pages 7-11 of the request regarding a potentialissue under 35 U.S.C. 101.”

2. In bracket 2, insert the reasons for the determination thatthe item of information does not raise a substantial new questionof patentability.

¶ 28.03 Reasons for Finding A Substantial New Questionof Patentability

[1], as presented in the request, raises a substantial new questionof patentability affecting patent claim(s) [2] because [3].

Examiner Note:

1. In bracket 1, insert the name or description, as appropriate,for the item of information. For example, a patent or patentapplication publication may be designated using the name ofthe patentee or first-named inventor, such as “the Jones patent,”“the Jones patent application publication,” or the number of thepatent or patent application publication. A non-patent literaturedocument may be designated by the name of the author, suchas the “the Sherwood publication” and the date of thepublication, if desired. A sales receipt or invoice should bedesignated using the date of the receipt, and any appropriatedescriptive information, such as“ the March 11, 2011,BigBoxStore sales receipt,” or “the April 1, 2011, XYZCorporation invoice.” An affidavit or declaration should bedesignated using the name of the declarant and the date of theaffidavit or declaration, such as “the Schmidt declaration datedJanuary 20, 2012.” A transcript of an audio or video recordingshould be designated using the title of the recording and the dateof the recording, if applicable, such as “the transcript of theSeptember 16, 2012, XYZ Corporation Marketing Video.” Adiscussion within the body of the request regarding a potentialissue under 35 U.S.C. 101 may be designated, for example, as“the discussion on pages 7-11 of the request regarding a potentialissue under 35 U.S.C. 101.”

2. In bracket 2, insert the claims for which a substantial newquestion of patentability has been raised.

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3. In bracket 3, insert the reasons for the determination thatthe item of information raises a substantial new question ofpatentability (SNQ). If a SNQ is found for only a portion of theclaims identified with respect to the item of information, thenan additional statement may be included explaining why a SNQwas found with respect to some of the identified claims, andwhy a SNQ was not found with respect to the remainder of theidentified claims. For example, if the patent owner requestssupplemental examination of claims 1-10 in view of the Schmidtpatent, and the examiner finds that a substantial new questionof patentability affecting only patent claims 1-5 is raised by thatitem of information, then the form paragraph may be completedby, for example, stating “The Schmidt patent, as presented inthe request, raises a substantial new question of patentabilityaffecting patent claims 1-5 because [provide reasons]. However,the Schmidt patent, as presented in the request, does not raisea substantial new question of patentability affecting patent claims6-10 because [provide reasons].”

2816.04 Effect of the Determination[R-11.2013]

If the examiner determines that a SNQ is raised byone or more items of information in the request, exparte reexamination of the patent will be orderedunder 35 U.S.C. 257. See 37 CFR 1.625(b) and (d).See MPEP § 2818.01.

If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat no SNQ is raised by any of the items ofinformation in the request, ex parte reexaminationwill not be ordered, and the fee for reexaminationordered as a result of supplemental examination, asset forth in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), will be refunded inaccordance with 37 CFR 1.610(d). See MPEP §2818.02.

2817 Conclusion of SupplementalExamination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.625 Conclusion of supplemental examination;publication of supplemental examination certificate;procedure after conclusion.

(a) A supplemental examination proceeding will concludewith the electronic issuance of a supplemental examinationcertificate. The supplemental examination certificate willindicate the result of the determination whether any of the itemsof information presented in the request raised a substantial newquestion of patentability.


35 U.S.C. 257(a) requires that supplementalexamination “shall conclude with the issuance of acertificate indicating whether the informationpresented in the request raises a substantial new

question of patentability.” A supplementalexamination proceeding is initiated by the filing ofa request for supplemental examination that complieswith 35 U.S.C. 257 and 37 CFR 1.601 et seq., andall other applicable rules, and ends with theelectronic issuance of the supplemental examinationcertificate. The supplemental examination certificatewill state the result of the Office’s determinationwhether any of the items of information submittedas part of the request raises a SNQ.

