chapter 2, section 2 geographic factors and natural resources

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Chapter 2, Section 2

Geographic Factors and

Natural Resources

Natural Resources• Natural Resources are anything from the

earth that people use in meeting their needs for food, clothing and shelter.–Examples of these resources include

soil, water, minerals and vegetation.• Some natural resources can be used just

the way they are, like water. Others, called Raw Materials, must be changed to be made useful. For example, how is wood made useful?

Three Kinds of Resources

• The first group is called Recyclable Resources.

• These resources naturally recycle through our environment. (ex: the water cycle)

• Renewable Resources are different from recyclable resources because they can be replaced.

• For instance, a timber company can cut down trees as long as it plants new trees to replace the ones they cut down.

Three Kinds of Resources

Three Kinds of Resources

• The third type of resource is Nonrenewable Resources.

• When Nonrenewable Resources are used up they cannot be replaced.

• Most nonliving things, such as coal, natural gas and oil are nonrenewable.

A Scarce Natural Resource:Energy

• Most of the energy we currently use are fossil fuels like coal and oil.

• However, these resources are not evenly spread throughout the world.– Countries like Mexico and Saudi Arabia have huge amounts

of oil– The U.S. and China have coal and natural gas.– Countries like Japan have very few resources.

Growing Needs• In 1973, members of OPEC

(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) raised the price of oil.

• This caused a gasoline shortage in the U.S. resulting in an increased price in gas.

• Since then we have begun to look to different sources of energy such as wind, hydroelectric, solar, biodiesel, hydrogen and ethanol.

Chapter 2, Section 3

Climate and Vegetation

The Difference between Weather and Climate

• Weather is the day-to-day changes in the air.

• Temperature is how hot or cold the air feels.

• Precipitation is water that falls to the earth as rain, hail, sleet or snow.

The Difference between Weather and Climate

• Climate is the average weather of a place over many years while weather is day to day.

• Climate varies among different latitudes–The further one travels from the

equator, the colder it becomes.

The Impact of Wind

• Without wind and water, the Earth would overheat.

• Hot air rises, cold air sinks and the Earth’s rotation also causes air currents to move around the globe.

• These three factors cause circular wind patterns around the earth. – Which direction does the wind

usually come from where we live?

The Impact of Water

• The Earth’s rotation also creates ocean currents.

• Some currents carry warm water from the equator to the poles, some go the other way.

• Because water takes longer to heat up or cool down, it moderates the Earth’s temperature.

Raging Storms

• Wind and water make the climate more mild, but they also create storms.

• Hurricanes form over the tropical oceans, reaching at least 74 mph and dropping sheets of rain.

• Tornadoes (over land) are also dangerous, with winds moving from 40 to 300 mph.

Climate and Vegetation

• Every climate region has its own special features, like amount of rain and sunlight, temperature.

• Each climate has its own unique vegetation that grows there.

• The term vegetation describes plants that grow naturally in an area.

Climate and Vegetation

• Tropical: Tropical climates are found near the equator, where it is hot and wet. Trees, vines and ferns grow in the tropical rain forest.

• Dry: This climate includes sandy or gravelly soil, and is hot and dry. Vegetation there is sparse, and most plants have small, waxy leaves that lose little moisture.

• Moderate: Moderate climates are found in the middle latitudes. The temperature and rainfall here rarely becomes extreme. Vegetation includes trees, shrubs, flowers and bushes.

Climate and Vegetation

• Continental: We live in a continental climate. Vegetation includes grasslands and forests. Summer temperatures become hot; winters are cold. Both coniferous and deciduous trees grow here.

• Polar: This climate is found at the high latitudes and is cold all year. Polar vegetation includes low shrubs, mosses and lichens.

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