If the supplemental examination certificate statesthat a SNQ is raised by one or more of the items ofinformation submitted as part of the request, exparte reexamination of the patent will be orderedunder 35 U.S.C. 257. In other words, if thesupplemental examination certificate states that aSNQ is raised, an ex parte reexamination proceedingwill be initiated after the conclusion of thesupplemental examination proceeding. If, however,the supplemental examination certificate states thatno substantial new question of patentability is raisedin the request, then an ex parte reexaminationproceeding will not be initiated at the conclusion ofthe supplemental examination proceeding.

2817.01 Processing and Electronic Issuanceof Supplemental Examination Certificate[R-11.2013]

After the examiner has prepared the SupplementalExamination Certificate and the Reasons forSubstantial New Question of PatentabilityDetermination ("reasons document"), thesedocuments, and the supplemental examination file,are referred to the Central Reexamination Unit(CRU) Legal Instrument Examiner (LIE) forcoordinating the clerical processing carried out bythe technical support staff.

The Supplemental Examination Certificate and thereasons document are made of record in theelectronic file of the supplemental examinationproceeding. Copies of both documents are alsomailed to the patent owner.

The supplemental examination certificate will beelectronically issued in the Office’s electronic ImageFile Wrapper system and will be visible in PublicPAIR within three months of the filing date of the

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request. Electronic issuance of the supplementalexamination certificate will permit the Office to issuethe certificate within the three-month statutory periodand will permit sufficient time to review the itemsof information submitted as part of the request. Thecertificate will be viewable by the public in PublicPAIR.

The electronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate will display the filing date of the request.The electronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate will also list each of the items ofinformation properly submitted as part of the request,and state whether the request raises a SNQ affectingat least one claim of the patent.

If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat a SNQ is raised in the request, ex parte reexamination of the patent will be ordered under35 U.S.C. 257. Upon the conclusion of the ex parte reexamination proceeding, an ex parte reexamination certificate, which will include astatement specifying that ex parte reexaminationwas ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257, will be publishedas an attachment to the patent by the Office’s patentpublication process in accordance with establishedex parte reexamination practice (see 37 CFR 1.570).The electronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate will also remain as part of the publicrecord for the patent.

If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat no SNQ is raised in the request, theelectronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate, which will remain as part of the publicrecord for the patent, will also be published in duecourse by the Office’s patent publication process asan attachment to the patent. The fee forreexamination ordered as a result of supplementalexamination, as set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), willbe refunded in accordance with 37 CFR 1.610(d).

2818 Procedure after Conclusion ofSupplemental Examination [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.625 Conclusion of supplemental examination;publication of supplemental examination certificate;procedure after conclusion.


(b) If the supplemental examination certificate states thata substantial new question of patentability is raised by one or

more items of information in the request, ex parte reexaminationof the patent will be ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257. Upon theconclusion of the ex parte reexamination proceeding, an exparte reexamination certificate, which will include a statementspecifying that ex parte reexamination was ordered under 35U.S.C. 257, will be published. The electronically issuedsupplemental examination certificate will remain as part of thepublic record of the patent.

(c) If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat no substantial new question of patentability is raised by anyof the items of information in the request, and ex parte reexamination is not ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257, theelectronically issued supplemental examination certificate willbe published in due course. The fee for reexamination orderedas a result of supplemental examination, as set forth in §1.20(k)(2), will be refunded in accordance with 1.26(c).

(d) Any ex parte reexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C.257 will be conducted in accordance with §§ 1.530 through1.570, which govern ex parte reexamination, except that:

(1) The patent owner will not have the right to file astatement pursuant to § 1.530, and the order will not set a timeperiod within which to file such a statement;

(2) Reexamination of any claim of the patent may beconducted on the basis of any item of information as set forthin § 1.605, and is not limited to patents and printed publicationsor to subject matter that has been added or deleted during thereexamination proceeding, notwithstanding § 1.552(a);

(3) Issues in addition to those raised by patents andprinted publications, and by subject matter added or deletedduring a reexamination proceeding, may be considered andresolved, notwithstanding § 1.552(c); and

(4) Information material to patentability will be definedby § 1.56(b), notwithstanding § 1.555(b).

Supplemental examination is concluded by theelectronic publication of the certificate. The Officeprocedure after publication of the certificate dependson whether the Office determines that a SNQaffecting at least one claim of the patent is raised inthe request.

If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat a SNQ is raised, ex parte reexamination of thepatent will be ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257. See 37CFR 1.625(b). An ex parte reexamination orderedas a result of a supplemental examination proceedingwill be conducted in accordance with the existingrules governing ex parte reexamination, except that:(i) the patent owner will not have the right to file apatent owner statement; and (ii) the Office willaddress each SNQ without regard to whether it israised by a patent or printed publication. See 37 CFR1.625(d) and MPEP § 2818.01 .

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If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat no SNQ is raised, ex parte reexamination willnot be ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257. In this case, theelectronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate will be published in due course by theOffice’s patent publication process as an attachmentto the patent. The fee for reexamination ordered asa result of supplemental examination, as set forth in37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), will be refunded in accordancewith 37 CFR 1.610(d). See MPEP § 2818.02.

2818.01 After Determination Finding aSubstantial New Question of Patentability[R-07.2015]

37 CFR 1.625(d) provides that any ex parte reexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 will beconducted in accordance with 37 CFR 1.530 through37 CFR 1.570, which govern ex partereexamination, except that:

(1) the patent owner will not have the right tofile a statement pursuant to 37 CFR 1.530, and theorder will not set a time period within which to filesuch a statement;

(2) ex parte reexamination of any claim of thepatent may be conducted on the basis of any item ofinformation as set forth in 37 CFR 1.605, and is notlimited to patents and printed publications or tosubject matter that has been added or deleted duringa reexamination proceeding, which differs from theprovisions of 37 CFR 1.552(a);

(3) issues in addition to those raised by patentsand printed publications and by subject matter addedor deleted during an ex parte reexaminationproceeding may be considered and resolved, whichdiffers from 37 CFR 1.552(c); and

(4) information material to patentability will bedefined by 37 CFR 1.56 for the purposes of asupplemental examination proceeding and anyresulting ex parte reexamination proceeding.

The material to patentability standard (37 CFR1.56(b)) applicable to patent applications is alsoapplicable to an ex parte reexamination proceedingunder 35 U.S.C. 257 resulting from a supplementalexamination proceeding because, like patentapplication examination, an ex parte reexaminationproceeding ordered pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 257 is notlimited to patents and printed publications. Incontrast, the material to patentability standard under37 CFR 1.555(b), which is applicable to ex parte reexaminations ordered pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 302,is limited to patents and printed publications. Anyreference to “applicant” in 37 CFR 1.56(b) will beread as “patent owner” in the context of asupplemental examination proceeding and anyresulting ex parte reexamination proceeding under35 U.S.C. 257, because these proceedings are onlyavailable to a patent owner.

After the issuance and mailing of the supplementalexamination certificate and the accompanyingreasons document, the examiner will prepare anorder for ex parte reexamination based on thedetermination made in the supplemental examinationproceeding. To order reexamination under 35 U.S.C.257, the examiner may use form PTO-2302 orinclude form paragraph 28.04 at the beginning of aninitial Office action on the merits in the resultingreexamination proceeding. The order may refer tothe reasons document that was created with thesupplemental examination certificate.

The following is a copy of form PTO-2302:

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The following is a form paragraph that may be usedat the beginning of an initial Office action on themerits to order reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 257:

¶ 28.04 Reexamination Ordered Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 257Reexamination Ordered Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 257

The supplemental examination proceeding, filed on [1],concluded with the issuance of the supplemental examinationcertificate on [2]. The certificate indicated that one or more ofthe items of information submitted as part of the request forsupplemental examination raises a substantial new question ofpatentability. See the Reasons for Substantial New Question ofPatentability Determination in the file of this proceeding.

Accordingly, ex parte reexamination of claim(s) [3] of U.S.Patent No. [4] is ordered. See 35 U.S.C. 257(b) and 37 CFR1.625(b). This ex parte reexamination proceeding is herebyinitiated by the mailing of this order. Ex parte reexaminationunder 35 U.S.C. 257 will be conducted in accordance with 37CFR 1.530 through 1.570, which govern ex parte reexamination,subject to the exceptions enumerated in 37 CFR 1.625(d), and,in addition, to the exception that a patent owner’s statement,including any amendment, under 37 CFR 1.530(a) -(c) may notbe filed. See 35 U.S.C. 257(b). For this reason, no amendmentin an ex parte reexamination proceeding ordered under 35U.S.C. 257 may be filed until after the mailing of a first Officeaction on the merits (which appears below). This reexaminationproceeding has been assigned to the art unit listed at the top ofthe cover page of this action. All future correspondence shouldbe directed to the assigned art unit and should be identified bythe control number, which is also listed at the top of the coverpage of this action, and which is identical to the control numberassigned to the now-concluded supplemental examinationproceeding.

A first Office action on the merits appears below.

Examiner Note:

1. In brackets 1 and 2, insert the filing date of thesupplemental examination proceeding and the issue date of thesupplemental examination certificate, respectively, as theyappear on the certificate.

2. In bracket 3, list the claims for which a substantial newquestion of patentability was found, per the Statement ofReasons for Substantial New Question of PatentabilityDetermination.

3. In bracket 4, list the patent number as shown on thesupplemental examination certificate.

See, generally, MPEP § 2254 and MPEP §§ 2260 -2296 for a detailed discussion of ex partereexamination procedures and processes. Theguidance provided in MPEP § 2250 is applicable toamendments submitted after the first Office actionin an ex parte reexamination proceeding resultingfrom a supplemental examination proceeding. Asstated previously, a reexamination ordered as a result

of supplemental examination is subject to theregulations and procedures of ex partereexamination, subject to the above-notedexceptions.

2818.02 After Determination Finding NoSubstantial New Question of Patentability[R-11.2013]

If the supplemental examination certificate indicatesthat no SNQ is raised in the request, theelectronically issued supplemental examinationcertificate will be published in due course by theOffice’s patent publication process as an attachmentto the patent. The fee for reexamination ordered asa result of supplemental examination, as set forth in37 CFR 1.20(k)(2), will be refunded in accordancewith 37 CFR 1.610(d).

2819 Discovery of Possible Material Fraud[R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.


(g) If the Office becomes aware, during the course ofsupplemental examination or of any reexamination orderedunder 35 U.S.C. 257 as a result of the supplemental examinationproceeding, that a material fraud on the Office may have beencommitted in connection with the patent requested to beexamined, the supplemental examination proceeding or anyreexamination proceeding ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 willcontinue, and the matter will be referred to the U.S. AttorneyGeneral in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 257(e).

37 CFR 1.620(g) provides that, if the Office becomesaware, during the course of a supplementalexamination or of any ex parte reexaminationordered under 35 U.S.C. 257 as a result of thesupplemental examination proceeding, that a materialfraud on the Office may have been committed inconnection with the patent requested to be examined,the supplemental examination proceeding or any exparte reexamination proceeding ordered under 35U.S.C. 257 will continue. The matter will be referredto the U.S. Attorney General in accordance with 35U.S.C. 257(e).

The Office anticipates that such instances will berare. Accordingly, the Office does not intend tocreate a unit to investigate instances of materialfraud. If an employee of the Office, such as an

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examiner in the CRU, becomes aware, during thecourse of supplemental examination or anyreexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257, that amaterial fraud on the Office may have beencommitted in connection with the patent subject toa supplemental examination or resultingreexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257, theemployee would notify the supervisory official incharge of the section of the Office to which theemployee is assigned, such as the Director of theCRU. The supplemental examination proceeding,or any reexamination proceeding ordered under 35U.S.C. 257, would continue. If the supervisoryofficial concurs, he or she would refer the matter tothe Deputy Commissioner for Patent ExaminationPolicy. If the Deputy Commissioner for PatentExamination Policy concurs, the matter would bereferred to the Office’s General Counsel, who woulddetermine if the matter should be referred to the U.S.Attorney General in accordance with 35 U.S.C.257(e).

2820 Submission of Notification of OtherPrior or Concurrent Post-Patent OfficeProceedings [R-11.2013]

37 CFR 1.620 Conduct of supplemental examinationproceeding.


(d) The patent owner must, as soon as possible upon thediscovery of any other prior or concurrent post-patent Officeproceeding involving the patent for which the currentsupplemental examination is requested, file a paper limited tonotifying the Office of the post-patent Office proceeding, if suchnotice has not been previously provided with the request. Thenotice shall be limited to an identification of the post-patentOffice proceeding, including the type of proceeding, theidentifying number of any such proceeding (e.g., a controlnumber or reissue application number), and the filing date ofany such proceeding, without any discussion of the issues ofthe current supplemental examination proceeding or of theidentified post-patent Office proceeding(s).


37 CFR 1.620(d) requires that the patent owner must,as soon as possible upon the discovery of any otherprior or concurrent post-patent Office proceedinginvolving the patent for which the currentsupplemental examination is requested, file a paperlimited to notifying the Office of the post-patentOffice proceeding, if such notice has not beenpreviously provided with the request. The Officeanticipates that a patent for which supplemental

examination is requested may be involved in otherpost-patent Office proceedings, including anothersupplemental examination proceeding. Knowledgeof other proceedings is important to ensure a qualitydetermination. In addition, notice is required due tothe statutory three-month period within which theOffice must conclude the supplemental examination.The notice is limited to an identification of the postpatent Office proceeding, including the type (e.g.,ex parte or inter partes reexamination, reissue,supplemental examination, post-grant review, interpartes review, or covered business method patentreview), an identifying number, such as a controlnumber or reissue application number, and the filingdate of the other post-patent Office proceeding. Thenotice may not include further arguments orinformation, including any discussion of the issuespresent in the current supplemental examinationproceeding or in the identified post-patent Officeproceeding(s). A notice pursuant to 37 CFR 1.620(d)must not include copies of papers filed in a prior orconcurrent Office proceeding. If the paper containingthe notice is not so limited, the paper will be held tobe improper, and will be processed as anunauthorized paper pursuant to 37 CFR 1.620(c).

2821 Multiple Post-Patent Office Proceedings[R-07.2015]

A supplemental examination proceeding mustconclude within three months from the filing dateof the request. As a general rule, the Office will notmerge a supplemental examination proceeding withany other supplemental examination proceeding.The Office, however, reserves its option tomerge/consolidate supplemental examinationproceedings as circumstances arise. The Office,likewise, does not anticipate that a supplementalexamination proceeding or ex parte reexaminationproceeding resulting from a supplementalexamination proceeding will be merged with anyother type of Office proceeding. The Office similarlyreserves its option to merge reexaminationproceedings that are ordered as a result ofsupplemental examination proceedings ascircumstances arise. In such circumstances, filing apetition to merge is not necessary, since the Officewill generally make a decision sua sponte whetherto merge.

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If multiple post-patent proceedings aresimultaneously filed, any determination of whichproceedings to initiate, and the order in which toinitiate them, will be made on a case-by-case basis.

If the patent owner files a request for supplementalexamination that is in compliance with 35 U.S.C.257 and all applicable rules, the Office is requiredunder 35 U.S.C. 257(a) to conduct the examinationand conclude the proceeding within three monthsfrom the filing date of the request. Anyreexamination proceeding resulting from thesupplemental examination proceeding must, inaccordance with 35 U.S.C. 257(b), be conducted“according to the procedures established by chapter30,” which govern ex parte reexamination. Ifreexamination is ordered, the Office is required toproceed with the reexamination. 35 U.S.C. 304requires the Office to resolve any substantial newquestion of patentability determined to be raised:

If... the Director finds that a substantial newquestion of patentability affecting any claim ofa patent is raised, the determination will includean order for reexamination of the patent forresolution of the question (emphasis added).

In addition, 35 U.S.C. 305 expressly provides that,after the order (and after the time period set for filinga patent owner statement under 35 U.S.C. 304, whichis excluded by 35 U.S.C. 257(b)), “reexaminationwill be conducted.” Therefore, once reexaminationis ordered, the Office is required by statute toconduct the reexamination. Further, 35 U.S.C. 305requires that an ex parte reexamination proceeding“be conducted with special dispatch within theOffice.” See also, Ethicon v. Quigg, 849 F.2d 1422(Fed. Cir. 1988). The Office, however, reserves itsoption, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 315(d) or 35 U.S.C.325(d), to determine the manner in which areexamination proceeding ordered under 35 U.S.C.257 may proceed, including providing for stay,transfer, consolidation or termination, when there isa copending inter partes review, post grant review,or covered business method review. The patentowner may wish to consider the provisions of 35U.S.C. 257(c)(1) and 35 U.S.C. 257(c)(2) on theeffectiveness of any supplemental examination onalready pending litigation when determining whether

and when to file a request for supplementalexamination.

See MPEP § 2283 for information on mergersinvolving an ex parte reexamination proceeding.

See the Trial Practice Guide for informationinvolving concurrent trials.

2822 Assignment of the SupplementalExamination Proceeding [R-11.2013]

Supplemental examination requests will be assignedto the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) in thesame manner in which reexamination requests areassigned. The CRU art unit which examines thetechnology (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)in which the patent to be examined is currentlyclassified as an original patent, will be assigned thesupplemental examination request. In that art unit,the CRU Supervisory Patent Examiner (SPE) willassign the request to a primary examiner, other thanthe examiner who originally examined the patentapplication, who is most familiar with the claimedsubject matter of the patent. See, generally, MPEP§ 2236.

Although the number of supplemental examinationrequests which must be transferred to anotherexaminer should be very small, the proceduresestablished for transferring reexaminationproceedings will be generally followed whentransferring supplemental examination proceedings.See MPEP § 2237.

2823 Differences Between an Ex ParteReexamination Proceeding Ordered Pursuantto 35 U.S.C. 257 and an Ex ParteReexamination Proceeding Ordered Pursuantto 35 U.S.C. 302 [R-11.2013]

Ex parte reexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C.257, i.e., as a result of a supplemental examination,will be conducted in accordance with regulationsand procedures that govern ex parte reexaminationordered pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 302 (e.g., 37 CFR1.530 through 37 CFR 1.570), except that:

(1) the patent owner will not have the right tofile a statement pursuant to 37 CFR 1.530, and the

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order will not set a time period within which to filesuch a statement;

(2) the patent owner cannot file an amendmentto the patent until after supplemental examinationis concluded and after the issuance of an initialOffice action on the merits in any ex partereexamination proceeding ordered under 35 U.S.C.257;

(3) ex parte reexamination of any claim of thepatent may be conducted on the basis of any item ofinformation as set forth in 37 CFR 1.605, and is notlimited to patents and printed publications or tosubject matter that has been added or deleted duringa reexamination proceeding, which differs from theprovisions of 37 CFR 1.552(a);

(4) issues in addition to those raised by patentsand printed publications and by subject matter addedor deleted during an ex parte reexaminationproceeding may be considered and resolved, whichdiffers from 37 CFR 1.552(c); and

(5) information material to patentability will bedefined by 37 CFR 1.56(b) for an ex partereexamination proceeding resulting from asupplemental examination proceeding.

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